Blue is a relative adjective. What are qualitative adjectives: examples

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in their semantic structure they combine possessive and actually relative meanings. They are formed from the names of people and animals using the suffix (-й, -я, -ь; -ь): enemy - enemy, hunter - hunting, old woman - old woman, fisherman - fisherman, man - human, widow - widow, falcon - falcon, deer - venison, cow - cow's, dog - dog's, calves - veal's.
These adjectives do not express individual characteristics of persons and animals, but their characteristic properties (generic characteristics): hare tracks, bear paw, boar muzzle, cow udder. However, they can denote the properties of a specific person or animal: The fox hid in the seagull. Soon in the bushes we noticed a fox's face, looking at us with curiosity. Along with this, they easily develop the relative meaning of “cooked, made from something”: bear coat, fox collar, fish fat etc. Many possessive adjectives in -y also have qualitative meanings: crab eyes, disservice, wolf law, wolfish appetite, maiden memory, etc.
Another large group Possessive-relative adjectives are formed with the suffix -in(y). The production base for them is only the names of animals. In addition to the possessive meaning, these adjectives also have relative and qualitative meanings: duck soup, chicken broth, donkey stubbornness, rooster fervor, eagle nose, a swan song and etc.

More on the topic § 85. Possessive-relative adjectives:

  1. 6.15. Classifications of adjectives by meaning and grammatical properties (qualitative, relative, possessive)
  2. 15. History of nominal forms of qualitative and relative adjectives in the Old Russian language. Possessive adjectives and their history
  3. 6.18. Possessive adjectives and features of their formation
  4. The theory of relativity confirmed the conclusions of philosophy regarding the presence of a deep connection between space and time

In the section on the question People Urgent:. HOW TO DEFINE QUALITATIVE, RELATIVE AND POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE??? given by the author European the best answer is

Qualitative adjectives denote the quality, property of an object: its size (large), shape (round), color (blue), physical characteristics(cold), as well as the tendency of the subject to perform an action (chatty).
Relative adjectives denote the attribute of an object through the relationship of this object to another object (book), action (reading) or another attribute (yesterday). Relative adjectives are formed from nouns, verbs and adverbs; the most common suffixes of relative adjectives are the suffixes -n- (forest-n-oy), -ov- (ezh-ov-y), -in- (topol-in-y), -sk- (warehouse-sk-oh) , -l- (run-l-y).
Possessive adjectives denote that an object belongs to a person or animal and is formed from nouns with the suffixes -in- (mam-in), -ov- (fathers), -ii- (fox-ii). These suffixes appear at the end of the adjective stem (cf. the possessive adjective fathers-ov and the relative adjective fathers-ov-sk-ii).

Answer from $ALьGa [email protected] [active]

Answer from Beken Batyrgireev[newbie]
can you help? something

Answer from Ask[newbie]

1) have cr. shape;

4) there is a degree of comparison;

1) place, time
2) action
3) purpose

husband. the genus has no ending.

Answer from Adapted[newbie]
you take your head and textbook, read the sentence, hit the wall with all your might, and so on..

Answer from ? ? ? [active]
1. Quality - handsome, thin, tall, cute, etc.
Relative - brick, red, urban, etc.
Possessive - mother's, fox's, grandmother's, sisters, etc.

Answer from Dashulya Demenkova[newbie]
The qualitative adjective denotes the quality of an object, i.e., a feature that an object may have to a greater or lesser extent: strong - stronger, very strong; tasty – more tasty, very tasty; beautiful - more beautiful, very beautiful.
Relative adjective The adjective indicates the connection of an object with another object, from the name of which this adjective is derived. In particular, the relative adjective indicates the material from which the object is made: china, iron bed; for the purpose of the subject: merchant fleet, receipt and expenditure book; on the relationship of an object to a place, time: morning exercises, a winter day, the local climate. Relative adjectives are mostly formed from the roots of nouns: iron - iron, book - book, morning - morning.
A special case of relative adjectives are possessive adjectives.
Possessive adjectives indicate that a given object belongs to another object (person): uncle’s table, sister’s book, bear’s den.

Answer from Christina Verkhusha[newbie]

Answer from Danil Mikheev[newbie]

And by the way, I'm a plagiarist.

Answer from Maria Isaeva[newbie]
Classes of adjectives by meaning
There are three categories of adjectives according to their meaning: qualitative, relative, possessive.

