The skits for a cheerful company are the funniest. Humorous mini birthday scenes for men and women

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There are different funny scenes with different plots - dramatic, humorous, artistic, etc. Absolutely any plot can be chosen for the sketch - from your own idea to an already existing idea. You can write your own script based on your own unique idea or plot. You can write a script for a finished work, a film, a fairy tale, or act out some story.


18 Mar 2012

Let's imagine that we are planning a holiday. We will invite friends, acquaintances, relatives and friends to the holiday. In the morning we begin to prepare for the event: cleaning and preparing luxurious treats. And now the guests have arrived, the table is set and after loud toasts and simple conversations it becomes a little boring. How to entertain guests? We can say for sure that everyone has experienced such situations.


10 Mar 2012

Are you having a holiday soon? Looking for funny scenes? You want it to be fun, but you don’t know how to prepare a holiday program or where to find skits. To prepare for a fun holiday event, people search the Internet for holiday materials. You can, of course, use some congratulations, but we invite you to watch our comic skits. We compose them ourselves especially for you and your upcoming holiday, or even holidays.

As you have already noticed, there are a lot of skits on the Internet, but they can be hackneyed and not funny. Therefore, we recommend watching only funny skits, then the holiday will be fun. For those who do not understand what a skit is and why it is needed, we will explain. A skit is a small performance (some kind of number) in which you can attract guests or perform alone. Guests can be dressed up in funny clothes, read some toasts, or just joke.

Here you will find only new scenes, especially for any festive event. I would like to note the fact that the site is updated with such materials quite regularly. Why do we try to compose them so often? And you will remember how many holidays there are in the year, how many reasons for fun... And these are: scenes for the anniversary, scenes of congratulations, for February 23, for March 8, children's and school scenes.

Dear friends, use our new funny scenes and you will not have failed holidays, as they will greatly diversify your holiday program, and all guests will have fun.


08 Jun 2012

A scene for an anniversary or a man’s birthday “Childhood”

(Childhood runs out skipping - this is a man dressed up as a little boy and sings to the tune of a famous song about childhood):

My childhood, wait,
Don't rush, wait!
Give me a simple answer
What's ahead?!

Dear birthday boy!
The best remedy
Frighten off any attack -
This, of course, goes back to childhood
We must enter immediately!
I'll tell you emphatically:
Everything is forgiven for you today!

Read the continuation of the anniversary scene below


08 Jun 2012

(A man comes out - a participant in the scene, dressed in a scarf and an old colorful skirt with a jacket, in his hands he has a basket with drugs and he addresses the birthday boy with the words):

Dear birthday boy!
Even though you look healthy
And I was in good health from childhood,
But still, darling, no offense
Accept these funds as a gift!
I am an expert in healing
And the healer’s secret
I will open it to everyone on their birthday,
There is no more mystery in this!


In addition to the holiday content, we recommend everyone to watch this news!

02 Jun 2012

Dear birthday girl, dear guests! You've all probably heard the expression: “Why are you walking around with shaggy hair like a shishiga?! Comb your hair!” So, I hasten to please you: just such a client arrived at our birthday girl’s birthday! Meet Shishiga, my friends!

(A participant in the scene comes out dressed as Shishiga; it will be funnier if he is a large man, dressed in a woman’s dress and with very shaggy hair or a shaggy wig.
Shishiga sings to the tune of the song “Longing for the Motherland” from the film. "Seventeen Moments of Spring")

Read on for the continuation of this scene.


27 May 2012

(two participants, dressed in new Russian grandmothers, come out dancing and sing a verse to the tune of ditties):

We neither sow nor plow,
But we don’t sit idle!
On the anniversary we sing and dance,
Let's make birthday people laugh!

Matryona (speaks):

Flower, oh Flower! Why are you so wrinkled today, like a roll of toilet paper?


Oh, don’t tell me, Matryona! I didn’t sleep all night, I kept thinking, how better can we congratulate our birthday boy than to please him on such a day?!

Read on for the continuation of the funny scene.


(a dissatisfied client and a cheerful waiter of a prestigious restaurant, wearing a bow tie and a napkin draped over his arm, come out with furrowed eyebrows. The waiter responds to all the client’s dissatisfaction with a helpful bow. Couplet
you can sing like ditties, or just talk)


I ate kulebyak in the dining room,
I realized right away - I ate the byaka!
And now I need to go to public catering
The path will always be closed!


Come to us, don't be afraid,
Don't worry about your stomach!
Our cooks are all wonderful
Try all the dishes yourself!


16 Dec 2011


Dear friends!
There are many opinions about diets,
We will not judge strictly!
I offer it for comparison
You listen to impressions,
They will tell us everything about her
Three noble guests,
And the fourth guest is a Yakut,
There's a reason he's here today!
He doesn't accept diets
He always chews everything!

Meet our dear guests!

(four participants come out, one dressed up as a Yakut, another is limping, the third is very thin, and the fourth has a large sign on his chest with the word “sugar” written and crossed out crosswise, i.e. he does not consume sugar. Who is on a diet - he sings his ditty, and every time the Yakut sings his own in contrast, thereby proving that there is no need to go on a diet)

Continuation of this scene in full news


20 but I 2011


Dear birthday boy, dear guests!
I don’t understand, maybe I’m in art,
Forgive me, friends, for this,
But I approve, God knows, of the presence
Ladies from the ballet are celebrating their anniversary!

