Modern French projects of one-story houses with a terrace. Projects of houses with a veranda

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Terraced brick house designs have gained immense popularity over the last decade. Gorgeous view of your own garden, comfort, several bedrooms and bathrooms, a common recreation area for the whole family. There is everything you need for a comfortable life.

The advantages of brick houses from the company "Dachny Sezon"

  1. The advantages of living in the private sector are fully revealed only if there is a spacious terrace. This is the perfect place for a picnic during the summer season. In the future, you and your children will have a lot of warm memories of such little things in life.
  2. The strength of a one-story brick house with a terrace built by our company cannot be compared with classic Soviet-style buildings. The minimum service life of such a structure is 150 years. Here you can also order a beautiful two-story mansion with a veranda, a garage, a balcony and an attic at an affordable price.
  3. One of the well-known advantages of brickwork is the ability to absorb moisture. The walls of this house literally breathe, creating a healthy microclimate and letting fresh air into the living quarters.
  4. Projects of brick houses with a terrace will provide you with comfort in any weather. They are well insulated and equipped with an independent boiler room. Rolling blackouts of hot water in the summer season will not be able to spoil your vacation. Forget about basins and other inconveniences as a nightmare.
  5. You can evaluate photos of two-story brick houses with a terrace directly on our website. If you like the aesthetics of one of the houses, but there are needs to change the layout of the interior, our architects will bring them in as soon as possible. The construction team will start work immediately. From the conclusion of the contract to the settlement will take an absolute minimum of time.

Projects of one-story houses with a terrace will make your dream come true and create comfort in your home. Building a cozy nest is the goal of every strong family. And if you add a terrace to the house, then its beauty and comfort will exceed all your expectations.

Good views and favorable weather are best enjoyed from the top of the mountain or from the terrace of your own house built using modern technology, so projects of one-story houses with a terrace are in demand. After all, if the first option is not suitable for everyone due to the peculiarities of the geographical location, then the second is quite feasible.

Having decided to build a dwelling, each person must take care that it is comfortable and consistent with his wishes. After all, I don’t really want to buy a “pig in a poke”. In order to visualize the full picture and get a general idea of ​​​​the future structure, it is necessary to draw up a project for a one-story house with a garage and a terrace.

Ready-made original ideas will become relevant for people who want to enjoy the pleasure not only of living in a house, but also of building it, using all the advantages of this type of housing in the course of work. What could be better than a stylish, original house with a unique layout and attractive appearance. No one can resist the building, which is designed to combine the best design solutions and architectural trends, complying with the rules and safety standards.

Features of the location of the terrace

Usually, most houses that provide for the location of the terrace have access to it from the living room and even from the kitchen, which is quite justified: life in such a house brings maximum comfort. Traditionally, in houses with one floor, the terrace is located on the opposite side of the main entrance; this arrangement is relevant for 90% of modern structures. According to statistics, design solutions of this kind are more often popular in the warm regions of the south, but in more severe conditions, the terrace is designed to be a worthy option.

By choosing ready-made solutions for houses from any material - timber, wood of all kinds, concrete, brick, stone, you can turn ideas into reality and create a palace on your site. Currently, there is a growing trend in the popularity of terraces, and many customers prefer its proper placement. This is very convenient in functional terms, because under the terrace, firstly, there is the possibility of organizing a rest room, as a result of which there is no need to install a gazebo. Secondly, the modern terrace looks spectacular, in a European way.

Projects of houses with a terrace and a garage

The terrace is the most important aesthetic component of the house, which is a favorite place for the owners and their guests to relax. This open-plan extension can be made from a variety of materials, including stone and metal. Summing up the structure is usually carried out under the roof of the whole house, but sometimes it is isolated and equipped with its own roof. Many homeowners choose the option of a terrace without a roof, then umbrellas are used to protect it from external factors. The design of the terrace must be carried out together with the design of the main living space, otherwise it will entail huge additional costs.

A garage is an integral element of a modern home, especially for car owners who want to save space on the site. Recently, an increasing number of people prefer to build an underground structure, characterized by convenience and functionality.

On the pages of the site you can view and evaluate projects of houses up to 100 sq. m, which are distinguished by a high level of reliability, aesthetic indicators and, of course, the possibility of subsequent comfortable living in them.

Ready-made and individual design works

All design solutions are traditionally divided into three groups - these are ready-made projects of a standard plan, individual design, combined solutions.

