Composition (structure) of the world population. Need help studying a topic?

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The world economy has now developed a stable sectoral structure . It includes: the agro-industrial complex (AIC), fuel and energy (FEC), chemical and forestry, metallurgical, engineering, military-industrial complexes, the global transport system, communications, light industry, and the global service sector. It is enough to consider some of these structures to draw a conclusion about the significant changes and trends that have currently emerged in global industrial complexes under the influence of scientific and technical progress, political situations and the highlighting of global legal problems (environmental, food, etc.). In the industrial structure in the world economy, new trends arise and develop, leading to changes in intra-industry proportions and the economic orientation of states on the world stage. The development of the world economy is carried out cyclically; this means that the growth rate of the world economy is replaced by a slowdown, but despite the temporary decline in economic activity, the growth rate of the world economy has a positive trend. The change from growth rates to their reduction and then further increase has the form of fluctuations in economic development: short-, medium- and long-term, respectively, with an average duration of up to 5 years, 5–7 years and 40–60 years. They are called differently cycles of economic dynamics, and long-term fluctuations are called “large Kondratieff cycles” in honor of the scientist who substantiated the concept of their existence in the form of the theory of “long waves” in economic development. The essence of this theory is that the world economy (as well as national economies) goes through alternating periods of slow and accelerated growth in its development, as if in waves, with alternating “downward” and “upward” waves with their subsequent resumption. The “upward” phases of the wave are associated with periods of economic prosperity, and the “downward” phases are associated with depressions, crises, and slowdowns in growth rates. The transition from one cycle to another is due to the development of scientific and technical progress at a new, higher stage, transformations in industry and agriculture, the introduction of inventions, etc. The processes under consideration in the development of the world economy are constantly changing depending on the prevailing conditions, which in turn are influenced by a number of factors. Most significant factors are: investments (capital investments), labor resources, foreign economic relations, scientific and technological progress, etc. The pace of economic development determines the dynamics industry proportions. The characteristic trends in the modern dynamics of industry proportions are:

Reducing the share in macroeconomic indicators of agriculture and the mining industry.

Decrease in the total share of the manufacturing industry, electric power industry and construction in the sectoral structure of GNP. This share now amounts to 28–35% of the GNP of developed capitalist countries;

A group of industries has a long-term and stable growth trend, including services, finance, insurance, education, culture, science, healthcare, transport, trade, communications, etc.;

In the sectoral structure of world industrial production, there is an increase in the share of key industries - mechanical engineering, chemical industry, etc. They account for 50% of total industrial production and 60% of capital investments in industry. The share of traditional industries (light industry, food industry) is currently declining and amounts to 15–25% of total industrial production.

New, high-tech industries related to microelectronics, computer technology, computer science, etc. are developing rapidly, accompanied by an increase in their share in GNP.

The cyclical development of the world economy, changes in industry proportions, as well as a decrease in the share of traditional industries, a slowdown in their growth rates do not always indicate in the modern world a deterioration in the state of the world economy. Most often this is a restructuring of promising industries, innovative production and improvement of the market mechanism.

Control questions

1.Dynamics of world industrial production.

2. Dynamics of agricultural development in the world.

3.Characteristics of the global service sector.

4. The role of new groups of industries in the development of the world economy.

5. Characteristics of the sectoral structure of the world economy.

6. Uneven development of the sectoral structure of the world economy: disproportions in the development of countries.

7. The cyclical nature of the development of the world economy.

8. “Long waves” and their reflection in the development of the world economy.

9. The main directions of structural changes in the future development of the world economy.

10. Characteristics of the main factors influencing the development of the sectoral structure of the world economy.

Topic 2.2. Scientific and technological progress and new models

economic growth


The question about the structure of the world is a question about our own structure. The microworld as a reflection of the MACROWORLD is an ancient and correct formula. In the energy structure of our body, all levels that exist in reality can be distinguished, and the same rules apply to each of them.

With one caveat - the elements and structures of only those levels that lie below us are fully represented in us; the highest levels for us exist only in the form that can be perceived in our own world. Thus, the rules of the world of IDENTITY, which we will consider now, are fully manifested in the ZONE OF WILL - that point that can become the basis of our “I”. There is a theoretical possibility of gaining all the powers of this level, and although the path is very difficult and very long, in principle it can be completed.

The world of GALAXIES, which we will consider in one of the following newsletters, in principle corresponds to the level of GAMMA rhythms, the level of MOOD, which we have already talked about. Certain rules of this level appear or may appear in our lives, which always changes it in a MIRACLE way, but we cannot completely move into the WORLD OF GALAXIES, become one of the forces acting in this world on an equal basis with other FORCES. There is one loophole, but it's too early to talk about it. For now, it is worth accepting the fact that the powers of the three lower levels of reality are fully available to us, and, within certain limits, of the fourth level.



THE WORLD OF IDENTITY is a world of games where reality changes at its own discretion, enjoying the very process of constant change. This is the kingdom of the ABSOLUTE at its starting point, this is the sphere of reality in which everything is possible, and everything possible is instantly embodied in reality and just as quickly disappears. In the world of identity, the will of the ABSOLUTE is not bound by any laws or restrictions.

