Essay Nekrasov N.A. The image of Rus' in the poem "Dead Souls" (briefly)

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1. The main meaning of the poem.
2. Peasantry in the poem.
3. The hard lot and simple happiness of the Russian people.
4. Matryona Timofeevna as a symbol of a Russian woman.
5. Grisha Good of the Clones - the ideal of the intelligentsia for Nekrasov.

The poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'?” is a programmatic work for N. A. Nekrasov. Creating it for many years, the author invested personal ideas about morality, the fate of the people and the concept of national happiness. This work contains thoughts about the people, worries about them and aspirations for a better life.

The main storyline of the work is the motive of the journey of seven men in search of a person living happily. The main point of travel is to find such a person in his native land. Nekrasov’s ideal of man is inextricably linked with the peasantry and lies in the wanderers themselves. Of course they are dark. Uneducated, naive people. They lack a clear concept of the upper and lower classes, and are sincerely convinced that the “fat-bellied merchant,” the landowner, the tsar, must be happy. But at the same time they do not cease to be kind, sensitive and compassionate people. Later Vlas will say about them: “We are weird enough, but you are weirder than us!”

The poem colorfully depicts the living, spontaneous folk life with the whole palette of emotions - joy, worries, grief, sarcasm and envy. The work is polyphonic, it contains a man with rims, a peasant who overturned a cart, a drunken woman, and a bear hunter. Here are Vavilushka, Olenushka, Parashenka, Trofim, Fedosei, Proshka, Vlas, Klim Lavin, Ipat, Terentyeva. Showing the severity of the peasant share, the lack of rights of the people and their exploitation, the poet nevertheless does not remain silent about the problems hidden within the people themselves, that is, the darkness of the mind and drunken revelry.

Nekrasov reports best qualities of the Russian peasantry - hard work, moral purity and spiritual nobility, the ability to compassion and self-esteem, daring and fun, despite the surrounding adversity and difficulties. The author asserts that “good soil is the soul of the Russian people.” Readers will probably remember the scenes where Euphrosyne cares for the sick during cholera, and the peasants help Vavila and the disabled soldier. By using various means And various methods The author proves the purity of the “golden heart of the people.”

An irresistible craving for beauty is also clearly demonstrated by the example of the incident with Yakim. Thus, a simple peasant Yakim saved from a fire not furniture or savings accumulated with great difficulty, but pictures he bought at a fair. I also remember a peasant singer with a marvelous, pure voice, with which he “captivated the hearts of the people.” Often speaking about peasants, Nekrasov uses words with diminutive suffixes - old woman, soldiers, guys. Isn't this excellent proof of the warm, friendly attitude towards them on the part of the author? He is convinced that no matter the hard work,

Nor eternal care,
Not the yoke of slavery for a long time,
Not the pub itself
More to the Russian people
No limits are set
There is a wide path before him.

An important place in the poem is occupied by the image of Savely, endowed with heroic features. He despises submission and courageously stands up for the defense of the humiliated people. The protest, becoming more and more open, takes on terrible forms of rebellion. This is where the edifying, albeit cruel, story about the mocking German Vogel ends. The author's aesthetic ideals were embodied in the image of Matryona Timofeevna, the granddaughter of the great hero. It contains not only external beauty, but also endless spiritual wealth. She embodies the best traits inherent in a Russian woman, which she carries through difficult life circumstances and suffering. This image is so valuable and important that the author devotes an independent chapter to it. In Matryona there is a combination of features already identified in early works. You can see in her Daria, Orina, and the nameless girl from “Troika...”. Yes and appearance it's hard to forget her:

Matrena Timofeevna -
dignified woman,
Wide and dense
About thirty-eight years old.
Beautiful, gray hair,
The eyes are large, strict,
The richest eyelashes,
Severe and dark.

A different type of ideal person is represented by the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov. He has great value for understanding human and peasant happiness, but at the same time does not apply to those described earlier. He is a commoner, the son of a “unrequited farm laborer,” who has gone through difficult times. Half-starved childhood. He is incredibly young, not so much in body as in powerful spirit.

The life of this hero is inextricably linked with the peasantry - he owes his life to them. He gives his debt to him - sincerely and selflessly - trying to help in everything. He sows, mows, reaps, goes to the forest to pick mushrooms, plays with peasant children and listens with great pleasure to simple peasant songs:

...about fifteen years old
Gregory already knew for sure
What will live for happiness
Wretched and dark
Native corner.

