School uniforms in the USSR: let’s remember what they were like? The history of school uniforms: how it happened.

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School uniform. There are so many controversies and different opinions surrounding it. Some people believe that school uniforms are necessary. Others are of the opinion that it harms the harmonious development of the individual. There are people who believe that school uniforms are an invention of the Soviet leadership. But that's not true. The history of the creation of school uniforms goes back to a much earlier period of time.

You can even name the exact date of the introduction of school uniforms in Russia. This happened in 1834. It was in this year that a law was adopted that approved separate species civilian uniforms. These included gymnasium and student uniforms. The suits that were intended for boys of that time were a peculiar combination of military and civilian men's dress. The boys wore these costumes not only during classes, but also after them. Throughout this time, the style of the gymnasium and student uniform changed only slightly.

At the same time, the development of women's education began. Therefore, student uniforms were required for girls as well. In 1986, the first outfit for students appeared. It was a very strict and modest outfit. It looked something like this: wool dress Brown below knee length. This modest dress featured white collars and cuffs. Accessories include a black apron. An almost exact copy of a Soviet-era school dress.

Before the revolution, only children from wealthy families could receive education. And the school uniform was a kind of indicator of wealth and belonging to a respected class.

With the communists coming to power in 1918, school uniforms were abolished. It was considered a bourgeois excess. However, in 1949, school uniforms were returned. True, now she did not symbolize a tall social status, but on the contrary - equality of all classes. The girls' dress did not undergo any changes; it was an exact copy of the schoolgirls' dress. And the costumes for boys were made in the same militaristic tradition. Boys from school were prepared for the role of defenders of the fatherland. School suits, like military suits, consisted of trousers and tunics with a stand-up collar.

Only in 1962 did the school uniform change, although only for boys. The tunic was replaced by a gray woolen suit, which had a semi-military appearance. To look more like military men, the boys wore belts with badges, caps with cockades, and also had their hair cut with a clipper. A dress uniform was introduced for girls, which consisted of a white apron and white knee socks or tights. White bows were woven into her hair. On weekdays, girls were allowed to braid brown or black ribbons.

In the seventies, in the wake of general changes, changes were made to school uniforms. Boys now wore dark blue wool blend suits. The jacket had a denim cut. A three-piece suit made of the same fabric was also offered for girls. But brown dresses were not canceled either.

After the breakup Soviet Union Schools have stopped wearing compulsory school uniforms. Now each educational institution in Russia decides for itself whether to introduce the form. Many elite gymnasiums and schools order the design and sewing of school uniforms from famous fashion houses. Today, this form is again becoming an indicator of prestige and exclusivity.

What about school uniforms abroad?

The most common school uniform is in England and its former colonies. This form is a reflection of the classic business style. Each reputable educational institution in England has its own logo. And this logo is applied to the school uniform. Badges and emblems are made in its form. It is applied to ties and hats.

In France, school uniforms were in use from 1927 to 1968.

In Poland it was abolished in 1988.

But in Germany there has never been a school uniform. Even during the reign of the Third Reich. Only members of the Hitler Youth wore special uniforms. Some German schools have introduced elements of school uniforms, but what exactly the uniform to wear is chosen by the children themselves.

No consensus about the benefits or harms of mandatory uniform school clothing. The history of the creation of school uniforms and its development is contradictory, and does not answer the question: is it necessary? But one thing is for sure, school clothes should remain only school clothes.


There are positive aspects to school uniforms. It's like a working style. Everything somehow merged, Uniform number eight, what we have is what we wear. No working spirit. Fashion show, and the eternal question, what to wear? Girls react especially painfully to this. Especially in adolescence.

You are absolutely right - today's students think more about outfits than about studying. But we understand that the uniform school uniform in the country will not return. But the inventions of each school are no longer a form, but a way to make money on kickbacks from the administration. And sewing such a shape is oh so expensive.

Therefore, as the mother of a schoolgirl, I am against uniforms, but I myself try to limit my daughter in the amount of clothes she wears to school.

I studied in Soviet times and the school uniform did not bother me, moreover, I liked it. The problems of choosing clothes disappeared by themselves. Now it's just a disaster! The clothes of schoolchildren have been elevated to a cult - it is both a source of pride for someone and a reason to humiliate someone. Can a child develop harmoniously in such an atmosphere? Yes, all he thinks about is how not to fall in the eyes of his classmates by wearing something that is not fashionable enough, expensive, etc.

Whether a school uniform is needed or not is a controversial issue. Some believe that this is a relic that inhibits personal development, while others are convinced that it focuses students’ attention on lessons, and not on appearance. What was the situation like in the past—did educational institutions always require children to wear special clothing?

The first school uniform in Russia

Initially, secondary education was compulsory only for boys, so uniforms for high school students began to be sewn in 1834, and for high school girls only in 1896, when general education was introduced for all children. According to the style of the student's suit Tsarist Russia looked like a military man: cap, tunic, trousers, waist belt, overcoat and black cloth bib in winter. High school students wore jackets with a stand-up collar instead of tunics. Each school student was required to always wear a clean and ironed uniform - this was monitored by the guards.

Everyday uniform was supposed to be worn on the street. It is interesting that each student was strictly forbidden to advertise the number of his gymnasium. So the management of the educational institution tried to protect their reputation, because their student could get into a fight or other unpleasant story.

