Comic forecast for the evening for the anniversary. Comic predictions

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We will get today's weather forecast for our anniversary and birthday by easily redoing it in the restaurant from the previous article.

You just need to take it and make the necessary amendments - I’ll write now what to remove and what to add. But most of the text will remain unchanged.

For now, let’s assume that the anniversary also takes place in a restaurant or cafe. If I’m at home, I’ll write it below.

Weather forecast for anniversaries and birthdays.

  • Instead of Denis Korablev, insert the name of the person who voices the forecast.
  • The storms from the kidnapping of the bride are replaced with “... associated with preparations for the anniversary (birthday) have calmed down - we are all here, the holiday is in full swing, and the hero of the day (birthday) can already completely relax. The weather has settled above his table...”
  • The text does not change further until the weather forecast for the morning. There you remove the line about the newlyweds and insert a phrase about the main person of the celebration: “The hero of the day will not be pressed anywhere, because he will really want to eat. As long-term observations of weather forecasters show, birthday people and anniversaries are always the hungriest people at their own holiday. At first they don’t eat out of excitement, then because everything has already been eaten by others.”
  • “But those…” and then about the legs, dancing until the final phrase.

If the anniversary is at home, weather forecast

change it a little too:

  • At the beginning, instead of the restaurant, say “at our house.”
  • If guests are sitting at the same table, then remove the words “tables” and simply talk about people - children, youth, etc.
  • The hurricane will not come from the restaurant management, but “from the neighbors if they hear loud music after 23.00. and trip over our empty bottles, secretly left by one of the guests on the landing. The music will be turned off along with the outlet, the remaining alcohol will be taken away, and you will have to run to the grocery store on duty to get it - if we have time.”
  • Replace the external patio with a real place where guests go out to smoke or breathe - a balcony, courtyard, staircase, gazebo, etc.
  • Call the place where the dances are held an impromptu dance floor, and the text will fit.
  • If dancing is not provided, you can say the following instead: “Those guests who moved little today and drank a lot may be slightly stormy on the way home. The sidewalk will sway, the walls of the houses will stagger, and you will move with the gait of a sailor. If you already feel like there is a force 9 storm in the room, the Hydrometeorological Center strongly recommends taking a companion or calling a taxi.”
  • Then end the forecast with wishes for good weather.

I also say goodbye to you for a short time - exactly until the “Weather forecast with an environmental bias”.

And while waiting, I advise you to look at two school weather forecasts in the sections “Skits...” and “Holiday at school.”

And, as always, I am glad to receive your feedback in the comments below the article - DO NOT be lazy, please write!

Wishing you only wonderful forecasts for your anniversary and birthday,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

All people, no, no, yes, look into horoscopes to find out what his day, week and even year will be like. We invite you to take a different look at all horoscopes and have made a comic horoscope for all zodiac signs for any birthday. All guests will like such a comic horoscope, and they will remember both this day and all the wishes according to “their horoscope.”

And Aries is harmonious and strong today,
A day filled with love awaits him.
And just, Aries, don’t be lazy,
And look around.
Suddenly there is just one waiting for you,
Love that you can’t take your eyes off!
Hurry, take the bull by the horns,
And happy, be Aries always!

Taurus, today is a lucky day for you!
Praise awaits you!
Just make sure you don't get arrogant
And don't turn into a bull!
And don't kick your hoof,
Don't butt the red rag!
Better sit back and relax
And enjoy today!

Be the twins on fire
Today brings joy.
Somewhere you'll be lucky in love,
Rubles will “arrive” somewhere.
Maybe you'll meet friends
In general, celebrate this day with more joy!

Cancer, don't whistle today
And don’t miss your luck.
An important meeting awaits ahead,
Feel free to go to her quickly,
And not in front, but as usual, in back
And everything will be as it should be for you!

a lion
If Leo is not in the mood,
Many troubles await everyone around.
Today is not an easy day for Leo.
Leo will be dissatisfied with himself.
So, it’s better not to anger Leo,
And praise him quickly!

Virgo is calm, as always,
Great things await her today.
New achievements, discoveries,
And fun events!
So, gain strength, Virgo,
So that there are enough of them for this day!

Balanced and strong
It will be Libra today.
After all, they have to resolve the dispute,
And to identify the winner from among the contenders.
But everyone already knows
That Libra is winning today!
And so it was, always is,
No one can ever defeat Libra!

