Download dictionary for android. Russian explanatory dictionary

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Luntik January 27, 2011 at 12:24 pm

Dictionary for Android

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I bought myself an HTC Legend. I read articles in English. But since I don’t know him very well, I needed a dictionary. It is desirable with the pronunciation of words (so that the words are better remembered) and with the ability to highlight frequently used words (so that you do not study all the words, but only the most common ones). I didn’t find anything like this (maybe I wasn’t looking for it well) and decided to write my own. Plus I’m learning programming for Android, so writing my own program was another plus for me in learning the language.

Program structure

The program consists of 2 parts:
1. The program itself is for Android. She shows words, searches for words in the dictionary, pronounces words.
2. Auxiliary programs for creating dictionaries. Analyzes the text, highlighting frequently used words, downloads the translation of the word from Google Translator, and fills in the database.

Program for Android

I'll tell you about the general structure.

The program has 4 windows:
1. With a list of words.

2. With filtering settings based on frequency of use and number of words. In the future I will remove this window as unnecessary.

3. With the choice of database for the dictionary.

4. With a conclusion detailed information about the word.

I will not describe the code in detail. I’ll only tell you about the problems that arose when playing mp3 from a byte array. I forgot to add that my sound is stored in the database itself, i.e. The application does not require a network connection. This is done in order to save traffic and so that you can take sound not only from google translator, but also from other sources.

Android does not allow you to play mp3 from a byte array, only from the network or from a file. Only wav format can be played from a byte array. There are 3 solutions to the problem - save mp3 to a temporary folder, convert to wav or play from your audio server. The first method is not suitable due to the fact that many temporary files are created. I didn’t like the second method because, firstly, it would have to convert a lot of mp3s (~2500) and secondly, it would lead to an increase in their size.

Public class AudioServer extends Thread (

Private DataBaseHelper myDbHelper;

Public AudioServer(DataBaseHelper myDbHelper) (
this.myDbHelper = myDbHelper;

Public void run() (
ServerSocket ss;
try (
ss = new ServerSocket(6129);
) catch (IOException e1) (
Log.e("AudioServer", "CreateServer " + e1.getMessage());
while (true) (
Socket theConnection;
try (
theConnection = ss.accept();
) catch (IOException e1) (
Log.e("AudioServer", "CreateConnection " + e1.getMessage());
String method;

PrintStream os = new PrintStream(theConnection.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(theConnection.getInputStream());
String get = is.readLine();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(get);
method = st.nextToken();

If (method.equals("GET")) (
String word = st.nextToken().replace("/", "");

While ((get = is.readLine()) != null) (
if (get.trim().equals(""))
Log.i("AudioServer", "Word " + word);
byte audio = myDbHelper.getAudio(word);
if (audio != null)
Log.i("AudioServer", "LenghtAudio " + audio.length);
Log.i("AudioServer", "Audio data not fouded");

Os.print("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
Date now = new Date();
os.print("Date: " + now + "\r\n");
os.print("Server: english_server\r\n");
if (audio != null)
os.print("Content-length: " + audio.length + "\r\n");
os.print("Content-length: 0\r\n");
os.print("Content-type: audio/x-mp3\r\n\r\n");

// send the file
if (audio != null)
) catch (IOException e) (
Log.e("AudioServer", "SendData " + e.getMessage());

) catch (IOException e) (
Log.e("AudioServer", "ConnectionClose " + e.getMessage());


The program works, but there are a few bugs and inconsistencies in behavior that need to be fixed.
You can download it at
The link is apk and two dictionaries. One with pronunciation, but it has 2500 words. The second has more words, but no pronunciation.

