Modern methods of treating erosion. What is the best treatment for cervical erosion? Rules for a woman’s behavior after cauterization

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When this diagnosis is made, doctors in almost all cases prescribe treatment for cervical erosion. It is carried out using different methods and using different approaches. Treatment regimens vary to some extent between parous and nulliparous women. This is discussed in more detail in this material.


Do I need to treat?

Is it necessary to treat cervical erosion? Doctors disagree on this issue. Some are of the opinion that erosion can go away on its own in the absence of aggravating factors. But most experts still believe that moderate or severe erosion needs to be treated.

Much also depends on the type of pathology. There is congenital pseudo-erosion, which develops due to hormonal imbalance. In some cases, girls are already born with it. This pathology can go away on its own when hormonal levels are equalized. Usually, it levels out by the age of 25-27, but if after reaching this age the lesion remains, then it needs to be removed.

A small true erosion of a traumatic nature can actually heal on its own. But this happens only in the absence of accompanying factors. These aggravating factors include:

  1. Venereal diseases;
  2. Acute and chronic inflammatory or infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
  3. Reduced immunity;
  4. Permanent injury;
  5. Viruses, especially human papillomavirus;
  6. Fungal infections, etc.;
  7. A large number of sexual partners.

If such factors are absent, then minor erosion requires observation. If negative dynamics are not diagnosed, then it may not be removed.

Coagulation or conservative therapy will be required when the lesion begins to grow.

Treatment regimen

Treatment for cervical erosion varies slightly (sometimes) between parous and nulliparous patients. This is due to the specifics of the cervical canal after pregnancy and birth of a child. In women who have given birth, the outlet of this canal is much wider. In nulliparous women, it is narrower, and theoretically, cauterization can reduce its patency.

In nulliparous

Treatment in this category of patients occurs primarily with medication. The drugs are applied directly to the affected area or taken systemically, affecting the entire body and accelerating healing.

As such, this pathology is not considered a contraindication to pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, many doctors do not carry out therapy at all if pregnancy is planned soon. This is due to the fact that the pathology can go away on its own due to hormonal changes, and in addition, due to the fact that the scar that can arise as a result of coagulation will complicate the birth process.

Although it is possible to postpone treatment only for small and non-progressive erosion.

Those who gave birth

The stages of treatment for cervical erosion in women who have given birth include preparation for cauterization (tests, studies) and cauterization itself. This approach is almost always used. Since cauterizing the pathology is the most effective and fastest way to defeat it. In rare situations, when the affected area is small, drug treatment may also help.

Therapy methods

How to treat cervical erosion? There are two approaches. This is a medical and surgical treatment. Surgical refers to two types of interventions. The first is coagulation of the pathology zone itself. The second is the elimination of part of the cervix with pathology. The second method is used only in case of multiple relapses and very severe development of the disease.

For drug treatment, both systemic drugs (tablets) and local drugs (creams, suppositories) are used.


Coagulation or cauterization for cervical erosion is a method of treating the affected epithelium. After this treatment, the pathological layer of the epithelium is destroyed and a scab is formed. As normal epithelial cells grow at this site, the scab comes off. The method is often used due to its high efficiency and relative simplicity. Unlike drug treatment, there is almost never a relapse after it.

When is it necessary?

Is it possible to cure erosion without cauterization? This is not always possible. The pathology will have to be cauterized in the following cases:

  1. There are unpleasant symptoms;
  2. The zone is very large and actively growing;
  3. There are concomitant inflammations and infections;
  4. Dysplasia, leukoplakia, and human papillomavirus were detected;
  5. After drug treatment there was a relapse or it did not help at all.

The specific type of cauterization for cervical erosion is prescribed by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition.


How to treat cervical erosion? Coagulation is the most reliable method. When carried out correctly, the effectiveness is 100%, and the likelihood of relapse is extremely low. It is performed in different ways and using different substances. Cauterization is most often used in the following ways:

  • Laser cauterization (coagulation or vaporization) is carried out using a special sensor that produces a laser beam. The method is completely non-contact, therefore eliminating the possibility of infection;
  • Diathermocoagulation is cauterization using high temperatures obtained by heating the surface with high-frequency current. The method is considered quite traumatic and outdated and leaves a scar;
  • Chemical coagulation is carried out using drugs that are applied directly to the affected area. They cause active rejection of pathological epithelium and generation of healthy ones;
  • Radio wave cauterization is another non-contact method. The impact occurs with a directed beam of radio waves, under the influence of which a film is formed on the surface;
  • Coagulation with argon is carried out using this gas by contact;
  • Cryodestruction - coagulation with liquid nitrogen by exposure to very low temperatures.

Non-surgical treatment

How to cure cervical erosion without cauterization? This can sometimes be done by taking medications prescribed by a doctor. This treatment is usually carried out on young women who have not yet given birth. And only when the erosion is small and does not grow. This method is not used if there is a relapse.

This treatment lasts from a month to two or three. The main importance in this case is a special cream that the doctor applies to the cervix. The cream promotes the exfoliation of pathological epithelium and stimulates the growth of healthy ones. Vagotil or Solkovagin creams are used. Most often they are applied twice, with an interval of two weeks.

