Compatibility of characters in relationships. Compatibility rating of all zodiac signs from the happiest to the unluckiest couples

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When it comes to your personal life, you should not unconditionally obey the laws of astrology, but it is useful to study its forecasts regarding the favorableness of the future union.

Astrologers have their own methods for determining the combination of zodiac signs, which can help real feelings overcome any obstacles.

The interaction of people in society, friendships and love relationships are not subject to any laws, since each person is an individual, the formation of which is influenced by many factors.

Relationships between two people are always accompanied by various problems that are typical for all couples, but if for some these problems are expressed especially clearly, then for others they may be barely noticeable.

The answer to many questions regarding the compatibility of people with each other can be given by astrology, which uses its own methods that determine the combination of zodiac signs.

Astrological combination

In order to find out whether two people are suitable for each other from an astrological point of view, a fairly comprehensive analysis should be carried out. To get a more thorough picture of compatibility, it is necessary to study the horoscope of each person, taking into account his name, date of birth, typical zodiac sign and criteria.

But there are basic ideas about the compatibility of two people of the opposite sex. They are built on the basis of taking into account only the zodiac affiliation of people.

The following types of astrological compatibility are distinguished:

  • Pairs of opposites.
  • Partners by similarity.
  • Neighbors' love.
  • Relationships of mutual development.

Zodiac signs that are opposite, for example, Libra and Aries or Leo and Aquarius, can form a strong union, but it will certainly be based on some kind of renunciation of one’s inner ego. People of such signs are able to understand each other only indirectly, by abstracting from their principles for the sake of their partner. But in such couples there are always common interests and goals in life, which are one of the main motives for maintaining relationships.

Alliances that are based on partnership by similarity, they are formed from people who have the same zodiac signs. Such couples are quite rare, but if they are formed, then throughout their lives they experience a certain sense of struggle in the relationship. This happens due to similar views on life and attempts to dominate their soulmate, whose behavior can be easily predicted.

If in a couple both partners were born at the same time year, but under different zodiac signs (for example, Scorpio and Sagittarius), then it is based on the principle of “love of neighbors.” In it, there is most often a division of the common space into one’s own and someone else’s, as well as a desire to gain a more advantageous position in relationships. In such unions, an emotional atmosphere and a constant clash of opinions prevail.

Mutual development relations observed in unions where each partner draws the missing qualities of his personality from each other. Thus, throughout their entire life together, partners engage in some kind of self-development, striving to make their personality complete.

Zodiac sign compatibility chart

To determine the degree of compatibility of people only by zodiac sign, there are special tables developed by astrologers.

One of the simplest tables looks like this:

The number at the intersection of two zodiac signs shows the degree of compatibility of their owners. The higher the number, the more compatible, according to astrologers, the partners are.

Numerical indicators mean:

1-10: the lowest level of compatibility, which is the cause of misunderstanding in a couple, mutual conflicts and disrespect. The reasons for this are differences in the elements to which the zodiac signs belong, and therefore differences in character.

11-20: low compatibility, which often gives rise to problems in everyday life and when finding a compromise. Such couples are often based on passion and physical attraction, which can be a deterrent to a long life together.

21-30: average relationship compatibility. Due to frequent misunderstandings of each other, partners may encounter conflicts and indifference. However, in such couples there is an understanding and awareness of the value of the relationship.

31-40: sufficient level of compatibility. This indicator is average, so partners can form a strong alliance, provided that each of them is ready to make a number of concessions to each other.

41-50 : High level of compatibility. Most often, mutual understanding and comfort, supported by strong physical attraction, prevail in such couples.

51-60 : very high compatibility. Partners trust each other, strengthening their love relationships with friendship and common interests.

61-70: almost perfect level of compatibility. This indicator indicates complete mutual understanding, harmony in relationships and mutual care and respect.

71-78 : perfect compatibility. Such couples are the rarest, but it is in them that ideal harmony, calmness, balance and love are observed.

Elements and triads

Astrology involves dividing the calendar year into 12 parts, similar to months. A person born in a certain month acquires one of the 12 zodiac signs.