Dresses for girls were made from coarse cotton or wool fabric. A casual option is a brown dress, a black apron, and a festive option is the same dress, but white apron and a lace collar. In the warm season, the look was complemented with a straw hat. In this uniform, schoolgirls went to the theater, church and gala evenings.

The students of the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens, the first women's educational institution in Russia, had several uniform options. Girls from 5 to 7 years old wore brown dresses, from 8 to 10 years old blue or blue, from 11 to 13 years old - gray, from 14 to 18 years old - white.

School uniforms after the revolution

In 1918, the gymnasium uniform was equated with a bourgeois relic and was abolished altogether, as were the gymnasiums. Advice people's commissars The RSFSR ordered the organization of educational institutions for peasants and workers. The children were allowed to go to lessons wearing whatever they had - on appearance Schoolchildren generally stopped paying attention, because poverty and devastation reigned in the country after the revolution.

USSR: from past to present

In 1948, the uniform returned again, it was very similar to the gymnasium one - the same strict brown dresses, aprons, cuffs and collars for girls, tunics, caps and overcoats for boys. Black, brown and white bows were added to the girl's look as accessories.

The next modification of the uniform occurred in 1962 - already on September 1, the boys went to school in a new attire: gray wool-blend trousers and a jacket with three buttons, a white shirt, and a dark blue beret appeared instead of caps. For younger schoolchildren, a white collar was sewn over the jacket collar. The girls' uniform remained unchanged.


During the Khrushchev Thaw, the style of school uniforms was again redesigned, although again this affected only clothes for boys. In the 70s, gray woolen suits were replaced with blue ones made of wool blend fabric. A special emblem with the image of open book and the rising sun - a symbol of enlightenment.


In the 80s, a standard uniform was introduced for high school students; it was worn from the 8th grade. The girls' dresses remained the same in design, only slightly above the knees. They also began producing a blue three-piece suit for female students; it consisted of a skirt, jacket and vest. In Leningrad and some areas of Siberia and Far North They were even allowed to wear blue trousers in winter.

Modern Russia

The uniform was abolished in 1994 - students began going to school in what they wanted. On the one hand, it became easier, but social stratification began to become more evident in the classrooms: some children wore the clothes of their older brothers and sisters, and some were dressed by their parents in the latest fashion.


Some kind of amateurism(((
The second article, which I’m not too lazy to open, but why is everything so on my knees(((
Dates, photographs, information - a person would spend at least a little time searching for information (((
I consider such amateur opuses disrespectful to the reader

The "edition" apparently has an attitude towards the past of a teenage child. Before my birth - that means a very long time ago, prehistoric times, a couple of decades back and forth - it doesn’t matter.
And they had the Khrushchev Thaw in 1975.
And something fantastic: “In the 80s, a standard uniform for high school students was introduced, it was worn from the 8th grade. Girls’ dresses remained the same in design, only slightly above the knees.” - appeared.
I would like to know what they got wrong in the part describing what I personally don’t know for sure.

Missing the late 80's blue girl's uniform. Otherwise it’s interesting, thank you.

Wow, for the first time I read the editorial with interest and looked at the photographs to the end.

Comment on the article "School uniforms in Russia: when they appeared and how they changed"

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But this is the main condition for participation... All examinations remain behind the scenes. But the moment when you discuss your diagnosis with doctors - this, of course, will be broadcast. I understand that I don’t want to show off my problems... But the consultation is truly attended by some of the the best doctors who are ready to deal with complex cases.

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Serfdom in Russia will be returned routinely. Most likely on Friday. Exactly at midnight, an exclusive will appear on the website of the Izvestia newspaper with a link to a reliable source in the presidential administration.


Guys... this is serfdom, it’s simply ridiculous. This is the fact that the state (and judging by the stories of the participants from the USA, their state was much more successful in this) can and does monitor everyone, that every passport holder will have a possible access to your own medical record (if access is hacked), that when applying for a job, the employer will be able to obtain so much information about you from only one electronic document (I suspect that what was created by a person can always be destroyed by another person, so what is encoded by one, someone else can decode)... this is much more “interesting”. The proposed mining on someone's plots will seem like paradise.

echo? Snob - f firebox without reading.

And in Russia this was done in 1993, when the Parliament was burning. The main strategic economic, financial and political goal: to prevent the introduction of “Gaddafi’s laws” in Russia and Ukraine and the introduction of an occupation regime 05/07/2014 11:30:32, Finance.


Poor Berlusconi suffers for this, by the way:(

They don’t tell you what his social and social status is like. political program? Did you think why they attacked him? Because he was for the people. He calmed and satisfied the “popular masses” - before him, Italy (and therefore Europe) was in a fever and governments changed five times a year... But the Washington regional committee does not need this.

And if they wrote what Berlusconi is fighting for, then the Europeans would throw the IMF out of Europe and their “dermocratic” rulers at the same time into the trash heap...

Point No. 6 + “made the decision to withdraw Libya from the world banking system and 12 more wanted to follow his example Arab countries". And whatever he does is enough.

For the first time, advertising and film directors, an advertising agency, a charitable foundation and cinemas united for a unique social project. To attract public attention to the problems of adoption, Russian directors created 10 short films about children from orphanages. From April 9, they can be seen online and in Moscow cinemas “35mm”, “Illusion” and “Wick”. Currently, the federal data bank contains information about 105,000 children left without parental care. How...

