Mixes and glue for gas silicate blocks with delivery. Review of adhesive mixtures for laying aerated concrete blocks Brand of aerated silicate blocks for laying with adhesive

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Gas silicate blocks are a very popular material among builders. Their performance characteristics are simply remarkable. Walls are not made from them using cement mortar, but using special glue. Of course, the box will be reliable only if a high-quality fastening compound is used. We’ll talk further about which glue to choose for gas silicate blocks.

What properties should a masonry mixture have?

First of all, the glue must have the following properties:

    moisture resistance;

    frost resistance;

    high degree of plasticity;

    good adhesiveness.

In order for the laying to be carried out comfortably, this type of glue should also not set too quickly. In this case, the master, if necessary, will be able to correct the position of the already laid block. It is believed that glue for gas silicate blocks should not harden for at least 10-15 minutes. However, of course, a composition that takes too long to set cannot be considered high quality. Optimal time hardening time is considered to be 3-4 hours.

Experts advise purchasing glue and gas silicate blocks as a set. In this case, the composition will be most suitable. However, it often happens that manufacturers of gas silicate blocks unjustifiably increase the cost of glue. Therefore, many owners suburban areas Those who decide to build houses from foam concrete still prefer to purchase the fastening composition separately. When purchasing such a mixture, you should first of all pay attention to the manufacturer’s brand. This significantly increases the chances of acquiring quality composition with good performance and performance characteristics.

Popular manufacturers

If you are wondering which adhesive to choose for gas silicate blocks, you should consider purchasing the following brands of material:


    "Unis Uniblock".




All these compositions are environmentally friendly and have a high degree of plasticity. It is about them that there are the best reviews on the Internet.

Prestige brand adhesives

The main advantage of the compositions of this brand is considered quick cooking. Prestige glue can be used for laying not only blocks, but also cellular slabs. This brand of product is inexpensive. For a kg bag you will have to pay about 140 rubles.

Composition of "Unix Uniblock"

This is perhaps the most popular adhesive for gas silicate blocks today. “Which one to choose the most best composition? - specialists usually do not have such a question. This mixture has just a lot of advantages:

    excellent thermal insulation properties, as close as possible to the characteristics of the foam concrete materials themselves;

    moisture resistance and frost resistance;

    ease of use;

    environmental safety.

This type of glue costs about 200 rubles per bag.

Aeroc mixtures

The main advantages of the glue from this manufacturer include a high degree of strength. Most often it is used for thin-walled masonry. The advantages of this option are also frost resistance, moisture resistance and vapor permeability. The thickness of the joints in the masonry when using this glue can be 1-3 mm, which completely eliminates the occurrence of cold bridges. A bag of such glue costs about 250 rubles. In terms of performance characteristics, this is probably best glue for gas silicate blocks at the moment.

Composition "Bonolit"

The main advantage of this glue is its environmental friendliness. There are absolutely no impurities harmful to health in its composition. Its performance characteristics are also simply remarkable. And it costs a little less than adhesives from most other popular manufacturers - about 180 rubles per bag.

Remedy "Zabudova"

This glue has such advantages as ease of use and ease of application. Glue "Zabudova" is the most cheap option mixtures of all gas silicate blocks intended for laying. For those who want to choose glue for gas silicate blocks good quality and at the same time save money, it is worth considering purchasing this particular option. A 25 kg bag of this manufacturer’s composition costs only 120 rubles.

Best glue to use in winter

Next, let's look at which glue to choose for gas silicate blocks if the walls will be laid in winter. For the construction of houses made of foam concrete in the cold season, almost all of the options described above can be used. However, when choosing the most suitable composition In the store you should ask for the option with special additives (winter). Such compositions cost a little more than summer ones.

A very popular product intended for winter is, for example, a special variety of “Bonolit”. Also, during the cold season, masonry workers often use winter glue for the KSZ gas silicate block, produced by the Kostroma Silicate Plant. Adhesives designed for masonry in cold weather are also quite popular among builders:

How to prepare glue correctly

So, what kind of glue to buy for gas silicate blocks - we’ve sorted that out for you. Next, let's see how to properly prepare the selected composition. When mixing adhesives intended for fastening gas silicate blocks in masonry, mandatory The following recommendations should be followed:

    The dry mixture must be added to the water, and not vice versa.

    Kneading should be done with a drill with a special attachment. In this case, the glue will be as homogeneous as possible, and therefore of high quality.

    After the first kneading, the composition should be kept for 5 minutes.

    The finished glue should be used within a maximum of 2 hours.