All zodiac signs, in turn, belong to one of four elements: air, fire, water or earth. Each element is subordinate to 3 zodiac signs.

Thus, there are 4 triads of signs of certain elements:

The benefits of love horoscopes

The predictions of astrologers regarding the compatibility of a couple in love, although not fundamental when choosing a partner, can help to pay attention to the features of the relationship.

By studying the astrological forecast regarding the combination of zodiac signs with each other, you can prevent in advance a number of problems that lovers may encounter in the future.

For example, knowing that your partner is overly emotional due to his belonging to the water element, you should be prepared for changes in his mood and think through your behavior in such situations.

In addition to forecasts regarding the future together, astrologers regularly draw up a love horoscope for the coming week, month or year. By tracking it, you can make plans for the coming periods of time, taking into account the predictions.

For example, choosing the most favorable time to travel together or buy an apartment.

Also, taking into account love horoscopes, many carry out family planning, determining the best time for a wedding or the birth of a child.

Astrology pays great attention to the problem of combining zodiac signs. Each person is born with a certain set of qualities inherent in the natural element under which he was born, which means his position in the family, society and in love relationships will largely depend on these qualities.

If you want to build a strong relationship with your partner, you need to take into account possible contradictions that may arise when comparing the elements of incompatible zodiac signs.

Video: Which zodiac signs can be happy in marriage

Representatives of these signs are born adventurers, and this applies not so much to trips around the world, but to daily joint discoveries: for example, in bed. They love to do everything together as one well-coordinated team. While other couples get tired of constant communication and intimacy 24/7, these two never get bored or tired of each other's company. This important quality makes them not only excellent romantic partners, but also business partners. That rare case when people can build a joint family business in complete harmony without harm to relationships and the common cause.

Taurus and Cancer

Taurus and Cancer share very strong bonds - physical and emotional. Both understand and accept all aspects (external and internal) of their other half, which helps them quickly resolve any conflicts and maintain passion in the relationship for years. A very touching quality of this zodiac couple is their sincere appreciation and gratitude to their partner for this union. They unconditionally support each other in all endeavors, which is an excellent foundation for a long, happy marriage, and this is rare today.

Gemini and Aquarius

One of the craziest zodiac coincidences! It is with these signs that love at first sight most often happens, and they can get married just a couple of months (or weeks!) after meeting. Gemini and Aquarius have great creative potential - they constantly share their most incredible ideas with each other, because they know that they can count on the support of their partner. “Let’s make frog legs for dinner tonight!” “Why not go hiking in the mountains tomorrow?” Their dreams are like pieces of an intricate puzzle that gradually comes together into a single idyllic picture. One should not write off the fact that representatives of these signs really like to feel independent and can calmly spend time with friends alone, which does not harm at all, but, on the contrary, only strengthens their union.

Cancer and Pisces

Cancer and Pisces have a real cosmic connection. Belonging to the cold water element gives these partners a dreamy, emotional perception of the world around them. Often, after the first meeting, they get the impression that they have known each other for a hundred years. They don’t have to adapt to the habits and quirks of another person, because they are so similar to his own! They get along well together, because they do not overestimate or underestimate their partner, they know how to be sincerely proud of him, empathize and give in to something. Both signs have excellent intuition and feel each other's needs at the level of a "sixth sense", which helps them easily form a strong connection that can last for decades. In the sexual sphere, the couple will experience excellent compatibility - both have a love of erotic games, a desire to give the physiological act high aesthetics, they are aimed at achieving mutual satisfaction.

Leo and Sagittarius

The basis of this long-lasting relationship is passion. Both signs know how to fully enjoy life and love someone who feels the world in a similar way. They know perfectly well what they want to get from life and help each other achieve any goal or dream. Sagittarius can become an incentive for Leo to move forward, inspire him to new achievements, and he himself, thanks to Leo and the breadth of his nature, will begin to look at the world positively. Being representatives of the fire element, both have a deep understanding of the needs of their partner. This is a very bright union. This couple is always a lot of fun to be around. Their loving example inspires and intoxicates even the most callous and cynical people around them. The forbearance of representatives of both constellations and their willingness to generously forgive increases the chances of mutual happiness. It is not difficult for them to adapt in everyday life, they have similar tastes and principles, which gives them even more hope for a bright future together.