Today, physicists know several hundred objects of this world - elementary particles; in reality, there are immeasurably more of them. The possibilities of our knowledge are limited by the LIMITS OF REALITY, that is, modern science can detect a particle only if its lifetime exceeds a certain period - millionths of a second. As the “resolution” of scientific equipment increases, the number of discovered elementary particles will increase exponentially. And yet, they are all essentially the same thing, each can turn into any other. Everything that exists is identical, only the fact of existence in reality is important - this is the motto of this world. That is, this world is a transition from unmanifested non-objective (“immaterial”) existence to objective existence. And the main difference between these forms of being is the break of gradualness, the division of the whole into countless numbers of separate objects, which, although they can transform into one another, still exist independently of each other. And the main thing here is the forms of transition.

Here it is worth remembering what we talked about earlier - each point of the UPPER LIMIT corresponds to a certain set of LOWER LIMIT points and vice versa. That is, each time quantum or each “energy form” can be embodied in several spatial forms, and a space quantum can be filled with different structures. The number of these forms is almost infinite, but most of them are unstable, they can exist only within the world of IDENTITY, filling it with incessant movement, but cannot go beyond its limits. The duration of their life, the “quantum of time” that forms the diameter of their “life ring,” is too short for it to manifest itself at the next levels.

There are three stable options for connecting LIMITS, which form all the many bricks that make up our world. The first of them is associated with the connection of the maximum of LIGHT with the minimum of DARKNESS, the second - with the connection of the minimum of LIGHT with the maximum of DARKNESS, and the third - with their connection in equal parts. The most obvious manifestation of this pattern is precisely at the level of the microcosm.
It is formed by hundreds of particles, the lifetime of which is less than 2 millionths of a second. But among all of them there are three long-lived particles: the electron, which exhibits wave properties to the greatest extent, the properties of the UPPER LIMIT, the proton, which exhibits the spatial properties to the greatest extent, the properties of the LOWER LIMIT and a neutron that equally possesses both wave and spatial characteristics, that is, being in a state of equilibrium.

These are not three different objects, but three forms of existence of a certain original object, the ORIGINAL FORCE, while the third form - the neutron, is in a certain aspect a connection of the first two, a restoration of balance, allowing the FORCE to move to the next level.

And this is precisely the MAIN rule of the world of IDENTITY, which operates in all other worlds located between the limits and is directly related to man. Everything that exists has a certain original form, which can exist in many unstable states and in three stable states: “LIGHT”, “DARKNESS” and “BALANCE”.

Transition forms

I have already said that the laws of each world apply in all subsequent worlds, so we can start talking about the forms of transition with an example from our own life. For a person, as a biological being, one of the energies closest to the ABSOLUTE is sexual energy. In its original form it is completely pointless. If there are no partners of the opposite sex within reach, then sexual attraction can only exist in an “unmanifested” form, as some kind of excessive activity, excitement that does not have a specific objective reason.

Moreover, sexual attraction can be sublimated and turned into other types of activity. We know that sexual energy can be used for both intellectual activity and physical work. If we take a modern person, then most of his sexual energy is used by him to form and maintain his “social body,” which determines his status in the social hierarchy.

That is, sexual energy can become some kind of primordial energy and move from this point to any other form of vital energy. But this is already an exit to other levels of reality.

Under normal conditions, sexual energy retains its direction. But for its implementation, it must split, turn into a series of elementary behavioral actions that determine a certain ritual of courtship and the ritual of sexual activity itself. The problem is that each of them represents only a piece of the original power, so any of our actions in the sexual sphere is always incomplete. Sex is disappointing, or rather, it does not live up to the expectations that we place on it. Every person has ever felt that sexual arousal can and should be realized into something more than an ordinary orgasm.

From this point, from the feeling of the incompleteness of those elements into which the original force was divided, two paths diverge.
The first of them is aimed at the destruction of these primary elements, that is, at the destruction of all stereotypes and rituals operating in the sphere of sexual relations and at connecting with the original force, which can exist in all guises at the same time. This is the path of TANTRA, the path of the dark side of force. Simply put, these are more or less effective ways of suppressing a person’s consciousness, connecting it with the force that underlies the sexual instinct, so that it is realized in the widest possible range of forms that allow it to manifest itself fully. This is the path of complete connection with the forces of the LOWER LIMIT at the point of transition from one level to another, at the point of the ABSOLUTE. The result here is the birth of a child, potentially possessing a reserve of vitality that is an order of magnitude greater than that of an ordinary person.

The second path is the path of “KAMA-SUTRA”, this is an attempt to combine all the known elements of love games into a kind of continuous process that allows you to use them simultaneously and get the desired result, that is, to “break through” to the original power. Find that “point” at which it will be possible to embody all the knowledge about the process dormant inside. Anyone who has tried to take at least a few steps in this direction knows that it is necessary to maintain complete conscious control over the entire process of sexual activity. The human body plays a subordinate role, the role of an instrument, and the spirit, consciousness determines everything. And the result may be the birth of a “sage” - a person in whom the ability to intuitively correctly perceive the world is inherent at the “genetic” level.