When preparing glue, it is important to strictly follow the proportions specified in the instructions. Too much water in the mixture significantly impairs its performance. During the production process, the finished glue should be stirred periodically to maintain concentration. When preparing the solution, use powerful drill. You can take any water.

How to check the quality of glue

Find out how much good composition what one company or another offers when purchasing is, of course, quite difficult. However, it is still possible to determine which mixture is best suited for masonry. To do this, you just need to buy a little of each of the adhesives. Next, they should be diluted according to the instructions in identical containers. After the glue has dried, the resulting solid material must be weighed. The lightest glue can be considered the best. The lower the weight of the material, the lower its degree of thermal conductivity.

If desired, you can also check the strength of the composition and its adhesive qualities. To do this, you just need to glue two blocks together, wait a while and suddenly throw them on the ground. If they come apart along the seam, then you should look for another glue.

Well, now you know which glue to choose for gas silicate blocks is best in a given case. When purchasing, you should first pay attention to the manufacturer's brand. If the laying will be carried out in the cold season, you should also look for the “winter” mark on the packaging.

Glue is a mixture of substances that allows materials to reliably adhere to each other. And in order for the seam to be strong and durable, you should use a high-quality product. To secure gas silicate blocks, you need a special glue. This composition usually contains sand, cement, as well as organic and mineral plasticizers.

Currently available in trade for working with gas silicate blocks a large assortment funds. The result of selecting such a composition is influenced by the preferences of the master and the conditions of installation work.

Which mixture to choose for laying blocks

To determine which adhesive for gas silicate is the best, it is worth considering reviews from customers who have already tested the material from their own experience. Let us dwell in detail on the brands of glue that have gained the most popularity.


This mixture is excellent for installing blocks in winter period. This is possible thanks to the ingredients included in it. There is a special additive that is not exposed to even severe frost (frost-resistant). Most builders respond positively to the product, because it has such advantages as ease of application and simplicity of use. In addition, Zabudova glue is inexpensive, which ensures its position as a leader among all ready-made dry adhesives.


This mixture is also not afraid of frost. It is used for laying blocks from cellular concrete, as well as slabs. A characteristic advantage of the glue is the speed of its preparation. In terms of savings, this composition is slightly inferior to the first one, since its cost is slightly higher.


This composition for a gas silicate block can be used both in summer and winter. Its main advantage is its environmental friendliness. The glue does not contain unwanted impurities and toxins and poses absolutely no danger to human health. Perhaps this affects its cost, because it is more expensive than the previously considered options.

Today this construction composition actively used in laying gas silicate structures. The reputation of the glue is gained by its positive properties:

  1. Excellent thermal insulation characteristics the mixtures make it as similar as possible to cellular concrete. This will allow you to forget forever about frozen walls and heat leakage through joints in the masonry.
  2. The composition does not lose its properties even in direct contact with water, as well as the influence of very low temperatures.
  3. The mixed mortar is characterized by excellent plasticity, which makes its use comfortable.
  4. The mixture is completely environmentally friendly. There is no release of toxic substances, since the product does not contain harmful impurities.
  5. The composition is more expensive than previous products, and this is due to its qualities.


Mixtures of this brand are characterized by high strength properties. The composition is widely used in masonry with blocks of cellular material, as well as for cladding thin layer blocks of internal and external surfaces. The result is a seam 1-3 mm thick.

The glue is very popular due to the following properties:

  • there are no “cold bridges” in the masonry;
  • not exposed to moisture;
  • not afraid of severe frosts;
  • You can use the prepared solution for two hours, during which time it will not harden;
  • capable of passing steam.

High adhesion of the mixture makes it possible to ensure the solidity and high strength of the buildings being erected. The adhesive consists of cement, mineral fillers, as well as organic and polymer modifiers.


It is a multi-component dry mixture based on cement, quartz sand and various modifying additions. It is used for laying silicate block structures. The glue is quite suitable for summer and winter work. The material is popular because it is compatible with most Russian-made gas blocks.

The finished solution is highly elastic and easy to use, and does not stick to tools very much. The applied layer is characterized by good moisture resistance. The glue has excellent holding power.

Mixtures of this brand are used for making thick-layer masonry in winter and summer seasons. In addition to laying blocks, they are widely used in installation ceramic tiles, attaching it to the blocks. When applying the composition there is no need to level the surface. You can leave slopes and differences of up to 1.5 cm. Often used for indoor work on leveling block walls.

All presented compositions are safe, endowed with good plasticity and can withstand severe frosts. You will decide which mixture is best when you research them experimentally.

