Dream interpretation: mushrooms are growing. Dream prediction Mushrooms

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Solving a dream in which mushrooms appear in one way or another is not so easy. And all because such a dream can have exactly as many interpretations as there are dream books. Of course, if the day before you enjoyed the taste or, for example, are an avid mushroom picker, then there is nothing to guess about. Well, what if not? Let's still try to figure out what mushrooms mean in dreams?

Typically, mushrooms symbolize suspicion and caution. It is not in vain that in Russian fairy tales it is from fly agarics that evil witches brew a potion with which they bewitch and send misfortunes. In other cases, mushrooms, on the contrary, symbolize wisdom. So, for example, the boletus mushroom in many legends is considered good spirit and the guardian of the forest, meeting him promises prosperity and good luck.

As in many cases, in order to unravel a particular dream, you need to remember as many details as possible. For example, what kind of mushrooms you saw in a dream, what action was associated with them. So, if in a dream you suddenly find yourself in a mushroom meadow, in reality you should be careful. One of your imaginary friends is trying to deceive you. A dream in which you see a basket of mushrooms predicts unfounded suspicions against you that will have to be refuted. A dream in which others were picking mushrooms, and you only got the legs, warns that due to excessive suspicion, you may miss a great chance. Bad sign, promising all sorts of troubles and misfortunes - see wormy mushrooms.

You can try to find out different dream books. So, if you believe Aesop’s dream book, then in the image of a mushroom it means that in real life have to take responsibility. Eating mushrooms, according to the same dream book, means suspecting someone close to you of an unseemly act. And if before your eyes mushrooms grow the size of a house, those around you will appreciate your wisdom. The ABC of dream interpretation also gives answers to the question - why do you dream about mushrooms? Such a dream, as a rule, warns of illusory plans and dubious pleasures, but in some cases it can mean reward. Seeing toadstools and fly agarics is a sign of deception and lies; collecting means there is a lot of work to be done. Seeing mushrooms growing in an unusual place means that the enterprise you have started is very risky.

Interesting opinion Ukrainian dream book, regarding what mushrooms mean in dreams. It is considered a good sign to see poisonous mushrooms, such a dream promises profit. For a woman to pick mushrooms in a dream - foretells the imminent birth of a child. Seeing means that in reality it will be possible to avoid some kind of misfortune, but the one who eats mushrooms in a dream is destined to live to a ripe old age.

If you dreamed of porcini mushrooms

Collecting porcini mushrooms means starting a new business that will be profitable, or receiving a bonus or reward. In addition, such a dream promises a successful purchase and a successful marriage, or simply a calm family life. Why does a woman dream of porcini mushrooms? IN in this case, sleep is not always good. For a woman, such a dream may portend disappointment in my own husband, and also warn about unwanted pregnancy.

Many dream books also give interpretations to dreams in which certain mushrooms appear, for example, honey mushrooms or champignons. Why do you dream: Picking these mushrooms means that you may inadvertently cause serious harm to a loved one or break off your relationship with him for a long time. If in a dream you dry honey mushrooms and string them on a thread, victory over your enemies is guaranteed; if you fry them, expect advancement career ladder. For a woman, honey mushrooms in a dream foretell many admirers. Well, if you dream about champignons, it means that in reality you are imitating other people’s tastes and adhering to other people’s opinions.

Dreams about mushrooms are quite controversial, so to interpret them it is important to take into account not only the main, but also other details of the plot. To get an accurate picture, try to remember exactly what the mushrooms looked like, what you did, etc. Try to also take into account those being tested. It is important to draw an analogy between the information received and real life. All this will allow you to learn about the events of the future and the problems of the present.

Why do you dream about mushrooms?

If fried mushrooms appeared, this is a sign that the dreamer often tries to highlight the shortcomings of other people in order to justify his own shortcomings. The dream book recommends getting rid of this habit as quickly as possible and learning to take responsibility for your actions. A dream where edible mushrooms appeared means that in the near future all problems will move aside and a stable life will begin.

Dried mushrooms are a symbol of disappointments and problems. For a woman, such a dream serves as an indication of achieving excellent results in losing weight. If a man sees such a dream, it means that he will soon make a successful acquisition.

