Scenario for a girl’s 25th birthday, cool houses. Cool birthday scenario at home

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Leading: Dear guests!
Today in our house there is an anniversary again. We are celebrating a date with a name...
All guests: Twenty five!
Leading: Our birthday boy is young, handsome and full of strength, he is always dear to us in our hearts and very sweet.
Leading:... (name of the birthday boy)!
We congratulate you
With all my heart, believe me.
Open today with us
You are the door to the adult world! (Applause from the guests.)

Leading: Friends! Let the glasses we move symbolize the unity in the congratulations! Hooray!
All(in unison): Hurray! (Toast. Musical pause.)

Leading: There is a small break between the first and second. We invite you, dear guests, to compose a common toast of 25 words in honor of the 25th anniversary of our birthday boy. Your task: add one word to the above in turn so that you get a phrase with a single meaning. (Making a toast. Musical pause.)

Leading: Dear guests! It's no secret that our birthday boy was born under the zodiac sign Gemini. It would not be bad if, on his 25th birthday, he could look at himself from the outside. (The birthday boy is handed a mirror.) ... (name of the birthday boy), tell us what he is like, is your brother a twin? (The birthday boy describes his image, and perhaps some characteristic features of his behavior.)

You are very similar - there is no doubt
And, really, all my friends are delighted.
Don't celebrate it on your birthday
Of course, we just can’t!
- Let's raise a glass to our wonderful Geminis!

Leading: As you know, Geminis have everything the same: eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
Now, Dear friends, before your eyes we will find a suitable match for the birthday boy. (The presenter chooses among guests of similar build young man. He and the birthday boy are dressed in the same things: T-shirts, caps, glasses, a beard, mustache, etc. .)

Leading: Dear mothers, grandmothers, fathers!
Before you is a miracle - twins!
And they are similar not only in appearance, but also in their movements and gestures. Now we will make sure of this. We invite the birthday boy’s twin to make a congratulatory speech, accompanying each phrase with certain gestures, and the birthday boy must keep up, repeating all the words and movements almost simultaneously with his twin.

Dear guests! Today I, that is, we, are celebrating an anniversary.
I would like to sincerely congratulate my twin brother on this holiday and wish him to look at the world broadly with open eyes, keep your ears on top and conquer everyone with your white-toothed smile. Long live happy twins! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
(Applause from the guests.) Leading: Friends! There are many reasons to drink to these similar men! (The guests drink.)

Twin of the birthday boy: My congratulations are not over yet, accept the gifts, my twin brother! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time to give you what you have long dreamed of. I give you...a flower. (Without looking, he pulls out a protruding stem from behind his belt.) Ugh, where is it? Ah, the cow probably ate it, she followed me all the way. But don’t worry, if you plant it in a pot (points to the stem), a new one will grow. (Hands over the stem.)

I have another gift for you. Here... grandma's strawberry jam. (Takes out an empty jar.) I just ate the jam myself, it was very tasty. But it’s okay, the bank will also be useful to you; you’ll put your savings in there. (Hands over a jar.) And, finally, the picture... (Takes out a large wooden frame). Both on! I forgot the canvas, I brought one frame. But no problem! So you would be the only one looking at the picture, but here everyone will be looking at you! (Holds the frame in front of the birthday boy, presents his portrait. Applause from the guests.)

Twin of the birthday boy:
Happy birthday, dear brother!
Be healthy and rich!
Host: Friends!
Boredom does not suit us:
Give your twin a glass!
Let's raise a toast to congratulations
And for such wonderful moments. (The guests drink. The birthday boy’s twin takes off his suit and accessories and takes a place among the guests.) Leading: Let's continue original congratulations and presenting gifts to our birthday boy.
(Congratulations to the guests. Presentation of gifts.)

Leading: Dear guests! Take a look at our birthday boy! At 25 years old, he looks like a real man!
Leading: I wonder what, what, what are these men made of?
From overseas bottles and tight wallets,
From beautiful foreign cars, drills, nails, grinders.
From picnics, parties, violins and, of course, smiles.
Leading: And I was already convinced of this, noticing that the birthday boy’s smile is his characteristic feature. I think the guests are also ready to smile broadly at him in response. (The guests raise pre-prepared cardboard smiles over the table, with reverse side which the words addressed to the birthday boy are written.)

Leading: Friends! With the help of these smiles we will try to create a common sculptural composition called "Happy Day".
(Guests, in order of turn, read the text with “smiles.”)

