How much does an egg weigh? Chicken egg: how much does it weigh in different ratios

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Every farmer who breeds poultry, interested in having high productivity chickens. In this case, not only the number of eggs is important, but also their quality, for example, size. After all, becausehow much does a chicken egg weigh?, it depends on which category it falls into and how much you can get for it. Even with large quantities The benefits of laying eggs will be small if they have a small mass. We will tell you in this article how the product is sorted and labeled, as well as how much one egg weighs on average.

Before the laying hen product is sent to the store, it is sorted and labeled. This is done to make it easier for you and me to understand what the mass of the egg is and how long ago it was laid. Most often you can find markings with the letters “C” or “D”, which are applied to the surface of the shell or on top of the packaging.

These letters are deciphered as follows:

  1. D - dietary, usually red labeling. Fresh product that has been stored for no more than 7 days from the date of demolition.
  2. C - table, usually blue markings. The name suggests that the product is more than 7 days old, but they are sold within 25.

Accordingly, an egg marked “D” that is not sold within the period of its sale receives the mark “C”. Knowing how much a chicken egg weighs, its grade is determined, which also has its own marking. To do this next to literal meaning put a number from one to three or corresponding letter, for example C1, D1, CO, SV, etc.

So that this can be understood in clear example, we have placed data on varieties in the table below:

CategoryWeight, gAverage weight, g
3 35-45 40
2 45-55 50
1 55-65 60
O (select)65-75 70
B (highest category)75 80
Double yolk80

From the table it is clear that the weight chicken egg with medium-sized shell - 60 gr. But in culinary recipes Most often they use the 3rd grade, the average weight of 1 piece is 40 g. A package of 12 pieces of category C2, which is most often found, weighs about 600-700 grams. And in a kilogram, depending on the variety, there can be from 12 to 25 pieces.

The standards of other countries may differ from ours. So, in the UK, products weighing 50-60 grams are considered average. And Australia recognizes them as very large, because for them the average category is only 43 grams.

How chickens are raised and how they lay eggs large industries, find out more in interesting video tengrinewtv channel.

Without shell

If the farmer is usually interested in the total weight of the product, then for the consumer the weight of one peeled egg is more important. The weight of the hard shell, that is, the shell, is usually 10% of the weight of the product. Therefore, calculating the mass of an egg of any category without a shell is not difficult.

We entered the finished data into the table:

CategoryShell, grWithout shell, gr
3 5 35
2 6 44
1 7 53
O (Selected)8 62
B (Higher)9 70

The shell of this nutritious product is not as useless as it seems. It is an excellent source of calcium, so it is useful to use as food supplement. On the farm, it can be added to bird feed, and can also be used in the garden: to fertilize the soil on your site.

Raw and cooked

Is the mass different? raw product and Varen Wow? This question is often asked by those who are on a diet and scrupulously count calories. Since the egg does not gain moisture during the cooking process and does not evaporate it, it weight remains unchanged. One has only to take into account that the values ​​of mass with a solid shell will be differentand without. This will be the only difference in weight between cooked and raw product.

Breaking down the weight piece by piece

Since there are several types of eggs, then mass of yolks and whites they have different ones. As a rule, in percentage terms per share white which accounts for 55% of the total weight, and yolk a - 45%. Some people are very afraid of the cholesterol contained in this product, and very wrongly. After all, only a third of it comes from food, and even this third contains cholesterol yolk takes up a very small share. In addition, the yolk contains many vitamins, phospholipids and beneficial amino acids: lecithin and choline.

Yolk and white mass

Now that the common myth has been dispelled, we suggest that you more often include healthy boiled, fried or any other form of eggs in your diet. And to find out how much protein and yolk are contained in products different categories, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table below.

CategoryYolk, gProtein, g
3 12 23
2 16 29
1 19 34
O (Selected)22 40
B (Higher)25 46

A very long time ago, people domesticated poultry and learned to obtain highly nutritious eggs and dietary meat from them. Since then, fairy tales have been written about laying hens, beliefs and rituals have been born. Here are some of the most interesting facts, noted in the history of poultry farming:

  • one egg of a meat breed of chicken can reach a weight of 50 to 65 grams;
  • decorative breeds of some chickens usually lay medium or very small clutches. Thus, one Malaysian serama egg weighs no more than 10 grams, and is five times smaller in size than that of a domestic chicken;
  • but one Cuban laying hen can boast of gigantic achievements in the literal sense. One specimen in her clutch weighed about 148 grams;
  • chicken from Papua New Guinea, on the contrary, laid eggs only 9 grams. Farmers, without hesitation, ate the wonder;
  • in England, a case was recorded when there were as many as 5 yolks per white;
  • Chicken eggs can differ in color: the color of the shell depends on the breed of bird and the color of its plumage, and has absolutely nothing to do with its diet. The taste and composition of the products are absolutely identical. Laying hens with white shells are considered the most prolific, so their product can be found on store shelves most often;
  • Another fact concerning the color of the shell was noted in America. So farmers managed to breed a breed that can lay yellow, blue and green eggs.

