Balanced human nutrition. Balanced nutrition for weight loss: from theory to practice

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Nutritionists constantly repeat the need to eat healthy and balanced. We listen obediently and nod our heads, agreeing with the experts. But how many of us know what this “balanced nutrition system” is? What criteria indicate that the diet is unbalanced? And won’t such a nutrition program add fat to your sides?

What is a balanced diet

A balanced diet is a nutritional system that provides the body with the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the functionality of cells, tissues, individual organs and the entire system that is the human body.

Failure to maintain a balanced diet can lead to various health problems: from chronic fatigue and lack of energy to dysfunction of vital organs. This type of diet does not belong to nutritional systems designed specifically for weight loss, but by following it, you can be sure that your body will not gain kilograms of fat.

A properly formulated balanced diet should contain all major food groups in optimal proportions. Following the recommended diet will help you avoid excess weight. But the correct calorie content is not the only requirement for a balanced diet. It is important to ensure that the body receives the vitamins and other beneficial substances it needs every day. Most nutritionists in the world agree that one of the most balanced is the classic Mediterranean diet. If you take it as a basis, it’s easy to create a balanced menu for a week or even a month.

Balanced diet under a microscope

No diet can be called balanced if it does not contain enough carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins or minerals. Let's briefly remember why the body needs these substances.

Carbohydrates. It is very difficult to achieve a zero carbohydrate content in the diet, but if this happens, then you can be sure that such nutrition will do more harm than good to the body (even with severe obesity). Carbohydrates serve as the main source of energy. In addition, they are necessary to maintain muscle shape (with a deficiency of carbohydrates, building protein from the muscles is consumed), these same substances serve as “food” for beneficial bacteria living in the intestines. Nutritionists advise composing your diet so that it consists of 45% carbohydrates (ideally, these should be slow carbohydrates).

Squirrels. The human body is, in fact, a collection of different proteins (scientists have counted from 30,000 to 50,000 types of protein compounds in our bodies). Protein food is a source of essential proteins, it is necessary for the formation of DNA, enzymes, hormones and special proteins in the body responsible for the transport of oxygen, blood and the growth of muscle tissue, it is indispensable for the health of bones, hair, and nails. Without exaggeration, every cell in the human body needs proteins. The source of this nutrient should be natural food, since the bioactivity of protein food supplements is much worse. Although protein abuse is just as dangerous for humans as protein deficiency.

Cellulose. Another name for this substance is dietary fiber. This is a special type of carbohydrate that is not absorbed by the body. The indispensability of fiber is that it is responsible for the proper functioning of the intestines and maintains healthy microflora in it, improves digestion, removes toxins from the body and reduces the risk of developing cancer. But when taking large amounts of fiber, it is important to ensure that you drink enough fluids, otherwise there is a risk of constipation.

Vitamins. You can talk about the benefits of these substances for a very long time, and about each separately. In short, each of them performs its own function, which together is manifested by the correct growth, development and smooth functioning of the entire system of the human body. As a rule, a lack of any of the vitamins triggers a domino effect and ultimately the entire body suffers.

Minerals. Our bodies cannot produce minerals on their own, so it is important to replenish them through food. Each mineral, like vitamins, plays a specific role in the body. Maintaining mineral balance is the key to the proper functioning of all organs and systems, including healthy bones, teeth, skin and hair, correct blood formula and healthy metabolism.

How to make your diet balanced: basic rules

For a truly balanced nutritional system, it is important to pay attention not only to what we eat, but also how often. According to most experts, proper nutrition should consist of 5-6 meals, although some nutritionists (mainly in the West) defend the right to 3 meals a day. But both the former and the latter agree that perhaps the main meal of the day is breakfast, so it should absolutely not be skipped. Each meal should contain foods from different food categories (during the day you should eat food from all permitted groups), and portion sizes should be moderate and correspond to the required calorie content. By the way, there are several opinions regarding calorie content. The most popular version says that a man’s daily diet should be 2320 kcal, while women need only consume 1900 kcal per day.

Alcohol in a balanced diet is, if not completely prohibited, then strict restrictions are imposed on its use. In addition to alcohol, you should also control portions, and also limit your consumption of foods rich in saturated lipids and trans fats, and be careful about cholesterol foods.

In addition, a diet cannot be called balanced if the daily diet includes less than 2 liters of pure non-carbonated drinks and there is no room for moderate physical activity. Water and sports are the two “building blocks” without which it is impossible to achieve balance in the body.

Components of a Balanced Diet


What's prohibited

Foods that do not fit into the above categories are considered unhealthy for humans and are not included in a balanced diet. Among the most popular foods that “unbalance” a healthy diet are candy, cakes, chips and other fast food snacks. If you really want to, then on rare occasions you can treat yourself to a dessert as a form of relaxation, but in this case it is better to give preference to an option containing less than 145 kcal.

