Post indoor plants in the interior of the apartment. Flowers in the house: more than decoration

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In the modern rhythm of our life, returning home after a busy day, we want to plunge into the atmosphere of peace and tranquility. To create such a cozy corner in your house or apartment, the most ordinary indoor plants will help us. They are known to absorb carbon dioxide, filling the living space with pure oxygen, necessary for all living beings. And their beautiful appearance will create a joyful atmosphere in the home and give all the inhabitants of the house a positive mood.

Features of floral decor

Decorating your home with decorative houseplants is a very popular way to create a certain atmosphere in a room. Whether it's romantic or classic, the role of plants is hard to underestimate when creating floral decor in your home. With the help of properly selected indoor plants, you can not only bring a piece of wildlife into the design of the room, but also create a harmonious combination of color accents, filling different rooms in an apartment or house with pleasant aromas and delicate notes of freshness exuded by the presence of fresh flowers.

With the help of indoor plants, you can smooth out sharp corners in the room, adjust the saturation of daylight and create artistic and aesthetic accents in the design. In the modern market of flower products, you can find a wide variety of specimens: from ordinary tradescantia to exotic orchids of the most incredible colors.

A variety of inexpensive houseplants will help you turn even the most boring corner of your home into a blooming oasis with the help of minimal costs, filling it with the most delicate smells of fresh flowers.

The most popular indoor plants

Before you start decorating rooms with house plants, It is necessary to familiarize yourself with their various types in more detail:

  • So, the most popular in the art of floristry are rightfully recognized all sorts of roses. These flowers are perfect for decorating rooms in classic, English, Oriental and many other design styles. These can be single plants in beautiful ceramic pots and flowerpots, large bouquets of freshly cut buds, and even skillfully made artificial flowers made of polymer clay or liquid porcelain.

When choosing roses to decorate your home, you will never go wrong: this beloved flower has more than thirty thousand varieties and hybrids, so choosing the right plant for you will not be difficult.

  • Chrysanthemum, specially bred for growing at home, is also an excellent plant for decorating rooms. This rather unpretentious flower has a huge variety of inflorescences of various shades, which makes it easy to choose a plant that matches the color scheme in a particular interior. In addition to its aesthetic qualities and abundant flowering in the winter, chrysanthemum has antibacterial properties that can significantly improve the microclimate of the living space.

  • Tender and trembling orchid can decorate almost any space with its presence. Large and beautiful flowers of this exotic plant emphasize the elegance and romanticism of the setting, and the most delicate aroma fills the atmosphere with freshness and peace. It would be especially appropriate to decorate interiors decorated in oriental styles, such as Japanese and Chinese, with orchids. Perhaps it is worth abandoning the use of orchids as decoration only in somewhat rough and urban styles, for example, country, punk or eco.

  • Some of the most common types of hardy plants that designers love to bring into indoor design are all kinds of cacti, succulents and ferns. These plants tolerate changes in temperature and humidity quite well, do not need special care and require a minimum of attention.

Artificial flowers

For those who love flowers very much, but cannot use live plants in their home decor due to allergies or the inability to regularly care for their “green pets”, an alternative can be offered as artificial flowers. Of course, we are not talking about banal rag or plastic products, but about high-tech and attractive specimens, which are presented in a wide range on the market for modern interior design items.

Modern technologies, which bring new wonders into our lives every day, in the last few years have turned the production of artificial plants and flowers into a fashionable decor direction for decorating a wide variety of premises: from office rooms to our apartments.

The latest polymers and materials from which artificial flowers are made make them almost indistinguishable from natural ones. Natural colors and textures, high-quality study of even the smallest details make the artificial flora so close to real vegetation that sometimes you can only detect the difference from a very short distance. Vibrant sunflowers and irises, peonies and hydrangeas made of natural silk, elegant roses and chrysanthemums made of cold porcelain look so natural that sometimes one marvels at the art of modern masters.

With the help of artificial flora, creating an exotic room design is much easier than using natural living material. Such an exposure is easy to update, it will not fade if you have to leave for a long time or if you are sorely lacking free time to care for fresh flowers. Such an artificial phytodesign is much easier to combine with the environment, since it will remain the same, regardless of the time of year and the amount of sunlight in the room.

Before purchasing certain plants for room decor, it is very important to study the process of cultivating the species you have chosen and rules for caring for them:

  • Among indoor plants, there are not only unpretentious species that feel favorably in almost any conditions, but also very capricious specimens that require special lighting, a certain humidity and air ventilation, and also need timely pruning and watering.
  • It is also extremely important for which room a certain plant is purchased, whether it will be in harmony in color and shape with its surroundings and other interior items.