Tablets will also help get rid of cervical erosion. Medicines to enhance immunity are prescribed, such as Immunal, Polyoxidonium. Antifungal drugs, for example Fluconazole, are also sometimes needed. This treatment method is described in detail in the material "".

It is important to maintain hygiene and ensure that no infections develop. To do this, it is recommended to douche with antibacterial drugs - Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. It is also recommended to use barrier contraception to maintain maximum protection against infections.

Traditional methods

In some cases, traditional methods can be used to treat erosion at home. Of course, their effectiveness is much lower than that of the medicinal and, especially, surgical approach. It is worth remembering that they cannot be used in serious cases.

When is it permissible to use folk recipes? Only when the erosion is small and the doctor has not prescribed modern methods of treating cervical erosion. In rare cases, such methods can be used as additional to conservative drug treatment. In any case, you should consult your doctor before starting such therapy.

Traditional treatment involves making your own suppositories and tampons from active ingredients. There are also several recipes for decoctions for oral administration. Most of them have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and accelerate tissue regeneration. Popular ingredients include propolis, honey, sea buckthorn, aloe, calendula, and eucalyptus. You can read more about this approach in the article “”.


What is cervical erosion?

Cervical erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix. Erosion is one of the most common gynecological diseases. Thousands of women face this problem every year.

What is cervical erosion, what causes it and how to treat it?

To better understand the cause and mechanism of cervical erosion, consider the structural features of the cervix and its changes during the menstrual cycle.

Normal structure of the cervix

The uterus is a hollow organ, the bulk of which is muscle tissue. From the inside, this organ is lined with endometrium - a special tissue that can easily change and help the fertilized cell develop. The shape of the uterus resembles an inverted pear.

Between the body of the uterus and the vagina is the cervix, a canal that connects these two organs. Inside, the cervix is ​​lined with a special tissue - columnar epithelium, the cells of which are tightly adjacent to each other and are located in only one layer.

Its outer part, extending into the lumen of the vagina, is covered with multilayered epithelium, the cells of which form numerous layers. It has the same structure as the vaginal mucosa and covers the cervix to the edges of the external opening - the external os of the cervix. There it connects with another type of epithelium - columnar epithelium. This epithelium covers the cervix from the inside of the canal leading into the uterine cavity.

Normally, the transition from one type of epithelium to another occurs gradually. The cylindrical epithelium of the cervical canal secretes special cervical mucus, which changes its protective properties under the influence of ovarian hormones. By the middle of the menstrual cycle, cervical mucus contains the greatest amount of water, becomes least viscous and highly permeable to sperm.

What are the causes of cervical erosion?

The trigger for the development of cervical erosion is most often infection. Staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, enterococcus, as well as pathogens that are classified as “hidden sexually transmitted infections”: mycoplasma, ureaplasma gardnerella, chlamydia.

Infection of the cervix and the development of erosion are facilitated by various microtraumas, cervical ruptures during childbirth, cervical trauma during a medical abortion, as well as inflammatory diseases of the vagina and uterine appendages.

The local inflammatory process of the mucous membrane is accompanied by increased secretion, that is, the formation of leucorrhoea (discharge). This leads to additional irritation and disruption of the normal structure of the mucous membrane of the cervix.

The epithelium disappears, the surface of the mucous membrane is exposed - erosion occurs. It bleeds easily and “accepts” infection. This damages the blood vessels, and a woman may even complain of spotting after intercourse.

This is how true erosion occurs. It is irregular in shape, bright red in color and bleeds when touched. 1-2 weeks after its occurrence, true erosion either disappears or turns into “pseudo-erosion of the cervix” and the defect of stratified squamous epithelium is replaced by columnar epithelium of the cervical canal.

When a gynecologist tells a woman that she has cervical erosion, we are usually not talking about true erosion . since true erosion exists for a short time (1-3 weeks) and the moment of its appearance is almost impossible to catch, but about ectopia or pseudo-erosion.

Pseudo-erosion is a pathological lesion of the cervical mucosa, in which the usual flat multilayered epithelium of the outer part of the cervix is ​​replaced by cylindrical cells from the cervical (cervical) canal.

No epithelial defect occurs in this disease. The single-layer epithelium from the cervical canal extends to the outer part of the cervix and enters a completely different “habitat”.

Under the influence of the acidic environment of the vagina and the points listed below, epithelial cells begin to grow more or less actively. This is how the focus of cervical erosion progresses.

Causes of cervical erosion:

  • genital infections, vaginal dysbiosis and inflammatory diseases of the female genital area;
  • sexually transmitted diseases - trichomoniasis, chlamydia, herpes simplex virus and others;
  • early onset of sexual activity. The mucous membrane of the female genital organs finally matures by the age of 20-23.
  • cervical injuries. The main cause of such injuries, of course, is childbirth and abortion. After all, the cervix should allow the baby’s head to pass through. Often it breaks;
  • hormonal problems;
  • decrease in the protective functions of the woman’s body.
  • Thus, the majority of the red zones lying around the external uterine pharynx, collectively called “erosion,” are benign changes.

    Therefore, gynecologists often call erosion differently - ectopia or pseudo-erosion. The localization of ectopia can be very diverse. Sometimes erosion almost completely covers the cervix, and more often erosion is observed in the form of a zone around the external os of the cervix, or only individual islands of columnar epithelium are visible against the background of multilayered epithelium.

