Shahada is the door to Paradise. Where does Islam begin? Friday Sermon: On the dignity of the words “There is no god but One God (Allah)” Shahada in Arabic

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Kalima (Arabic: الكلمة - word, saying). The most important and best sayings of a Muslim are the following:

The first kalima is tayyiba (sacred).

La ilaha illallah Muhammadur rasulullah.

There is no deity worthy (of worship) except Allah, Muhammad is His messenger.

The second kalima is shahada (testimony).

Ashhadu alla ilaha illallahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh.

I testify that there is no God but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.

The third kalima is tamjid (exaltation).

Subhanallahi walhamdulillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar. Wa la hawla wa la quwvata illya billahil-"aliyil-"azim.

Glory be to Allah and praise be to Allah, and there is no god but Allah and Allah is the Most High. There is no other power and strength except that of Allah, the Knower, the Great.

The fourth Kalima is tawhid (unity).

La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharikalyah, lyahul-mulk, wa lyahul-hamd, yuhyi wa yumit, biyadhil-khoir, wa huva "ala kulli shay-in kadir.

There is no god but Allah, He is alone, He has no partners. All power belongs to him, praise be to him. He gives life and mortifies, good is in his hands and he has power over every thing.

The fifth Kalima is Astagfar (forgiveness).

Astaghfirullah rabbi min kulli zanbin aznabtuhu amadan hata ann sirran, alaniyatan, wa atubu illikhya minazzam-billazi alamya, wa minazzam billazi la alama, innaka anta alla mul guyub wa sattaruluyub wa gaffaruzzinub valya zaulya valya kuwvata illya billyiliyil azym.

I ask forgiveness from Allah my Lord, who is above all the sins that I have ever committed, knowingly or not, openly or hidden, I ask forgiveness for all the sins that I know and do not know. O Allah, only you know the hidden. We cannot be saved from sin and accept righteousness without the help of Allah, the Most High.

The sixth kalima is rade kuffer (denial of disbelief).

Allahuma inni auzu bika minan ushrika bika shayav wa-ana alamu in astaghfirukya lima la alam. Bihi tubtu anhu vatabarra, toh minal kufri vashshirki, val kisvi, val gibati, valbid, ati, bath mimati, val fawahishi, val buhtani, val masi, kulliha wa aslyamtu wa akulu laylyahya illallahu muhammadur rasulyukh.

O Allah! Verily, I ask for Your protection from deliberately associating with You a partner. I pray for forgiveness from sins committed out of ignorance. I repent of all my past sins and from now on I abstain from disbelief, polytheism, lies, slander, rumors and false accusations and shameful acts and any disobedience to Allah. I accept Islam with all its principles and precepts. I say with all my heart that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.

a) Shahada: Ashhadu ala ilaha illallah- I testify that, truly, there is no deity who should be worshiped and who is worthy of worship, except one single God - Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammad-r-rasulullahI also testify that, truly, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah.
The religion of Islam is entirely based on the formula of Monotheism - shahada. If someone who wants to accept Islam sincerely says the Shahada, then he becomes a Muslim. The Shahada is a testimony to the Oneness of Allah and the truth of the prophetic mission of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Expression "La ilaha illallah" contains all 20 necessary attributes (syfat) of Allah and one hundred of His names-epithets, as well as the fact that He is pure from all unworthy and not inherent qualities.
The Shahada contains all the information regarding faith in Allah, so describe the entire value of the expression "La ilaha illallah" impossible. One of the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) quotes the words of Allah Almighty addressed to the Prophet Musa (peace be upon him): “Oh Musa! If we put the seven heavens and earths on one pan of the scales, and on the other the expression "La ilaha illallah", then the latter will outweigh".
The second part of the Shahada is the expression "Muhammad-r-rasulullah"(Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) includes everything that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) brought to people, i.e. the truth of everything that has to do with the six pillars of faith (imaan), the five pillars of Islam, as well as the truth of the contents of the Koran and hadith. Therefore, faith (iman) is not considered valid without conviction in the second part of the shahadah.

أَشْهَدُ اأَلاّ إِلهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللهِ

b) Isti'aza: A'uzu billahi mina-sh-shaitani-r-rajim“I seek protection from Allah from the damned Satan, deprived of His mercy.
The Koran says that Satan is an indisputable and obvious, but at the same time invisible enemy of man. Every moment he tries to instill dirty, bad thoughts into a person’s heart, preventing him from doing good, misleading him. Therefore, in order to protect against Satan, a person must turn to Allah, Who created Satan himself, for help. This should be done before reading the Koran, Surah Al-Fatiha in prayer, before going to bed, before performing ablution, before entering the toilet and other dirty places, and also in a state of anger. In short, one must always turn to Allah for help in protection from Satan in all conditions. One of the ways of appeal is to read the above-mentioned prayer - isti'az:

أََعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطانِ الرَّجيمِ

New words: shahada, isti'aza.