  • If you need to decorate a spacious living room with home plants, then you can purchase fairly large and tall species, such as ficus, hibiscus, as well as a palm or tangerine tree. Such tall plants are perfectly combined with other house flowers.

If you wish, you can create a whole living corner in the living room by placing indoor plants in it according to the principle of tiers, combining them in color, leaf shape and aromas.

  • But in small rooms you should not place tall and large-leaved specimens, since they need a fairly large free space. In small rooms, low-growing potted plants with large white flowers, such as cyclamens, gardenias or balsams, look best. They will fill the room with additional freshness and visually increase its size.

  • When bringing live plants into the bedroom, you need to be very careful with the choice, as too fragrant or bright flowers can create an exciting atmosphere that is not conducive to proper rest and a peaceful state. The most suitable for a room where you relax after a busy day would be roses, orchids or irises. These flowers have a barely noticeable delicate aroma that will promote relaxation and easy falling asleep.

  • It is necessary to be guided by the same rules when designing a green zone in a children's room.
  • But for the kitchen it is best to choose climbing and herbaceous varieties of vegetation, flowering plants here will not feel too comfortable due to the sharp and constant temperature and humidity changes. It can be ferns, ivy and all kinds of succulents. The juicy green color of the leaves favorably affects the mood and calms the psyche.

The main thing here is not to overdo it, because the kitchen, first of all, remains a working area for cooking and there should be no adverse interference in this process.

The art of decorating with plants

In order to harmoniously decorate the interior of a residential building with the help of beautiful plants, no special efforts or any secret knowledge are required. By following simple design rules, you will be able to embody the most beautiful ideas in your living space:

  • In spacious rooms, you can successfully combine tall, broad-leaved trees with a plentiful crown with lush bouquets of freshly cut flowers in beautiful vases made of clear crystal or Bohemian glass. Such compositions are best placed in free areas of the premises, not cluttered with unnecessary furniture.
  • If you want to draw attention to some corner of your room, then place a brightly flowering exotic plant with especially large leaves and flowers there.

  • If the area of ​​​​an apartment or a country house allows, then you can arrange a small flowering garden in your home by grouping plants of different heights with similar cultivation and care requirements. Such improvisational compositions can be built almost anywhere in the house: on the floor, in a wall niche, on a loggia or balcony.
  • If the plant grows in the soil, it is also important in which container it will be planted. Flower pots, planters and flowerpots play an important role in interior design. Of course, first of all, they should be quite convenient and comfortable for the plant itself, but it is also very important to choose this attribute for the general style of the room so that it emphasizes the beauty of the flower growing in it and blends harmoniously with the environment.

Who doesn't love indoor plants these days? Probably, there are no such people or there are very few of them. After all, the green representatives of the flora only by their appearance bring joy and peace, and how much benefit from them. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which is so necessary especially for city dwellers. Having settled plants in our house or apartment, we bring a cozy, lively and joyful atmosphere there.

Of course, in no case should you fill the rooms with all kinds of plants in large quantities, so you will not achieve anything. It would be better to purchase several beautiful copies, this will perfectly ennoble your interior. You also need to be careful in choosing exotic flora, you need to be sure that you can care for them.

Certain green plants are suitable for each interior of each room.

Plants in the interior of the hall (hallway)

The first place where we and our guests get when they enter the house is the hall or. From this room, the idea of ​​our life begins, and, of course, green plants can live and flourish here too. If there is enough light, then this is just luck, but if there is little light, which is typical for modern apartments, then do not despair - put shade-loving plants, which, in general, are unpretentious. These include: fatsia, peperomia, arrowroot, as well as dracaena, sansevier, which are very resistant to temperature and lighting changes typical of the hallway.

You also need to focus on the available space of your hall or hallway. If there is enough space, then lush large plants, such as ferns, will look great, which look great both as a single accent and as a group of plants. But if you do not have enough space, small flowers placed, for example, on shelves, special stands, of which there are a lot in our time, are also suitable. Heder's ivy is one of those very small plants that can change your hallway beyond recognition and give it fabulous comfort.