Qualitative adjectives differ from relative and possessive adjectives at all linguistic levels:
1) only qualitative adjectives denote a characteristic that may manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent;
2) qualitative adjectives can have antonyms (deep - shallow);
3) only qualitative adjectives can be non-derivative, relative and possessive are always derived from nouns, adjectives, verbs;
4) qualitative adjectives form nouns with the meaning of an abstract attribute (strictness) and adverbs ending in -o (strictly-o), as well as adjectives with a suffix of subjective assessment (sin-enk-y, evil-yush-y);
5) only qualitative adjectives have a full/short form and degrees of comparison;
6) qualitative adjectives are combined with adverbs of measure and degree (very large, but not *very reading).

Answer from Mishanya Strausov[newbie]
Classes of adjectives by meaning
There are three categories of adjectives according to their meaning: qualitative, relative, possessive.
Qualitative adjectives denote the quality, property of an object: its size (large), shape (round), color (blue), physical characteristics (cold), as well as the tendency of the object to perform an action (chatty).
Relative adjectives denote the attribute of an object through the relationship of this object to another object (book), action (reading) or another attribute (yesterday). Relative adjectives are formed from nouns, verbs and adverbs; the most common suffixes of relative adjectives are the suffixes -n- (forest-n-oy), -ov- (ezh-ov-y), -in- (topol-in-y), -sk- (warehouse-sk-oh) , -l- (run-l-y).
Possessive adjectives denote that an object belongs to a person or animal and is formed from nouns with the suffixes -in- (mam-in), -ov- (fathers), -ii- (fox-ii). These suffixes appear at the end of the adjective stem (cf. the possessive adjective fathers-ov and the relative adjective fathers-ov-sk-ii).
Qualitative adjectives differ from relative and possessive adjectives at all linguistic levels:
1) only qualitative adjectives denote a characteristic that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent;
2) qualitative adjectives can have antonyms (deep - shallow);
3) only qualitative adjectives can be non-derivative, relative and possessive are always derived from nouns, adjectives, verbs;
4) qualitative adjectives form nouns with the meaning of an abstract attribute (strictness) and adverbs ending in -o (strictly-o), as well as adjectives with a suffix of subjective assessment (sin-enk-y, evil-yush-y);
5) only qualitative adjectives have a full/short form and degrees of comparison;
6) qualitative adjectives are combined with adverbs of measure and degree (very large, but not *very reading).

Answer from Marina Saf[guru]
We open the textbook and teach ourselves. Then we will remember it for the rest of our lives. this is useful not only in the field of the native language))

Answer from ***Love** *[newbie]
and if it doesn't help

Answer from Galina Redozubova[newbie]
Hi, how are you

Answer from Danil Milyaev[newbie]

evil-evil-evil--the most evil

Answer from Denis Banquetov[active]
in uch postyr

Answer from Sandra Hasvik[active]
open the textbook and teach yourself. Then we will remember it for the rest of our lives. this is useful not only in the field of the native language))

Answer from Oleksandr Khersonyuk[newbie]
hard endless fruitless work

Answer from Oberto Travaltan[newbie]
Need to learn

Answer from Ruslana Chudakova[newbie]
Qualitative denotes the characteristics of an object: color, taste, height, etc. BEAUTIFUL, SMALL, GREEN, SOFT, THIN...
Relative ones indicate a characteristic based on the material from which the object is made, and also indicate characteristics based on time, place, and purpose. BRICK building, MOSCOW streets, BOOK closet, AUTUMN DAY.. .
The possessive denotes the attribute of an object by its belonging to a person or animal. FATHERS' house, NATASHA'S doll, DOG HOUSE...
There are three moods: indicative, imperative, conditional.
I read, read, would read.
quality adjectives are those that (at least 3 out of 5)
1) have cr. shape;
2) can form compound adjective by repetition;
3) can be used with the prefix -NOT-;
4) there is a degree of comparison;
5) can be combined with the words VERY, EXTREMELY, TOO.
Relative adjectives are
1) place, time
2) action
3) purpose
Possessive adjectives are
adj. + suffix ov, ev, in, yn, ii
husband. the genus has no ending.
I am writing briefly, BUT understandably.
Qualitative adjectives: beautiful - more beautiful
smart - smarter - smartest - smartest
evil-evil-evil--the most evil
kind-kinder-the kindest-the kindest
----These adjectives are called. QUALITATIVE, because degrees of comparison can be formed from them
Lunar, golden, wooden, steel, cosmic, etc. - degrees of comparison cannot be formed from them (it cannot be “goldier”, “woodier”, “steelier”, “cosmic”) - such adjectives are called. RELATIVE.
3rd category - possessive adjectives, they denote belonging and answer the questions: whose? whose? whose? whose? : mother’s (whose?) bag, bear’s (whose?) den, bird’s (whose?) nest, father’s (whose?) briefcase.
whatever you want to ask - write, I will answer