Scorpios are having a hard day today.
Scorpio will be unhappy today.
It will sting everyone around,
Relatives and friends, girlfriends.
Don't stand next to him today
Otherwise it will sting with its poison.
It's better to be alone
He will calm down and go out into the public.

Sagittarius, be careful today
Today, incidents with you are possible.
Always watch your step
Look around sometimes.
Watch people carefully
Don't they laugh behind your back?
Do not take piercing or cutting objects into your hands,
And you don't joke with electricity.
And when the day comes to an end,
An unexpected surprise awaits Sagittarius.
When you shy away from everyone enough.
Paranoia will come to you.

Take care of your feet today.
They may accidentally be crushed on you,
Or accidentally get caught in the door.
You might get stepped on your foot while dancing.
And don't even ask for forgiveness.
Just don’t go into swearing,
And trust from the heart!
Let the enemies of Capricorns know
What can they kick in retaliation?

“Don’t pour water” today!
Silence is golden, you should know
And it’s better for you to remain silent today.

Pisces is having a hard day today.
They are overcome by laziness today.
They don't want to do anything
And Pisces got tired of everything.
But it’s better for Pisces not to be lazy,
And they need to hurry up to get off the couch.
Otherwise luck will float by,
And someone else will find it!

At what point should this horoscope be presented to guests? They will give you the answer

Even those who do not believe in horoscopes know that they themselves were born, for example, under the sign of Aries, their wife is a stubborn Taurus, and their close friend is a Gemini. When congratulating you on your birthday, take into account the horoscope, the birthday person will be pleased. Today we offer you comic

congratulations according to the zodiac signs.

ARIES - never guilty of anything.

Aries always runs ahead of the locomotive. They are active, dynamic and not prone to pessimism. In our active times, Aries are simply ideal! Let us raise a glass “to the furious and rebellious!” For Aries!

For a man:

Everyone knows - stubborn Aries,

All conventions are corrected,

Even if I'm guilty,

Still repeats: “I’m right!”

He is persistent, fearless,

He is in charge of the fire.

Let our fiery lamb

He will break through all the walls with his forehead!

For a woman:

Aries is a fire sign

It's hot for everyone when you're around.

Like fire, beckoning to you

You burn even with your glance.

She warmed and charmed everyone,

Giving a magical light.

We drink to make you shine

Brighter than others - up to a hundred years!

TAURUS is the smith of his own happiness.

Taurus is solid, stable, reliable. He is full of earthly charm, sensitive to the beauty of flowers, smells and nature in general. Sets up your home or summer cottage in the most comfortable way. At the birthday of a Taurus or Heifer, it is worth raising a toast to earthly beauty! And for the owner (hostess) - her embodiment!

For a man:

Taurus is calm and confident

His path of life is measured.

He is in life for any cause

It is handled simply and skillfully.

So let's raise a toast to Taurus -

Good luck to the blacksmith!

For a woman:

The heifer is the hostess

She always has

Cooking in a warm kitchen

Tasty food.

There is no order,

She has comfort

The legs are just themselves

They are taking her to visit!

For my dear hostess,

For a cozy home

Let's drink one by one -

And let's pour it again!

(To be continued…)

Congratulations according to zodiac signs. Part 4

Svetlana Burtseva

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Let's drink to Sagittarius - a daring fellow.

Sagittarius are people of high spirituality, the Don Quixotes of our days. They are always ready to stand up for the truth and defend the weak. They love to help everyone and give advice. And it’s okay that advice is sometimes stupid, and help confuses the matter even more. The main thing is that Sagittarius has a pure and noble heart. With him you should always be ready to go to the ends of the earth and to crazy feats! Toast at Sagittarius's birthday: “For justice! For the height of the spirit!

To a man

Everyone knows that Sagittarius is

a fighter from birth!

He stands up boldly

the noblest thing.

Everyone loves and honors him -

He's almost like Robin Hood.

Or even William Tell -

hits the target!

Let everything be done

more than ok

let every arrow

will hit the top ten!

To a woman

Everyone knows that Strelchikha

manages her husband dashingly -

she's such a wife,

like an Amazon!

We do not discredit Strelchikha,

but we want to wish her

so that I could at least at night

hide your onions under the bed!

Capricorn - live without worries!