It is the most favorable place for indoor plants, there is enough light and humidity. But you still need to consider some factors when choosing plants for the kitchen. Since food is often cooked in the kitchen, heat-loving plants should be chosen. If you choose flowers for the windowsill, then you definitely need light-loving ones. After all, there are also shade-loving plants that simply die from a lot of light, but they are great if you want to place the plants away from the window, somewhere in the shade of the refrigerator or something like that. Also, in no case should you “settle” representatives of the flora next to the stove, excessive heat and steam from cooking can harm them. The place near the sink is also not good, since soap splashes and greasy food residues can reach the plants from there.

The size of your plants will depend on the size of your kitchen. What else needs to be considered when choosing green "neighbors" for the kitchen is a constant temperature drop, this is a significant disadvantage of this room, but everything can be solved. There are, for example, ficus, chlorophytum, ivy, aloe, tradescantia, asparagus, which can easily cope in such conditions. By the way, chlorophytum is a very useful plant for the kitchen, as it relieves the air of the room from harmful fumes.

In principle, if desired, almost everything is grown in the kitchen (lemons, oranges, coffee and tea trees, and so on), but what a great idea it would be to make a small “garden” in the kitchen. You can grow onions, dill, parsley, mint, basil, decorative peppers. Instead of ordinary pots, kitchen utensils - tea cups, teapots, pots and so on will look very original.

As a rule, the largest and "hospitable" room is this. Therefore, plants are often placed here large, outdoor, broad-leaved. Here, too, as elsewhere, you should focus on exactly where you want to put your green friends. At the window - light-loving, in the shade - shade-loving. But if you still don’t have enough space for large plants, small specimens in hanging baskets will perfectly decorate your interior, climbing plants look great.

In the form of decor for the living room, fresh cut flowers and potted representatives of the flora are equally well suited, of course, you can use them in tandem.

To create a natural and soft interior, designers advise small and soft compositions, or high and airy ones. Glass vases, transparent flasks, aquarium balls are suitable for the role of pots, all these variations will keep the interior light.

Plants in the bedroom will fill it with softness, comfort and tenderness, very conducive to sleep. But it is undesirable to put many flowers in, especially for plants that have a strong aroma, this threatens you with a severe headache in the morning. Lilies and ferns are very dangerous for the bedroom, these plants absorb oxygen and emit carbon dioxide.

If the size of the room allows, then floor-type plants are perfect, you can use flower pots on a table or bedside table, or on a windowsill. But aloe and kalanchoe will create an excellent microclimate - at night they release oxygen.

Green plants always ennoble any interior, they bring notes of naturalness, freshness and emphasize the individuality of the character of all family members. And they can also hide any flaws in your room.


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The presence of fresh or indoor flowers in the house is a positive sign. They are pleasing to the eye and at times improve mood. Gloomy weather or a breakdown is not so terrible if something blooms and smells in the room.

In addition to the usual options, there are many ways to create an original flower arrangement and place it in the house. Trying on the role of a florist, you can catch inspiration and dream up.

site collected the brightest options and recommends buying flowers for home today.

Decor made of shells and sea pebbles

Glass jars and containers for storing sugar and cereals are an unusual and affordable alternative to the usual vase. And if you put seashells, pebbles or decorations for aquariums inside, you get a whole work of art.

Non-banal vase of rubber boots

A rainy day can be made a little brighter by decorating the hallway with sunny tulips. Waterproof rubber boots are perfect for the role of a vase. And in worn, but cute sneakers, you can plant indoor plants.

New life for an old watering can

Old crockery can be used creatively. To return a watering can or jug ​​that has served its time to life, it is enough to choose plants that are suitable in color. Perfect solution!

Miniature eggshell vases

A table arrangement made of eggshells and flowers looks fun and fresh in spring. It's great to make such a festive miniature with the children for Easter. You can add green twigs, pebbles, dried flowers and any decorative elements to the flowers. Instead of eggs, sea shells of different sizes also look good.

Flowers instead of soup

If the tureen is gathering dust in the closet just like that, it's time to put it into action. Using a flat vase or tureen as a base, you can create a very solemn bouquet suitable for special days.

Collection of vases from old bottles

If you want to decorate the interior, but there is not much time, you can start simple. Single flowers in glass tall bottles of wine or soda are eye-catching and fit into almost any interior. Exquisitely look bottles of the same and different shapes, with similar or heterogeneous colors. Time to start stockpiling!

Shelf for flowers from a wooden box

Turning a crate or pallet into a hanging shelf doesn't take much effort. Such wooden shelves with flowers in pots on the wall fit perfectly into a country interior or a Provence-style kitchen.