1. I hope you will smile from the bottom of your heart when you wrap yourself in this sheet like a Roman.
(The birthday boy is given a sheet. With the help of the guests, he completes the task.)
2. Like God from above, give us a smile.
(The two men cross their arms and lift the birthday boy, who in turn holds the “smiles” on their faces.)
3. Now break into a smile - I will play the violin. (The participant plays or imitates a game on musical instrument, without forgetting about your “smile”.)
4. I will perform a dance for you, cheer me up with a smile. (Holding the “smile,” the participant performs any dance to the accompaniment of the previous player.)
5. If your lips smile, sounds will immediately flow from my lips. (The participant sings the song “Smile.”)

Leading: And now - attention! We ask all participants of the living sculpture to freeze in place - a momentary photo as a souvenir! (Photographing the sculpture.)
Leading: Let's drink to keep the smiles on our faces as long as possible, and for the birthday boy to give them to us as often as possible! (The guests drink.)
Leading: Since we started talking about men, please remember how this word will sound in foreign language? (Men.)

Leading: For the word “men” in Russian, you can find many words with the same root. For example: athlete, showman, businessman, gentleman, as well as new names well known to children - Spiderman (Spiderman) and Batman. All these words can only be attributed to real men who dream of meeting our hero of the day on this holiday. Meet them! (Guests dressed in appropriate costumes come out to the music and sing in chorus a song to the tune of “My Number 245.”)

Today together, we are the whole squad
We came for a holiday, an anniversary.
Let the toasts sound here for good reason,
Just don't drink too much.
Today, our friend, we are having fun
Celebrate the holiday with you.
We drink, alas, not Coca-Cola,
You are responsible for us all.

At your ripe 25s
You must show yourself
And be the best today
At the end of the fun.
(2 times.)

Leading: Dear birthday boy! Today you have to pass several tests, captivating all the guests with your successes. Our “exchanges” will help you with this.
(Each “man” gives the birthday boy a task, and he tries to cope with it to the best of his ability.)
Athlete: The first task will be as follows: you need to do 10 push-ups.
Businessman: Doing push-ups is easy, but making money is much more difficult. Here's a tool (hammer) and required material(bar and coins). Pin the coins edgewise into a block.

Spiderman: Dear birthday boy! Take my example: release the web from your hands and hit the center of the target. (For the competition, the game “Darts” is used with magnetized arrows, to which gray threads are tied, coming from a ring placed on the player’s hand.) Batman: Try, like me, to jump from one roof to another. (Any objects can be used to limit the size of the “roof.”) Gentleman: Be able to remember and repeat all my actions with the cane.
Showman: Entertain our company with a funny song or a funny joke.

Leading: Dear guests! Let's congratulate our hero of the day on successfully passing the tests and proclaim him SUPER-MAN!
(The hero of the day wears a ribbon with the inscription “SUPERMAN.” Applause from the guests.)

Leading: Dear guests! Our hero truly deserves a special toast. Toast
We raise a toast to Superman,
We wish you success and good luck in the future!
(The guests have a drink. All “exchanges” take part in the next competition.)

Leading: Friends! We already have Superman in our company, all that remains is to choose a super couple. All the “exchangers” already known to us, including the hero of the day, as well as 6 representatives of the fair sex, participate in this competition. (Merry music sounds. Everyone dances. As soon as the music is interrupted, the participants form pairs “man - woman”, the extra “man” leaves the game. The game continues, but in the absence of one of the ladies. And so on until the last ones remain 2 participants, who will be declared a “super couple”. Music. Competition. Determination of the winners.)

To honor us as a super couple,
We will fill the container with wine,
Let's raise our glasses over the table
And then we’ll drink it all at once.
(Guests drink. Musical break. Dance block.)

Leading: Dear guests!
To win a good prize,
Please take your seats.
(The guests are seated at the table.)
Leading: We need to choose two participants from among you. They will have to leave this place with my assistant until I give the prearranged signal.
(2-3 participants leave with an assistant presenter.)

Friends! A whistle is tied to the back of my belt on a dangling cord. As soon as I approach someone with my back, you take the whistle in your hands and whistle. Players will take turns guessing where the whistle is. To confuse them a little, I ask everyone to stretch their hands forward and clench their fists, (The leader blows the whistle. The assistant brings one of the players.)

Leading(to the first player): Your task is to guess which of those present has the whistle. You have the right to point to any fist and see what is there. (When speaking his words, the presenter is between the player and the guests. Imperceptibly taking a few steps back, he comes close to the guests and gives them the opportunity to whistle. Constantly asking the player where the whistle is, the presenter changes his location, moving from one guest to another, while this, perhaps turning around several times. This gives a kind of hint to the player. Once the whistle is found, a second player is invited, and everything starts all over again. Which player will find the whistle faster?)

