A screen made of plastic pipes, a step-by-step master class on how to make it yourself. A simple screen made of plastic pipes for a kindergarten: make it yourself Screen made of metal-plastic pipes

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The creative development of preschool children within the framework of kindergarten is one of the important stages in the formation of a growing personality.

The group environment and surrounding objects promote curiosity, creativity, bold trials and discoveries.

Taking into account the fact that the child spends most of the daytime in a group, the surrounding space and interior in it become part of the gaming and educational process. The more opportunities children have to realize their own fantasies, the easier it is for a teacher to direct the learning process in the right direction.

The child treats objects and space as a resource, seeing in them opportunities for realizing his plans.

One of the interior details that can help in the creative development and organization of group life is a stylized screen. Being an important attribute of theatrical performances, with a touch of mystery, it evokes genuine delight and curiosity among children.

The simplest puppet theater attracts children much more than painted fictional characters.

Depending on the size, with the help of a screen you can stage scenes both for puppet theater and for real small actors, adding entertainment to the process and increasing interest.

The screen in this case becomes an urgently needed item.

If the group’s budget does not allow purchasing a ready-made option, but the children have a desire to organize a theater club, you can make your own screen from plastic pipes for the kindergarten with your own hands.

The design of this multifunctional device is very simple.

Choosing design and sizes

Depending on the purpose of use and the age of the children, various designs can be made.

This could be a large full-length theatrical screen.

Or a small tabletop version of the screen to independently show scenes with puppet characters.

An important factor is the lightness and versatility of the design: children really appreciate the rare opportunity to independently change the arrangement of interior items, using them not as a mandatory established order, but as a resource for realizing ideas.

This develops management skills and also gives more space for play and creativity.

As a rule, the standard model of a screen made of PVC pipes is made with three sections.

It is enough to collect 3 frames, connect them together and cover them with beautifully decorated curtains.

However, this is not a mandatory rule, and if you wish and have the material, you can make a larger number of frame components. The design of the fabric stretched over the frame depends only on personal preferences - you can choose it together with your children from several options by making removable covers with Velcro fastenings.

When choosing covers, you can show your imagination and creativity.

Different colors of covers can be associated with seasons or themed holidays. For example, a green background in spring, yellow and orange - with the onset of autumn, blue or blue - in the winter season.

There is a lot of room for imagination here for the teacher.

Materials and tools

Making a screen from plastic pipes with your own hands will not require large expenses. You will need propylene pipes of various lengths, plastic corners and double-sided fasteners to connect the sections to each other.

All this can be taken after a recent renovation, or purchased at any specialized store for repairs.

The pipes are connected to each other using a plastic corner.

The sections are connected to each other with special double fasteners.

A special machine for welding plastic pipes made of propylene, which is used by professional plumbers during installation, can be a good help.

If you have nowhere to borrow it, you can also use the conventional heating method over the stove.

If desired, PVC pipes can be painted. For durability, you should use a mixture of putty and regular gouache.

Various ways to use multifunctional screens in kindergarten are suggested by the children themselves.

You can use any available fabric to sew covers. It must be remembered that it must be durable and easy to wash, since children's games are fraught with various consequences for any furniture, and the screen will not be an exception.

It is best to choose a bright and colorful material.

Depending on the design, you may need Velcro fasteners, ribbons or cords for garters, additional material for pockets or loops, and reliable adhesive.

Thanks to the principle of accessibility, children have the opportunity to independently change the space in their group at any time.

Manufacturing process

The step-by-step instructions for making a screen from kindergarten are quite simple.

    Once the dimensions of the future screen have been determined, you need to cut the PVC pipes to the desired length. You can either do this yourself (plastic material does not require much effort).

You can ask for cutting when purchasing at the store.

All material is quite strong and durable to use.

Here you will need either a special apparatus or a little physical effort to heat and insert the plastic pipe profile into the corner.

The manufacturing process is simple and will take you a little time.

Now it's time to move on to the next step: sewing the covers.

The cover can carry a semantic load.

Covers can be of different colors, from plain pastel to brightly delicate children's drawings.

It is better to paint the intersectional fasteners separately so that they do not lose their functionality.

These additions will help develop children's motor skills and further increase the functionality of the new screen, allowing it to be used in various games and performances.

VIDEO: What you can do with your own hands from plastic pipes.

Maria Bikeeva
Master class on using the teaching aid “Multifunctional Screen”.

In November 2015, our kindergarten hosted a seminar of the Scientific and Methodological Center of Kemerovo on the topic “Building a developing subject-spatial environment - a condition for the readiness of the transition of a preschool educational institution to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.” In preparation for the seminar, the teachers of our group brought the developmental subject-spatial environment (DSES) into compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

We remember that the RPPS should be:

The “Multifunctional Screen” that we purchased for our group meets these requirements. I suggest you take a closer look at our screen and then, perhaps, you will have the desire to make the same one for your kindergarten. Moreover, the “Multifunctional Screen” is made of inexpensive materials and is generally simple to implement.

The purpose of the master class: to show the possibilities of using the teaching aid “Multifunctional Screen” in various types of children's activities.

So, first, let's look at the screen from all sides. The screen consists of three parts.

And now all the parts from the other side:

The base of the screen is made of polypropylene pipes (yes, the same pipes that plumbers use to install water supply in an apartment; polypropylene fittings are used for connections.

A fitting is a connecting part of a pipeline, installed in places where it branches, turns, transitions to another diameter, as well as when frequent assembly and disassembly of pipes is necessary.

An elbow fitting is used here.

This fitting connects the frames to each other.

A single support is used as legs.

The diameter of the pipes used to make the screen is approximately 2.5 cm.

Side frame measurements:

width – 79 cm, height – 118 cm.

Center frame measurements:

From the bottom to the middle pipe – 72 cm.

Faux leather panels are attached to the frames; polyester curtains are attached to the top tube of the central frame.

Measurements of leatherette panels:

side panels – 112 cm by 65 cm.

Measurements of the lower central panel made of leatherette:

Measurements for one curtain:

length – 48 cm, width – 42 cm.

Both the leatherette panels and the curtains are attached to the frames using a wide elastic band and buttons.

The length of the elastic band is 12 cm.

This is what the curtain with fastenings looks like:

The multifunctional screen has transparent pockets where an A4 sheet can be placed:

Pockets are stitched to leatherette:

The screen is decorated with a beautiful appliqué, also made of leatherette. The applique details are stitched:

We looked at a factory-made screen, and now let's look at the screen that was made by craftsmen from our kindergarten. No worse, and even better!

If the sample screen is made of leatherette, then FELT is used here, which makes the screen even more functional. The felt screen is used both as a flannelgraph and as a basis for a soft construction set, and there is a lot more that can be done with it, if only the teacher had the imagination!

They also pulled cords with decorative clothespins.