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

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According to the rules of the Russian language, adjectives can be divided into three categories - qualitative, possessive or relative. Determining which group a word belongs to is quite simple; there are easy-to-remember rules for checking in each case.

However, we will look at more general rules- they allow you to see almost immediately which group the word belongs to, and then check it in more detail.

Basic principles by which the rank is determined

To understand which group a given adjective belongs to, you need to establish what exactly it communicates, what characteristics it imparts to this or that object.

  • The easiest category from the point of view of recognition is . Such adjectives always characterize an object from the point of view of belonging to a person or an animal. Examples are a grandmother's comb, a mother's cup, a daughter's diary, or hare fur, fish scales, a bird feather. Make a mistake in in this case almost impossible.
  • may seem the most “voluminous” - it contains the most features. Temperature of the object, color, shape and smell, taste and age, physical properties or mental properties, if we are talking about a person - all these are qualities, which is where the name of the category comes from. For example, round, blue, bitter or sour, old or young, hard, soft, brave, cowardly - all this speaks of the qualities of an object or person, all these adjectives belong to the category of qualitative.
  • And finally, adjectives are collected that classify an object into a certain group according to material, time, place, properties or purpose. For example, in the phrases “iron hammer”, “ wild berry", "spring rain" adjectives will be relative, because they suggest a characteristic that connects the object with another concept.

Important rules for distinguishing ranks

There are two more rules that help you quickly determine the rank - or at least reduce the choice to just two groups.

  • Does the word have synonyms and antonyms? If yes, then the adjective is definitely from the group of qualitative, if not, then it definitely does not belong to the qualitative group.
  • Is it possible to raise an adjective to any comparative degree? If yes, and if the word exists excellent shape- then it again belongs to the qualitative category. If not, go to one of the remaining two.

Famous linguist Yu.S. Stepanov believed that the difference quality And relative meanings of adjectives is one of the most difficult. This division is carried out not even in all languages. There are already students in Russian high school learn to distinguish between these categories of adjectives.

As you probably remember, adjectives answer questions Which? which? which? which?

Which? –small yard school teacher, bear claw.

Which? –a wonderful weather, wooden bench, fox face.

Which? –excellent mood, pearl necklace, horse hoof.

Which? – polite students, regional competitions, bunny ears.

Each row contains examples qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives. How to distinguish them? As has already become clear, simply asking a question about an adjective will not give a result; the category cannot be determined in this way.

Grammar and semantics(meaning of the word). Let's consider each category of adjectives by meaning .

Qualitative adjectives

It’s already clear from the name what these adjectives mean. quality of the item. What kind of quality could this be? Color(lilac, burgundy, bay, black), form(rectangular, square), physical characteristics of living things (fat, healthy, active), temporal and spatial features (slow, deep), general qualities, inherent in an animate object ( angry, funny, happy) and etc.

Also, most (but not all!) qualitative adjectives have whole line grammatical features , by which they are quite easy to distinguish from other adjectives. These features may not necessarily be a whole set for each quality adjective, but if you find that at least some attribute is suitable for this adjective - you have a quality adjective. So:

1) Qualitative adjectives denote a feature that can appear to a greater or lesser extent. Hence the ability to form degrees of comparison.

Thin - thinner - thinnest. Interesting – less interesting – the most interesting.

2) Form short forms. Long is long, short is small.

3) Combine with adverbs of measure and degree. Very beautiful, extremely entertaining, completely incomprehensible.

4) From qualitative adjectives you can form adverbs on -o(s) And nouns with abstract suffixes -ost (-is), -izn-, -ev-, -in-, -from- :magnificent - magnificent, clear - clarity, blue - blue, blue - blue, thick - thickness, beautiful - beauty.