    How to treat erosion?

    Currently, there are several methods of treating cervical erosion.

    The choice depends on the stage of severity of ectopia, the size and structure of the lesion.

    The purpose of this treatment- remove pathologically altered tissue. In the presence of an inflammatory process of the vagina and cervix, it is first necessary to identify the causative agent of the infection and conduct a course of antibacterial therapy.

    Cervical erosion - questions and answers

    How long does it take to treat cervical erosion?

    How long after treatment for erosion can I have sex?

    Treatment of erosion varies depending on the factors affecting the affected area and duration, and with sex you need to wait 3-4 weeks after treatment.

    What drugs are used to treat erosion?

    To treat pseudo-erosion, chemical coagulants such as Solkovagin and Vagotil are used in the form of applications to the cervical mucosa. This is followed by a course restoring the mucous membrane (methyluracil, solcoseryl ointment, etc.)

    What are the most effective ways to treat cervical erosion?

    The most preferred and effective methods of treating ectopia are phthisiosurgical. These methods include diathermocoagulation (electrocoagulation) - cauterization with electric current, cryodestruction (cryogenic exposure) - freezing method using liquid nitrogen, laser coagulation - laser treatment, multi-wave surgery.

    During cryodestruction, the cervix is ​​treated with liquid nitrogen (ultra-low temperature), the damaged area is “frozen” to healthy tissue. The method is painless and does not leave scars.

    In Moscow cost of cryodestruction of cervical erosion uterus about 1500 rubles. Before and after diathermocoagulation, Hexicon suppositories are used - an antiseptic drug for topical use. Hexicon suppositories can be used during pregnancy and lactation; the drug has no such contraindications.

    How much can it cost to treat cervical erosion using different methods?

    Multi-wave surgery is the most effective surgical technique that uses radio waves as a knife. The cost of radiocoagulation of cervical erosion is from 3,500 rubles.

    Treatment with laser coagulation will cost approximately 1,200 rubles.

    Don't forget to add the price of a consultation with a gynecologist (600-800 rubles) and a cervical biopsy (about 720 rubles).

    Is it possible to cure cervical erosion at home?

    It's not worth even trying.

    Cervical erosions are of different types: inflammatory, congenital, endocrine (hormonal), precancerous diseases, etc.

    Cancer It also looks like erosion. First of all, it is necessary to do a colposcopy (examination under a microscope to identify pathology of the vagina and the nature of erosion on the cervix).

    A PCR examination (smear for STDs) and a blood test for torche infections and a cervical biopsy (taking a small piece from the area of ​​erosion) with histological examination (to exclude the presence of cancer cells) to determine the nature of the erosion are necessary.

    After this, it will be possible to determine the method and extent of treatment of the cervix (medicines, chemical removal, electrocoagulation, cryotherapy, laser therapy, radioknife, scalpel removal, physiotherapy).

    It is not very correct, in the opinion of modern science, that they often say that nulliparous women cannot be treated for erosion. It is possible and necessary, since cervical erosion is a constant source of inflammation in the body.

    Cervical erosion - treatment methods with folk remedies

    To treat cervical erosion, you can take a tablespoon of viburnum berries, mash them and mix them with a teaspoon of onion pulp, add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of vegetable oil. Wrap the mixture in several layers of gauze, making a kind of tampon with a tail. Insert it into the vagina at night. We perform such actions every other day, and on other days we insert a piece of fresh butter.

    This is the second time I have had cervical erosion. I cauterized the first one about 15 years ago, immediately after the birth of my first child. I still can’t forget this nightmare.

    ...Then I decided to undergo treatment myself until the fall, and in the fall, if there were no changes, to muster up the courage and cauterize it. At first I used tampons with sea buckthorn oil for a month - no changes. And then my old neighbor advised me to treat myself with pumpkin pulp. And we have plenty of them in every garden! For 3 evenings in a row I inserted a gauze tampon with pumpkin pulp without seeds into my vagina on a string, then for three evenings - a tampon with linseed oil. After the tampons, I douched properly with an infusion of yarrow - st. spoon into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes under a towel. So, I was treated with pumpkin pulp, then a course of tampons, but not with sea buckthorn oil, but with linseed oil. I repeated these procedures 4 times. And in October, when I went for an examination, I was surprised: only a pale spot remained from the erosion. And there is no need to do any cauterization!

    SOLAR INSTRUCTION - EROSION DOWN! ... with its help I cured my old (5-year-old) erosion in three weeks. You need to take 0.5 cups of dried marigold flowers, put them in a liter jar, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka (only good) and leave the mixture to steep in the sun for two weeks. Then strain and bottle. In the morning, dilute a teaspoon of tincture in a glass of warm boiled water and douche for 21 days, starting from the second day after menstruation and so on until the next menstruation.

    HEALING TAMPON. Hello, dear “School of Health”! In our family, all women on our mother’s side had the same problem. After childbirth, cervical erosion appeared. Therefore, I know first-hand how to deal with it: both my mother and grandmother passed on their experience. When the doctor discovered this attack in me, I was not at a loss. I mixed equal parts of rose hips and vegetable oil crushed into flour, kept the mixture in a water bath for three hours, stirring the contents periodically, then strained. Every day at night for two weeks I made tampons with this mixture (every woman knows how to insert them). At the next examination, the gynecologist was very surprised when she did not find my erosion. Well, I told her everything that I wrote to you. She approved.