Virgo and Taurus

Two earthy (and very down-to-earth in their desires) astrological signs who just can't help but fall in love with each other, or at least form a close friendship. From the outside, it sometimes seems that this is love based on mutual convenience or some kind of secret agreement - this union looks so practical, calm and collected. In fact, there is no doubt about the sincerity of the deep feelings of Virgo and Taurus. And if, in addition, they correctly distribute the roles among themselves, then their love will only double. Taurus in such a union must set priorities and act as an ideological inspirer (in other couples, he may get lost against the background of an active other half), and Virgo can carry out everything with talent. This is the same love that they write about in books - and they lived happily ever after.

Libra and Gemini

The idyll between Gemini and Libra is an example of a strong intellectual connection. These air signs have always been distinguished by impressive mental work. In their opinion, the brain is the sexiest part of a partner's body, and mind games ignite desire better than muscle games. They are able to fall in love not with their appearance or physique, but with their sense of humor and charisma. And this is also a wonderful case when a relationship is based on strong friendship - both are confident that they can openly tell their partner all their dreams, secrets and experiences. A high degree of trust is the hallmark of this faithful union.

Scorpio and Cancer

More often than not, two overly passionate partners cannot create an ideal couple. They either burn each other or start competing. However, if one of them is Scorpio and the other is Cancer, such a union can be perfect. They see the world through the prism of identical emotional perception. They have similar aspirations and interests. Attractive, sensitive, soft. Cancer is very impressed by the creativity in Scorpio, and Scorpio is fascinated by the depth of Cancer’s soul from the first minutes of communication. They don’t have to entertain each other with conversations - they are quite comfortable just “being silent side by side.” This also suggests that it is not at all difficult for such partners to adapt to each other in everyday life. The basis for their feelings is the unity of souls, which is established between them once and for all.

Sagittarius and Aries

Explosive couple! How could it be different if we are talking about Sagittarius and Aries, whose passion resembles a whole warehouse of dynamite. The irrepressible energy that flows through them only strengthens this union and helps it flourish. They both appreciate their significant other's wild enthusiasm and maintain an optimistic approach to life. Although it is generally accepted that opposites attract best, sometimes people who are incredibly similar to each other become extremely close. This couple can go through all the trials that life has in store for them, hand in hand, and will definitely prove to everyone that there are no insoluble problems if you have reliable support next to you.

Capricorn and Taurus

There is such a powerful chemistry between these two signs that no other astrological pair has. They are united by reliability, patience, devotion, hard work and determination. In bed, complete mutual understanding awaits them - they feel the secret desires of their partner with one touch. At the same time, both cannot be called overly romantic people, but this does not mean that one of them suffers from a lack of surprises and tenderness. In addition, Taurus and Capricorn have something that most of us dream of - this is endless adoration for each other. It seems to both that he has become the owner of a unique treasure. This sincere admiration for the other half of those around you is quite unnerving, but at the same time, one cannot help but admit how touching it is. It is this kind of union that “soul mates” usually speak of.

Aquarius and Libra

Representatives of these zodiac signs show interest in each other from the first minutes of meeting, after which a fleeting conversation can drag on for several hours - after all, they have so many common topics! The relationship between these air representatives is almost mystical; from the outside, this union raises a lot of questions and doubts; their love is very difficult to understand and comprehend. But in the end, who cares if these two know exactly what’s going on in their heads and hearts and don’t care much about other people’s opinions. In life, both of these signs strive to demonstrate their individuality and independence, but for the sake of a specific partner they are ready to make an exception and can sacrifice their own ideals for the sake of love, harmony and mutual understanding. And such a healthy compromise only strengthens their relationship.

