Scenario for the holiday “Bread is the head of everything” - Scenario. Scenario for a thematic holiday about bread in the preparatory group “Bread is the head of everything” Holiday about bread script development

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Objectives of the event:

    Reveal the meaning of bread in human life, the importance of the work of farmers;

    Introduce historical facts of the Great Patriotic War.

    To form moral value orientations in students.

    Foster a sense of patriotism,a sense of respect for the work of grain growers.

    Show what a difficult path bread goes through before it gets to our table;

Decor :. On an embroidered towel, loaf, salt shaker, flour products (prizes); a stand decorated with children's drawings about bread.

Equipment: projector, presentation, pictures with stages of field work.

Progress of the holiday.

    Music is playing

Presenter: /in Russian folk dress/

Bread, bread..., warm, fragrant, with a crispy crust. It is the most important on the table and the oldest, because it appeared over 15 thousand years ago... Time has passed and now there are 750 types of bakery products. Despite this, we can now say “Bread is the head of everything!” SLIDE 1


Bread smells like sun and earth,

And tears, and wind, and thunderstorms.

How much care and labor there is in it,

How much good he brings to people!


One ancient legend tells that one day a traveler dropped a crumb of bread in the desert. He stopped the caravan and began to look for her, because bread cannot be trampled. Can you really find it in the sand? It's getting close to night. The traveler marked the place by sticking his staff. At dawn he returned to find bread. And his staff became golden. The traveler received an awardfor your carefulattitude towards bread. This legend teaches us that bread is a priceless gift.


Presenter :

And now we invite you to take part in the journey. We are going on a trip not for fun, but to show everyone that bread must be treated with care.

Our journey will be held under the motto: “Take care of every grain of bread!” And where we will stop, you will find out as our journey progresses.

So, let's hit the road SLIDE 3

Station Istoricheskaya.

At this station you can hear many legends and tales.

Presenter :

One day an ancient man found some seeds. How tasty the seeds seemed to people. Scientists suggest that it was wild barley. Time passed, man learned to make fire and use it for cooking. He began to roast wild grains and mixed them with water. Later, people began to bake unleavened bread in the form of a flat cake made from thick grain porridge - dough. The dense, burnt pieces of grain mass bore little resemblance to our wheat bread. But it was with the advent of these flatbreads, baked on hot stones, over a fire, that bread baking began on earth.

And even later, man learned to bake bread from sour dough.

Well, the word"bread" came to us from Ancient Greece. Greek masters baked bread in clay pots called "hlibanos ».


Yes, the grains did not immediately become

With the bread that is on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground!

Presenter: We arrive at the following station:

Station How bread came to the table. SLIDE 4

You will know how it comesbread on the table!SLIDE 5 -18

Spring. They plow the field and throw grain into the ground - they sow bread.

The grain field is large and beautiful. They say: “Golden field!”

It's time to harvest the harvest. Harvesters enter the field.

From morning until late at night, the bread is harvested so as not to lose a single grain.

Then the grain is sent to the elevator where it is dried and sorted. These towers store grain.

Bread is transported to the store in a specially equipped vehicle. And there we buy our bread.

Presenter: Now let's check if you watched the movie carefully. Let's playgame "Own place"

Game conditions:

1 game option: The cards record the stages of the appearance of bread on our table. Your task is to arrange the cards in order and line up all the actions.




Game option 2 : Children are shown drawings that depict arable land, a mill, harvesting, sowing, a store, a bakery. They need to be placed in the correct order.

Presenter: next station

Station Auction of bakery products SLIDE 19

Game "Auction".

Game conditions: the guys call in a chainbakery products . ButWhoThe last one to call, he wins a prize (the prize is a bunch of bagels).

Presenter: You named a lotbakery products, ANow let's look at the screen and see what products can be made from flour. SLIDE 20-23

Presenter: We're getting closer to

Stations "Bread of the war years" SLIDE 24

Presenter: Always remember that bread is human labor, hope for the future. Our grandparents know the value of every crumb of bread. After all, people who survived the hungry years of war know how to appreciate bread. They remember how there was not enough bread during the war. They had to take care of every crumb. SLIDE 25


I remember bread, military, bitter,

It's almost all quinoa.

In it in every crumb,

In every crust

There was a bitter taste of human misfortune. (A. Morozov)


In besieged Leningrad during the war, they were given out125 grams of bread. Look how small this piece is! However, this piece can hardly be called bread: it was made from cakes, oatmeal, and hydrocellulose was also added. In times of hunger during the war, a person received such a tiny piece of bread for the whole day! And these crumbs helped them survive in that harsh time. That is why even now they are so sensitive to bread.

Presenter: Shows a piece of bread weighing 125 grams.

Listen to L. Zykina’s song “Bread is the Head of Everything”

Our grandmothers also had to bake bread themselves, and they know that it is difficult, difficult - to make the bread tasty, soft, airy.

Game "Fourth wheel"

Game conditions: several students from each class (1-4) are invited. They receive letters from which they must form words. The audience finds an extra word.

LIBIN (pancakes)

FEZRI (marshmallow)


AVTUSHRAK (cheesecake)


The younger generation does not know what hunger is. Therefore, he has a completely different attitude towards bread.

We arrive at the station:

Lean Station SLIDE 26

Throw away breadIT IS FORBIDDEN , because so much human labor has been invested in it. Tractor drivers, combine operators, and bakers work all year round, sparing no effort so that each of us always has bread on the table.And we must respect their work. The bread must be eaten, and the crumbs must be fed to the birds. SLIDE 27

Listen to the poemSergei Mikhalkov "Bulka"

Three boys down the street

It's like playing football,

They pushed the bun back and forth

And they scored a goal with it.

An unfamiliar uncle walked past,

Stopped and sighed

And, almost without looking at the guys,

He reached out his hand to that bun.

Then, frowning angrily,

He blew the dust off her for a long time

And suddenly calm and open

He kissed her in front of everyone.

Who are you? - asked the children,

Forgetting about football for a while.

I’m a baker! - the man answered

And he slowly left with the bun.

And this word smelled like bread

And that special warmth

Which are poured under the sky

Sea of ​​wheat golden.

Presenter: There are many proverbs about bread. Here are some of them (choral reading of proverbs).SLIDE 28

    Bread comes from the earth, strength comes from the bread.

    Sweat on your back and bread on the table.

    He who has bread has happiness.

    Not everyone plows the arable land, but everyone eats bread.

Summing up and rewarding for drawing and craft competitions.


Presenter: During the subject week there were competitions for crafts and drawings. Thanks to all the guys who took part. And today I would like to highlight the best works.