The answer to the question of which glue is the best is ambiguous. The fact is that we have presented the best adhesive mixtures, according to the opinion of builders who have tested all their advantages and disadvantages in their work. The selection of glue can be made not only on the basis of personal preferences. It is imperative to take into account the type and conditions of installation work.

How to calculate glue consumption

The dry composition is packaged by the manufacturer in bags weighing 25 kg. The manufacturer did not choose this number by chance, since this is the optimal mass of powder for preparing glue, sufficient for laying one cubic meter of blocks. This is provided that the technology for producing the mixture and its use is not violated.

Let's clearly look at calculating glue consumption using an example:

  1. Initially, you tentatively determined that for laying all the walls you will need, say, 63 cubic meters of gas silicate blocks.
  2. With a laying layer thickness of 3 mm, the glue consumption per 1 cubic meter of blocks will be 63 packaging bags.
  3. If the laying seam is 2 mm thick, then the mass of the required glue will be 5 kg less. In this case, 63 cubic meters will have to be spent
    63 x 20 = 1260 kg of dry glue.
    Go ahead.
    1260 / 25 = 50.4 bags.
    Let's round the figure up, the result is 51 bags.
  4. The value derived from the calculations is the smallest amount of dry mixture that will need to be spent on the building. Provided that its construction involves the use of 63 cubic meters of aerated concrete blocks. If we know the price, we can easily determine the total cost of dry glue.

If the construction involves the use of a mortar of cement and sand, and the volume of work is the same, then you will need 2 cubic decimeters of glue. That is, 1 cubic meter of solution is needed to lay 5 cubic meters of blocks.

To prepare a cube of mortar you will need up to 7 packages of cement. The total cost will also increase due to the price of sand and the rental of a concrete mixer. Taking all this into account, it is not difficult to determine how much cement is needed to lay 1 cubic meter of gas silicate: 7 / 5 = 1.4 bags.

Having carried out correct cost calculations, it is easy to verify the low cost of the adhesive composition. Only you can set the remaining priorities.

When constructing modern buildings, it is important to ensure reliable adhesion of materials, which is achieved through the use of high-quality glue for gas silicate blocks. Correctly selected adhesive composition and accurate calculation of its consumption are the key to the longevity of erected buildings.

Designed specifically for the installation of walls made of gas silicate building blocks.

Features of adhesives for gas silicate blocks

Adhesives for gas silicate blocks are a type of adhesives for foam blocks, which are produced on the basis of cement, sand, modifiers and plasticizers to impart certain characteristics. The main feature of the glue is thin layer application, allowing to minimize “cold bridges” in the masonry without loss of adhesion strength.

To minimize glue consumption, use high-quality building blocks with a smooth surface without cracks or gouges. Manufacturers recommend applying glue in a layer of 1-5 mm and strictly following the instructions for preparing the solution. This will ensure there are no breaks in adhesive layer, frost resistance and thermal insulation properties of masonry.

If you start construction in the cold season, use winter modifications of adhesives for gas silicate blocks with antifreeze additives.

It is not recommended to use tile adhesive and conventional masonry mixtures, which have completely different properties, for laying cellular blocks.

High moisture resistance adhesive composition provides protection against moisture penetration and prevents the development of mold and fungi.

Buy glue for gas silicate blocks in Moscow

If you are a fan of energy-saving construction technologies and have chosen warm blocks from gas silicate, then for best result you need to use special adhesives for gas silicate blocks. This will minimize the future heat loss of the house and its heating costs. IN Moscow buy glue for gas silicate blocks Available in our online store with delivery or pickup from the warehouse. We offer prices from the manufacturer, and favorable conditions for wholesale customers.

The adhesive can be used for laying gas silicate or aerated concrete blocks, as well as facing facade bricks or products made of foamed ash silicate or gas silicate. In addition, it can be used to level both vertical and horizontal surfaces.

The main distinctive feature of the glue is economical consumption. With its help you can make seams with a thickness of 2 mm. It is recommended to use glue at air temperatures not lower than -15°C.

The main components of “Standard” glue are:

  • cement;
  • purified sand;
  • mineral and organic plasticizers from European manufacturers.

In addition to the above-mentioned components, the “Warm” glue includes foam insulation.

Surface preparation

Before using glue for gas silicate blocks, buy b which you can profitably with us, work surface should be prepared. Remove soot old paint, grease and dirt. Smooth out any unevenness with plaster or glue solution. Smooth surface should be sanded sandpaper or abrasive mesh.

How to prepare the solution?