Leading: Our program continues funny dancing.
(Dance block.)
Leading: Dear guests! .
We are completing our anniversary
We invite you all to the table,
We invite everyone to raise
For the anniversary, for 25! (The guests drink. The picnic continues sport games and competitions: football, volleyball, swimming, darts and others.)

At the age of 25, people usually say goodbye to their carefree youth, reassess their values ​​and begin to think about the future. Exactly this best time to find a family and have children, unless, of course, you managed to do this earlier. The girl is already wise, experienced and ripe for happy marriage. This is an excellent occasion to celebrate this anniversary brightly and unforgettably. If you are planning to give your loved one a wonderful holiday, you need to prepare well for this. There is quite a lot to do ahead. Therefore, the script for the birthday of a 25-year-old girl should be prepared in advance. It is very important that all adjustments are made and any shortcomings are ironed out a couple of weeks before the event.

Choosing a place and style for a birthday

First of all, you need to focus on the tastes, hobbies and preferences of the birthday girl. For example, if a girl loves active recreation, you can organize a celebration at sites that offer sports entertainment, for example, a rope park. Or get out into nature and, depending on the season, play volleyball, badminton, skiing or cheesecake. A festive mood will be created by items of clothing decorated in the same style or sports equipment and, of course, competitions.

If the majority of company members are not supporters active rest, then it is better to choose an outdoor celebration when your birthday falls in the summer.

In the cold season, the venue for the celebration, in addition to the home, can be a cafe, restaurant, bowling alley, karaoke and even a bathhouse or sauna. And if you love the cold season, why not go to an ice skating rink or ski resort?

The choice of party style is huge. It can be classic, retro, birthday in style national traditions any country or year of birth of the birthday girl (that is, for 2018 it will be the style of 1993).

About room decoration, gifts and holiday menu

Flowers! Definitely and a lot! Need to take care of large quantities beautiful containers for bouquets. Placed in pre-planned places, vases with flowers will serve as an elegant decoration for the holiday. True, it's expensive. But if the birthday girl doesn’t mind, you can replace fresh flowers with artificial ones. The choice of tablecloths, accessories and furnishings will depend on the style of the event. Common win-win decoration options include balloons, posters and garlands.

The menu depends on the style of celebration and the place of celebration:

  • If your birthday is celebrated on fresh air, then the emphasis is on dishes cooked on the grill. Vegetable, fruit and cheese slices would be appropriate.
  • Cafes and restaurants can now be chosen as an event venue depending on the cuisine offered - European, Asian, Japanese, Russian, etc.
  • Preparing a home feast can also be made easier by ordering some of the snacks from your favorite cafe. For example, canapés on skewers, filled tartlets, ham and eggplant rolls, small cakes will decorate festive table and save you from unnecessary hassle.

Now about the gifts. More and more often, money is presented as a gift (including at the request of the hero of the occasion). This is not bad, because the birthday girl will be able to buy herself something of her choice. But it would be great to present as a surprise (you can chip in as a group) a certificate for a spa, tickets to a concert or theater, or the birthday girl’s favorite perfume. You just need a script ready for execution so you don’t forget anything!

Scenario for a girl's 25th birthday

The program has been prepared for the celebration on outdoors or in a relatively spacious room. The scenario is designed for adult guests, of whom there must be at least 5-7 people. Rare or expensive props are not required for games and competitions. Small but pleasant prizes are provided for participation and victories.


Today is the anniversary of one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever met! Dear birthday girl, tell us how you feel at 25? Does anything hurt? Does anything break or fall off? Very well! So it's time to start our program!

Competition "Life Cycle"

Both several people and just a couple of players can participate in this competition. If there are many people willing, they are divided into two equal teams, after which they are given a task. Each member of one team (or one of the two main players) needs to say a word associated with the beginning of human development, when he just gets on his feet and begins to explore the world. Examples are as follows: child, dawn, buds opening, etc. The second team (or the second main player) is given a similar task, but with a slightly different condition. It is necessary to name something associated with mature age and experience, for example: yellowed leaves, sunset, cane, knowledge, etc. Victory is awarded to the player or team with the most imagination.

Game "Mutual Support"

All participants line up in two lines parallel to each other, turning face to face, representing “living columns.” Each player takes turns trying to run up and jump between them, while feeling the support of others, because the player will be caught and even thrown up. This can continue until all participants try, or until the game gets boring. Such entertainment is considered useful in helping people focus on mutual help and willingness to be responsible for someone.


Great! You've done well! Do you still want to entertain our birthday girl? Then let's move on to the next task! It will be very unusual, but I am sure you will like it!