This screen is used in a nursery; they made the pockets larger for large pictures.

Another interesting “application” to the screen: a rectangle was cut out of garden mesh and covered with fabric, which can be fastened to the screen with buttons. Using decorative clothespins, you can attach children's works or photographs, or you can tie ribbons and laces. There are plenty of options.

The child was completely alone:

The child partially retired:

Showing a puppet theater:

If you cover it with fabric, you get a tent:

You can also sit together:

Can be used as a stand:

We create a space for the role-playing game “Guests”.

We share space and play according to our interests:

Noisy games do not distract other children from reading, for example.

I hope that my publication will be useful, thank you for your attention!

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Screen made of plastic pipes for kindergarten

The main purpose of polyvinyl chloride pipes is water supply, sewerage and heating. However, they can be used for other purposes as well. For example, make a screen from plastic pipes with your own hands for a kindergarten. It will help create an additional comfort zone for children in children's educational institutions.

Use of plastic pipes

Craftsmen with great imagination can use almost any materials in the household. So, it would seem that specialized PVC products can be used exclusively for their intended purpose. But human imagination shows a completely different result.

A variety of crafts are made from such a light but durable material - decorative elements for the garden, greenhouses for fruits and vegetables, stylish shelves for storing small items and much more.

The children's screen, which can easily be used at home or in preschool educational institutions, deserves special attention. This decorative element helps to separate a small comfort zone, which is especially important in a society with young children of different sexes.

But such a screen can be used not only for changing clothes. It can be used in creativity as a puppet theater or to fence off a small play area.

It may seem that installation work will require special skills or tools, but even a beginner can handle it. Next, we will conduct a small master class on making a simple screen from available materials.

Required materials and tools

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to prepare all the parts used. It will be very unpleasant if at the most crucial moment one of the pipe parts or finishing material is missing.

In order to create a simple screen from plastic pipes, you will need:

Preparing and assembling the screen

Having prepared all the necessary materials and tools, you can begin assembling the structure. If the plastic pipes were not cut in advance, this must be done before starting assembly.

Connection of plastic pipes

The height of each section depends on the purpose of the screen, but there is no need to make it much larger than the child’s height. To assemble one section you will need:

  • Two identical pipes that determine the height.
  • Two pipes of the same length, defining the width of the section.
  • Four plastic angles for connecting PVC pipes.

Cold or hot welding methods can be used to connect the structure. If you have at your disposal a special apparatus for heating polyvinyl chloride pipes, then it is worth using it. Otherwise, you need to purchase glue for connecting PVC pipes from a specialized store. This glue melts for a short period of time the section of the pipe to which it was applied, allowing you to quickly connect the parts.

The complete process of assembling one section of the screen will look like this:

More detailed information on how to independently connect PVC pipes using cold welding can be found in this video:

Connecting sections to each other

After all parts of the screen have been adjusted to size and assembled, it is necessary to fasten them into a common structure. To do this, you can use double fasteners for plastic pipes, and if they are missing, fastening can be done with plastic clamps.

In both cases, the screen doors will be movable, which will allow it to be conveniently moved and installed in rooms of various sizes.


To designate the enclosed space, you will need to sew covers for the plastic screen. The choice of design depends entirely on personal preference, so feel free to use your imagination completely.

For example, for holidays and other significant events it is worth preparing the appropriate design of the fabric. You can involve children in this process so that they themselves can suggest some ideas for decorating such a screen.

To secure the fabric along its perimeter, fabric strips of the required length are sewn or fastened with Velcro. This will allow you to change the design at any time and wash the fabric if it becomes dirty. All you have to do is tie a piece of fabric to a plastic screen, and it will be ready for use.

For additional decoration, you can sew pockets for storing small items, various appliques, or paint it with safe paints.


Here are a few photos of finished products that have been successfully made and are used in educational institutions at various levels, as well as at home. We hope that they will give you new ideas that can be implemented in reality.

Screen made of plastic pipes: types of partitions + step-by-step manufacturing instructions

A screen is a very effective solution for zoning a room. But the astronomical cost of such a partition in art studios inspires creativity, right? A self-made screen made of plastic pipes can become a multifunctional piece of furniture in a bedroom, studio apartment, children’s room and more.

Do you want to make a partition with your own hands, but don’t know where to start? We will help you deal with this issue - the article provides recommendations for creating a screen design project and preparing suitable materials for it.

The process of making a partition from pipes is also described in detail, photo options for screens that can be made with your own hands using scrap materials are considered. As a visual aid, thematic video materials with instructions for self-production have been selected.

Types of screens and their purpose

The design of the future partition completely depends on the functions that it will perform and on the time available for the implementation of ideas.

Depending on the purpose, screens can perform the following functions:

  • decorative– the partition is used to decorate the interior of the room, being an artistically designed object;
  • division of space– the screen visually divides the room into zones, which is often used by designers in large rooms;
  • implementation of creative ideas– a small screen made of pipes acts as theatrical equipment when performances are staged at home.

The size of the future product is also important for the project, so you should immediately decide on its function. Most often, partitions are made from plastic for a kindergarten group, for playing tabletop puppet theater, for fulfilling household needs, for zoning a one-room apartment, trying to separate an office from a bedroom or living room.

And also, this is a favorite craft of creative and creative craftswomen who prefer to make an unusual and completely unique thing with their own hands.

In principle, it is not at all difficult to buy a screen for every taste and size - manufacturers offer a huge range of different purposes from a wide variety of materials.

Ready-made solutions offered by art studios are not very expensive. Therefore, it is much more interesting to build a partition yourself. Moreover, there are always improvised materials at hand that will work, you just need to show your imagination.

You should immediately think about the design - mobile (on wheels), portable or stationary partition. It is also important whether it folds or not.

All these points need to be carefully considered, because the project of the future homemade screen depends on them.

Screen manufacturing process

Creating an original screen of the required size is quite a feasible task not only for the home craftsman, but also for the creative housewife.

Moreover, you can use improvised materials to make a homemade partition if it is not possible to rent a specialized tool for working with plastic pipes.

Step #1 – creating a homemade screen project

If you have to make a partition structure for use by children, then its dimensions should be selected taking into account the height of future users.

And for use as a decorative element in a room, it is important to determine the required dimensions - if you build a partition that is too small, it will not bring the desired result.

In addition, you need to decide on the shape of the screen, the number and dimensions of the sashes, as well as the type of homemade product - folding, mobile, stationary, etc.

The easiest way for beginners is to make a simple version of the partition with a combination of plastic pipe + textiles. Or a very original option - just pipes.

The advantage of using only plastic is moisture resistance. Such a product can be safely placed in a combined bathroom without fear that splashes will spoil the appearance of your masterpiece.

Step #2 – preparing the necessary materials

Specialized tools are useful for working with metal-plastic pipes. If you don’t have them, you can rent or use improvised tools.