Everyone has their own balance

This diet is not a nutrition plan with a clear definition of the amount of food. A balanced menu for everyone is unique, their own. What different organisms need depends on different factors:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • lifestyle;
  • health conditions;
  • physical activity.

In addition, vegetarians, meat lovers, pregnant women and athletes have their own balanced nutrition options. There are also variations of the diet for maintaining a healthy weight and for obese people.

Standard option. This is the skeleton around which you can create different diet options while maintaining the key principles.

Breakfast of any balanced diet consists of carbohydrates (cereals), 1 fruit and protein. A snack is always a fruit or vegetable (can be in the form of juice or salad). A balanced lunch should contain proteins, vegetables and complex carbohydrates (for example, a slice of whole grain bread or cereal). The second snack in this food system is dairy products and a vegetable or fruit. For dinner, it is good to eat fish or meat (alternate), beans, complex carbohydrates and vegetables.

Meat free option. For breakfast, you can prepare an omelet from 2 eggs (in olive oil) and drink. For a snack, fruit salad is suitable, and for lunch - bean soup and cabbage salad. For a second snack, choose nuts or dried fruits, and for dinner, risotto and fresh ones are suitable.

An option for maintaining a stable weight. People watching their figure can have breakfast without remorse with their favorite porridge with 2 egg whites, after which they can eat more and drink either. It’s healthy to have a snack, and have fish and stewed vegetables for lunch. For a second snack, it is useful to eat yogurt and. If you don’t want dinner to leave fat on your sides, then your option is stewed cabbage with chicken breast and a glass of herbal tea.

Option for obesity. There are special medical diets to treat obesity, but a balanced diet can also help you lose weight. It is useful for obese people to have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese and carrot salad. For snacks during the day, you can take fruits, berries or cottage cheese. For lunch it is useful to eat vegetarian borscht, 100 g of lean meat and some stewed vegetables. A good option for dinner is steamed fish and vegetables.

Option for athletes. Breakfast for active people can consist of boiled eggs and milk. You can have lunch with your favorite type of meat and salad, and dinner, for example, with fish and boiled salad. For a snack, choose fruit or vegetable juices.

Option for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a special period when the female body requires a specific diet. The following menu can serve as an example. Breakfast is milk porridge, a snack is yogurt, lunch is pea soup, fish and stewed vegetables, a second snack is fruit salad, and for dinner unsalted cheese and vinaigrette.

Balanced diet for weight loss

Although the initial goal of a balanced diet is not to get rid of excess weight, but with the correct calculation of daily caloric intake, this nutritional system will help you lose weight without harming the body. As a rule, for quick and effective weight loss, it is enough to reduce the calorie intake to 1200 kcal per day. And based on this figure, enter permitted food into the menu. These may be the following products:

  • chicken breast;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • eggs;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • porridge;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • vegetables (except starchy ones);
  • water.

Menu for 1000 kcal. This diet can be used when you need to quickly lose up to 5 kg. In this case, it is useful to have low-fat cottage cheese (about 70 g) for breakfast, have a fruit snack (apple, grapefruit), eat vegetable soup for lunch, and have a handful of nuts in the afternoon. Boiled chicken breast (about 100 g) is suitable as a dietary and proper dinner.

Menu for 1200 kcal. This is an option for a balanced “non-starvation” diet, but very effective for weight loss. In this version of the diet, you can have a boiled egg, whole grain toast, a tomato and a cup of coffee for breakfast. A glass of kefir and a piece of fruit will help satisfy your hunger between breakfast and lunch. For lunch, vegetarian soup, fresh vegetable salad and 100 g of fish or chicken are suitable. An orange and some natural yoghurt is an example of a balanced afternoon snack. For dinner, you can cook a portion of rice with lean meat, and before bed, drink a glass of chamomile tea.

Menu for 1500 kcal. This weight loss menu is best suited for people with high physical activity or intense sports. For such people, a nutritious breakfast of wheat porridge/cottage cheese is necessary. Next comes a snack of a large and berry cocktail (for example, black currants rich in vitamins and minerals). For lunch, you can treat yourself to asparagus soup with croutons, eat 150 g of lean meat or fish and a salad of fresh vegetables. For a snack, you can choose dried fruits or nuts and wash it down with green tea. A good example of a dinner would be a vegetable salad and stuffed peppers.

But following a low-calorie, balanced menu is not the key to successful weight loss. To truly be pleased with the results, it is important not to forget about physical activity and the need to drink a lot of water.

It is not without reason that nutritionists always emphasize the need to maintain a balanced diet. Poor nutrition always leads to the development of serious diseases. A balanced diet is the key to maintaining good health and well-being. According to recent studies, even a person’s mood depends on his diet. So make sure your diet is balanced. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to do this.


  1. Gogulan M. – Laws of good nutrition: encyclopedia of health / M. Gogulan. – M.: AST, 2009 – 471 p.
  2. Healthy eating. Healthy lifestyle. – M.: AST, 2005 – 237 p.
  3. Gorokhov V. A., Gorokhova S. N. – Medically balanced nutrition is the path to health and longevity. – SPb.: Peter. 2011 – 278 p.

