Composition of special coating on hunting matches. Hunting matches: a reliable source of fire in rain and wind

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Today we have helpful advice addressed to people who like to wander through nature with a gun (hunting season, its opening, is just around the corner) or sit fishing. Of course, they don’t give up their hobby even in winter. To someone winter fishing I like it even more than the summer one. But it seems to me that there are still more “heat-loving” fishermen. As you know, nature is very changeable, and fishermen and hunters need to always be prepared for any unforeseen situations, especially if you are somewhere far from “civilization.” Here hunting matches, this is exactly the “arsenal” that you need to arm yourself with when going out into nature. After all, ordinary matches and lighters are very unreliable during long stays in nature. And such matches can help you out in various situations.

How to do it and what will be needed for this?

And you can make such matches very easily and you don’t need any super materials for this. There are no problems with ordinary matches, except for them you also need ammonium nitrate, you will need nitro varnish to cover the matches, and the well-known silver oxide (it is needed in the form of powder).

The first thing we will do is mix the dry with ammonium nitrate. We will mix these compositions 1:1. When you mix these two components well, add nitro varnish to them and then mix the entire contents again. You will need to achieve a dough-like state of this mixture.

  • When you get this consistency, roll out this “inedible” dough into a thin layer and cut it into narrow strips. The width of such stripes should be a very small millimeter or two.
  • Next we will need regular matches. We take one of them and spirally wind on it those narrow strips that we have already cut out. You need to start winding from the middle of the sulfur head down and finish doing this in the middle of the match itself. So, we wrap each match (that is, based on the number of prepared strips) and then let them dry.
  • When the matches have dried well, you will need to coat them with nitro varnish. You can cover it with a regular brush, which children use when painting. BUT, cover the sulfur head of the match with this varnish DO NOT DO IT! Otherwise, you will simply have problems lighting matches. Some people think that it is much easier to dip the entire match directly into nitro varnish, but again this should not be done, otherwise the head of the match will also be covered with varnish and you will no longer be able to avoid problems with ignition.
  • That's it, your hunting matches are completely ready! So you can now safely use them to make a fire, and you can even use not the driest firewood. Such homemade matches can burn successfully even in water, and the wind will not be able to extinguish the flame of such matches.

But in this video they will show you everything well and tell you again. Try it and you will succeed.

Once upon a time, there were hunting matches necessary element equipment of a hunter, tourist and fisherman, and helped them make a fire in extreme conditions.

Today, since it appeared huge selection means for lighting a fire, from lighters to, it would seem there is no special need to carry these matches on an extreme journey.

We decided to figure out whether this is really true or not. Let's figure it out.

Let's look at the main ways you can light a fire in the field, with the exception of exotic methods such as friction and metal wool.

Gas and petrol lighters

The advantage of the lighter is obvious

  • burns in almost any conditions,
  • she is not afraid of getting wet,
  • she has a supply of gas that will last for a long time,
  • cons are difficult to set on fire severe frost, you will have to heat it up somehow, and after it gets wet, you need to dry the lighter somewhere, namely the flint.

Gasoline lighters have similar characteristics and are in some ways superior to gas lighters, for example

  • burns well in the wind,
  • trouble-free operation in severe frost,
  • the main disadvantage is the need to carry gasoline,
  • minus high price For high-quality specimens, due to the non-tightness of the structure, gasoline constantly evaporates from it.


great alternative other methods of starting a fire,
  • requires skill and dry kindling,
  • highly dependent on humidity environment and wind strength.
  • It is not afraid of getting wet, just wipe it and dry it a little and you can knock out a spark.
  • minus - you need to solve problems with tinder, skill is required.

Regular matches

Simple and cheap, they work in any frost.

  • when wet they become unsuitable for use,
  • need chirkash,
  • difficulty of use in strong winds,
  • limited quantity,
  • may spill into pockets or backpack.

As it turns out, there are quite a lot of methods for starting a fire in the field, the simplest and most convenient is to take an ordinary lighter, or better yet several, scattering them in your pockets and backpack, and in most situations the problem with the fire will be solved.