Presenter: (holds bread and salt.)SLIDE 30

Our journey is over.

Glory to peace on Earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

Glory to those who raised bread!

I did NOT spare any labor or effort!

If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Greet generously, from the heart,

With great respect.

We meet such guests

A round, fluffy loaf.

It's on a painted platter,

With a snow-white towel.

We bring salt with the loaf,

Having bowed, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take the bread and salt from your hands!

The presenter hands the bread to the guests of the holiday. The song “About Bread” is playing

The students come up and break off a piece of the loaf.

Target: Trace the path from grain to loaf of bread.


  • Reveal the meaning of the word “bread” in human life;
  • Find out about the professions of people who help put bread on the table;
  • Instill in students a caring attitude towards bread;
  • To cultivate respect for the work of grain growers;
  • Develop thinking, intelligence, ingenuity, speed of reaction.

Equipment and design:

  1. Posters: “Bread is the head of everything!”, “Take care of the bread, eat me to the crumbs, because I was raised by the work of good people!”, “Glory to peace on earth! Glory to the bread on the table!”, “Glory to those who grew bread and spared no labor and effort.”
  2. Exhibition of books about bread.
  3. “Loaf” on a towel, an exhibition of bread products baked by parents.

The course of the holiday - games

Leading: Dear guests and children, I ask everyone to stand up.

(A song about bread is performed by Lyudmila Zykina (phonogram).)

Reader 1.

If we want someone
Meet with honor and honor,
Greet generously from the heart,
With great respect,
We meet such guests
A lush, round loaf.

Reader 2.

It's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel!
We bring salt with the loaf,
We bow down and ask you to taste,
Our dear guest and friend,
Take the bread and salt from your hands!

Together:You are welcome to our holiday, guests!

Teacher: Bread is our wealth, our strength. Not a single day of our life is complete without bread. It’s not for nothing that people say: “If there is bread, there is a song...”.

Do you know what a difficult path a small grain goes through before it gets to our table in a lush, rosy and delicious loaf?

(Demonstration of wheat grains.)

Look at him. How small and hard it is, a little larger than a drop of water on a branch, and its color reminds of the sun that warmed the ear of bread when this grain ripened. It is so tiny, but it has great power. The moment will come when it will reach the hospitable land of Tatarstan.

Mother Earth - as Russian grain growers affectionately called her at all times. And then the amazing transformations of a small grain begin (the teacher shows grains of wheat, wheat sprouts, ears, flour, cereals).

You and I have just learned what a difficult and long path a grain of wheat goes through before it reaches our table in the form of bread. And now we will listen to a poem about the birth of bread.

Reader 1.

It doesn't fall from the sky for us
Doesn't appear suddenly
So that an ear of bread grows,
It takes the work of dozens of hands

Reader 2.

Behind the forests, behind the meadows,
Thunder is heard in the field.
These are tractors with plows
Light black soil is plowed.

Reader 3.

To wide valleys
New cars came out:
Look out the open window -
Seeders sow grain.

Reader 4.

How much is this grain?
Labor invested
Only the sun knows
Wind and water, the work of dozens of hands

Reader 5.

The farmers sowed grain in the spring,
He matured and stood up
Golden wall.
And the country hears;
It's time to clean up
For bread you need combines and tractors.

Teacher. The wisdom of the people is reflected in legends, tales and stories. A great many of them are dedicated to bread. Listen to the folk story about bread.

Father and son came out to the fields in the spring.

“The bread has risen well!” exclaimed the son, admiring the friendly shoots.

“This is not bread, but grass,” his father corrected him.

Time passed, they went out into the field again.

“What bread is there!” – the son rejoiced.

“This is not bread, but straw,” answered the wise father.

The family left for the harvest.

“Well, didn’t I say that we’ll have bread! You can even have a wedding!” – the son was delighted.

“Wait,” his father interrupted and looked anxiously at the dark cloud in the sky. Suddenly a squall came, the wind and rain washed away everything that was standing on the root from the field...

And the father said with his head down: “Bread, son, then bread, when it’s in the bins.”

Do you know what bread smells like?
A loaf of rye, labor bread?..
It smells like a field, a river, an oven, the sky,
And most importantly, the bread smells of work.
Every grain is washed
A drop of human sweat.
No, can't be forgotten
This is hard work.

Competition “Kaleidoscope of Professions”.

Children are divided into two teams “Spikelet” and “Grain”.

It is necessary to name as many professions as possible related to the cultivation and processing of grain (breeder, agronomist, tractor driver, combine operator, driver, miller, baker).

Teacher. Guys, do you know how bread appeared?

Let's take a look at the historical chronicle.

Chronicler 1.

Even in ancient times, man learned how many ripe grains can be harvested from one grain planted in the ground. Then he tried to grind these grains between two stones and got the first flour. And when I added water, the first dough came out. The sun dried it out and man tasted the unleavened flatbread for the first time. Then a man tried to bake this mush over a fire - this was the ancient ancestor of our bread. Scientists believe that the first bread was baked at least 15 thousand years ago.

Chronicler 2.

The word “BREAD” came to us from Ancient Greece, where it was baked in special clay pots “hlibanos”. Along with ancient bread, the profession of “baker” also appeared. Bakers have always enjoyed special honor and respect among all nations. In Rome there is even a monument to Marcus Virgil Euricas, a baker and bread merchant. And on the base of the monument the entire process of baking bread is depicted. The baker who knew how to make bread with yeast was especially valued. This type of bread was very expensive. Only very rich people could afford to buy it. In India, a criminal was deprived of the right to eat bread; it was believed that a person without bread was doomed to misfortune. A loaf of bread baked 6 thousand years ago, found at the bottom of a drained lake, is kept in a museum in the Swiss city of Zurich.

Teacher. The Russian people have always had the most respectful attitude towards bread. Before starting to cut new bread, they made the sign of the cross, and if the bread suddenly fell to the floor, they picked it up and kissed it apologetically. Folk proverbs and sayings reflect a careful and respectful attitude towards bread.

Do you know proverbs and sayings about bread?

Then it’s time to collect our “harvest of proverbs.”

Game “Harvest”.

The proverbs are divided into 2 parts, each of which is written on a separate spikelet. You need to find the spikelets and make up the proverb correctly.

- Whose bread was born? he's always having fun.

- Without bread you won't be full.

- Who has some bread? that's happiness.

- Bad lunch since there is no bread.

- Bread - from the earth, Silushka - from bread.

- Who is not lazy to plow, that one's bread will be lost.