Both the path of TANTRA and the path of KAMA-SUTRA lead to the formation of stable forms of existence of sexual energy. Simply put, if an ordinary person can perform one or two sexual acts a day lasting a few minutes each, then a person who has mastered one of these arts can “have” sex without any time restrictions.

The problem is that both of these paths do not give a person very much and the reason is in the nature of sexual energy. This power does not belong to a person; it only binds him to a certain community of a higher order - to the human race. Therefore, no matter how hard we try, emptiness always awaits us in the end. There is no place to go by following this path; it does not even lead to physical immortality. The transformation of sexual energy into permanent forms is certainly useful, but only as an auxiliary means. If this is an end in itself, then you are at a dead end.

There is a third way, the way to unite the body and consciousness into a single whole and achieve balance. This is the path of oncoming traffic. Consciousness, step by step, abandons the rules and restrictions that underlie the rituals, releasing the primordial power dormant in the body. And the body “teaches” consciousness new large forms, ultimately covering the entire sphere of sexual activity. Simply put, the “threshold of admissibility” expands to such limits that there is nothing left beyond these limits.

This is easier said than done. Enormous volitional efforts are needed here, the result of which should be the formation of an internal core, a “center of will” in this area of ​​​​life activity, freeing it from external control and subordinating it to one’s “I”.

And this path leads to paradoxical results. A person gains complete power over sexual energy, but this energy itself turns into something more. The possibilities for expressing sexual activity remain fully intact, but interest in this area is waning. He can have sex as much as he wants, but he has no need to do it; the power of the race, manifested in this case in the sexual instinct, disappears almost completely. Now for him sex is just a means of solving some other problems, it is a subject of free choice. That is, in the sphere of sexual relations such a person gains complete freedom.

In schematic form, all this can be represented as follows:

Let's return to the WORLD OF IDENTITY, to the world of elementary particles. All the diversity of this world is reduced at its border to the appearance of three stable, “eternal” (by the standards of this world) particles. These are electron, positron and neutron. An electron and a positron are equal in charge, but the mass of the electron is almost 2000 times less than the mass of the positron. That is, the electron almost entirely belongs to the forces of the UPPER LIMIT, and the positron belongs to the forces of the LOWER LIMIT.

A neutron is practically equal in mass to the mass of an electron and a positron, that is, in a certain sense, it is the result of their combination. In addition, in a certain sense, the composition of the neutron includes a neurina - a particle emanating from the ABSOLUTE and being the bearer of its properties in all reality.

In schematic form this can be represented as follows:

As we see, the principles of splitting the ONE into several parts during its manifestation in reality remain unchanged in all worlds. There is always a branch leading to the UPPER LIMIT and being the basis for the further development of the UPPER (energy) WORLD or the world of TIME, there is a branch leading to the LOWER LIMIT and generating the LOWER WORLD, the material world or the WORLD OF SPACE. And there is a branch that connects the limits and takes reality to another level.

These three branches, three elements underlie all reality, it is their connection that symbolizes the original sacred syllable AUM (A - upper branch, U - middle branch, M - lower branch).

And it is they who create the basis for the next level of reality, the next world, the world of QUALITIES.



THE WORLD OF QUALITIES is the world of atoms (and to a certain extent, the world of molecules), each of which differs from all other atoms. The number of these differences - the "building blocks of reality" - is large, but not infinite. In essence, this is a world of “clones”, absolutely identical to each other, but different from all other clones.

THE WORLD OF QUALITIES is so diverse that even a brief description of the laws operating in it would take several books like this one. This is ALCHEMY, this is the MAGIC OF NAMES, these are the basic laws of the development of all things, including the LAW OF OCTAVES. THE WORLD OF QUALITIES determines the main rules of the reality in which we live.

In due time we will talk about it in more detail, but for now it is enough for us to determine the essence of the differences that fence off the WORLD OF QUALITIES from the previous level of reality.

Firstly, during the transition from the first level of reality to the second level, the properties of the LOWER LIMIT, the spatial properties of reality, change qualitatively. The world of qualities in comparison with the world of identity is almost empty, and the dimension of extremely small quanta of space increases by several orders of magnitude. That is, the density of matter decreases so much that it is no longer held by the forces of the LOWER LIMIT operating at the first level of reality.

The bulk of any unit of a given level - an atom - is more than 99.9% concentrated in its nucleus, the size of which is 10-13 cm, that is, 105 times smaller than the size of the atom itself (10-8 cm). So, if the dimensions of an atom are represented as a football field (with a diameter of 100 m), then the atomic nucleus will correspond to a pellet with a diameter of only 1 mm.

Secondly, the properties of the UPPER LIMIT, the wave characteristics of the objects of reality existing here, change fundamentally. The wave properties of an elementary particle are determined by the maximum diameter of its “energy ring,” which allows energy to take a material form, that is, at the first level of reality, any object exists only in one dimension of time, which determines its own life cycle. At the second level, another coordinate is added to this dimension, associated with the interaction of several objects, in this case - protons, neutrons and electrons, with the place that they occupy relative to each other. This is the coordinate of KARMIC TIME, which we have already talked about.