The image of Dobrosklonov inexorably leads the reader to his description. They will be united by many features: origin, roll call of surnames, seminary education, common illness (consumption), a penchant for poetic creativity. This image, which appeared in the text of the poem not by chance, develops the ideal described by Nekrasov in the poem “In Memory of Dobrolyubov,” making it more down-to-earth and life-like. Like Dobrolyubov, Grisha was destined by fate

... The path is glorious, the name is loud
People's Defender,
Consumption and Siberia.

Gregory is not afraid of future difficulties and trials, since he believes with all his heart in the rightness of his cause. He believes in the help and support of his native people, because he sees how the people themselves are rising to the right fight:

The army is rising
The strength in her will affect

This thought can make the hero happy, fill his soul with joy. The finale of the poems also shows the effect of Gregory’s words on the entire people and on the seven wanderers seeking happiness. Dobrosklonov is the future leader of his people, expressing their joy and pain:

If only our wanderers could be under their own roof,
If only they could know what was happening to Grisha.
He heard the immense strength in his chest,
The sounds of grace delighted his ears,
The radiant sounds of the noble hymn -
He sang the embodiment of people's happiness.

Thus, the work shows the ideal type of person for Nekrasov, organically combining the positive traits of the peasantry and the Russian intelligentsia. Only the joint efforts of the revolutionaries leading the people, and the people themselves, can lead the country to victory, lead the Russian people onto the true path of happiness. But so far the Russian people are only on the way to a “feast for the whole world.”

Nekrasov began writing this poem in 1863, during a difficult post-reform period for Russia. The heroes of the poem, traveling through Russian villages in search of happiness, are temporarily obliged peasants. Despite the changes that have taken place in the country, the life of the inhabitants of the villages (Nekrasov gives them eloquent names - Neelovo, Razutovo, Neurozhaika, Dyryavino) remained as before difficult and hungry. Wherever the Seven Wanderers come, everywhere they see the same sad picture. People live in cruel world injustice, slavery and lawlessness. However, the peasants do not fall into hopeless melancholy and despondency and see not only the dark side of their lives. “A calm conscience” and “tenacious truth” give them the strength to withstand adversity and oppression and overcome numerous trials.
Nekrasov, through his heroes, tells us about the fate of the peasants, and each such story can serve as an example of
the utmost humility, dedication and fortitude. Yakim Nagoy, Ermil Girin, Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina “carry their cross with patience,” although this burden, as Nekrasov convincingly shows, is unbearable. Matryona had to endure the death of her beloved son and a difficult year of hunger. “I work for everyone, for everyone,” “I submitted to everything,” she says about herself. Saveliy, her fellow countryman, consoles her: “Be patient, long-suffering one, be patient, many-suffering one.” Savely, according to Nekrasov, embodies the best qualities of a Russian hero, but his courage is not manifested in feats of arms, but in strength of spirit, in the feat of humility and patience:
And his life is not a military one,
And death is not written for him
In battle - what a hero!
With chains arms are twisted,
Feet forged with iron
The hero endures everything!
Savely had to experience a lot in life: hunger, poverty and deprivation, cruel treatment by the landowner, who “ruined” his peasants to the bone. However, Nekrasov, who rejected the idea of ​​Christian humility for the sake of afterlife, shows that, no matter how great the patience of the peasants, it also has its limits. “Our axes lay there for the time being,” says Savely. Unable to withstand the master's open bullying, the men rebel and kill the villain and bloodsucker. Now they have hard labor and Siberia ahead... Savely looks into the future with bitterness:
To be intolerant is an abyss!
To endure it is an abyss!
There are three paths for men:
Tavern, prison and hard labor.
Similar to the fate of Savely is the story of the repentant robber who, having atone for his sins, decided to live honestly. And here Nekrasov again comes into conflict with the Christian principles of forgiveness and love for one’s enemies. The poet tells us that after many years of seclusion and righteous work he meets the sinner and villain Pan Glukhovsky, who, without a shadow of embarrassment or repentance, tells him:
How many slaves do I destroy?
I torture, torture and hang.
The hermit, shocked by the villain’s shamelessness, deals with him, and the peasants justify his action, because in their souls, in addition to humility and obedience, there lives a “hidden spark” that is about to flare up into a flame...
The Russian people endure for the time being, rebellion is only latently fermenting in its powerful, but still passive and not awakened soul, but it is already waiting for that “sower” who will sow the seeds of a new life, for “people’s power” does not get along with untruth.
The spokesman for these sentiments in the poem is Grisha Dobrosklonov. He cannot be called the hero of the poem, since he came from another life, from the world of the future, but it is he who announces the new life of “all-powerful Mother Rus'” and calls to live not for the sake of humility, but in the name of happiness and justice!