    Recipe from herbalist K. Karimov: when treating cervical erosion, tampons with eucalyptus oil help well; do them daily at night for 10 days.

    DOWN WITH EROSION!... A lot has been written about erosion and how to treat it, but I want to tell you how I cured it myself. I hope that my remedy will help other women forget about this disease forever. Take 1/5 teaspoon of castor oil, 1.5 teaspoon of honey, 3 teaspoons of aloe juice (not alcohol tincture), mix. Before going to bed, insert a tampon (with a long tail that should remain outside) dipped in the healing mixture into the vagina. Do this for 15 days. And in the morning, douche with calendula infusion: pour a tablespoon of dried flowers with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain.


    I would like to offer a recipe for cervical erosion, inflammation of the appendages and leucorrhoea. Pour a liter of purified (filtered) water into a small enamel pan, add a tablespoon of burnt alum, pure copper sulfate, ground into powder, and mix thoroughly.

    Place the pan on the stove, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly, then cool and strain through cheesecloth folded in four layers. You will get blue water. Pour it into a dark glass bottle, seal it carefully and store in the refrigerator.

    Dilute a tablespoon of medicine in a liter of warm boiled water and douche with this solution for 10 days before going to bed. Carry out the procedure only after menstruation. If it doesn’t help right away, repeat everything. Treat yourself to your health!

    CERVICAL EROSION. This disease is quite common among women. Usually in such cases cauterization is prescribed, which can be avoided by using folk remedies. I would like to offer a few of them.


    Calendula tincture solution: 1 tsp. 2% calendula tincture in 0.25-1 glass of water.

    St. John's wort infusion: 4 tbsp. l. St. John's wort herb pour 2 liters of hot water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and leave for 30 minutes.

    Place tampons with sea buckthorn oil into the vagina for several hours. The treatment is short-term, epithelization occurs after 8-12 days.

    Tampons soaked in mumiyo solution (2.5 g of mumiyo dissolved in 0.5 cups of water) are inserted into the vagina at night.

    What way treatment of cervical erosion It’s up to you to decide for yourself; we have tried to describe most of them in as much detail as possible.

    Chronic prostatitis

    Cervical erosion is a disease associated with pathological changes in the microflora of the cervix and the formation of ulcers. Every year the disease is spreading more and more among women.

    Erosion is a benign formation that can develop into cancer in the absence of proper treatment. Therefore, it is important to know the main signs of pathology and consult a doctor at their first manifestations.

    The disease is diagnosed in every third woman in the world. Women of different ages are at risk, including girls who do not have sexual intercourse with rapid, sharp changes in hormonal levels and a hereditary predisposition to the formation of erosion.

    In nulliparous women, cervical erosion often appears, but during pregnancy it sometimes disappears and does not require treatment while waiting for the baby and after childbirth.

    Contents of the article:

    Main types

    Cervical erosion comes in 3 forms - mild, moderate and severe, depending on the level of tissue damage.

    There are 3 types of pathology:

    There are uncomplicated forms of the disease, in which the uterus regenerates damaged cells on its own, in the absence of treatment, and complicated forms, characterized by modification of the cervix and the appearance of diseases of nearby organs.


    Factors contributing to the development of pathology include:

    • human papillomavirus;
    • immune disorders in the female body, especially during pregnancy, childbirth and with a sharp gain of extra pounds;
    • ruptures after childbirth;
    • vaginal inflammation – bacterial vaginosis, thrush, vaginitis.
    • sexually transmitted infections - ureaplasma, chlamydia, mycoplasma, genital herpes, trichomanada;
    • abortions;
    • colpitis;
    • inflammation of a chronic nature - inflammation of the ovaries, cystitis;
    • pathological changes of an endocrine nature;
    • endocervicitis;
    • syphilis;
    • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
    • tuberculosis;
    • a woman’s sexual activity started too early or late;
    • promiscuous relationships and frequent changes of partners.

    Important! The cause of cervical erosion may be overly active sexual intercourse, mechanical means of contraception and improper use of tampons. As a result, injury to the cervix occurs.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Cervical erosion may not show any signs for many years. That is why regular examinations of a woman by a gynecologist are important to identify pathologies on time.

    The disease can occur hidden: without pain, disruptions in the menstrual cycle and pathological heavy discharge.

    In rare cases, symptoms of the disorder appear:

    If the disease is left untreated for a long time, discharge may indicate the transition of erosion to a malignant form.

    Complications of cervical erosion

    If there is no treatment and if the disease is not treated, there is a risk of developing severe complications:

    • inflammation;
    • infertility;
    • bleeding;
    • hematomas.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    To detect cervical erosion, the doctor will perform the following actions and studies:

    • Instrumental inspection.
    • Flora smear.
    • Ultrasound examination of the genital organs.
    • Colposcopy.
    • General blood and urine analysis.
    • Tests for sexually transmitted infections and HIV.
    • Cytological studies.
    • A biopsy of uterine cells, which is performed on the 7th day after menstruation.

    What can't you do?

