Home security alarm system. Security of private houses and cottages

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Home safety is what every owner cares about first. That is why the security of cottages and residential buildings is one of the most popular services provided by Delta. Installed by our specialists security systems for your home, which you can buy at competitive prices, will prevent the possibility of hacking and entering private territory. Ensuring the safety of a private home becomes especially important when the owners need to leave for a while and leave their own home unattended.

Security systems for a private home or cottage from Delta

If you entrust the protection of your home to the highly qualified employees of our company, you can be completely calm. Home security system or cottages, as well as a wireless security alarm system will be taken care of about the safety and inviolability of your private property. In accordance with the concept of the Delta company, home security is not a luxury, but an integral attribute of the realities of modern life.

Therefore, we see our task as active implementation security systems for home into people's lives, which will enable everyone to feel calm and confident in matters of ensuring the safety of their own property.

Home protection can be carried out by installing a security alarm, optionally supplemented by a panic button. This system is designed in such a way that it takes into account the occurrence of a wide variety of emergency situations. In addition to instant notification of the “visit” of uninvited guests, the security alarm can transmit a signal to the dispatcher’s console about the occurrence of a utility emergency. Thus, the Delta company guarantees that after installing the equipment, your life will become much calmer and more comfortable. You can buy security systems and wireless alarms for a country house, cottage or cottage right now on our website.

At your request service provided“SMS notification”, as well as comprehensive service maintenance of all equipment installed at the facility. Our company's work is based on norms and standards developed in accordance with advanced achievements and innovations applied throughout the world. You can find out how much it costs to secure your home, as well as get acquainted with the prices for connecting home security systems, on the website or by calling us at our contact number.

Home security

Every person wants to ensure the safety of their home, property and themselves personally. That is why the decision is so often made to buy a security alarm for a house or cottage.

There are many methods of protection: windows with higher burglary resistance, vandal-proof doors and blinds, private security services, technical means. The Gulfstream company offers a comprehensive approach to protecting cottages. Our specialists will assess the risks and identify vulnerabilities to create a unique country house security project.

Home alarm system: project development

A security alarm for a private home should be adjusted and selected taking into account potential threats. The company's engineers consider each case individually, taking into account certain aspects:

  1. Architectural features - the shape and size of the house. The larger the area of ​​the building, the more vulnerable spots through which an attacker can enter the house. The number and type of sensors should be adjusted based on the number of entrances, which include doors to the terrace and balconies. They act as an “easy target” for a burglar compared to regular entrance doors.
  2. Illumination and surroundings of the object. When developing the project, lighting will be taken into account and how well the building and the surrounding area are visible.
  3. Infrastructure and location. Detached objects located in “out of the way” areas represent objects with a high risk of robbery. With this arrangement, the sound signal will not scare off intruders, and therefore connection to the security panel is a prerequisite for home alarm systems.

Based on these features, the company engineer will select the required set of sensors and create a diagram of their placement.

Home security cost

The price of a home security system kit depends on the number of sensors selected. The basic package includes:

  • Control panel - 1 pc. Security system control element.
  • Wireless keyboard - 1 pc. The device is necessary to activate/deactivate the security system using a contactless key or personal code.
  • Contactless key - 3 pcs. Used to activate/deactivate the security alarm.
  • Door opening sensor - 1 pc. The device reacts to an attempt of unauthorized entry into the facility.
  • Motion sensor with photo confirmation option - 1 pc. The infrared sensor responds to human thermal radiation (the difference between the temperature of the room and objects).
  • Motion sensor - 2 pcs. The security system element reacts to movements inside the object.
  • Warning sign - 1 pc. Notifies others that the object is under protection.