(a very plump man runs out on tiptoe, comically dressed up as a ballerina, i.e. with a bare torso, in a tutu, white socks and sneakers, a headband with a white feather on his head, he sings a song)

In full news the continuation of the scene


10 but I 2011


My friends! We're all honest here
We can speak medically!
So there's no shame at all
Invite such a guest to the holiday!
Meet! Bladder now
He will sing a song for you in treble!

(The Bladder comes out - this is a man who has an inflated balloon tied to the front of his waist, half filled with water. He sings a song)

Continuation of the scene in the full news


In addition to the holiday content, we recommend everyone to watch this news!

10 but I 2011


Our acupuncture
May God grant you success!
Surgery ahead of her
I've already lowered my gaze!
Tell you about this patient
He will tell you everything at this moment!

(the acupuncturist’s patient comes out, covered in needles; you can do this by sticking large nails to him with tape. He sings a song)

Read more in the full news


01 but I 2011

(several men from among the guests come out and say words addressed to the birthday girl, dividing this text among themselves)

Amazing thing
How the hostess managed everything:
I put together a beautiful table,
I brought beauty!
Hairstyle like on parade
And mystery in the look!
And look at the outfit:
This outfit is completely trash!
She's beautiful to all of us
And it becomes clear to us
That we all have problems!
Diverting from the topic,
I'll tell you a secret:
We fell in love, no doubt!
But reciprocity is impossible
Our fate is hopeless!
She has a serious husband
He is strong, strong and hefty!
He won't understand our feelings
He will find a way against us!
So we'll just congratulate
And practically without toast:
Happy birthday, dear,
You are always like family to us!
We give you our hearts
We give, shaking off the sadness from our faces!

(each of the participants in the skit gives the birthday girl a heart-souvenir)


01 but I 2011


There is no sadder story in the world,
What a story about an uneaten cutlet!

(the therapist’s patient comes out, bent over from colic, in his hands is a plate with a half-eaten suspicious-looking cutlet. He sings a song)

(to the tune of the song “Oh, what a woman”!)

Continuation of the scene in the full news


Funny scenes for a woman's birthday are a great way to avoid big preparations and diversify the holiday by congratulating the hero of the occasion in an original way!
Scenes can be divided into table scenes and moving scenes.

At the end of each cool performance, the birthday girl receives a gift, and the guests are charged with a great mood.

Moving scenes

Congratulations from the Italian Ambassador

You will need 2 participants who will play the ambassador and translator.
Props needed: an Italian costume and gifts - soap, a pack of spaghetti and onions.

Ambassador: Ciao pockmarks!

Translator: Hello, dear guests!

Ambassador: Sono returned solarae Italy.

Translator: I came from sunny Italy.

Ambassador: Congratulations to Conchita (name of the birthday girl) on her birthday.

Translator: Congratulate the charming birthday girl on her birthday.

Ambassador: Fenya Italiano congratulations.

Translator: Please accept sincere congratulations from all the Italian people.

Ambassador: Just be tight.

Translator: May you have plenty of everything.

Ambassador: Ondavanto is completely undesirable for you.

Translator: I also want to give you gifts.

Ambassador: Chito face was not dirty - hand over cum fragrant saprone.

Translator: To ensure that you are always beautiful, accept fragrant soap as a gift.

Ambassador: Macaron bought cheap so-and-so

Translator: But the most important thing is our branded expensive pasta.

Ambassador: It stinks like a skunk rather.

Translator: And to make the pasta even tastier, add our special onions.

Ambassador: Conchita delavita. The little glass can't be filled.

Translator: I would gladly drink to the beautiful birthday girl.

(The ambassador and translator are invited to the table!)

Congratulations from aliens

Two of the guests are dressed as aliens and perform a remake song to the tune of “Grass near the House.” Costumes can be made from foil or silver-colored fabric. To make the performance funny, it is necessary to change the voices of the participants using helium.


We are from another Galaxy, we are from another Galaxy
They rushed over to say a few words.
From all non-humans, from all non-humans
We would like to wish you great happiness.

And no matter how hard we try, and no matter how hard we try,
But we still couldn’t help but fall in love!
And even aliens, and even aliens,
But still, accept admiration!


You are so beautiful, like a Martian!
Like the Sun, you warm everyone with your warmth!
And even to all the galaxies of the Universe
Your beauty cannot be compared with yours.

Oh, how we don’t want to, oh, how we don’t want to
But we still have to fly away.
We're saying goodbye after all, because it's a birthday after all!
We must give a gift to the birthday girl.

Accept without embarrassment, without tears or regret
A gift so that we will not be forgotten.
Casting aside all doubts, casting away all doubts
You were able to make a wish.

(After this, the aliens give the birthday girl a big star and take a photo as a souvenir).

Ideal man as a gift

You need to agree in advance with a short man and “reward” him with obvious shortcomings: put on a big belly, attach a long nose, dress him in a baggy suit with short legs, or tights with elongated knees, etc.
This congratulation is more suitable for the birthday girl’s friends. Imagine that your friends “decided to order the ideal man on a Chinese website.”