Self-test questions:
1. What should someone who wants to accept Islam do?
2. What is shahada?
3. What does isti‘aza mean?


Learn by heart the formulas of Shahada and Isti'az

If uttering the testimony of faith - the words “La ilaha illallah, Muhammadu rasulullah” - is the key to entering Islam, then fulfilling its conditions is like the teeth on this key. Whoever enters the key with these teeth will be able to open the door to Islam.

The reward for saying the words “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” is enormous. The hadith of the Prophet says: “The one whose last words in this life are “La ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammadu rasul-Allah” will go to Paradise.” Thus, based on this hadith, the Shahada is the key to Islam and to Paradise. However, Muslim scholars explained that not every person will be able to pronounce these words, especially before death, because it is necessary not only to pronounce them, but also to comply with their conditions. These conditions are similar to the teeth on a key, thanks to which it is possible to open the desired door:

knowledge (excludes ignorance);

conviction (excludes doubt);

acceptance (excludes refusal);

obedience (excludes disobedience);

truthfulness (excludes lies);

sincerity (excludes polytheism);

love (excludes hostility).

The first condition is knowledge of the meaning of this shahada. Allah Almighty said in the Quran: “Therefore know that there is no god but Allah” (Muhammad, 19). And the Prophet said: “Whoever dies with the knowledge that there is no god but Allah will go to Paradise.”

The second condition is conviction that does not allow doubt. This means that when pronouncing the testimony of faith, there should be no doubt in a person’s heart about Allah or that only He needs to be worshiped. Allah Almighty said: “The believers are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, and then do not doubt...” (Al-Hujurat 15).

The third condition is accepting the Shahada with all your heart, without allowing arrogance or evasion. Allah Almighty said about the pagans: “And when they were told, “There is no god but Allah,” they were lifted up. And they said: “Are we really going to give up our gods because of a crazy poet?” (As-Safat 35-36).

The fourth is obedience and submission to the Shahada. Allah Almighty said: “Turn to your Creator and submit to Him” (Az-Zumar, 54).

Fifth, truthfulness when pronouncing the words of the Shahada. Allah Almighty said: “Allah recognizes without a doubt those who are truthful, and without a doubt He recognizes those who are liars” (Al-Ankabut 1-3). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “As soon as a person testifies truthfully from the bottom of his heart that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger, Allah will save him from the fire.”

The sixth condition is sincerity. It means that one must pronounce the Shahada and submit to it out of sincerity, striving only for the reward of Allah, and not for any worldly goals. The Prophet said: “I will become an intercessor only for those who said “There is no god but Allah” with all their hearts” (quoted by al-Bukhari).

The seventh condition is love. That is, you need to say the Shahada, feeling in your heart love for these words, but not hostility or reluctance. Allah Almighty said: “There is no compulsion in religion.”

Thus, a Muslim becomes one who believes in the uniqueness of Allah and the prophetic mission of Muhammad, having solid knowledge and conviction, bears testimony honestly and sincerely, with all his heart, and obeys Allah with love, fear and hope. These elements of faith are considered the basic requirements of the testimony "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."


The first thing an adult reasonable person who has reached the call of Islam must do is pronounce the Shahada. Shahada is a testimony after which a person becomes a Muslim. You must say the following:

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ. وَ أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَ رَسُولُهُ

Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah.
Wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasulukh.

Meaning: I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

The Shahada, despite its brevity, contains many meanings and actually includes all the pillars of faith. The Shahada is the gateway to Islam, the words that make a person a member of the Islamic Ummah. It is necessary to say the Shahada with all your heart, with sincere conviction and understanding of its meaning. The condition for the validity of the Shahada is the renunciation of one's past beliefs that are contrary to Islam, and the desire to follow the religion in practice. It is advisable to say the Shahada in Arabic in the presence of Muslims.

When a person just accepts Islam, he, as a rule, does not yet know in detail all the provisions of the faith and the prescriptions of Sharia. At this stage, a general belief and conviction in the truth of Islam is sufficient. If some question is not yet clear to a person, one should keep in mind: “I believe in this in the form as it was conveyed by the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,” and be sure to seek clarification from knowledgeable people.