Additional features of the system include:

  • Portable panic button. The device can be carried with you and, if necessary, send an alarm signal to the Central Monitoring Station.
  • Smoke detector. The element detects smoke in the room and, when alarming indicators are detected, activates an audio signal and sends data to the operator at the Central Monitoring Station.
  • Wireless control panel with TC function.
  • SMS notification option. The owner of the security system will receive alerts not only in the Gulfstream mobile application, but also via SMS. Maintenance (monthly).
  • Water leakage sensor. The device allows you to avoid flooding of the house and take timely measures to eliminate emergencies. Monitoring is carried out over the entire pipeline system in the house, heating systems.
  • Temperature sensor. The device is used to monitor room temperature and prevent fires in the house. In addition, when the air temperature in the room drops below the set value, the sensor is triggered and an alarm signal is sent to the operator at the Central Monitoring Station. In addition, a notification about a drop in temperature will be sent to the client’s mobile application.
  • Gas leak sensor. A universal device that determines the level of concentration in the air of various types of gases, such as butane, propane and others.
  • Smart plug. Allows you to control electrical appliances in the enterprise. From his mobile device, the alarm owner can turn on/off the sockets in the room.
  • Safe box. An outdoor safe box is necessary for storing keys to the gates of a country house. When an alarm signal is received, the rapid response team (RRT) will be able to dial a special code, receive the keys and enter the yard to inspect the area around the house.

The cost of installing a security alarm in a private house

The cost of installing a security system is free of charge. A Gulfstream engineer will install the system in 2-3 hours, configure sensors and individual scenarios, and also show how to use the mobile application.

Do you need a security alarm for a private country house? Order the installation of an autonomous or remote control security alarm for your home from the ASIS company! From us you can buy a security alarm kit for a private country house at a competitive price.

Every person wants to be sure of the safety of their property, but how to reliably protect the house and not spoil its appearance? The answer is simple. Mechanical locks, window bars and massive doors are a thing of the past. The best means of protection today is a security alarm. This sophisticated and sensitive system will provide you and your loved ones with reliable protection 24 hours a day.

Today it is very easy to ensure the security of a residential building by installing an inexpensive wired alarm system with a motion sensor. In addition, for a reasonable price, it is not difficult to protect your home with a professional alarm system, which has a more complex structure.

How does a home security alarm work?

The alarm device consists of at least three parts, each of which has its own purpose and specificity. In this row:
  • Detectors
    They are divided into several types depending on the parameter they control. This could be an object moving, a door opening, or glass breaking. When the detector responds, it generates a signal that is sent to the next link in the chain - the control panel.
  • Control panel
    Its purpose is to permanently monitor the operation of each sensor. When one of them is activated, the device processes the signal and sends it to the actuator.
  • Actuator
    After receiving a signal, the device sends a message to the owner’s mobile phone or to the security console.

How can a home security alarm resist an intruder?

After an attempt to enter the facility, the actuator notifies the owner, private security company or private security about the crime. Want to alarm your home but don't know how to choose the best security alarm for it? - Let's figure it out.

So, after unauthorized entry into an object, the alarm signal receives:

  • Object owner
    The signal sent by the security alarm system looks like an SMS message that will be sent to the number associated with the SIM card of the owner of the house. After this, the situation is in the hands of the owner: he can call the police, ask a neighbor to assess the situation, monitor the house through a surveillance camera, or go to the property himself. Statistics show that a wireless or wired home alarm system with notification via mobile phone is the best choice for those who want to control what is happening in the house, but do not have the opportunity to pay for the response of security agencies.
  • Private security company
    If a signal is sent to the control panel of the private security company, then after a few minutes (depending on the location) a group of trained security guards will arrive at the facility, to whom not a single thief can object.
  • Private security
    A home alarm system with a response from a unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has a huge advantage. The point is that you can be confident that you are protected by a team of qualified police officers in the best equipment. In addition, private security has every right to use firearms to detain an attacker and protect the customer. Often, the cost of a security alarm with private security response is even lower than the cost of a private security response, but the advantages of the police are obvious: government agencies are responsible for every citizen and pursue the goal of persistently protecting their property.

If you still doubt which security alarm is best for your home, contact our specialists for advice.

Where to go to install a security alarm for your home?