So, first of all, you will need plastic pipes. Their diameter and length depend on the draft of the future screen - the shape, height, length and width of the sashes.

Also useful are tools for soldering and cutting pipes - a special iron and a pipe cutter.

If you don’t have a soldering iron or pipe scissors, a lighter and a regular sharp knife or metal saw will do. Moreover, if the edges heat up, then they do not need to be processed additionally.

Step #3 - assembling the homemade product according to the project

In principle, the set of tools and materials depends on the design of the planned screen.

Depending on their purpose, products can be not only functional, but also decorative.

By the way, the latest version of the screen can be made in a large size to stage performances with the participation of live actors, rather than puppets.

Below we will consider two options for partitions made of plastic pipes, the manufacturing principles of which are radically different.

Option #1 – screen on wheels

If you decide to make a designer version for wet rooms, then you have to decide on the depth of the partition and its functionality.

The minimum depth should be about 5 cm - narrower material is inconvenient to work with. If you plan to put magazines and other useful little things in the cells of the partition, then you can add another 10-15 cm.

Hands are not for boredom or crafts made from plastic pipes.

With skill and a rich imagination, interesting and useful things can be made from any available materials, including plastic pipes. Plastic pipes of different diameters are sold in any hardware store at quite affordable prices. They are used in the installation of water supply, sewerage, heating, irrigation systems, and after construction or repair, unnecessary trimmings often clog the site, while they can serve as an excellent material for creative crafts.

For creative work, PVC pipes are often used, which are quite rigid and can be easily connected with special nozzles and “adapters,” allowing the creation of collapsible structures.

Plastic pipes can be used to make not only convenient household items, but also pieces of furniture. In order for such a homemade product to last a long time and be reliable in operation, care must be taken to properly connect the individual sections. Since the connection of polypropylene pipes has already been said, we will consider the connection of only PVC pipes.

PVC plastic pipes can be connected in the following ways:

  • into a socket with a rubber seal;
  • using an adhesive composition;
  • bolts, drilling holes.

Original and functional little things for interior decoration

My review of interesting ideas opens with the simplest products made from plastic pipes, which even novice DIYers can make. In addition, such crafts will require a minimal amount of material, and in some cases even the shortest scraps can be used.

1. From scraps of large and medium diameter pipes you can make a convenient and practical organizer for your office or workshop.

The pieces can be left white or gray, or they can be painted in your favorite color. This organizer is indispensable for schoolchildren and people involved in creativity and handicrafts. With it, everything will always be at hand, and there will be perfect order on the table.

2. Bookshelves are a special element of the interior.

Their presence in a certain way characterizes the owner of the home. A corner shelf in a high-tech style will not go unnoticed.

3. From numerous short scraps of different diameters you can make a patterned frame for a mirror or photograph.

4. Large-diameter scraps can be used to create a convenient shoe rack with numerous compartments.

This design will not take up much space in the hallway and will ensure proper storage of shoes and quick search for the right pair. The elements are connected using glue or self-tapping screws. To secure the shelf to the wall, you can use a plywood sheet to which the assembled shelf is first glued.

5. A reliable flower stand is easy to make and looks nice.

Small scraps of sewer pipes are well suited for making flower pots for replanting or propagating indoor pets. Showing your imagination, such pots can be decorated with colored paper, paint or bright stickers.

6. Vase for artificial flowers and dried flowers.

It is easy to make a stylish vase for artificial flowers and dried flowers from elongated cylinders of medium diameter. If you approach the implementation of this idea creatively, you may end up with an original gift for a significant event.

7. Lamps in techno style.

Another extraordinary idea for the interior is homemade lamps in techno style. There are a lot of design options, but they all adhere to the principle of minimalism: no unnecessary details.

8. Useful things for the hallway or corridor.

Using unused scraps, you can also make useful things for the hallway or corridor: a hanger for clothes and bags and a holder for garbage bags.

9. Clothes dryer.

In addition, you can make it multi-level and collapsible for more convenient and multifunctional use.

Crafts made from plastic pipes for the playground

From PVC pipes you can make many crafts for children's entertainment in the yard: an educational mat, a playpen, a swing, a sled, a football goal, a playhouse, an outdoor shower and a theater screen.

10. Manege.

A very useful design for kids.

11. Swing.

Children will be delighted with the lightweight swing, which instantly dries out after a warm summer rain.

12. Sleigh.

It is possible to design not only those objects that are used in summer or indoors, but also those that are suitable for winter conditions. So, for example, your child will be incredibly happy with a cute, comfortable and lightweight snowmobile vehicle, suitable for dizzying descents; The design turns out to be quite complex, but with the help of practical videos you can figure it out.

13. football goal.

For active games in the yard, you can make safe football goals from leftover plastic pipes.

14. House - castle.

Many children often dream of their own castle in miniature. Making childhood dreams come true is quite simple and not at all expensive. The frame is made very quickly. All that remains is to select a beautiful dense material for the roof and walls, and the house is ready!

15. Open shower.

The following structure will help you cool down on a hot summer day. Such an open shower will be a joy not only for children, but also for adults.

16. Theater screen.

You can make a theater screen from polypropylene pipes. It is enough to collect 3 frames, connect them together and cover them with beautifully decorated curtains. Home theater develops children's creative abilities and creates good conditions for an exciting pastime.

We update the interior economically: furniture made of plastic pipes

DIY crafts made from plastic pipes can occupy a key place in the interior. Craftsmen share many extraordinary solutions that can significantly save the family budget. Let's highlight the brightest of them.

17. High chair.

The most common and sought-after piece of furniture is a chair. Using sections of plastic pipes and connecting elements, you can make high-quality chairs of various types: children's chairs, folding ones for hiking and fishing, armchairs and even high chairs.

18. Bunk crib.

Having mastered the assembly technique a little, you can proceed to more complex designs. A neat two-tier baby crib made of polypropylene pipes is a good alternative for a country house or cottage when buying a ready-made crib is too expensive. Moreover, when the kids grow up, the material can be used to make other useful crafts.

19. Glass coffee table.

With a base made of PVC pipes in the next photo it can hardly be called an amateur homemade product, since it looks like a designer's work.

20. Rack.

Another original idea is a shelving unit for the hallway or living room. By independently designing a shelving unit with the required number of shelves of the required size, you don’t have to waste time shopping around looking for something suitable.

Useful crafts for a country house and cottage

Unused and excess building materials will definitely be used in a summer cottage. Crafts made from plastic pipes for the dacha will significantly facilitate gardening work, make your vacation more comfortable and help you avoid large material costs. At the same time, the designs look neat and stylish.

21. Chaise longue.

Relaxing by the pool or in the shade of the garden is impossible to imagine without a sun lounger. The photo shows a chaise lounge made entirely of plastic pipes, but it can also be combined with dense material.