The word "iman" in Arabic means "faith". Faith is the most precious thing we have. It is more valuable than all worldly goods. Earthly riches are a grain of sand compared to true faith. Iman is the key to salvation in eternal life. It is important to understand that this does not mean any faith, but only the Islamic one - the true one. It is not enough to simply believe in something “supernatural” - you must believe correctly. The belief that there are many gods, the belief in the Trinity or in human reincarnation has no value. This is "fool's gold". Such faith is worthless. Also, if today a person who knows about Islam simply believes that God exists, but does not consider himself a Muslim, his faith is not accepted. But the Islamic faith is more valuable than real gold. Muslims are the owners of true iman. The poorest Muslim is, in fact, richer than the most powerful non-Muslim. A believer cares about his lot in eternal life, while unbelievers often do not even think about it. Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran said about the disbelievers (meaning):

“They know only the obvious about the worldly life, and they are careless about the Hereafter” (Sura 30 Ar-Rum, verse 7).

A believer worships his Creator, while an unbeliever worships anything other than God: nature and natural phenomena, idols, rulers, his passions and desires. It does not happen that a person does not worship anyone or anything. Sometimes, however, he convinces himself that he does not worship anyone. But this is not true. This usually means that he worships himself.

One of the great rulers of the earth said to a Muslim known for his piety: “I will fulfill your every desire, ask for whatever you want.” He replied: “How can I ask something from you if you are the slave of my slave?” The ruler asked: “How can I be the slave of your slave if I am a rich ruler?” The God-fearing believer replied: “You are the slave of your passions, and I am the master of my passions.”

The guide for the believer is the Law of the Almighty, All-Knowing Allah. And the unbeliever follows the laws invented by people. Human laws are constantly changing and contradicting each other; this is a very unreliable guide.

Iman is the path that the wise choose, and disbelief is the path of fools. Reflecting, a person comes to the conclusion that God exists, that He is One, that He is pure from shortcomings, and that the prophets convince us that they are, in fact, sent by God, with the help of miracles. Islam is a religion that values ​​reason, and faith does not contradict reason.

There are six pillars of faith (iman):

1. Faith in Allah.

2. Faith in His angels.

3. Faith in His Books.

4. Faith in His messengers and prophets.

5. Belief in Judgment Day.

6. Belief in predestination, in the fact that everything good and bad happens according to the Will of the Almighty. If a person does not recognize at least one of these pillars, then his faith is not considered valid.

Faith in Allah

Faith in Allah implies faith in the One God, Who has no beginning and will never die. He is perfect, pure from all defects and described with special - uncreated - divine qualities. He created this world, and He alone has the power to create.

What is tawhid?

The word "Tawhid" means "Monotheism". Muslims believe that God is One. Proving the truth of this Islamic belief is, from the point of view of reason, very simple. There can only be one creator, because if there were two of them and they wanted to create something, they would need to agree on the form. If they disagreed with each other, it would mean that the one who did not get what he wanted was weak. This means he is not a god, because a god cannot be weak. If they always agreed with each other, then this would mean that they are both weak, because they need to agree with each other, and the need for something (in this case, the need for compromise) is weakness.

So, tawhid is the belief that Allah has no partners either in Essence, or in the qualities by which He is described, or in actions. In other words, there is no other entity similar to the Essence of Allah, and no one has the qualities that Allah is described with, and only Allah creates and destroys, and no one else can do this. No one except Allah can create the world and rule it. Only He is worthy of worship. Only He has the exclusive right to establish Sharia, that is, the Law. Allah, unlike everything else, is absolutely self-sufficient.

Polytheism is the act of associating a partner with Allah. In Arabic, polytheism is called "shirk". Shirk is the greatest sin, moreover, it is the only sin that the Lord does not forgive, and the polytheists will forever be in Hell. People who associate partners with Allah are not Muslims.

Therefore, the accusation of polytheism is the most terrible accusation that can be imagined. And without knowledge, one cannot blame anyone for this, especially if the person calls himself a Muslim. Not everything that may seem shirk to someone is. Sometimes Muslims go to extremes: they imagine polytheism in innocent things. To figure out where the truth is, you need to gain knowledge.

It is very important to take care of yourself, not allowing the thought that anyone other than the Almighty can influence the course of events. Neither a black cat crossing the road, nor the arrangement of the stars, nor witchcraft - all this has no power. If Allah wants something to happen, then even if all the people and jinn come together, they will not be able to prevent it. Therefore, Muslims often say: “La hawla wa la quwwata illya billah”, - which means: " No one has strength or power except Allah.".