A dream where you had to sell mushrooms is a symbol of a successful acquisition. If the dreamer was peeling mushrooms, it means subconscious level there is a desire to improve one's own life. Night vision of where mushrooms were cooked indicates a favorable combination of circumstances. If you had to wash mushrooms, it means that in reality the dreamer strives to be the best in his business.

Why do you dream about big mushrooms?

Mushrooms big size promise profit. Such a dream may also be an omen of the fulfillment of a cherished dream. Thanks to your own work and strength, you will be able to realize your plans. Large mushrooms indicate excessive haste in the desire to improve one’s own financial situation.

Why do you dream about wormy mushrooms?

Spoiled mushrooms can be taken as a warning about possible betrayal by a loved one. It can also symbolize with an insincere person. Eating wormy mushrooms in a dream means that existing suspicions are actually untrue. Rotten mushrooms are a warning that there are insincere people in your close circle, but they will soon reveal themselves to the fullest.

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms?

If you had to collect toadstools, it means that in reality you should expect a dirty trick on the part of your superiors, despite the fact that you managed to get new position or an increase to wages. Night vision, where you managed to find a clearing of mushrooms, predicts receiving some kind of reward. If you had to pick mushrooms in a clearing, it means that an unexpected turn of events will soon occur. A dream where you managed to find mushrooms in the mountains prophesies the occurrence of unforeseen problems, but they will strengthen the person. If the mushrooms were near the road, it means you will have to do rash things.

Why do you dream of salted mushrooms?

Such a dream is a symbol of material stability. This is also an indication of good health. In one of the dream books, salted mushrooms indicate an unpleasant situation exists, and in order to get out of it you will have to ask for help from close relatives or friends. If the dreamer ate salted mushrooms, it means that he has extraordinary thinking.

Why do you dream about a lot of mushrooms?

A large number of fresh mushrooms is a good sign, foreshadowing a significant profit. If you managed to collect a large number of mushrooms, then you can count on a stable financial situation, as well as a successful deal.

Why do you dream about fresh mushrooms?

Seeing freshly picked mushrooms means that you will soon be able to take part in a profitable business, or you will be given an interesting assignment at work.

Mushrooms, in addition to being a favorite delicacy for many, have long been revered by magicians. Vikings, druids and shamans drank decoctions from them during difficult campaigns. northern peoples. Vivid hallucinations caused by poisonous mushrooms allowed them to see into the future.

Still, it is the habit of most people to collect edible mushrooms and prepare a delicious lunch or pickles from them. It brings no less joy to family members or friends to go into the forest for a “quiet” hunt for boletus, boletus and russula. It’s fun to collect mushrooms together and compare the contents of the baskets at the end. The strongest whites command the greatest respect, and those who mistakenly pick up toadstools are cheerfully joked about.

The plot of picking or eating mushrooms often appears in dreams, so it’s worth figuring out: why do you dream about mushrooms? Sleeping with them has many nuances and contradictions. Moreover, for women its interpretation is most interesting.

A dream involving mushroom picking cannot be unambiguously characterized as positive and promising profit, although large edible mushrooms in a basket predict an improvement in one’s financial situation.

For unmarried girl a large, lonely mushroom found promises a meeting with a pleasant, reliable man who can become her soul mate.

Poisonous mushrooms, especially eating them, promise stomach problems. Possible poisoning or exacerbation chronic diseases. Wormy mushrooms are also associated with diseases. But if the sleeper in a dream finds himself in a clearing where boletuses or boletuses grow before his eyes, in reality he will gain honor and respect.

Interpretations of sleep in different dream books

In some dream books, mushrooms mean stupid thoughts, and collecting them means making a profit from a dubious source. In others, the boletus mushroom is considered a sign of acquired wisdom, and collecting large number edible mushrooms promises material benefits. The slightest details of a dream affect its interpretation and forecast of subsequent events.

According to Miller

Gustav Miller interpreted any food even from noble mushrooms in a dream as a person’s obsession with dreams of unrequited love. The object of passion is either unattainable, or the feeling can put him in an ambiguous position.

For a young girl similar dream speaks of infatuation with an unworthy gentleman. If a sleeper eats toadstools in a dream, he is tired, exhausted mentally and physically, and his body requires rest.