22. Carport

Another useful use of PVC pipes. It will protect your vehicle not only from rain, but also from the scorching summer sun.

23. Garden arch.

For garden decoration, a garden arch is often used, which can also be made from plastic pipes. A new element appears in its design - bent arches. You can bend the pipes for an arched vault by heating with a gas burner or boiling water. You can also put the pipe on a metal rod and, sticking one end into the soil, bend it in an arc. This method requires some physical effort.

24. Gazebo.

A simple and light gazebo will decorate the garden and protect from the sun and light rain. For the presented option, it is enough to attach waterproof raincoat fabric to the pipes and bend them on the reinforcing bars. To make the structure reliable, you need to ensure that the rods are well fixed in the soil.

25. A small woodshed, a gate, a cart or a stand for a fishing rod.

The range of applications for plastic pipes is truly enormous and is limited only by your imagination and needs. You need a small woodshed, a gate, a cart or a fishing rod stand - take the required amount of pipe and bring your idea to life.

26. Feeder for chickens.

It is easy to make a convenient chicken feeder from sewer pipes. It makes it very convenient to add grain without entering the pen. Chickens cannot rake grain in such feeders, which saves feed.

27. Greenhouse.

A small greenhouse at your summer cottage can also be made from plastic pipes. The simplest option: make a rectangular frame and cover it with film or agrofibre.

28. Greenhouse.

A more serious structure - a seasonal greenhouse - will require more time and material. It is better to connect the elements with bolts, so that it is possible to disassemble the structure for the winter. The optimal shape of the greenhouse is arched. To create it, the ends of the pipes are placed on half-meter metal rods driven into the sides of the future greenhouse every meter. The size of the greenhouse depends on the planned use. The greenhouse can be installed on a foundation or on the ground. Film, polycarbonate or agrofibre can be used as a covering material.

29. Container for growing flowers.

Plastic sewer pipes can also become a container for growing flowers, herbs and vegetables. Very often they are used to create vertical vegetable gardens.

30. Fence.

To fence the area, you can use a low fence made of plastic pipes, which is durable and requires minimal maintenance (it does not need to be painted annually).

The use of plastic pipes is not limited to the ideas presented. This material is so versatile and easy to assemble (it is easy to cut, bend, has a variety of connecting parts) that it is simply impossible to ignore it in your home workshop.

If you look at the surrounding objects in more detail and add a little of your own imagination, then everyone can turn into something interesting and unusual. PVC pipes were no exception.

A DIY screen made of plastic pipes is one of the most common options for using old or defective PVC pipes. In everyday life, such products are used for arranging sewer, heating and water supply systems, however, with the right approach, they can be used in a different way. If a craftsman gets to work, the pipes will transform into amazing things.

Decorative partitions are usually used to delimit large rooms into separate zones or to hide certain areas of the room from prying eyes. Designs such as screens made of plastic pipes, which you can make yourself, have been used since ancient times.

Screens can be mobile, stationary, transparent and compact. A variety of materials can be used to make them, which can come in different shapes and sizes. If you have a significant budget, partitions can be decorated with precious items and rare materials.

Screen made of PVC pipes

It was these designs that were used in the arrangement of rich houses during the Roman Empire, Egypt, Greece and China. For their manufacture, it is recommended to use lightweight materials that will make the decorative element mobile.

Modern businessmen even make partitions from plastic pipes with their own hands. In addition, you won’t need any special expenses, just a little free time and the desire to create.

There are several types of modern screens, and they will be used depending on the type of structure used, its purpose and the available material. The overall style of the room is also taken into account.

By functional purpose they are distinguished:


Transparent They are a strong frame around the perimeter of which fabric or any other material is stretched. It is even possible to use gauze that is pre-starched. Openwork wooden or metal models are used somewhat less frequently.
Deaf Such models have many valves, but their characteristic features include opacity. In this case, a board, durable and dense material, cardboard can be used.
Flexible In this case, you will need thin and long sections that will be connected to each other. The result will be a monolithic wall. If the material is flexible, then the screen can be installed in the form of a spiral, roll or wave.
Screens in the form of a book The sashes can be either the same or different widths. If desired, the doors are folded into a compact book and moved to another place. They are distinguished by their mobility, so they can be used as a place for changing clothes or in photo shoots.
Single screen designs They have one, but fairly wide sash, which will be presented in the form of a durable frame, which will be covered with paper, fabric or any other material at hand. It is recommended to install wheels for more convenient movement.
Sliding structures with doors Such partitions have been used since time immemorial, and until recently they were the only way to delimit the available space. A rigid frame was made over which dense fabric was stretched. Several frames were made, but no more than ten. If necessary, such structures can be easily assembled and moved. A little later, the metal was replaced by a lighter one - aluminum.

Plastic pipes vaguely resemble individual elements of a large construction set. With the right combination of individual sections (different angles and joints), almost any structure can be assembled. For starters, you can try your hand at creating a small clothes rack, and some people manage to build durable bunk beds. The main thing here is to make the correct connection, which will allow you to create almost any piece of furniture and modern interior.

Polymer pipes are used in the construction of heating, water supply and sewerage systems, for the manufacture of which polymers are used. Polypropylene and PVC pipes are in greatest demand.

After the next repair, small sections of such pipes often remain at the dacha and lie in storage rooms or garages for a long time. Craftsmen have found worthy use for them, and thanks to their high strength, reliability and low weight, they are completely safe and durable. To connect polypropylene products you will need special equipment - a welding machine. If not, then you should think about renting. Fittings can also serve as connections, but such products will not be dismountable.

If desired, the frame of the structure can be easily repainted and the canvas replaced. If the screen is used in the bedroom, then as an interesting and unusual idea you can use translucent fabric and install lighting at its base. Thus, during the process of changing clothes, the person will not be visible, and only the material will be highlighted. The screen can also be used as a dressing room.

Instructions on how to make a screen from PVC pipes

You can find out more about the process of making a screen from PVC pipes with your own hands in video:

A screen is a very effective solution for zoning a room. But the astronomical cost of such a partition in art studios inspires creativity, right? A self-made screen made of plastic pipes can become a multifunctional piece of furniture in a bedroom, studio apartment, children’s room and more.

Do you want to make a partition with your own hands, but don’t know where to start? We will help you deal with this issue - the article provides recommendations for creating a screen design project and preparing suitable materials for it.

The process of making a partition from pipes is also described in detail, photo options for screens that can be made with your own hands using scrap materials are considered. As a visual aid, thematic video materials with instructions for self-production have been selected.

The design of the future partition completely depends on the functions that it will perform and on the time available for the implementation of ideas.

Depending on the purpose, screens can perform the following functions:

  • decorative– the partition is used to decorate the interior of the room, being an artistically designed object;
  • division of space– the screen visually divides the room into zones, which is often used by designers in large rooms;
  • implementation of creative ideas– a small screen made of pipes acts as theatrical equipment when performances are staged at home.