Typical designs

These are standard houses with a terrace and a garage, which are built by most people. Their projects are already presented in finished form, so all that remains for the construction team is to arrive at the site, build the structure according to the finished plan.

Advantages of the method:

  • Low cost of construction, ensured by the absence of expenses for planning operations;
  • Ease of installation - all that is required is to wait for the team of craftsmen and the construction of the house;
  • High speed of work - no need to wait for lengthy development, all elements for construction are ready.

Most families prefer to choose standard designs and build houses based on ready-made photos.

Individual design: features

This method allows you to design a building according to your own desires and preferences, of course, on the basis of compliance with safety rules. This is a real opportunity that will make your dream come true and create conditions for a comfortable stay.

Advantages of the method:

  • The embodiment of all design and other ideas into reality;
  • The individuality of your home is 100%;
  • High aesthetic indicators of the finished dwelling.

However, the construction of such a house will require additional costs for the development of the project and temporary losses for its implementation. Whether the game is worth the candle - it's up to you!

  • Creation of an increased living space. This glazed extension can often be used as an additional living space or study. In the summer, what could be better than family gatherings over a board game or a pleasant conversation and a cup of tea. And if you insulate this structure, you can enjoy tea drinking and comfortable rest even during severe frosts.
  • Improving the thermal insulation properties of the house. The design can serve as an excellent way to protect the house from the wind, which will significantly save on thermal insulation. Insulated veranda is a 100% guarantee of heat in the house even in winter.
  • The possibility of creating a close connection that will be formed between the house and the space that surrounds it. Going out onto the terrace and looking out the window, you will see a beautiful landscape and a view that you choose for yourself. It can be an apple orchard, a beautiful forest or a picturesque lake - whatever you want.
  • The attractiveness of the appearance is one of the main reasons why you should choose a house with a terrace. It will look cozy, complete, and staying inside such a room will make your life truly comfortable and fabulous. Remember, for sure, in childhood, many dreamed of a fairy-tale castle. A one-story frame house with a terrace can become just that!

If you need a high-quality house project with a balcony and a garage, then you can evaluate the finished photos and make your choice based on them.

Design pricing policy

The cost of a finished project usually depends on how ready it is. If you decide to do standard projects according to a special sketch, the price will be much lower than if you prefer a strictly individual option. Through the photos presented on the pages of the site, you can decide which option suits you, and then choose it and create a masterpiece! Regardless of the selected project, each decision will be accompanied by the provision of relevant documentation, which is 100% reliable and legally binding.

Projects of one-story houses with a terrace: materials used

Currently, the construction of houses is carried out from different materials and their combinations. For example, you can build a powerful castle from natural stone, build a solid brick structure. The project of a brick house with a terrace will delight your imagination and make children's and adult dreams come true. You also have the option of creating huge and practical concrete walls or opting for classic wood and wood materials. The first three options are good, but in terms of the combination of environmental properties and accessibility, natural wood undoubtedly wins. What could be better than living with a family and raising your children in a house made of natural elements that has decent environmental qualities.

The construction market offers wood as a building material in great abundance, allowing you to create many original solutions. Affordable pine or spruce with their pleasant coniferous aroma, durable larch and reliable oak - all this is your choice. Recently, it has become important to build houses from a bar with a terrace. This material is presented in a wide variety and provides the implementation of numerous ideas and ideas.

Possibilities of a house with an attic

As we have already said, a house with a large terrace is a limitless field for creative possibilities. You can make an open-type studio out of the attic, as well as turn it into a spacious and comfortable room. Thanks to the use of modern technological solutions for insulation, even the most complex issues can be resolved, and by choosing original windows from a large number of varieties, you will create an individual home.

Advice!When choosing original design solutions, it is necessary to give preference to a company that has vast experience in working not only with houses, but also with other types of buildings. Here you can find projects of all levels of complexity and any footage.

Some historical information

The design project appeared on the expanses of the domestic market in the 17-18 centuries, when in France it was proposed to be used as a useful place in the house. Therefore, since then, the room, located under the pitched roof, has been called the attic.

The classic layout of this solution assumes the fact that on the ground floor there are common rooms where you can receive guests and do housework. But if the house is one-story, then it is quite possible to combine residential and non-residential premises on one floor. The attic element is often reserved for an office or, conversely, for a place of meditation and relaxation. Due to the design features, a low angle of inclination is created, and it becomes possible to rationally use free space.