Capricorn is an earthy, realistic sign. He is able to climb the career ladder and gain a strong position in society. Women often become businesswomen. And if not, then they certainly occupy a strong position as the head of the house. With Capricorn you will be comfortable and safe! Toast at Capricorn's birthday: “For confidence in the future!”

To a man

So many paths in life

in front of you, Capricorn!

You are an earthly sign, and your step is firm,

you can be proud of yourself!

So be calm, like a yogi,

live without grief and anxiety!

We drink so that you are not deceived,

so that all friends are true.

May the horns never become

a gift from your wife!

To a woman

Let it be, Koerozhka,

your path is easy,

let whatever you want,

then at that very moment it comes true!

Run easily like a goat

and don't be afraid of worries,

May your life be like a rose

Blooms in the middle of winter!


Pour us a stronger drink!

Aquarians are extremely fond of talking, fantasizing, and pouring out their souls. He is active: one idea is being embodied, another is on the way, a third is in stock. Intelligence is a strong trait of Aquarius. These are sophisticated aesthetes and deep thinkers. Toast at Aquarius's birthday: “To intelligence and beauty!”

To a man

Your patron, Aquarius,

looks at us from the bus.

Pour it stronger, don’t be sorry -

because there is a wonderful toast!

For giving life

us a waterfall of miracles,

so that the summer rain pours

only joy from heaven!

Let the shadow not darken

the path of your destiny,

for a summer shower on a winter day

We'll drink, Aquarius!

To a woman

My dear chatterbox,

You are pouring words like water!

We are coming to you, friend,

like without an umbrella - in the rain.

On this holiday, Aquarius,

have pity on our ears

and something stronger

pour it without hesitation!

Dreamy Pisces could do so much...

Pisces are gentle and impressionable natures. They are ready to feel sorry for everyone, to sympathize with everyone. Emotions are the main thing for Pisces. They rarely swim against the current and usually live in their own parallel world, far from everyday life. This world is full of beauty and tenderness. Do not destroy the dreams and illusions of Pisces! A toast for their name day? Of course: “For making your dreams come true!”

To a man

Happy swimming to the Fish in the river,

and in the sea, and in the lake, and in the ocean!

If you want, then in milk,

If it works out - even in nirvana!

Swim through life, swim in freedom,

let your dreams come true!

Just don't try to dive in alcohol -

Sharks and even whales drown in it.

To a woman

Dreamy Pisces

so much could be done.

But only reluctantly

raise their fin.

I raise my glass

and I propose a toast,

so that Rybka succeeds

suddenly become gold!

Congratulations according to zodiac signs. Part 3

Svetlana Burtseva

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Lion and lioness - king and queen

Leo is an extremely ambitious sign. The only thing he craves from the world is flattery, flattery, flattery! Leo simply basks in the rays of universal admiration. Praise him - and he will be capable of many things: he will help, and console, and save, and lend money. Have you figured it out yet? On the name day of a Leo or Lioness there can be only one toast: “To our incomparable one! Unsurpassed! The only one!

For a man:

Let everyone know - Leo

there are rights to the kingdom!

He who dares controls.

He can do it! He can do it!

I'll overcome all the difficulties,

taking over the whole world,

may he be right forever

our fire-fighting Leo!

For a woman:

luxurious purring Lioness,

you can be proud of yourself!

You were born to reign, to captivate,

both to rule and to subjugate!

So let you, my queen,

the whole world in love will submit!

Virgo is the harvest queen!

Virgo is a rational, critical, analytical sign. He values ​​neatness and (oddly enough!) a sense of humor. Most of all, he values ​​​​intelligence - and loves for this quality to be respectfully noted in him. So, a toast to Virgo’s birthday: “To a brilliant mind! For wisdom! For critical talent that helps us all become better!” Virgos value health and a rational lifestyle. They take toasts “to health” seriously. So don’t skimp on wishes of this kind!

To a man

September and August - Virgo servants –

we are given a generous harvest,

and that means for your merits

Collect rewards generously!

Everywhere, in everything, be the first

may all people honor you.

Queen of the Harvest - Virgo

will reward you for your work!

For a woman:

Simple, confident

you are walking exactly according to fate.

Always ready to give advice,

you emit a soft light.

May our Virgin be preserved

Lord from all kinds of insults, -

will give your heart joy and peace,

will give you more than enough money.