Considering the wave structure of objects of reality, we can say that if in the WORLD OF IDENTITY each object corresponds to three notes, “three sounds”, then in the WORLD OF QUALITIES each object represents a certain harmony, a certain “syllable”, and sometimes even a “word” with its own unique structure.

Birth of a name

All we know about the birth of a NAME is the spectral characteristic of the elements of the second world. It is known that each atom, each molecule has its own unique spectrum, that is, it emits energy and absorbs energy in strictly defined ranges of electromagnetic radiation. Considering that energy, LIGHT is one of the characteristics of the UPPER LIMIT, we can say that each object of the second level is in contact with the UPPER LIMIT at a certain unique set of points. And it is this set that is a reflection of the objects of the second level at the UPPER LIMIT, their original form or their unique time characteristic. This is the "key" to each element.

Each key is what can be called the “fiery name” of objects of the second world. All elements and chemical compounds known to us are characterized by their own wave characteristic, their own unique “name”. These names can combine to form more complex harmonies, break down into their constituent simple harmonies, support the sound of other harmonies, or drown them out. Here the gates of both alchemy and the magic of images open.

We know that a similar key can be created for much more complex objects. Everyone is familiar with holograms, which contain complete information about an object recorded in wave form. We know that even a tiny piece of a hologram still makes it possible to reproduce the external shape of an object in its entirety; only the intensity and density of the image changes. If we could apply more powerful energy, then using the same “key” we could recreate not only the appearance of the object, but also the object itself. This is inaccessible to modern physics, although there are other ways to obtain the same result.

The method is simple - using our own abilities to perceive the world, which allow us to actually create it out of nothing. The amount of information that comes to us through the senses is not enough even to create the most schematic image of the simplest object. Nevertheless, we know how to see the world in all its integrity and in all its colors.
The reason is that any object we perceive is 99.9% the fruit of our own creativity. Information coming from outside only plays the role of a “trigger”, and we recreate the appearance and shape of the object ourselves, using a certain database that we have accumulated. Therefore, each of us has a much more powerful tool for creating the world than any holographic technique. And it’s quite easy to verify this.

Take a large color photograph or poster made with good printing quality with a clearly defined background. Place your palms into a kind of binoculars, limiting your field of view so that the edges of the photograph or poster are not visible. You will immediately see how a flat image acquires internal volume and turns into a piece of the real world. Move your gaze several times from close to distant objects, fix the sense of perspective, and then look at the photograph or poster with your normal gaze. It will become, as it were, multi-layered, with each subsequent layer clearly perceived as more distant. That is, you will be able to see three-dimensional pictures of the world using only their flat images.

This skill is easy to develop: if you spend some time training your perception, you can easily learn to turn any flat picture into a “window” into the three-dimensional world. And then everything is determined by the amount of personal power, that free energy that you can use to further “revive” the image. In principle, this path can lead very far, including very far from the correct goal, so for now we will not consider all the possibilities that open up here. It is enough just to make sure that this is possible.

For now, let's focus on the main thing:

Firstly, every object of the second world is (sounds) in a state of constant resonance with all other objects identical to it, and this sound is louder, the “purer”, the smaller the distance between objects. At an extremely small distance, the name, the harmony of the object is embodied in what we call the crystal structure of each element and chemical compound. In a certain sense, the purpose of the existence of objects of the second world is to increase the “loudness of their sound” in the general harmonic structure of the second world. Therefore, all elements strive to connect with elements that are identical to them, which is the basis for their transition to the next level of reality.

Secondly, the wave structure of most objects of the second world is characterized by some “incompleteness,” instability and complementarity. From the point of view of their internal structure, this is expressed in the incompleteness of some levels of the electronic structure, primarily the external, valence level. Simply put, most chemical elements initially represent “halves” of some more stable harmony, while one of them is a conductor of the forces of the UPPER LIMIT, manifesting itself during interaction as an electron, and the second is a conductor of the forces of the LOWER LIMIT, manifesting itself during interaction as a proton. The constant desire of these elements to interact is the second rule of this world.

Thirdly, the interaction of elements of the second level of reality can occur in two opposite directions. In the first case (what are called endothermic reactions or reactions that release energy), the wave, harmonic structure of the WORLD OF QUALITIES is simplified, while the released energy is dissipated in space or accumulated by some entities of a higher order. The final completion of this direction is the formation of an absolutely stable and “dead” world of stable chemical compounds, a world incapable of any change. The formation of this world is "death" for most elements. In the second case (what is called exothermic reactions or reactions that occur with the absorption of energy), the wave, harmonic structure of the WORLD OF QUALITIES becomes more complex, but at the same time becomes more unstable. A world emerges, infinitely more complex, but capable of existing only under conditions of a constant influx of energy from the outside.

Fourthly, there are elements that initially have an almost complete wave structure, an almost perfect “name”, and it is these elements that are representatives of the forces of the second world, an accumulator of its energy in all other levels of reality. The most famous element of this group is GOLD. But, having their own stability, these elements do not have any influence on all other objects of the second world.