Tags: android, dictionary, java

TTDic- Russian-English And English-Russian free offline dictionary with an easy and functional interface covering more 177.000 words

Key Features:

1. functional user interface
2. Quick search with filter
3. Pronunciation of words (TTS - Text-To-Speech)
4. Learning function ( Flash Cards)
5. Favorites– Add a word to your favorites list.
6. Bookmarks- Create bookmarks and add words to bookmarks.
7. Story- Saving viewed words in history.
8. The note- Adding notes to words.
9. Backup/ restore from file or Dropbox (Backup/Restore)


Various settings
1. Night mode
2. Changes text size
3. Interface color changes
4. Manage story lists, favorites, bookmarks and notes.
5. Tab visibility - Show/hide tabs.
6. Change the direction of the tongue

You can send your suggestions, comments and legal questions related to the project to this address.
[email protected]

Change Log / What's New

Quiz (testing) feature
Integration to other apps (Moon+ reader etc.)
Some UI changes
Some bugs were fixed

Android has a very interesting feature - a custom dictionary. How to set it up? Our article will tell you.


The Android OS has a service for checking literacy, which not only checks, but also independently corrects errors. This system can be even more useful through the use of special dictionaries. We'll talk about how to use them correctly.

How to check the setting?

First of all, you need to find out that the option to check text for errors is enabled in the parameters. To do this, you need to go to “Languages ​​and input” in the settings and activate spell checking. Next, you will see a small menu where you can select a dictionary for a specific or for all languages ​​in which the text will be checked and corrected.

After you are sure that the parameters are entered correctly, launch any document and start working with it. As you enter words, possible text options will be displayed above the keyboard. You can speed up typing long words by selecting the correct option in the line above.

How to setup custom Android dictionary?

Often the standard dictionary does not recognize the required word and is underlined even if it is spelled correctly. Just to avoid such problems, you need custom dictionary . Adding a new word to it is very simple. Click on it in the line above the keyboard and select save. Or you can select a word in the finished text and save it in the same way.

How to manage a dictionary?

To fill the dictionary in advance, go to the languages ​​and input section and go custom dictionaries. There are all languages ​​separately and one common one. When you open any of them, you will see what is there and make your adjustments.

Setting up a custom dictionary on Android

To add a new word, click on the plus in the top corner of the screen and enter all the suggested data. At the same time, in addition to individual words, you can add phrases and numbers. Thanks to this ability, you can use the dictionary in a way that is convenient for you.

Autofill forms

Surely you are often somewhere register and you have to enter all your data every time. Enter them into the dictionary in advance and all fields will be filled in in a few clicks.

Password manager

Android custom dictionary - how to set it up?

Many people complain that Android doesn't have a good password manager like LastPass. You just need to spend half an hour entering all the necessary phrases into the dictionary and you will be able to use quick input in any service. Of course, you should not enter important financial information here, since such data should always be kept secret.

Popular phrases

If you often use the same phrases when communicating with friends, or make keyboard shortcuts for them. For example, “I'll be there soon” on “SB”. This will save you time typing phrases.

Thanks to custom With the VV dictionary you will receive convenient and competent writing, as well as quick entry of most data.

Video: Custom dictionary for Android

Mobile translator is a convenient application: you always have your Android smartphone with you, and you have to translate foreign words from Russian into English (or vice versa) quite often. If you travel or write text in English (or another) language, a translator for Android is indispensable.

We have already looked at applications for online text translation, dictionaries and similar services. Mobile translators for Android OS also appear here, and we have selected the best of them:

Among the main functions we note offline work on the phone, and. It is also advisable that you mobile application It was possible to voice over the translated text. At the end of the article, you can quickly choose the best translator for Android based on its functionality.

Mobile translator Google Translate for Android

Perhaps the most popular translator, whose name (Google Translate) has become a household name and is used when it comes to machine translation, let’s say, not very High Quality. However, it must be admitted that today Google Translate is perhaps the optimal method for automatically translating web pages, individual words, text fragments and even audio messages via phone. From year to year, the quality of the Google Translate service is gradually increasing, and the Translate API is used by many other services and applications to translate text from English and other languages ​​into Russian or as a translator of web pages on their own and other sites.

Google Translator for Android has been working without the Internet for some time now.

Main features of Google Translate for Android:

  • About 100 text translation directions are supported
  • Recognize text from a picture or Android camera and the ability to translate it into 26 different languages
  • Two-way translation of voice messages into 40 languages: text-to-speech and recognition of text spoken into the microphone
  • Support handwriting text input when drawing on the screen of an android device
  • Selective loading language extensions on Android as needed
  • Add words to your favorites and save translations for later offline use

However, keep in mind that all translation features are not available in all languages. Although English and Russian languages ​​are fully supported on the phone.