Allah is like nothing

"There is nothing like Him"

This verse expresses the fundamental tenet of Islamic belief. Muslims believe that God is unlike anything else. And this statement means not only the recognition of the fact that the image of God cannot be painted on canvas or molded from clay. This statement is understood absolutely. Allah Almighty is not like anything at all.

“Whatever you imagine, Allah is not like it.”

This belief is one of those that creates a gap between Monotheism in the Islamic understanding and other worldviews that claim monotheism.

Islam teaches us that we cannot believe that God has a body, that He occupies a place, that He is in any direction (be it up, down, right or left), that He has parts, size, and so on. . All characteristics inherent in creatures cannot be attributed to the One who created them, and are a defect that is alien to God.

Perhaps this will be easier to understand in connection with the following reasoning. Everything that surrounds us is determined in one way or another. For example, living and nonliving things in the world have a color, and one can ask what color it is. Everything around has its weaknesses, and you can ask what they are, how they manifest themselves. When thinking about something, we clarify what size, gender, age, character it is. Everything has its own characteristics and parameters. Parameters, limitations, qualities about which you can ask: “How?” - these are all characteristics of creations. After all, every thing that has parameters has a Creator, Who created it and determined these parameters. And absolutely all the characteristics of creations are exactly like this: they are specified and have limits.

Here, for example, is the girl Safiya. What age is she? She is five years old. Who does she love? Mom and dad. What are her advantages? She is very generous, especially when she is in a good mood. What are her shortcomings? She is afraid of the dark. Who determined all this? This can only be determined by the One who created it - Allah. All qualities of creations, without exception, need to be defined. But Allah Himself was not created by anyone, and therefore He is not described by qualities that have limits. In other words, all the qualities of the Creator are fundamentally different from any quality of creation, that is, such a quality about which one can ask: “How?” Therefore, Allah is different from anything that man can imagine.

One should drive away any attempts to imagine God. In particular, this is important for children who begin to think and realize that Allah exists, begin to turn to Allah in prayer and may try to draw some kind of picture in their minds, try to imagine to whom they are turning. This verse is a cure for delusion.

Allah created this world

An example with an orchard, which helps to understand that the world has a Creator:

“If the owner of some orchard suddenly one morning finds trees on his property fallen and scattered, he will take it as the result of a hurricane or some kind of natural disaster.

However, if in each row, say, every third tree is not in its place, then he will immediately guess that it was not the wind that did it, but an intelligent being, some kind of attacker. How can a person who cannot admit the thought that the order in five or ten fallen trees is just an accident think that this harmonious world is an accident? How can he think that this world created itself?”

Logical proof of the existence of Allah:

Precondition B: Our existence was preceded by a series of events that happened one after another and led to our existence today.

If we exist here and now, then it is obvious that the series of events preceding our appearance has a beginning. Anyone who says that this series of events is infinite, thereby claims that infinity has come to an end, and this is contrary to logic. It is as if someone said, “The car will reach its destination only after its wheels have turned an infinite number of times,” and then declared that the car has arrived at its destination. However, it is clear that the machine would never arrive at its destination if an infinite number of revolutions were a condition of its arrival.

Since the world has a beginning, then there must be a Creator who gave existence to a series of events - since they did not exist before they began. Having a beginning and being a creation are the same thing. To create means to bring into existence, and everything that has a beginning must appear. Everything that is not Allah Almighty is created and is called “world”.

The world created by Allah Almighty is denoted in Arabic by the term “al-alaam”. This term comes from the word “al-alamat”, which is used to mean “indicating something.”

The world itself (al-alaam) contains a clear indication of the Creator who created it.

Syfaty Allah

Miraculous words: prayer there is no god but Allah in Arabic in full description from all the sources we found.

Allah is Great (Greatest).

Praise (takbir). Used when a believer wishes to remember the greatness of Allah

Allah knows best (Allah knows best)

Spoken after the names of prophets, messengers and highest angels (Jibril, Mikail, Azrael, Israfil)

This is how Muslims often comment on something, for example, when they talk about success and when answering questions “how are you”, “how is your health”

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds!

Peace be with you (greetings).

I ask forgiveness from Allah

أَعُوْذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَّـيْطٰنِ الرَّجِيْمِ

Auzu billahi min ash-shaitani r-rajim

I seek the protection of Allah from the accursed (beaten) Satan

(Barakallahu – بارك الله)

May Allah bless you!