Thus, no matter what project you choose and no matter what material you prefer for building a house, the main thing is to take the time to this process and create what you really dream of. Ready-made design solutions will allow you to visualize the picture and create favorable conditions for the construction process.

Private houses are good for many reasons. One of them is the opportunity to provide additional comfort for the family in advance, at the project stage. This is done in different ways: they attach a garage and an attic, erect a gazebo in the garden, build a bathhouse. And a rare owner will refuse such an architectural element as a veranda or terrace.

The suburban area is increasingly perceived as a place of relaxation and enjoyment of nature, rather than a labor feat. Both extensions create comfortable conditions for a good rest; they define the appearance of the facade, giving it an individual style. A house with a veranda or terrace is much more convenient for those who like to have family dinners or friendly parties.

Civilized rest with comfort Source

Veranda and terrace: differences

Projects of one-story and two-story houses can contain both a veranda and a terrace, together and separately. Buildings have a fundamental difference:

    Terrace. open area; it is often done on a foundation (monolithic or raised on piles). It can adjoin the wall of the house; sometimes it is located on the second floor or on a flat roof. The appearance of a terrace is often determined by local climatic conditions. In the south, this is an open area, often with a railing or a vegetable fence. In the middle lane, the terraces are equipped with a roof or awning.

    Veranda. In fact, this is a covered terrace. It adjoins the house with one or two walls, has a roof and is a closed room (most often, without heating). They try to glaze it in order to visually enlarge it and let in more light.

Project choice: veranda or terrace

Professional builders are advised to make a choice at the stage of development of an architectural project, before the materials are determined and the estimate is calculated. Subsequent changes will mean additional costs of time and money. It is better to stay on a project with a terrace if:

    The house is being built in a region with hot summers, early springs and long, warm autumns.

    The size of the land plot allows you to comfortably equip the terrace without oppressing other areas.

You can be outside the walls and feel the comfort of home Source

    The house does not need additional usable space.

    The family loves to spend time outdoors.

A veranda is more suitable for you if:

    The place of construction of housing is a region with snowy, frosty winters, prolonged autumn rains and cool, windy summers.

    The plot has a modest size, the land can be used more rationally.

    An additional enclosed space is a necessary increase in the area of ​​​​the house.

    You need a multifunctional space where you can not only relax, but also store things, stocks and inventory.

Houses with a terrace: design features

The main thing for which a country house is valued is the ability to spend a lot of time outdoors. Projects of houses with a terrace allow you to realize this desire with maximum comfort. The advantages of such buildings are:

    Small construction cost.

    Expansion of space at home. In warm weather, they arrange a summer kitchen here, receive guests, sunbathe and sleep.

    Order. Cleanliness in housing is easier to maintain by leaving work clothes and changing shoes on the terrace.

Summer outdoor dining in a house with a terrace Source

Project specifics

Designing a house with a terrace has its own characteristics:

    The foundation of the house and the terrace can be shared or built separately. The height of the structure is calculated so that it remains dry.

    They try to place the terrace on the south side of the house. This is especially convenient in the middle lane, where the canopy is often made removable. If the terrace will be used more often in the afternoon, it makes more sense to make it facing the west side.

    The extension is positioned so that it offers a picturesque view of the surrounding landscapes or the designer beauties of the site.

    If the material of the roof of the building is too heavy for the roof of the terrace, it is replaced with a lighter one, while maintaining the overall style.

Arrangement options

An open terrace is perceived as a link between the closed space of the house and nature; most often it is located at the entrance. Such buildings harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape and look attractive in terms of design possibilities:

    Fencing. It can be decorative or protective. In the first case, the fence is low and elegant; often flowers or ornamental shrubs are planted around the perimeter. Pergolas (canopies formed by several arches), decorated with climbing plants, or bright flowers in pots look good as a fence. If the decking of the terrace is high (from 0.5 to 1 m), a reliable fence with a railing is necessary.

Winning option - designing a house project with a terrace with ornamental plants Source:

    Roof. The fixed roof can be replaced with a removable awning, retractable awnings or a portable umbrella.

    The terrace is separated from the house. In this case, they are connected by a path; the path can be decorated with lighting (it looks beautiful in the evening), with one or more openwork arches that create the effect of a tunnel.