We wish her to be healthy

and don't forget about your friends!

Scales - amazing beauty.

Scales - charming, sexy, relaxed. They put aesthetics at the forefront; beauty is the main thing for them. Grace in everything and attractiveness to everyone is what you should emphasize in your toast. Libra is controversial. They try to weigh everything once and for all and at the same time eternally hesitate. Raise your glasses to decisiveness and righteousness, maybe by doing this you will encourage the hero of the day to do something important for him.

To a man

You don't know fear in life,

you were able to weigh everything on Libra,

you know exactly what it costs,

you are going the right way.

We wish everything to come true,

so that it goes according to plan - like a clock,

so that you never make mistakes

Fortune is accurate Libra!

To a woman

You are made of hesitation

out of unjustified doubts,

you are all a hint and expectation,

love and happiness gentle genius.

Yes, only Libra women

such exquisite beauty!

So let's drink, angel of beauty,

May everyone's dreams come true!

Scorpio is a champion of burning passion!

Scorpio is a mystical personality. This man is torn by passions. He

he suffers and torments others. The adventurous streak in Scorpio is very strong; he loves adventure and danger. He makes concessions extremely rarely; his motto is “What’s mine is mine.” And most importantly: the Scorpio woman is a femme fatale. A Scorpio man is simply irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex. But be careful! They love to play with other people. Toast at Scorpio's birthday: “To the triumph of love!”

To a man

We hear from all sides:

“What a darling Scorpio!

He is both bright and smart,

and a champion in bed!

And - when he feels itchy -

impossible to achieve! »

Let all obstacles pass,

Let him achieve happiness!

BUT... Let your own poison

Scorpio beware!

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Geminis are inspired creators.

On the birthday of your friend Gemini, remember that the sun of Russian poetry, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, was also born under the sign of Gemini. Gemini is an enthusiastic, super sociable, creative person. This is an air sign. He is changeable like the wind. Have you guessed why we're raising our glasses? For creativity! Here's to change! For the unknown!

For a man:

Promises inspiration

Air sign - Gemini

These are geniuses of communication,

These are the joys of the creators!

Humanity's crown

Pushkin was also a Gemini!

If you were born a Gemini,

Don't lose face!

For a woman:

It's like there's wind in my head,

then suddenly calm and modest.

Although I see clearly, you are alone,

but sometimes it seems like there are two of you.

You change all the time

enchanting body and soul.

So be like this for many years

unpredictably beautiful!

Cancer - drinking beer is not a fool.

A native tradition combines raki with beer. It makes sense. Cancer really loves to eat and understands cooking. However, this zodiac sign is not at all a flat, primitive creature. On the contrary!\ Cancer is ONE OF the most sensitive signs of the Zodiac! This is a dreamer. And a very touchy dreamer! Be careful not to offend his impressionable soul!

And our toast will sound like this: “To a world of dreams, harmony and beauty!” This is where the crayfish reside, rejecting harsh reality.”

For a man:

Cancer - there is no sign of a soul,

He is happy to serve his friends.

Aside from Raka beer

hard for us to imagine.

Let's raise our glass, lovingly,

and let's clink glasses in Russian

we'll invite you for a beer

not as a snack!

To a woman

One moment you laugh, and then suddenly there is silence.

That's how you attract men to you,

but at the last moment you retreat,

our shy sweet crustacean.

Today we wish with excitement,

so that you become more beautiful over the years,

so that, having given up his embarrassment,

boldly took the joys of life!

According to the eastern horoscope, 2018 will pass under the auspices of the yellow Dog. A comic horoscope for 2018 will tell you what different zodiac signs can expect from an animal.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for Aries

It's time for all Aries to put work on the backburner and say to themselves: “Hello, rest!” These guys worked really hard in the Year of the Rooster, it’s time to take a break and devote themselves to other areas of activity. Get yourself in order, powder your nose, take your significant other on your arm - and go ahead and look for adventures. Fortunately, as the comic horoscope for 2018 predicts, the Yellow Dog is ready to forgive you everything.

Attention! Don’t forget about your loved ones, they also need your attention - you can’t spend all your time in a stuffy office and with boring colleagues.