In the evening at 6 p.m. there was a rally for Russia, a referendum, etc. Then the Maidan ones appeared from the buses hidden in the backyards. A fight broke out. We must pay tribute - ours did not allow themselves to be provoked.


From another forum, also not primarily political, a resident of Donetsk writes: “Only from there, in the sense of Lenin Square. [Another forum member] already told you and showed you. In the evening at 6 p.m. there was a rally for Russia, a referendum, etc. Then the maidans appeared from the buses hidden in the backyards. A brawl began. We must give credit where it is due - ours did not allow themselves to be provoked. There were victims. Sorry, the Internet is very bad, and from the phone, too.
What kind of legal chaos we have in our country now - it’s neither in a fairy tale nor in nightmare can't see!!! Just creepy!"
Then various forum participants said that the locals defeated the attackers and brought them to their knees.

In my opinion, you are wasting your time.

You also need to find out where several GRU units, detained by the SBU and the Foreign Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, went - well, since you decided to look for the truth.

I think there is no point in describing what boots are, because they are more than well-known and popular among modern fashionistas. If we return to the history of their origin, then it must be said that they appeared quite a long time ago - in the 17th, 18th centuries, in Europe, and their origin was of practical importance and was dictated by the need for riders to remain in the saddle for a long time. In those days, such boots were quite hard and practically did not bend at the ankles and knees; they were valued for their strength and...

In 2005, the Escentric Molecules brand was founded in Berlin, the success of which even Chanel could envy. What is the reason for such a rapid rise in the popularity of the German designer Geza Schoen? Everything ingenious is simple - pheromones (Pheromones, biologically active substances secreted by animals V environment and specifically influencing behavior, physiological and emotional condition or metabolism of other individuals of the same species). However, the work to create the first...

Why do we need a school uniform and what should it be like? These issues have been discussed as long as the education system has existed. And in different centuries it was solved differently. For example, uniforms for lyceum students were introduced back in 1834, and women’s uniforms only 63 years later. The compulsory Soviet school uniform was abolished in 1992, and a little later each school began to choose its own. We at the School of Cooperation dedicated a grand holiday, our 20th anniversary, to rethinking the place of school uniforms in the educational process...

We also had thoughts of doing something to make it possible to purchase it in Russia. My husband found on the internet that they don’t want to use Sabril in Russia because of its negative impact on vision. Well, what are you going to do here? 10.10.2007 19:08:18, Mishanya.


Sveta, hello!!! I’ll tell you again what Ayvazyan told us. Sabril was approved in Russia 5 years ago. But then someone didn’t share something with someone else and the drug was banned.
We also had thoughts of doing something to make it possible to purchase it in Russia. My husband found on the internet that they don’t want to use Sabril in Russia because of its negative effect on vision. Well, what are you going to do here?

it felt like the machine was answering, not a person.

But when children appear, how do you explain the situation to them? receive replies by E-mail. show links to images as pictures. Russia. Polygamy. The wife's right to polo >.


If this is really a family, then against it. It’s one thing when people just live in threes, fours, etc. One of my friends actually lived with three people at once. You should have seen the size of her pans and the amount of laundry she does. Although financially and physically it is an ideal option. But when children appear, how do you explain the situation to them? And it is difficult to document this; our legislation does not provide for this. All the same, there will be one wife, and the second one will just be a cohabitant. If a man has so much money that he can provide for two families, then it is not easier to have a people-loving wife and an au pair. If the wife is not overwhelmed by everyday life, then in intimate terms she will be more than enough.

Very interesting topic, I can’t come by 8-). If it's not a secret, where do you live? Is polygamy officially allowed somewhere in the CIS???
I was born and raised in Kazakhstan, and I don’t accept this option for my family. Regarding the statements that “Muslim women are taught to think about polygamy from birth,” I don’t know, I haven’t seen anything like that. It’s difficult to talk about Muslim republics as a whole, after all, it’s not a small region, and within one republic there are huge variations, in addition, the division between city/village, north/south of the country, how “Russianized” a family is, how strictly a given family adheres to traditions - a huge number of factors...
Regarding polygamy, I can say that I know a family where the husband has 2 wives, these are distant relatives on the husband’s side. But they are not people of our generation, the same age as their fathers-in-law. Everything seems to be fine with them, according to my mother-in-law, the wife did not share the housework, only the wife did the work (called tokal), and 1 wife looked after her children. They are already old people, the children call 1 wife “big/elder” mother, blood mother “white” mother, she is a light-colored Kazakh, more like a Tatra.
And also, as far as I know, the Koran says that one must observe certain rules, there must be a good reason for 2 marriages, the consent of 1 wife, a man must provide (!!!) for all his wives and children, none of the wives should be deprived. In addition, there are interpretations of the Koran where they teach how a true Muslim should treat his parents, wife/s, children...

Once upon a time, from the Inurkollegium (I sent them a question on this topic), they first wrote the same thing (that Russia does not have an agreement with the USA, and that nothing can be done), and then (a year later, or even more - I and I forgot to think about it) suddenly they sent a letter that they seemed to be in business...