Speciality: infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist.

Total experience: 35 years .

Education:1975-1982, 1MMI, san-gig, highest qualification, infectious disease doctor.

Science degree: doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences.


The name “balanced nutrition” comes from the word “balance” - balance. The basic principle of a balanced diet is to create the necessary balance of nutrients and nutrients in the body for its most effective functioning and maximum care for beauty, youth and health. A balanced diet is a nutritional system based on the consumption of natural healthy food in the quantities required by the body and the organization of a proper diet.

Therefore, the first rule of such nutrition is that all those foods that do not benefit the body or cause harm should be excluded from the diet. These are all unnatural products, the production of which used chemical additives, preservatives, synthetic fats (eg, margarine), artificial vegetable protein, as well as foods high in fat and sugar. Carefully read the labels of the products you buy, and if you see that they contain too many chemicals, discard them. Eat only natural products - vegetables, fruits, cereals, eggs, whole grain bread, legumes, natural low-fat dairy products, nuts, berries, honey, dried fruits, natural lean meat, poultry, fish and seafood, natural meat by-products, vegetable and butter. These products are extremely beneficial for your body and it is from them that you should make up your daily balanced nutrition menu.

With the help of a balanced diet, you will reduce the load on digestion and other internal organs, cleanse your body of toxins and help it maintain youth and health for a long time.

Rules for creating a balanced diet menu for the week

Listed above are the foods that you should use to form your balanced diet for the week. Drawing up a daily menu should follow several rules.

Rule one: balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Whatever your daily caloric intake is, that number of calories must come from a strictly defined ratio of nutrients. For a balanced diet this ratio looks like this:

  • carbohydrates: 60% of daily calories (of which 95% are complex carbohydrates, 5% are simple carbohydrates obtained from honey, fruits, nuts, dairy products);
  • proteins: 10-20% - depending on the degree of physical activity (of which 60% are animal proteins obtained from fish, meat, poultry, eggs and milk; 40% are plant proteins found in nuts, grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables);
  • fats: 20-30% (of which 60% are vegetable fats contained in cereals, nuts, oily vegetables and fruits, olive oil, etc., 40% are animal fats, and the most easily digestible animal fats are from fish and seafood, and meat fats are difficult for the body to absorb);
  • liquid: at least 2 liters per day (in the hot season and when playing sports - up to 2.5-3 liters per day);
  • salt: up to 7 g per day.

With a balanced diet, all these products should be consumed in accordance with the time of day - this way your body will best absorb and digest all the beneficial substances in the food, and nothing eaten will be converted into fat.

A daily balanced diet looks like this::

  • breakfast: 40% of daily calories – proteins, complex and simple carbohydrates;
  • second breakfast: proteins or carbohydrates within 100 kcal;
  • lunch: 30% of daily calories - liquid dish - for the first course; protein food with a vegetable side dish - for the main course; dessert - vegetables, fruits, fruit drinks or jellies, mousses;
  • afternoon snack: proteins or carbohydrates within 150 kcal;
  • dinner: 20% of daily calories - mainly easily digestible proteins (eggs, fish, dairy products, vegetable proteins) and carbohydrates found in vegetables and fruits.

To lose weight, limit the caloric content of a balanced diet for each day by 200 kcal. This way you can, without experiencing any discomfort and without harming your health, lose 1-1.5 kg per month.

Sample menu of a balanced diet for a week

In this sample menu of a balanced diet for a week, you are offered options for all meals to choose from. You can combine them, replace them, substitute them and otherwise modify the menu depending on your desire, the main thing is to follow the basic principles of a balanced diet.

  • omelet of 2 eggs with tomato, a piece of rye bread, tea with honey, 2 pcs. oatmeal cookies;
  • omelet of 2 eggs and 50 g of cottage cheese, natural coffee with milk, 20 g of dark chocolate, waffles without filling or shortbread cookies (up to 50 g);
  • oatmeal with dried apricots, prunes and nuts, a glass of kefir, a bran bun;
  • oatmeal with milk and honey, green tea, apple;
  • cottage cheese and carrot casserole with raisins, a glass of tea with a handful of nuts;
  • 2 whole grain breads with cheese, tea or coffee with milk, banana;
  • pancake with cottage cheese, orange or 2 tangerines, tea.


  • apple or pear;
  • a glass of kefir or yogurt;
  • a fresh vegetable salad;
  • whole grain bread, tea;
  • 1 citrus and 100 g kefir;
  • 80 g lean ham;
  • a handful of prunes or dried apricots.
  • chicken noodle soup, vinaigrette, boiled trout;
  • vegetable soup with chicken broth, baked chicken or turkey with herbs, boiled rice, apple or orange;
  • lean cabbage soup, boiled beef, baked potatoes in their skins, green leaf salad with olive oil;
  • low-fat borscht, turkey baked with olives and mushrooms, vegetable stew, fruit jelly;
  • creamed mushroom soup, fish baked with cheese and tomatoes, boiled carrot and corn salad dressed with lemon juice;
  • chicken broth with croutons, stewed beef with tomatoes and bell peppers, boiled buckwheat, berry juice;
  • low-fat fish soup, casserole of vegetables and minced meat with cheese and egg, orange.