- Water for fish, grass for berries, and bread is the head of everything!

Leading: Autumn has arrived - the time to sum up the work of agricultural workers. But the grain growers always come first. The best grain growers this year in our region were recognized as: combine operator from Jalil LLC - Sh. Faskhutdinov. He works in the field from 4 am until the first dew. Since the beginning of the harvesting campaign, I have threshed almost 600 tons of grain. Did you know that 300 million tons of bread are baked in our country every year? To bake one loaf you need 12,000 grains of wheat. And how much work is put into every grain of bread! And, of course, the first assistants of grain growers in their difficult task are agricultural machines. Do you know what equipment is used during growing and harvesting bread?

Captains' competition “Technical Expert”.

It is necessary to name as many agricultural machines used in growing and harvesting wheat as possible. The captains name the equipment one by one. The losing team starts.

(Tractor, seeder, plane, combine, truck.)


Bread under the table
Thrown straight into the dust
Who is this conscience?
Threw it away as junk?
If I had seen him, I would never
Didn't give him a hand
As if he didn't know
How much work has gone into these pieces! ”


It doesn't fall to us from the sky
It doesn't appear suddenly
So that an ear of bread grows,
It takes the work of dozens of hands.
Harvesters make noise day and night,
Bread comes from all sides.

Teacher: It often happens that half-eaten pieces of bread are thrown away.

Such a small thing - just think! Or maybe we’ll actually think about it? It has been calculated that if each schoolchild throws away a piece of bread weighing 20 grams in the canteen, then an average of 25 centners of grain are lost per year, which is approximately equal to the yield per hectare of bread. At our school, there are also cases when pies and bread are lying on the floor or in the trash bin. Everyone needs to cultivate respect for bread. In the old days they said: “Our bread is our father.” It was a terrible sin to throw away bread. During the war, bread was people's salvation.

The Leningrad sky is in smoke,
But worse than mortal wounds
Heavy bread, blockade bread 125 grams!
In years of hardship and hardship.

During the Great Patriotic War, St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) was surrounded by Hitler's troops and endured a long blockade. During the blockade, people were dying of hunger, there was nothing to eat in the city, and the greatest value was bread baked in the only surviving bakery in the city. The Museum of the History of St. Petersburg keeps a small black piece of besieged Leningrad bread - this is the daily bread requirement for city residents.

- “125 grams - blockade bread - it can hardly be called bread - it had a lot of impurities: cake, wood shavings, grass - quinoa or nettle, bran and mixture, and only 5 grams of flour. Remember this and treat your bread with care.

The city survived against all odds, but those who survived surrounded Leningrad know the real price of bread.

The new world is mature and strong.
The people walked in the fire of battle
For freedom and for bread.
So the correct words are:
“The bread of life is the head!”

(Phonogram of the song “You, son, remember the golden words: “Bread is the head of everything!”)

Student: Let's remember S. Mikhalkov's poem “Bulka”.

1st student:

Three boys down the street
It's like playing football,
They pushed the bun back and forth
And they scored her goal.

2nd student:

An unfamiliar uncle walked past,
I stopped and sighed,
And, almost without looking at the guys,
He reached out his hand to that bun.

3rd student:

Then, frowning angrily,
He blew the dust off her for a long time
And suddenly calm and open
He kissed her in front of everyone.

4th student:

Who are you? - the children asked,
Forgetting about football for a while.

1st student:

I'm a baker! – the man answered
And he slowly left with the bun.

2nd student:

And this word smelled like bread
And that special warmth
Which are poured under the sky
Sea of ​​wheat golden.


Grandmother said, mother said:
Bread is our wealth, bread is our strength!
But the boys at school don't take this into account.
And in the dining room they throw bread crusts.
And I will never throw away a crust of bread,
Because our bread is tasty and good.
Because it took a lot of work,
So that we always have delicious bread!

Teacher: Guys, let’s create “Rules for careful handling of bread” together. We will always treat bread with care and teach others by our example.

Remember guys, these rules:

- Take as much bread as you can eat.

– Give the remaining bread to the birds and pets.

– You can’t play with bread.

– Respect the bread and labor of grain growers yourself and teach this to others.

Teacher. Guys, you love making and solving riddles. Our final competition “Guess it!”

(Teams ask each other riddles; each correct answer is a point; if the team doesn’t guess correctly, the point goes to the opponents.)

2nd student:

He is golden and mustachioed,
There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Ear.)

3rd student:

He goes - he cuts the wave
Grain flows from the pipe. (Combine harvester.)

4th student:

Guess who's there in the field?
Cutting a black loaf? (Plow.)

5th student:

They don't feed me oats,
They don't drive with a whip,
And how it plows -
Dragging seven plows. (Tractor.)

1st student:

Castle with towers to the sky
Will save the whole sea of ​​​​bread. (Elevator.)

2nd student:

He was a grain for a long time -
Looks at the sunshine out the window. (Loaf.)

1st student:

The iron nose has grown into the ground,
Digs, digs, loosens the earth. (Plow.)

2nd student:

They beat me, they beat me,
They cut, they turn,
And I endure everything
And I cry with all good things. (Earth.)

Teacher: Well, it’s time to sum up the results of our competition today.

(Points earned in competitions are calculated.)

A loaf of earth and heaven on your table -
There is nothing stronger than bread on earth.
There are fields of grain in every small piece,
And on each spikelet the earth rests.
And it grows under the bright sky, slender and tall,
Like the Motherland, an immortal ear of bread.

You are welcome, dear guests, to our table, and to the bread feast!

List of used literature.

  1. L. S. Beskorovainaya, O. V. Perekateva, S. A. Shin“Scenarios for school holidays, competitions, quizzes, games.”
  2. M.Yu.Zhenilo“Holiday scenarios, competitions, quizzes, games for 4th grade students.”
  3. N.I. Pakhmutova, L.N. Domracheva“Acquaintance with the surrounding world.”
  4. V. Datskevich“From grain to loaf.”

KGBOU "Aleyskaya comprehensive boarding school"


extracurricular activity

“Bread is the head of everything”

Caregiver; Shvvets Yu.N.

Extracurricular activity in a group of younger boys

Subject: “Bread is the head of everything”

Goals and objectives:

    Instilling in students a caring attitude towards bread.

    Fostering respect for the work of grain growers.

    Fostering love for your small homeland.

    Show the significance and value of bread during the Great Patriotic War and in our time.

    Development of thinking, intelligence, ingenuity, speed of reaction.