I’m doing some research here on the website of the US Department of Foreign Affairs, which talks, in particular, about alimony payments for persons who have gone abroad. So, it says that the United States does not have an agreement with any country regarding alimony defaulters. The reason is that many countries do not agree with the rigidity of American laws. (hmm, interesting...) In addition, non-payment of alimony is not a crime, and therefore cannot be investigated by Interpol and international law enforcement agencies. The only thing they advise you to do is contact local authorities, file a lawsuit, and write down how much alimony was underpaid. And then collect them upon the return of the defaulter to the country. :(

In general, nothing good.

Alain, we need to look for him. Even if it’s just on the internet. Typically, people living there are listed in phone books (or pay extra not to be included). Through friends. What visa did he leave on? If it is a student (F, J) or a worker (H), which are the most common options for legal movement, then it is not a problem. You need to find an employer or university and start sending letters. Having in hand, naturally, judgment on the collection of alimony. That is, beat on the difficulties with the visa. Have you contacted the embassy/consulate? They should, I think, help with finding out exactly how he left. Have you been put on the wanted list? I think the consulate is obliged to respond to the police (police?) request and find out where he is.

If he left on a visitor visa (B) type to visit a friend and stayed to work as a gardener illegally, I think there is no problem.

That is, the algorithm, it seems to me, is to get a decision on alimony, talk to the police or whatever it’s called, and go to the consulate. IMHO, in Estonia they will speak more tenderly than at the US consulate in Moscow.

(According to the instructions, they have the same terrible effect on the liver) 6 At what dosage of depakine does it become clear that it helps at least a little? Accordingly, about suksilep too. So far we have only myoclonus with falls, but it seems that others may appear.


And we have been drinking Depakine for over 2 years. It really hurts the liver, but it needs to be supported. I know there are children for whom 30 mg/kg is enough, and there are also 70. We take 60 mg/kg. Mukhin still loves Sabril, did he propose to you? When taking Depakine, you need to look at its concentration in the blood (Invitro does it, for example). Again, concentration does not always give an accurate picture, so the child’s reaction is also important; you, as a mother, will know best. For information: doctors at the Research Institute of Pediatrics on Taldomskaya consider the concentration of Depakine to be nonsense.


Tip 2

Try to pay close attention to every action that your beloved performs while sitting in front of a flickering screen. Be sure to be there for every connection. Make a long list of idiotic questions in advance that should make you want to strangle you with their bare hands so that you don’t have to worry about them anymore. Constantly talk about your dream of becoming as smart and enlightened as some, but keep it in moderation: if you do get a faint glimmer of understanding of something, it is recommended to immediately fall back into childhood and start looking for Any Key on the keyboard. Don’t be silent for a second, bring the situation to the point of absurdity - do it in a big way! As a contrast therapy, at the slightest signs of recovery, such as: an attempt to run away from you and the computer along with the chair, unreasonable screams and increased irritability - immediately change tactics. Become affectionate, smart, understanding, gentle - in short, be yourself. Eventually he will be forced to catapult himself onto the plush surface of his four-legged sofa friend. But you don’t need to be taught what to do so that he stays there?

Tip 3
In the name of brute force

It is used in clinical cases and practically does not fail. Simple, like everything ingenious. Quickly sell your computer along with Internet access and regularly confiscate the cash that appears from your pockets, wallet and accounting department at your place of work. Suppress riots and revolutions in the bud following the example of the leaders of the proletariat: a) first of all, seize communications; b) distribute vodka. Happened? Now start saving up the funds you have for that pumpkin you’ve been dreaming about for so long.

Hello everyone, big big!)
Girls and a few boys, I ask for advice and an outside perspective.
I have a friend, we’ve been dating since July, many on the forum are aware of my personal life. 14 years older, single, wealthy, caring, sometimes it seems that he is loving. He monitors my health and well-being, takes care of me, shows feelings that could be mistaken for love, if not for one thing - he does not limit himself to communicating with other women.
He denies this point, of course, but I’m a dead sparrow and I’m not so easily deceived.
And then a young man appears on the horizon, 12 years younger than me. Athlete, hockey player of the main team of our regional major league team. Doesn't give me a pass, young, hot and all that. I went to matches with him twice and to the cinema once.
Like. But the age difference (((
The moment is such that you either have to give up or move on.
I respect my man and am in love with him. But this freedom of his... I can't do anything about it. He proposes marriage, but hints that physical infidelity means nothing. And for me, oh, how it means!
And this hockey player too. He writes and calls constantly, comes to work with me for far-fetched reasons.
I'm confused. It seems to me that both of these options are not so suitable for me.
Help. I don't sleep at night.



All these topics - about signs of pregnancy, about sneezing, itching in the left heel, toxicosis 3 hours after PA, contractions the day after PA - the authors of these topics are not kidding? Do they really exist in the world? Those. people completely lack at least general knowledge in the field of physiology?????
Is it true that you need to give birth exactly on time and any deviation is a pathology? Is it true that girls know the time of conception to the minute?