    Attic with terrace. The attic, which has access to the terrace, is an ideal place for morning (or evening) tea drinking, birdwatching, children and neighbors.

    House with a high base. An interesting option would be a terrace on a columnar foundation, encircling the building. Complemented by a roof, it can become a comfortable and spacious place to relax.

Terrace materials

For the construction of country terraces, various materials are used; The most common buildings are:

    Wooden terrace. The leaders of terrace construction are wooden terraces. They contain a lot of advantages: quick construction, low financial costs, versatility of execution and aesthetics of natural wood. Subsequent care can become difficult - in order to protect the tree from the destructive action of all-penetrating moisture, it must be regularly treated with an impregnation based on oil and an antiseptic.

Two-level wooden terrace Source

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    To protect terraces made of bricks and slab concrete we can say that they are more practical, but require a foundation. Terraces located on the ground are covered with one of the most reliable materials - clinker (high-strength ceramic tiles). On a raised structure, both clinker and ordinary paving slabs are used.

    Stone terrace. It looks stylish and also needs a solid foundation. For an open terrace, a stone with low water absorption (up to 3-5%) is suitable. Optimal rocks are shale, granite and basalt. On covered buildings, sandstone or limestone can be used.

Video description

About the terrace with a balcony on the video:

    floor material should be in harmony with the overall style and be durable. Common materials are: decking, mosaic tiles of different textures (mirror or metallized), artificial finishing materials. Eco-design lovers can lay out a terrace with a mowed lawn.

The finished terrace is furnished and lighting is carried out, taking care of its water resistance. Classic terrace furniture - wicker; eco-style corresponds to wooden furniture; a practical option is plastic furniture.

Modest terrace with plastic furniture Source

Houses with a veranda: design features

In countries with a warm climate, the veranda traditionally serves as a place of rest. In our penates, the possibilities of their use have expanded; Several varieties of verandas have become widespread, which can be classified:

    By type of building. Verandas are designed attached and detached.

    By type of foundation. It may be separate or be part of a capital structure.

    By type of use. The veranda can be fully used in winter, for which it will have to be glazed and heated.

The advantages of a project with a veranda include:

    The possibility of increasing living space (after wall insulation) without a significant increase in cost.

    An additional room protects the house from heat loss during the cold season.

Photo of a country house with an attic and a veranda - a practical and cozy place to stay Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Design features of the veranda

Customers often decide to build a house with a veranda under one roof, the project of which is subsequently adjusted. When designing, pay attention to:

    Location. The veranda is built into the building or attached to it. As for the terrace, the view from the inside is important for this design. A veranda overlooking the street is not the best option.

    Usage. If the house has a small area, the veranda can simultaneously serve as a hallway, dining room and resting place. In some projects, there is a staircase to the second floor.

    Convenience. The veranda should be adjacent to the wall in which the front door is located, or connected to the kitchen.

    Glazing. May be permanent or seasonal. Window elements are most often placed around the entire perimeter. For panoramic glazing, ordinary window blocks and double-glazed windows (both with plastic and wooden profiles) are used. A veranda with a large glass area provides excellent internal insolation (sunshine). Curtains, blinds, shutters and screens are used to protect from the sun's rays.

Panoramic glazing allows you to enjoy a sunny day Source

Arrangement options

    Various projects of houses with a veranda are in demand on the market. Both verandas adjacent to the facade and encircling the building are popular. The shape can be rectangular, square, with rounded corners.

    If the project of a house with a veranda provides for a balcony on the second floor, a veranda that repeats its shape looks best.

Video description

About the veranda with rotunda on the video:

    Common variant - project of a house with a veranda and a garage. Customers are offered standard projects, the possibility of their refinement or development of an individual version. For residents of country houses, a car is a necessity. The ability to get into the car without leaving home is a significant advantage (especially valuable in winter).

    Window. Installing sliding windows allows you to effortlessly turn a closed terrace into an open one. This can be done manually or by remote control.

    Fireplace. An open veranda is relevant in the summer. When the evenings become indecently cold, the fireplace turns from decoration into a source of warmth and comfort.

The fireplace creates a sense of tradition and reliability. Source

Materials for the construction of the veranda

When choosing a material for a veranda, they are based on its role: if the extension is expected to be used all year round, it will not only have to be glazed, but also insulated and thought out for heating. The material of the veranda should be in harmony with the house; if it is wooden, then wood is also used for the veranda. Meet:

    Veranda made of brick (stone, foam block). The most durable option. For a heavy extension, a solid foundation is needed, the same as under the house. This will protect the veranda from destruction.

