Sanding wooden walls. Sanding the log house

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Sanding walls in a wooden house is a labor-intensive process that involves removing defects and irregularities from the surface of the log. Thanks to grinding, the aesthetic appearance of the walls is achieved. In addition, sanding protects the wood from excess moisture, fungus and mold.

It is important to carry out only after the log frame has shrunk! Please note that the dust generated during the process sometimes gets into the nose, eyes and respiratory tract of a person. Therefore, when working you cannot do without special means protection.

To protect yourself and get high-quality wall sanding, entrust the work to professionals! The craftsmen of the MariSrub company will cope with the process efficiently and quickly, which will improve the appearance of the walls and increase the service life of the log house.

Why is sanding needed in a log house?

Many people believe that rounded and chopped logs do not need sanding, since natural materials and they look aesthetically pleasing. Unanimous opinion there is no need for such a procedure. However, experts in wood construction It is advised to sand the walls, as this gives additional protection wood. The result of this procedure will be:

  • Smooth and even surface;
  • Improves the penetration of paints and protective agents into wood, reduces the volume of consumables;
  • Increases wood resistance to moisture.

Polishing preserves the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the wood and at the same time prepares the surface for further painting and processing protective equipment. Sanding will prevent deformation and rapid aging of logs, the appearance of mold and black spots.

Work specifics

Grinding is carried out using a grinder or grinder, as well as special disk. Even with such an easy task, at first glance, certain skills and knowledge are needed. It is important to choose the correct size of the discs and not to press too hard when sanding, otherwise you can “burn” the wood. To protect the walls of the log house and avoid problems, contact the MariSrub company.

In a new, newly built house, it is enough to perform surface sanding before painting. In a new house, sanding is carried out before caulking the frame and installing windows and doors. With old walls, you first need to remove the old layer of paint and, if necessary, bleach the logs. After sanding, they begin to paint the internal and external walls. Polishing internal and external in the house average area 200-300 square meters takes about two weeks.

The specialists of the MariSrub company will not only perform the work efficiently, but will also select the necessary tools and coating products.

Sanding a frame made of timber or logs is a mandatory process for finishing the walls of wooden houses. This procedure allows you to remove all irregularities from the surface and various defects. It is performed manually using a special electric tool. Sanding a beam or log is a rather labor-intensive process that requires special knowledge and skills.

Why do you need to sand a log frame?

Sanding a wooden house is a process that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also practically important. Proper execution work allows:

  • provide an attractive appearance of the building;
  • protect the wall material from negative impact from outside;
  • protect the house from the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls and ceiling;
  • prepare the wooden surface for painting.

Grinding wooden house increases the service life of the house and allows its owners to save on repairs.

IN modern construction There are sanding of the log house in one and two layers. In the first case, traces of the use of a plane, mold and other contaminants are removed from the surface of the logs. Sanding in two layers involves polishing the logs using fine sandpaper. Sanding in one layer is relevant for processing the external walls of a house, in two layers - for internal ones.

How is sanding performed?

It is necessary to grind the timber after it has completely settled. During the work process, the master must protect himself from wood dust getting into the respiratory tract and eyes. For this purpose, separators and special safety glasses are used. For the actual sanding at home, a grinder with various brush attachments is usually used.

Wood processing is carried out in a bottom-up direction. At the same time, the moisture content of the wood should ideally be 19%, because otherwise, in the future, the treated log house may become deformed and lose its integrity. A moisture meter is used to measure humidity levels.

Sanding with Osborn brushes

To make log sanding more effective, experts recommend using nylon brushes German manufacturer Osborn. Such products are used together with special polishing machines operating at a speed of 1800-2500 rpm. For grinding logs or beams the following can be used:

  • brush attachments with fine abrasive grain, allowing you to easily and quickly remove paint residues from the surface of the wood;
  • Coarse grain brushes designed for working with soft wood.

The cost of sanding a log frame using Osborn brushes is somewhat different from performing work with conventional tools. Innovative German brushes allow you to brush wood material with the highest quality and speed. Brushing means the procedure of removing soft fibers from the surface of logs. With its help you can give wood a more pronounced textured surface.

Prices for sanding a log frame using Osborn brushes will ensure a profitable investment in the visual appeal and durability of the walls of your home. Nylon German brushes have many advantages. They are durable and clean the surface of the log house much better.

If you need polishing of a log house, the price of which will be quite affordable, you can contact the Master Seam company. Our highly qualified craftsmen will complete any amount of work in the shortest possible time with a guarantee of maximum quality.

