Creation of an economic security system. System for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise in a crisis

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1. Fundamentals of economic security of an enterprise

Economic security of an enterprise: criteria, indicators, concept

2.1. Theoretical basis economic security of the enterprise

The topic of economic security was first identified at the legislative level in Russia in 1992. The Law “On Security” established the concepts of security, objects and subjects of security, threats to security and its provision. At the same time, the Law deals with security as a general category, without designating its specific areas or types. Consequently, the adoption of this Law can only be interpreted as recognition of the existence of a security problem and the creation of some legislative basis for its solution. It should be noted that in the Law, the objects of security are the individual, society with its material and spiritual values, and the state. At the same time, the subjects of security are the state and its bodies, as well as citizens, public and other organizations and associations. Apparently, the legislator considered that the “public and other organizations and associations” mentioned in the Law cannot be identified as security objects, but security actors should take part as much as possible. Thus, the Law did not distinguish the categories of “organization” or “enterprise”, as well as “economic security”.

A Committee for the Protection of the Economic Interests of Russia under the President of the Russian Federation and a Working Group on Economic Security under the Government of the Russian Federation were formed, however, as noted by N.V. Matveev, the results of their work were insignificant.

In 1996, the State Strategy for Economic Security of the Russian Federation (Basic Provisions) was adopted. The Federation Council and the Government of the Russian Federation paid attention to the same topic. In one of the adopted documents the concept of “enterprise” already appears, although only as an object of purchase by foreign firms. Also, although quite unexpectedly, the owner is mentioned with his rights and responsibilities.

It is important to note the following fact. Economy as a system of relations includes certain objects - enterprises. As will be shown below, most industrial conflicts and problems arise precisely at the level of specific enterprises. However, in most cases, the level of economic security of enterprises is not considered as such. In general, in regulatory documents and literature, the concepts of the level of economy, national security, regional security are used, and the economic security of enterprises has no place in these documents.

Determining the interaction, correlation, and influence of security factors at the levels of macro-, meso- and microeconomics is a rather difficult task. To summarize the above, we can say that there is an attempt to regulate or describe the behavior of an entire system of objects without regulating or describing the behavior of each of them. On the other hand, it is clear that the possibility of such a description does not always exist. To do this, a number of conditions must be met and certain assumptions made. Consideration of this problem goes far beyond the scope of this dissertation research. It seems reasonable to assume that if we are considering the security of a system within a larger system, complex system, and which in turn consists of a number of subsystems with complex interactions, then the security of systems at a level higher and lower than the system under consideration may be of significant interest to us.

However, it is worth noting that in the legislation the level of economic security of the enterprise is actually “skipped”. The most possible reasons for this:

– the scale of events at the enterprise level is insignificant at the level of the country, region or industry;

– the process of lawmaking proceeds in the direction “from general to specific”, and legislators have not yet reached the enterprise level;

– enterprises are extremely heterogeneous objects, both in terms of organizational and legal form, form of ownership, industry or sectors of the economy, scale of activity, degree of competition in the industry (region), economic indicators, etc., therefore it is quite difficult, or practically impossible, to create a single description for them impossible.

However, the following facts must be kept in mind. The owners of most enterprises are legal entities or citizens, both of our state and foreign. Jobs for citizens of our state are created at specific enterprises. These companies pay them wages. Specific enterprises conduct financial and economic activities and make various decisions at their own peril and risk. These same enterprises pay taxes to budgets of all levels. Therefore, the condition of each specific enterprise is within the sphere of interests of citizens, society and the state.

It is logical to assume that the solution to the problem of economic security, including legislative support, should be carried out not only at the level of the state, region, industry, but also at the enterprise level.

Protecting the interests of enterprises in the national economy is an essential element of both the domestic and foreign policies of most governments in the developed countries of the world.

A construction enterprise or a construction industry enterprise is a special case general concept– enterprises. Existing theoretical views on the economic security of enterprises, from the author’s point of view, do not fully cover the problem, which sharply reduces the effectiveness of practical activities to ensure the economic security of enterprises in general and the construction industry in particular. Therefore, we are forced to pay special attention to the theory of economic security of enterprises.