A form of expression of gratitude, analogous to “thank you.” At the same time, “Barakallahu fiqa” is said when addressing a man; “Barakallahu fiki” - when addressing a woman; “Barakallahu fikum” - when addressing several people. Reply to Barakallahu fikum: “Wa fikum” (وإيّاكم)– and you, “wa fika” – (male), “wa fiki” – (female)

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ‎‎

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

These words should be said before any important task (sunnah - say this phrase before eating, before ablution, when entering the house, etc.)

“Peace be with you too” (Response to a greeting).

جزاك اللهُ خيرًا

May Allah reward you with goodness!

A form of expression of gratitude, analogous to “thank you.”

At the same time, Jazak A Allahu Khairan” is said when addressing a man; "Jazak And Allahu Hayran” - when addressing a woman; "Jazak crazy Allahu Khairan” - when addressing two people; "Jazak mind blowing Allahu Hayran" - when addressing several people

وَأَنْتُمْ فَجَزَاكُمُ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا

Wa antum fa jazakumu Allahu khairan

Reply to the above thanks.

Short answer: “Va Yakum” (وإيّاكم)- and let him reward you too, “va yaka” - (male), “va yaki” - (female)

Words of congratulations on a blessed Friday

Universal holiday greetings

Literally: blessed holiday

إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ

Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient.

A reminder to be patient to achieve the pleasure of the Almighty

If it is the will of Allah

May Allah show you the right path!

يهديكم الله و يصلح بالكم

Yahdmikumullah wa yuslihu balyakum

May Allah show you the right path and may He put all your affairs in order!

By Allah's decree

لا إله إلاَّ الله

There is no God but Allah (there is no one and nothing worthy of worship except the One God, Allah).

Allah willed it so; Allah decided so.

It is used when commenting on any events to express submission to the will of Allah, to what He has predetermined for man. They also say “Masha Allah” when they praise someone, admire someone’s beauty (especially a child), so as not to jinx it

May Allah be pleased with them.

Used after the names of the wives, children and companions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, as well as after the names of great theologians and imams

“Radhiallahu ankh” is said to men

“Radiallahu anha” - addressed to women

“Radiallahu anhuma” - addressed to two people, regardless of gender

“Radiallahu anhum” - addressed to a group of people

صلى الله عليه وسلم‎‎

Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

(s.a.v., saw, saaw, pbuh)

May Allah bless and greet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

They say when mentioning the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him

سلام الله علیها‎

Used after the names of righteous Muslim women - Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam, the mother of Isa (Jesus), peace be upon them

Most Pure (Most Holy) is Allah.

Everything that happens or does not happen is by the will of Allah, who has no flaws. Muslims often say "SubhanAllah" in conversation or to themselves to remind (someone or themselves) of this

He (Allah) is Holy and Great.

These words are usually said after pronouncing the name of Allah

I love you for the sake of Allah.

“Ukhybbu-kya fi-Llyakhi” - when addressing a man; “uhybbu-ki fi-Llyahi” - when addressing a woman

أَحَبَّـكَ الّذي أَحْبَبْـتَني لَه

Ahabba-kya-lyazi ahbabta-ni la-hu

May He, for whose sake you loved me, love you.

Reply to the above phrase

(fi sabilillah, fisabilillah)

On the path of the Lord

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Shahada(Arabic: الشهادة‎ - lit. certificate‎; pronunciation (inf.)) - testimony of faith in the One God (Allah) and the messenger mission of the Prophet Muhammad

. Shahada can also mean martyrdom for faith, as well as testimony given to certify a fact.

In short, the translation of the Shahada is as follows: “I testify that there is no other God but Allah, and I also testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

. The Shia shahada differs from the Sunni one by adding the words “ wa 'Aliyun Waliyu l-Lah". Saying the Shahada is the main condition for accepting Islam.

Ashhadu alla ilaha illa Allahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasulu Allah

The Shahada is considered the first and most important article of the Islamic creed (see five pillars of Islam). It contains the first two Islamic tenets of the Oneness of Allah (tawhid) and the prophecy of Muhammad. The Shahada arose as a prayerful and distinctive exclamation by which the first Muslims distinguished themselves from pagan polytheists and other infidels. During battles, the shahada served as a battle cry, which gave rise to the concept of shahid (martyr). Initially, martyrdom was the name given to warriors who died in a war against the enemies of Islam with the martyrdom on their lips. The Shahada is pronounced by Muslims on many occasions in life. As an integral part, it is included in almost all Islamic prayers.

In brief form, the translation of the Shahada is as follows: “I testify that there is no God but Allah, and I also testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” In a more detailed form, the translation of the Shahada is as follows: “I testify, knowing, being absolutely convinced that there is no other Deity worthy of worship except the only God - Allah; I, also knowing and being absolutely convinced, testify that truly Muhammad ibn Abdullah from the family of Hashim (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is His slave and Messenger, sent by Him to all humanity to teach people the true religion.”