This is true, but up to a certain point. Let's move on to hunting matches.

Hunting matches

In essence, these are ordinary matches, but unlike ordinary ones, they are coated with a solution of bertholite salt, thanks to which they can burn in any conditions, even under water or in a strong storm. The burning time of these matches is about 10 seconds.

The main purpose of these matches is the ability to use them in non-standard situations or extreme conditions, for example, capsized in a kayak or fell through the ice after falling into cold water.

Unfortunately, if you are lucky enough to get ashore after this, the danger to life does not disappear, the problem remains of how not to die from hypothermia or hypothermia, because the equipment will most likely be sunk or become wet and it will not be possible to quickly change clothes.

Your hands will tremble from the cold and it will most likely be simply impossible to light a fire with ordinary matches, a lighter or a flint, and in addition to this, according to the law of meanness, a strong icy wind will definitely arise.

Actually, in such situations, hunting matches will help save your life, but on one condition if they were hidden in the equipment that will remain on you in this situation.

So the question is whether hunting matches are needed or not, they are definitely needed, but they must be included in the emergency equipment kit and kept with the person at all times, otherwise they will be of no use.

In normal situations, it is enough to use a regular lighter, regular matches or for amateurs.

How to make hunting matches

Due to the low price (from 30 rubles) for hunting matches, making them yourself is not advisable and not even possible, since it is impossible to make full-fledged matches that can burn in water, under water and in the wind at home, all that is possible is to protect wax or paraffin regular matches to protect them from moisture and increase burning time, but it’s easier to buy here gas lighter and use it.

What hunting matches to buy

The only thing before taking them with you is to check their quality:

  • do they burn under water or after getting wet,
  • Can they withstand strong winds?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of low-quality matches on sale.

It should also be remembered that hunting matches have a shelf life and may lose their functions if stored for a long time.

Example and review in video from Youtube channel tushich

How and where to store hunting matches

Due to the fact that hunting matches are a necessary element of survival, and may be needed in emergency situation, then they need to be stored on the body in an emergency kit.

The main requirements for an emergency kit are to be miniature and inconspicuous, so a sealed container hanging around your neck or fastened to your trousers, or lying in your trouser pocket is perfect. Alternatively, you can use either ready-made matches already packed in sealed packaging, for example as in the photo:

Or order, for example

ABOUT old ways We know about kindling fire mainly from history and descriptions of travelers who observed them in the camps of the so-called backward tribes. We ourselves have long ago become accustomed to using matches. It should be noted that in last years lighters and automatic ignition on gas stoves were added to these. However, matches have not lost their relevance to this day. But how much do we know about them? How often do people look closely at such familiar, everyday things?

Matches are different

Even the simplest, “homemade” matches are designed quite cleverly. Main secret in their heads, which satisfy two almost opposite requirements: the tip of the match should not fall off the stick when ignited, crumble during storage, and the stick should go out almost instantly when it burns out a little.

More more difficult tasks, which should carry out hunting matches. They are required to burn much longer, they must produce a large and hot flame, and they are supposed to light in both wind and rain. As a result, hunting matches below the head are coated with an additional compound and can burn for 10 to 20 seconds - just what you need when you light a fire in “non-flying” conditions. Covering the head with a special film prevents it from getting wet. So a quality product can light up even in the rain.

Storm matches are even more “weather-resistant”: their coating also contains naphthalene and starch, so even a force 12 wind is not an obstacle to their ignition.

For those who do not often use such incendiary sticks, we note: it is undesirable to use them in an apartment (house) - their flame is too large, and they smoke with a pungent and unpleasant odor.