The issue of categorical apparatus and terminology is quite important. Definitions and terms that form the basis of any reasoning or logical construction can influence their final result. In any study, it is important to correctly and successfully define certain phenomena, objects, and concepts. Definitions are always based on one approach or another, the author’s attitude to the problem, his system of views. Already at this phase of the study, certain conclusions can be laid down explicitly or implicitly.

An enterprise is usually understood as a legal entity of any form of ownership, any organizational and legal form, conducting commercial activities in market conditions.

IN AND. Yarochkin interprets a threat as real or potentially possible actions or conditions of intentional or accidental (unintentional) disruption of the functioning of an enterprise by causing material (direct or indirect) damage, leading to financial losses, including lost profits.

A.S. Sosnin and P.Ya. Jumpers understand the threat of potential or real events, processes, circumstances or actions of attackers that can cause moral, physical or material damage.

All these definitions differ significantly from each other. The definition given by V.S. Gusev, differs from the other two in that the threat is not directly associated with causing damage, but only with the violation of “ideally conflict-free” operating conditions. Since enterprises exist in market conditions, i.e. competitive conditions, there are always contradictions and conflicts. Based on this definition, we can immediately conclude that a functioning enterprise always has threats to economic security in the sense of a threat according to V.S. Gusev. Also positive is that V.S. Gusev introduces the definition of the purpose of the enterprise. The advantages of this definition include the statement of the fact that the structure and algorithms of an enterprise can pose a threat to the enterprise itself. Determination of threat according to V.I. Yarochkin there is the next phase of development of the conflict that has arisen according to V.S. Gusev. At the same time, the fact of the presence of a threat is established only after damage has been caused to the enterprise, which reduces the value of the definition. It is also worth noting that disruption of normal functioning is not always caused by causing material damage. Definition of A.S. Sosnina and P.Ya. Prygunov is essentially close to the definition of V.I. Yarochkin, but the threat does not necessarily lead to consequences in the form of disruption of the functioning of the enterprise and damage. Thus, we see some discrepancies in the phase and mechanism of development of the negative situation, as well as the depth (consequences) of its development.

In our opinion, for practical purposes the following classifications of electronic security threats are most important:

– by the amount of expected damage;

– according to the probability of occurrence;

– if possible (relative cost) of counteraction;

– according to the ratio of the characteristic time from the moment of detection of the threat of electronic security to the infliction of economic damage (ED) (the moment of the inevitability of causing ED) to the enterprise and the time of response - the counteraction of the enterprise eliminating this threat. For practical work, this is a fairly significant indicator;

– according to the degree of motivation of the subject of the threat.

In the practice of Russian enterprises and in the literature, the following names of enterprise divisions are often found, the activities of which are directly related to ensuring the economic security of the enterprise (ES): security service, security department, regime service, enterprise security service, enterprise economic security service. As noted by V.P. Mak-Makom, the security service (SB) of the enterprise is the subject of “law enforcement private detective and security activities”, its functioning is carried out on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation”. In the Law, the security service of an enterprise is understood as “separate units for carrying out security and detective activities in the interests of its own security” of the enterprise. Their activities are subject to licensing by the Department of Internal Affairs. It seems logical to consider and use the term “enterprise security service” in this sense as established.

According to statistical data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, given by V.P. Mak-Makom for 2002, 5162 active SBs were registered, which is clearly less than the number of enterprises in the construction industry alone - 113.0 thousand - in Russia. Meanwhile, the problem of ensuring economic security in one form or another exists for all enterprises without exception, including those that do not have their own security system. Enterprises that do not have their own licensed security system may have divisions or individual employees in their structure whose goal is to ensure electronic security, and the tasks they solve are aimed at achieving this goal. If it is necessary to carry out security and detective activities in its own interests, the enterprise will seek these services from licensed private security companies(private security company) and detective associations.