Service name Price
Sanding walls in timber or log house, one pass (60 or 80 grain) 250 rubles per 1 m²
Sanding walls in a timber or log house, two passes (60 or 80 grit) 400 rubles per 1 m²
Sanding the ends of timber logs 150 rubles for 1 linear. meter
Wall polishing (120-grit) 250 rubles per 1 m²
End polishing (120-grit) 150 rubles for 1 linear. meter
Floor sanding, 1 pass (60 or 80 grit) 200 rubles per 1 m²
Floor sanding, 1 pass (120 grit) 200 rubles per 1 m²

An estimate for polishing a log frame is drawn up after a specialist visits the site.

Additional services

As a rule, walls and floors are sanded in 2–3 passes. During the first pass, the plane is leveled, protruding edges and ends of the logs are removed. A second pass with finer grains makes the surface smooth and prepares it for painting.

Sanding allows you to return the wood to its natural, beautiful structural appearance. To save it to long years, polished walls or floors must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and moisture. To do this, paint it or soak it in oil, cover it with parquet varnish.

Non-contact grinding method (logs / beams / imitation timber / block house / log house)

RIKEDOM is a member of the Association "PROF for WOOD"

on Professional PROTECTION and finishing of WOODEN STRUCTURES

We have developed and implemented an abrasive-jet method of sanding wood - as a basis for further painting of the log house. The professional painting materials we use are made in Germany, but we live and paint in Russia.

THEREFORE: Our wood protection technology is exclusive and developed specifically for Russian conditions.
You will get rid of the problem of constantly sanding and repainting the log house. Elementary, fast, TIMELY maintenance is the key to maintaining the excellent condition of the log house coating in the future.
Understanding this will definitely lead you to our company!

Popular grinding technologies

  1. Grinding a log frame made of rounded logs with angle grinders has a number of disadvantages: the work takes much longer, a large number of consumable sanding tools are required, it is problematic to sand the log/timber in the corners, chamfers of laminated veneer lumber, hard to reach places- all this requires sanding by hand. However, you can do this yourself if you have the necessary tools and time. Another significant drawback is the appearance of marks from sanding wheels on the surface of the walls (radial scratches, gouges), which are especially noticeable after painting.
  2. Grinding of a log house by sandblasting or abrasive jet method. IN in this case The procedure is much faster; grinding hard-to-reach places on the ends and corners of the frame is especially easy. Only grinding of the ends is done manually, but this is no longer so labor-intensive. When treated with sandblasting, the surface is lightly brushed, highlighting the fabulous wood pattern, which gives the log house a unique flavor. If desired, you can perform deep brushing to create a highlight of the interior.

Our company is the founder of sandblasting of wooden frames in the quality in which we produce it. After abrasive blasting of logs/timbers and when the right technology painting - the walls acquire a luxury finish. If you are interested in how much it costs to polish the walls of a log house using the abrasive-jet method, call or send a feedback form and a specialist will contact you.

Abrasive jet grinding of a log house with RIKED - differences from the traditional method

  • Sanding of any type of wood: logs, beams, lining, imitation, KELO pine.
  • Unlike sandblasting, our sanding is very DELICATE and does not tear the wood. It can even be produced on log houses with a warm seam!
  • FAST! High turnaround times – we sand up to 100m2 of walls per day.
  • The effect of mini-brushing wood - highlights the unique patterns of wood. It looks very, very beautiful!
  • Unlike grinders, our grinding method leaves no marks or scratches. Grinding a log house using the abrasive-jet method does not encounter the problem of hard-to-reach places, for example, oblique bay windows, corners, beam chamfers, etc.
  • THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is that if the grinding wheels of grinders or brushes polish the wood, then our grinding, on the contrary, opens the pores of the wood, which significantly increases the absorption of paint materials. This directly affects the durability of the coating! Link to video where you can clearly see the difference.

Do you want impeccable interior wall finishing? Then this offer is for you! We give the walls a “furniture quality” worthy of the most luxurious mansions. Perfect smoothness, breathable coating, pleasant silky shine, the most beautiful drawing wood – mmmmmmm... just a bomb!



Blowing, cleaning up after yourself

Priming using the ICS system
Interlayer sanding
The first layer of impregnation according to the ICS system
Interlayer sanding
Third coat of paint - if necessary - according to the ICS system
Consumables (except paints and varnishes)


Dismantling/installation of platbands, radiators
Covering the floor/ceiling/electrical elements, etc.