Afternoon snack: second breakfast options.

Such a balanced nutrition menu for a week will provide the body with all the beneficial substances and nutrients it needs, vitamins and microelements; it is comfortable for digestion, which will immediately affect your well-being. It contains everything your body needs, and all harmful foods are excluded from this menu.

A balanced diet is not a diet; it is not limited in time. You can eat this way throughout your life - this is a healthy, wholesome diet that will help you not only maintain your figure, but also prolong your youth and take care of your health. For greater effect combine a balanced diet with sports and an active lifestyle, keep a positive attitude, and soon you will forget about your health and excess weight problems.

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Although everyone has their favorite foods and people need different amounts of calories, the basic rules of a balanced diet are beneficial for everyone. Eating a balanced diet provides the body with the nutrients found in a variety of foods and can even promote weight loss, improve heart health, and reduce the risk of developing the side effects of various chronic diseases.


Diet variety

    Make sure that your main meals consist of half vegetables and fruits. Whole vegetables and fruits should make up half of a balanced diet. Try to eat 1-2 cups of fruits and 2-3 cups of vegetables daily.

    Eat whole grain foods. About a quarter of a balanced diet should consist of grain products, and at least half of these foods should be made from whole grains rather than refined grains. Include wheat, rice, oats, corn, barley and other grains in your diet.

    Diversify your protein sources. To ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs, eat a variety of protein foods. Aim for protein foods to make up about a quarter of your diet.

    Add some low-fat dairy products to your diet. Eat and drink dairy products to get the calcium found in cow's milk. Choose low-fat dairy products to reduce your fat intake.

    Balance your diet

    1. Have a proper breakfast. Eat a sufficient amount of foods from different groups at breakfast and thereby activate your metabolism for the whole day.

    2. Plan ahead for lunch and dinner. Buy healthy foods for the week ahead. Make meals in batches to eat throughout the week, or eat leftovers for lunch the next day to eat healthier while saving time.

      • For a quick lunch, you can make a sandwich with two slices of whole grain bread, lettuce, onion, tomato, a slice of low-fat cheese and a few pieces of meat left over from last time. Add to this salad with a couple of tablespoons (30 milliliters) of dressing and a glass (250 milliliters) of 100% fruit juice.
      • For a balanced dinner, try eating 1 cup cooked carrots, 1 cup steamed green beans, 1 cup cooked brown rice, and a piece of grilled pork. Wash everything down with water or low-fat milk.
      • When planning your meals and purchasing the ingredients you need, try to avoid buying packaged and processed foods, sugary sodas, salty snacks and sugary desserts. To achieve a balanced diet, it is better to eat healthy natural rather than processed foods.
    3. Remember to balance your snacks. Don't forget about snacks between meals and try to make them as healthy as possible. While it is not necessary to include every major food type in every small meal, each snack should contain more than one type of food.

      • For example, try snacking on slices of apple and celery. Dip them in peanut butter to give your body a dose of fruits and vegetables, as well as some protein and fat.
      • Snacking can be a great way to get all the nutrients you need throughout the day if you feel hungry between meals or are unable to include all types of foods.

    Consider your nutritional needs

    1. . Determine your daily caloric intake and the appropriate amount of food based on your age, gender, height and level of physical activity. When doing so, follow the following recommendations from USDA experts.

      • Keep in mind that the “ideal” amount of calories can change significantly depending on whether you want to lose or gain weight, get more of the nutrients you are lacking, or due to your health.
      • Each meal should be balanced and contain proportional amounts of different types of foods. For example, don't replace protein with something else in an attempt to increase calories, or stop eating a certain food group to reduce calories.
    2. Be sure to consult your doctor if you have any health problems. Visit your doctor regularly and consult with him regarding your acute or chronic illnesses. Consult your doctor about your diet and what to avoid that may change the balance of essential foods for related diseases.

      • For example, diabetics may be advised to eat more whole foods rather than processed grains and limit their intake of fruits and fruit juices. If you have high cholesterol and heart disease, it is recommended to reduce your daily intake of animal products and fats. If you're trying to lose weight, you may want to focus more on vegetables, limit your butter and oil intake, and add less cooking fat and sugar to your meals.
      • Never assume that general knowledge of your condition is sufficient when considering how to change your diet, and be sure to consult with a specialist about this.
      • As a rule, unless advised by a doctor, you should avoid diets that involve complete abstinence from any of the major food groups. For most people, eating a varied, nutrient-rich diet that is low in calories and fat is enough to lose weight.