Spectacular flower basket

Any herbs or medium-sized flowers planted in a basket create a cozy and homely atmosphere. For real flowers, a special impregnated sponge material is placed inside to keep them fresh.

Sweet vase with your own hands

A bouquet in white and red tones is interestingly combined with a sweet vase of candies of similar colors. Candies are attached inside or outside. The main difficulty is to keep it safe from children. Instead of lollipops, you can use colored pencils or paint brushes.

The second life of the bouquet

Broken or fading flowers can be extended in life by placing the buds in a shallow glass or ceramic bowl of water. Floating inflorescences of roses, chrysanthemums or gerberas will retain their attractive appearance and smell for a long time.

Pretty tin can vase

Pretty cute vases are obtained from tin cans. They can be easily screwed to the wall or simply placed around the kitchen. You can paint the outside with a plain paint to match the color of the interior. It is also good to decorate them to taste with available materials.

Vase for needlewomen

Things knitted with love bring an atmosphere of warmth and care to the house, and tied pots are always an interesting interior detail. I need to learn how to knit!

Flowers in a tea cup

Bright flowers, located in tea or coffee cups, can cheer up and decorate a small tea party. It turns out practical and romantic. In a small dish, it is also convenient to grow herbs, cacti or houseplants.

Table composition

Tabletop arrangements of succulents or low flowers are great for refreshing the dining table. Brighter plants and lush flowers, located in one line in the center, will come in handy for a gala dinner.

Another non-standard use of empty bottles

Another unusual option is to use glass bottles and an empty wall. You will need male help to fix the structure. Then, so that the container is not empty, there will be a motivation to keep flowers in the house.

Flowering tree branches

Branches of blossoming apricot or cherry in a simple glass container will bring the aromas of spring right into the house. You can take branches with only swollen buds, and after a while they will open and give green leaves right in the apartment.

Vases from improvised means

Different flowers planted in one non-standard pot stand out positively against the general background of the room. As a pot or vase, you can use a thing that is absolutely not suitable at first glance - a gift box, an ice bucket or children's sand molds.

Green representatives of the flora are able to bring freshness and lightness into the atmosphere of the room. Plants in the interior look natural, moisturize, purify the air in the apartment, bring a piece of nature into the house. Indoor flowers can decorate any room, the main thing is to choose the right specimens and arrange flowerpots.

Indoor plants in the interior of the house

A green oasis in the house creates a special aura. The role of indoor plants in the interior is determined by three functions:

  • they saturate the air with oxygen;
  • fill the room with aesthetics;
  • bring naturalness into the room.

Designers use indoor plants as a decorative element, they can be used as a tool for dividing rooms. Flower shops offer a variety of plants and accessories. The main thing is to create a floral design correctly - to compose compositions, pick up single, group, large, small, green or flowering specimens. For each room, certain varieties are suitable.

Plants in the interior of the living room

Hall - a spacious room and is designed to receive people. It is appropriate to purchase outdoor large broad-leaved or lush varieties in beautiful tubs. Shade-loving flowers are chosen for distant corners, and light-loving ones grow near the windows. Small specimens are placed on elegant stands, climbing varieties can be placed in hanging baskets. Decorative artificial plants for the interior are used anywhere in the room, regardless of the conditions of their maintenance.

You can create compositions from different living plants in the interior, arranged in a row, they can replace a partition and delimit functional areas. In modern design, single large plants installed in the middle of a wall or in a corner are relevant. They create a fresh accent in the room. For this, a sprawling fern, palm tree, dracaena, trees with interesting shapes are suitable.

Bedroom interior with plants

When choosing indoor flowers that will be installed in the sleeping area, you need to refrain from varieties with strong odors - they excite the nervous system. If the size of the room allows, floor displays from large or medium-sized specimens can be used in the bedroom. Flower pots on the bedside table, windowsill will look harmonious.

Interior decoration with indoor plants should help create a positive atmosphere in the room during sleep. and - are great for placement in the bedroom, saturate the air with oxygen, create an excellent microclimate and heal the body. But ferns are not recommended for the sleep zone - they emit carbon dioxide at night.

Plants in the interior of the kitchen

The dining area is a favorable place for fresh flowers, it has a sufficient amount of humidity and light. Indoor plants in the interior of the kitchen are often placed on the windowsill; for this, light-loving low varieties are selected. Curly greens placed in pots on the walls, refrigerator, cabinets can hang down beautifully, filling the room with freshness, creating an attractive natural oasis. It is actual to grow lemons, oranges, coffee, tea trees in the kitchen. A small planter with green grass or a blooming azalea can be placed on a dining table or bar counter.