Video “Product categories and shelf life”

The EdaHTVTelevision channel in this video will tell you in detail about how long eggs can be stored, what useful material they are hidden in themselves and how to understand their markings.

Eggs are often used as an independent product (boiled, in the form of scrambled eggs), but they are also often components of many culinary dishes. Few people realize how much a chicken egg weighs.

Knowing the answer to this question is important because it often becomes necessary to observe the amount of certain ingredients in preparing dishes so as not to spoil them, and also to more accurately calculate the number of calories when cooking dietary nutrition. About weight different types eggs can be found just below. But first, a little about the egg itself.

Egg: nutritional value

Any egg consists of two parts located in the shell: the white and the yolk. The yolk itself contains proteins, fats and cholesterol. Protein contains 90% water, the remaining 10% proteins. Mass ratio of three components eggs (shell, white and yolk) is respectively about 12:56:32. It turns out that the protein mass is the largest. We will find out how much 1 chicken egg weighs in general later.

Egg is one of the most widely used food products among people. It should be noted that any bird eggs can be eaten by humans. They are edible even in certain reptiles, such as turtles.

Chemical properties of eggs

The composition of bird eggs differs depending on the breed, species, age, feeding conditions and maintenance.

One egg (chicken) contains the following percentages of certain elements: proteins - approximately 12.57; fat -12.02; carbohydrates - 0.67; minerals- 1.07 and water - 73.67. At the same time, the calorie content of 100 grams of egg mass is approximately 158 kilocalories.

The largest egg in the world was recorded in the Republic of Cuba. Its weight was 148 grams. And the weight of the tiniest egg laid by a chicken in Papua New Guinea was only 9.7 grams.

The weight of eggs, according to Russian legislation, is divided into groups. Because this issue is also important when selling this product in markets and stores.

The weight depends on the established categories of eggs:

3rd category is assigned to eggs weighing from 35 to 44.9 g;
Eggs of category 2 have a mass of 45-54.9 g;
Category 1 - 55-64.9 g;
Select eggs (marked “O”) weigh from 65 to 74.9 g;
Highest category (marked “B”) - 75 g or more;

The average eggs collected on your own farm are approximately 40-65 grams.

What's the result? How much does a chicken egg weigh? Most often, the average weight of an egg is taken to be 60 grams. This weight represents the mass of a standard chicken egg.

How many eggs are in one kilogram?

A very interesting question. Knowing how much one chicken egg weighs, you can determine the number of testicles in 1 kilogram. It turns out that one kilogram can contain from 15 to 25 medium-sized eggs, depending on the categories. Accordingly, 10 chicken eggs weigh approximately 400-650 grams.

The above data applies to eggs with shells. You can consider the data without taking into account the weight of the shell.

How much does a chicken egg weigh without a shell?

Without the shell, a selected egg weighs 59-68 grams (36-41 grams of white, 23-26 grams of yolk).

All this data is needed when it becomes necessary to determine how much a boiled chicken egg (peeled) weighs. This is necessary in cases where complex recipes are compiled in grams rather than in pieces. You just need to look at the weight without shell using the above data.

To easily determine the weight of eggs, you should buy the product according to the factory category labeling. Usually in cooking the third category is used, weighing on average 40 grams.

How much does a chicken egg weigh?

When choosing chicken eggs in a store, the buyer is guided by its size according to the principle: “large ones taste better.” Is it so? And why are they different sizes? What is the weight of one egg?

The bigger, the better? Does the quality of an egg depend on its mass?

Chicken eggs are divided into several categories. The visible differences are size and weight. First, let's look at the markings on the shell (packaging). This distinctive mark consists of two designations: letters and numbers. The letter that comes first indicates how fresh the product is - this is its type:

  • “C” - a table egg that is already more than 7 days old;
  • "D" - dietary. The “age” of such a product is up to 7 days.

The second sign indicates the category and approximate weight. This indicator is the same for each type. There are: 1, 2, 3, the letter “O” is the selective one and the last variety is “B” - the highest. Testicles highest category the largest, the third - the smallest. Let's see what their weight is according to average data: category 1 - 60 g, category 2 - 50 g, category 3 - 40 g, "O" - 70 g, "B" - 80 g.