A balanced diet (or, as it is also called, rational nutrition) does not require enormous effort and does not contain a lot of restrictions, unlike many diets. The most important thing in a balanced diet is the schedule and inclusion of only nutritious foods in the menu.

A balanced diet directly depends on many indicators: gender, type of activity, and even the place where a person lives. But there are basic principles on which a balanced diet is built that can keep the human body in excellent shape.

Basic principles of a balanced diet

Energy consumption

The energy that is consumed during the day must be compensated by the energy value of food. Energy consumption depends on a person’s age, gender and physical activity. So athletes or people engaged in heavy physical labor need to consume from 4000 to 5000 kcal. But for office workers no more than 2600 kcal. Also, a lot depends on age - after 50 years, it decreases by 7% every ten years.

How to properly balance your diet

The human body needs various substances daily. Each element has its own tasks and functions.

The body cannot be saturated with one and completely exclude another useful substance.

  • Fats The most energy-rich substances in the body, they also have enormous plastic value, since they contain phospholipids, vitamins, and fatty acids.
  • Squirrels - the basis of the entire building system of the body. Helpers in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and vitamins.
  • Carbohydrates - the main fuel for life. This also includes fiber, which has a main function in the absorption of food.
  • Vitamins and minerals. Their quantity determines how correctly the body as a whole will function. But this does not mean that you need to quickly consume everything described above. The ratio of all substances and microelements is very important for the body.

Remember! A balanced diet is not a diet, but a way of life!

In one day, the protein content in the plate should not exceed 15% (half of which is animal proteins, and the other half is plant proteins). You can calculate something like this: per 1 kg of weight there should be 1 g of protein. So, if you weigh 70 kg, you should consume 70 g of protein per day, of which 35 g of plant proteins (for example, mushrooms, pasta, rice) and 35 g of animal proteins (fish, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.) .

The amount of fat should be no more than 30% of the total diet.

If you divide 30% by type of fat, the percentage looks like this:

  • up to 10% - saturated acids;
  • up to 15% - monounsaturated acids;
  • up to 7% - polyunsaturated acids.

Saturated acids are found in large quantities in butter and hard margarines. Monounsaturated acids are found in sunflower, soybean, corn oil and fish, but peanut and olive oil are sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Carbohydrates account for no more than 70% of the total daily diet. Of these, the lion's share is allocated to complex carbohydrates and only up to 10% is allocated to simple carbohydrates, which are quickly digestible substances (sweets, sugar, jam, etc.).

Carbohydrates that are not digested include cellulose. Without fiber, the digestive system cannot function as it should (this is bread and all its types, cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts).

As a result, a rational, balanced diet means consuming no more than 80 g of protein, 80 g of fat and no more than 400 g of carbohydrates per day (of which simple carbohydrates are about 40 g, fiber up to 24 g).

Meal schedule

Another answer to the question of how to balance nutrition is how and when to eat.

  1. As soon as you get up you need to drink 1 tbsp of warm water,
  2. Have breakfast after half an hour and preferably porridge,
  3. Before each meal, drink a glass of water,
  4. Don't wash down your food.

Ideally, you should eat four times a day, without snacks! Each meal should be 4 to 5 hours apart, but have dinner about three hours before bedtime.

Golden rules for a rationally balanced diet

  • eat more fruits and vegetables. One apple a day removes all poisons and toxins from the body;
  • eat at least 2 hours before training;
  • after physical activity, eat 1 hour later;
  • consume animal protein only at lunch and dinner, but not before bedtime;
  • It is forbidden to eat both the first and the second in a row;
  • exclude fried foods from the diet;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Don't drink before going to bed!
  • drink coffee and tea as little as possible, it is better to replace them with cocoa, chicory, natural juice, compote;
  • do not consume expired products;
  • do not consume carbohydrates together with proteins (dumplings, meat with bread);
  • it is advisable to forget about various sweet flour products, sweets, etc.;
  • exclude fast food, various sodas, chips, mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, sausages, sausage, ice cream, chocolates from the menu.

A balanced diet menu should look like this:

  • Breakfast: up to 25% carbohydrates, fiber and fats;
  • Lunch: up to 35% carbohydrates and proteins
  • Dinner: up to 25% proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • Before going to bed: drink 1 tbsp of kefir or yogurt.

Sample menu of a balanced diet for a week

  • For breakfast you can prepare the following dishes: cottage cheese, various porridges with honey, 3 slices of cheese, omelet, cottage cheese casserole. They need to be divided into seven days. It is best to drink natural juices, coffee and green tea.
  • For lunch prepare fish (boiled or baked), broths based on lean meat or chicken, mushroom soup, spaghetti with herbs and tomatoes, cabbage soup, steamed cutlets, boiled potatoes or boiled beans. You can create a menu for yourself from the listed dishes for the week. You should give preference to gray and black bread, but no more than 2 slices per meal.
  • For dinner It is advisable to prepare low-calorie dishes, such as stewed vegetables, green salad, boiled chicken, boiled fish, stewed meat, seaweed and seafood, carrot casserole. It is best to drink green tea.
  • Before going to bed, you need to drink 1 tbsp of fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt.