Competition “Chain of Clothes”

Everyone who wants to take part in such an unusual competition is divided into two equal teams, after which the essence of the competition is explained. You need to lay out the chain using your own clothes. At the same time, each participant decides for himself what kind of thing the boundaries of decency allow him to expose himself to. If the competition takes place outside the home, but somewhere in a club or park, during a holiday, then those who want to help the participants of one of the teams get victory can join the game.


And now I suggest you take a break and show respect to our hostess! Let's raise our glasses, say a few kind phrases to her and eat the delicious treats served at today's celebration! And then we will continue our program!

Game "All for One"

Before you begin, you must in a convenient way choose one participant from among all who wish to play the role of driver. The selected driver stands with his back to the players, closing his eyes while they stand in a semicircle. When the game begins, one of the participants must touch the driver’s back with his hand, without giving himself away in any way, because as soon as the driver feels the touch, he has the right to turn around. The driver is given a difficult task - to determine who touched him, while turning on the detective, using all his powers of observation. It will be really difficult to figure out who it was, because... all the other players stand with their arms outstretched and say “I”, trying to confuse with their acting skills, thereby not allowing the driver to guess on the first try. Until the player finds the culprit, he will continue to drive, without the opportunity to leave the game. After the second or third attempt, the participants may well begin to make some signs, helping a friend in a friendly way.


The next task is for the gentlemen present here! Yes, yes, friends! It's time to shake things up a little and respect the birthday girl! I ask your stronger half to come to me!

Competition "Level 115 Dancer"

The men are lined up near the wall, and the hero of the day goes to the center of the hall. Each of the gentlemen must invite her to dance and demonstrate their skills. An important condition is that this is not some monotonous waltz. Participants will be played a variety of music: tango, rap, jazz, rock, etc. And the man must not only quickly find his bearings, working out the rhythm and timing, but also help his partner in this. Whoever the hostess likes the most will be the winner. So the men will have to work hard to win this dance battle. And of course, don’t forget about the prize for the leader!


Each team is given a piece of paper with a rhyming text of congratulations. 5 minutes are given for preparation, during which participants must divide the text so that everyone can read several lines and learn their text. At the command of the presenter, a rap composition without words is turned on, and the first team begins its congratulations! Each participant, having waited his turn, comes forward and, rocking out to the music, reads his part. Everything must be done with maximum artistry. By the way, for the ambience, the presenter can give the players a heavy chain around their neck and a rapper’s cap. The most resourceful and pretentious team wins. Don't forget to reward the participants for their efforts.


Dear hero of the day, you are so young and beautiful. Glow with happiness. You have wonderful and funny friends. I don’t even know what to wish you goodbye! Probably the most important. Be healthy and loved! For long years to you, dear. See you all again!

This scenario for the birthday of a 25-year-old girl will appeal to both the birthday girl herself and all her guests. And a cheerful mood is the key happy holiday! Be happy!

At the age of a quarter century, some are just beginning to think about starting a family, while others are already leading their children to first grade, some are thinking about what they should do, while others have already built a career or at least taken the first steps in this direction. Amazing time! And in order for it to leave a bright mark in memory, we need to make the 25th anniversary memorable.

For men

If the thirtieth birthday is called the time of accomplishment, then 25 can be considered the time of decision-making. This is exactly what you should start from when writing a celebration script. Surely a young man at this age already has an education, a job and, possibly, a family. This means it’s time to make a decision on where to move next.

The theme of the holiday is chosen based on the man’s hobby or professional activity:

At the engineer's festival, you definitely have to “invent” something. Visiting an architect - “build”, visiting an artist - draw, etc. Even the popular game “Mafia” would be appropriate; it would be suitable for a party at a lawyer’s house.

For women

For the fair sex there are special options:

  1. If by the age of 25 a girl has already gotten married and become a mother, then she needs to throw an invigorating party. Topic: “You, darling, look good in all your outfits.” At such a holiday, a young woman will be able to try on different images: a fatal beauty, a fairy fairy, a strict boss, an oriental beauty, etc. While in one image or another, the birthday girl accepts appropriate congratulations (James Bond, Prince, subordinates with an offering, etc.).
  2. To an unmarried girl at 25 you can already think about marriage. A professional fortune teller is invited to the party, who will tell you what awaits the hero of the day in her personal life in the near future. If there is a bachelorette party, the girls themselves can tell fortunes to each other.
  3. For those free from marriage suitable for women The theme is “Groom of your choice.” Men who come to visit dress up, representing different types (hippie, “nerd,” rock star, etc.). The presenter (girl) shows the “groom”, describing his pros and cons. You can create an “operating manual” for each one.

Usually the birthday girl is prepared by agreeing in advance with the guests in what image they will appear at the party. But we must remember that in any case you cannot hurt anyone’s feelings, and all jokes must remain jokes so as not to offend anyone.