The Shia shahada differs from the Sunni one by adding words about the Righteous Caliph and the first Shia imam Ali ibn Abu Talib “wa `Aliyun Waliyu l-Lah” (Arabic: وعليٌ وليُّ الله ‎), which means “ and Ali is a friend of Allah" In general, the Shia shahada looks like this: “I testify that there is no God but Allah, and I also testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and Ali is the friend of Allah.”

The word “ِإلَه” (“ilah”) translated from Arabic means “god”, “deity”; upon a more detailed study of the meaning of this word, it turns out that the word “ilah” also corresponds to the meaning of the words “object of worship”, “one who is worshiped." Controversy sometimes arises between translators regarding the identity of the words “god”, “deity” and “object of worship”, “one who is worshiped”.

Saying the Shahada three times before an official constituted a ritual for accepting Islam in the Middle Ages. From the point of view of Islam, from the moment of pronouncing the Shahada in the Divine Presence (“with sincerity in the heart”), a person is considered a Muslim and must comply with the rest of the Sharia and Sunnah, at least those that are known to him, and in case of uncertainty, he must follow rational and peaceful principles.

Acceptance of Islam by Christians

When converting to Islam by those who professed Christianity, in some mosques in Europe, in addition to the usual “testimony,” it is recommended to additionally recite a testimony about the messenger mission of Jesus Christ. [ specify]

Shahada is a testimony given to certify a fact. In order for it to be valid, it must be direct and not passed on from someone else’s words (the exception is an assignment or a will). The certificate must be given by two full-fledged men or four women. The testimony of a slave is equal to the testimony of a woman, and the testimony of non-Muslims, depending on the legal school (madhab), may be accepted on an equal basis with the testimony of Muslims, or not accepted at all.

According to some madhhabs, false testimony pronounced by conspiracy is punishable as perjury, and according to others - with the same punishment that would be imposed on a falsely accused person. Shahada is one of the most important ways of establishing the truth in countries with a Sharia judicial system. The order of testimony is detailed in the writings of the Hanafi theologian Abu Yusuf al-Ansari.

As they say in Arabic - there is no god but Allah

Questions on the topic

after that he was put in a mental hospital

Suppose I am a devout believer in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He is My god. When I find myself in a difficult situation, I humbly ask him for help. And he helps Me! For example, I found myself in a life-threatening situation, and I managed to escape after I prayed to the FSM for help. In short, the FSM helped me out, more than once. But that’s where the whole point lies. After all, for example, from the point of view of Islam, there is no FSM god, for “there is no god except Allah.” But then who helped me? The question arises.

For example, Muslims have “no god but Allah”? Well, okay, let’s say it’s human nature to believe, he chooses his religion according to traditions or taste, but on what basis does he think that all other believers are mistaken? Why not consider that religion is like Santa Claus. In our country it is Father Frost, in America it is Santa Claus, etc. Is it ethical to consider those who believe in another god to be wrong? Muslims even have such a word as “incorrect.” Moreover, to prove that it is this religion.

أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله

This is the complete text of the Shahada. Translation: There is no God (worthy of worship) except Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God.

Ashhadu Al-la* Ila*ha Il-la Lla*h, ua Ashhadu anna Muhammadar rasu*lyu Llah*h

(*u2014 long vowels)

write like this: لا إله إلا الله

pronounced like this: “La Illyaha Ilalyah”,

And it literally means that “There is no God but Allah,” and Allah is a proper name. Allah is Allah, and God is Ilah!

Shahada and its virtues

Shahada (testimony) is one of the most important tenets of faith. It is with the utterance of the words of testimony that a Muslim begins to believe in one Allah - to accept Islam, a person only needs to consciously pronounce the shahada, and from that moment he will be considered a Muslim.

One of the hadiths of the Prophet (s.a.w.) says: “Faith has more than 70 degrees, the highest of which are the words “La ilaha illallah” (reported by Muslim and Bukhari).

By pronouncing the Shahada, a person testifies to his conviction in the existence of the Almighty Creator and His Final Messenger (s.g.v.). Its text is simple:

The ending is often pronounced like this: “...wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan gabduhu wa rasulukh” (“Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger”).

Shiite Muslims sometimes add the words "Wa Aliyun Waliyullah" (“Ali is the vicegerent of Allah”). However, adding this part to the words of the certificate is optional.