You can also include fasting days in a balanced diet. They will help normalize the digestive system. It is best to unload your body about once a week. On this day you need to drink more water; you can only allow yourself fruits and vegetables.

Remember, a rationally balanced diet is not a diet, it is a lifestyle that contributes to the normal functioning of all systems of our body.

A healthy, balanced diet allows the body to receive the amount of useful substances and nutrients that ensure the smooth functioning of all internal organs and excellent health. Nutrition should be balanced at any age, taking into account the needs of male and female physiology.

From this article you will learn how to balance your diet and how to prepare food so that it is as “healthy” and wholesome as possible. Here you will find an approximate daily menu and reviews from adherents of a rational approach to nutrition.

What is a balanced diet

Balanced nutrition is a diet that covers the body’s daily needs for nutrients and energy, and also supplies the cells with the required amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements.

It is especially important to supply those vitamins that the body is not able to synthesize on its own. These include vitamins A, E and C. The vitamin requirement should be provided by fruits, vegetables and berries, and the total caloric content of food should correspond to the energy needs of the body based on age and vital activity. By eating a balanced diet, a person solves the problem of excess weight, strengthens the immune system and receives the optimal amount of calories for a good mood and an active life.

It is expected to follow a certain food consumption regime with mandatory and excluding fast food. The diet should be as varied as possible, including cereals, meat, fish, herbs, and desserts. Dehydration of the body is not allowed, so the volume of consumed purified water should be at least 6, and preferably 8 glasses.

How to balance your diet correctly

Balancing your diet is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It should not resemble a diet for weight loss with a lot of restrictions and prohibitions. In a balanced menu, even lard and sweets are allowed, but without abuse.

The formula for a balanced diet is based primarily on a physiologically based ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The main building materials for cells and tissues are amino acids (proteins) and fats (lipids). When calculating the food balance, they must be taken as one. Carbohydrates should be consumed 4 times more than lipids and amino acids combined.

The correct distribution of calories throughout the day is also important. With three meals a day, 25% of calories should be consumed in breakfast and dinner, and the remaining 50% should be planned for a nutritious lunch.

Equally important is the serving size for one meal. Determining the optimal amount of food for one meal is simple - it should correspond to the size of your own fist. Nutritionists explain this by saying that this is the size of the stomach on an empty stomach. By exceeding the amount of food, we provoke stretching of the stomach walls, which leads to a feeling of heaviness and excess weight.

Advice! It is better to get up from the table a little hungry - the feeling of fullness will come within 30 minutes after the meal.

How to eat a balanced diet:

  • food should not be tasteless and monotonous - eating should be enjoyable without overeating;
  • Fiber and products containing it should be included in the diet - it does not contain many calories, but creates a feeling of satiety;
  • It is better to replace refined carbohydrates in the form of white bread, polished rice and pasta with unrefined ones - porridge, brown rice, bran and wholemeal bread;
  • It is preferable to obtain protein from fish, poultry and veal, but fattier types of meat are also allowed - pork and beef, but in smaller quantities;
  • We must not forget about dairy and fermented milk products - natural yogurt, fresh kefir, cottage cheese and fermented baked milk with a low fat concentration are especially useful;
  • If possible, you should avoid fried foods, alcohol, sweet soda, sweets, sauces, gravy, mayonnaise, margarine, spreads;
  • the best sources of fat are walnuts, avocados, peanuts, flaxseed, olive and rapeseed oils;
  • the number of fish dishes can be constantly increased - the healthiest types of fish are considered to be trout, herring, anchovies, salmon, mackerel, sardine;
  • It is recommended to reduce the amount of coffee and tea you drink to 2 cups per day; you can replace it with healthy herbal infusions, unsweetened compote, freshly squeezed juices, mineral water;
  • Salads made from plant components of different colors are of great importance - they are healthy and improve your mood;
  • The number of eggs should be limited to 3 per week due to their high cholesterol content.

Nutritionists and endocrinologists prohibit limiting yourself to a small amount of calories, even if the goal is to lose weight. This is fraught with exhaustion of the body and disruption of the endocrine system. A balanced diet for weight loss should contain only 500 kcal per day less than usual.

In general, you can focus on the following indicators of daily energy exchange:

  • for men under 40 years of age with increased physical activity, the maximum number of kilocalories is 3200 per day. With a low level of activity and after 40 years, the indicators decrease to 2400 kcal;
  • for women aged 17-40 years, the optimal amount of kcal per day is 2000, after 40 years – 1800;
  • in children, the calorie norm should correspond to age - the number of kcal increases from 1000 at 12 months to 2500 at 16 years, when intensive growth and changes in hormonal status are observed.

Types of balanced nutrition

Balanced nutrition is a general concept that also includes rational and functional nutrition systems.