Let’s talk about the features that we liked right away.

  1. Offline translation supported. If you're offline and trying to translate a word that's not in the dictionary, Google Translate will offer to download language packs. They weigh a little - the Russian-language one is about 20 MB.
  2. Alternative text input includes handwritten input, voice input, and text recognition from a picture.
  3. Great interface. IN Lately Google pays more attention to usability, which improves convenience.

A few words about how the Google Translate application works. Select the translation direction, enter a word or phrase using any of the input methods and see the translation. You can listen to the pronunciation, transcription, copy the word or add it to your favorites list. Well, of course, there is a dictionary where you can find out the translation options for a word and part of speech.

Summary. The Google Translate translator for Android is not exactly mega-functional, but it confidently combines the most necessary tools for users in need. It is both a dictionary and an application for machine translation. The Google translator is convenient for quickly recognizing words in all languages ​​that are included in the kit.

Yandex.Translate - offline translator for Android

Yandex.Translate is essentially the same as Google Translate, but for those who are used to using the products “ domestic manufacturer" In fact, there are not many differences with the same free “Translate”. Recently, the Yandex.Translate service has increased its translator functionality, and now the Android application translates text from a picture and recognizes speech and audio messages. Perhaps the main difference compared to the Android version of Google Translate is the quality of translation (it’s just different) and the number of supported languages ​​for mobile translation - there are not 90, but more than 60, which is enough for most users. There is also a mobile web version of the application at

Interface and settings of the Yandex Translator application

Some differences in the mobile application are purely “taste”. Branded predominates yellow in the design of the translator. Abbreviations and word completion also work in Yandex.Translate. One of the convenient functions of the text translation program is the automatic change of language when typing. Google Translate (version for Android) surprisingly does not have this, although the web version of the translator has been doing this for a very long time.

The Yandex translator works offline. But here's the problem: electronic dictionaries take up a lot of space in the phone's memory. The English-Russian offline translation package alone takes up about 660 (!) MB! You need to think 100 times whether you need such happiness.

Other mobile translation settings available in the offline translator from Yandex:

  • simultaneous translation,
  • language definition,
  • hints and simplified input,
  • translation of words and text from the clipboard,
  • activation of offline mode.

Summary. In general, the Yandex product is a suitable translator. With its own features and amenities, with a full set of translation functions. It works autonomously and can be used as a convenient electronic dictionary. The only drawback of the application is the impressive size of the dictionaries (they need to be downloaded in advance without fear of traffic consumption).

Mobile text translator

The PROMT company is known for its long-standing developments in the field of machine translation. The Translate Ru translator is one of the interesting products available for Android. As Promtovites say, Translate provides fast and high-quality translation of texts in popular directions, including English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, etc. Naturally, the Russian language can also serve as a translation direction.

High-quality mobile translation at (PROMT)

Some main features of the mobile application:

  • Integrated translation: the ability to translate from any open application in the Android OS. You can easily copy the text and find out its translation in
  • Mobile translation, electronic dictionary and phrasebook in one set
  • Selecting a translation topic: studies, biography, social media, computers, travel and others.

After testing other popular text translators for Android, some points catch my eye. Firstly, the interface is not as modern as in Google Translate or Yandex.Translator. It's also less convenient when translating text on a phone with a small screen. To translate, you not only need to enter a word, but also press the enter button, since the text is not translated on the fly. On the other hand, the translator can independently change the subject of translation and the language direction.

A few words about the offline mode of operation of the dictionary. Autonomous operation is available in the paid version of the translator, but some tools (phrase book) can be used for free - just download the corresponding dictionary of expressions. The last 50 words translated online are also available in the story without an internet connection.

Since the price of the program is low - about $3 - we advise you to think about purchasing it if free version I liked the application for its capabilities for translation from English into Russian or in other areas. In the paid version, in addition to the availability of offline mode, there are no advertisements at the bottom of the window.