1. Large box (suitable for under the refrigerator).

2. Brown correctors, like for makeup.

3. A living rose without thorns.

4. Nude tights.

5. Small inflated balloons.

Congratulations script

1 girlfriend: Our dear (name)! We thought for a long time what to give you. It turns out that you can buy anything on Chinese websites! There we found the ideal man: sizzlingly handsome, strong, romantic, wealthy! With him you will be like behind a stone wall!


2 girlfriend: And here your gift has arrived. Now close your eyes and don’t open them until we tell you.

(The box must have no bottom so that the man in it can enter the room on his own).

3 girlfriend: Open your eyes. And one, two, three...

(The box is removed and an ordinary man with a naked, plump torso appears in front of everyone. The girlfriends look at him in surprise).

1 girlfriend: Well, the Chinese, well, they are swindlers!

2 girlfriend: Stop panicking! They say that you can make a Macho out of any man. Now we will check it!

(The performance begins. While one of the friends is performing, others comment on her actions).

Don't have abs? No problem!
Shall we draw? Yes Yes Yes!
(Draws abs with proofreaders).

The fact that the muscles are small
It doesn't bother us at all
Biceps we're one-two-three
Together, girls, let's pump it up!
(Men put tights on their arms and imitate muscles with balls).

Our hero is almost ready.
But something is missing.
It would seem, what a banality,
Give a man a flower in his teeth
And look how the sexuality splatters!
(They give a rose to the teeth).

And let's add the final touch,
He'll drive you crazy
Just any woman
When will he sing a serenade!

(The man is given a guitar, maybe a fake one. The main thing is that after this the man approaches the birthday girl and performs a previously prepared song for her. But before that, he gives her a flower that he had previously held in his teeth!)

Table scenes

Portrait of a birthday girl

This skit requires 16 participants. You can do less, then the portrait will be passed around in a circle. In advance, you need to place a sheet of paper in the photo frame on which guests will draw a portrait. The sheet of paper must be at least A4 size. The prepared frame is passed around the circle and each guest must draw one part of the face. To make the portrait bright, it is better to prepare multi-colored markers. How and what to draw,” says the presenter.

1 guest: Let's draw beautiful eyes to drive you crazy without publicity.

2nd guest: And don’t forget about eyelashes. It should be thick so that you can wave it and flutter!

3rd guest: And let’s add a neat little nose to her, let her have a snub-nosed, graceful question...

4 guest: And your mouth needs to be decorated with a smile, and not a malicious, nasty grin!

5th guest: Feel free to draw rosy cheeks.

6th guest: Big ears should not be in vain, so that compliments can be heard clearly!

7th guest: Let's reward her with a chic hairstyle. And we go into turbo mode.

8th guest: Draw a slender body without a flaw!

9 guest: There should be diamonds and platinum on the handles!

10th guest: And legs in stiletto heels will conquer the streets of France!

11th guest: We’ll dress our girlfriends in a fashionable dress to the envy of them!

12th guest: Let's fill the empty spaces with money. But we’ll still leave a little space.

13th guest: There should be a cool car nearby and a house by the sea, draw without sparing!

14th guest: We’ll also write “Happy Birthday” at the top!

15th guest: Let’s add that there is no better and more beautiful woman in the world!

16th guest: And we’ll present our birthday girl with the finished portrait!

Universal suffrage

The scene is suitable for a married woman. The host distributes two signs to all guests, except the birthday girl: one is red, the other is green.
After this, the presenter reads the text, if the guests agree with the statement, they raise a green sign, if not, a red sign.
Thus, guests vote after each sentence spoken.


1. Today we celebrate the birthday of our dear (name). She set a stunning table, all the dishes were delicious!

2. It’s great when you have a reason to eat for free - pay attention!

3. I would like to wish (name) health, happiness, love from the bottom of my heart.

4. More money... spend on friends!

5. Ironing, washing, cleaning - this is left for the husband.

6. Pamper yourself more often: go to the movies, go to the theater, swim in the sea, kiss under the moon!

7 And, of course, the husband must carry him in his arms and fulfill all his whims!

8. And in the evenings hang out at the bar with friends!

9. And let only the most faithful, most devoted people always be nearby!

10. For you, dear, we will shout three times “hurray”!

If there is no time to prepare signs, guests can simply shout “yes” or “no.”

At the end, the presenter hands the birthday girl a bouquet of flowers or a memorable gift in the form of a medal or diploma “Ideal Woman” with the words “It was unanimously decided that our birthday girl is an impeccable woman.”


1. The presenter prepares a bag of cards in advance. Each card has a letter of the alphabet written on it.

2. Guests take turns drawing out a card and calling a compliment adjective for the letter they got.

3. The participant who comes across the letters “ь”, “ъ” or “й” must perform a ditty, a song or give a poem to the birthday girl.

Next morning

The skit will require 10 players.
Everyone has a role to play as a human body.
Characters: Brain, Throat, Tongue, Eyes, Legs, Hands, Stomach, Mum, Bladder, Liver.
A sign with the assigned role is hung on the head or chest of each player.

Brain: Oh, how bad. Eyes, open!

Eyes: You might think it’s easier now!

Brain: What happened yesterday?!!