Branded abrasive jet grinding
Consumables (sand, etc.)
Blowing, cleaning up after yourself

Priming using the ICS system
Interlayer sanding
Second layer of impregnation according to the ICS system


Discount on paint and varnish material – 20%


Departure to measure the geometry of the log house

Analysis of general condition and development of finishing strategy
Preliminary preparation and restoration work (depending on the condition of the tree)
Branded abrasive jet grinding
Transport costs (equipment, sand, scaffolding)
Consumables (sand, etc.)
Blowing, cleaning up after yourself

Priming using the ICS system
The first layer of impregnation (with deep impregnation) according to the ICS system
Interlayer sanding
Second layer of impregnation according to the ICS system
Final hydrophobic/moisture regulating layer
Consumables (except paint and varnish material)

Complete perimeter closure
Closing window/door units
Delivery of paints and varnishes
Discount on paint and varnish material – 20%
Carrying out “painting” on site
Dismantling protruding inter-crown material (except caulk)
Issuance of a branded PASSPORT for warranty coverage


Departure to measure the geometry and humidity of the log house

Branded abrasive jet grinding
Transport costs (equipment, sand, scaffolding)
Consumables (sand, etc.)
Blowing, cleaning up after yourself

Priming using the ICS system
The first layer of impregnation (with deep impregnation) according to the ICS system
Interlayer sanding
Second layer of impregnation according to the ICS system
Final hydrophobic/moisture regulating layer
Consumables, including paint and varnish material

Carrying out painting on site
Delivery of painting materials

Issuance of a branded PASSPORT for warranty coverage

Removing old coating - +377r/m2


Departure to measure the geometry of the log house

Analysis of general condition and development of finishing strategy
Preliminary removal of old coating manually (several passes)
Branded abrasive jet grinding
Transport costs (equipment, sand, scaffolding)
Consumables (sand, etc.)
Blowing, cleaning up after yourself

Priming using the ICS system
The first layer of impregnation (with deep impregnation) according to the ICS system
Interlayer sanding
Second layer of impregnation according to the ICS system
Final hydrophobic/moisture regulating layer
Consumables (except paint and varnish material)

Complete perimeter closure
Closing window/door units
Delivery of paints and varnishes
Discount on paint and varnish material – 20%
Carrying out “painting” on site
Dismantling/installation of platbands, drainpipes, low tides
Dismantling protruding inter-crown material (except caulk)
Issuance of a branded PASSPORT for warranty coverage


Preparatory work: closing window openings
✔ Mechanized preparation/grinding of wood, level 1 – we reach the “living fibers” (removal of the old coating/weathered layer), in several passes
✔ Mechanized preparation/grinding of wood, level 2 – bringing to the “correct” geometry
✔ Mechanized preparation/grinding of wood level 3 – intermediate leveling
✔ Mechanized preparation/grinding of wood level 4 – finishing leveling
✔ Manual preparation/grinding of wood level 5 – “removing” the ideal surface

✔ Feeding the antiseptic composition
✔ Application of tinted impregnation to improve protective properties wood in two layers
✔ Applying a finishing layer with a premium effect
✔ Interlayer grinding

✔ Delivery and removal of cabins

External facade finishing

✔ Preparatory work: dismantling/installation of platbands, drainpipes; closing window openings
✔ Complete covering of the perimeter with canopies
✔ Mechanized preparation/grinding of wood, level 1 – we reach the “living fibers” (removal of the old coating/weathered layer), in several passes
✔ Mechanized preparation/grinding of wood 2nd level – bringing to the “correct” geometry
✔ Mechanized preparation/grinding of wood level 3 – intermediate leveling
✔ Mechanized preparation/grinding of wood level 4 – finishing leveling
✔ Manual preparation/grinding of wood, level 5 – “removing” the ideal surface
✔ Abrasive blast preparation – opening the pores of wood
✔ Restoration work (by agreement)
✔ Deep soaking of antiseptic composition
✔ Application of tinted impregnation to integrate the pigment into the wood in several layers
✔ Application of tinted impregnation to improve the protective properties of wood
✔ Application of a hydrophobic composition with ultraviolet protection
✔ Interlayer grinding
✔ Consumables (except paint and varnish material)
✔ Scaffolding, installation/dismantling
✔ Delivery and removal of cabins
✔ Issuance of a company passport for warranty service

Carefully cover objects

Video reviews about our work

Scheme of work with you:

Make an appointment for a consultation in our office by phone

2 hours

Consultation at the RIKEDOM office

The foreman visits the site to determine accurate measurements

Signing of the main agreement. Team visit for trial-demonstrative square meter of grinding

Payment. Carrying out work on site

Delivery of work. Issuance of a PASSPORT for maintenance

Answers to your most common questions:

When you come to our office, you receive detailed advice on how we work and decide whether you need it or not. We also decide on the possibility of performing work at your site. It is in the office, when communicating with managers, that a preliminary decision is made on carrying out certain work. You can also find out estimated price. Our foreman comes to you to measure geometry and humidity only after consultation in the office. Why don't we just send a measurer? Because it's not serious, and we are a serious company. Simply taking measurements so that you get a price is pointless until you understand the principle of our work. Not a single "measurer" owns that huge practical experience, which is owned by the head of the company. For your convenience, packages have been developed where the price is determined per square meter of log house. You yourself can “roughly estimate” how many square meters the walls of your house are.