Summary. This text translator for Android OS is not perfect, but nevertheless one of the best representatives of its category. offers a high-quality translation with the ability to consolidate and learn new words. Various translation topics, pronunciation and transcription of text and a phrase book are available. Well, in addition, all this can work offline. So has every chance to gain a foothold in your list of Android applications.

Good to know. What is the difference between a translator program and an electronic dictionary?

Electronic dictionaries are usually convenient for translating individual words. They are used as reference books and provide more options translation for the term. One of the most popular dictionaries is . The product is available for desktop and mobile platforms, including Android.

Babylon: electronic dictionary and translator in one bottle

At one time, Babilon was a fairly popular translator for the desktop platform. The developers decided to take revenge by porting their translator to Android and other mobile platforms.

Mobile translation using Babylon online translator

What can be said from the user's point of view? The Babylon app is relatively inconvenient for online text translation. Why don't developers just learn from other translate apps and make the GUI shell more user-friendly? Now Babylon is divided into 2 tabs: text translation and electronic dictionary. The logic is clear, but inconvenient. In addition, to translate text you need to press extra buttons. And considering that the translation of each word is downloaded from the Internet, using this Android translator is not much fun.

Again, comparing Babylon with the other translators mentioned, it does not have such the right tools, like translating text from a picture, speech recognition and translation, there isn’t even a simple phrase book.

Of course, it is possible to upgrade the basic version of Babylon, which is installed on Android by default, but this does not really save the situation, apparently. A total of 4 versions of the application are available:

  • Basic I - no ads
  • Basic II - no ads and with offline dictionaries
  • Deluxe - all of the above plus an unlimited number of text translations
  • Ultimate - everything that can be included in the translator, the possibility of subsequent updates

Well, okay, then what are the advantages of the mobile version of Babylon? Despite the outdated shell, it is worth noting good quality translation of terms, electronic dictionaries did not disappoint in this regard. The program produces an entire dictionary entry when translating from English into Russian and vice versa. Transcription and pronunciation of a word can be found by clicking on the corresponding icon.

Thus, the Babylon electronic translator is unlikely to satisfy the needs of an active user who often accesses the dictionary. Unfortunately, Babylon has many inconveniences and a small set of functions for translation in various language areas. The only positive point is high-quality electronic dictionaries and detailed dictionary entries that the program produces when translating individual terms. If you need an offline translation, please contact free applications eg Google Translate.

iTranslate - text translation software and voice translator

iTranslate is another one bright representative mobile translators. It is distributed mainly through the App Store in the form of an iOS version of the application. In addition, the iTranslate translator is also popular among Android mobile users.

iTranslate supports text translation format and voice input. Translation is carried out in 92 language areas. The program saves the history of the last translated phrases and works offline without any restrictions (you must first download a dictionary for the desired direction - for example, English-Russian).

In addition to the usual translation, iTranslate translator can reproduce everything written on the phone. The application is absolutely free for Android users, but it broadcasts unobtrusive banners with advertising in the bottom panel of the screen.

Other features of iTranslate translator:

  • More than 90 directions for text translation
  • Voiceover of translated text. You can choose the voice acting at your discretion (male/female)
  • Possibility of choice different regions for the selected translation language
  • Built-in dictionary, synonym database and extended articles for each word
  • Transliteration and access to previously entered phrases and words are supported
  • Sending translations to other users and posting on social networks

Another representative of mobile translators for Android, which is also distributed through the App Store in the form of an iOS version of the application. For this reason, “iTranslate translator” is quite popular among Android mobile users. This program allows you to work both in text translation format and using a voice translator in 92 languages, and also saves the history of the last translated phrases.

Translator iTranslate for Android

In addition to the usual translation, iTranslate translator can reproduce everything written on the phone. This application is absolutely free for Android users, so it has unobtrusive banners with advertising in the bottom panel of the screen. To work with the iTranslate translator, you will need an Internet connection. You can also download an add-on from the same developer, a full-featured voice translator for Android – iTranslate Voice.