Equipment and decoration :

    Posters with quotes about bread: “Bread is the head of everything!”, “Take care of the bread, eat me to the crumbs, because I was raised by the work of good people!”, “Glory to peace on earth! Glory to the bread on the table!”, “Glory to those who grew bread and spared no labor and effort.”

    Exhibition of books about bread.

    “Loaf” on a towel.

    Children's drawings or illustrations;

    Different types of bread (if possible): buns, white bread, rye products, gingerbread, etc.

Progress of the event:

In order to prepare children to perceive the material, it is advisable to start an extracurricular activity by reading poems or inviting children to guess riddles.


Here it is, fragrant bread,

Here it is, warm and golden.

In every home, on every table

He came, he came.


In the old days in Rus' they said: “If there is bread, there will be song.” It’s not for nothing that they say so. Bread has always been the most important product, the measure of all values. And in our time, in the age of great achievements, bread is the fundamental basis of life. People have escaped into space, conquered rivers, seas, oceans, extracted oil and gas in the depths of the earth, and bread is still considered not only wealth, but also the strength of the country. According to the long-standing custom of many nations, dear guests are greeted with bread and salt.

(A boy comes out with bread and salt in his hands on a towel.)
Students read the poem:

Reader 1:
If we want someone
Meet with honor and honor,
Greet generously, from the heart,
With great respect.
We meet such guests
A round, fluffy loaf.

Reader 2 :
It's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel!
We bring salt with the loaf,
Having bowed, we ask you to taste:
- Our dear guest and friend,
Take the bread and salt from your hands!

(Children hand the guests bread and salt)

Together: You are welcome to our holiday, guests!


Bread is salt,” people say and wish you happiness.
“Bread is salt,” people say and wish for peace.

We need both meat and fruits -
However, if we judge strictly
You can live without many products -
You can't live without bread forever
The head and the foundation for everything
It contains the labor of grain growers, their sweat
And some bread - a kind word -
People often call him.
What's a feast without bread?
Since time immemorial
No wonder in Rus' bread and salt
Welcome guests.


Leading: (The teacher opens the topic of the lesson on the board)

“There is no better flower in the world than a lush ear of corn, there is no better garden than a lush field, there is no better aroma than the smell of freshly baked bread,” says popular wisdom.

From time immemorial they say: “No matter how much you think, you won’t come up with better bread.”


Guys, s today we will talk about bread, about its significance in people’s lives and how bread gets to our table, why we have long called it in Rus'bread - father, and land - mother, Why did they worship bread as a deity and consider it holy? Let's talk and find out the significance and value of bread.

How do you understand these words? (“Bread is the head of everything.”)


Bread is our wealth, our strength. Not a single day of our life is complete without bread.Bread is the main food item on the table. We eat bread during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.It is impossible to imagine that tomorrow we will not receive bread or our favorite tea buns for lunch.If the whole table is laden with dishes and there is no bread, then a person will not be satisfied. After all, they say: “Lunch is bad if there is no bread". Today we will talk about bread, about the attitude towards it, about how difficult it is to get it. Today the main guest at our holiday is Loaf of Bread.

Here is such a short but meaningful word “bread”. Guys, why does bread occupy such an important place in the lives of each of us? People eat bread every day, and they never get tired of it. For a long time people could not answer why bread did not bother them.

Guys, what is bread for? (Students' answers)

To the question: “What is bread for,” the doctor of medical sciences will answer.

Doctor of Medical Sciences:

According to medical scientists, an adult eats about 500 grams per day. bread, and for heavy physical work about 800 grams. of bread. Bread contains from 4.7% to 7% protein, and from 40 to 45% carbohydrates, providing a person with 1000-16000 kilocalories of energy daily. This means that almost half of the energy resources necessary for human life comes from bread. It contains a lot of mineral salts and vitamins. Fresh bread definitely tastes better. Many people do not eat even slightly stale ones. However, we must remember that fresh bread, especially while still warm, burdens the stomach and is poorly digested. It is not recommended even for healthy people, and should be completely excluded from the diet of those who suffer from stomach or intestinal diseases. They benefit from yesterday's or dried bread.

Bread... Will it get boring?


Don't try to do without it,

Without it, a person is in trouble.

In Rus', bread has always been treated as God’s blessing. It was considered a sin to say a bad word about bread.. It is forbidden to waste bread.. Crumbs of bread did not disappear during the meal. And no matter how little a child is, if he throws a crumb of bread, the elder will certainly teach him a lesson, hitting him on the forehead with a wooden spoon: “Don’t sin!”


All: Appreciate the people's difficult bread.


Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. It is not for nothing that people created proverbs: “The earth is mother, and bread is father,” “Bread is life,” “Bread is the breadwinner,” “You can live without gold, but without bread you can’t.” But sometimes we sometimes forget about the true price of bread, that inexpensive rolls and loaves have absorbed the great work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow grain, collect it, thresh it, grind it, and finally bake bread.

    History of bread.


Today on our table, in the place of honor, lies bread: crispy, with an appetizing crust.There are more than 750 types of different bakery products in the world. There was not always such abundance.

Guys, do you know how bread appeared?

Let's take a look at the historical chronicle.

Lush, soft, baked,

Lightly browned.

Bread with gilded crust

He came to us from afar.

Several thousand years ago, people did not yet know how to grow ears of bread. To avoid starvation, they collected edible herbs, roots, berries and mushrooms. But it often happened that a person brought several grains along with edible roots. People tried chewing raw grains, but it was not tasty. ZThen they learned to grind them between stones and mix them with water. The very first bread was in the form of liquid porridge. When people learned to make fire, they began to fry crushed grains with water.


Well, the word "bread" came to us from Ancient Greece. Greek masters baked bread in clay pots called hlibanos.

Along with ancient bread, the profession of “baker” also appeared. Bakers have always enjoyed special honor and respect among all nations. In Rome there is even a monument to Marcus Virgil Euricas, a baker and bread merchant. And on the base of the monument the entire process of baking bread is depicted: some harvest the grain, others take it to the mill, others grind the grain into flour, and others bake the bread.

The baker who knew how to make bread with yeast was especially valued. This type of bread was very expensive. Only very rich people could afford to buy it.

In India, a criminal was deprived of the right to eat bread; it was believed that a person without bread was doomed to misfortune.

A loaf of bread baked 6 thousand years ago, found at the bottom of a drained lake, is kept in a museum in the Swiss city of Zurich.


The Russian people have always had the most respectful attitude towards bread. Before starting to cut new bread, they made the sign of the cross, and if the bread suddenly fell to the floor, they picked it up and kissed it apologetically.