Memory: Don't look like that. I was knocked out after the fifth toast...

Throat: Everything is dry. I'm terribly thirsty.

Bladder: Guys, I need to go to the toilet!!

Legs: We're not going anywhere...

Liver: Where I am?!

Brain: Still there, but a few more of these parties and you will definitely be cut out!

Memory: I remember! Yesterday was my birthday! The language still carried such nonsense...

Language: Honestly, I didn't want this!

Bladder: Guys, I’m not rubber?!

Brain: Okay, legs, now let’s go to the toilet and start heading to work!

Conscience: Should I at least brush my teeth??

Stomach: Shut up, damned one, where were your advice when they poured two liters into me yesterday?

Conscience: No complaints against me! It was the hands that poured it! Look how they shake!

Hands: Don’t scoff, we still have to work all day today.

Liver: Now I would like 100 grams to soothe my hangover!

Stomach: I see you can’t sit still at all. I need mineral water, urgently.

Language: I would better keep silent.

Brain: It's decided! Feet, take us to the refrigerator, maybe there’s some mineral water there?!

Leading: So that you don’t have to suffer in the morning, here’s a small gift for you (he gives the birthday girl a bottle of mineral water decorated with a festive bow).

Love will come unexpectedly (or three sisters)


1. Sister No. 1 Miramistina.

2. Sister No. 2 Avdulina.

3. Sister No. 3 Alyonushka

4. The fourth face is the Mirror (speaking).

5. The main character is the Tsar.

(We choose active, artistic, and well-fed men for the role of sisters, or, on the contrary, very thin men. For the role of Alyonushka - a large and “powerful” guest - so that he can lift the king in his arms).

Props and musical accompaniment

1. Chopped musical pieces (listed below), recorded voice of the presenter.

2. For girls: shaggy wigs, braids, false breasts, butts (or balloons), handbags, beads, fans, hats.

3. For the mirror: stretched foil over a stretcher and a hole in the center for the face.

4. For the king crown, toy or self-made scepter, staff, cloak.

Progress of the scene


We lived, we didn’t grieve
Three sisters lived together.
Elder Miramistina (appears to background fairy-tale music),
Middle, light Avdulina (Avdulina comes out),
And the fourth was called affectionately and drawlingly: “Alyonushka” (Alyonushka appears).

Three girls sang songs in the evening, talked,
That men have forgotten them...
How can they get married, find grooms for themselves...

The older sister gets up and immediately goes to the mirror,
She approaches the mirror and asks questions about herself.

(A fragment of Aleksin’s song “Well, why are you so scary”) is included.

Avdulina smiled and also bent over to the mirror -
Tell me about me, what did I do for three days?!

(Song of Glory “Loneliness is a bastard!”).

Alyonushka went to the mirror, wiped the dust off it and heard:

Song “How beautiful you are today!” V. Meladze


As soon as the mirror sang, the door creaked quietly,
And the king enters the room - the sovereign of that side!

(Background music)

The three sisters stood up modestly (I say again - modestly!!)
And they bowed to the king...
The Emperor was single, although not at all young.
The king looked at those girls and quietly sang a song...

((Song of the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” “Girls are different”).

Here the sisters became shy, but were not at all confused -
The first one quickly said: “We have gifts, for starters!”
Of course, I won’t say anything, but what do I want from you!?

(Seryoga’s song “Black Boomer”)

Leading: Well, the middle one said that she only needs a little bit, just crumbs... for the path!

(Song of Viagra “Girls’ best friends are diamonds”).

Leading: The youngest Alyonushka did not ask for any gifts, but approached the Tsar and, suddenly, it rang out:

Yu. Karaulova’s song “I Just Want It So.”

The king was completely confused, he wanted to please everyone! All the girls are good, you need to choose for the soul!

Song “If I were a Sultan!”

Leading: The mirror was indignant here, it bent over the Tsar, “What are you doing, royal face?” Here the king scratched his neck, there’s something I didn’t tell you... Don’t be angry with me, find out the truth about me!

An excerpt from Igor’s song “My Mom Makes Coffee” with the words “But I don’t have money, as always!”

When Miramistina heard it, she immediately gave away the picture: Song "Get Out" Viagra!

Avdulina did not play around, she repeated her thoughts loudly: Song “I’ll send him to heaven for an asterisk” by Lolita

Leading: And Alyonushka sighed, pulled the Tsar’s hands and...

Song "I'll kiss you" gr. "Factory". During the song, Alyonushka takes the Tsar in his arms and carries him away.

Leading: That's the end of the fairy tale! The king finally got married! And we wish our birthday girl love and love again!

"Gymnastics Stars"

Heroes: three men dressed in gymnastics costumes

Cloth: costumes for gymnastics - tight leggings, T-shirts, ribbons on the forehead.

Props: Hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon (gymnastics).

Conditions: each “gymnast” must show the most ridiculous movements, smile, pull his toes and arms forward. The more ridiculous the movements, the funnier it is.

Music: cheerful, sporty.

Presenter: Dear friends, today and only now, especially for our birthday girl, famous champions will appear on this stage with a free program! So, welcome!

First gymnast

Claudia Tateryauchusis! Winner of the summer gymnastics games in Latvia. Solo with ribbon.