Picking mushrooms reflects the desire to quickly get rich. The dreamer does not think about ethics and means, goes over his head and is ready to break the law. The dream warns him of the consequences of unreasonable actions.

A wide variety of mushrooms in a dream characterizes the sleeper as a loving person who is not particularly picky about relationships. If in a dream he knocks down and scatters mushrooms, the dream may talk about his hidden homosexuality.

In general, a mushroom, in the understanding of a psychiatrist, is a sign of active masculinity. Both a man and a woman who have a dream in which they walk along the forest and collect beautiful, worm-free boletuses or boletuses are satisfied with their sex life and partner.

Tired and slightly disappointed people dream of cleaning and preparing mushrooms for cooking. Perhaps events are happening too quickly and they can’t cope with the pace or they are tired of the fuss. Sigmund Freud interpreted boiled mushrooms in a dream as a signal from the subconscious about diseases of the genitourinary system.

According to Vanga

Vanga considered the white ones that appeared in the dream to be harbingers of all sorts of benefits and recognition. The sleeper will receive good news or an unexpected surprise. Oddly enough, the seer also considered bright poisonous mushrooms to be good signs, promising the speedy fulfillment of cherished desires.

If there are wormy or spoiled mushrooms in the dreamer's basket, he will be offended or insulted close person. When you see a mushroom dish, the sleeper should also be wary. He faces a false accusation, because of which he will have to justify himself for a long time.

According to Loff

Based on what mushrooms were present in the dream, Loff divided dreams into those foreshadowing successful events or difficulties. In his opinion, collecting edibles means joy and success in the future, and if their caps are red, it means ardent love. Eat delicious mushrooms dreams of prosperity and profit.

Toadstools, on the contrary, predict obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. The person who absorbs them in a dream feels that there is a false friend next to him. Although he may not have evidence, his intuition does not deceive him.

A person picking mushrooms in a dream also works hard in reality. His efforts will definitely be richly rewarded. Cooking and eating mushrooms promises the dreamer longevity and excellent health into old age.

According to Hasse

Miss Hasse, unlike Tsvetkov, explained picking mushrooms as wasted effort. How more people puts in the work, the less in reality he will receive for it, regardless of the type of mushroom. If a fly agaric is in the hands of the sleeping person, he realizes that he is not fulfilling his duties in good faith. Even in his sleep, his conscience does not allow him to forget about it.

According to Nostradamus

Mushrooms appear in dreams when a person suffers from suspicion and feels the danger of his situation. This is especially true if the dreamer eats a mushroom dish. Most often, his mistrust is completely unjustified and does more harm to him than protects him from wrong actions.

Boletus in a dream promises good luck and useful purchases. Huge mushrooms speak of the sleeper’s acquired wisdom and foresight.

The interpretation of why a woman dreams of mushrooms is not the most optimistic. Most likely, she reproaches herself for the time spent on unreliable gentlemen. However, the meaning of a dream is greatly changed by the details that need to be remembered immediately upon awakening.

Collect big mushrooms

If in a dream you pick mushrooms together with your loved one, your marriage with him will be very happy. When, in addition to mushrooms, there are also berries in the basket, the passion in this union will not fade away for a long time. Married woman a large mushroom found promises pregnancy, and the girl - a thirst for intimate relationships with a partner.

Most dream books interpret a night dream with big mushrooms as a promise good income and prosperity. It should be borne in mind that to fulfill the dream, they must be strong and edible.

A lot of mushrooms in a dream

According to Freud, watching people picking mushrooms in a clearing speaks of the curiosity of the sleeper and his interest in the intimate lives of his acquaintances. Nostradamus believed that the sleeping person, surrounded on all sides by growing mushrooms, in reality succumbed to hypocritical assurances and false promises. The business he started will end in failure.

A mushroom picker with a full basket portends illness. If the dreamer collects different types mushrooms, he will actively look for ways to apply his skills in reality and succeed. He will be rewarded in the form of a bonus or promotion. But cut mushrooms, when only the stems stick out from the ground, represent missed opportunities.

As a rule, poisonous mushrooms dream of deception. If a person crushes toadstools in a dream, in reality he will defeat the evil plotted against him. Picking poisonous mushrooms will not lead to good either. In reality, the result may be a betrayal of a spouse or betrayal of a friend. An unpleasant event will come as a complete surprise to the dreamer. Collecting fly agarics speaks of evil thoughts hidden by the dreamer himself.