What could be more important than bread?

There is, perhaps, only one word equivalent to the word “bread”. This word is "life". In the old days in Rus', rye was called zhit, from the word “to live.” If there is bread, there is life.

Did you know that giving bread meant wishing for prosperity and wealth? Since ancient times, bread and all grain plants have been considered sacred. Bread must be treated with special respect.

There is no smell more pleasant for a person than the smell of freshly baked bread. It used to be common to bake bread at home. The birth of bread is a holiday. The housewife, before starting to bake bread, put on smart clothes and tied a bright scarf. Bread baked from flour sifted through a sieve was called sieve; through a sieve - sieve, and a loaf was called wheat bread baked in a round loaf.

Folk proverbs and sayings reflect a careful and respectful attitude towards bread.

Do you know proverbs and sayings about bread?

Children tell proverbs and signs :

1. Bread is the head of life
2. Lunch is bad if there is no bread.
3. Bread in the bins means happiness in homes.
4. The hut is not red in its corners, it is red in its pies.
5. Get angry, fight for bread - get salt.

    The earth is mother, and bread is father.

    Not a piece of bread, there’s so much sadness in the mansion.

    You can live without gold, but you can’t live without bread.

    Without a stove it’s cold, without bread you’re hungry.

    If there is no bread, there will be no lunch.

    Bread is our wealth.

    And lunch is not lunch for us if there is no bread to go with the soup.

    Without salt and without bread, conversation is bad.

    There is not a piece of bread, and there is melancholy in the upper room.

    There is no loaf of bread, so honor the crust.

    Even porridge with bread is better.

    Who gave birth to bread?he's always having fun.

    No bread you won't be full.

    Who has some bread? that's happiness.

    Bad lunch since there is no bread.

    Bread - from the earth,Silushka - from bread.

    Khlebushko - I'm shaking grandpa.

    Whoever plows is not lazy,that one will produce more bread.

    For fish - water, for berries - grass,and bread is the head of everything!

These proverbs define the role of bread in our lives.

Reader 1. Do you know what bread smells like?

A loaf of rye, labor bread?..

It smells like a field, a river, an oven, the sky,

And most importantly, the bread smells of work.

Every grain is washed

A drop of human sweat.

No, can't be forgotten

This is hard work.


Abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people. We sometimes forget about the true price of bread, that relatively inexpensive rolls and loaves have absorbed the great work of not just one person, but the work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow grain, collect it, thresh it, grind it, and finally bake bread.

People never got bread for free. After all, even in paradise, as a parting word to the sinner Adam, it was said: “You will earn bread by the sweat of your brow.” In Rus', bread has always been treated with reverence.


Yes, the grains did not immediately become
With the bread that is on the table,
People work long and hard
We worked hard on the ground!

Watch the video .

Rye bread, loaves, rolls
You won't get it while walking.
People cherish bread in the fields,
They spare no effort for bread.


We are used to the fact that bread is always on our table, and we don’t think about how it got there.

Once, an ancient legend tells, a plowman, a sower and a baker argued about who creates bread. The plowman argued that the earth creates bread. The sower said that the sun creates bread, and the baker creates fire. They could not come to an agreement and turned to the sage for help. The sage listened to them and said: “You have forgotten about man. Bread is a child of human hands.”


Did you know that 300 million tons of bread are baked in our country every year? Over the course of 60 years, a person eats 15 tons of bread. Russian people have always eaten more bread than meat. This was noted by foreign travelers.


Do you think 15 tons is a lot or a little?

one carriage holds as much bread as one person eats in 60 years.

To bake one loaf you need 12,000 grains of wheat. And how much work is put into every grain of bread!


Always remember that bread is human labor, hope for the future, the standard by which your conscience will be measured.

From time immemorial, bread was not a simple food. He was a measure not only of social well-being, but also of human conscience. We greeted friends with bread and salt. They fought the enemy to the death for bread. They swore by bread, as by the name of their mother. Bread was a product that evoked a special, one might say, holy feeling. Hundreds of people gave their lives for the bread that the starving children of Moscow, Leningrad, and the Volga region needed during the war and revolution.


Now, guys, we are not experiencing a shortage of bread. But there were times when bread was given out on ration cards, and there were long lines for bread. The bread was mixed with hay, straw, and quinoa seeds. People were happy for any piece.


During the war, bread was people's salvation.

The Leningrad sky is in smoke,

But worse than mortal wounds

Heavy bread, blockade bread 125 grams!


No lump of gold can outweigh a crumb of bread.


In the city of St. Petersburg there is the All-Russian Institute of Plant Growing, founded by N. I. Vavilov. During the war years in besieged Leningrad, 14 scientists, weakened from hunger, did not leave their post, protecting thousands of samples of grain seeds, potatoes and other valuable crops from frost, dampness, incendiary bombs and rats.

Dmitry Sergeevich Ivanov died of hunger. There were a thousand bags of grain left in his office.

Alexander Gavrilovich Shchukin. Dying of hunger, he prepared another copy of the collection, hoping to transport it by plane to the mainland.

Of the 14 employees of the institute, only 5 survived. They believed in victory. They knew that after the war the country would need collections, which they saved by sacrificing their own lives.

Even though bread from collection grain could save a thousand lives, Leningraders understood that scientists were storing the bread of the future.

The war ended, and based on the rescued collection, the best post-war wheat varieties were created.

Even now, this collection is carefully preserved, only now in Kuban, inresearch center.


In years of hardship and battles

The new world is mature and strong.

The people walked in the fire of battle

For freedom and for bread.

So the correct words are:

“The bread of life is the head!”


Remember that you are the one who treats your bread with care.


During the hungry years, people had to save every crumb, because they received only one hundred and twenty-five grams of bread per day, a very small piece of bread. And these crumbs helped them survive in harsh times. That is why even now they are so sensitive to bread. The younger generation does not know what hunger is. Therefore, he has a completely different attitude towards bread. We should be ashamed when we simply throw away the uneaten pieces. You can’t do this with bread, because so much work has been put into it. Tractor drivers, combine operators in the field, bakers at bakeries and bakeries work sparingly so that each of us always has bread on the table. And we must respect their work.

Student: My young friend!

I want from you

Only one-

To the bread

You treated me with love.

After all, people

So that you can have it

They paid for bread

With my own blood.


Now let's review the rules for handling bread in the store.

1. Buy as much bread as you need at the store.

it to you and your family for a day or two.

2. In stores - self-service to find out

If the bread on sale is soft, use special forks or spoons.