It is believed that there is another element that combines the properties of completeness and the properties of activity - the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. This element does not react with other elements, but changes their internal structure, turning it into a stable, “eternal” harmony. From the point of view of the wave structure, it represents a kind of stable source of “white noise”, containing the “names” of all objects of the second world, including in their perfect form. From the point of view of the material substrate, this element in a certain sense resembles radioactive elements, being an inexhaustible source of elementary particles necessary to transform unstable elements into a stable state, but emitting them only when interacting with these elements and only in accordance with their unique “key”. It is this element that is the “ABSOLUTE” of the second level of reality.

From the moment of the formation of the second level of reality, the WORLD OF QUALITIES, reality becomes diverse, divided into many small realities, in their totality covering the entire variety of changes possible in it. Most of them are in the process of constant interaction with each other and the result of this process is the splitting of reality into an ascending branch, within which the wave structure of reality becomes more complex almost to infinity, and a descending branch associated with the simplification of the wave structure of reality to the limiting values. These branches together form the cycle of existence of the WORLD OF QUALITIES.

But in both cases, the result is the formation of certain stable elements that exist parallel to each other and practically do not interact with each other.

There are us and there are others
- this is the motto of this world. The point from which the branch of DESTRUCTION of another emanates to increase the “volume” of one’s own sound and the branch of CONNECTION with another to create new, perfect harmonies. But this is the topic of the next newsletter.

Material from Uncyclopedia

World systems are ideas about the location in space and movement of the Earth, Sun, Moon, planets, stars and other celestial bodies.

Already in ancient times, the first ideas about the place of the Earth in the Universe were formed. These world systems were extremely naive:

flat Earth, under which is the underground world, and above it rises the vault of heaven.

With the accumulation of observational data on the visible movements of celestial bodies and the development of science, in particular geometry and mechanics, these views changed. A huge step forward in the development of astronomical knowledge was the idea of ​​the starry sky as a complete sphere and the assumption of the sphericity of the Earth. Ancient Greek scientists and philosophers made serious attempts to develop harmonious, mainly geocentric systems of the world with a spherical Earth at the center of the finite Universe, which was, as it were, enclosed by the sphere of fixed stars.

These systems were based on the assumption that the entire Universe was created for the Earth, the whole world and all the heavenly bodies should serve the Earth.

In its clearest form, the geocentric system of the world was developed by the great ancient scientist Aristotle (IV century BC). His ideas were developed and completed by the Alexandrian astronomer Q. Ptolemy (2nd century AD). Ptolemy outlined his system of the world in the book “Almagest”.

According to Aristotle's world system, the Earth is located in the center of the Universe, surrounded by 8 crystal spheres that control the movement of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the stars.

Ptolemy built a mathematical model of the solar system, using uniform motion along circles - deferents and epicycles - to explain the movement of the Moon, Sun and planets.

Both the Sun and Moon move along the deferent.

But this was not enough for the planets. Therefore, Ptolemy believed that it was not the planet itself that moved along the deferent, but the center of another circle of somewhat smaller dimensions - the epicycle. The center of the next epicycle moves along this epicycle, etc. The planet rotates along the most recent epicycle.

With the help of epicycles and deferents, it was possible to quite accurately describe the observed movements of the planets and pre-calculate the positions of celestial bodies for the future.

The geocentric systems of the world of Aristotle and Ptolemy were in agreement with the religious doctrine of the central place of the Earth in the Universe, and therefore the church for many centuries prevented the development of correct scientific ideas about the structure of the world. Small changes were made to the Ptolemaic system, but its basic principle remained unchanged.

Only one and a half thousand years later, N. Copernicus, who lived during the Renaissance, showed that the geocentric system of the world does not reflect the actual structure of the Universe. True, doubts about the validity of this system arose before, but it was the great Polish scientist N. Copernicus who was a bold exponent of critical ideas regarding the geocentric system of the world. Paying special attention to the correct views of individual ancient philosophers (Aristarchus of Samos, 3rd century BC), Copernicus, in his remarkable work “On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres” (1543), outlined the foundations of the heliocentric system of the world. The Earth rotates around its axis every 24 hours. This rotation explains the daily movement of the stars and all other celestial bodies. The Earth revolves around the Sun and makes a full revolution within a year. This movement of the Earth explains the annual movement of the Sun among the constellations. All planets also revolve around the Sun, and the orbital periods of different planets are different. Thus, all the visible loop-like movements of the planets received a simple and natural explanation.

The Earth was recognized only as an ordinary planet, and not as the center of the universe. This is the important revolutionary significance of the Copernican system of the world for the entire development of natural science.

In modern times, the Copernican heliocentric system is used to describe the solar system. The Sun is only one of the many stars of the stellar system - the Galaxy, which is also not the only one in the Universe. The world of galaxies is extremely diverse in the shapes of the objects included in it. Theories of the structure of the Universe are developed by cosmology.

The first scientific system of the world began to take shape in the works of Aristotle, Hipparchus and other scientists of Ancient Greece. It received its completion in the works of the outstanding ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy (2nd century AD). This system is called geocentric system of Ptolemy(Fig. 4) or Pto-Lemaic system of the world.

According to this system, the Earth is located at the center of the world (from the Greek - Gaia, hence the name “geocentric”). The universe is limited by a crystal sphere on which the stars are located (the sphere of fixed stars). Planets move between the Earth and the sphere. The movements of the planets, the Sun and the Moon were described by a complex system of circular movements, which together gave the observed movements.