And the most important question - do these mothers have the same children?)))) - emoticons are not included.
Let's collectively make a list with all the signs of pregnancy)))


Maria Proskurina

I’ve been meaning to write for a long time, maybe someone can give me some useful advice. Because I simply don’t know what to do anymore.
My husband and I have been together for 13 years, we have two children. My husband has an adult son from his first marriage; when we met, he was 12 years old; he has been living with his dad since he was 7 years old. There is a mother, but she hasn’t participated in raising the child since those 7 years, they don’t communicate at all, she has her own family. They even subsequently intended to deprive her of her parental rights, but it didn’t work out, because... She is not a drunk or an antisocial element.
The husband's son was raised by his father accordingly, and spent the summer with his grandmother in the village. When I appeared in their life, I immediately took the position of a friend, because dad was both mom and dad for him, and in general I was too young then even to give birth to my own children, and it would be stupid to “pretend to be a stepmother” , our age difference is less than with his father.
It just so happened that I learned about the existence of an adult son, having already become “firmly stuck” in this relationship. Then I didn’t even think about a relationship with a divorced man, but that’s how life turned out.
In general, I noticed even then that my then-not-husband was prone to overprotectiveness. He always had this complex in his head that his son did not have a mother. I always thought that this was to his detriment; there is no point in a teenager developing an “orphan complex.” My grandmother (my husband’s mother) also added fuel to the fire; he always came from her with the position that he was a poor orphan, and everyone owed him. Overprotection, in my opinion, has always been to his detriment. For example, at the age of 14, he wanted to work part-time with his classmates, delivering newspapers, but his husband “strangled” this initiative in the bud, like stay at home, it’s safer, otherwise they’ll hit you in the head, but you already have everything. As a result, in his free time from studying, he sat at the computer and played with toys. Then I got hooked on online games.
The husband, on the one hand, was quite strict with him, had some kind of conversations all the time, but never really limited the computer, preferring that he sit at home and not wander around. As a result, my son began to lie, starting somewhere in high school. I passed the Unified State Exam with difficulty and entered the budget, not without financial contributions from my husband. I studied with grief and lies. Every session I called the dean’s office and found out that either he was not allowed to take exams or his coursework had not been written. The husband swore, the son tearfully assured that he realized everything, that he would no longer lie, but everything was repeated again. “Students live cheerfully from session to session, and the session is only twice a year.” Then, due to unfulfilled tests, he was expelled, we missed this moment, because he lied that everything was fine with him, and it was simply a shame to call the dean’s office, tea is no longer a boy. But then, through the efforts of my husband, he was finally reinstated, but he had to take the academic job because he received a summons for expulsion. I served a year in the army, my husband didn’t make excuses on principle, he hoped that the army would change something. All this time we all lived together, then we paid off the mortgage, and my husband bought his son a one-room apartment nearby. While he was in the army, the house was completed and the apartment was renovated. We already have a daughter. Returned from the army. Within a year he had matured, he was even offered to remain in service under a contract, but they decided that he needed to “finish his diploma.” He chatted for another year, but in a separate apartment, and then he didn’t even go to defend his diploma. If I hadn’t realized it then (I always felt his lies more sensitively than my husband, apparently because he didn’t tell me dear person). It turned out that he didn’t even make a presentation for the diploma he wrote with grief in half. And so the commission is waiting, the husband arrived urgently, everyone has already defended themselves, and the husband, blushing, sets the table for them and asks them to wait while they prepare the presentation. The commission is waiting, and they are riveting slides in a free audience. It’s a disgrace, my husband almost burned with shame, he wanted to kill him there. But the commission relented and generally defended himself. A diploma in your pocket, although there is objectively zero knowledge.
Then the search for work began. There were several attempts to get a job, but I couldn’t stay anywhere for more than two months. He also constantly lied that he got a job, while he sat at home and played online games.
Then my husband and I moved to new house, our son was born, but he didn’t want to rent out our apartment, which he got with sweat, blood and a mortgage. As a result, I persuaded him to move his son into our three-room apartment, and at least rent out this one-room apartment, so that at least the money would flow in.
Well, here’s the result: my son turns 26 this year. It doesn’t work, you can say that it’s been since I came from the army, that is, it’s been 4 years. Well, there were attempts, but they were unsuccessful. I send him vacancies, he sometimes even goes for interviews, but like kindergarteners, his psychosomatics immediately kick in, he gets sick, or there’s something he doesn’t like there, or the salary isn’t right. My husband wanted to place him in the Russian Guard with specifics according to his diploma, he underwent a medical examination for six months, all this time he did not even try to get a job, he was hanging out. He worked for a week, and then they started hanging on him financial liability, well, my husband allowed him to quit. I’m trying to persuade my husband to let him join me, but he doesn’t want to, like his guys will do him some favors. As a result, such an enviable groom lives in three rubles, and the girls just stick to him. Now he’s been living with a regular girlfriend for a year (they started in a one-room apartment). She’s not a bad girl, she works, but she came from another city, rented a room, and now she doesn’t need to rent, but she can’t dictate terms to him, because... lives on its territory. And he pretends to be so cool in front of her, it’s funny.
Dad pays for utilities, carries bags of groceries for him, or transfers money to his card. And he doesn’t need more, he has no needs. Food, shelter and sex are free. But he calls his dad when the money runs out, and he keeps babbling about how he’s “looking” for a job and how hard it is to get a job. young specialist. My husband even took the computer away from him, so now he doesn’t play, and I don’t even know what he does all day long, maybe he stares at the TV and pokes at his phone. I send vacancies, he politely thanks me, and so on day after day. There is a sea of ​​work all around, I don’t understand HOW a young man, not even a guy, but a man can sit at home all day long! And here’s the actual question in the title: how to convince, how to force him to find a job??? Depriving him of his maintenance is not an option; the husband is not ready to leave him without food, because then his girlfriend will simply spend all her money on food (this has already happened). In addition, there was a case, the husband got angry, did not give him money, and he sold an expensive gold decoration, a gift from my husband. When he found out, he was very offended by his son, it was like a betrayal, but, quote, “you can’t leave him to die of hunger.” By the way, of course, now things are going well for us, and maintaining an over-aged kid doesn’t put a big strain on the budget, but I just can’t imagine how you can sit on your butt at 25 years old and do nothing. Yes, even on maternity leave for five years I was so tired that I gladly accept the opportunity to work, help my husband or parents with business, although there is no real need, but so to speak, for the soul, for self-realization. But he’s fine, he’s still waiting for his dream job. I'd like to be a gaming vlogger or something like that. I suggested that he start, record a test video or something similar. But he says this niche has already been filled. Well, how else can you justify your laziness?
Our relationship is good, he is kind and polite, but he is a pathological liar and lazy. But I still hope that something can motivate him. Just what????