    After cauterization of cervical erosion, it is prohibited:

    • have sexual intercourse within a month;
    • lift weights;
    • take a hot bath, wash in high temperature water;
    • supercool;
    • exercise;
    • visit solariums and be in direct sunlight;
    • use tampons other than those recommended by your doctor;
    • visit saunas and steam baths;
    • do an ultrasound examination using a vaginal probe;
    • swim in ponds.

    If these basic rules are not followed, the epithelium may be damaged and blood vessels may be damaged.

    Treatment is not prescribed for the congenital form of the pathology. In this case, specialists monitor the course of the disease.

    In other situations, a surgical or conservative method of getting rid of the pathology is used.

    Important! If there are additional diseases, they are first targeted with a course of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial medications and immune system modulators.

    If there is no effect of treatment, surgical intervention is used:

    1. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen. The disadvantage of the procedure is the high probability of recurrence of repeated erosion of the cervix. After the session, severe swelling and heavy discharge are possible. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
    2. Diathermocoagulation, which involves the use of electrical waves. The procedure is accompanied by discomfort for women and is not suitable when planning a pregnancy in the next year or for women who do not have children. Duration – 20 minutes.
    3. Treatment with radio waves. Fast, painless and non-contact method. Suitable for nulliparous women and does not leave scars.
    4. Exposure to diode laser. Suitable for nulliparous women, there are practically no contraindications.
    5. Chemical coagulation. It is carried out by cauterization with concentrated acid. Suitable for small erosions. The method is not prohibited for nulliparous women.

    If cauterization of cervical erosion is not done in a timely manner, the risk of scarring that affects the birth process increases.

    For small erosion, a specialist may prescribe the following remedies:

    • drug treatment;
    • douching;
    • candles.

    The goal of conservative treatment is to normalize the vaginal microflora to help the body cope with the disease on its own.

    During pregnancy, cervical erosion is dangerous only when combined with diseases of the genitourinary system of infectious origin. In this case, the specialist usually recommends suppositories that reduce the signs of pathology, and treatment is carried out after the birth of the baby.

    After completing a course of treatment for cervical erosion, menstrual irregularities are possible for 1-2 months; every woman should visit a doctor for examination at least once every 6 months.

    Proper nutrition

    To get rid of cervical erosion, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of selenium, vitamins E, C and A and folic acid, which leads to hormonal imbalances and a decrease in a woman’s immunity.

    To improve a woman’s condition, it is important to include the following foods in her daily diet:

    • cabbage;
    • lentils;
    • bananas;
    • asparagus;
    • calf liver;
    • Brewer's yeast;
    • citrus fruit;
    • orange and yellow vegetables;
    • walnuts and hazelnuts;
    • celery;
    • leafy green vegetables;
    • olives;
    • vegetable oils;
    • seafood;
    • garlic;
    • parsnip.

    How to treat with folk remedies?

    The effectiveness of popular folk remedies is not refuted by traditional medicine. The use of recipes based on natural ingredients is possible after consultation with a doctor.

    For safety and maximum benefit, you should follow the dosage when preparing the products, the rules of use and storage.

    Douching will bring benefits:

    • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of celandine in 2 glasses of water. The decoction is infused for 1 hour, the herb is squeezed out and the infusion is filtered. Douching is carried out for no more than 14 days with a frequency of 1 time in 3 days.
    • To 1 liter of water you need to add 2 tablespoons of crushed chamomile herb. The resulting mixture is boiled in a water bath for about 20 minutes. It is recommended to leave the decoction for 15-20 minutes.

    The following recipes have a beneficial effect:

    • Flour, rose hips and vegetable oil are thoroughly mixed. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes, filtered. The mass is used for night tampons, which are recommended to be used for 2 weeks.
    • The pumpkin pulp should be separated from the seeds, placed in gauze and a tampon inserted into the vagina while you sleep at night. The procedure can be performed up to 4 times a week. It is recommended to additionally consume pumpkin infusions and juice.
    • Dissolve crushed peony root in 0.5 liters of vodka. Next, the decoction should be infused in a cool, dark place for 1 month. Drink the infusion up to 3 times a day, half an hour before meals for 1-1.5 months.

    Remember! Douching is not suitable for women who have recently had childbirth or an abortion, during pregnancy or during menstruation.

    Preventive measures

    To prevent the occurrence of pathology, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

    It is important to follow measures to prevent cervical erosion. If alarming signs of the disease have already appeared, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist, who, after correct diagnosis, will select competent treatment to quickly eliminate the pathology and eliminate the risk of developing severe complications of the disease.

    Every second woman hears the diagnosis of ESM when examined by a doctor. And then follows a series of contradictory recommendations: “It is urgent to cauterize, otherwise cervical cancer is possible!”, “You cannot cauterize before birth, as this will damage the cervix, and it will not open during childbirth!”, “It is imperative to cauterize before childbirth, otherwise it will not open.” you can get pregnant!”, and so on.

    In order to move on to a review of modern treatments, I will briefly talk about what is behind the diagnosis of ESM. You can read in detail.

    Let me start with the fact that Russian doctors make this diagnosis by eye when they see that a woman’s cervix is ​​not very beautiful.

    Accordingly, after such an “eye diagnosis” it is necessary to undergo procedures to clarify the diagnosis:

    • General smear.
    • If you suspect a sexually transmitted infection, additional tests are required.
    • Cytological examination by Papanicalau.
    • Colposcopy.