Of course, a holiday for both men and women is unthinkable without fun games and competitions. You need to prepare prizes for them in advance. If the party does not have a specific theme, then as a reward for winning the competition you can use:

If there are a lot of guests, then team competitions are organized. To do this, one leader (leader) is selected, and the rest are divided into 2 teams, come up with a name, motto and enter into the fight.

  1. The presenter calls 1 participant from each team and gives them a task: to show a line from a famous song without words. Whoever does it faster earns a point.
  2. In the allotted time (for example, 1 minute), one player must tell a fairy tale, using words that the presenter quickly shows him. Whoever turns out to be more eloquent, whose tale is more logical and funnier, wins.
  3. A piece of paper with a name written on it is glued to the forehead of one of the participants. famous person. By asking his team leading questions, he must guess as quickly as possible whose name is written on his forehead.

You can come up with many similar competitions. Sometimes ideas arise right during the holiday. This means that guests are fully involved in the process and they enjoy everything.

It is best if all the entertainment is in one way or another aimed at ensuring that the hero of the day learns as much as possible about himself - what they are capable of, how they want to see themselves in the future, etc. After all, do not forget that At 25, it's time to make the right decisions.

A 25-year-old girl will be interested in celebrating her birthday magically, in the literal sense of the word. We offer our own version of how to celebrate anniversary girl 25 years old, let the birthday girl become a fairy, let fairy tales, competitions, and dances envelop her.

Anniversary girl 25 years old - the beginning of the celebration

It’s a wonderful age, some have already found their happiness, their family, others are still searching. But regardless of your personal life, this is still the best time - there is experience, intelligence, but at the same time, youth and beauty!

“There is magic in adult life too.” At this age, you often remember your childhood, and you really want to go back there. Feel what is joyful, kind and magical. Therefore, we invite you to spend this holiday as wonderfully as possible. Give the birthday girl warmth, comfort and magic. The celebration is celebrated at home or in a cafe.

Presenter (you can choose the appropriate clothes for the sorceress, for example, a cape with bright stars and a magic wand):
Good evening gentlemen,
All relatives and friends,
I welcome you to the country,
Where magic works everywhere,
And the main one will be the Fairy,
She is waiting for you, shy and timid,
So let's call her
And let's sing her name loudly!
(at the presenter’s command they call the hero of the day by name, and she comes out to them)

Hello our dear (name). We are all incredibly, endlessly glad to see you! And on this special day, we want to congratulate you on your 25th anniversary! And also, I want to give you the title of Fairy, because we have a magical holiday, and you are its heroine, give you a diploma stating that you graduated from the school of Magic and present this magic wand. With her you can wish for anything, both your personal life and financial position and friendly support and health, everything will improve in an instant. The main thing is to always believe in it, and the magic will come to you!
(you can make a magic wand and diploma yourself or buy it in a store)
Well, now, please, come to the table,
So that you can hear the clink of glasses!

And so, for our dear,
For undoubtedly dear to everyone,
Let's pour one glass of wine,
And let's drink it all down!
(The presenter takes out a very large wine glass or jug, which must be decorated in advance with tinsel and all sorts of sparkles, and also write the word “magical.” She informs all guests that everyone around the table should take it and say their wish to the Anniversary and take a sip from it. It should also be added that everyone can make a wish for themselves at this time, which will certainly come true. After all, this jug is magical)
(musical break, meal)

Now there's a surprise for everyone,
Take a piece of paper,
Pour water on it
And read everything on it!
(The presenter passes with a tray on which empty sheets of paper are laid out. But they are not quite simple, they are written on them in advance with a special pen, the ink of which disappears, but appears when wet. Each has its own text, with a name, with a souvenir gift as a keepsake about a festive evening: a stylish pen, a beautiful mug, a mini-figurine, a photo frame, etc.)

Presenter (passes with a large bag with magical colors):
Now we sort out the gifts,
Let's empty my bag!

And we'll raise our glass again,
Then there will be a magic ball,
In the meantime, for our Fairy,
I can call her the best!

Now we will dance
But it’s not easy to say so,
You will all be divided into pairs,
Call everyone magical!

Competition for a girl's 25th birthday
The competition is called: “Magic Dance!” Each couple is given 1 wizard's hat on a string (made in advance in the form of a cone out of paper and decorated), walking boots (we make spurs from cardboard, for beauty) - that's all for men: 1 cape, 1 magic wand– this is for women. They wear all this. As soon as the music starts, they dance; as soon as it stops, they quickly change clothes (exchange clothes); those who do not have time are eliminated. And so on until one pair. Prize: 2 wind chime pendants.