3. After purchasing bread, place it in a clean plastic bag. Bread without packaging easily absorbs moisture and odors. It may get dusty.

4. You need to cut the bread specially - with a thin, sharpened knife.

in chunks, on a clean wooden board.

5. Soft bread is easier to cut with a slightly heated knife.


What a blessing it is to have such an abundance of bread on the table.

    If every student in our school doesn’t eat enough in 1 day and throws away 50 grams of bread, then for the school it will be 32.5 kg or 36 loaves per day!

(shows a piece of 50 g bread and passes it to another)

    Bread is a treasure! Don't bother them!

Take bread in moderation for lunch!

(passes the bread to the next student)

    The grains of our days glow

Gilded carved.

We say: take care

Take care of your dear bread!

(passes the bread to another student)

    “We don’t dream of a miracle,”

Send us a living speech, -

In chorus: Take care of your bread, you people

Learn to save bread!”

In the old days they said: “Our bread is our father.” It was a terrible sin to throw away bread.Over the course of many centuries, bread has been , which dictated the correct attitude towards this product and suggested how to use it to bring prosperity and good luck into the house.

    You can't start a new loaf after sunset - it's .

You cannot leave a knife stuck in bread - good luck will leave the house.

How should you treat bread in the dining room? (children's reasoning).

So what conclusion do we draw?


Throw away breadIT IS FORBIDDEN. It must be protected.

Remember guys, these rules:

1. Don't take extra bread.Take as much bread as you can eat.

2. Don't leave crumbs on the table.

3. Don't play with bread.

4. Don't throw away bread.

5. Give the remaining bread to birds and pets.

6. Don't disrespect bread.

7. Respect bread and the work of grain growers yourself and teach this to others.

It hurts to tears to see a piece of bread thrown into the trash. Or in the dining room you can see pieces of bread and buns in the food waste.

Yes, we are rich in bread, but this wealth does not negate the need to treat it with care. Take a closer look at yourself: has it become a habit for you to treat bread like a steward? At lunch, breakfast, dinner, cut it so that there are no pieces left. And if you have extra, use the leftovers in other ways - in breadcrumbs, in additions to dishes.

After all, from dry stale bread you can prepare delicious nutritious dishes, treats for tea - cake with raisins and nuts, sponge cake made from rye crackers, cake - potatoes with cocoa, charlotte with apples, croutons with berries.

Take care of your bread! Let a little frugality become the inner guarantee of each of us.

And always remember:

Bread - earth
Bread is air
Bread - water
This is something without which there can be no life.

Children read:

Take care of our bread!
Don't waste your bread!
Respect our bread!
Don't play with bread!
You can't throw away bread!
Take care of your bread, friends!


I can’t even believe you and I,

That someone is littering this miracle of the earth.

My heart aches for bread,

When he lies in the roadside dust.


But we know several recipes on how to refresh bread if it has become stale, or how to prepare delicious dishes from it.

    You can refresh stale bread by wrapping it in a damp cloth for 5 minutes, then unfolding it and putting it in a not very hot oven for 20-25 minutes.

    Stale bread can be cut into thin slices and dried in the oven. The resulting croutons are a real delicacy.

    You can easily and quickly prepare croutons with cheese.

    You can make soup from bread.

    And if you mix ground crackers from wheat bread with butter, egg, sugar. Then put it in a mold and put it in the cold, you get... a bread cake. It can be topped with fruit juice.

Student: We've talked a lot

We learned a lot of new things.

We know the main words:

“The bread of life is the head!”


FinallyI want to say:

This is what happened in our native land:

From year to year, from generation to generation - for centuries.

Our native bread and rolls are all

Warmed by human hands.

Remember how twice is two

Folk wisdom words:

“Who does not value bread,

He will run past life.”

And if each of you is not deaf, not blind.

Appreciate your native folk bread!

Appreciate, respect and take care of bread, because it contains human wisdom. Remember always and everywhere:

Bread is the destiny of the people,

Bread is the destiny of the country.


I advise you to choose as friends those guys who respect bread and appreciate it. Remember at what cost bread was earned, remember the people who put their labor into it.

Fish - water
Berry - grass,
And the bread is the head.
There will be bread - everything will be!

You are welcome, dear guests, to our table, and to the bread feast!

(tea party)

Scenario Festival of Bread
A fragment of the song “Bread is the head of everything” performed by O. Voronets is heard. Children sit on chairs.
Presenter: Hello, children! Hello, dear guests! We met in the crimson, autumn season. People say: “Golden autumn is full of ears of bread!” Today our holiday is dedicated to bread.
A girl and a boy come out in Russian national costumes. The girl has a loaf of bread on a tray with a towel.
Boy: We are celebrating the Feast of Bread
A round lush loaf,
It's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel.
Girl: If we want someone
Meet honestly and with honor,
Greet generously, from the heart,
With great respect,
We bring him a loaf of bread,
Having bowed, we ask you to taste:
Together: - Our dear guest and friend,
Take the bread and salt from your hands!
Presenter: Here it is, fragrant bread,
With a crunchy twisted crust,
Here it is warm, golden,
As if filled with sunshine.
The Slavs have long had a custom: they greet dear guests with bread and salt. Therefore, they say that Russian people are hospitable and hospitable. However, not every guest knows that the loaf should be broken, tasted and distributed to people, as custom dictates. Not everyone knows that when accepting bread and salt on a towel, the bread should be kissed. The people who broke bread, i.e. those who share it with each other become friends for life. Bread is an ambassador of peace and friendship between different nations. Life changes, but bread-father, bread-breadwinner remains the greatest value. Why do you think? (children's reasoning).
Yes, bread costs a lot of work. The weather also throws up quite a few surprises. Either severe dryness or prolonged rains. Sometimes field pests encroach on crops. In a word, seven sweats will fall from the farmer before the grains end up in the bins. The field does not tolerate slackers, the bread does not like slackers.
This is what happened on my land:
From year to year, from generation to generation - for centuries
That bread that is on the table in every home
Warmed by human hands.
He does not fall to us from the sky,
It doesn't appear suddenly.
So that an ear of bread grows
It takes the work of dozens of hands.

School holiday scenario Bread is the head of everything prepared by the teacher of the Shevchenko school of the Telmanovsky district Bukreeva Yu.V.