Microsoft Translator - a convenient translator for text and photos

The Microsoft Translator application can translate text in more than fifty different language directions. In addition, the application performs voice translation, recognizes phrases photographed on the phone, as well as screenshots taken on the phone. The translator works both online and offline; in the second case, you need to download dictionary databases for the translation to work without an Internet connection. The "Offline languages" section in the Android translator settings is intended for this.

When translating text, a transcription is displayed (for the Russian-English direction); voiceover of the text is also available by clicking on the corresponding icon. However, it was inconvenient that Microsoft Translator does not offer alternative translations of individual words, as is done in Google Translator. Also, the application does not display hints when entering words.

The function of translating inscriptions and images is quite convenient. As mentioned, all you have to do is take a photo with your camera and Microsoft Translator will recognize the text content. However, if there is really a lot of text to be translated, inconvenience may arise because you have to read the translation without formatting.

Another convenient feature is a phrasebook. It contains popular language phrases that you can use while traveling.

Offline dictionaries: a translator for Android that works without the Internet

The Offline dictionaries application allows you to use dictionaries on your phone without connecting to the network. This is convenient, for example, if you are on a plane, traveling abroad, working where there is no Internet, or just want to save battery.

Download the dictionaries you'll need for translation to your SD card the first time you launch the app. Then search using patterns.

Definitions can also be read by a smartphone using a text-to-speech module (some mobile devices do not support this module - accordingly, some languages ​​may not be available. The dictionary is convenient to use in conjunction with e-book reading devices.

There are over 50 multilingual offline dictionaries to choose from, including English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Hebrew, Russian, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech. In addition to dictionaries, the kit includes databases of synonyms and anagrams.

Dictionaries are added and regularly updated with the release of new versions of Offline dictionaries.

Other functions of the telephone translator:

  • self-replenishment of dictionaries
  • adding personal notes
  • synchronize notes with all devices via account Google

The free version of Offline dictionaries displays ads, but you can try the pro version, which is ad-free.

Results: which Russian-English translator to choose?

Choosing the best mobile translator
Application Name Working without the Internet (offline mode) Voice translation Photo translation Voiceover of texts Online website translation Dictionary
+ + + + - -
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + +
partially - - - - +
+ + - + - +
+ + + + - +
+ - - + - +

All of the above presented dictionaries and translators for smartphones on Android have advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different cases. Having a constant connection to the Internet and requiring a large package of languages ​​from the program (especially if we are talking not only about the Russian-English direction), you will most likely decide in favor of Google translators or iTranslate. In addition, Google Translate will be convenient to use as a web page translator.

If you want to work closely with a small list of the most popular foreign languages, you should pay attention to the Android translator Translate ru or the Yandex translator.

If Internet access is limited, download “Offline Dictionaries” and you will be able to translate foreign words in any convenient location directly on your mobile device.

The best dictionary of all presented.


Find Dictionary for your Android it’s very simple, but finding a dictionary that would be completely independent of the Internet is a completely different problem, which turned out to be completely solvable. Application " Russian explanatory dictionary” will be able to please you not only with a very modest weight, but with an impressive database of words, which has more than 150,000 meanings. Surprisingly, all this fits into 40 megabytes of weight and does not require constant connection to the Internet.


Another plus is the interface in Material Design. For some this may not matter, but for fans of this concept it will be a very pleasant surprise. The entire interface consists of tabs, between which you can very conveniently move with familiar gestures. The first tab contains an alphabetical index, as well as a search bar, which will instantly allow you to find any word, if, of course, it is in the dictionary. Search “live”, i.e. as soon as you start typing something, the result immediately appears on the screen. There are also two search masks, one of which checks the first letters of each word, and the second - the last. Opposite each word there are two special buttons that allow you to add the word to your favorites or bookmarks. There is a difference between these sections, because in bookmarks you can create something like categories. The next tabs correspond to favorite words and bookmarks, and the last one is the history of viewed words. A word is considered viewed only if you have opened its card.


There were quite a lot of settings, but due to the fact that the entire application is completely in Russian, there will be no problems with customizing the application for yourself. To summarize: this is the application “ Russian explanatory dictionary“It’s definitely not a shame to keep it on your phone, especially since you can access it at any time, regardless of the Internet. Enjoy!


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