    After these clarifying studies, the diagnosis of ESM should already sound something like this:

    • ectopia (ectropion),
    • cervicitis,
    • dysplasia (atypia).

    I will briefly indicate the reasons for these conditions:

    • Infections of the genital tract, dysbacteriosis of the vaginal microflora.
    • Onset of sexual activity before age 20
    • Damage to the cervix: childbirth, abortion, medical procedures, mechanical damage.
    • Changes in hormonal levels.

    Now let's move on to the treatment options for ESM that medicine offers today.

    1. Waiting tactics.
    2. Cauterization with chemicals: Solkovagin, Vagotil.
    3. Surgical treatment: diathermocoagulation, cryodestruction, laser treatment, radio wave treatment.

    Let's consider surgical treatment methods in more detail.

    Diathermocoagulation - cauterization of the cervix.

    Cauterization is performed with an electrode in the form of a loop - using a low voltage current. As a result, the damaged area of ​​the cervix is ​​excised. When using this method, it is impossible to regulate the depth of tissue coagulation. Frequent complications of this method are cicatricial changes in the cervix. Cervical endometriosis is common.

    Cryodestruction (treatment with liquid nitrogen).

    As a result of interaction with liquid nitrogen, freezing and subsequent rejection of frozen tissue occurs. Just as with diathermocoagulation, it is impossible to regulate the depth of tissue freezing. After this procedure, the woman retains liquid discharge for a long time. An allergic reaction to cold and even anaphylactic shock is possible.

    Laser treatment Recently it has become increasingly widespread. The method is quite accurate, the doctor controls the depth of penetration and affects only the damaged areas of the cervix.

    Treatment with radio waves. The principle is the same, damaged areas of the BL are exposed to radio waves. This is a fairly new treatment method, and There is not yet a sufficient basis on its effectiveness and side effects. The method does not require anesthesia and does not leave scar tissue - this is a plus.

    The main problem is not how ESM is treated, but that they treat something that is not a pathology.

    There is no need to treat cervical ectopia; it is not a disease, but a variant of the norm. Cervicitis is an inflammation and cannot be treated by cauterization. Dysplasia must be treated comprehensively, and not just surgically.

    The most favorite method of treatment among doctors is surgery.

    I will list the main complications after the “treatment”:

    • Damage to the cervix: stenosis, decreased production of cervical mucus, functional inferiority of the cervix (ceases to be a gateway that prevents infection from entering the uterus and tubes). As a result, it is difficult for a woman to become pregnant.
    • The cervix does not open well during childbirth due to scarring.
    • Possible menstrual dysfunction.
    • Premature birth, especially after diathermocoagulation and cryodestruction.

    When we save a person’s life, the price for this may be damage to the cervix, infertility and complications during childbirth later.

    But it is wrong to treat something that does not need to be treated, and as a result have serious complications.


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    Cervical erosion is a defect of the mucous membrane. You can diagnose cervical erosion at an appointment with a gynecologist using mirrors. Despite the generally accepted opinion that this disease cannot be treated, this is not true. Treatment of cervical erosion must be carried out, otherwise over time, the cells affected by the infection may develop into a malignant stage. There are a great variety of methods for treating cervical erosion, from which you can choose surgical, medicinal or folk.



    A surgical intervention in which the damaged area is exposed to ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen. Thanks to this procedure, the diseased area of ​​the cervix is ​​“frozen” into healthy flesh. The temperature of liquid nitrogen is about 150 degrees, and the efficiency of the method reaches 97%.

    Among the advantages of the method are:

    • does not leave scars;
    • can be used in nulliparous women and those planning pregnancy;
    • new healthy epithelium grows in place of destroyed diseased tissues;
    • the recovery period is short;
    • the procedure is painless and bloodless;
    • The duration of the procedure is less than that of other methods.

    The operation is performed within a few minutes, after which the patient returns home. After the procedure, swelling is observed on the cervix. The discharge after the intervention is profuse and lasts about two weeks. Tissue healing occurs within a month.

    The disadvantage of cryodestruction is that there is a risk of contraction of the uterus or its shortening, so this procedure is not one of the most popular. For deep lesions of the mucous membrane, the method is ineffective.

    Laser coagulation

    The method is based on cauterization of erosion using a laser. The most widely used method of treating erosion by doctors at this time. The advantages of laser cauterization include:

    • the laser eliminates erosion and at the same time stops bleeding in the damaged area;
    • a scar after the procedure rarely occurs;
    • low risk of complications;
    • the treatment is non-contact, therefore the risk of infection from medicinal instruments is minimal;
    • suitable for nulliparous women;
    • the procedure is completely painless;
    • During the procedure, visual control is carried out using a colposcope;
    • The rehabilitation process after the procedure lasts less than with other methods.

    The procedure is prescribed immediately after the menstrual cycle. The length of the laser beam is set, which evaporates the damaged cells of the erosive area. Complete healing of the cervical epithelium occurs after 3 to 4 weeks.

    Rehabilitation after the procedure is going well, in some cases there may be some bleeding, which is normal. You should abstain from sexual intercourse until the uterine epithelium has completely healed.

    During the recovery period, the doctor prescribes suppositories to the patient to avoid infection. You can plan a pregnancy no earlier than three months after the procedure. After 1.5 months, the patient must undergo a follow-up examination and assessment of the positive effects of the laser.