Pisces and Scorpio

Another couple who is purely intuitively drawn to each other: it is difficult to convey these feelings in words, they can only be experienced. Remember those shots from films in which the main character “snatches” Her from the crowd with his gaze and cannot look away? This situation in the life of Pisces and Scorpio is quite real. Even if they often disagree on their hobbies or passions, common values ​​and views on family help them live a long, happy life “side by side.” Sometimes they guess their partner’s train of thought so clearly that it seems as if this or that idea was born in their own head, they feel the situation in such detail. And they are not afraid to be overly romantic and sentimental in relation to their companion.

The zodiac sign does not play a determining role in matters of compatibility, but each sign has its own characteristics and marriage is not equally important for all signs.

The typical Aries, strong Gemini, self-sufficient Virgo, developed Capricorn and independent Aquarius suffer less from loneliness than others. They may avoid marriage for a long time.

Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are signs whose representatives get along well with representatives of their sign and live in a happy marriage, for example, a Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman.

But Leos and Taurus have difficulty getting along with representatives of their signs; in the first case, selfishness is to blame, in the second, stubbornness.

Marriages between representatives of signs of the same element can also be short-lived, for example, unions of Aries-Sagittarius, Gemini woman - Libra man, Cancer woman - Pisces man often break up. Relationships between neighboring signs rarely lead to a harmonious marriage, especially if the male sign comes after the female one.

Sign compatibility cardinal cross: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are looking for an independent partner, someone who will help realize their goals and dreams, and will also take on a significant or equal share of family responsibilities. If the marriage is successful, then these signs will provide a reliable rear and prosperity for the whole family. Negative qualities in marriage are intransigence and high demands, intransigence.

Sign compatibility fixed cross: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius show more constancy in matters of marriage and partnership, because they do not like change. They take a long time to choose a suitable partner and are in no hurry to divorce him. If the marriage is successful, then these signs guarantee a wealth of sensory experiences for many years of life together. Negative character traits for partnership are stubbornness and selfishness, immoderation.

A horoscope that describes the combination of zodiac signs allows you to find out how suitable a partner is for marriage or friendship, and whether the relationship with him will be comfortable and strong. This will protect yourself from unnecessary disappointments and insults in the future. There are exceptions to the rules (for example, signs that are completely incompatible can live happily ever after for many years), so you should not rely entirely on compatibility tables. After all, in addition to this, there are many more factors in life that influence relationships.

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Often in life there are situations when people live unhappily in a marriage or the relationship of a couple in love does not work out. In ancient times, ancestors believed that the wrong choice of partner could be to blame for this. For those who want to check whether they have chosen the right life partner, there is a zodiac sign compatibility table.

Compatibility of zodiac signs:

Zodiac sign Compatibility characteristics
Aries The most suitable partner for starting a relationship or getting married will be Leo or Sagittarius. Aries has similar ideas about the world as Leo. Sagittarius shares his unpredictability and active life position. It is not recommended to associate life with Aquarius. He is too freedom-loving and does not tolerate pressure on himself. Scorpios are also not the best partners for Aries
Taurus A good spouse for Taurus would be Virgo or Capricorn. Both signs are independent, but at the same time vulnerable and need support. Taurus should avoid relationships with Scorpios. They are as independent as Taurus and love to be in charge. Well, Cancers are too gloomy to have feelings for representatives of this sign
Twins This sign feels great next to Aquarius and Libra. The first shares the thirst for freedom, and the second brings peace and stability into the life of Gemini. Often Geminis have relationships with Leos, but nothing good will come of this pair. Capricorns are also not the best match, as they are too sociable and hyperactive for Geminis
Cancer Cancers have a lot in common with Pisces and Scorpio. Therefore, relationships with them are harmonious and strong. Often an affair begins with Libra, but they are too fickle for Cancer. The most unfavorable sign for marriage is Sagittarius. He is prone to unpredictability and betrayal, which is quite painful for Cancers
a lion Every now and then Leos become close to Gemini. But this union does not last long, since Leo loves to dominate, and Gemini is not happy with this. Leos have a passionate but short romance with Scorpio. After this they often remain friends. Relationships with Virgos should be avoided. They are too meticulous, and Leo does not like to hear constant criticism addressed to him.
Virgo The best option for Virgo in terms of a serious relationship is Capricorn. He loves to be a protector, and Virgo often needs to be protected. It is impossible to build a strong couple with Gemini and Sagittarius; only friendship is possible with them. Well, Aries needs to be avoided as far as possible, since Virgo is disgusted by his passion
Scales Libra can successfully build relationships with Aquarius and Gemini. These signs bring bright colors into the life of the overly balanced Libra. With Taurus, due to their too power-hungry nature, only friendly relations can develop
Scorpion Scorpios love to be first in everything they do. That is why their union with Cancers, who do not like to stick their neck out, will be successful. Scorpios also get along well with Pisces and Sagittarius. But it is better for them to avoid representatives of their own sign
Sagittarius This sign is more suitable than any other sign, Leo, who will always support and guide you on the right path. A good relationship with Aries is possible only with the complete subordination of Sagittarius. You shouldn’t make plans for life with a Taurus, he will torment you with jealousy
Capricorn An excellent partner for Capricorn is the practical Virgo. She will become an assistant in all your endeavors. With Taurus, family life will be close to ideal, since these signs are very similar in worldview. But you shouldn’t mess with flighty Geminis. Their penchant for having fun on the side is very painful for monogamous Capricorns
Aquarius The most suitable partners for family life for Aquarius are Libra and Gemini. These signs are often connected by common interests and will always find a topic for conversation. Often Aquarians gravitate towards Leo and Sagittarius, but these relationships do not last long. Cancers repel Aquarius with their gloominess and reluctance to communicate
Fish An excellent life partner for Pisces will be Cancer, who knows how to listen and understand. A good marriage happens with a determined and reliable Scorpio. But Pisces will not be comfortable in marriage with restless Aries

According to the Chinese horoscope

The eastern horoscope states that the compatibility of people in love and family relationships is determined by the year of birth. All those who believe Chinese astrologers consider their compatibility horoscope before starting a relationship.

A pair of characters that are placed opposite each other in the compatibility table is considered incompatible. People born in the same years do not mix well.

These signs are considered the most compatible in all areas of life:

  1. 1. Rat, Dragon, Monkey. Those born under these signs are passionate and strong people. They often suppress their partners who do not have such energy. They need relationships on the edge, only then do they feel happy.
  2. 2. Bull, Snake, Rooster. Calm and balanced people. They need a stable and balanced relationship in which they can show their loyalty.
  3. 3. Tiger, Horse, Dog. They value independence and freedom, but at the same time they yearn to find a soul mate. Relationships with the signs of their group will be the most harmonious.
  4. 4. Rabbit, Goat, Pig. The softest and most compliant of all signs. They do not tolerate cruelty and rough treatment. They need to be especially careful in choosing a partner.

By elements

Compatibility in love relationships is assessed not only by the year of birth and zodiac sign, but also by the element in which the sign is located. For those who are interested in more detailed information about their romantic relationships, it will be useful to learn about compatibility by elements.

In total, the signs of the Zodiac are divided into 4 elements:

  1. 1. Air is Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. All representatives of these signs are flighty and freedom-loving. This does not mean that people born under these symbols will be unfaithful. They just know the value of their freedom and value it. Astrologers say that the greatest compatibility in love occurs with Fire signs. But you should be careful here, this union is explosive.
  2. 2. Water is Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Water signs strive for family life from an early age, striving to gain self-confidence. But at the same time they can be incredibly demanding and selective towards their partner. The easiest way for them to find a common language is with the signs of the Earth.
  3. 3. Fire is Sagittarius, Leo, Aries. Representatives of these signs are combined with all other elements, but best of all with Air. Fire signs do not have good relationships with representatives of their own fire group.
  4. 4. Earth is Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus. Earth signs like to be in control of situations and do not tolerate any pressure. The most harmonious relationships they have are with their own group. Difficulties can arise with fire signs, as it is difficult for them to interact with each other.