School uniform is a mandatory casual uniform for students while they are at school and at official school events out school.

Now in Russia there is a lot of debate about whether students need a school uniform and what it gives: it increases discipline and academic performance or, on the contrary, it deprives them of individuality and interferes with the formation of a full-fledged personality. Parents and teachers, journalists and psychologists argue about this. Meanwhile, children go to school in whatever they like - tracksuits and miniskirts, sweaters and tank tops. What they like and what their parents can afford.

School uniforms existed in our country quite for a long time and you shouldn’t forget your history.

Even in the famous Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens, each age was assigned to wear its own dress color: for pupils 6–9 years old - brown, 9–12 years old - blue, 12–15 years old - gray and 15–18 years old - white. There is a legend that the costumes of the students were invented by Empress Catherine II herself.

1834. A law was passed that approved the general system of all civilian uniforms in the empire. This system included gymnasium and student uniforms. The style of the school uniform for boys changed along with the style of the dress in 1855, 1868, 1896 and 1913.

1896. Regulations on gymnasium uniforms for girls were approved.

1. 1. School uniform in the USSR

Uniform (according to Ozhegov) is the essence of uniform. Form has the same meaning. UNIFORM CLOTHING is clothing that is uniform in cut and uniform in color, established for a certain category of persons. Uniforms primarily act as a sign of distinction. The presence of other individual insignia only emphasizes its functionality. Uniforms have never kept pace with fashion. School uniform Soviet period- was a true uniform or uniform.

In 1918, after the revolution, the gymnasium uniform in Russia was abolished.

The old uniform was considered a symbol of belonging to the upper classes, and on the other hand, the uniform symbolized the student’s absolute lack of freedom, his humiliated and subservient position. But this rejection of form also had another side - the poverty of the people. Students went to school in what their parents could provide them with.

However, over time, they decided to return to their former image - to brown formal dresses with a black apron, aprons, student jackets and turn-down collars. This happened in 1949. Now “loose clothing” has become associated with laxity.

During Soviet times, school uniforms were compulsory for every student, but they changed several times.

There were several models. Girls have a classic brown dress with a black (everyday) or white (for special occasions) apron, tied at the back with a bow. School dresses were modestly decorated with lace turn-down collars and cuffs. Wearing a collar and cuffs was mandatory.

In addition to this, girls could wear black or brown (everyday) or white (ceremonial) bows. Bows of other colors were not allowed according to the rules. In general, the uniform for girls almost completely copied the uniform of the Russian pre-revolutionary girls' gymnasium, with the exception that the gymnasium students wore straw hats.

The most minor experiments with the length or other parameters of the school uniform were severely punished by the administration of the educational institution.

Even the hairstyle had to meet moral requirements - “model haircuts” were strictly prohibited until the end of the 1950s, not to mention hair coloring. Girls always wore braids with bows. The school uniform of the era of I.V. Stalin can be seen in the films “First-Grader”, “Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character” and “Vasyok Trubachev and His Comrades”.

1962. The boys were dressed in gray wool suits with four buttons. The uniform for girls remains the same.

1973. From the mid-1970s, boys' gray wool trousers and jackets were replaced by trousers and jackets made of blue wool blend fabric. The cut of the jackets was reminiscent of classic denim jackets with shoulder straps and chest pockets with brace-shaped flaps. The jacket was fastened with aluminum buttons. On the side of the sleeve was sewn a soft plastic emblem with a drawn open textbook and a rising sun - a symbol of enlightenment.

In the early 1980s (1976), a uniform for high school students was introduced: a skirt and jacket made of blue wool blend fabric. They started wearing this uniform in the eighth grade. Girls from first to seventh grade wore a brown dress, as in the previous period. Only it was not much higher than the knees.

In the 80s, there was no longer any particular strictness in schoolchildren’s clothing. Middle school boys, not to mention high school students, could wear ordinary suits to school, including ones with a vest. For girls, garment factories made dresses and aprons of various styles and cuts, but only one color, dark brown with different shades. To be honest, from a distance the difference in styles was not very noticeable. Girls, especially in high school, always tried to somehow “decorate” their uniforms, used different shaped cuffs, and shortened the length of the dress. The process of democratization of school clothes began from within; teenagers needed change.