The size of the future product is also important for the project, so you should immediately decide on its function. Most often, partitions are made from plastic for a kindergarten group, for playing tabletop puppet theater, for fulfilling household needs, for zoning a one-room apartment, trying to separate an office from a bedroom or living room.

And also, this is a favorite craft of creative and creative craftswomen who prefer to make an unusual and completely unique thing with their own hands.

In principle, it is not at all difficult to buy a screen for every taste and size - manufacturers offer a huge range of different purposes from a wide variety of materials.

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It is convenient to use a special tool for connecting plastic pipes - a soldering iron. If it is not there, then you can use a torch or lighter to heat the junction of the fitting and pipe

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DIY screen: 4 stages of production

Do you want to know how to make a screen with your own hands? To do this, just read the corresponding detailed instructions. It also contains many visual photographic illustrations.

From the choice of design and materials to decoration

The screen manufacturing instructions include the following steps:

  1. Drawing up a drawing;
  2. Selection of materials;
  3. Creating a wireframe;
  4. Decoration.

Stage No. 1: drawing up a drawing

At this stage, it is enough to decide on a couple of criteria:

  1. Number of sashes. The best option is three. This design is quite multifunctional and can be used:
  • For the room. Separate a corner or bed from the rest of the room to create a separate cozy corner in it;

  • For puppet theater. It is enough just to leave a hole on the central flap for the appearance of dolls;

  • For garden. Three sections are enough to create a place protected from prying eyes and sunlight on your suburban area ;

  1. Dimensions. The room should be selected in accordance with its dimensions; large structures will be used more effectively on the site, but, for example, in a kindergarten, on the contrary, a low partition will be sufficient.

After you decide on the specified parameters, you don’t even have to draw the diagram from scratch, but find a suitable template on the Internet and insert your own size values:

Stage No. 2: selection of materials

The screen can be made literally from scrap materials. Here are examples of some interesting solutions:

  1. Plastic pipes. If you have a pipe soldering iron, then there is nothing easier and faster than soldering a frame made of polypropylene pipes. They will make a practical and moisture-resistant design, perfect for use outdoors, near a river, in a bathroom or next to a pool;

  1. Cardboard. The price of this option is the lowest, it is well suited for a children's room;

  1. Polycarbonate. Another not very expensive and practical option that can look stylish indoors and withstand all weather conditions outdoors;

  1. Tree. Despite the abundance of different materials, wooden frames covered with fabric and paper are an immortal classic for making screens, which we will also turn to.

If children or allergy sufferers live in the house, but you should not experiment with artificial materials that often contain allergens, it is better to opt for natural wood and natural fabric.

Stage No. 3: creating a frame

A master class on making frames looks like this:

Photo Description
Let's prepare:
  • 12 pine planks 170 by 2 by 6 cm;
  • 12 pine planks 60 by 2 by 6 cm;
  • Pencil;
  • Carpentry adhesive;
  • Brush;
  • Wood varnish;
  • Chisel;
  • Hammer;
  • Clamps;
  • Cordless or corded screwdriver;
  • Sandpaper;
  • 12 metal corners;
  • Screws
Apply markings on all planks, 60 mm away from the edges.
Making cuts according to the markings.
We carry out with your own hands using a hammer and chisel.
  • We apply apply glue to the inner parts of the notches with a brush;
  • Connecting slats in frames, fixing with clamps;
  • Grinding sand the frames after the glue has hardened;
  • Processing varnish.
Screw it on corners with screws to strengthen the structure.

Stage No. 4: decoration

All that remains is to assemble the frames together and decorate them.

Plastic products have firmly entered our everyday life, quietly displacing many of their analogues. And the most common among all such products are PVC pipes, which, due to their low cost and practicality of use, are found everywhere. And today we will talk about how to use them in a non-standard way and what interesting things you can make from them with your own hands.

It is difficult to list all the products that you can make with your own hands, having only fragments of building materials on hand, as well as fasteners for connecting them. Using such raw materials, you can create incredible and necessary things.

There are truly countless ideas for creating crafts from simple hollow objects. These can be either ordinary organizers for organizing a workspace and a stand for a laptop or tablet, or designer masterpieces (chairs, beds, coffee tables and other furniture) that emphasize a person’s individuality.

Do-it-yourself objects and products made from polypropylene pipes is the most suitable activity for people with a rich imagination. At the same time, they do not have to purchase specialized equipment and tools to produce home crafts from plastic, because such materials can be joined quite simply.

Such designs can be:

  1. Collapsible, the installation process of which is simplified through the use of fittings, connectors, angles and tees.
  2. One-piece, for assembly you will need special assembly glue for plastic or bolts.

And, if the second method is more suitable for stationary interior products, then the first installation method is used by craftsmen interested in the production of seasonal items. For example: a folding fishing chair, a greenhouse, a canopy and a gazebo, a garden swing, etc. Such structures can be easily assembled in advance of the season, and then stored away without worrying that they will deteriorate in the winter.

Crafts made from hollow polyvinyl chloride pipes have a huge number of advantages. Among the main ones are the durability of raw materials and the aesthetic appearance of finished products. Equally important is the relative cheapness of the materials, which is a great temptation for many who want to try their hand at creating universal plastic objects.

Other advantages include:

  1. Practicality of installation and operation.
  2. Strength of structures due to high density of raw materials.
  3. A variety of craft options (configurations, sizes, appearance).
  4. The ability to create exclusive designer items that can later be put up for sale or given as a gift.
  5. Absolute safety and non-toxicity of raw materials, allowing the use of crafts in a wide variety of rooms and conditions.

Whatever design you decide to create, you should remember that the main raw materials (pipe cuttings) can be acquired quite easily, but you will have to prepare fasteners and tools in advance. The same bolts, plugs and fittings - you will need to first calculate how many of these or other parts are needed.

In addition, it is also necessary to prepare auxiliary tools that may be useful in the process of creating an exclusive:

  • pencil and ruler/tape measure;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • glue or screws.

If you decide to bend materials to obtain a product of a certain shape, first think about exactly how you will be able to achieve the desired result. In general, crafts made from fragments of plastic pipes are easy and simple, as you can see by reading this article to the end.

Preschool Ideas

Very often, PVC pipes are used as the most optimal raw material for the manufacture of furniture and household items for children. For example, small chairs, low tables, screens for play areas, football goals for outdoor games, etc. are very popular. There are many more useful and interesting things for which inexpensive polyvinyl chloride pipes are suitable.

For example, to organize leisure time for children in kindergarten, you can make a mobile puppet theater yourself. Moreover, you will only need a few pieces of pipe and connecting elements to create a frame, as well as fabric for the curtain. The result can be a very attractive, and most importantly, an invention needed for kindergarten.