Well, how magical everything is with us,
Everything is somehow unusual,
Now another surprise
I'll bring the cake here for an encore,
And the cake will not be simple,
With twenty-five candles!
(The presenter brings in a large cake with 25 candles on it, but you need to purchase not simple candles, but ones that light up again, these are sold in many stores)

And so now the hour has come,
When dear Fairy (name), everything is for you,
Make 25 wishes,
From my most cherished dreams,
But these candles will not be simple,
Yes, you yourself will find out which ones!
(The hero of the day blows out the candles, but the whole surprise is that the candles light up again, it looks very beautiful and unusual)

Now there are no 25 wishes,
Now you can have a whole million
And he knows no excuses
After all, this is a holiday, this is it!
Well, to celebrate, I invite you to congratulations,
I call all relatives and friends hosts!
(everyone congratulates, gives their gifts, then tea party with birthday cake)


25 is a wonderful, round date, and most importantly young. A woman is just embarking on the path to family life, studies its basics. But at the same time, she can already be a wife and mother of many children. When choosing a gift for an anniversary, you need to pay attention to what a woman lacks and what she loves. And sometimes it is better to settle on a monetary amount, and this choice for a couple is the most correct. This way, the hero of the day will be able to buy exactly what she needs.


You can choose different themes for the celebration of this date, but we offer you the most interesting and practical: “Hawaiian Delight.” To do this, you will need flower beads (for all guests, including men), and tropical fruits should be placed on the tables. Such as: papaya, pineapple, coconut. But there is no need to cut them, they should stand intact, like decorations. You can put interesting straws with umbrellas in juice glasses. You can hang artificial vines on the walls. Well, of course, we especially need to highlight the hero of the day herself. There will be a special flower wreath for her, made from the most beautiful inflorescences. The presenter also dresses according to the theme.


Good evening, dear friends,

You are in the Hawaiian Islands

We are celebrating a holiday here today,

We call the hero of the day “Miss Hawaii”

But first we need to call her,

Let's rescue her in unison!

(they call the hero of the day in chorus, she enters to applause)


No one can really compare with her,

She's all green and sparkling,

And you can’t tell that she’s 25,

You can give 18 years!



Dear (name), you are so beautiful and wonderful that we cannot take our eyes off you. And in honor of this, the honor of your Anniversary is dear, let me present you with a crown to match the throne, and award you the title “Miss Hawaii.”

(the presenter puts on a diadem (crown) for the Jubilee, and hands over a document with the title assigned to her. 9 You can make this diploma yourself, or purchase it at the specialized store “Everything for the Holiday”)


Now pour wine into glasses,

And we solemnly raise them all up,

So that the hero of the day is lucky in everything,

We wish only the best for her!

(musical break, meal, by the way, we also select exotic music to match the theme)


And now, the Hawaiian competition,

Who's brave here, come out?!

Just be bolder here.

And surprise with your skill!


The competition is called: “Pineapple Ring”. Everyone is welcome to participate. Everyone is divided into two groups. Each person is given pieces of paper, a chair is placed at a distance of 5 meters, a plate with pineapple slices, and forks are placed. Task: imagine that in front of them is the sea (they are in Hawaii), there is absolutely nothing to eat, but on that island (chair) there are good pieces of pineapples. Using two leaves (boats), moving them, you need to get to the island. Take a fork without using your hands (mostly with your teeth), attach a pineapple and return to your tribe in the same way. And so on in turn. The team that copes with these faster receives prizes - a whole pineapple for each.


Great fun

You got yourself some food,

Everyone was in a good mood,

Just a little tired!

Well, it's time to go to the table now,

There are pickled salads!

And, of course, a toast from me:

May our Anniversary be happy!

(musical break, meal)


While you and I were resting,

Miss Hawaii's crown was stolen

The natives must be punished

I call the switch-athletes!


The competition is called: “Sharp Hawaiian.” Men can participate, and women, if desired. Flowers are hung on a rope at a distance of five to six meters, in all of them there are notes, in some of them you need to write the word “crown”. The presenter gives out a bow and arrows (toy ones). Each person is given two shots. If they hit a flower with empty paper, they leave with nothing; if the word “crown” is written on the paper, then they receive a prize - a set of Bounty candies.


Now, I would ask you all to think very carefully and, one by one, tell our Anniversary. The incomparable Miss Hawaii, exactly 25 different graceful compliments. Please don't repeat yourself. Let's go in circles!

(they give compliments)


You see, dear (name), how perfect and irresistible you are! Let's drink to all these compliments addressed to you! For you! For your Anniversary! Here's to the 25th anniversary!