However, both their own Security Service and third-party detectives and private security companies can only solve certain issues of ensuring the security of enterprises, since this problem cannot be solved only by security and detective activities. It is necessary to perform other functions, in particular such as analysis, control, monitoring, coordination of the actions of various departments, forecasting, impact on the financial performance of the enterprise. Such a unit with expanded functionality for the purpose of this study further, for definiteness, we will call it the security service (SS) of the enterprise. Also, such departments of the enterprise as the internal control service, internal audit service, control and audit service, financial control service, legal department, may be related in one way or another to the provision of electronic security. financial department, accounting, information technology department, human resources department. A number of tasks solved by one of these divisions of the enterprise and the functions they perform may be close, directly dependent, duplicated, controlled, coordinated, used in their work by other of the same divisions of the enterprise. At the same time, there are enough a large number of options for organizing the work of these departments in terms of structuring, subordination, areas of responsibility, functional responsibilities and powers, and ensuring interaction. The reason for this is a complex combination of preferences of the owners of the enterprise, the practices of the managers of the enterprise and the security system, the characteristics of the financial management of the enterprise, and the factor of personal relationships.

A generalization of the works of various authors leads to the following conclusions. In many works, when describing in time, the process of providing electronic security as protection against a threat begins with identifying or predicting a threat, for example. In general, I would like to note that this order looks quite natural and logical. It fully corresponds to the definition of security as protection from threats. It’s convenient to imagine the process this way: if we identify a threat, we build a defense. Let's build the corresponding algorithm for the security process (Fig. 1.3):

But let us pay attention to the following facts.

– Most threats in the general sense, and not as applied to a specific enterprise, exist much longer than these very enterprises, have long been known and well described.

– As noted earlier, the concept of security, rather than threat, can be considered primary.

– It was said above that threats to electronic security always exist due to the differences, even the opposite directions, of the interests of business entities. Threats to electronic security exist in all areas of the financial management of enterprises without exception.

– Ideologically, the concept of permanently building protection against emerging threats corresponds to what in sports is called “working as number two.” There is always a certain lag behind the attacker. If this lag is significant, the defeat of the defending “number two” is guaranteed.

– From a “technological” point of view, the threat is a possible deviation of the real FCD of the enterprise from the optimal, “normal” FCD. Therefore, identifying a threat comes down to forecasting, detecting possible deviations from the “normal” FCD, i.e. comparison of real FCD with “normal” one. This can only be done if you have an independent, fairly complete and accurate understanding of the normal physical performance of the enterprise.

Taking into account the above, the conclusion suggests itself about the possibility of changing the approach to ensuring electronic security. In other words, it seems appropriate to consider, first of all, not the threats to economic security themselves, but the functioning of an enterprise with a security system.

Thus, the concept of security is primary to threat, and security is a property related to the enterprise, not to threats. The enterprise must be created taking into account the requirements for ensuring security; individual security mechanisms are laid down, starting from the stage of preparation of constituent documents, and up to the maintenance of the current FCD of the enterprise (if the enterprise has already been created, then all necessary changes are made). At the same time, the enterprise is developing a security system that implements an integrated approach. The entire FCD of an enterprise is considered as a single set of measures aimed at ensuring electronic safety. Most types of threats are known in advance, methods of protection against them are already laid down in advance in the enterprise's FCD and security system, the security system predicts and identifies the most dangerous threats and mechanisms for their implementation, neutralizing them with measures of a predominantly preventive nature. Taking into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities and the state of the external environment, some individual aspects of the activity are developed and clarified.

This approach is depicted graphically in Figure 1.4.

Summarizing the above, we present the results of a comparison of these approaches in Table 1.1. It should be noted that in general, most authors in their works, one way or another, combine elements of both the first and second approaches. The process of creating an enterprise taking into account security requirements must begin with the constituent documents.

Table 1.1. Comparing two security approaches


First approach

Second approach

Primary concept


The essence of the concept of security

Security against threats

Ability to function normally

The essence of the concept of threat

Damage, danger, conflict

Emergence, increasing the likelihood of failure to achieve goals (by disrupting normal functioning),