If the sleeper has tasted toadstools, he will be greatly disappointed. The situation will affect either work or personal life, depending on what the person attaches more importance to.

See wormy mushrooms

A huge rotten mushroom symbolizes the deceased, who is trying to tell the dreamer something in a dream. Such a dream is considered extremely negative, and many dream books warn against picking spoiled mushrooms. Nostradamus saw in wormy mushrooms the danger of diseases and ailments in reality.

Freud predicted the appearance of grandchildren from a dreamer who saw wormy mushrooms. Some dream books attribute a dream with spoiled mushrooms to a prediction of a happy coincidence of circumstances in reality, after which all the sleeper’s problems will be resolved.

Not every dream is prophetic and will certainly come true. Each day of the week is influenced by a different planet solar system, which affects people's lives and dreams accordingly.

  1. Monday is patronized by the Moon. It is believed that it is responsible for the psychological state of the sleeper and reflects the nuances of his relationships with others.
  2. Tuesday is under the influence of Mars. Dreams on the night from Monday to Tuesday show the dreamer’s desire to develop and gain authority, a loved one or a new position. If the dream was pleasant and non-oppressive, no conflicts are expected on the way to the goal.
  3. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is dictated by Mercury. He talks about upcoming meetings, trips and deals. The events in it can be repeated in real life.
  4. The influence of Jupiter provides sleep from Wednesday to Thursday with information about a person’s career ambitions. Dreamed acquaintances in reality contribute to his goals. Relatives who appear in a dream speak of the success that will come from running a family business.
  5. Friday's dream is under the auspices of Venus, the planet of love and creativity. The sleeper can foresee in his dreams his successes on the love front.
  6. Saturn gives sleep from Friday to Saturday great importance when a person tries to find the right path and follow it. The brighter and more beautiful the dream, the more interesting events await the dreamer in reality.
  7. In a dream on Sunday, the sun shows the true attitude of loved ones and friends towards the sleeping person. A joyful dream is conducive to communication, especially the organization of holidays and celebrations.


The question of why one dreams of picking mushrooms can be interpreted as a person’s desire for a goal and his desire to achieve it at any cost. The main thing is that she is worthy, because the sleeper puts in a lot of effort. In ancient dream interpreters, noble mushrooms were associated with the arrival of a wise mentor or good advice that could fruitfully influence the future.

Some people dream exclusively good dreams. And others talk several times a week about their nightmares or very unpleasant dreams. Why is this happening? It can be assumed, that good people good dreams are due.

This would be fair, but, unfortunately, everything is not so simple. It turns out that the themes of our dreams largely depend on heredity. People whose dreams are pleasant usually boast excellent health and stable psyche. But rheumatic patients, hypertensive patients, diabetics, suffering from heart disease, are worried even in their sleep.

Doctors associate scary dreams with diseases of ancestors, which are somehow inherited. Blood diseases, alcoholism, mental illness, cancer - these are diseases that we can potentially repeat. And yet this is only a predisposition that can be avoided by leading healthy image life and observing moral principles.

Dreams about mushrooms are usually positive in content. Although there are cases when horrors are associated with them. Often dreams about picking mushrooms and cooking them come to us in mushroom season. Is it surprising that a lover of “silent hunting” wanders through the forest with a basket in a dream? Then the dream means only one thing - it’s time to get ready for nature. But if mushrooms were dreamed of by someone who doesn’t even think about picking them, it’s worth looking into the dream book to figure out the unexpected dream.

  • Collect mushrooms- labor will be rewarded.
  • Poisonous mushrooms- a happy accident will save you from trouble.
  • Place edible mushrooms in a basket, and then to see toadstools in him - unpaid work, deception in business.
  • Find only wormy mushrooms- Mind your own business, fail.
  • Eating cooked strong mushrooms- live to a ripe old age.
  • There are mushrooms in sour cream- life in abundance.
  • Bite a mushroom and see a worm– loss of property or money due to a person you trust.
  • If a girl had a similar dream— a certain young man may turn out to be a gigolo.