The first part of the testimony means that Allah is the only God who has absolute authority and power over all creation. He has no companions or children, since He needs no one and is self-sufficient.

The believer must have a sincere conviction that no one other than the One Creator is worthy of worship. Attaching partners to Him, that is, recognizing any other deities (shirk) along with the Creator, is considered the most terrible sin in Islam. The Holy Qur'an warns:

The second part of the shahada states that Muhammad (s.g.w.) is God's Messenger and Prophet, sent down as a mercy to all humanity. Islamic doctrine emphasizes that the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.) occupies a special role among all the Prophets and Messengers of the Almighty, since he was sent not to a separate people, but to all humanity. In addition, the Book revealed to Muhammad (s.g.w.), the Holy Quran, will be valid until the Day of Judgment, and Allah will protect it from various distortions and innovations.

Conditions for reciting the Shahada

1. Awareness of its meaning. When pronouncing the words of testimony, a person must clearly understand and be aware of what he said, and also have a sincere conviction in the truth of the Shahada. Despite the brevity of the testimony formula, it carries a deep meaning.

2. Refusal of beliefs that contradict it that is, from judgments that are clearly contrary to evidence.

3. Sincere conviction. A person should not doubt the truth of the words of the Shahada.

4. Obedience. A person must be submissive in observing the requirements of the Shahada.

Virtues of Shahadah

The Shahada, being one of the tenets of faith, has considerable dignity for people who pronounce it in compliance with all necessary conditions.

Once the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.w.) said: “I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and that I am the Messenger of Allah! Whichever servant of Allah meets his Creator with these two testimonies, without doubting their truth, he will certainly enter Paradise! (reported by Muslim).

In another hadith, which is contained in the collection of Bukhari, there is the following saying of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.): “Truly Allah has made fire forbidden to the one who says “La ilaha illallah,” thereby rushing to the Face of the Almighty.”

Or is it just that they cannot enter the Forbidden Mosque?

If true, this turns out to be not real Muslims, this is not correct

On the translation of the certificate “La ilaha illa Allah”

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah!

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings to the Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.

Nowadays, we all witness that many translators of Arabic literature about Islam and also those who write some articles about Islam; translate the great testimony “La ilaha illa Allah” How “there is no god (or deity) except Allah”. This is a gross mistranslation of this great testimony. Since the word “god” in Russian basically means “lord”, “lord”, “creator”, etc. However, the Arabic word "ilah" is not translated as "lord", "master", etc., but means "object of worship". And even if the Russian word God or Deity indicates the meaning of “object of worship” in addition to the meanings of “lord”, “lord”, “creator”, there is still a gross error in the translation. Since in this case it should sound like this: “There is no deity worthy except Allah,” or better: “There is no deity worthy (of worship) except Allah.”

The reason for this is the following:

1) The word “ِإلَه” ilah in Arabic is taken from the verb “أَ ل َهَ”. The verb “أَ ل َهَ” means to worship with love and exaltation. From the above it follows that there is a difference between the Arabic “iliah” and the Russian “God” or “deity”. Since the Arabic “Ilah” has no meaning other than worship. And the Russian “God” or “deity” contains much more than worship, such as “lord”, “lord”, “creator”.

2) The word “ِإلَه” “ilah” in Arabic has the form “فِعال” in the sense of “مفعول”, i.e. indicates only the object of the action. And the word “God” and “deity” in Russian indicate both the subject and the object of action.

3) In the Arabic testimony “La ilaha illa Allah” there are five words, but in the translation there are four.

The first word is “La”, which in Arabic is called “La-nafia li-ljins”.

In Arabic, "La-nafiya li-ljins" has "Ism" (name) and "Khabar" (predicate).

Therefore, the second word in this testimony is “Ism” (the name “La”), and this word is “ilah” - “deity” or “object of worship”.

The third word in this testimony is “Khabar” (predicate “La”). And this swag is the word “hakkun”.

The fourth word “illa” is except.

The fifth word is “Allah”.

Let's go back to the third word. Why don’t we pronounce it in the Arabic testimony “La ilaha illa Allah”. Because the evidence of “La ilaha illa Allah” is an Arabic sentence, and in Arabic it is permissible not to pronounce or “hide” “Khabar” (the predicate “La”), as the Arabic philologist Ibn Malik said:

وَشَاعَ فِي ذَا الْبَابِ إِسْقَاطُ الخَبَر

إِذَا الْمُرَادُ مَعْ سُقُوطِهِ ظَهَــر

"And is famous in this section clean up swag(predicate)

If the meaning, after it has been removed, remains clear".