The frame can be made in the form of a screen from two load-bearing supports, two lintels and a floor frame of four tubes, as shown in the photo below on the left. You can also make a more complex design with your own hands - a screen of three sections, the manufacture of which will require a little more consumables and time.

No less relevant devices made from polyvinyl chloride pipes for organizing children’s leisure time in kindergarten:

  • development stand (busy board);
  • washing hands or toys;
  • crib for dolls, etc.

Another necessary structure for kindergartens made from PVC pipes is bicycle parking. It is easy to make such a stand with your own hands, even if you have never had to deal with the installation of pipelines before. In order to build such an installation, you will need two long and two short fragments for the base, as well as several more pairs of identical sections for the racks holding the wheels.

Appliances that are relevant for any time of year are a towel dryer, a laundry basket and a hanger made of plastic pipes. Such designs will be indispensable not only in kindergartens, but also in ordinary residential buildings. Made from fairly light and cheap materials, they can serve their owners for a long time.

The best ideas for country houses

Happy owners of private houses outside the city can also use PVC pipes to their advantage. For those who come to rest and relax in nature, luxurious gazebos and canopies can be made from such materials. And for cinema lovers, you can create a homemade cinema from canvas stretched over a frame made of polyvinyl chloride pipes. What could be better than pleasant company and the open sky, under which you can organize a home evening with friends in front of the big screen. By the way, you can use the remains of other building materials as a canvas. For example, pieces of stretch ceiling remaining after repair.

The same garden furniture can be made with your own hands from pipe sections. Tables, folding chairs, comfortable garden chairs and even sun loungers - these products can be made yourself by looking at drawings on the Internet or developing your own project.

For example, you can use images and diagrams of garden furniture:

Incredibly beautiful, reliable and comfortable benches and swings are made from polyvinyl chloride tubes. And the most important thing is that the production of such structures will not require significant financial investments. May they serve for a very long time, delighting not only the owners, but also their guests.

For those who come to their dacha not only to relax, but also to work, there are also several ideas for arranging their personal plot. What can be made from scraps of plastic pipes that remain, say, after replacing a pipeline? Yes, a lot of things! These can be not only the necessary improvised installations and devices, but also decorative structures to decorate the area adjacent to the house.

For example, if a hose is in the way, and there is no suitable place to store it, make a stand with your own hands from pipe scraps. Those who want to quickly construct a fence for a flower bed or protect themselves from neighbors can use the same material. As you can see from the photo, plastic will fit perfectly into any environment and will help protect your vegetation from animal attacks.

Animal lovers can use plastic hollow structures to create pens and cages of various configurations and sizes. The result is cheap mobile structures that look very aesthetically pleasing. It is worth noting that materials with a large hole can also be useful here. Homemade feeders made from sewer pipes allow farmers who keep birds (quails, chickens, etc.) not to worry about food for their charges. The feed poured into the chute from above will automatically flow to the feeding area.

Another do-it-yourself product made from polypropylene pipes that is relevant for the summer season is an arch shower and an irrigation frame. These are so commonplace designs that you don’t even need a diagram to create them. All you need is a few scraps from PVC manifolds, fittings for connecting them and, of course, a drill for making holes for water. Next, you need to connect the hose to one end of the pipes, and put plugs on the rest (except for the water holes). And, voila - you have a portable shower and a frame for watering your garden beds, lawn or flower bed.

Amateur gardeners cannot do without a greenhouse at their dacha. By the way, it can also be done with only scraps of building materials on hand: pipes with a diameter of 25 mm (or 32 mm), rods, boards, film and fasteners. A detailed master class on how to make a greenhouse with your own hands from such a set of materials is given in the video clip:

You can’t do without a stepladder in your summer cottage. And in an apartment such a design would not be superfluous. How to make such a miracle staircase can be seen in the following video review:

You can also use such building material when constructing a temporary carport. This design will be very light, it can be very easily assembled and disassembled if necessary. Moreover, given the durability of the raw materials, a plastic canopy with a pipe frame can be made on a permanent basis if other building materials are available.

Methods for connecting pipes in structures

Plastic pipes can be used to make not only convenient household items, but also pieces of furniture. In order for such a homemade product to last a long time and be reliable in operation, care must be taken to properly connect the individual sections. Since the connection of polypropylene pipes has already been said, we will consider the connection of only PVC pipes.

PVC plastic pipes can be connected in the following ways:

  • into a socket with a rubber seal;
  • using an adhesive composition;
  • bolts, drilling holes.

The first connection method is characterized by simplicity, but lack of rigidity. Before connecting, it is recommended to clean the internal and external surfaces of the pipes at the junction from dust particles and treat the inserted part of the pipe with silicone grease. First, the pipe is inserted into the socket until it stops, after which it is carefully pulled back by 0.7 - 1 cm. The structures assembled in this way can later be dismantled, which is convenient for seasonal products.

The second method of assembling pipes is characterized by reliable fixation and greater labor intensity. Work on connecting parts begins with sanding the mating surfaces of the socket and pipe for better adhesion. Then they must be degreased with methylene chloride. The adhesive composition is applied along the entire length of the prepared outer surface of the pipe and 2/3 of the length of the inner surface of the socket. Finally, the pipe is inserted into the socket until it stops and turned a quarter turn. For gluing, you need to press the parts for 1 minute. For good fixation, all operations to connect two segments must be carried out quickly enough. The connected elements are left for several hours until the adhesive composition has completely dried.

The third method is more labor-intensive, as it requires marking and preparing holes, but allows you to obtain collapsible structures with a reliable connection.

For corner joints and connecting several sections at once in one unit, it is convenient to use a variety of fittings. Plastic pipe structures can be of any complexity using numerous tees and fittings. Let's look at useful homemade products in order of increasing complexity.

Original and functional little things for interior decoration

Our review of interesting ideas opens with the simplest products made from plastic pipes, which even novice DIYers can make. In addition, such crafts will require a minimal amount of material, and in some cases even the shortest scraps can be used.

From scraps of large and medium diameter pipes you can make a convenient and practical organizer for your office or workshop.

There are two possible execution options here:

  • fastening with self-tapping screws to a wall or table, for which one end of the segment is cut off at an angle - a stationary option;
  • gluing segments together to form a stable figure - a portable option.

The pieces can be left white or gray, or they can be painted in your favorite color. This organizer is indispensable for schoolchildren and people involved in creativity and handicrafts. With it, everything will always be at hand, and there will be perfect order on the table.

Additional comfort on the desktop will be provided by a drawing tablet and a laptop stand, which can be made from small-diameter polypropylene pipes.

Bookshelves are a special element of the interior. Their presence in a certain way characterizes the owner of the home. A corner shelf in a high-tech style will not go unnoticed.