    Veranda made of wood (from timber or logs). It has a special charm inherent in natural wood, provides an excellent microclimate. It is decorated with carved panels and elements.

Video description

About remaking the veranda on video:

    Veranda made of polycarbonate. It occurs more and more often due to its advantages: low cost, strength, excellent sound and heat insulation. Although the polymer material can withstand temperatures from -45 to 100 ° C, it also has disadvantages: high thermal expansion and low abrasive resistance (you can scratch it when shoveling snow from the roof). Polycarbonate unprotected by a special UV layer is destroyed by sunlight.

    Combined veranda. The basis is brick or foam blocks, the walls are sheathed with plastic.

More projects of country houses with an attic, a veranda and a terrace

Attached polycarbonate porch Source

Non-standard solution - hot tub Source

Classic "male" veranda Source

Terrace in the evening light Source

An elegant stay surrounded by nature Source

Functional combination of buildings Source

The winter garden creates a feeling of summer at any time. Source

A terrace with flowers can't look boring Source

Mysterious and alluring LED lighting Source

Inspiring place - cozy furniture and panoramic view Source

Stylish country terrace plays the role of an open living room Source


Projects of houses with a veranda and a terrace are not a luxury, but a functional way to organize a harmonious vacation in the bosom of nature, without sacrificing the comfort of modern life. Both extensions are worth the care associated with their construction and design. Built in accordance with building codes, the terrace (or veranda) will bring a lot of positive emotions to both the inhabitants of the country scrap and their guests.

When acquiring a land plot and choosing a project for construction, we, first of all, think about the advantages that living outside the city gives, away from the hustle and bustle of the business world and cramped city apartments. We present a country house not just as a building with the necessary set of rooms, but also as housing with a certain set of places where you can have a good rest or spend time comfortably with family and friends.

One of these places, of course, are house terraces - open or roofed areas intended for free time, organizing picnics or arranging recreation and relaxation areas. The presence of a terrace in the house is, first of all, an opportunity to spend leisure time in nature “without leaving home”. On it you can organize a summer dining room, put sun loungers for sunbathing or arrange a cozy place for gatherings and evening tea parties.

Due to the wide possibilities of using terraces, houses with them are equally popular both among those who are going to build for themselves and among those who buy a project to build a house for their parents or children, taking care of the comfort and well-being of their lives.

The Shop-project company brings to your attention ready-made turnkey projects of houses with terraces.

Our catalog contains expositions of private houses and cottages, the design of which includes built-in or external adjoining terraces intended for both summer and winter use.

The variety of the assortment will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated and demanding developer. Whether it's a compact country house for a small family or a solid residence designed to be built on family estates, you can choose a private house project that fully meets your lifestyle, taste and income level.

If exclusivity is a priority for you, then we offer an individual design service. The architects of the Shop-project studio will professionally and within a reasonable time develop for you a project of a house with a terrace with a unique design and an original planning solution.

Thinking about building our own house, we first of all dream that we will be able to spend a lot of time outdoors. And so that our desire does not depend on the vagaries of the weather, we are considering the possibility of creating shelter from them. Therefore, when it comes to one-story houses, projects with a terrace or veranda take advantage.

Let's see how such houses can look like, how comfortable they are, and how to make the terrace really the most comfortable corner of a country estate.

Our country is large, there are many climatic zones. But even in the southern regions, it was rarely possible to find a house with an open area for recreation, which in fact is a terrace. This is due to snowy winters and frequent rainy days, when such a site is of little use, but there is a lot of trouble cleaning up after rainfall.

Therefore, even now the project of a one-story house with a terrace covered from above will be more popular. And better - also protected at least from the leeward side by a solid wall or glazing.

But, thanks to the emergence of modern design solutions, many decide on. Let's see what is the difference between an indoor and outdoor extension, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Houses with covered terraces

Very often they are immediately designed in such a way that the terrace enters the general contour of the house and is under one common roof with it. The options may be different: under the slope, under the elongated wing or under the forward part of the front.

Look at the examples:

If the advantages of covered terraces are obvious, then it is worth focusing on the disadvantages.