(musical break, meal)

And now there will be a dance competition,

And very experimental!

Women perform beautifully

And men give ratings!


The competition is called: “Hawaiian Dance”. It requires three men (jury) and five women. Women are given special Hawaiian skirts made of long vines and flowers (can be made from artificial flowers, or from paper, or from carved fabric, it all depends on your imagination). Men are given plates with ratings from “3” to “5”. At the command of the presenter, the women, dressed up, begin to dance. About one minute. At the end, the men give their marks. The woman who scores the most points is awarded the “Best Dancer” Diploma and a flower hair clip.


Well what else can I say,

Now you can pour it,

Now we all drink to (name)’s parents,

May everything always be good for them!

(musical break, meal)


And now, I want to give you the floor. My dear Hawaiian guests. It's time for congratulations and gifts! I ask you, select all the most necessary ones and best words, because the speech of each of you, for the hero of the day, is dear!

(all guests, relatives, friends, congratulate the hero of the day on the holiday and give their gifts)


For such congratulations,

If we don't drink, it would be a sin,

Everyone deserves admiration

Everyone talked about success!

(musical break, meal)


I new competition I announce

And I call him a merman!


The competition is called: "Hawaiian Water Bread". 4 couples take part. Each one has a path with three obstacles on it: 1) a chair on which stands a glass of juice and two straws; 2) a chair, but under it there is a glass with juice and two straws; 3) five chairs arranged in the shape of a flower, the same thing is placed under the one in the middle. Task: at the command of the leader, each pair begins to pass the obstacle (they need to drink these glasses at the same time). The third stage will be the most difficult; it will be difficult to fit among the other chairs. The main thing is to drink at the same time, and not in turn. There are exceptions for cheating. The couple who completes the task the fastest wins a prize - books with recipes for Hawaiian cuisine.


Oh, how funny it was

So unusual and spontaneous

Thank you for the entertainment

You have lifted everyone's spirits!



And now I’ll say my own words, for Miss Hawaii, I’ll tell you a poem:

25 years is a year

They are young and so beautiful

And you are just as good,

After all, they have no power over you!

Let everything be in your life,

Only good holy

To be a better mother,

To be a dear wife!

So that happiness comes to you.

And Hawaiian delight

May you be lucky in everything,

May this world give admiration!

Happy Anniversary to you (name), happy 25th anniversary! Hooray!

(the holiday continues, but without a presenter)

Many years have passed since then,
When the miracle happened.
You came into the world
No one knows where.
Happens only once in a lifetime
Similar phenomena.
We sincerely want to congratulate you
Happy birthday today!

Good afternoon, dear friends. According to the good old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our dear Tatyana in a solemn, festive atmosphere.

Birthday is an annual gift, given to a person in order to rejoice at the love and affection that relatives, friends and colleagues have for him.

It was _____________ years. A girl was born, they named her Tatyana. And who knows the hero of the day better? We answer the questions together:
1. Place of birth
Parameters at birth
What time of day was she born?
2.What grades did I finish school with?
3. Favorite toy
4. What is your favorite flower?
5. Favorite dish
6. Favorite activity, hobby
7. Favorite drink
8. Favorite color
9. Favorite song
10. Favorite singer.
Who knows their child best, not the parents.


25 is a wonderful, round date, and most importantly young. A woman is just embarking on the path to family life, learning its basics. But at the same time, she can already be a wife and mother of many children. When choosing a gift for an anniversary, you need to pay attention to what a woman lacks and what she loves. And sometimes it is better to settle on a monetary amount, and this choice for a couple is the most correct. This way, the hero of the day will be able to buy exactly what she needs.


You can choose different themes for the celebration of this date, but we offer you the most interesting and practical: “Hawaiian Delight.” To do this, you will need flower beads (for all guests, including men), and tropical fruits should be placed on the tables. Such as: papaya, pineapple, coconut. But there is no need to cut them, they should stand intact, like decorations. You can put interesting straws with umbrellas in juice glasses. You can hang artificial vines on the walls. Well, of course, we especially need to highlight the hero of the day herself. There will be a special flower wreath for her, made from the most beautiful inflorescences. The presenter also dresses according to the theme.


Good evening, dear friends,

You are in the Hawaiian Islands

We are celebrating a holiday here today,

We call the hero of the day “Miss Hawaii”

But first we need to call her,

Let's rescue her in unison!

(they call the hero of the day in chorus, she enters to applause)


No one can really compare with her,

She's all green and sparkling,

And you can’t tell that she’s 25,

You can give 18 years!



Dear (name), you are so beautiful and wonderful that we cannot take our eyes off you. And in honor of this, the honor of your Anniversary is dear, let me present you with a crown to match the throne, and award you the title “Miss Hawaii.”