    The most outdated and traumatic method is cauterization of erosion using current. Due to the high efficiency of the method, it has not yet been abandoned.

    This method is used less and less for the treatment of erosion, since there is a high risk of narrowing of the uterine pharynx after the procedure, which can lead to problems with the next pregnancy and childbirth.

    The procedure is carried out without anesthesia for 20 - 30 minutes in the second period of the menstrual cycle. After the procedure, the patient is monitored in the ward and if all is well, she is sent home.

    Disadvantages of this treatment method:

    • pain during the procedure, which intensifies if the erosion is large;
    • high likelihood of scarring;
    • long-term recovery up to 2.5 - 3 months;
    • high probability of bleeding and infection in the wound;
    • another procedure may be required due to crust formation during the cauterization process;
    • not suitable for those who plan to have children in the near future, as the scar complicates the birth process.

    When treating cervical erosion with radio waves, a special device “Surgitron” is used. The operation of the device is aimed at converting radio wave radiation into energy, which is concentrated as much as possible at the end of the element.

    The main advantages of this method of treating cervical erosion:

    • low trauma to surrounding soft tissues;
    • There is no deformation of the organ after the procedure;
    • the method is practically bloodless and painless;
    • suitable for nulliparous women, without leaving adhesions or scars;
    • relapses do not occur after the procedure;
    • the recovery period is short.

    Before the procedure, a biopsy and cytology of soft tissues are taken to exclude malignant tumors. The simplicity of the method allows the procedure to be performed under local anesthesia.

    Cauterization is carried out once, after which women must follow the following instructions:

    • do not have sexual intercourse for a month;
    • do not swim in pools and ponds;
    • do not lift heavy objects;
    • do not take a hot bath.

    For the first few days after the procedure, you may experience uterine spasms and spotting, which should not be alarmed.

    The procedure is contraindicated for people with heart failure or diseases of the reproductive system during an exacerbation period.

    Chemical coagulation method

    This method involves applying chemicals directly to the center of erosion. For cauterization, a mixture of acids “Solkovagin” and “Vagotil” is used. Before cauterization, a smear is taken from the patient to exclude infection in the cervix.

    The procedure is carried out under the supervision of a colposcope so that the medicine is applied most accurately to the center of the tissue damage. Chemicals promote the rejection of the surface layers of cells, after which new ones form in their place.

    The advantages of the method are that it does not require the use of anesthesia, after which scars and deformation of the canal do not occur. The procedure is quick and well tolerated by patients.

    Disadvantages that can be highlighted:

    • The procedure is effective only for small areas of erosion;
    • the least effective method of all;
    • high probability of relapse;
    • This method should be avoided by nulliparous women;
    • there is a high probability that the drug will touch healthy tissues on which a scar may form.

    For rehabilitation to be successful, a woman must refrain from overheating the body and sexual intercourse for a month.


    Douching is one of the best methods for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases. Douching can be compared to washing, the purpose of which is to provide the vagina and uterus with the necessary disinfection and relieve the inflammatory process.

    Douching can be done in one of several ways:

    1. Using an enema filled with rinsing liquid. This method can be traumatic if you do it yourself at home. It is better to carry out this type of douching in a hospital.
    2. Using a special syringe. Fill the syringe with the required solution. The procedure can be conveniently carried out in the bathroom, with the woman lying on the bottom of the bathtub with her legs thrown over the edges. You should relax and insert the tip of the syringe into the vagina, slowly pour the solution into it so that it enters the cervical canal.
    3. It is also possible to use a syringe while standing over the toilet, tilting your torso forward and slightly bending your knees.

    The procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the walls of the bladder. Douching is contraindicated for pregnant women. It is not recommended to do the procedure for longer than two weeks in a row, as it can disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.

    Solutions that can be used for douching at home:

    • Pour 2 tablespoons of chamomile into a liter of boiling water in a saucepan. Place the pan with a lid in a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, leave the solution for 40 minutes, then cool to room temperature.
    • Pour 15 grams of chopped celandine roots with a glass of boiling water and heat for 20 minutes under a lid in a water bath. Leave for an hour, strain. Douche with ½ cup of infusion per day.
    • Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed bergenia root into 200 milliliters of boiling water and boil in a water bath for half an hour. Cool the broth to room temperature, strain and use.
    • Pour 4 tablespoons of calendula flowers into two glasses of boiling water. Leave for an hour, strain.
    • Pour 2 tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves into 500 milliliters of boiling water, leave until the solution reaches room temperature. Strain and use as directed.
    • Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed calamus root (dried) into half a liter of boiling water. Let the mixture boil and cook for 5 minutes. Prepare the solution in the morning so that it infuses until evening. If a burning sensation occurs during douching, you must endure it.
    • Pour 2 tablespoons of boron uterus into 500 milliliters of boiling water. Bring to a boil, cool and strain. To achieve a therapeutic effect, use the decoction only within 24 hours after preparation, once at night. The course of procedures is a week.

    Remember that the douching solution must be carefully filtered through several folded layers of gauze.


    The use of tampons in the treatment of cervical erosion is a folk method that can be easily done at home. This treatment is not accompanied by adverse reactions, with the exception of allergies to the selected therapeutic component.