Attention! The color of the shell is affected by the diet and breed of chicken.

The contents of eggs of any category are absolutely identical in quality, the only difference is their freshness. Fresh - has a higher concentration of nutrients, which decreases during long-term storage of the product.

How to calculate weight without shell

Each testicle has three components: white and yolk, respectively - 58 and 30%, 11.5% is occupied by the shell. Knowing this ratio and the entire mass, it is easy to calculate how much its liquid part weighs. In order not to waste time on calculations, you can use ready-made figures for each type. The weight of the contents is:

  • selected variety - about 70 g.
  • first grade - 50-60 g;
  • second grade - 40-50 g;
  • third - 35-40 years

This data is often needed for industrial purposes, when it is necessary to accurately calculate the yield of the product “melange” - an egg mixture without shells. In household cooking, such knowledge is hardly useful - recipes, as a rule, indicate only the quantity in pieces. By the way, for these purposes they usually mean the smallest ones - 3rd grade. But as for the whole mass, after weighing the product, you can check the “honesty” of the sellers.

Attention! Interestingly, the weight of the egg contents decreases during long-term storage. This occurs due to the evaporation of water, which, for the most part, consists of protein.

So, the mass of an egg does not affect its quality in any way. It is more important, when purchasing goods in a store, to pay attention to the “D” marking. This product is the healthiest and freshest.

Egg weight: video

Every farmer who breeds poultry is interested in having high-yielding chickens. In this case, not only the number of eggs is important, but also their quality, for example, size. After all, the weight of the resulting chicken egg determines what category it will fall into and how much you can get for it. Even with a large number of eggs laid, the benefit will be small if they have a small mass. We will tell you in this article how the product is sorted and labeled, as well as how much one egg weighs on average.

Before the laying hen product is sent to the store, it is sorted and labeled. This is done to make it easier for you and me to understand what the mass of the egg is and how long ago it was laid. Most often you can find markings with the letters “C” or “D”, which are applied to the surface of the shell or on top of the packaging.

These letters are deciphered as follows:

  1. D - dietary, usually red labeling. Fresh product that has been stored for no more than 7 days from the date of demolition.
  2. C - table, usually blue markings. The name suggests that the product is more than 7 days old, but they are sold within 25.

Accordingly, an egg marked “D” that is not sold within the period of its sale receives the mark “C”. Knowing how much a chicken egg weighs, its grade is determined, which also has its own marking. To do this, next to the letter value a number from one to three or the corresponding letter is placed, for example C1, D1, CO, SV, etc.

So that this can be understood with a clear example, we have placed data on varieties in the table below:

From the table it is clear that the weight of a chicken egg with a medium-sized shell is 60 g. But in culinary recipes, the 3rd grade is most often used, 1 piece of which weighs 40 grams on average. A package of 12 pieces of category C2, which is most often found, weighs about 600-700 grams. And in a kilogram, depending on the variety, there can be from 12 to 25 pieces.

The standards of other countries may differ from ours. So, in the UK, products weighing 50-60 grams are considered average. And Australia recognizes them as very large, because for them the average category is only 43 grams.

Find out more about how chickens are raised and how they lay eggs in large-scale production in an interesting video from the tengrinewtv channel.

If the farmer is usually interested in the total weight of the product, then for the consumer the weight of one peeled egg is more important. The weight of the hard shell, that is, the shell, is usually 10% of the weight of the product. Therefore, calculating the mass of an egg of any category without a shell is not difficult.

We entered the finished data into the table:

The shell of this nutritious product is not as useless as it seems. It is an excellent source of calcium, making it a useful dietary supplement. On the farm, it can be added to bird feed, and can also be used in the garden: to fertilize the soil on your site.

Is the mass of the raw product different from that of the cooked product? This question is often asked by those who are on a diet and scrupulously count calories. Since the egg does not gain moisture during the cooking process and does not evaporate it, its mass remains unchanged. One has only to take into account that the mass values ​​​​with and without a hard shell will be different. This is the only difference in weight between the cooked and raw product.

Since there are several types of eggs, the weight of their yolks and whites is different. As a rule, in percentage terms, the protein accounts for 55% of the total weight, and the yolk - 45%. Some people are very afraid of the cholesterol contained in this product, and very wrongly. After all, only a third of it comes from food, and even in this third, yolk cholesterol occupies a very small proportion. In addition, the yolk contains many vitamins, phospholipids and beneficial amino acids: lecithin and choline.