Do you want to deal with professionals who know their business? Do you want to buy and install a simple wireless security alarm in a private home at a competitive price? We will be glad to see you at ASIS! We will select and install a system that will provide maximum efficiency and protection.

How much does it cost to install a security alarm in a house?

The cost of an alarm system may vary depending on the layout of a private country house, the physical characteristics of the property, your wishes and the choice of system. In any case, we will install a security alarm system in your home of better quality, faster than anyone else, and at a decent price, so you don’t have to surf the Internet looking for ads like: “I’m selling a home alarm system inexpensively.” Just call or write to us!

Protecting personal property is an important and pressing task for every property owner. It doesn’t matter what kind of property it is - an apartment, a country house, a large cottage or a garage.

Each of these objects requires effective protection, which will avoid theft and damage to things valuable to the owner.

A fairly effective tool for protecting the listed real estate is one installed indoors, as well as along the perimeter of the protected object. For protection to work as efficiently as possible, you need to choose the right type for specific tasks.

Guardian Avizor Kit GSM

This wireless security system is designed to protect apartments, dachas, cottages, offices, garages, etc. The central electronic unit can work with radio sensors, which are located in 12 security zones.

An almost unlimited number of both security and functional sensors can be installed in each zone. In case of an alarm, the signal is sent as an SMS to 6 mobile phone numbers.

Ajax StarterKit White

Security basic set of wireless alarm systems, which can be upgraded by adding various security sensors. The equipment is optimally suited for protecting private houses, apartments and office premises. Warning signals are transmitted via a GSM network with support for an Ethernet channel, which acts as a backup channel. The alarm system allows you to connect up to 100 devices, which provides effective protection of an object within a radius of up to 2000 m of open space.

The GSM system kit will guarantee a high level of security in small objects such as apartments, cottages, garages, and separate office premises. The central alarm unit is capable of supporting up to 99 wireless and 7-wire control zones, in which IR motion sensors and window/door opening sensors can be located. The alarm signal is transmitted to 6 numbers, which are stored in the device memory.


This is the best GSM alarm system for a dacha, allowing you to create highly efficient security and fire systems with automation tools like a “smart home”. The alarm system supports communication via a regular telephone line, GSM channel, Ethernet, Dial-UP. The electronic module supports 3 wired loops and 288 wireless security zones. When an alarm is triggered, 15 numbers are dialed, an SMS is sent to 5 numbers, and alarm information is transmitted to 2 central monitoring panels.

Guardian Evolution Kit

A set of devices for constructing a security configuration to protect a private house, apartment or garage. The device supports 12 wireless security zones, in which security and functional sensors are located. When the alarm is triggered, SMS messages and telephone calls are sent to 10 numbers. The electronic unit has 2 relay outputs, through which you can control external actuators.

GSM alarm systems Altronics AL-150 Kit

Easy to use alarm system for protecting houses, apartments and offices. The electronic unit supports 4 wired loops and 16 wireless zones, security of which is provided by motion sensors, opening sensors, acoustic sensors, vibration sensors, etc. In case of an alarm, a signal will be sent in the form of SMS or dialing to 5 mobile numbers. To control external executive systems, the design provides one relay output.

Security Guard

High-quality GSM alarm system of domestic production at an affordable price. The electronic unit is capable of supporting work not only with motion and opening sensors, but also with functional sensors that will signal a water or gas leak or an increase in temperature. The standard alarm kit has 2 motion sensors, the number of which can be increased if necessary. When one of the sensors is triggered, the alarm is capable of sending SMS messages to 10 programmed numbers.

Falcon Eye FE

Security system for a cottage, apartment, house or garage. It is capable of working with 32 security sensors that connect wirelessly. If triggered, an alarm signal is simultaneously transmitted to mobile devices via SMS, dialing or e-mail, and a powerful sound siren is activated. In the event of intrusion, the Falcon Eye FE alarm also supports the ability to audio record the situation at the protected facility.