Balanced diet

This type of diet is very similar to a balanced one. In terms of energy ratio and the content of nutrients, rational nutrition should correspond to the type of activity, gender and age of the person.

According to the rational approach, four meals a day are optimal for healthy people - with two breakfasts, lunch and dinner. Such a system does not lead to the accumulation of fat reserves and promotes the active functioning of the endocrine glands and metabolic processes. Eating according to plan at strictly designated times promotes better outflow of bile and serves as a prevention of diseases of the digestive system.

With a rational four meals a day, calories are distributed as follows:

  • breakfast – 30%;
  • second breakfast – 15%;
  • lunch – 35%;
  • dinner – 20%.

It is recommended to plan your last meal at such a time that there are at least 2-3 hours left before going to bed. It should consist of dishes that are easily digestible and do not leave behind heaviness in the stomach. For breakfast and lunch, it is better to prepare protein-carbohydrate foods - it increases performance. Lunch should be hearty and include all types of nutrients - fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The best option for a rational second breakfast is fermented milk products, vegetable dishes and fruits.

Basic principles of rational nutrition:

  • avoid overeating;
  • eat as varied but “healthy” foods as possible;
  • give preference to dishes prepared by boiling and stewing;
  • do not get carried away with flour products or foods containing large amounts of fat;
  • Instead of sugar, use sugar substitutes (relevant for those who want to lose weight).

Important! Rational nutrition is aimed primarily at preventing obesity and diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

The diet of older people should be lower in calories than that of younger people due to decreased physical activity. The menu for older people should focus on fruits and vegetables, dairy (with the exception of whole milk), sea fish and lean meat. It is recommended to limit the amount of salt, sugar, coffee and strong tea consumed. It is advisable to completely exclude animal fats to avoid atherosclerosis.

For pregnant women, nutrition is of paramount importance, because it supplies vital substances not only to the mother, but also to the child. Particular attention is paid to the intake of protein into the body. In the first half of pregnancy, its amount is determined at the rate of 1.2-1.5 g per 1 kg of a woman’s weight; in the second half, the amount of amino acids is increased to 2 g per 1 kg. Carbohydrates should come mainly from vegetable foods and fruits; there should also be enough fat - up to 100 g per day. To prevent anemia, you need to eat more offal, eggs, green vegetables and fruits.

The harmonious growth of a child will depend on the intake of protein in the body, which acts as a building material for all organs and tissues. The menu compiled for children should contain a sufficient amount of fat - their deficiency slows down growth and impairs the functioning of the nervous system. The child's body copes better with animal fats contained in natural butter. But vegetable fats are more difficult to digest, so they are included in the diet to a minimum.

Functional nutrition

One of the newest approaches to healthy eating is the functional system. Its appearance is due to the predominance of low-quality unnatural products on the shelves of shops and markets. Functional nutrition takes into account not only the energy and nutritional value of food, but also its functionality (benefits) in combination with biological value. Experts even identify several food groups that have a healing effect on a particular human organ system.

The functional type of nutrition completely rejects refined foods. Scientists have proven that they lack compounds that are indispensable for modern humans:

  • ballast substances;
  • antioxidants;
  • organic acids;
  • peptides;
  • fatty acid.

In fact, all edible components created by nature itself are considered functional. This means that they must not be subjected to industrial refining processes and must not contain additives, colors, flavors or GMOs. That is, functional nutrition involves the consumption of exclusively natural products grown and created in natural conditions.

Some companies are developing entire lines of functional foods with various beneficial properties:

  • anti-carcinogenic;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • hepatoprotective, etc.

It is assumed that this food will contain substances that do not directly affect metabolism, but will take an active part in biochemical reactions.

Pros and cons of a balanced diet

A nutritious, balanced diet has undeniable advantages:

  • you can forget about hypovitaminosis and chronic fatigue;
  • the body will begin to get rid of harmful ballast in the form of subcutaneous deposits and cholesterol plaques;
  • blood pressure and cholesterol levels normalize, heart rate returns to normal and shortness of breath goes away;
  • the body will receive as much energy as it needs for healthy tone, good mood and maintaining activity;
  • the load on the digestive tract and pancreas will be reduced by eliminating fermentation processes.

In addition, the list of allowed foods with this diet is expanded as much as possible. Only “unhealthy” foods with an abundance of fast carbohydrates and sugars, fast food and concentrates are prohibited.

But there are also several disadvantages that you should not forget about:

  • Difficulty in calculating nutrients. One product can contain both fats and carbohydrates with proteins. Therefore, you will have to calculate and create a balanced diet for the day “by eye”;
  • it is necessary to control not only the amount of food eaten, but also the time schedule of nutrition, which is extremely difficult in today’s busy environment;
  • “healthy” foods and dishes are often tasteless, they bring little joy when consumed and do not help cope with stress.