Compatibility in friendship

If the zodiac constellations are incompatible, then establishing friendships will be problematic. That is why astrologers advise, before starting such a relationship, to study the compatibility horoscope of the signs.

Zodiac sign Characteristic
Aries Aries are open to communication only with those who admire them. They can only maintain relationships with those who obey their frantic energy, but they themselves are interested in bright and charismatic personalities. Aries develops the strongest connections with representatives of the signs of Air and Water.
Taurus Taurus is cheerful and easy to communicate with. Easily comes to the aid of friends without asking for anything in return. But Taurus are very touchy and remember their disappointments for a long time. They get along well with representatives of the elements of Fire and Earth.
Twins Geminis always have many friends and quickly forget them if communication is interrupted for a while. People of this sign are dreamers and good storytellers; there is always something to talk about with them. Most often, strong friendships arise with representatives of their element, Air and fire signs.
Cancer Cancers are gloomy and unsociable, so they don’t have many friends. But to those who are lucky enough to become their friend, Cancers will give everything they have. They are good at listening and understanding their interlocutor. Good friendship compatibility with air signs
a lion This is a sign of friendly and sociable people who know how to value friendship. All their friends are tried and tested by time. They prefer to make friends with people with whom they have similar interests. Best compatible with fire signs
Virgo Virgos are suspicious and often closed to communication. They have practically no friends. In all difficult situations, they rely on themselves and their knowledge, and therefore do not find a common language with others. Good compatibility with Earth signs
Scales They are interesting to talk to and are always ready to help. But Libras have few real friends, since they value sincerity and dedication in people. Ideally compatible only with representatives of their own element
Sagittarius Sagittarius is quite sociable and friendship is not the last place in his life. They have many friends and acquaintances, but are very hot-tempered and often quarrel with them. Goes well with representatives of the Earth element
Scorpion One of the most difficult signs to make friends with. Scorpios are envious and too practical. Maintaining a good relationship with them is not easy. Goes well with the water element
Capricorn Rarely makes friends due to his natural distrust. But he is generous in friendship and will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Compatible with representatives of the elements of Water and Earth
Aquarius One of the most sociable signs of the Zodiac. Compatible with almost all signs except water signs. Establishes the closest contact with representatives of one’s own element
Fish Reliable and loyal friends, but only for a select few. They always expect a response if they helped in something. Compatible with water and earth signs

Compatibility of parents and children

In order for parents to have the opportunity to communicate with their children and understand them well, they need to study the compatibility horoscope with their child. Astrologers assure that the nature of relationships with children develops precisely according to such a horoscope. Thanks to him, you can find the right approach to your child:

  1. 1. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo. These are very difficult parents. By suppressing the child with their energy, they do not allow him to develop independently and make his own decisions. Therefore, their relationships with children are often very strained. The ideal combination would be with children born under the element of Air.
  2. 2. Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. Practical and demanding. They instill in their children a sense of confidence and calm. They are often conservative in matters of education. There will be good relationships with children born under the signs of the water and earth elements.
  3. 3. Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Very caring, but quite democratic parents. They give children a certain freedom of choice. They often sense their child’s needs on an intuitive level. Compatible with representatives of the air element.
  4. 4. Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. These signs are the best parents. They become not just mentors, but friends to whom the child trusts his secrets. Compatible with children born under any sign.

Having studied information about the compatibility of a particular sign, a person will be prepared for various pitfalls in relationships.

And a little about secrets...

I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick idiot...

The compatibility chart can be used to find out how compatible your zodiac sign and the sign of your loved one, spouse or partner are.

This table will help you understand how people of different signs interact. Although it can be helpful, it must be taken into account that these are only general observations about the nature of zodiac sign compatibility, because each person is unique.

Start with the left column of the table. Find your Zodiac sign, then select your partner's sign at the top and at their intersection the symbol indicating the type of relationship. Find the same symbol in the compatibility description below the table and read what your relationship type is. Read below the table for a description of the seven types of compatibility of zodiac signs.