From numerous short scraps of different diameters you can make a patterned frame for a mirror or photograph. It is enough to glue the cut rings together according to a pre-prepared layout, which can be applied to a sheet of cardboard. It could be floral patterns or something abstract. The dimensions of the frame will depend on the amount of suitable material.

Large-diameter scraps can be used to create a convenient shoe shelf with numerous compartments. This design will not take up much space in the hallway and will ensure proper storage of shoes and quick search for the right pair. The elements are connected using glue or self-tapping screws. To secure the shelf to the wall, you can use a plywood sheet to which the assembled shelf is first glued.

Some crafts made from PVC pipes will really appeal to lovers of fresh flowers. This reliable flower stand is easy to make and looks nice.

Small scraps of sewer pipes are well suited for making flower pots for replanting or propagating indoor pets. Showing your imagination, such pots can be decorated with colored paper, paint or bright stickers.

It is easy to make a stylish vase for artificial flowers and dried flowers from elongated cylinders of medium diameter. If you approach the implementation of this idea creatively, you may end up with an original gift for a significant event.

Another extraordinary idea for the interior is homemade lamps in techno style. There are a lot of design options, but they all adhere to the principle of minimalism: no unnecessary details.

Using unused scraps, you can also make useful things for the hallway or corridor: a hanger for clothes and bags and a holder for garbage bags.

Ways in which pipes are connected in a structure

Plastic pipes are good not only for making all kinds of household little things, they can also be used to construct all kinds of furniture. In order for the resulting item to last a long time, all parts of its design must be correctly connected to each other. Let's consider the assembly of structures from segments made from PVC pipes.

Methods that can be used to connect such pipes:

  • connect the segments using a socket and a rubber seal;
  • using special glue;
  • using bolts, drilling holes for them.

In the case of a socket, the connection is not labor-intensive, but not rigid enough. Before the procedure, you should thoroughly clean the pipes at their connections from dust and other contaminants, and then apply a special silicone grease to the inserted edge of the pipe. At first, the pipe must be inserted all the way, but then it is recommended to push it back a centimeter. This is done so that later the structure can be easily disassembled if necessary.

The next method is more reliable, but also more labor-intensive. But in this case the product will be strong, reliable and durable. For good gluing, before installation, the parts at the joints are sanded for better adhesion. Afterwards, the treated areas are degreased with methylene chloride and are ready for applying glue. The glue is applied both to the treated external surface and to the internal one. After the pipes are joined, and when the pipe reaches failure, it is necessary to turn it a quarter turn. The parts should be pressed tightly against each other for a minute, and to ensure maximum fixation, it is best to do the gluing procedure very quickly. Afterwards, the glued segments should dry for several more hours.

The most time-consuming method is the third. In this case, you will have to mark and drill many holes, but this option will provide the future product with excellent strength and reliability. In addition, you don’t have to bother with glue and sandpaper, and after assembly you don’t have to wait for anything to dry.

In order to create corners, all kinds of branches, etc., you can use a variety of fittings, due to which a structure of any complexity can be assembled even by a person ignorant of these matters. So, let's begin to consider useful products that were designed by private craftsmen like you and me.

How to connect pipes to each other?

To make ordinary household products and even furniture, you can use sections of plastic pipes of different lengths and diameters. Corner fastening is made using tees and fittings. Connecting plastic elements can be done in various ways:

  1. In a socket with a rubber seal. This is a simple, but not very durable option. The joints must be cleaned and degreased. It is advisable to use silicone lubricant. The tube is inserted into the socket until it stops, and then pulled back 1 cm.
  2. Using glue is a more labor-intensive, but also reliable method. The gluing areas are treated with sandpaper and degreased. The surfaces to be glued are covered with glue, the pipe in the socket is rotated and clamped for better fixation.
  3. Using bolts through drilled holes is the most labor-intensive, but most durable method of fastening.

Home products made from plastic pipes

A practical organizer made from medium-diameter pipes can decorate your office or garage. They can be fastened with self-tapping screws on the wall and stand, or glued together to form a portable model. Also very functional and useful would be a laptop stand or a convenient shelf for books, mounted on the wall or designed in a corner version.

If you glue rings of small diameter together in the shape of a flower or a pattern, you will get a wonderful frame for photographs, as well as mirrors on the wall. But large diameter cones, connected to each other with glue or self-tapping screws, can be used in the form of a shoe cabinet. A sheet of plywood should be used as a base for fastening. A good option for using pipes would be to make a lightweight hanger or holder for garbage bags.

Lovers of home flowers will appreciate original stands for pots or interesting pots for seedlings, as well as vases for dried flowers.

Furniture for home and garden

Using scraps of plastic pipes connected to each other and covered with fabric, light and comfortable portable sun loungers and chairs are created for children and adults. Making a mirrored coffee table or shelving unit for the living room or bedroom will be more difficult. But the appearance of such a product will be simply amazing.

Interesting ideas for flower beds (photo)

Old furniture can serve as wonderful flowerpots. It will emphasize the natural charm of the summer cottage, giving it a sense of style and a noble appearance.

By opening your dresser drawers and placing pots of your favorite plants inside, you can create cost-effective vertical gardening near your home or gazebo.

A wooden pallet, a dilapidated bed or an unnecessary cart can also serve as an original stand for a flower garden, the main thing is that all these items fit harmoniously into the overall landscape.

Interesting! They create flower arrangements using used watering cans, teapots, pots, and bowls as pots. To decorate, their outer surfaces are painted, painted, and covered with stones or shells.

Garden decor from scrap materials (photo)

  • A compact vertical garden can easily be made from plastic pipes or gutters. To do this, it is enough to hang them on a vertical plane so that they are located one above the other, thereby creating a natural living wall of flowers and plants.

A composition made of vertically placed wooden pallets and pots of flowers mounted on them will look no less beautiful. As a result, you will get a stylish green trellis that will look spectacular in your garden.

  • Very often, a cheerful hanging flower garden is made from unnecessary buckets. To do this, each bucket is painted in bright colors and hung along the fence using plastic or metal hooks.

Wooden boxes in the form of shelves nailed to the walls, on which flower arrangements are placed, will help give the old gazebo a new image.

A large flower bed will look quite unusual, the perimeter of which is decorated with decorative flower pots, which will serve not only as a fence, but also as a kind of creative border if low-growing flowering plants are sown in them.

Also, the role of fencing for a flower bed is perfectly performed by tree branches installed vertically in the ground, plastic or wooden dies.

A small garden can comfortably accommodate a multi-story flower bed made from flower pots of different sizes stacked vertically on top of each other.

Advice! The stumps remaining after cutting down trees can easily be turned into stylish flowerpots if you make a recess in their center for containers with herbs.

Crafts from plastic bottles (photo)

Plastic bottles, which come in different sizes and colors, are a convenient material for implementing ideas for making crafts that serve as decoration for a garden landscape.