For high school boys, trousers and a jacket were replaced with a trouser suit. The color of the fabric was still blue. The emblem on the sleeve was also blue. Very often the emblem was cut off because it did not look very aesthetically pleasing, especially after some time - the paint on the plastic began to wear off. School uniforms from the 1980s can be seen, for example, in the films “Guest from the Future” and “The Adventures of Electronics”

For girls, a blue three-piece suit was introduced in 1984, consisting of an A-line skirt with pleats at the front, a jacket with patch pockets (without sleeve emblem) and a vest. The skirt could be worn with either a jacket or a vest, or the whole suit at once. It was this uniform for girls that contributed to the fact that they began to realize their attractiveness early. A pleated skirt, a vest and, most importantly, blouses with which you could experiment, turned almost any schoolgirl into a “young lady.” It was allowed to wear loose hair.

A mandatory addition to the school uniform, depending on the age of the student, was the October (in primary school), Pioneer (in middle school) or Komsomol (in high school) badges. Pioneers were also required to wear a pioneer tie.

In addition to the usual pioneer badge, there was a special option for pioneers actively involved in social work. It was a little larger than usual and had the inscription “For active work” on it.

In 1988, the wearing of blue trousers in winter was allowed for Leningrad, regions of Siberia and the Far North. In the same year, some schools were allowed, as an experiment, to waive the compulsory wearing of school uniforms.

In September 1991, the wearing of pioneer ties and October badges was canceled due to the abolition of the Pioneer Organization of the USSR.

Compulsory wearing of school uniforms in Russia was abolished in the spring of 1992.

1. 2. Modern Russia

Perestroika changed attitudes towards school uniforms. It began to be considered one of the means of suppressing individuality, which interferes with the harmonious development of the individual. School uniforms were abandoned, and for some time they were completely absent from Russian schools. However, then school uniforms began to return again - only now at the level of individual schools, as a kind of corporate clothing that serves as a sign of difference between the students of a given school and all others.

The ban has been lifted, you can wear whatever you want, as long as the clothes are clean. Teenagers spend most of their time within the walls of school, and they do not care what they wear in front of their classmates. Children's demands to buy a new outfit have increased, in accordance with fashion trends. It is indecent to wear the same outfit to school all week, just as it is indecent to go to work. Psychologists, reflecting on the topic of social inequality, believe that the absence of a uniform school uniform only emphasizes this inequality.

Now there are very different opinions about the need for school uniforms. A year ago

The Russian Ministry of Education conducted a survey of schoolchildren, parents and teachers. Among teenagers, only 38% showed interest in the form, the rest were strongly against it. Most adults believe that a uniform is necessary; it teaches children discipline and develops a corporate spirit. A school uniform is not so much an outfit as it is everyday clothing that a child wears five days a week. Perfect option- this is a beautiful, comfortable and inexpensive form, consisting of several accessories for different seasons.

Many schools enter into contracts with garment factories. At the same time, teachers and parents (children also take part) determine the style, choose the style and color of the uniform.

Child psychologists advise:

Choose calm, muted colors and do not use direct colors of the rainbow, they increase fatigue in children and can provoke hidden irritation;

It is better to avoid a combination of colors such as black and white; such a sharp contrast greatly tires the eyesight and can even cause a headache;

The most suitable colors are beige or diluted green;

For boys, a classic three-piece suit. It is better to choose fabric without synthetic additives - they accumulate static electricity;

This is how the management of educational institutions and parents who want to see their children neat, well-mannered, educated and smart solve the problem of school uniforms. First-graders are happy to put on the school uniform. They consider themselves adults. From about the 6th grade, teenagers are very reluctant to put on a uniform, and high school students often simply ignore it and do not want to wear it like an “incubator.”

1. 3. Dress code

Over the past 100 years, the concept of a dress code has migrated from London to all big cities peace. This concept is actively used.

Dress-code translated from English means “clothing code,” that is, professional clothing or uniform. If it is customary to wear a uniform at school, gymnasium or college, then this clothing is dress code. Business style– clothes for work and important meetings. Main characteristics of style: solid, self-confident, attractive, trustworthy, elegant. These are clothes that don't attract attention. The most business colors for suits and dresses are considered dark: dark blue, dark gray, brown, black, blue-green; light: beige, light gray.

II. Main part.

We conducted a survey among students in grades 2, 3 and 4, as well as parents.

Survey questions:

1. Are you faced with a problem: what to wear to school?

2. Do elementary school students need uniforms?

3. Do you face a problem: what to send your child to school with? (Adults)

4. Is it necessary primary school form? (Adults)

The diagrams show that many children are faced with the problem of choosing clothes for school – this is 43% of respondents. 51% of respondents want to wear a uniform, 48% do not want to, 1% are neutral.

The majority of adults - 77% - are faced with the problem of what to send their child to school in. 85% definitely said that their children need a uniform at school, and only 15% of those surveyed believe that a child can go to school in whatever he wants.

Based on the literature we read and a survey, we found out that school uniforms have their pros and cons.

Pros of school uniform:

The form helps to avoid visible signs of social differences among children and adolescents and the difference in the income of their families is not so noticeable.

The school uniform disciplines. The design of any form is strict and business-like, allowing no liberties and not distracting students from the main lesson - studying the school curriculum.

It, like any corporate clothing, promotes team unity.