    Before deciding on surgical treatment of erosion, you can try to cure the pathology using conservative methods, namely the use of suppositories or tablets. Also, the use of medications must be carried out before surgery if there is inflammation at the site of erosion.

    Available in the form of a solution that has an antiseptic, local trichomonacid and bactericidal effect. It has local vasoconstrictor and hemostatic properties.

    The active substance is polycresulene.

    Indications: erosion of the cervix and vagina, vaginal itching, local treatment of wounds that are difficult to heal, vaginitis, bleeding after biopsy or electrocoagulation of the cervix.

    Contraindications: breastfeeding and pregnancy, menstrual cycle, hypersensitivity to the components of the product, sexual activity in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

    Mode of application:

    • for douching, you need to dilute 10 - 15 milliliters of solution in a liter of warm water;
    • carry out hygienic procedures, then insert a tampon soaked in the solution into the vagina for 1 - 3 minutes. Remove the swab and wipe off the remaining drug with a dry swab;
    • The procedure must be carried out 2-3 times a week, no more than 10 courses.

    Adverse reactions:

    • redness;
    • swelling of the vulva and vagina;
    • sensation of a foreign body in the vagina;
    • burning;
    • rash;
    • local irritation;
    • anaphylaxis.

    The release form of the product is vaginal suppositories. A drug that has antiseptic properties against bacteria and infections, it is often prescribed before and after surgery. The drug does not disrupt the normal vaginal microflora and is approved for use by pregnant women.

    The active ingredient is chlorhexidine bigluconate.

    Indications: prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, prevention of complications after surgery, prevention of inflammatory and infectious complications in gynecology and obstetrics, treatment of vaginitis, endo- and exocervisitis, treatment of cervical erosion.

    Contraindications: allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

    Mode of application:

    • the product is intended for insertion into the vagina, before it must be removed from the package;
    • for prevention purposes, after unprotected sexual intercourse, administer a suppository no later than two hours later;
    • for treatment, insert a suppository into the vagina 1 - 2 times a day;
    • Duration of treatment - 7 - 10 days, maximum 20 days according to doctor's indications.

    Adverse reactions: itching in the genital area, which disappears after discontinuation of the drug.

    The product is available in the form of a solution. Used for local treatment of benign pathologies of the cervix. The mucous membrane that is not damaged by pathology does not react to the penetration of the drug and remains intact.

    Active acids included in the composition: acetic, nitric, zinc nitrate hexahydrate, oxalic acid dihydrate.

    Indications: benign lesions of the cervical tissue, namely the transformation zone, cervical ectopia, polyps of the cervical canal, postoperative granulomas, Nabothian cysts.

    Contraindications: pregnancy, cellular dysplasia, allergic reactions to drug components, malignant changes in cervical cells.

    Mode of application:

    • when using the solution, you should avoid contact with the vaginal epithelium and the skin of the external genitalia;
    • the contents of one bottle are dosed for two procedures;
    • before using the product, you should remove vaginal mucus with a cotton swab;
    • so that the boundaries of the cervical lesion are more clearly visible, it should be treated with a 3% solution of acetic acid;
    • using a cotton swab wound on a rod, treat the pathology site with the drug;
    • repeat treatment with the drug after 2 minutes;
    • after the procedure, the doctor conducts follow-up examinations on the 10th, 24th and 38th days;
    • If the result is unsatisfactory, carry out the procedure again.

    Adverse reactions: apart from possible individual allergic reactions, no side effects were observed.

    The release form of the drug is tablets. "Terzhinan" is a complex product that has antifungal and antibacterial effects. The drug relieves inflammation, guarantees the constancy of the vaginal pH and the integrity of its membrane.

    The active component of the product is ternidazole, nystatin, prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate, neomycin sulfate.

    Indications: vaginitis, including bacterial and fungal, prevention of infections after operations to remove cervical erosion, vaginal trichomoniasis, mixed vaginitis, prevention of complications before gynecological operations.

    Contraindications: increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Mode of application:

    • the tablet must be inserted deeply into the vagina before going to bed in a lying position;
    • before administering the tablet, it should be kept in warm water for 20 - 30 seconds;
    • after administering the tablet, you need to lie down for 15 minutes;
    • As a preventive measure, take the drug for 6 days, for treatment - 10 days;
    • If mycosis is confirmed, you can take the product for 20 days.

    Adverse reactions: at the beginning of therapy, burning and itching in the vagina may be observed.

    Herbal preparation, the release form of which is a solution. The product contains various medicinal plants, as well as mumiyo and glycerin. The drug is widely used to sanitize the external genitalia and vagina and effectively relieves inflammation.

    Indications: used as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antipruritic agent for pathologies of the vagina and cervix, skin sanitation, burns, wounds, frostbite.

    Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    Mode of application:

    • Dilute 10 milliliters of the drug in a glass of warm water;
    • the prepared solution can be used to wet tampons and insert them into the vagina for 2 - 5 hours;
    • you can use the solution for douching and toileting the genitals;
    • duration of treatment 5 - 10 procedures;
    • You can add Malavit to the bathroom as a hygiene product at the rate of 10 milliliters per 200 liters of water.

    Adverse reactions: development of allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching and burning in isolated individual cases.



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