What can be made from plastic bottles

  1. Luxurious palm trees, beautiful spruce and pine trees, lush and bright flowers are very often made from this waste secondary raw material for a summer cottage.
  2. By adding the necessary details, craftsmen transform plastic containers into funny piglets, fancy hedgehogs, exclusive butterflies, beetles, bees, and dragonflies.
  3. Hand-made masters create large and voluminous images of various animals and birds from bottles, such as horses, donkeys, giraffes, peacocks, ostriches.
  4. Self-made compositions of frogs, swans and water lilies will help you turn your garden and the space around decorative ponds into a favorite place to relax.

Important! Before you start making crafts from plastic bottles, we strongly recommend that you read the step-by-step guide to creating them.

Plastic bottles attached to a vertical wall in a horizontal direction create an amazingly beautiful waterfall of greenery. It is done very simply. Using a stationery knife or scissors, the top part of each bottle is cut out, then the container is filled with soil into which your favorite flowers and plants are planted.

Bottles turned upside down and buried half their length around shrubs, flower beds, a children's or sports field, create a graphic eye-catching color and make wonderful fencing. There are even gazebos and greenhouses made from plastic bottles. Sofas, armchairs, and ottomans are also made from them.

Crafts from bottle caps

  • An exquisite mosaic is created from bottle caps, which are glued or nailed with small nails to the base and varnished. These can be wall panels, picturesque paintings, cute rugs and other decorative items that decorate your garden.

Bottle caps are even used as miniature paving slabs, laying out mosaic patterns on a layer of carefully leveled and compacted sand. Garden paths paved with cut-off bottoms or whole bottles, which are pre-filled with soil, look no less impressive.

Interesting to know! By stringing the lids onto a fishing line through pre-drilled holes, you can get a bright screen or curtain covering the doorway.

Crafts from car tires (photo)

Garden crafts made from scrap materials have always amazed us with their variety. Absolutely any material that was once used for a completely different purpose is used. One such material is an old car tire.

Interesting to know! Local craftsmen have long learned to make real masterpieces of art from car tires, which evoke admiration and delight with their beauty and original appearance.

A large car tire can easily turn into a miniature pond if you cover it with film and fill it with water. Pebbles, sand, bricks, tiles or cobblestones are laid along the edges, which can be painted in any color.

Very often, resourceful summer residents use car tires to equip sports fields. They make excellent obstacle courses with obstacles and game elements, where your children can not only have a good and fun time, but also develop their dexterity and endurance.

Children should definitely appreciate the unusual tire sandbox, organized in the form of a flat tire filled with washed river sand.

To protect from the sun over the sandbox, it is advisable to build a small shady canopy made of polycarbonate or a piece of dense fabric.

Car tires are used to construct stairs in areas with height differences, and their side parts serve as a durable material for laying out garden paths. If you have a large number of small tires, you can assemble a strong, original fence.

Using tires as a base for a bench and table, it's easy to create a garden dining area. Even poufs and comfortable chairs are made from old tires; this material can also be easily converted into hanging children's swings.

In just a few hours, from tires, craftsmen will be able to make an original flowerbed or flower vase, which will certainly become a decoration for your garden.

Unusual garden figurines and sculptures for the garden (photo)

To make garden figurines yourself, use a variety of materials. They are cast from polyurethane foam, concrete, plaster, oddly shaped driftwood and tree branches are used, they are made from car tires and unnecessary bowls, pans, containers for mayonnaise, eggs and other types of food.

You can make unusual figures of ladybugs, roosters, chicks or hens from ordinary balloons and concrete mortar. Here's what you need for this:

  • Air balloons;
  • Water, sifted sand and cement;
  • Paints and brushes.

Step by step guide

  1. First, inflate the balloon and dilute a thick solution of equal parts sand and cement with the addition of a small amount of water.
  2. Next, the ball is carefully coated with the solution, forming a flat and smooth surface.
  3. After drying, all that remains is to pierce and remove the ball, and paint the resulting spheres and use them as a material to create delightful figures.

Having soaked a textile flap or burlap with concrete solution, they can be put on any cylindrical object, beautifully draping the hanging edges.

After drying, the cement product is removed, turned over, painted in bright colors or decorated with various decor (stones, shells).

  1. By wrapping any plastic container with a reinforcing mesh and applying a layer of cement to it with the addition of a small amount of gypsum, you can create any image you like.
  2. After complete drying, the molded products are painted and placed on alpine hills or flower beds. They can take an equally worthy place in a gazebo or recreation area near a pond.

Beautiful figurines are created using the same technique. These can be old dolls, rubber or plastic figurines of birds or animals. All you need is to coat the ready-made templates with cement mortar and paint.

Original feeders and birdhouses for birds

A bird feeder or birdhouse will become an additional design element of the garden landscape if it is made in an interesting and unusual style.

They are made from wood cuts, cardboard boxes, plastic containers, leftover boards and other available materials. If you show your imagination, you can even weave a birdhouse from branches.

  1. By fixing a glass with a slight tilt back to a wooden board, we get a simple and practical bird feeder.
  2. All that remains is to hang the finished product on a tree and fill it with food (seeds, crushed nuts, bread crumbs.

Important! In order not to create competition among birds, you can make several of these wonderful feeders in the garden.

If you do not have the opportunity to pour out food every day, then it is best to make a feeder from a plastic bottle, using a little ingenuity.

  1. To do this, fill a plastic container to the very top with cereal.
  2. Then they are fastened with the neck down above the horizontal shelf, leaving a small gap.

In this design, the grains will fall out as they decrease, and when the food runs out, you just need to top it up.

Garden decor from scrap materials

Do-it-yourself garden crafts will not only bring pleasure from the process of their creation, but will also delight you for a long time, creating an aesthetic addition to the garden, and will certainly become a source of your pride.

Anything can be useful to create garden decor; the main thing here is to give free rein to your imagination and tune in to the creative process.

For example, tin cans make attractive flower pots if you paint them bright colors and hang them on a string. Such a flower arrangement will undoubtedly decorate your soda plot, and also add bright and rich colors where they are lacking.

Children get special pleasure from participating in the independent production of something new; they are the ones who can inspire the creation of amazing things from scrap materials.

The final detail of any design is the decor. Simple, but incredibly beautiful crafts made from river or sea stones will decorate any garden and draw attention to themselves.

There is nothing difficult in creating such decor; anyone can handle painting stones; besides, there is an excellent opportunity to involve the whole family in an exciting activity that will simply be a fascinating pastime, and bold ideas will inspire new crafts.

Don’t get upset and give up on your idea of ​​creating decor if something doesn’t work out the first time. A little effort and time spent will help you achieve the desired result, and handmade garden crafts will bring incredible pleasure to you and will surprise your loved ones with their unique design.


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