Other companies have a different technology of work, and therefore a different price. Our technology - from sanding to final painting - is aimed specifically at protecting the wood, that is, at the durability of the applied coating. This means that in the future you will not have to spend money again on sanding and painting again. This is the fundamental difference - not to pay again and again in the future, as 90% of owners of wooden houses with conventional painting do. And, of course, RIKEDOM’s work always stands out against the background of hundreds of painted houses.

For every house we paint, we issue a warranty service PASSPORT. That is, you need to understand that everything will be fine with the coating if you provide it with timely care.
During the work process, a special log is filled out, which indicates what tools and materials were used, a sketch of the structure indicating problem areas and other technical characteristics.

The VIP package is created for clients who want only the best and are accustomed to maximum comfort. In addition to everything that is included in the BRAND, the VIP PACKAGE has additional privileges:
*4-layer painting. That is, in addition to priming and two mandatory layers impregnation on the facade or oil/glaze inside, another layer of the composition is added, with another thorough sanding between layers. This procedure is invaluable for the facade, for its greater protection and durability! For interiors - the quality of tactile sensations of magnificent wood finishing increases significantly!
*Restoration: chips, protruding chips, nail holes, etc. – we will restore everything, perfection will please the eye.
*Creating a closed perimeter: place it in a circle scaffolding, we cover it with canopies - the dust from sanding will not fly away, the neighbors (if the houses are close), the landscape, etc. will not “suffer”. And what’s important is that the “closed perimeter” helps to improve the quality of work, because when painting and installing a warm seam, the ingress of precipitation and direct sun rays. And in the autumn-winter period, this shelter at home allows you to heat the space inside the canopies and thereby comply with the technology.
*We remove and put back trims, ebbs, drainage system and other things that are needed to carry out the work.
*Individual color selection, free delivery of sample colors, as well as the paint and sealant itself.
*The best part: PERSONAL control over the facility from the company management, as well as resolving all issues regarding the facility with the company’s management.

Because we don’t look at the cans where the paint consumption is written. Our task is to nourish the tree, and not just paint it. But the absorbency of wood depends on the type of product, species, and where the wood comes from. Different objects have different absorbency. Different logs also have different absorbency. We do not drop a couple of drops and do not stretch them over ten squares in order to save you paint. We will power it until the most important thing is ensured - the protection of the tree.
That’s why paint disappears on objects in different ways. That is, the paint goes according to the fact. Same as sealant. The thickness of the warm seam depends solely on the diameter and fit of your log, as well as the size of the discrepancies in the inter-crown space. Therefore, the seam is selected based on these parameters. Make it too narrow and it will simply tear the seam; make it too wide and it’s unsightly and useless. The size of the seam is determined only by the master, and the consumption of sealant directly depends on this.
During your consultation, you will receive only ESTIMATE calculations for paint and sealant, based on our experience.

People with extensive experience in working with wood, with golden hands and a developed sense of responsibility. Our core of foremen and foremen does not change; we have been with them for more than 12 years. Of course, there are also newcomers whom the masters train, and this is how the staff expands. Judging by the number of positive reviews from clients that we receive, we can proudly say that we have the best professional team!

Why do you need sanding of a log house?

Many people think that sanding a log house is needed solely to clean the wood from dust, dirt and give it a light, healthy looking. In fact, the main function of sanding a log house is to OPEN THE PORES OF THE WOOD for further deep nourishment of the protective material.

Therefore, the further absorption of the material directly depends on how the frame was polished. For example, 100-120-150 grit is often used for sanding the outside of a wooden house. This is a gross mistake, since such almost “polishing” of the wood leads to the closing of the pores of the wood and the paintwork is simply not able to be absorbed, and therefore provide protection to your log house.

Abrasive jet sanding of a log frame is not measured in “grain” and is designed to open the pores of the wood as much as possible. Sanding a log house using this method occurs “in one pass” and very carefully removes only “unnecessary” wood fibers, leaving them alive and healthy. Because of this, the price of sanding a wooden house using this method is often lower than the traditional one.

How much does Abrasive Jet Grinding cost?

The price of our grinding includes consumables - quartz sand. The grinding equipment operates autonomously, using its own diesel fuel, which is also included in the price. Judge for yourself how much the electricity used by grinders every day for even a month will cost you?.. Metal dismountable scaffolding, auxiliary tours, transportation costs for the delivery of all equipment - all this also “sits” in our price per square meter.