Goal: To foster feelings of respect, pride and gratitude to working people;
Instill the qualities of caring for our main wealth
Decoration of the hall: posters and drawings, proverbs about bread. Quotes: “A slice of well-baked wheat bread constitutes one of the greatest discoveries of the human mind...”
(K. A. Timiryazev).
“Throwing away bread is the same as insulting everyone who raised him!”
(V. Bondarchuk).
“The work of a grain grower is not easy, and the bread grown by his hands becomes gold of the highest standard.”
(A. Gitalov).
Exhibition of flour and bread products baked by school cooks and parents of students, exhibition of books about bread. On the walls are newspapers made after the raid on the canteen. On a chair stands a stack of ears of wheat, tied with a beautiful ribbon. On the interactive board the name of the holiday is: “Bread is the head of everything.”
The song “Russian Field” plays (words by I. Goff, music by Y. Frenkel) students enter the hall

From those sitting in the hall:
Look, don't yawn as they carry the loaf!
Honey loaf, pound loaf,
Of course, honey made from new flour!
(Stop in the middle of the hall)
How they baked it, baked it
I even started drooling!
It came out so good, better than the buns, better than the crumpets!
Best of all, everyone will taste it!
Quickly set the table with a clean tablecloth -
Before us is a loaf with a fragrant crust!
(2 children cover the table with a white tablecloth)
The third puts it on the table and says:
Glory to peace on earth!
Glory to the bread on the table!
Leading: Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. No wonder people created proverbs:
(Children say proverbs)
“The earth is mother, and bread is father”, “Bread is life”, “You can live without gold, but not without bread”, “Bread is the breadwinner”, “Kalach will become boring, but bread will never”, “As long as there is bread, yes water, it’s not a problem”, “It’s not enough for dinner, there’s no bread in the house”, “Not a piece of bread, so there’s melancholy in the house”, “It’s cold without a stove, without bread you’re hungry”, “Without salt, without bread - you’re thin conversation"..
Abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people. We sometimes forget about the true price of bread, that relatively inexpensive rolls and loaves have absorbed the great work of more than one person. The work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow the grain, collect it, thresh it, grind it, and finally bake the bread.
Scientists believe that the first bread was baked at least 15 thousand years ago. A loaf of bread baked 6 thousand years ago, found at the bottom of a drained lake, is kept in the museum of the Swiss city of Zurich. The baker's profession is one of the oldest on earth. The baker who knew how to make bread with yeast was especially valued. This type of bread was very expensive. Only very rich people could afford to buy it.
It takes 1200 grains to bake just one loaf.
There are more than 750 types of bakery products known in the world.
After all, the grains did not immediately become
With the bread that is on the table,
People work long and hard
We worked hard on the ground!
A game.
Teacher: And now you guys and I will play a game that you have known since childhood. It's called "Loaf".
Leader's words: Game participants:
Is the loaf here? " Here"
Is the baker here? "Here"
Miller? "Here"
Farmer? "Here"
Worker? "Here"
Leading: Come out and stand in a circle, hold hands and walk in a circle.
On this day there are round dances, ringing and laughter at the loaf,
He chooses his friends himself, but not all of them.
Stand in the circle Loaf, choose whoever you want!
(The loaf goes into the circle).
Karavay makes friends with someone
Who loves work since childhood.
He appreciates any service -
The plowman is here and the turner is here.
Loaf, Loaf, choose whoever you want!
(The loaf shouts: baker!)
He didn’t warm his side on the stove...
I baked a loaf for the guys.
Baker, play with us,
Choose whoever you want!
(The loaf becomes a round dance, and the baker goes to the center)
The baker shouts: miller!
He did not grind nonsense, but ground grain into flour.
Miller, play with us,
Whoever you want, choose!
(He gets up in a round dance, goes out miller).
Miller: Worker!
He came to us with gifts,
Tractors, tractors.
(He gets up in a round dance, the worker comes out.)
Worker: Grain grower!
Grain grower: We were not ashamed of our work.
We were proud of our work.
And the reward is a loaf!
Leading: Well, you are no worse than others,
Our cheerful young friend,
If you are friendly with work
Come boldly into the circle.
All: Glory!
The harvest is in the bins!
All: Glory!
Loafing on the tables!
All: Glory!
Friendly hands!
All: Glory! Glory! Loaf for the workers!
Children perform the song “Golden Grain” (words by P. Sinyavsky, music by Yu. Chichkov):
The grain field is as big as the sea -
You can't count the ears of corn on it.
On friendly watch, on honorary watch
We take care of every grain.
Seed, grain -
Golden drop
Golden drop
In the sea of ​​harvest.
We will warm the grain with care
In the kind and warm palms of the fields.
The sun has enough work too,
So that the fields ring more cheerfully.
Bread grains are a fabulous treasure
They will hide in the ground and rise together.
The best award in the world -
This is a living reward for work.
Dance: "Spikelets"
Leading: Day and night - and in scorching heat. And in the rain there is a battle for the harvest. True grain growers are constantly worried about him. The harvest was suffered by the grain growers, won - both in alliance and in confrontation with nature.
Student: reads Viktor Bokov’s poem “Autumn”
There is stubble in the field
Spokes pointed into the sky.
Nests are no longer housing,
The inhabitants of them are no longer birds.
The wind is blowing across the stubble,
On a bed of straw,
Howling in the gear
In the thresher drum.
The earth has laid down to rest
And it got heavy again,
What could she do for us?
She didn't regret it.
There are plows under the sheds.
Field. far. Dried sweet clover.
There are rook circles there,
Crane triangle.
The threshing is finished everywhere,
The grain has settled in the bins.
In my mind it's the other way around:
We were waiting for the harvest, waiting for the sowing!
Leading: Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word. Really think about it! The word “bread” refers to plants, grains, flour, and flour products that are not similar to each other. What is bread?
1st reader: As soon as the snow melted in April, the fields turned green. We say (all): “Bread.”
2nd reader: The golden expanse is endless, harvesters are working there. We say: "Bread".
3rd reader: Here the grain flows like a river, To become flour. We say: "Bread".
4th reader: Tightly swirling in the kneader, Baked in the fire. We say: "Bread".
5th reader: Eat it, grow and remember: There is no greater work in the world, so that Fresh bread appears on your table.
Leading: Do you know what bread smells like, a piece of rye, labor, bread?
1st student:
It smells like a field, a river, an oven, the sky.
And most importantly, the bread smells like work.
After all, until the grains became
With the bread that is on the table,
People work long and hard
We worked hard on the ground.
2nd student:
For those who bake bread at first light,
To those who are deep in the earth
He plows with a sharp plow,
Say thank you to them
Thank them for the bread!
1st student:
The people have a saying: “Bread is the head of all life.”
It is placed first on the table.
Glory to peace on Earth!
Glory to the bread on the table!
Glory! Glory! Glory!
Leading: Here is such a short but capacious word - “bread”. Now let's try to answer the question: why is bread called the miracle of the earth? Why does it occupy such an important place in a person’s life?
Student: People eat bread every day, and they never get tired of it. For a long time people could not answer why bread did not bother them. It turns out that it is because it contains a lot of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins. Medical scientists have calculated that an adult usually eats about 500 g of bread per day, and 800 g during hard work. Bread contains from 4.7% to 7% protein, 40-45% carbohydrates, providing a person with 1000-1600 kcal of energy daily. This means that a person receives almost half of the energy resources necessary for life from bread.
Student : Bread…
Will he get bored?
Don't try to do without it,
Without it, a person is in trouble.
Leading: In our country, which has healed the severe wounds of war, more than one generation of people has grown up who do not know what bread cards are, sleepless queues for bread, who do not know the feeling of hunger, are unfamiliar with the taste of bread mixed with chaff, hay, straw, bark, quinoa seeds and etc. During the war, people were drafted into the army not only from cities, but also from collective farms. Women, old people and children remained. For 1941-1944. 4312 million poods of grain were stored in the country. The country, the front, needed bread, and people worked selflessly to grow it.
Leading: Leningraders spent 900 days under siege. At this time, workers received 250g of bread, and city residents 125g.
To the sound of a metronome, the student carries 125g of black bread across the entire hall on a tray, and the presenter reads the memoirs of the nurse of kindergarten No. 5 in Otradnoye, Leningrad Region, V.I. Bogdanova.
“I remember a dark, sticky, small piece of bread. Just one piece! For everyone - adults and children. All day. And my mother slowly cuts it into identical cubes... I remember how I crawled on the floor on my knees in the hope of finding at least some crumb of bread. I remember my grandmother, old and thin. She often gave us children her rations. I remember my mother, sick and exhausted, who, together with other women, dragged a plow across the collective farm arable land in the Volgograd region. And all these years this memory has burned my heart with hatred of war.”
Watch the video “The Ballad of Bread”
Leading: None of us will remain indifferent to historical documents that speak about the fate of people who lacked a “crumb” of bread and died. And in our time, do we save and value bread? We calculated and found out that if each person doesn’t eat enough in one day and throws away 50g of bread (shows a piece of 50g bread), this will amount to 200kg, i.e. about 200 loaves of bread will be thrown away.
“Bread is a treasure. Don't bother them. Take bread in moderation for dinner.”
Leading: “When you are full, remember your hunger” is a covenant, a warning from our ancestors, which we must not forget. And the hearts of older people who survived the famine are filled with anger, pain, and pity. When they see discarded bread in garbage dumps.
We say: take care
Take care of your native bread.
We don't dream of a miracle,
Send us a live speech:
Take care of your bread, you people
Learn to save bread!
Leading: Handle bread with care and never throw it away. Remember that bread does not lose its taste even after a few days. Take as much bread as you can, and if you haven’t eaten, dry it and drink tea with crackers. They can also be eaten with the first course.