The most famous way

Hunting matches can be purchased at any specialized store for fishermen and hunters. However, if there is no such thing near your home, and you are too lazy to go look for it, then you can handle it yourself. Most often, do-it-yourself hunting matches are made from ordinary ones with additional substances: silver, nitro varnish and ammonium nitrate. Silver is mixed with saltpeter in equal quantities, and varnish is added to them. Everything is kneaded like dough until it begins to resemble dough. The resulting “plasticine” is rolled out thinly (better glass bottle, which you don’t mind throwing away later). The pancake is cut into the narrowest strips possible, no wider than a couple of millimeters, or better yet, even narrower. These ribbons are wound spirally around the match, from the head to the middle of the stick. Almost finished hunting matches are left to dry, after which the wound strips are painted with varnish. Do not varnish the head under any circumstances - the match will not light without sulfur. Of course, the work is painstaking, almost like jewelry, but at the dacha, on a hike or fishing you will not be left without a fire.

You can do it differently

Less known is another way to make a hunting match. Instead of the above components, cotton threads and paraffin are suitable. The threads are tightly wound around household matches, preferably in more than one layer. The head, of course, remains open. The paraffin is melted and the workpieces are dipped into it. It’s easier to just throw matches at it and then catch it; but, in order not to wait for the excess “wax” to drip off, it is better to take each one with tweezers and dip it into the melt.

But no matter what method you use to make hunting matches, do not forget to take care of dry “cherkach” (or “strike” - call it what you want). Without it, the most waterproof matches will not light. The simplest method is to keep it in a tightly tied condom.

Will be useful during the holidays too!

Folk craftsmen believe that such a hunting device is appropriate not only for hiking conditions. If you add a few small iron filings to the composition used to process matches in the first manufacturing option, then during combustion you can observe a beautiful spark fireworks display similar to the one they give in bad weather. You don’t want to cancel the holiday, and not every factory product “will agree” to work in damp conditions. So you can please your children with safe homemade products.

In today's article we will talk about how to quickly make hunting matches for starting a fire in extreme conditions.

How to make hunting matches

When we are going hunting, fishing, or just hanging out hiking trip, we are absolutely obliged to stock up on essential supplies, including for lighting a fire in an open area, and even in extreme conditions. Yes, you will say that I have a lighter or a box of matches for this occasion. This has probably happened to you when your lighter fails due to getting wet, freezing, or the flint simply flew out, and your matches became damp.

Just for such a case, you need to have ignition supplies with you. These products must adequately withstand tests of humidity, gusty winds and, most importantly, burn for a sufficient amount of time to safely ignite a fire in an open area. Such means include the familiar hunting matches.

Properties of hunting matches

The difference between hunting and simple matches is that hunting ones have an additional so-called coating. It allows matches to be moisture-resistant, burn for a long time, and their flame is large and hot. Such matches can maintain a fire for up to 20 seconds. You can set them on fire in damp and windy weather, as they are not afraid of humidity. Hunting matches can be used in a wide range of areas of our activity: hunting, fishing, hiking and just on vacation, where many unpleasant situations can happen, and such matches always come to the rescue.

How to make hunting matches video

So how do you actually make hunting matches with your own hands? See this clearly in the following video:

You might be interested.

Matches are made from a wooden stick (straw) with a head that ignites when rubbed against a spread (grater). This grater is applied to the sides of the matchbox.

Aspen is used as a raw material for making match straws, and less often - linden. To do this, from a round block of bark, peeled special knife The tape - veneer - is removed in a spiral, which is then laid in layers and chopped into matchsticks.

When burning a match, it is necessary, firstly, to obtain an unsmoldering ember from the straw, and secondly, to keep the hot slag from the burnt head on it in order to protect the consumer from burns to clothing if hot slag gets on it. In addition, the smoldering ember from the straw naturally represents fire danger. To prevent the straw from smoldering and to fix the slag from the head on it, the straw is impregnated with substances that form a film on its surface when burned. Thanks to this film, the combustion of coal stops. The same film secures the slag from the head. Phosphoric acid and its salt - diammonium phosphate (NH 4) 2 HPO 4 - are used as anti-smoldering agents.

To ensure the transition of the flame from the head to the straw, the latter near the head is impregnated with molten paraffin. Matches with non-waxed straws go out almost immediately after the head burns out. Paraffin, on the other hand, ignites easily when the head burns and produces a bright flame.


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