Now that the common myth has been dispelled, we suggest that you more often include healthy boiled, fried or any other form of eggs in your diet. And to find out how much protein and yolk are contained in products of different categories, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table below.

A very long time ago, people domesticated poultry and learned to obtain highly nutritious eggs and dietary meat from them. Since then, fairy tales have been written about laying hens, beliefs and rituals have been born. Here are some of the most interesting facts noted in the history of poultry farming:

  • one egg of a meat breed of chicken can reach a weight of 50 to 65 grams;
  • decorative breeds of some chickens usually lay medium or very small clutches. Thus, one Malaysian serama egg weighs no more than 10 grams, and is five times smaller in size than that of a domestic chicken;
  • but one Cuban laying hen can boast of gigantic achievements in the literal sense. One specimen in her clutch weighed about 148 grams;
  • chicken from Papua New Guinea, on the contrary, laid eggs only 9 grams. Farmers, without hesitation, ate the wonder;
  • in England, a case was recorded when there were as many as 5 yolks per white;
  • Chicken eggs can differ in color: the color of the shell depends on the breed of bird and the color of its plumage, and has absolutely nothing to do with its diet. The taste and composition of the products are absolutely identical. Laying hens with white shells are considered the most prolific, so their product can be found on store shelves most often;
  • Another fact concerning the color of the shell was noted in America. So farmers managed to breed a breed that can lay yellow, blue and green eggs.

The EdaHTVTelevision channel in this video will tell you in detail about how long eggs can be stored, what useful substances they contain and how to understand their markings.

Egg shell color: what does it depend on?

Frequent problems of laying hens - eggs without shells

Every farmer should know the mass of the resulting product, because thanks to such information in the future it will be clear what category the products obtained from laying hens can be classified into.

So, eggs can be table or diet. The first ones can be stored for 25 days at room temperature and 90 days in refrigeration chamber. The latter can last only one week.

As for the varieties, they are as follows:

  • higher;
  • selective;
  • first category;
  • second category;
  • third category.

Each variety has its own weight and marking:

  • highest – from 75 g;
  • selected - from 65 to 74 g;
  • first – from 55 to 64 g;
  • the second - from 45 to 54 g;
  • third – from 35 to 45 g.

A few words about middleweight

It is after dividing into varieties that egg products will have the appropriate price category. You will have to spend the least amount of money when buying eggs from young animals, which at the beginning of their egg production do not lay very large products. Larger products are obtained from adult individuals and, accordingly, have a higher price.

If we talk about the average weight, then it is 40–60 g. They are the ones that can most often be purchased in the store, and they are the ones that are best suited for cooking.

What is the weight without shell

Answering this question is not so simple; even the most avid poultry farmers do not always know how much an egg will weigh if the shell is removed. The result is an approximate figure of 55 g (approximate, because each egg has its own mass, and it has some deviations even within the same variety).

Most often, knowing how much a product weighs without shell is important in the confectionery business. And for this they use percentage values:

  • shell – 12%;
  • yolk part – 32%;
  • protein part – 56%.

It is enough to remove the shell and get the percentage of the egg.

Weight of raw products

Not everyone knows that raw eggs weigh slightly less than their stated weight. When purchasing, you can pay attention to the markings and tell about the approximate weight. But at home it turns out that the mass is less.

The whole subtlety is that when the product lies on the counter, it begins to gradually lose moisture due to evaporation, and therefore the mass will also change. U fresh eggs the weight is always greater than that of those who have been waiting for their buyer for a long time.

How much does a boiled egg weigh?

Another interesting point is that while cooking is in progress, the mass will not change. Here it's all about the shell, which creates containment, preventing moisture loss, and therefore everything will remain in place. Based on this, we can safely declare that the weight of both boiled and raw eggs.

If frying is used, the mass decreases due to the evaporation of moisture.

The yolk, white and shell also have their own weight

When broken, an egg can be divided into several components:

  • protein;
  • yolk;
  • shell.

The heaviest weight will be on the protein, and the lightest on the shell.

As for the numbers, the averages will look like this:

  • protein part – 33 g;
  • yolk – 22 g;
  • shell – 7 gr.

How much does an imported egg weigh?

The European Union countries have their own labeling of egg products, this applies to varieties. The smallest weight here is 30 g, and the largest is 73 g. The packaging contains data on weight, size, and also a number of other notes. Some, for example, relate to keeping birds (meaning cage or floor). Many buyers pay attention to this fact when purchasing products. Some eggs are marked with numbers that indicate the country of origin.

In the following table you can see the breeds of chickens and the weight of egg products:

Breed name


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