(Music. The gymnast performs a dance with a ribbon.)

Presenter (comments on the dance): Ribbon dance. All movements speak only of one thing: be happy, dear birthday girl! No matter what happens to you, no matter what knots fate ties on your path in life!

Second gymnast

Anisa Abab. African medalist in outdoor gymnastics games with clubs.

Presenter (comments on the dance): With her dance, the gymnast congratulates her on her birthday and wishes the birthday girl that golden rain will fall on her and fill her soul with happiness

Third gymnast

Sofia Pedalkina, Russia. The undisputed winner of the Olympic Games in the category of hoop dance.

Plot "Tenderness" Dance with a hoop.

Presenter (comments on the dance): Dear birthday girl, let love burst into your home and cover you from head to toe. Love and be loved!

(Three gymnasts are enough. For each, their own background music is turned on. At the end, all gymnasts run out to a common composition: “Long live gymnastics and the birthday girl!”)

"The Cheerful Doctor"

Hero: male doctor. Artistic and funny.

Cloth: robe, shoe covers.

Requisites: stethoscope, pre-prepared recipes.

Progress of the scene

The doctor examines all guests, makes diagnoses, and gives out prescriptions.
Listens to the guests' heartbeats while listening to cheerful music and dispenses advice.

Doctor's advice:

  • drink a hundred grams of vodka, eat a cucumber and dance a cheerful dance;
  • brush your teeth daily with red caviar;
  • in the morning on an empty stomach, drink one hundred grams of champagne and snack on a slice of orange;
  • not going to work for two days, and then coming back as if nothing had happened and telling everyone “how I missed you!”;
  • approach the mirror exclusively with the words “I don’t want this cake!”;
  • raise eyebrows at the sight of pretty girls;
  • tell your husband three times a day after meals: “Darling, now you are mine!”;
  • drink a bucket of mineral water every day without a snack;
  • deal more often with the opposite sex and not in an administrative manner;
  • Every day at noon, do sports: hold the sofa on your back;
  • drink, smoke, swear only in dreams!

Then listen to the birthday girl’s heart, take her temperature, make her breathe into a tube, clench her fist, clench her pulse, and read out the diagnosis on a beautiful piece of paper.

Extract from the medical history of the Birthday Girl:

  • Dear birthday girl! Your age is at the very peak of female prime!
  • Your Blood - everything here is confirmed by tests - “blood with milk”!
  • Life activity is diverse, variable and developed!
  • Your pulse beats like a pure spring!
  • There is no constant rhythm in the heartbeat (either it works like the most accurate clock, or it goes off scale with surprise).
  • Vision - 110% - like an eagle, it is impossible to hide even small change in your pockets!
  • Her sense of smell is amazing; she can determine every second where and with whom her loved one or her least loved one has recently communicated.
  • As for the hearing: it is exceptional - not a single important call goes unattended.
  • There are complaints: falls asleep while reading books or after a hearty dinner.
  • The daily routine is increasingly moving from standing mode to lying down mode.

Based on the above, the doctor is ready to make an unequivocal conclusion - my patient has just begun to live!


At the holiday, it is important to combine table scenes with moving ones. This way the guests won’t get bored or get tired of the Host’s tasks.
It is best to prepare scenes and the necessary props in advance. It is not necessary to rehearse the entire program with guests - as practice shows, the most fun holiday is achieved with participants who are ready to impromptu.


Incident in the restaurant

(characters: guy, girl, waiter)

A guy and a girl enter a restaurant, sit down at an empty table, study the menu and call the waiter.
Waiter: Good evening. What do you want?
Guy: Hello. I'd like your signature roast pheasant, please.
Waiter: So well-fried with a crispy crust?
Guy: Yes.
Waiter: With spices?
Guy: With spices.
Waiter: And so that the meat is juicy and tender?
Guy: Well, yes!
Waiter: And one that has the appetizing smell of wood smoke from a fire?
Guy (irritated): Well, yes, with all the things, you have everything written here! (points to the menu).
Waiter: You know, unfortunately, we don’t have pheasant today.
Guy: Why not? Why are you fooling me here then?
Waiter: Sorry, I forgot. There was one pheasant yesterday. And he flew away. Right out the window. From the kitchen. Didn't follow.
Guy (addressing the girl): Wow, pheasants are flying out of the windows here! (to the waiter): Do you have a restaurant or a zoo here?
Waiter: Restaurant. But the zoo supplies us with food.
Guy: Well, there you go! (addresses the girl): Maybe then you can order something for yourself, while I look for something else (reads the menu).
Girl: And for me, please, this “magic borscht” (points to the menu).
Waiter: Ah, “magic borscht”! You made a wonderful choice! So rich for you?
Girl: Yes.
Waiter: And with sour cream?
Girl: With sour cream.
Waiter: And so that such an aroma emanates from him almost a kilometer away?
Girl: Well, yes.
Waiter: In such a beautiful ceramic pot?
Girl: In a pot, in a pot, everything is written here (points to the menu).
Waiter: Oh, sorry, I don’t think we have borscht.
Girl: Why not?
Waiter: Not anymore, but recently I was.
Guy: How's that?
Waiter: The cook prepared such rich borscht today, just super borscht! And he ate it. The borscht turned out so delicious that the cook couldn’t resist and ate it all! Maybe you'll choose something else?
Guy: You don’t have a restaurant here, but God knows what! Either their pheasant flew away, then the zoo supplies them with food, or the cook ate borscht! There is no guarantee that you won’t have another dish!
Waiter: There is a guarantee. I give a guarantee. I can list for you the dishes that we definitely have.
Girl: Well, list them.
Waiter: Doshirak noodles, semolina porridge, soft-boiled eggs, jacket potatoes, oatmeal sir...
Guy (interrupting) Enough, enough! You have one thing on the menu, but in reality it’s completely different. Call the manager.
Waiter: Do you want the main thing?
Guy: Yes, the main one.
Waiter: The most important thing so that there is no one more important than him?
Guy: Yes, exactly like that!
Waiter: So respectable and serious that he would listen to you attentively?
Guy: Yes, respectable and serious!
Waiter: And preferably with a pen and notepad to write down all your complaints?
Guy: Yes! Yes! Yes! Call someone already before I go crazy with you! Waiter: Oh! And you know, our respectable manager died. He died yesterday. Yesterday I wrote down the client’s complaints in a notebook and died right there! From a heart attack.
Guy (takes the girl by the hand): Let's quickly run away from here before we have a heart attack! (run away).