It happens that dreamed mushrooms symbolize bad inclinations and reprehensible plans for enrichment. When a person in reality starts a case that threatens legal proceedings, mushrooms in a dream serve as a warning against unseemly actions.

For a woman who is in love with a married man and plans to destroy someone else’s family, this dream also does not bode well for success.

If you saw in a dream a beautiful forest full of mushrooms, it is quite possible that you need rest and emotional relief. Do something fun and useful, find yourself a hobby.

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Collecting mushrooms is a reward, seeing poisonous mushrooms - wait Lucky case. If you eat mushrooms in a dream, you will live long life.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

The mushroom is a symbol of the phallus. If you see a lot of mushrooms and collect them, your life is sexually rich, but you do not care about choosing partners.

Esoteric dream book

Picking mushrooms means a successful marriage, and for family people - improvement family relations. Seeing mushrooms means rapid aging, and eating them means long life and a clear mind.

Miller's Dream Book

Trying mushrooms means suffering from humiliation in love, and if a young woman dreams of this, then the search for dubious pleasures and a careless attitude towards property are quite likely.

Dream Interpretation of Semenova

Seeing mushrooms in a dream is a sign of unhealthy desires, greed and haste in the pursuit of wealth, which can cause legal troubles. Eating mushrooms in a dream means humiliation or other feelings that are extremely unpleasant and unworthy. A young woman who sees mushrooms in a dream may soon experience pleasures that can be classified as dubious.

Aesop's Dream Book

Mushrooms are a warning and a call for caution, a sign of suspicion. In fairy tales and beliefs, for example, a potion was brewed from fly agaric mushrooms for witchcraft, damage, and curses on people. But sometimes mushrooms in a dream symbolize wisdom. Often in the epic, the mushroom is a guardian and a good spirit of the forest. A meeting with such a spirit prophesies good luck, prosperity and happy circumstances in everything.

If in a dream you find yourself in a mushroom meadow, then in real life you should be careful in your relationships with people whom you consider your friends. They may plot something evil against you and try to mislead you.

A basket of mushrooms seen in a dream promises an unpleasant situation soon, when you will have to refute accusations and suspicions that have no basis. If in a dream someone beat you to picking mushrooms, leaving you only the legs, it means that because of your suspicion you may miss a happy opportunity to change everything for the better in life. Wormy mushrooms - to illness or troubles. If in a dream you suddenly see yourself as a mushroom, in reality you will become more responsible and you will have new additional responsibilities.

You try mushroom soup in a dream. You will be overcome by unpleasant doubts and suspicions associated with a person close to you. You will suspect him of an unworthy act.

If in a dream you see mushrooms instantly growing huge in front of you, it means that you will be appreciated by those close to you, and your wisdom will become a subject of admiration for them.

Culinary dream book

Picking mushrooms in a dream is a harbinger of a successful purchase, which will turn into unexpected success.

Azar's Dream Book

Mushrooms seen in a dream warn of an imminent “black streak” in life

Dream Interpretation Food

If in a dream you go into the forest to pick mushrooms, then you will soon make a very successful purchase

Lunar dream book

If you dreamed of mushrooms, then they will definitely help you with advice and support you if you ask for help.

Correct dream book

Mushrooms in a dream are an unpleasant sign, meaning the emergence of wrong desires in life, the risk of losing money and the desire to experience dubious pleasure.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing inedible mushrooms in a dream is considered good sign, promising profit.

If a woman picks mushrooms in a dream, it means an addition to the family.

Had a dream dried mushrooms- bad sign.

Eating mushrooms means long life.

Seeing mushrooms in a dream means meeting a fool in reality.

For people, mushrooms in dreams are often ambiguous representatives of a separate kingdom. We love the taste of this delicacy, but we also fear it as an insidious pest, which often causes death. ordinary person. Why do you dream about mushrooms? The meaning of such dreams is quite contradictory; a dream book will help to unravel their true meaning.

Mushrooms in a dream for lonely hearts are a sign of warm love relationship that may end successful marriage in reality. If a similar dream was dreamed by a person who is already married, then this indicates complete mutual understanding in his relationship and the devotion of his partner.

A bad sign is a poisonous mushroom that you bothered to eat in a dream. This dream speaks of an unhappy married life that awaits the dreamer. In this case, you need to be more careful about choosing your soulmate and not rush to agree to a marriage in the near future.