A balanced diet presupposes a healthy lifestyle. This means that you will have to give up cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and include physical activity in your daily routine. Not everyone is ready for a complete restructuring of their usual way of life - hence the difficulties of switching to a balanced diet in the absence of motivation.

Nuances of cooking

Food will remain healthy and nutrition will be balanced only if you prepare the dishes correctly. The frying method is considered the most traumatic for food and the most harmful to health. Fried foods are not only loaded with fat, but also contain carcinogens that are formed from oils during the frying process.

The best way to prepare “healthy” dishes is boiling. But such food seems bland and tasteless to many, especially since a balanced diet recommends avoiding salt. Spices will help correct the situation - nutmeg, cumin, turmeric, paprika, allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves. Fennel seeds, sesame seeds and all types of nuts will help make the dish tastier. In almost any dish, except desserts, greens will be appropriate - dill, cilantro, parsley.

If it is not possible to avoid frying, you should choose cold-pressed oils for cooking. Olive oil works best for this task. More exotic options for frying include coconut, flax, avocado, peanut and rice oils. These same oils are also recommended for dressing salads.

Baking in the oven or oven will allow you to get an appetizing crust on the dish. Modern kitchen devices will help you prepare delicious and healthy meals:

  • multicooker;
  • juicer;
  • air fryer;
  • yogurt maker;
  • double boiler.

But when cooking, you should keep in mind that the longer the dish is cooked, the less vitamins will remain in the final product.


Important! When creating a balanced menu, it is worth including unrefined products of natural origin as much as possible.

Menu for the week

Before switching to a balanced diet, the menu for the week must be compiled in such a way as to optimally distribute healthy foods for each meal.

It is better to start the morning with complex carbohydrates (cereals) - they create a long-lasting feeling of satiety and give a powerful boost of energy, which will be enough for the first half of the day. The best porridges for breakfast are oatmeal, buckwheat, and millet. Whole grain bread, eggs, cottage cheese, boiled meat, nuts, and yogurt are good for breakfast.

Lunch should be hearty and include several dishes at once. Nutritionists recommend consuming liquid first courses, which will promote proper functioning of the stomach and intestines. You also need to take care of meat products, an excellent addition to which will be vegetables in the form of salads.

The best foods for dinner are those that are easiest to digest. This includes white meat, vegetables, eggs, lean fish, wild berries, and seafood.

Now you can consider in more detail the options for a balanced diet for 7 days.


  • Breakfast – steamed oatmeal with honey and raspberries.
  • Lunch – lentil soup with tomatoes; salad with onions, carrots and green beans.
  • Dinner – zucchini stuffed with cheese and cherry tomatoes seasoned with Provençal herbs.


  • Breakfast - whole grain bread, spread with a layer of cream cheese, and a piece of boiled fish.
  • Lunch – chicken broth with egg and bread; zucchini baked under a cheese cap.
  • Dinner – sea salad of oysters, boiled squid, shrimp and crab sticks; fresh cucumber.


  • Breakfast – natural yogurt with a spoonful of wheat bran and berries of your choice. Oatmeal cookies or Maria cookies.
  • Lunch – mushroom soup with potatoes and dill; sandwich with chicken breast and watercress.
  • Dinner – diet shawarma. Spread a whole wheat flour tortilla with sour cream sauce and herbs; place pieces of stewed chicken, fresh avocado or cucumber on top.


  • Breakfast – milk buckwheat porridge with bread.
  • Lunch – pea soup with beef broth; steamed chicken cutlets.
  • Dinner – legless champignons stuffed with meat twisted in a meat grinder. Garnish: broccoli with sweet peppers and tomatoes.


  • Breakfast - fried eggs with a side dish of spinach and porcini mushrooms.
  • Lunch – stew of boiled pasta, broccoli, carrots and green onions; tomato and cucumber salad with olive oil.
  • Dinner – brown rice with squid and bell pepper.


  • Breakfast - dietary pancakes made from ground oatmeal with the addition of kefir and eggs. Ready-made pancakes can be seasoned with maple syrup.
  • Lunch – lean borscht according to the classic recipe with tomatoes and beets; baked hake with bell pepper and spices.
  • Dinner – egg casserole with green beans; vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast – tortilla chips, spread with melted cheese, two hard-boiled eggs with herbs.
  • Lunch – soup with any seasonal or frozen vegetables; grilled pork steak.
  • Dinner – a piece of boiled beef, buckwheat porridge.

These are examples of dishes for the main meals of each day. To prevent hunger pangs from bothering you throughout the day, you should also include snacks in your menu:

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • any berries;
  • dry cookies without filling;
  • bread;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • grapefruit;
  • a pineapple;
  • apple;
  • fitness bars.

If your diet seems too boring and devoid of sweets, you can treat yourself to healthy desserts: homemade jam and marmalade, jelly from natural juice, oatmeal cookies, honey, fruit salads, smoothies, dark chocolate, marmalade and halva. Almost everything from drinking is allowed, except for sweet carbonated drinks.


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