(the presenter puts on a diadem (crown) for the Jubilee, and hands over a document with the title assigned to her. 9 You can make this diploma yourself, or purchase it at the specialized store “Everything for the Holiday”)


Now pour wine into glasses,

And we solemnly raise them all up,

So that the hero of the day is lucky in everything,

We wish only the best for her!

(musical break, meal, by the way, we also select exotic music to match the theme)


And now, the Hawaiian competition,

Who's brave here, come out?!

Just be bolder here.

And surprise with your skill!


The competition is called: “Pineapple Ring”. Everyone is welcome to participate. Everyone is divided into two groups. Each person is given pieces of paper, a chair is placed at a distance of 5 meters, a plate with pineapple slices, and forks are placed. Task: imagine that in front of them is the sea (they are in Hawaii), there is absolutely nothing to eat, but on that island (chair) there are good pieces of pineapples. Using two leaves (boats), moving them, you need to get to the island. Take a fork without using your hands (mostly with your teeth), attach a pineapple and return to your tribe in the same way. And so on in turn. The team that copes with these faster receives prizes - a whole pineapple for each.


Great fun

You got yourself some food,

Everyone was in a good mood,

Just a little tired!

Well, it's time to go to the table now,

There are pickled salads!

And, of course, a toast from me:

May our Anniversary be happy!


While you and I were resting,

Miss Hawaii's crown was stolen

The natives must be punished

I call the switch-athletes!


The competition is called: “Sharp Hawaiian.” Men can participate, and women, if desired. Flowers are hung on a rope at a distance of five to six meters, in all of them there are notes, in some of them you need to write the word “crown”. The presenter gives out a bow and arrows (toy ones). Each person is given two shots. If they hit a flower with empty paper, they leave with nothing; if the word “crown” is written on the paper, then they receive a prize - a set of Bounty candies.


Now, I would ask you all to think very carefully and, one by one, tell our Anniversary. The incomparable Miss Hawaii, exactly 25 different graceful compliments. Please don't repeat yourself. Let's go in circles!

(they give compliments)


You see, dear (name), how perfect and irresistible you are! Let's drink to all these compliments addressed to you! For you! For your Anniversary! Here's to the 25th anniversary!

(musical break, meal)


And now there will be a dance competition,

And very experimental!

Women perform beautifully

And men give ratings!


The competition is called: “Hawaiian Dance”. It requires three men (jury) and five women. Women are given special Hawaiian skirts made of long vines and flowers (can be made from artificial flowers, or from paper, or from carved fabric, it all depends on your imagination). Men are given plates with ratings from “3” to “5”. At the command of the presenter, the women, dressed up, begin to dance. About one minute. At the end, the men give their marks. The woman who scores the most points is awarded the “Best Dancer” Diploma and a flower hair clip.


Well what else can I say,

Now you can pour it,

Now we all drink to (name)’s parents,

May everything always be good for them!

(musical break, meal)


And now, I want to give you the floor. My dear Hawaiian guests. It's time for congratulations and gifts! I ask you to select all the most necessary and best words, because the speech of each of you, for the hero of the day, is precious!

(all guests, relatives, friends, congratulate the hero of the day on the holiday and give their gifts)


For such congratulations,

If we don't drink, it would be a sin,

Everyone deserves admiration

Everyone talked about success!

(musical break, meal)


I'm announcing a new competition

And I call him a merman!


The competition is called: "Hawaiian Water Bread". 4 couples take part. Each one has a path with three obstacles on it: 1) a chair on which stands a glass of juice and two straws; 2) a chair, but under it there is a glass with juice and two straws; 3) five chairs arranged in the shape of a flower, the same thing is placed under the one in the middle. Task: at the command of the leader, each pair begins to pass the obstacle (they need to drink these glasses at the same time). The third stage will be the most difficult; it will be difficult to fit among the other chairs. The main thing is to drink at the same time, and not in turn. There are exceptions for cheating. The couple who completes the task the fastest wins a prize - books with recipes for Hawaiian cuisine.


Oh, how funny it was

So unusual and spontaneous

Thank you for the entertainment

You have lifted everyone's spirits!



And now I’ll say my own words, for Miss Hawaii, I’ll tell you a poem:

25 years is a year

They are young and so beautiful

And you are just as good,

After all, they have no power over you!

Let everything be in your life,

Only good holy

To be a better mother,

To be a dear wife!

So that happiness comes to you.

And Hawaiian delight

May you be lucky in everything,

May this world give admiration!

Happy Anniversary to you (name), happy 25th anniversary! Hooray!

(the holiday continues, but without a presenter)


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