Sanding a log frame occurs quickly, due to the fact that it is carried out in just “one pass” and no time is wasted on hard-to-reach places, as with grinders. All complex contact points - corners, chamfers, joints - are treated with sand as easily as any other wood surface.

Differences from sandblasting

Sandblasting differs sharply in quality from abrasive blasting, since sandblasting equipment is simply not designed for such a delicate material as wood. When processing wood in this way, it is very important to preserve the solid wood fibers, which are a kind of reinforcement for the entire wooden element. Sandblasting often it simply tears these hard fibers. The race for the speed of sandblasting performers leads to the fact that the log house after such grinding simply cannot be further painted, without preliminary “smoothing”: passing with nylon brushes or high-grain wheels. What do we get as a result? That's right - closing the pores of the tree again... What's the point?

When to start sanding a log frame?

When the log house reached a humidity level of 25% or lower or was initially dry. It’s not worth starting sanding without planning to paint, because after sanding, protecting and painting the wood must be done as soon as possible, otherwise the resin will approach the surface of the wood (the wood protects itself) and the point of sanding will be lost.

Sanding beams and logs is a dusty process, so it needs to be planned before installing rough floors inside, communications and other things. Interior finishing is usually divided into two stages:

Sanding + priming + 1 coat: This is the first step.

After completing rough floors, wiring communications and other things: interlayer sanding and applying a finishing coat of paint.

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Sanding and painting the walls of a wooden house outside and inside

Our advantages

  • Professional work(certificates)
  • Warranty for painting work performed for 3 years
  • Using only high-quality paints and varnishes from leading manufacturers
  • Individual approach
  • Decency and human attitude

Brief description of the service

Sanding and painting the walls of a wooden house is an important component of the first stage of finishing work.

Sanding work is necessary to prepare the surface for painting. With its help, the surface is cleaned of dirt, dust, resin, minor defects on the wood are removed, and the consequences of exposure to bad weather are eliminated. Without high-quality sanding, you cannot get a reliable and durable protective coating for the walls of a wooden house.

At first glance, carrying out this work is a simple and understandable process. That is why many home owners try to carry out this stage on their own. I think most of them got burned by this. The fact is that despite their apparent simplicity, these works require not only special tool and understanding, but also a significant time investment that not everyone can afford. And to get a 100% quality result, you also need to love the work you do a little bit...

How to paint

Below are the paint manufacturers we recommend:

Short description manufacturer of coatings "Belinka"


Belinka Belles is a leading Slovenian manufacturer of coatings for protection and decorative painting wood. The range of products manufactured by the enterprise is supplemented by goods household chemicals, a wide range of materials is increasingly expanding due to the production of chemicals for use in construction. - Delivery to any point in Russia; - Certified products; - Production in Slovenia.

Brief description of the manufacturer of coatings "Biofa"


The BIOFA Naturprodukte W.Hahn GmbH plant is located in Bad Boll (Germany) and has been operating since 1982. The products are purchased by 22 countries around the world. - German quality; - Natural ecological products; - A large number of awards and certificates international organizations"Invena", "Natureplus", "ECOinstitut", etc.

Brief description of the manufacturer of coatings "GNature"


GNature is a German manufacturer of natural paints made from natural oils and waxes. GNature was founded in 2012 as part of the international biopin® group of companies - largest manufacturer natural paints in Europe. - Natural oils and waxes; - Affordable prices (from 42 R/m2). Economical consumption (1 l per 20 m2); - Designed, made, packaged in Germany; - Paint service life is 7-10 years.

Brief description of the manufacturer of coatings "Kreidezeit"


Since 2004, the Kreidezeit Natural Paints company has been the exclusive supplier of natural protective and decorative coatings for mineral and wooden surfaces from the German manufacturer Kreidezeit Naturfarben GmbH. - 100% natural products that do not emit harmful substances, which are suitable even for allergy sufferers and children; - KREIDEZEIT decorative and protective materials are extremely comfortable to live in, and the surfaces covered with them are antistatic, they do not attract dust and protect against fungus and mold; - Unlike most decorative paints and plasters on the Russian market, KREIDEZEIT materials are non-flammable; - An amazing variety of textures and textures of decorative coatings - mountain slate, polished marble, travertine, a natural stone, fabric, “silk” effect will allow you to create a truly unforgettable and individual interior.

Brief description of the manufacturer of paints and varnishes "Leinos"


The company Reincke Naturfarben GmbH (trademark LEINOS) and Super Nature LLC (distributor in Russia) are members of the German association InVeNa - a voluntary association of companies that declare the ingredients of the entire range of products. - Easy application; - High quality coatings; - Preservation of wood properties; - More than 1000 shades, natural pigments, 24 base colors.