We, children, should always know and remember about the people who grow wheat, make flour from grains, and make bread, buns, and confectionery from flour, and let us bow low to them. Leading: Indeed, bread is the greatest shrine for every nation. We have different traditions and customs, but we equally love our native land, our families, we cannot imagine life without a fragrant slice of bread, although we call it differently. The remarkable French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote: “Bread has become for us a symbol of the greatness of labor, because it is obtained by the sweat of the brow. Bread has become an indispensable companion of compassion for us, because it is distributed in times of disaster. The taste of divided bread is incomparable.”
Student: Loaf of earth and sky
On your table -
Nothing is stronger than bread
Not on earth.
In every little piece -
grain fields,
And on every spikelet
The earth holds on.
Student: In a small grain of wheat
Summer and winter
The power of the sun is stored
And native land.
And it grows under the bright sky,
Slim and tall.
Like the immortal Motherland,
Ear of bread.
V. Orlov
Student: Grains of our days, glow
Gilded carved.
We say: take care
Take care of your dear bread!
Student: Take care of every ear
Our joyful fields.
Like a quiet voice singing
Loud homeland!
Student: “We don’t dream of a miracle,
Send us a living speech,
Take care of your bread, you people
Learn to save bread!”
N. Tikhonov
Children perform the song “Grow, Spikelet” (words by P. Sinyavsky, music by Yu. Chichkov): Green rye spikelet
Looks around the field
Funny and surprised
Like a first grader at school.
Green sprout.
cheerful sprout,
You just emerged from a seed.
Grow, spikelet!
Grow, spikelet!
Grow, little spikelet, until the sun!
Will teach him to grow
Any spring rain
And every spring ray
Paint like an artist.
He and the twins will grow up so quickly.
That soon even with us
Measured by height.
Student: This is what happened on my land:
From year to year, from generation to generation - for centuries
That bread that is on the table in every home
Warmed by human hands.
He smelled them with warmth, he smelled them good
And the song that the lark sang
Under the blue sky in golden loaves
On a sunny summer afternoon in July.
The plowman will walk through the stubble in the morning
And to the son, pointing his hand to the field,
He says quietly: “Bow before him,
Like mothers. As is our common lot!”
You will grow up many years later
You'll be back here again at dawn
And you will say: “There is nothing more expensive.
What is the warmest bread in this world!”
N. Anikeeva
High school girls perform the song “ Bread is the head of everything
Music: N. Kudrin Words: V. Gundarev
At the spring dawn
The air is fresh and blue.
Aged father
I'm stirring my gray hair,
Spoke at the porch
In a quiet voice to my son,
Seeing him off to
First time to the fields.
You will remember, son,
Gold words -
Bread is the head of everything,
Bread is the head of everything.
Remember, son,
Gold words -
Bread is the head of everything,
Bread is the head of everything.
The son went and walked
Following my father's footsteps,
But the war has begun -
The pain of fire and lead.
In years of troubles and losses.
Getting victory
Carried by a fighter on the ground
Father's will:
But trouble happened -
In an unfamiliar land
He was wounded in battle
During the cold winter.
Your ration of bread
He passed it on to another
And I wrote home
In triangular letter:
At the spring dawn
The air is fresh and blue.
During the sowing season
The hum of engines and noise,
At my native porch
Son of a dead son
Spoke at dawn
To your baby...
Honor and honor to you, grain growers!
Here's to your wonderful harvest!
For what you gave to the Motherland
A fragrant loaf of bread!
In his hands is a loaf on a towel, he goes into the hall where the guests of honor are sitting, and thanks them with the loaf.

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