It was created in the mid-19th century. We all know that this period in history Russian Empire marked the end of the era of serfdom. What was next for our country at this time? Nikolai Vasilyevich tried to answer this question in his famous poem.

The work can be perceived ambiguously: at first glance, Rus' appears before us in some caricature of the reality that was inherent in state life. But in fact, the author depicted the fullness of the poetic richness of life in Rus'.

Description of Living Rus' in the poem

Gogol describes Rus' as a long-suffering, poor state, which was exhausted by all previously experienced obstacles and its own greedy people. However, Gogol's Rus' is full of strength and energy that still glimmers in its soul, it is immortal and full of power.
The Russian people are depicted in the poem with great literary skill.

We get acquainted with dispossessed peasants, people without rights, great workers who are forced to endure the oppression of such landowners as Manilov, Sobakevich and Plyushkin. While increasing the wealth of the landowners, they live in need and poverty. The peasants are illiterate and downtrodden, but they are by no means “dead”.

Circumstances forced them to bow their heads, but not completely submit. Gogol describes truly Russian people - hardworking, brave, resilient, who for many years, despite oppression, have preserved their personality and continue to cherish the thirst for freedom. The Russian people in the work are a reflection of their state. He does not put up with the slave situation: some peasants decide to run away from their landowners to the Siberian wilderness and the Volga region.

In the tenth and eleventh chapters, Gogol raises the theme of a peasant revolt - a group of conspirators killed the landowner Drobyazhkin. None of the men at the trial betrayed the killer - this indicated, first of all, that the people had a concept of honor and dignity.

The description of the life of the peasantry brings us an understanding that Rus' in Gogol’s poem is truly alive, full internal forces! The writer firmly believes that the moment will come when holy and righteous Rus' will throw off such greedy rotten personalities like Plyushkin, Sobakevich and others, and will shine with new lights of honor, justice and freedom.

Gogol's attitude towards Russia

During the period of the creation of the poem "Dead Souls", despite the abolition of serfdom, there was little hope that Rus' would still be resurrected to its former greatness. However, enormous patriotism, love for his people and unshakable faith in the power of Rus' allowed Gogol to realistically describe its great future. In the last lines, Gogol compares Rus' with a three-headed bird flying towards its happiness, to which all other peoples and states give way.

The image of Rus' and the peasants in the poem are the only “living” characters who, being imprisoned by “dead souls,” were still able to resist and continue their struggle for existence and for freedom. The author planned to describe the triumph of free Rus' in more detail in the second volume of his work, which, unfortunately, was never destined to see the world.


" Rus! Rus! I see you, from my wonderful, beautiful distance I see you: poor, scattered and uncomfortable in you; the daring divas of nature, crowned by the daring divas of art, cities with many-windowed high palaces grown into the cliffs, picture trees and ivy grown into houses, in the noise and eternal dust of waterfalls will not amuse or frighten the eyes; her head will not fall back to look at the boulders of stone endlessly piled up above her and in the heights; the dark arches thrown one upon the other, entangled with grape branches, ivy and countless millions of wild roses, will not flash through them; the eternal lines of shining mountains, rushing into the silver clear skies, will not flash through them in the distance. Everything about you is open, deserted and even; like dots, like icons, your low cities stick out inconspicuously among the plains; nothing will seduce or enchant the eye. But what incomprehensible, secret force attracts you? Why is your melancholy song, rushing along your entire length and width, from sea to sea, heard and heard incessantly in your ears? What's in it, in this song? What calls and cries and grabs your heart? What sounds painfully kiss and strive into the soul and curl around my heart? ! what do you want from me? what incomprehensible connection lies between us? Why are you looking like that, and why has everything that is in you turned its eyes full of expectation on me?.. And yet, full of bewilderment, I stand motionless, and a menacing cloud has already overshadowed my head, heavy with the coming rains, and my thoughts are numb before yours. space. What does this vast expanse prophesy? Isn’t it here, in you, that a boundless thought will be born, when you yourself are endless? Shouldn't a hero be here when there is room for him to turn around and walk? And a mighty space envelops me menacingly, reflecting with terrible force in my depths; My eyes lit up with unnatural power: oh! what a sparkling, wonderful, unknown distance to the earth! Rus'!..” (“Dead Souls”, chapter 11)