Definitely, next year Aries is the center of the Universe, the world revolves around you. But be careful with fans: there is a risk that someone will want to steal your heart seriously and for a long time. Don’t try to dive headlong into feelings. A dog will not help a drowning person, so remain vigilant.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

Taurus, are you ready to lose your head? As the comic horoscope 2018 predicts according to the zodiac signs, the Year of the Dog is preparing something mind-blowing for you; quickly hide your horns, otherwise you may scare the animal. It's time to leave your slowness for later and get used to the frantic rhythm, so that you don't have to wait long for the desired results of your scams.

Millions of praise and flattering words will be addressed to the representatives of the sign, no criticism, only charm. What can we say about luck, it will hold Taurus’s arm throughout the next year and accompany them at all important events.

Have you dreamed of eternal mutual love? And here! The dog has already managed to prepare for Taurus a meeting with their other half. Looking forward to the sweet taste of the future in 2018? It's about time!

Comic horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

The comic horoscope for 2018 according to the signs states that it is time to gather all the will and strength into a fist and start changing your life. Hey, Gemini, stop lying on the couch and waiting for something to change, get up quickly and get rid of all the unnecessary junk and bad thoughts. The dog has prepared many good opportunities for self-realization for representatives of the sign. Stay positive, change is just around the corner.

If you think about something for a long time, you can end up in the soup, as happened in the story with the rooster. Don't waste time, more action - less talk. And the Dog, for his good efforts, will help Gemini experience the taste of true bliss. And if love is long-term, no more five-minute crushes on public transport, under the auspices of the Dog only in the registry office.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for suspicious Cancers

Cancers were too mysterious and depressive, and the Dog came to change everything. Successes and new opportunities will fall into your claws themselves; all you have to do is grab them tightly and not let go. After all, the Yellow Dog doesn’t give everything for nothing, so it’s time for representatives of the sign to break stereotypes and change their life principles; after all, the 21st century is just around the corner.

According to the comic horoscope for 2018, the Dog has prepared a sweet surprise for persistent and obedient Cancers in relationships. Tired of loneliness? Be ready to meet that very person who will gracefully enter your life and share your interests. Don't claw, otherwise you'll scare everyone around you.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for Leo

No matter what Leos do, things don’t work out? And all because, according to the comic horoscope, in 2018 you should put aside your excessive pride, and then the Yellow Dog will reward the representatives of the sign with worthy fruits. Popularity, excessive attention and many fans will fall on Leo’s shoulders like snow. However, this is not new for Leos, because they are used to basking in the rays of glory.

With their chic and lush mane, Lions will conquer more than one lonely heart; the prey itself will fall into the clutches of the king of beasts. You just need to reconsider your relationships with your loved ones; they are unlikely to like your wild ardor and pride, and the Yellow Dog also does not like selfish people.

Comic horoscope for Virgo

In 2018, the comic horoscope recommends that Virgos discard their mask of an unfortunate victim, otherwise the Dog may simply pass you by. From January itself, take matters into your own hands and begin to work fruitfully both on yourself and on your well-being, because this month will decide the outcome of the entire next year. The Dog will reward diligent Virgos with all the blessings and boundless happiness.

But in love it is worth observing complete peace: there will be no end to the fans, the main thing is to choose a worthy candidate for a future together.

Comic horoscope for Libra

In 2018, it’s time for representatives of the sign to forget about their own impulsiveness, but watch their speech. Inadvertently spoken words addressed to your superiors, work colleagues or loved ones can have a bad impact on your reputation, and the Dog will not be able to pull you out of the fog of reproaches.

The dog advises you to listen to what Libra is saying. Good words don’t always sound sincere, be careful. Communicate only with those who pull you forward, and not to the deep dark bottom. And stop weighing everything so carefully, otherwise you will be left with nothing, while your neighbor is already purchasing a new car.

Comic horoscope for Scorpios

The comic horoscope for 2018 for all signs promises Scorpios incredible wealth, love and good luck, if representatives of the sign stop stinging everyone. Energy will flow like a river, inspiring Scorpios to do new things and crazy things. These guys will achieve the desired career growth at any cost, even if they have to stick out their sting.

Carefully! Don't joke with Scorpios!

It’s time for representatives of the sign to melt their selfish hearts and show sensitivity, because without this, the Dog will not be able to help maintain harmony in their personal lives. Forget about narcissism, otherwise the patroness of the year may accidentally forget about you.