Description: If you are preparing a New Year's entertainment program for guests, but you will not have the opportunity to rehearse and your guests should not know the surprises that you are preparing according to the script, then our skits performed impromptu (without preparation) will help make the program bright and rich. After a few glasses of wine, holiday guests usually like to fool around and take part in various competitions, skits and fairy tales. And our options for holding such performances are perfect for improvisation! There are 43 pieces of music in the Appendix to the scenes. track.

This collection contains the following types of impromptu scenes:

- by role;
- without words;
– musical;
- in verse;
– instant scenes;
– with chants (replicas);
– with changing clothes;
– impromptu theatre.

Props: muzzle masks, felt boots, lollipop, teapot, bug antennae on the rim, small incentive prizes (optional).

2. Impromptu sketch based on: “Once upon a time in the cold winter...”
3. Impromptu fairy tale about 12 animals according to the Eastern calendar
4. Comic roll call for guests (impromptu)
5. Impromptu musical fairy tale: “How Santa Claus was looking for a successor” + 11 music. tracks
6. Impromptu musical scene: “How the Snow Maiden was looking for the groom” + 21 music. track
7. Impromptu musical fairy tale: “Dragonfly and Ant” + 11 music. tracks
8. Instant congratulation scene “Now hold on!”
9. A skit without preparation with changing clothes: “Mask, I know you!”
10. Fairy tale (impromptu theater) for adults based on: “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”

1. A humorous impromptu sketch about husbands for the New Year

Description: wives sent their husbands to the Magnit store for groceries before the New Year. But the neighbor husbands met by chance on the street and mixed up the lists... The skit is in verse, does not require preparation, is improvised impromptu by the guests, the text is read out by the host of the festive event.

Husband Vasya
Vova's husband
Vasya's wife - Larisa
Vovka's wife – Zina

- Once upon a time on New Year's Day
A man goes to the store
The wife handed me the list,
And she gave three thousand.

The list includes eggs, tangerines, mayonnaise and oranges.
Mineral water and mushrooms, and a piece of ham.
Cheese, champagne, herring,
Cucumbers, loaf and vodka.
Candles, cake and napkins,
Extension cord for socket.
Cat food, spruce branches,
400 grams of trout,
Tomatoes, pineapple,
And kvass to cure your hangover.

Here he goes and is bored
And he meets his neighbor here.

The neighbor also has a list:
Take dumplings and sausages,
Sliced ​​cheese, milk,
And two cheeses with raisins.
Corn and peas
Buckwheat, rice or horns.
Black pepper and wine
And two forks of cabbage.
toilet paper,
And smoked herring.

And the neighbor walks in sadness,
These wives are so annoying!
Run, Vasya, to the store,
He won't let me drink, damn it!
And the soul calls and cries:
At least buy beer in change.
You need to somehow manage
Save money and get drunk.
So the neighbors decided
And they hurried to Magnit.

While we were walking, we read the lists,
About dumplings and sausages,
About trout, loaf and vodka,
Milk, peas, herring.
Cat food, toilet,
Extension cord for socket.

How did you get to the store?
That's when my eyes widened.
All the lists are mixed up
I took one pea, sausage,
Cucumbers, loaf and vodka,
Black pepper and herring.

………………….text hidden…………………….

2. Impromptu sketch based on: “Once upon a time in the cold winter...”

Description: guests choose a role card at random. The task is to act in a skit without preparation. The best actor receives an award - an artificial mini-Christmas tree. The text of the fairy tale is read by the presenter.


- Once upon a time in the cold winter time
A MAN with an AX went into the forest to get a TREE.
At first I crawled up the mountain,
Then he made his way through the windfall.

Neither Blizzard nor WIND scared him,
He feared his wife most of all.
He left the house almost in the evening,
And more adventures awaited him.

Some groans were heard in the forest,
The MAN got embarrassed and went to look.
He looks in the clearing in languid movements
A FOX and a BEAR are waist-deep in a snowdrift.