Preparation of the solution consists of several stages:

  • pour water into a bucket;
  • gradually add the dry mixture in small portions and stir until smooth;
  • When the solution reaches the desired consistency, leave it for 5 minutes;
  • Stir again and get to work.

The prepared solution will begin to set after 1.5 hours, during which time it must be used.

If the air temperature has reached -15°C, use frost-resistant glue, which contains special additives.

Technical characteristics of Glue for QUICK BLOCK blocks:

Proportions of water per 1 kg of mixture 0.21 -0.24 liters
Thermal conductivity adhesive solution at the age of 28 days: Standard; Warm with perlite 0.28-0.33; 0.20-0.22 W/(m*°C)
Consumption of the finished mortar at: 2mm - 3mm - 4mm masonry layer thickness 5 – 10 – 15kg per 1m2
Open time for working with solution 25 minutes
Adhesion to concrete 0.5 MPa
Strength at 28 days of age 15 MPa (M150)
Solution preparation temperature from +5 C to +30 C
Base temperature from -20 C to +25 C
Temperature resistance from -25 C to +35 C
Hardening time 24 hours
Grouting joints in 24 hours
Min. mortar layer thickness 2 mm
Maksim. mortar layer thickness 15 mm
Viability of the solution after dilution of the solution 4 hours
Correction after laying the block at least 10 minutes
Frost resistance 150 cycles
Shelf life from the date of manufacture (in intact original packaging) 6 months


Glue for gas silicate blocks, the prices for which you will be pleased with, has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and frost;
  • high adhesion;
  • low thermal conductivity, due to which “cold bridges” do not form;
  • economical consumption;
  • easy to use.

The position of the blocks during laying can be changed within 10-15 minutes.

Where to buy glue for gas silicate blocks

You can purchase adhesive for laying gas silicate blocks at a favorable price from us. All batches of glue have a quality certificate. You can place an order by contacting the manager by phone.

Distinctive properties of QUICK BLOCK adhesive:

- high adhesiveness,

- high plasticity,

- moisture resistance,

- frost resistance,

- setting time of the solution - 3-4 hours,

— time to correct the block position is 10-15 minutes.

Place of application of glue for gas silicate blocks:

There are only two of them:

- horizontal surface of the already laid bottom row,

- the vertical part of the previous laid block.

When the next row of masonry comes to an end, the need arises for an incomplete (cut from a whole) block. Its size is determined by local measurements. The sawn additional block is coated with glue on both sides and installed in the remaining space for it.

Features of masonry with adhesive for gas silicate blocks:

Only the second row of foam concrete blocks is placed on foam concrete adhesive. The first row must be filled with cement mortar in order to somehow smooth out the remaining unevenness of the base (foundation).

If you lay foam concrete blocks in one row, then the use of foam concrete adhesive is mandatory for laying them. Moreover, it has the same density as foam concrete. Laying foam concrete and gas silicate parts on ordinary cement mortar having a density of about 2000 kg/sq. cm, you will get so-called “cold bridges” in the form of masonry joints. The consequence will be a general decrease in the thermal conductivity of the wall during operation. Therefore, experts who already use glue for gas silicate and foam concrete in practice claim that more practical option laying blocks - in two rows, 20 cm each.

Harmless tips:

1) Choose solutions that your builders can work with or that you can handle yourself. The more expensive the mixture, the more professionalism is required. Good solution you need to be able to apply it thinly (!) (otherwise the glue for gas silicate will cost you a pretty penny, and it is not designed for thick seams: it may crack and burst). And this will require skill, dexterity and a smooth gas silicate or foam concrete block! If any of the above is missing, then use a simple cement-sand mortar. But let's not consider the worst option...

2) It is necessary to place it on glue for gas silicate blocks (this is correct!), but it is not always possible. The reason lies in the lack of specialists who are able to provide a layer of glue of 2-3 mm, with the appropriate quality of the foam block, where the geometric dimensions do not deviate by more than 1 mm. The experience of our clients shows that not every qualified mason is able to perform such masonry. Therefore, when hiring a job, immediately stipulate this condition.

3) Masons highly qualified They will not offer you laying with cement mortar.

A few words about saving...

You won't be able to save on the solution. The cement, sand, water plus lime or plasticizer included in its composition, if necessary, are reflected in total amount funds spent. And if we also take into account the cost of work, the amount will increase at least 2 times.

Ordinary cement mortar will not differ much in density. Density of glue - 1400, cement mortar - 1700.

Seam when laying on glue when deflected foam concrete block in geometry per 1 mm is 2-3 mm. If you use a solution, the seams will be 6-8 mm. So consider it.