Brief description of the manufacturer of coatings "Osmo"


Osmo is a leading and unique manufacturer finishing materials made of wood, which has successfully complemented woodworking with its own production of paints and coatings for wood. - Increased service life wooden elements. - Protection of wood from rotting, thanks to deep penetration into the structure. - Removes minor defects on the surface. Combines well with putty and sealants. - Does not close the pores of the wood, which allows the wood to breathe naturally.

Brief description of the manufacturer of paints and varnishes "Pinotex"


Pinotex has been caring for wood since 1959. Pinotex products combine the achievements of global experience in wood protection. - Guarantee of durable protection of wooden buildings for up to 15 years; - Comprehensive protection against 7 negative factors: snow, rain, sun, frost, wind, mold and mildew; - Helps you choose the right wood preservative for any task; - Wide color palette– more than 200 shades.

Brief description of the manufacturer of coatings "Remmers"


The German brand Remmers is one of the world's leading manufacturers of materials in the field of construction chemicals. The Remmers product range includes an optimal line of materials for the protection and finishing of wood, construction, repair and restoration, and the manufacture of self-leveling floors. room decorations and protection various surfaces. Among the main advantages of Remmers products we can highlight: Quality; Durability; Resistance to temperature changes; Resistance to environmental influences; Resistance to mechanical damage; Aesthetics; Environmental friendliness.

Brief description of the manufacturer of coatings "Renner"


League company is a professional paints and varnishes Renner, KONIG furniture restoration materials, LBA abrasives. - 2,000 formulas of unique products; - 45 representative offices in Russia and the Republic of Belarus; - 40 professional chemical technologists; - uninterrupted supply of materials; - modern laboratory “Kitchen of Paints”; - qualified assistance and support from specialists; - computer tinting and color selection.

Brief description of the manufacturer of paints and varnishes "Sikkens"


Sikkens - the brand has existed since 1792 and is a market leader in many European countries. - High standards in wood protection. - Continuous creation new technologies and products - Huge selection shades and high competence in the field of colors

Brief description of the manufacturer of coatings "Teknos"


The Teknos company occupies a leading position in the market for the production of modern paints and varnishes based on water based In many European countries. More than 30 years ago, the Danish Teknos plant was the first in Europe to introduce the use of water-based paints and varnishes for the window industry and is currently a leader in the development of water-based paints and varnishes. 1. High vapor permeability- allows water vapor to pass freely. 2. Water resistance - protects the façade structure from water penetration. 3. Heat resistance - does not soften when high temperatures. 4. Color range - a variety of colors and shades for coating. Colors don't fade long time. 5. Durability - service life at correct use is up to 20 years.

Brief description of the manufacturer of coatings "Tikkurila"


Tikkurila is a leading company in the production of decorative paints and varnishes in Finland, Sweden and Russia. For over 155 years, Tikkurila has been creating convenient, environmentally friendly and innovative solutions to preserve surfaces in their original condition. - More than 150 years of expertise; - 15 international brands; - More than 3000 employees; - 12 production sites.


To accurately determine the cost of work, it is necessary for a specialist to visit the site for inspection, measurements and consultation.

Name of worksCost of work, rub/m²Cost of materials, rub/m²Work options
sanding the walls of the house with sanding machines (the price includes subsequent dust removal and wet cleaning of the surface), once (GRAIN 80-100) 250 + +
polishing the walls of the house with grinders (the price includes subsequent dust removal and wet cleaning of the surface), once (GRAIN 120-140) 150 +
treating walls with antiseptic primer (one layer)70 50 + +
manual sanding of walls with fine-grain sandpaper ( GRAIN 180-240) 50 +
professional painting of house walls in two layers, in compliance with regulatory recommendations and manufacturer’s conditions paint coating– paints on alkyd based(application in 2 layers)140 100 +
professional painting of house walls in two layers, in compliance with regulatory recommendations and manufacturer's conditions - natural paints and oils (application in 2 layers)180 400 +
delivery and installation scaffolding, Consumables(support plates, grinding wheels, brushes, gloves, rags, etc.), transportation costs 100 + +
Total: work and materials 710 ₽/m² 1250 ₽/m²

Visiting the site for actual measurements of a wooden house, inspection and consultation on the choice of paints and varnishes, followed by drawing up estimates - 5,000 rubles. When concluding a contract for finishing work, this amount will be taken into account in total amount under contract. Measurement of residual moisture in wood, color selection and trial painting of the colors you like (up to 5 colors) – FOR FREE.