MAN, help, I beg you, dear,
The BEAR begged when he saw the man.
Replace me and FOX with renewed vigor,
Please help me from death, brother.

The FOX lies almost alive in the snow,
And he mutters something in hot delirium.
A MAN with an AX approached the FOX,
I found a trap on the fox's paw.

He swung the AX and the trap broke,
The FOX is saved, and the MAN is happy.
I'll go hunting - don't get caught,
I'm not used to making jokes while hunting.

FOX and BEAR went home,
Thank you, dear Uncle Vasya!
A MAN took an AX and disappeared into the darkness,
And the BLIZZARD and the WIND disturbed him...

He walks, walks, and towards him
The frightened HARE rushes in delirium.
He jumped into the arms of a MAN,
Save me, he says, otherwise I’ll be lost!

Behind him the gray WOLF hobbles in his wake,
Give me back, he says, my delicious lunch.
I spent half a day chasing this big-eared guy,
Hungry and angry, terribly tired.

But the HARE prayed: Save me, little man!
After all, I’m young, I’m only a year old.
And the WOLF objected: And I’m young!
And my appetite is not bad.

The MAN thought, he scratched his pants,
And he took a sausage out of his pocket.
Here, gray one, hold my sausage,
Don't touch the hare, I tell you.

The WOLF grabbed the sausage and swallowed it at once,
And the HARE has already walked through the snow.
THE MAN took the AX and disappeared into the darkness,
And Gray howled at the moon on the hill.

………………..full text hidden……………………..

3. Impromptu fairy tale about 12 animals according to the Eastern calendar

Description: The presenter reads out the text, and the guests, having drawn a role for themselves, say chant phrases:

Rat - “I’m a super actress!”
Bull - “I’m a real man!”
Tiger – “Just call me Igor”

Snake - “To the board!”

Sheep - “I’m smarter than tuna!”

Rooster - “I love young women!”

Pig - “Pour it to the brim! »

In a distant land where the sun rises
Where does the New Year go first?
12 eastern beasts fought,
They chose the king for a very long time.

Everyone, as one, praised themselves:

Rat - “I’m a super actress!”
And the Bull - “I’m a real man!”
Monkey - “I’ll get drunk!”
Snake - “To the board!”
Horse - “I can ruffle your hair!”
Sheep - “I’m smarter than tuna!”
Tiger – “Just call me Igor”
Dragon – “I’m a million dollar baby!”
Rabbit – “Love workaholic!”
Dog – “The best sign of the Zodiac!”
Pig - “Pour it to the brim! »
With the Rooster - “I love young women!”

- Who will be the first to ascend to the high throne -
He gets the crown forever.
And the throne is on a sheer giant rock,
Almost in the clouds, on top.

At the appointed time they arrived at the foot.

…………………..all text in full version…………………………

4. Comic roll call for guests (impromptu)

Presenter: Who got up early today?
- I!
Presenter: Did you count the money in the safe?
- I!
Presenter: - Who washed? And shaved?
- I!
Presenter: – Did you drink coffee and choke?
- ... (everyone is silent)
Presenter: – How long did you look in the mirror?
- I!
Presenter: – And dressed the most fashionably of all?
- I!
…………………further hidden……………………

5. Impromptu musical fairy tale: “How Santa Claus was looking for a successor”

Description: From among the guests, participants are invited to play in a fairy tale without preparation.

Roles: /draw by lot/
Snow Maiden - girl

The rest are all men:
Father Frost
Successor 1 – blue
Successor 2 - drunk
Successor 3 - Bandit
Successor 4 – party animal (DJ)

The presenter reads a fairy tale, and the person they are talking about imitates:

One day Santa Claus got tired
He began to look for a successor.
And the staff is not the same at all, /Santa Claus shows/
It doesn't get up at all in the cold!
The beard has almost fallen out, /Santa Claus shows/
Three hairs left.
Can't see with or without glasses,
Ready to retire...

Santa Claus: depicts suffering
Music track 01: gr.Roots – I’m losing my roots

- And he had a granddaughter,
She drove everyone crazy with her beauty.
The braid is to the floor, good,
And chest, and butt and soul!

Snow Maiden: improvises
Music track 02: Glucose – Dance Russia

Santa Claus made an announcement,
Seriously find a successor
And the devil brought four to them...

And the first one came out
Not myself
Some kind of strange and wonderful.

Blue: plays the role of a successor with a non-traditional orientation
Music track 03: B. Moiseev – Blue Moon

The second one came in, looking rumpled,
And he reeks of vodka...

Drunk: improvises
Music track 04: Dune – Greetings from the Big Badun

Then the third hurried to Grandfather,
He opened the door with his foot...

Music track 05: Mafik – Kent

The latter is also not himself,
So cool with headphones...

…………………text hidden………………………

6. Impromptu musical scene: “How the Snow Maiden was looking for a groom”

Roles:/pulled randomly/

Snow Maiden
Groom 1 – junior lieutenant
Groom 2 – Caucasian
Groom 3 – accountant
Groom 4 – American
Groom 5 – blond
Groom 6 – Chukchi

Track 01. Background music is playing - balalaika

The text is read by the presenter:

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl, the granddaughter of the most famous man in the world. Nooo, not Vladimir Putin, but Santa Claus. And her name was Snegurochka.