The theme of “people's suffering” was developed by the author throughout his work; it is characteristic of works of different years. Just remember such classic poems as “Troika”, “Forgotten Village”, “Reflections at the Main Entrance”, “ Railway" And the culmination of the development of this theme - both in Nekrasov’s work and in Russian literature in general - is considered to be the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'?” Unfortunately, Nekrasov was unable to finish it - he died, leaving the picture of Rus' unfinished. However, despite this, the poem is often called the epic of folk life, and for good reason: despite its incompleteness, it still reflects different sides Russian national character is quite complete.
The Russian peasant, as it is stated in it, is a hero (the mason Trofim, Savely - “the Holy Russian hero”), but his strength does not find what he needs, useful application, often leads to misfortunes (for example, Trofim overstrained himself when he decided to lift too much weight; a child died through Savely’s fault). The life credo of any hard worker is patience and work. An example of this is Matryona Timofeevna, the personification of a woman’s difficult lot; even God himself, in Nekrasov’s words, has lost “the keys to women’s happiness.”
But a Russian peasant can only tolerate his own, Russian. The arbitrariness of some Vogel (“nemchura”) or Mr. Glukhovsky leads to a crime against the law, although justified from the point of view of human justice.
Despite the presence in the poem of such heroes as the hero Savely, Yakim Nagoy, Ermil Girin, headman Vlas, Matryona Timofeevna, as well as seven “truth-seekers” - heroes who have preserved true humanity and spiritual nobility - it is clear that not one of them will change nothing in the situation of the Russian village. None of them acts in this direction, everyone works and endures, achieves success - but there is no change for the better either for them personally or for the peasantry as a whole.
But the men’s hatred of the oppressor landowners is clearly defined. Nekrasov’s peasant can clearly and sensibly explain why he doesn’t love the master. But all other social likes and dislikes of the peasant are less definite. Why, for example, did men not like priests, why are they called “the foal breed”? The Gubin brothers, Ivan and Mitrodor, embarrassedly answer this question: “Not ourselves... According to our parents, we are like that...”. Here it is - peasant truth. Children inherit it from their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on.
This is how one of the traits of the Russian folk character manifests itself. Is not personal experience the Gubin family, but a national, primordial trait dating back to ancient times. The individual in the village should not stand out, but, on the contrary, be guided general rules, the opinion of the masses. That is, the Russian people strongly general beginning, the best thing is what is done “by the whole world”; So, not knowing the essence of the matter, they drive Yegorka Shutov from village to village. Why beat? It is unknown, but “this is the punishment.” They are also unanimous on the issue of “exemplary slaves” - universal contempt for Yakov Verny and the “faithful slave” of Prince Peremetyev, who “suffers” from gout.
The national character cannot be captured entirely in one work, and several will not contain its entire width. Nekrasov managed to reflect a significant part of the people's consciousness, but he managed to do this only during the entire period of his literary activity. Russian national character undergoes constant changes, new types are born and old types die, and therefore folk life in Nekrasov’s depiction is only a small (although, giving due credit to the poet’s skill, a very vividly depicted) period of development of the folk character.
Nekrasov’s genius in depicting “folk thought” often forced critics to talk about the nationality of the poet’s work in general and specifically about the nationality of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'?” Indeed, it is difficult to argue with the fact that the presence of “folk thought” in a work inevitably guarantees that it has this quality. Usually, the nationality of a particular work is determined by the relationship between the individual and collective creativity of the author, the degree of creative borrowing of motifs, images, poetics of folk poetry - in other words, folklore.
Also the concept folk art denotes depth work of art, the importance of his ideas and images for the development of social self-awareness, for understanding the life of the entire nation. As has been noted more than once, Nekrasov in his work touched upon very deep issues, social and public, moral and philosophical. He seemed to summarize everything said by previous authors, and also introduced some of his own new ideas, reasoning about the real essence and prospects for the future for Russia. He managed to clearly and clearly expose to the reader the ulcers of his contemporary society, showed the morals of the nobility, the peasants, and the church. After all, the concept of “folk thought”, in my opinion, includes not only the meaning of “folk spirit”, “ people's soul”, so reliably drawn by Nekrasov in the images of Russian heroes. “People's Thought” is also the author’s reflections on the future of Russia, an expression of his “thought” about the fate of his people, his regret about its failures and admiration for its merits.

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The theme of “people's suffering” in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”


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