Order sanding and painting

Order sanding and painting


We offer professional finishing of walls in a wooden house from the inside and outside. It includes:

  • Caulking: placing insulation - tow or jute - in the joints between beams or logs.
  • Sanding: polishing walls with a grinder, after which the pattern appears clearer, the surface becomes smoother and more attractive.
  • Painting walls: surface treatment transparent compounds, which shade the pattern or tint the overall bottom of the surface.
  • Antiseptic treatment: external and internal decoration of walls using antifungal, insecticidal, fire retardant and anti-mold mixtures.

You can order any service separately or contact us for a comprehensive finish.

The specialists of “Arkhangelsk House” carry out finishing of walls in a wooden house of any type - log houses, buildings made of laminated veneer lumber or profiled timber. We process corners, hard-to-reach places, hewn and unhewn walls, external and internal surfaces, we will take on old houses without own production- for example, if you inherited a strong but unkempt home.

Caulk of a wooden house

Caulking a wooden house or bathhouse is sealing the seams with jute, natural moss or tow. It must be done immediately after the construction of the house, and if the house is made of logs, then repeatedly at intervals of once every couple of years.

Why do you need to caulk seams?

  1. Uniform shrinkage.
    The log frame shrinks under its own weight, and the process can continue for several years. Tree natural humidity It dries unevenly, and also climate, amount of precipitation, terrain - everything affects the evenness of shrinkage. Caulking softens shrinkage and helps ensure that even after several years the house stands level.
  2. Protection from moisture and cold.
    If the seams are not sealed, gaps will appear between the crowns. They will not only disrupt the thermal insulation of the room in cold weather, but will also harm the wood: steam and heat will escape from the gaps in the cold, melt snow and form frost on the wood. Frost seriously damages the structure of wood.

The Arkhangelsky House company carries out finishing and re-caulking of wooden houses, sealing of houses made of rounded logs, chopped logs, glued and profiled timber. We do " warm seam", we work with houses and bathhouses of our own production, as well as with buildings from others construction companies. We also help with caulking of old village log houses.

We use:

  • high quality sealants;
  • jute fiber - natural jute obtained from processed linden;
  • flax fiber and flax batting - derivatives of flax production, fine flax dust, knocked into ribbons;
  • mineral wool for sealing joints in timber houses.

Professional caulking of log houses in Moscow is a guarantee that the house will not warp, will not let in the cold and will retain its original appearance for many years.

Sanding the walls of a wooden house

When sanding a wooden house, the inside is removed upper layer wood along with dirt, excess bark and wormholes, the inner wood layer is exposed, the structure and pattern of the tree are revealed. Well-polished walls do not need to be sheathed, just primed and treated with an antiseptic - they already look great.

Why do you need sanding inside and out?

  • The upper “injured” layer is removed - the remains of the bark, areas affected by insects and fungi.
  • The surface is prepared for further finishing: priming, painting, antiseptic treatment.
  • The wall becomes more aesthetically pleasing - a unique pattern is revealed coniferous species trees.

Do I need to sand profiled timber before painting?

Need to. Only in this way will the paint and varnish materials adhere as needed, and the house will become the same as it was in the picture.

Why is it better to entrust grinding to a professional?

  • Tools and materials. The wood is sanded using a sander with attachments of varying degrees of grit. The top coarse layer is cleaned off with coarse-grained ones, then refined with fine-grained ones. Particularly difficult to grind log house- the logs are uneven, sometimes you have to work with a chisel manually.
  • Dust and dirt. The process produces a lot of dust - these are tiny sawdust flying off the log. You need to work in protective equipment, wearing masks, periodically giving the tool a rest and treating the discs with white spirit. Specialists have their own systems and technologies that allow them to complete the work quickly and efficiently.

"Arkhangelsk House" provides sanding services for houses made of glued and profiled timber, rounded logs, logs manual cutting in Moscow. We come to the site, inspect the house and choose optimal scheme work, we bring all the tools and materials with us. We take on the task of polishing even old village logs.

After sanding, we can prime the walls, treat them with an antiseptic and paint them, as well as make sheathing and sheathing.

Painting a wooden house outside and inside

After sanding, the wood is painted. Most compositions for painting a wooden house outside and inside are transparent, they give natural wood only the tone, they make it a little lighter or darker, and also help to make the natural wood grain clearer.

Why do you need to paint the outside of a wooden house?

The house is outdoors. The sun shines on it and moisture gets in, in winter it stands in the cold, and in summer it is constantly attacked by fungal spores, insects and mold. If a beam or log is not protected, the house will fall into disrepair in half a century, but if it is protected special compounds and the right paint, it will last two to three times longer.

Exterior painting provides:

  • protection against temperature changes that make wood weaker;
  • protection from wood-boring insects that live in the tree and damage its structure;
  • protection against rot, mold, mildew.