  • Attaching such a terrace to an existing house with your own hands is quite difficult. At a minimum, you will have to build up and overlap the roof. As a maximum, build a foundation (see) and connect it with the main one, having previously made all the necessary calculations. It’s easier to immediately choose a project that has everything you need.
  • The removal of the roof far beyond the boundaries of walls and windows significantly affects the natural illumination of the premises adjacent to the terrace.

Note. The lack of sunlight will be especially acute if the covered area is located on the north side of the house.

Houses with outdoor terraces

Open terraces are devoid of the disadvantages of covered ones:

  • They can be arranged next to an already built house without interfering with its design. It is enough to take care of practical flooring and equip access to it from home. This can be done by converting an ordinary window into a French one or by replacing it with a door. Of course, you will have to change the geometry of the opening, but this is not such a big problem.
  • They do not obscure the adjacent premises, as they do not prevent the free penetration of sunlight through the windows.

But in our latitudes, such one-story houses with a terrace are rarely found - the projects still provide for the possibility of protecting the recreation area from precipitation, wind and summer heat.

Today, we can afford the most open terrace so that on fine days we can literally enjoy being close to nature without leaving our homes. If you carefully look at the options below, you will understand what we are talking about.

These are awnings of various designs, which can be easily deployed and removed when necessary. These are stationary canopies made of translucent materials. As well as folding and sliding glass partitions.

Advice. No matter how strong and reliable the fabric of the awning is, it should not be left in working position for the winter. She can't handle the weight of the snow.

Unfortunately, the price of most of these designs is quite high. But it is comparable with the cost of work and materials for the construction of a capital roof over a recreation area.

If the house is operated only in the summer, then you can do without them. And the function of protection from the sun and rain can be taken over by a large folding umbrella or awning.

Another "country" option, which is often used in the southern regions and for houses with permanent residence, is the combination of a terrace with a pergola.

Orientation to the cardinal points

When ordering or choosing projects of one-story houses with a terrace and a garage, you need to take into account many nuances. First of all, it is the shape, size and topography of the site. But it is equally important to think about where your terrace will “look”.

If she will perform the functions of the entrance group in front of the front door to the house, this is one thing. If the role of the main place for rest or work is intended for her, it is completely different. Here you need to proceed from your preferences.


  • north side- not the best option for gatherings with friends. But the diffused light on the terrace throughout the day will allow you to enjoy a relaxing holiday, study or draw.
  • Orientation to the east suitable for "early birds" who love to meet the dawn with a cup of coffee in the fresh air. And after dinner, relax in the shade from the scorching sun.
  • Southern terraces- the lightest. Even if they are under the roof of the house, a sufficient amount of light and heat enters the premises.
  • On the west side good for sunbathing in the afternoon. But it is desirable to provide a stationary or removable canopy in case of very hot days.

Some interesting projects of houses with a terrace

It is very convenient when access to the terrace is made from the living room or kitchen-studio, combined with the dining room. This increases the area for receiving guests.

And someone likes to go out into the air directly from the bedroom. Such projects are now very popular.

We have selected several such options:

  • One-story house with a terrace - a project in a traditional style. The terrace here is small, combined with the living room, under a common roof. The window on the adjacent wall, as well as the corner glazing of the kitchen open to the living room, allows you not to worry about the lack of sunlight. A successful layout divides the house into day and night zones.
  • One-story house with an L-shaped terrace. Ideal for a small family. Under the overhangs of the hipped roof there is both an entrance group and a terrace on the common area. Therefore, you can get into the recreation area both from home (from the kitchen or living room), and from the street, by going around the house from the front door.
  • House with two terraces in the Pacific style. An original project for the southern coastal regions with a mild climate. With a flat roof and access from all living areas to the terrace and garden.

Note. For snowy regions, the instruction does not recommend the installation of a flat horizontal roof due to the large snow load on the structures.

  • The project of a one-story house with a terrace and a garage attached to the house. The common wall reduces the cost of construction and makes the structure compact, which is important for small areas. The open terrace is protected from precipitation by an elongated part of the roof slope.

Building - rear view

Building - front view


Any construction begins with design. And the more detailed the layout of the house is, the lower the costs will be in the future. And there is less hassle in choosing and arranging a place to relax if a spacious terrace is immediately provided for in the project.

Watch the video in this article, and you will surely see that it is much more convenient than a free-standing gazebo. And the house itself with a terrace looks more attractive and cozy.


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