And the meaning remained clear to the Arabs, as indicated by the Koran and Sunnah.

As for the Quran, Allah Almighty told us that the Quraysh, having heard the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Say La ilaha illa Allah and you will succeed, they said: « Did he turn the deities into One Deity? Truly, this is something amazing!”(Garden 38:5).

Also, Imam Ibn Khuzaima reported a hadith that when Abu Sufyan met with the Roman king, he asked him about the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and said: “What does he order you?” He replied: “Worship Allah and do not associate anyone with him and leave him alone; what your fathers say..."

From the above we see that for the Arabs the meaning of “La ilaha illa Allah” remained clear, therefore the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in accordance with the rules of the Arabic language, did not pronounce the habara “hakkun” (worthy) in this testimony.

As for the Russian language, it does not have the rules that Ibn Malik pointed out, may Allah have mercy on him. That is, in the Russian language there is no topic “La-nafia li-ldzhins” (la denying the look), not to mention the intricacies of this topic and the fact that it is allowed to remove the “swag” predicate, “ if the meaning remains clear after it has been removed.” And even if this topic were in the Russian language, we see from the words of Ibn Malik that swag in Arabic is allowed to be removed only if the meaning remains clear. It follows that if the meaning does not remain clear, then in Arabic it is prohibited to remove it. What then can we say about the Russian language? No one from the Russian-speaking population will tell you that from the words “There is no God but Allah” it is understood that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah, and that everything that is worshiped except him is not worthy of worship!! The maximum that a Russian-speaking reader can understand from the words “There is no God but Allah” is that in everyday life there is no other god, ruler, creator, ruler, except Allah. And such an understanding of this evidence is an understanding of such errant movements as the Mu'tazilites, Ash'arites, Maturids and the like.

And therefore, in the Russian language, removing “swag” - the predicate - is forbidden.

4) Shaykh Fauzan says about those people who say that the testimony of “La ilaha illa Allah” means “There is no god but Allah”, the following:

« To the one who says that « La ilaha illya Allah"means just"La mabuda illa Allah "(There is no god (or deity in the sense of an object of worship) except Allah," we will say that this is a great misconception. Since by this you are bringing everything that is worshiped except Allah into the word "Allah." And this is ideology pantheists. And therefore it is imperative to say the word “haqq” - “worthy”. Because there are two types of deities. The one who is not worshiped rightfully, and the one who is worshiped because he is worthy of this worship. And the one who is worthy of worship is Allah, and the one who is not worthy of it is all the other deities who are worshiped in this life. The Almighty said: « This is because Allah is the Truth (Hakkun), and what they worship besides Him is a lie. ». This is the meaning"La ilaha illya Allah» “I’anatul-mustafid p. 62.”

Based on the above, I encourage translators to change their view of translating this great testimony « La ilaha illya Allah» and translate it, at a minimum, as “There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah,” or better: “There is no deity worthy (of worship) except Allah” or “There is no one worthy of worship except Allah.”

And in the end I wanted to tell readers about my dialogue with one of the famous translators of Arabic literature. When I conveyed some of the above to him, he told me the following story.

When he translated the words of the Almighty as “We worship you and pray to you for help,” Some ignorant brothers began to be indignant and say that this was a wrong translation, and that the correct translation would be: “We worship You alone and You alone we pray for help.”. And one of the Arab editors asked him to correct this translation. Then he (the translator) told this Arab that these brothers do not know the rules of the Russian language and that in the Russian language there is a theme “Semantic stress”, and that in the translation of this verse we can use this theme. However, that Arab insisted on his own, and he (the translator) had to write as this Arab brother asked.

And I think that this brother (translator) told me this story in order to say that my words are similar to the words of those brothers who do not know the rules of the Russian language.

However, I want to point out that the translation of words “Iyaka na’bud wa yaka nasta’in” How “We worship you and pray to you for help” or how « You alone we worship and You alone we pray for help» from the section of Arabic science “Balyaga” (i.e. rhetoric, or eloquence), which studies the semantic side of the language, and our question with the translation of evidence is connected with a completely different science, and this is “Nahu” (i.e. grammar), which studies the composition of the proposal. And these are two different things that should not be confused.

I hope that what I have written will reach this brother and other translators of Islamic literature, and they will change their views on the translation of this great testimony, which is the door of entry into Islam.

In conclusion, let us give praise to Allah, the Lord of the worlds! May Allah send peace to our prophet Muhammad!

Abu Muhammad Kazakhstani

Those. section لا نافية للجنس “for denying the view”


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