/The first participant comes out./

Track 02. And I'm a Russian girl

The Snow Maiden was lonely and really dreamed of finding her destiny.

Track 03. Glory – Loneliness

But she dreamed of meeting not just anyone, but the most brutal man. And so she often sang a song in her soul...

Track 04. Katya Rostovtseva – Brutal man

/The Snow Maiden sings to a soundtrack and improvises that she is washing in the shower./

The Snow Maiden went to a dating site and began looking for the man of her dreams... And there are so many handsome men there that it’s dizzying... For example, a junior lieutenant:

Track 05. I. Allegrova – Junior Lieutenant

And here is a young Caucasian man with a beard...

Track 06. Dzhigan - I have a beard

But the poor but very sweet accountant...

Track 07. A. Apina – My dear accountant

There were also foreigners on the dating site... For example, an American.

Track 08. Combination – American fight

And of course, the Snow Maiden’s gaze fell on the handsome, blond man, who had a caption under the photo:

Track 09. Basque – Natural blonde

And then the Snow Maiden could not resist and wrote to him...

…………………full text hidden…………………………

7. Impromptu musical fairy tale: “The Dragonfly and the Ant”

Description: This fairy tale is quite universal, suitable not only for a New Year’s corporate party, but also for any other holiday: weddings, anniversaries...

As a prop, participants can be given a mustache on a headband.



Jumping dragonfly
The red summer sang...
I didn’t have time to look back,
As winter rolls into your eyes...

Track 01. And I kept flying...

The pure field has died;
There are no more bright days,
Like under every leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.

Track 02. Serduchka – Gulyanochka

It's all gone: with the cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who cares?
Sing on a hungry stomach!
Track 03. I really want summer to never end

Angry melancholy,
She crawls towards the Ant:

Track 04. Egor Creed – Bachelor

“Don’t leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather my strength
And only until spring days
Feed and warm!”

Track 05. Brilliant – Dear helmsman

“Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work in the summer?” -
Ant tells her.

8. Instant congratulation scene “Now hold on!”

Description: This original New Year's scene can be performed both in a home atmosphere and at a crowded corporate event in a restaurant.


Yolka - “Once again I have to take the rap for everyone!”
Gift - “And who will get such happiness?!”
Santa Claus - “What? I hear nothing…"
Snow Maiden - “All people are like people, but I’m a superstar!”
Symbol of the year - Rat (you can replace it with another) - “Now hold on!”

Players need to give ready-made phrases. The presenter reads the congratulations.

Once upon a time there lived Father Frost (...) and his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden (...).
And once again the year has come to an end, and it’s time for Santa Claus (...) and Snow Maiden (...) to get ready for work. First of all, they decorated the Christmas tree (...).
And then they prepared a big Gift (...)
At that time, the symbol of the coming year, the Rat, was traveling from China on a sleigh (...)
Santa Claus (...) put the gift (...) on his back, and the Snow Maiden (...) took the Christmas tree (...)
They all came to the holiday together, but forgot about the symbol of the year - which was a little late (...)
The gift was heavy (...) and Santa Claus (...) got tired of carrying it and abandoned it. The Snow Maiden also refused because (...)
Then Elka took the gift and said (...)
………………..the whole fairy tale in the paid version……………………….

9. A skit without preparation with changing clothes: “Mask, I know you!”

Description: players are given muzzle masks and wigs, after which a competition is held with them.

Arbitrary, based on the masks you have available.

The actors stand behind a screen and are given masks and wigs. Only the head is visible to the audience in the hall, the body is hidden behind the screen. Include excerpts from various well-known musical compositions (cons). And the masks take turns singing to the backing tracks. Guests must guess who is under the mask.

Options for pairs of masks and phonograms:

Dmitry Medvedev's mask - minus the song American Fight
Mask of Svetlana Loboda – backing track – Superstar
…………11 more options……………….

10. Fairy tale (impromptu theater) for adults based on: “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”

Description: This tale, like all others, can be told without preparation, using ready-made lines for the characters.

Props: felt boots, lollipop icicle, or chupik, teapot

Alyonushka - All men are goats!
Brother Ivanushka - All women are bitches!
Good fellow - I'm a natural blonde!
Witch – Damn good!

Once upon a time there lived a sister Alyonushka and a brother Ivanushka.
Alyonushka was hard-working, smart and beautiful, but she had no luck with men (...). I had no luck with my brother either (...)
And then one day all the people were preparing for the New Year. Alyonushka went to the forest to get firewood, because she had no one to rely on (...) And she strictly forbade her brother to go out into the street and lick icicles.
And Ivanushka waved his felt boot at her through the window and thought (...) And then he started getting ready to go for a walk.
As soon as Ivanushka pulled on his felt boots and went out into the yard, a beautiful icicle appeared before his eyes! He brushed aside the thought that his sister would scold him (...) and, of course, licked the icicle and stuck to it.
Meanwhile, Alyonushka met a good fellow, who immediately confessed to her (...) But Alyonushka answered skeptically (...)
…………………….the whole fairy tale in full version……………….


This was an introductory fragment of the materials. To purchase the full version of impromptu skits with music tracks, go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for downloading via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 399 R ub.


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