Ginzzu GSM system

An inexpensive security system, which is distinguished by the fact that in addition to a set of standard security features, it also supports work with IP cameras that provide video surveillance capabilities. For each of the protected zones, the possibility of individual settings is supported, installing round-the-clock or time-based protection. A mobile phone, smartphone or PC can be used to control the alarm.

Alexor KIT495-4EUH2

High-end wireless alarm system with motion sensor and window/door opening sensors. The system allows you to maintain control of 32 zones and provide two-way communication with the owner of the house or cottage. A distinctive feature of such a security system is the minimized number of false alarms.


Due to the fact that there is a huge selection of GSM alarms, you can choose the most optimal option that will provide guaranteed protection for your home, cottage, cottage, apartment, garage or office. All modern security systems are distinguished by rich functionality, a wide range of supported sensors, as well as the ability to scale their configurations during use. Considering these features of GSM alarms, they will be an excellent protector of real estate from uninvited guests.

Statistics show that installing CCTV cameras in private homes can reduce the risk of robberies, break-ins and other illegal actions by 83%. In the remaining 17% of cases, these systems make it possible to accurately identify intruders or catch them red-handed.

Installation of video surveillance equipment in country cottages and dachas has become a mandatory event. More than 60% of customers were forced to contact our company after experiencing the theft of expensive property: various electronics, garden equipment and even cars. The cost of the stolen property in almost all cases exceeded the cost of installing a security system.

But the main reason for applying is to protect your family and friends. A security system for a country house allows only the fact of its presence to scare off all sorts of intruders.

Security systems for private homes that we install

Security systems will help you

Security systems will help protect and preserve valuable property from fraudsters and vandals.

Security systems will detect and prevent most threats to the health and peace of mind of your family and friends.

Security system capabilities

Protection of property from attacks and video monitoring

A security alarm allows you to record in high quality all events occurring in the yard and indoors of the house. Installing video cameras helps to successfully investigate and prevent illegal activities.

The equipment can connect to any provider and allows you to organize effective control using a mobile device or 3G/4G modem.

Camera recordings for the last 7/14/30/60 days can be viewed at any convenient time.

Video cameras react to any movement of an object in their field of view and automatically send a letter with a screenshot of the recorded image to the customer’s email.

Modern models of video cameras are equipped with IR illumination, which allows you to accurately identify a person in the complete absence of lighting.

A security system installed in a country house instantly alerts you to an emergency situation and sends a signal to the response team.

What equipment is used

Where to begin?

1. Contact our company

We are always in touch. Our employees are available on all days of the week, from 9:00 to 19:00. You can contact them by email or through a special online form on the website.

You get the optimal solution to the problem. Our company’s employees constantly study market conditions and, on this basis, develop the best offers in terms of characteristics and cost. The customer receives from us the optimal solution to the problem.

3. Estimate calculation and demonstration of work

The selection of a security system for a country house is carried out qualified specialist on based on careful studying object characteristics. We will also calculate the project estimate and conduct a demonstration of the equipment.

4. Complete set of security and safety systems

Prompt preparation for installation. Equipment for installing a security system in a country house is completed from our warehouse in three days.

5. Installation of security, security and alarm systems

Accurate installation right on time. We provide professional installation of CCTV equipment. All work is carried out by experienced specialists using the latest technological tools within the time limits established by the contract.

Providing extended warranties. Our company provides an extended warranty for all security systems installed in country houses. It provides 30 days of free service (under contract), an annual guarantee for all types of service work and unlimited technical support.

If any questions arise regarding the operation of security video surveillance systems in country houses, we provide prompt and qualified service assistance.

8. Quality control of the system

Be confident in the quality of your system. Security systems undergo several stages of control at the stages of acquisition, installation, adjustment and startup.

Video surveillance in a country house

A modern security system for a country house allows you to record high-quality video in digital format around the clock. Video intercoms used in security systems allow visitors' faces to be seen and recorded.

The remote control security system detects movement inside the house and on the territory, instantly sends a signal about any emergency situation, and makes it possible to reliably protect your family and your property.


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