Painting the outside of a log or timber house is not a whim or decoration, but a necessity.

Why do you need to paint the inside of a log house?

To protect against:

  • excess moisture that accumulates indoors and settles on the interior decoration in the form of condensation;
  • color changes, deformation, warping are consequences of excess moisture.

Painting also preserves the original appearance of the wood.

We suggest performing antiseptic treatment at the same time as painting. special mixtures- cover the walls of the house inside and out with compounds that will protect them from insects, mold, fungi, and rot.

Wood antiseptic

Wood antiseptic treatment is the treatment of wood with compounds that protect it from fungi, insects, mold and rot.

Why carry out antiseptic treatment of logs and timber?

Treating wood with antiseptics will help avoid this.

This is what antiseptic compounds combat:

Summer is often warm and humid. Humidity and heat are an ideal environment for the growth of fungi and mold. Some of them only harm the appearance of the wood: they grow and cover the surface with ugly gray-blue spots. But some affect the structure - usually these are yellow-brown fungi that reduce the strength of the material.

In Moscow and the central part of Russia there live insects that destroy wood: these are borers, weevils, bark beetles, and termites. They can settle in an untreated wall, gradually undermining it and spoiling it. Surely you have seen the old walls of village log houses, covered with holes and grooves. Such damage is the “merit” of insects.

  • Sunlight, precipitation, frost and heat

Because of the sun, wood fades, because of heat it cracks, because of moisture it rots and warps. If you do not treat the log house with an antiseptic, it will become deformed and the sizes of windows and doors will change. The structure may become askew and become unusable much earlier than it should be.

What are the benefits of treating wood with an antiseptic?

You don't have to think about what to process wooden house before painting, because we select antiseptics depending on the characteristics of the structure, fully prepare the house for painting and carry out all the finishing work.

We also carry out fire-resistant wood treatment - we make sure that your new home is comparable in fire resistance to stone or metal. To do this, we use the latest generation of fire retardants, which also have insecticidal and protective properties.



The walls of a wooden house are constantly under harmful influence environment, therefore they need high-quality protection and finishing. After assembly, wooden frame must be covered with protective agents - antiseptics and preservatives. Since most antiseptics are water-based, log treatment occurs in the warm season.

The finishing of the walls of a wooden house begins with careful preparation of the surface. The surface is cleaned and polished. Sanding allows you to get rid of not only dust and dirt, but also removes all the flaws and damage to the wood that appeared during assembly.

If the grinding field is found to be blue or dark, it is necessary to carry out disinfection and bleaching wooden walls special drugs.

After finishing sanding, the surface is primed. The primer penetrates deeply into the wood structure and forms protective layer, thereby preventing the occurrence of fungi and insect damage. The primer also improves the quality and adhesion of final paint coatings, extending their service life.

To prevent severe cracking, the ends of a wooden house should be additionally processed. The use of special acrylic moisture-proofing compounds has become widespread. After application, an elastic, moisture-impermeable film is formed. As a result of reduced moisture exchange through the ends, cracking is also reduced.

After initial processing and protection, the walls are covered with decorative paint and varnish compositions. Materials based on alkyd resins have proven themselves well. These paints provide water resistance and protection. outer surface wood from ultraviolet rays. In addition, with the help of such a coating you can leave visible and emphasize the texture of the wood. For finishing interior walls, more natural materials based on natural oils or wax are used. The final painting of the walls must be done in at least two layers. At the same time, if necessary, remove wood fibers that have risen after the first coat of paint by intermediate grinding. The correct application and choice of compositions directly affects the durability of the outer coating. With a professional approach, the service life will be about seven years.

For houses made of logs, solid timber and other materials with natural humidity, it is necessary additional insulation. This is achieved by caulking or sealing the seams using elastic materials (sealants). Houses made of laminated veneer lumber do not require any additional decorative and protective treatment at the joints of the crowns. The grooves and interlocking joints of the laminated timber are designed in such a way that there is no possibility of blowing through the wall profile.

Decorating the walls of a wooden house is quite simple and straightforward, but only for those who deal finishing works professionally. From the quality of surface preparation, the choice of paint and varnish coating and its correct application The durability and visual appeal of the house facade directly depends. And professional and high-quality insulation of the crowns and joints of logs by caulking or applying decorative sealant will keep the house warm and avoid blowing.

It is better to trust the finishing of the walls of a wooden house professional craftsmen, otherwise, the result may not be what you imagined...

The ARKHANGELSKY HOUSE company professionally performs sanding and painting of wooden houses. Using modern equipment and protective and decorative paints and varnishes brands Sikkens and Belinka, we extend the life and beauty of your home!


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