Disadvantages of school uniforms:

No form can completely hide social differences. There are also shoes, cosmetics and perfumes, jewelry, Cell phones And so on and so forth. Children from wealthier families will always find a way to emphasize their social status. In addition, children and adolescents spend most of their lives outside of school, and here they, in any case, wear their regular clothes, and not a uniform.

Form is the suppression of individuality. For children and adolescents, the inability to express themselves in clothing can be quite a sensitive stress that interferes with the full and harmonious development of their personality.

Another disadvantage concerns parents. Additional expenses on clothes that the child will not wear anywhere except school.

The next disadvantage is the uniform style of school uniform. No matter how good a fashion design is, it will never appeal to everyone equally. And for a child, and especially for a teenager, wearing clothes that he does not like is very serious stress.

III. Conclusion.

The idea of ​​returning school uniforms, as corporate clothing, to educational institutions is becoming increasingly relevant. Today, in many schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, school uniforms are becoming mandatory.

Based on the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. School uniforms for girls and boys have the following advantages:

Smoothing social inequality, which can negatively affect the child’s psyche;

Instilling in a child internal discipline and good taste for an elegant business style;

Forming a sense of community and cohesion with the class and school.

2. A school uniform, like any children’s clothing, should be comfortable, practical, high quality, fashionable, and most importantly, the schoolchildren themselves should like it.

3. In educational institutions that do not have a school uniform, there may be rules for wearing clothes.

According to media reports, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets rejected school uniform options proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Education and Science. The first project turned out to be “too lobbyist”, the second – “extremely vague”. Meanwhile, manufacturing companies complain that due to the protracted process of agreeing on the style of a uniform school uniform, they may not have time to sew clothes by the beginning of the school year.

It was not possible to find rejected styles on the Internet, so Motherhood decided to give free rein to the memories and admire the school uniform models that existed in different years, from the times of the Russian Empire to the developed USSR.

In 1834 it was approved general system all civilian uniforms in Russian Empire, including for secondary educational institutions. The regulations on gymnasium uniforms for girls were approved in 1896. The uniform of students in secondary schools was of a semi-military nature. Similar in style, their caps, overcoats and tunics differed in color, piping, as well as buttons and emblems.

The everyday dresses of the students of the institutes for noble maidens were made from camelot. Girls in preparatory classes (from five to seven years old) wore coffee or brown dresses; from eight to ten - blue or dark blue; from eleven to thirteen - gray. Senior schoolgirls wore white dresses. The dresses were closed (“deaf”), one-color, of the simplest cut. They wore a white apron, a white cape and, sometimes, white sleeves.

There was also a uniform in women's gymnasiums. In state gymnasiums, pupils wore brown dresses with a high collar and aprons - black in school days and white on holidays. The dress uniform was complemented by a white turn-down collar and a straw hat. If there were several women's gymnasiums in the city, then, as a rule, their uniforms were of different colors.

Outerwear was also regulated: high school students wore an overcoat similar to an officer's.

In 1918, the gymnasium uniform of pre-revolutionary Russia was recognized as a bourgeois relic and was canceled along with many other developments in the field of education. However, over time, it was decided to return to the former image - to brown formal dresses, aprons, student jackets and turn-down collars. This happened in 1948, during the period of universal “uniforming,” when department after department put on uniforms. The school uniform of the 1948 model actually copied the style of the uniform of classical gymnasiums - both in color, cut, and accessories.

This form existed until the end of the 1962 school year. On September 1, 1962, first-graders boys went to school at new form- without caps with a cockade, without waist belts with a massive buckle, without tunics. The uniform for girls has remained virtually unchanged.

The uniform was changed in the direction of moving away from "militarism". The boys received a gray wool blend suit - trousers and a single-breasted jacket with three black plastic buttons. A white shirt was recommended under the jacket.

For boys, from the 1975-1976 school year, gray woolen trousers and jackets were replaced with trousers and jackets made of blue wool blend fabric. The cut of the jackets was reminiscent of classic denim jackets (the so-called “jeans fashion” was gaining momentum in the world) with shoulder straps and chest pockets with brace-shaped flaps).

The jacket was fastened with aluminum buttons, the design reminiscent of military ones. The buttons were of 2 diameters - smaller for junior high school students and larger for high school students. On the side of the sleeve was sewn an emblem (chevron) made of soft plastic with a drawn open textbook and a rising sun - a symbol of enlightenment.

For high school boys, trousers and a jacket were replaced with a trouser suit. The color of the fabric was still blue. The emblem on the sleeve was also blue. This emblem, in addition to the sun and an open book, contained a stylized image of an atom. Very often the emblem was cut off because it did not look very aesthetically pleasing, especially after some time - the paint on the plastic began to wear off.

Girls from first to seventh grade wore a brown dress, as in the previous period. Only it was not much higher than the knees.

For girls, a blue three-piece suit was introduced in 1984, consisting of an A-line skirt with pleats at the front, a jacket with patch pockets (without sleeve emblem) and a vest. The skirt could be worn with either a jacket or a vest, or the whole suit at once. In 1988, the wearing of blue trousers in winter was allowed for Leningrad, regions of Siberia and the Far North.

Compulsory wearing of school uniforms in Russia was abolished in the spring of 1994. By decision of the president, compulsory school uniforms were reintroduced on September 1, 2013, but a uniform style was never approved, so for now the choice remains with the school administration.

Based on materials from sites:


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