Comic horoscope for Sagittarius

What reward can Sagittarius expect in 2018? Of course, “Adviser of the Year,” because the wisdom of these guys is simply off the charts. They are ready to help anyone, for this the Dog certainly will not remain indifferent to the representatives of the sign. However, while helping others, you should not forget about yourself. Other people's problems are someone else's, but it's time to worry about your own too.

Success in the financial sector is inevitable, you can safely change jobs and throw banknotes left and right - but be careful. Parties, unbridled fun and a lot of entertainment await Sagittarius, but don’t forget about sleep: with bags under your eyes, you may not notice the love of your life walking somewhere nearby.

Comic horoscope for Capricorns

In 2018, point your horns towards your goals: great success is close and any obstacles can be jumped over.

Forget about melancholy and boredom, the Dog has something to please the representatives of the sign - this is success both in finances and in personal life.

Cupid is already aiming straight at your heart and will shoot at it in 2018. Capricorns will drown in an ocean of love and attention, what else is needed for happiness? These guys know how to love and deserve love forever. Even if not, don’t be upset, any relationship is also an experience.

Comic horoscope for Aquarius

Who knows, these guys know how to spill water. And in 2018 they will be ready to pour out a stream of their endless ideas and creative impulses to the broad masses, and all thanks to the Dog with her inspiration for the representatives of the sign. It is better to take action and direct the stream of water in the right direction, then the result will be appropriate.

The eastern patroness also prepares surprises for Aquarius in their personal lives. A waterfall of love and passion will completely cover the representatives of the water element, just don’t forget to breathe so as not to lose your mind. And stop being so jealous, it's time to learn to trust your soulmate.

Comic horoscope for Pisces

2018 is the most favorable year for Pisces to finally leave their usual aquarium and move to other water spaces. After all, as long as you can sit in one place, swim around and around, boldly swim forward and swim faster to your goals, and the Yellow Dog only accompanies these actions.

All the sea treasures will be yours as soon as you decide to go out into the world and conquer others. But for single Pisces, the coming year 2018 is simply ideal for dizzying novels, perhaps long-term ones. Be prepared, Cupid won't miss.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for schoolchildren and children

The comic horoscope for children for 2018 has prepared something very special - homework, of course, is not the same as schoolwork, but also important. All children of the zodiac signs should be more active both in school life and extracurricular activities. Then good grades will flow like a river, and there will be sweets not only on holidays.

Get creative and improve school processes, automatic cheat sheet scattering or a new cheating technique will also work. But at the same time, study, study, study - and praise will fall on your young shoulders, and then, look, gold medals are close. Be careful, otherwise you will have to wash the floor and wipe the dust in the classroom all year.

Comic horoscope in verse for 2018

Let's start with Aries for a comic horoscope in verse for 2018

These guys don't care

When do Taurus people know how to relax?

And only the best is selected.

And with Gemini you will never get bored,

They are always the soul of the company.

Cancers will spend a year without adversity,

They will devote time to love all the time.

And Leos with their beautiful words

Ready to conquer anyone.

Happiness will knock on the Virgos' house,

The dog will come rushing with good news.

Many wonderful hours await

In the year of the Dog of wise Libra.

It is better for Scorpios to hide their sting,

So as not to annoy Fortune.

And it’s time for Sagittarius to forget

About despondency and everyday life.

Note to Capricorns:

Don't swear incessantly.

Aquarius should act more boldly

Grab your lucky chance faster.

But Pisces will have to

Live a year without sorrows and grievances.


Dear guests, today an astronomer and predictor came to us, who made a forecast for the next year, intended for our hero of the day, based on the stars.

Details, attributes: a white robe, a folder of books under the arm, a telescope in hand and a poster-congratulation-prediction for the coming year for the hero of the day. The prediction and poster are printed, and you don’t have to memorize the text, but simply read it from the sheet.

Hello dear guests and our unrivaled hero of the day.
In the previous month, I worked on (NAME's) horoscope.
I was inspired by the location of the nearby planets Mars and Venus, and the unusual cycle of our sun.
After carefully determining the degrees between the Moon and other planets of the solar system, according to the existing pattern, spiral cyclicity, an accurate and individual prediction was formed for our (NAME).

A busy work schedule will bring a little discord in family relationships. Virgos' behavior has not satisfied their partners for some time. Virgos are used to controlling their loved ones, constantly teaching and being jealous. On this basis, relationships will cool, which can lead to separation....


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