Apply a layer of mortar onto the previously prepared surface using a trowel (smooth grater), and then level it with a notched trowel. The gas silicate block is laid no later than 20 minutes after applying the glue to the surface. The position of the gas silicate block can be adjusted within 10 minutes after installation. Drying time at base and air temperatures from -20 to +25 C is achieved within 1-2 days, and full strength after 3 days.

Adhesive for gas silicate blocks has thermal insulation properties, high adhesion, strength, ductility, easy to mix and apply, which makes

Before choosing glue for gas silicate blocks, let's figure out what is what. its convenient to use. However, a number obvious advantages combined with insufficient spread of glue.

Cellular concrete is a whole group of materials with similar properties. In essence, it is foamed concrete, and scientifically, inside the material (concrete) there are evenly distributed pore cells that provide improved physical and mechanical properties of the concrete itself.

Both foam concrete and gas silicate belong to the group of cellular concrete. Only one is activated by gas and then hardened using an autoclave, and the other is activated by a foaming agent and without an autoclave. The difference itself lies in the technology for creating “cellularity”.

Therefore, first you need to decide what you will glue.

Foam concrete blocks are a material for the construction of walls, consisting of cement, sand and foaming agents. It is produced by mineralization of foam or porous solution followed by heat treatment. Mounted as on sand-cement mortar, and for special adhesives for foam concrete. Area of ​​application: construction of house walls, partitions, openings in monolithic housing construction.

Unlike aerated concrete, the mixture from which gas silicate blocks (gas blocks) are produced does not include cement or is included, but in very small quantities. This technology is very well developed, so the production of building parts from gas silicate is widely developed in the world. Like aerated concrete, aerated silicate blocks “breathe” like brick or wood. Buildings built from them are easier to heat, since the thermal resistance of aerated concrete (gas silicate) is much higher than that of brick.

Gas silicate is 2-3 times warmer and stronger than foam concrete and has a different geometry. Gas silicate blocks - construction material, consisting of sand, foaming agents and silicate binder component. Are different high vapor permeability, which helps create a comfortable indoor microclimate. Produced using the same technology as foam concrete. Mounted with glue. Area of ​​application: construction of partitions and non-load-bearing walls.

How to prepare glue for gas silicate blocks?

Adhesive for gas silicate blocks mixed with water with a mixer, a special attachment for a drill. The greater the power of the drill, the better the mixture will be mixed. Any water will do, taking into account the consumption: approximately 200 liters per 1 m³ of foam concrete or gas silicate.

So, pour the amount of water indicated on the bag with the dry mixture into the container for preparing the glue (preferably a plastic bucket). While stirring constantly, gradually add the dry mixture. 10-15 minutes after dissolution, stir the solution again. During the work process, stir the solution periodically to maintain its consistency.

Universal recipe for cooking the right glue does not exist for gas silicate blocks. Each brand and each manufacturer has its own. Before purchasing, it is important to remember that the quality of the prepared glue for gas silicate blocks directly depends on the amount of water you add to the solution.


Finally, we must remember external factors influences that can play an important role in the fate of your construction undertaking. In particular, we are talking about humidity and air temperature in the room. Thus, a decrease in the air temperature in the room may lead to an increase in the setting time of gas silicate adhesive. And vice versa, heat sharply reduces the setting time. In addition, it is precisely because of it that there may arise shrinkage cracks. In very humid rooms, drying of dry mixtures slows down significantly. And in too dry due to high speed After drying, microcracks that are not visible to the eye may appear. If you don't need extra headache, monitor the air temperature and humidity in the rooms.

For quick installation of slabs and blocks made of aerated concrete, foam concrete and gas silicate, adhesive for gas silicate blocks is used. The price of block adhesive depends on the type, brand, base material and application. Adhesive for gas silicate blocks is produced using cement based and fine sand with various additives.

  • plastic;
  • weatherproof;
  • moisture resistant;
  • economical.
  • sets quickly.

Before applying glue for gas silicate blocks, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base - clean it of dirt and degrease it. The dry construction mixture is mixed with water until a ready-made solution is obtained, after which it is applied to the surface using a notched trowel. This glue forms a thin, strong seam between the blocks, which significantly improves the wear resistance of the structure.

The Master Tibot construction hypermarket sells a wide range of not only adhesives for aerated silicate blocks, but also adhesives for aerated concrete blocks. From us you can buy glue for gas silicate blocks at the most affordable price in the city. We deliver goods throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. You can check the cost of the selected products in our online store.


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