Plant design in the interior of the hallway

From the corridor begins the idea of ​​​​a dwelling. Unpretentious and hardy house plants in the interior of the apartment will easily take root in the hallway. Broad-leaved or sansevier (pike tail) will withstand partial shade in the corridor. If there is enough space in the hallway, then lush varieties are used for decoration, for example, some ferns. With a lack of space, small ivy placed on shelves or stands is relevant, they will change the atmosphere of the corridor beyond recognition.

Interior decoration with plants

Green flora ennobles the design of the room, brings notes of naturalness into it. Placement of plants in the interior of the apartment is made taking into account several factors - the background of the walls, the illumination of the site, the dimensions of the room. To create a composition, floor vases, wall planters, stands for a group of pots, shelves, pendants to the ceiling are used. Mounting on a window sill is the most common way. Plants differ in leaf size, growth method (drooping or tall), flowering options. The choice of varieties to create a beautiful oasis depends on this.

Climbing plants in the interior

Green hanging branches can create a luxurious natural carpet in the room. With their help, you can decorate a corner, decorate an empty wall, use it for zoning a room. Even single plants in the interior look impressive due to their splendor. The most popular climbing varieties include indoor grapes, ivy, scindapsus, creeping ficus, bluebell, jasmine.

Climbing plants in the interior can beautifully braid stands, supports, have an interesting shape and shades of leaves, some delight with bright flowers. Most of these varieties are unpretentious, hardy, not demanding on the mode of lighting and watering. With their help, it is easy to create bright compositions and beautiful patterns on the walls, in hanging planters or pots using coasters.

Large plants in the interior

Turning a room into a colorful greenhouse is easy with large potted plants. Large decorative plants for the interior - ficus with fleshy leaves, various palm trees, boxwood, yucca, dracaena. Popular are orange, lemon trees, wild rose, dieffenbachia. Flower growers can give indoor boxwood an original shape due to a special haircut.

Benjamin's ficus looks interesting, the trunks of which can be braided or spiraled, a banana that blooms for many months. Fashionable novelties - coffee tree or olive, kumquat with bright orange fruits. They are located in floor planters near the windows, in the corners of the room, near the sofa or coffee table. You can create original oases by making an ensemble of several pots of different sizes.

Compositions of indoor plants in the interior

Each flower needs a beautiful presentation, to present it in a favorable light, to find a place in the house where it looks beautiful and grows best. Modern phytodesign is used to create stylish compositions; plants in the interior are combined in one or more pots to create an oasis that is particularly expressive.

You can decorate the room with a tall single flower, the bottom of the trunk in a floor vase is planted with moss or climbing green varieties. Several potted flowers can be placed on the windowsill or floor. Within the group there should be a large specimen with a dense crown, medium varieties should be grouped around it in longline order. Among low plants, flowering options should be present. To create a stylish oasis, no more than five planters are used.

Fans can create a vibrant composition using exotic beauties collected in an inflorescence and undersized coral pentas with a simple flowering or ordinary green ivy, from the thickets of which oriental buds on tall stems will beautifully grow. Even a few violets planted in flat planters, complemented by a small sculpture, make up an unexpected exposition.

Modern novelties of flower growers - florariums. They are transparent vessels in which heat-loving tropical plants grow, they do not need to devote much time. The trendy trend in phytodesign is rutarium. A variety of roots, stumps, tree branches are used as a basis for installing pots with flowering varieties in niches hollowed out in them. The composition has a bizarre shape and looks natural.

Artificial plants for the interior

Decorative products that look no different from real flowers are popular for decorating room design. Artificial plants in a modern interior are used in any place. They do not suffer from a lack of light, they do not need care, feeding, transplanting, they will not die from the presence of powerful illumination or lack of moisture. Artificial products amaze with their identity with the original - lush creepers, ferns, bamboo, bonsai or lemon trees, jasmine bushes, rice straws can decorate the most sophisticated design.

Plants in the interior are unique pieces of nature that harmoniously complement and enliven the home. The procedure for buying flowers must be carefully planned - do not fill the rooms with all kinds of pots in large quantities, but purchase several beautiful specimens, arrange them correctly and ensure proper care. Then attractive greenery and bright flowers will ennoble the interior and will please the hosts and guests for a long time with juicy foliage, bright buds and clean air.


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