5) You can also form words with diminutive or augmentative suffixes: angry - angry, dirty - dirty, green - green, healthy - hefty.

6) Can have antonyms: big - small, white - black, sharp - dull, stale - fresh.

As you can see, there are many signs, but it is absolutely not necessary to use all of them. Remember that some quality adjectives have No degrees of comparison, some abstract nouns do not form, some cannot be combined with adverbs of measure and degree, but they fit according to other criteria.

For example, adjective bay. This adjective does not fit any grammatical criteria, but it means color = quality of item, - that means it quality.

Or adjective beautiful. You can't tell very beautiful, but you can form an adverb Wonderful. Conclusion: adjective quality.

Relative adjectives

Designate a sign through an attitude towards an object. What kind of relationship could this be - signs? Material, from which the item is made ( iron nail - iron nail, stone basement - stone basement, velvet dress - velvet dress); place, time, space (today's scandal is a scandal that happened today; intercity bus – a bus between cities; Moscow region – Moscow region); appointment(parent meeting – meeting for parents, children's store– children's store) and etc.

Signs of this and not temporary, but permanent, That's why Relative adjectives do not have all the features inherent in qualitative adjectives. This means that they do not form degrees of comparison(not to say that this house is wooden, and that one is more wooden), cannot be combined with adverbs of measure and degree(can't say very gold bracelet) etc.

But phrases with relative adjectives can be transform, replacing the adjective. For example, villager - village resident, milk porridge - porridge with milk, plastic cube - plastic cube.

We hope that it has become clearer to you how to distinguish between qualitative and relative adjectives. We’ll talk about possessive adjectives and some pitfalls in the next article.

Good luck in learning Russian!

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In a sentence, an adjective is most often a modifier, but can also be a predicate. Has the same case as the noun it refers to.

Classes of adjectives[ | ]

Discharge is the only constant morphological feature this part of speech. There are three category adjectives: qualitative, relative and possessive.

Qualitative adjectives[ | ]

They denote a characteristic that can be present to a greater or lesser extent.

As a rule, they have the following symptoms:

  • combined with the adverbs “very” (and its synonyms) and “too” ( very big, too handsome, extremely smart).
  • from qualitative adjectives it is possible to form
    • compound adjective by repetition ( delicious-delicious, big-big).
    • cognate adjective with prefix Not- (not stupid, ugly).
  • have an antonym ( stupid - smart), and sometimes a hypernym ( big - huge)

Some qualitative adjectives do not satisfy all of the above criteria.

Most qualitative adjectives, and only they, have two forms: full ( smart, delicious) and short ( smart, delicious). The full form changes according to numbers, genders and cases. Short form - only by gender and number. In a sentence, the short form is used as a predicate, and the full form is usually used as a definition. Some qualitative adjectives do not have a short form ( friendly, amiable) . Others, on the contrary, do not have full form (glad, much, must, need)

Possessive adjectives[ | ]

Indicate that an object belongs to a living creature or person ( paternal, sisters, fox). They answer the question “whose?”, “Whose?” Possessive adjectives can become relative or qualitative: hare (possessive) fur, hare (qualitative) soul, hare (relative) trace.

General information [ | ]

The boundaries of the lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives are flexible. So, possessive and relative adjectives may acquire qualitative significance: dog tail(possessive), dog pack(relative), dog life (quality).

Declension of adjectives[ | ]

Adjectives are inflected by case and inflected by number; in the singular, they are also inflected by gender. The exception is short adjectives and adjectives in comparative degree: They don't bow. In addition, there are a number of indeclinable adjectives: Komi people, khaki, gross weight.

The gender, case and number of the inflected adjective depend on the corresponding characteristics of the noun with which it agrees. Indeclinable adjectives are usually found after the noun; their gender, number, and case are determined syntactically by the characteristics of the corresponding noun: beige jackets.

  • solid: red th, red Wow, red wow
  • soft: syn th, syn his, syn to him
  • mixed: great Ouch, more Wow, more them.

Formation of adjectives[ | ]

Adjectives are most often formed in a suffixal way: swamp - swamp. Adjectives can also be formed by prefix: small, and prefix-suffix ways: underwater. Adjectives are also formed in a complex suffix way: flaxseed cleaning. Adjectives can also be formed by combining two stems: pale pink, three-year-old.


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