For many centuries, medieval astronomers made careful observations of the movements of the planets, constantly improving and refining the Ptolemaic system. As necessary, new circles were introduced and the centers of planetary orbits shifted. The world system became more and more complex. It became clear that it was fundamentally false. Material from the site

Scientific picture of the world

Pictures (photos, drawings)

On this page there is material on the following topics:

Based on the teachings of the Greater and Lesser Vehicles

The structure of the worlds in Buddhism.

The Victorious One did not base his teachings on the belief in the correctness of any one system,
but he taught according to the needs and abilities of those he led.

Many Buddhist texts, written on the basis of the experience gained through the practice of Right Samadhi and the achievement of Wisdom, contain descriptions of the various worlds of the universe. These texts provide only a simple interpretation of the content of the worlds, since it is too large for a detailed description and would take up a huge volume, losing ease of understanding. The Buddha said regarding a detailed explanation of the worlds of the universe, "... it is pointless to talk about these kinds of things with people who have no relevant experience."

When something is presented in a way that is unfamiliar to you, you may have a lot of doubts. For example, when you make a mandala offering, you are told that you are offering the universe, which consists of an axial mountain surrounded by four great continents, each of which has two subcontinents adjacent to it, and so on. You might think that this is a rather strange description, since no one has ever seen all this. But the Buddha said in one sutra that the way living beings perceive the world depends on their karma and that it cannot be said that one description is more reliable than another.

Even our planet Earth can be perceived in many different ways: some see it as flat, others as spherical, some as linear, others as triangular, and so on, depending on different karmic predispositions. The Axial Mountain, the four continents, and so on, as described in the mandala offering, are also one of the possible perceptions of the world. When you make a mandala offering, you think that you are offering to the Three Jewels the best of everything that exists: the most beautiful images, the most melodious sounds, the best smells and the like. For the same reason, you offer this particular model of the universe, because it is believed to reflect the most perfect of all possible ways of seeing the world, the most harmonious and beautiful. Obviously, this does not deny the possibility of describing the earth as a spherical planet, since people see it that way. All this is relatively true. If a hundred people fall asleep, then everyone will dream their own world, each dream can be called true, but it would be pointless to say that only in someone’s dream the world is real, while everyone else’s is false. Each observer has his own truth, in accordance with the karmic structure that determines his perception.

For a yogi, knowledge of the structure of the universe makes it possible to more fully understand the law of karma - which actions of the body, speech and mind lead to birth in which worlds, as well as a deeper understanding of what results various systems and directions of spiritual practices lead to.


Descriptions of Worlds.

The World of Passions or the world/sphere of desires (Sanskrit kāma-dhātu – “desire” + “sphere, region”) consists of a gross substance where Heat dominates.
The Worlds of Passion are based on the work of consciousness, the work of consciousness captured by such desires as; appetite, sex, desire for high position and fame, attachment to other beings.
The Worlds of Passions are divided into six parts, their order is as follows; The World of Hell, the World of Hungry Spirits, the World of Animals, the World of People, the World of Asuras, the Heaven of the World of Passion or; The World of Hell, the World of Animals, the World of Hungry Spirits, the World of People, the World of Asuras, the Heaven of the World of Passion - it doesn’t matter.

It is necessary to understand that Hell described in Buddhist sutras was formed during the time of Buddha Sakyamuni, long before the beginning of the modern era. The information or data that forms the Six Passion Worlds has changed greatly during this period and in the modern era, the Causal World reflects the information of the existing world. Because science in Hell is constantly evolving, Hell has naturally changed. If earlier creatures could simply feed them poison, now if a person sprayed poison over insects, killing them, in Hell he will also be sprayed with poison and die, writhing in pain.

The average life expectancy in the Second Heaven is 36 million years.

The creatures of this world live in a cloud-shaped space located above Mount Meru (World Mountain of Perfection).
The ruler of these heavens is the Eminent God of the Twin Gods of the Administration of Metempsychosis god (Yama Skt.; Emma Jp.). The gods of these heavens govern the life and death of beings living in the lower worlds, all the way up to the Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods. They judge living beings according to their karma and predetermine their subsequent rebirth. Judging living beings after death, the gods of the Twin Gods of Metempsychosis Control take on their karma, and since they cannot punish with love and compassion, after the Merit expires, they go to Hell. Suffering in Hell does not benefit their spiritual growth, as they only think about condemnation. Only beings starting from Emma Heaven and higher worlds are capable of taking on the karma of human beings.

Priests of Brahma. Birth in this heaven is possible through deep mastery of the first dhyana. The gods of these Heavens support the Great Holy Heaven.

Heaven of Mahabrahman (Chinese: Da Fan Tian). Birth in this sky is only possible thanks to the perfect mastery of the first dhyana. In a thousand universes, there is only one soul like the Great Holy Sky. This sky is the highest of the heavens, destroyed at the end of the kalpa by fire.