Yellow (Connection) Union based on unity

This compatibility is self-explanatory. People who belong to the same zodiac sign usually have no problems understanding each other, they are unlikely to shock each other with unpredictability. A feature of their compatibility may be an instinctive attraction and understanding of each other perfectly. When a couple has the same sun sign, the importance of other horoscope factors increases, so some find it easier to get along, others find it more difficult. Often relationships between people of the same signs give rise to inaction and boredom.

Blue (Opposition) Love-to-hate relationship

The classic "opposites attract" trope. These signs are opposite in the Zodiac; they belong to different, although compatible, elements. The relationship between them is usually quite complex. Opposite signs have much more similarities than is usually thought, but these similarities need to be identified. Partners reflect each other like a mirror, each complements the other, but this both unites and repels. Their union can be successful, but they are often mired in suspicion and jealousy, teetering on the brink of breaking up. The couple exhibits opposing energies, although they have much to offer each other. At best, they can build a relationship in which everyone feels the hand of fate. At worst, they will find it difficult to tolerate each other.

Blue (Trine) Harmonious Union

Zodiac signs that are in trine aspect belong to the same element - Fire, Earth, Air or Water. This creates a fundamental similarity in their characters. Although there are differences between them, they do not create contradictions, but a harmonious connection. They tend to have compatible views on things they consider important. Each partner understands the other, often on an intuitive level. Compatibility is good for any relationship: love affair, marriage, friendship, business partnership. These relationships seem to radiate a sense of grace, unity and well-being. The downside of this combination may be too much tolerance and not enough room for individual development.

Red (Square) Energetic union, full of action

Zodiac signs that are in the square aspect have an ambivalent relationship with each other. On the one hand, they understand each other very well and can work together successfully. Attraction often arises between people of these signs; a feature of their relationship is the dynamic nature of the interaction. Love relationships can be exciting, full of passion, but also constant conflicts that leave a feeling of bitterness and irritation. The union may turn out to be unstable; partners will think about breaking up and looking for a more pleasant relationship. For their compatibility to be successful, they need to make compromises, learn to interact constructively, and not just tolerate each other. Despite everything, their union can be strong.

Purple (Quicunx) Union based on non-conformity

The relationship between the zodiac signs associated with the quincunx aspect is interesting, but problematic. These signs have practically nothing in common. They can be next to each other for quite a long time, but will never find mutual understanding. Each partner may perceive the other as mysterious and charming; each seems to have qualities that the other lacks. At the same time, this often remains only an impression; in reality, these qualities will never be expressed. Sometimes such compatibility creates a strong erotic attraction. There is attraction between them, everyone in the couple sees their partner as attractive, but there is also bewilderment, because they cannot understand what exactly attracts them so much and why they are together. To build a strong alliance, they need to take into account the features of such compatibility.

Green (Sextile) Union based on sympathy

Signs that are in the sextile aspect belong to different but compatible elements. This union gives each of the partners opportunities for positive development; harmonious relationships can quite easily develop between them. Their compatibility can give rise to an ideal relationship, when each partner gives the other what the other lacks. A good combination for marriage, friendship and business cooperation. The partners create a feeling of comfort and security, they have mutual understanding and mutual attraction, but the love relationship between them is not the most exciting and exciting. If both partners strive for a stable relationship, a strong union can be created in which everyone can lean on their other half.

Orange (Semi-sextile) A union in which there is uncertainty

These signs are located next to each other in the Zodiac. This compatibility creates uncertainty in the relationship, sometimes with a hint of competition or jealousy. The fact is that neighboring signs need time to learn to interact. Partners need to leave a lot behind and move forward for the alliance to develop. To the partner who is a representative of the previous zodiac sign, it may seem that the second one lacks some important qualities, or they are completely absent. Perhaps he will show irritation or arrogance. The partner whose sign is subsequent perceives the other as somewhat vague or even clinging to relationships that the first considers unnecessary or incomprehensible. This compatibility may be quite strange, but it has prospects and incentives for development. The relationship, after some time, when these two have studied each other enough, becomes exciting and deep.

You can read more about the compatibility of zodiac signs.


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