If in your dream you found yourself in the forest and saw a whole mushroom meadow, then in the near future you will have great luck in financial matters. You have to get a large amount money, while spending a minimum of effort and labor. It is necessary to emotionally prepare yourself for these benefits in order to correctly distribute funds and not regret it in the future.

The most common interpretations of dreams with mushrooms:

  • collected mushrooms represent a positive result in your affairs. Such a dream suggests that the path you have chosen in solving a certain issue is correct and will ultimately lead you to your cherished goal;
  • a full basket of mushrooms is a sign that you pay too little attention to your close relatives. It is necessary to put aside all your pressing matters and spend time with representatives of your kind. Perhaps they really need your help, but they do not want to put the burden of their problems on your shoulders;
  • picking mushrooms means a great desire to achieve your goal. In the near future, all your dreams will come true. You just need to not lose heart, don’t stop there, believe in yourself and everything will definitely work out;
  • picking edible mushrooms means future success in your personal life. In the future, you will meet a person who will create an atmosphere around you true love and heat;
  • unripe picked mushrooms - to minor troubles in reality;
  • eating freshly picked mushrooms means losses in real life and health problems;
  • seeing someone picking mushrooms is a sign that you need to be more decisive and not rely on the help of others in solving your own life problems;
  • picking poisonous mushrooms means the collapse of hopes that are not destined to come true. Perhaps in reality you are investing money or putting a huge amount of effort into a business that will not bring you the slightest return. You should more soberly assess your life situation and draw appropriate conclusions. Also, such a dream may indicate a conspiracy against you in real life;
  • porcini mushrooms - for longevity and carefree family life with your lover;
  • a clearing with porcini mushrooms - to life’s surprises that will bring you joy and happiness.

Interpretation of different dream books

According to Miller's dream book

According to a famous psychologist, if a person dreams of mushrooms, it means that in reality he is obsessed with getting rich as quickly as possible. This desire for financial benefits can bring the dreamer to the bench.

Eating mushrooms in a dream means the manifestation of shameful human qualities and humiliation. If this dream was dreamed by a young girl, then in the future she will be overcome by the desire to receive pleasures of a dubious nature.

According to Vanga's dream book

The clairvoyant interprets dreams with mushrooms ambiguously. In general, she considers representatives of this kingdom of living nature to be the personification of unexpected events, illnesses, and suspicion. However, the dream book presents several interpretations of dreams, depending on the type of mushroom:

  • poisonous mushrooms - to successful resolution things you really counted on;
  • collecting wormy mushrooms - to betrayal by a very close friend;
  • You are treated to mushrooms - to accusations of something you did not do;
  • porcini mushrooms - to joyful surprises that will bring happiness and joy into your life.

According to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book presents several interpretations of dreams with mushrooms:

  • mushrooms in large quantities- to promiscuity in sexual life. Your intimate relationships are too promiscuous. You should be more responsible in your choice of sexual partners and outside pleasures;
  • peeling mushrooms is a sign of fatigue from the rhythm of your life. In reality, you are worried about the busyness of your everyday life and want a more calm and peaceful pastime;
  • cook mushrooms - to possible diseases in the genital area;
  • throwing away mushrooms means a tendency towards same-sex relationships.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus

The dream book characterizes the dreamer as a person who is extremely cautious and suspicious in life. Interpretation of dreams with mushrooms according to the dream book:

  • boletus - to good luck in reality;
  • being in a mushroom meadow is not a good sign. In reality, someone is trying to mislead you, and you succumb to this provocation;
  • wormy mushrooms - to disasters and illnesses;
  • huge mushrooms - to wisdom;
  • eating mushrooms in a dream means unjustified suspicions that torment you in reality.

According to Loff's dream book

This dream book interprets dreams with mushrooms in its own way:

  • mushrooms with brown or red caps - to great love in the future;
  • picking edible mushrooms - to joyful surprises in the future;
  • collecting poisonous specimens means adversity and an obstacle on your life path;
  • eating mushroom dishes means good luck and abundance;
  • consuming toadstools is a symbol of the fact that in your life there is a false friend with bad intentions, whom you trust very much.


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