Heaven of Light and Sound (Sansk. Abhasvara, Abhasvara). "Moreover, monks, when, with the cessation of thinking and weighing, that person attains and remains in the second dhyana, pleasure and ease are generated by inner peace of mind and one-pointed concentration, free from thinking and weighing. Then he experiences this state. He has the desire to experience "This. This brings him pleasure. If one maintains the desire for this for a long time and achieves stability in this, then when a person dies, he will be reborn as a god among the radiant gods." ( .)
This heaven is also called the "land of Buddhas." These heavens include: the Heaven of Light, the Heaven of Beauty and the Heaven of Holy Indifference. An important feature of these Heavens is that these Heavens, during the destruction of the universe at the end of a kalpa, are not destroyed. Creatures from these Heavens fall, but the Heavens themselves are not destroyed, unlike the four levels of Holy Heavens created by Holy Love, located on the level below.
What is the World of Light and Sound? It is created from light and sound. This is the place of origin, the source of astral music. It is believed that in this World of Light and Sound one day is equal to three billion six hundred million years. And you can live up to three billion six hundred million years, three billion six hundred million years at a time. There is nothing there but light and enchanting music. You can enter this world if you fully achieve Reward Body Yoga and move on to Causal Yoga.

The Heavens of Light include three levels of Heavens; these are; The Heaven of the Presence of Light of the Gods of Passion, the Heaven of the Small Light of the Gods of Passion and the Heaven of the Immeasurable Light of the Gods of Passion. The souls living in these worlds are called “radiant gods.”
Brahma's day is equal to 4,320,000,000 earthly years, and life expectancy in the Heavens of Light is 2 kalpas.

Heaven Parittabha (Chinese Shao Guang tian) – Heaven of Limited Radiance or Heaven of the Presence of Light of the Gods of Passion. These skies emit a strong light. Birth in this heaven is possible due to the gross mastery of the second dhyana.

Heaven Apramanabha (Chinese: Wuliang Guangtian) – Heaven of Unlimited Radiance or Heaven of Small Light of the Gods of Passion. These heavens emit light that is much stronger compared to the previous level of Heaven. Birth in this heaven is possible due to the average mastery of the second dhyana.

Heaven Abhasvara (Chinese Guan Yin Tian) – Radiant Heaven or Heaven of Immeasurable Light of the Gods of Passion. These heavens emit immeasurable light, compared to which the previous levels of Heaven emit much less light. In the Saddharma Pundarika Sutra, Buddha Sakyamuni calls this Heaven the Heaven of Ubiquitous Purity.
The higher the Heavens are, the more light and the stronger it is. Compassion for other living beings increases the light in our soul. Birth in this sky is only possible through perfect mastery of the second dhyana.
This sky is the highest of the heavens, destroyed at the end of the kalpa by water.

"Moreover, monks, having become detached from pleasure, that person abides in equanimity; being attentive and aware, he feels lightness in the body - thus he reaches and abides in the third dhyana, about which the saints say: "He who is impartial and attentive, abides in ease." Then he gains the experience of this state. He has a desire to experience this. It brings him pleasure. If he maintains the desire for this for a long time and achieves stability in this, then when a person dies, he will be reborn as a god among the gods belonging to Heaven Beauty." (Anguttara Nikaya II.23 Puggala Sutta.)
The Heaven of Beauty includes four levels of Heaven that are; Heaven of the Presence of Beauty of the Gods of Passion, Heaven of Minor Beauty of the Gods of Passion, Heaven of Immeasurable Beauty of the Gods of Passion and Heaven of the Gods of Universality of Beauty as the Essence of Passion.
Life expectancy in the Heaven of Beauty is 4 kalpas.

Heaven Shubhakritsna (Chinese Ban Jing Tian) – Heaven of Total Pleasure or Heaven of the Gods of Universality of Beauty as the Essence of Passion. Everything in this Heaven is perfectly beautiful. The word "essence" in the name of Heaven indicates that the essence of passion comes from beauty. Birth in this sky is only possible through perfect mastery of the third dhyana.
This sky is the highest of the heavens, destroyed at the end of a kalpa by the wind.

“Moreover, monks, having withdrawn from ease and withdrawn from pain, just as he had previously abandoned mental pleasure and displeasure, that person reaches the fourth dhyana and remains in it in a state without pain and without ease, in the purity of impartiality and mindfulness "Then he gains experience of this state. He has a desire to experience it. It brings him pleasure. If one maintains the desire for this for a long time and achieves stability in this, then when a person dies, he will be reborn as a god among the gods belonging to the Heaven of Great Reward." . (Anguttara Nikaya II.23 Puggala Sutta.)

These worlds, created by Holy Indifference, bring beings much closer to our true essence - to a state of essential pleasure, freedom and joy, than all the other Heavens listed above.
The Heaven of Holy Indifference includes six levels of Heaven it; The Heaven of the Gods of Great Reward with the Essence of Passion, the Heaven of the Superspatial Gods of Passion, the Heaven of the Gods of Passion Transcending Burning, the Heaven of Good and Prosperity of the Gods of Passion, the Heaven of the Gods of Passion Manifestation in the Form of Good and the Heaven of Eternal Youth of the Gods of the Essence of Passion.

The heavens from the Super Dimensional Passion God Heaven onwards are called , which means that these heavens are completely free of pollution.
Life expectancy in the Heaven of Holy Indifference is 500 kalpas.
There are two interpretations of the meaning of the sky of the ultimate limit of forms: the exoteric considers it the fifth in the “pure limit” of heaven among the heavens of the fourth concentration in the world of forms; the esoteric speaks of the “consciousness of concentration of adhishthana of self-abidence” (Japanese jizai-kaji-zenshin), which is the Dharma Body of the Source Earth (Japanese honji-hoshin). Since this body is the Earth of Self-dwelling (Japanese jizai-ji), it is associated with the sky of the god Maheshvara ("Great Lord", hieroglyphically transliterated as "Makeishura" or "Daijizaiten" ("Great Celestial of Self-dwelling"; "Free" )), also called Dharmadhatu Palace. As stated in the commentary to the Mahavairocana Sutra: "In this place, called the "Palace of Mahesvara", Buddhas have achieved enlightenment since ancient times."

World-without-images/forms (Sanskrit: arūpa-dhātu; Chinese: Jingtian – lit. Purest heaven). The Formless World consists of a subtle substance dominated by light, which exists in the form of information. This world is divided into three parts: the Upper World without Forms, the Middle World without Forms and the Lower World without Forms. The Lower World of Without-Forms overlaps with the World of Passions and the Lower World of Forms, the Middle World of Without-Forms overlaps with the Upper World of Forms. The Upper World Without Forms does not overlap with other worlds. The Scripture says: "Those who are born in the Formless Heaven will not have the Bardo experience - immediately after death they will be incarnated in the Formless Heaven." However, it is stated that those sentient beings in the Formless Heaven who are destined to be born in the lower realms will again have the bardo experience.

The upper World of Formless consists of four regions of the formless sphere - (Sanskrit: arūpadhātu catvāri āyatani; Chinese: Use sy chu) - the Region of Infinite Space, the Region of Infinite Discrimination, the Region of Non-Existence, the Region of Non-cognition and Non-Non-cognition.

The Region of Infinite Space (Sanskrit Akāsanantyāyatana; Chinese Kun Ubian Chu) is a state in which the soul (consciousness) expands limitlessly. Like air, consciousness can expand or contract freely. Souls who have experienced this state gradually expand this space in accordance with their karma and continue to reside in this world. In other words, this is a stage of development on the path of improvement of the Four Great Immeasurable States of the Soul - Maha Vihara.
The duration of stay in the State of Limitless Space is equal to 20 thousand kalpas.

The Region of Infinite Discrimination (Sanskrit: Vijñānānatyāyatana; Chinese: Shi Ubian Chu) - being in the state of this region, the soul, based on the experience it has, can experience anger towards an object, or have any delusions or preoccupation towards it. But one who practices the Four Great Immeasurable States of the Soul can gradually reduce these three poisons: entrapment, hatred and ignorance, and the power of discrimination will weaken. Ultimately, suffering no longer feels like suffering, and sadness no longer makes you sad. The State of Infinite Discrimination is, as it were, the final point to which such an absence of sensations leads. Beings who have reached this state have completely renounced pleasure and pain.
The duration of stay in the State of Limitless Discrimination is 40 thousand kalpas.

Region of Non-Existence (Skt. Ākiñcanyāyatana; Chinese: Wu Soyu chu) or Region of Absence of Property. In the State of Absence of Property, such concepts as Capture, Capture by external factors do not exist. But although this does not exist, because of past experiences the soul has not completely ceased the actions of body, speech and thoughts. You can enter the State of No Ownership only if you are in a state of deep Samadhi.
The duration of stay in the State of No Property is 60 thousand kalpas.

O realm of Neither knowledge nor Non-ignorance (Sanskrit: Naivasamjnñānasamjñāyatana, Naivasamjnānasamjnaāyātana; Chinese: Fei xiang fei fei xiang chu). When the soul reaches this state, no matter what world it moves to, it perceives all worlds equally. In the State of Neither Cognition nor Non-Non-Cognition, there is complete absence of cognition of any objects.
For someone who has reached the Region of Neither Knowledge nor Non-Non-Knowledge, the duration of stay in this state is considered incalculable.

If a great soul, capable of knowing the entire Universe, whose experience extends to the entire Universe, completely eradicates all its knowledge and experience. This will be called the great eradication of knowledge and the great eradication of experience, that is, Maho Nirvana, nirvana without residual manifestations.

As you move through the worlds from bottom to top, the density of the creatures inhabiting these worlds decreases.
It should be noted that in the practice of Buddhism, the main focus is on developing the maturity of the soul, and the secondary focus is on developing the spiritual level of the practitioner. For this reason, Buddhist practitioners do not experience the Lower World of Forms, the Lower World of Formless World, and the Middle World of Formless World. In yoga and tantra, more emphasis is placed on developing the spiritual level rather than developing the maturity of the soul. Therefore, those who practice the teachings of yoga and tantra gain experience of the Lower World of Forms, the Lower World of Formless and the Middle World of Formless.
It must be taken into account that along with the decrease in the average life expectancy of people from 80,000 years to 80 years, the life expectancy of the gods is also significantly reduced.


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