Security system task

Threat Protection

Ensuring normal functioning

Object of attention, influence

All FHD events

The relationship of safety to the enterprise's achievement of goals


Sufficient condition

Safety criterion

Enterprise element security

Achieving the goal by the enterprise

Constituent documents. Issues of relationships between founders, management issues, withdrawal of founders from the membership, and many others are discussed here. Some of these issues are regulated by certain Laws. It is very important to try to foresee possible scenarios for the development of events and make them as non-conflict as possible for all parties and safe for the enterprise. V.N. Cherkasov described in some detail the analysis of the Charter carried out by the Security Council when checking a potential counterparty. First of all, this is an analysis of the procedures and powers of various management persons. The founders (managers, SB) of the newly created enterprise should conduct a similar analysis of their current or planned Charter. Understanding by all founders of the enterprise management mechanism will eliminate possible misunderstandings at the very initial stage. When creating an enterprise, its goal, strategy, mission, and objectives are usually indicated. It is very important to ensure that all this is consistent with each other and agreed upon by the founders. Already at this stage, the foundations of the future security system are laid. It is unnecessary to talk about the role of the top officials of the enterprise in its life. The wrong choice of company leaders by the founders can put an end to any initially profitable business.

Creating an organizational structure of an enterprise is very important point. Here it is necessary to take into account safety requirements. Firstly, the organizational structure itself should eliminate as much as possible the possibility of internal and combined threats. For example, subordination and subordination of persons performing certain duties must be avoided. In particular, it is important to take into account the requirements for the subordination of controlling units. Secondly, the level of influence and subordination of the enterprise security system itself must be correctly determined. The effectiveness of the Security Council will directly depend on this.

The personnel policy of the enterprise also plays an important role. The qualifications of the personnel and their focus on results play an important role in the success of the enterprise.

Development and description of business processes, motivation systems, writing job descriptions, organizing document flow. Here, too, there is a large number of requirements determined by the need to ensure electronic security. This includes the multiplicity of persons signing documents, the correct distribution of job responsibilities, the impossibility of combining the performance of individual functions by the same people, the organization of document flow, which allows authorization of documents and recording their passage between officials, and much more. Business processes are immediately compiled in such a way as to simplify and make more reliable the procedures for accounting and management accounting, internal control, issuing permits, obtaining approvals, operating the security system, etc.

Timely consideration of the above factors will make it possible to create an enterprise, the organizational structure and construction of the FCD of which was initially created taking into account safety requirements and where certain elements of the electronic security support system are organically integrated.

Thus, based on the definition of economic security of an enterprise based on economic concepts, the expediency of the “economic” approach in the theory of ensuring the economic security of an enterprise is substantiated. The focus is not on the process of combating phenomena identified as threats, but on achieving the enterprise’s goal by maintaining its normal functioning. This is a broader task, but it is one that the enterprise should solve, and this cannot be transferred to any of its departments other than the security service.

2.2.Legislative framework to ensure the economic security of the enterprise

One of the first legislative acts on the way to ensuring the economic security of an enterprise was the Federal Law of December 2, 1990 No. 395-1 “On Banks and Banking Activities.” Article 26. “Banking secrecy” of this law states: “A credit organization, the Bank of Russia guarantee secrecy about transactions, accounts and deposits of their clients and correspondents. All employees of a credit institution are required to keep secret the transactions, accounts and deposits of its clients and correspondents, as well as other information established by the credit institution, unless this contradicts federal law. For the disclosure of bank secrets, the Bank of Russia, credit, audit and other organizations, the authorized body implementing measures to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, as well as their officials and their employees, are liable, including compensation for damage caused, in the manner established by federal law." Then the RSFSR Law of March 22, 1991 No. 948-1 “On Competition and Restriction of Monopolistic Activities in Product Markets” appeared. Article 10 of this law establishes the forms of unfair competition. Unfair competition is not allowed, including:

Dissemination of false, inaccurate or distorted information that could cause losses or damage to another business entity business reputation;

Misleading consumers regarding the nature, method and place of production, consumer properties, quality and quantity of the product or its manufacturers;

Incorrect comparison by an economic entity of the goods produced or sold by it with the goods of other economic entities;

Sale, exchange or other introduction into circulation of goods with illegal use of the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization of a legal entity, individualization of products, performance of work, services;

Receipt, use, disclosure of information constituting a commercial, official secret and a secret protected by law.

Later, the “Law on Private Detective and Security Activities” of 1992 was adopted. This law allowed enterprises to create their own security services for armed protection of property, escort of cargo and collection of necessary information through their own detective units. Since then, many legislative acts have appeared regulating various aspects of the activities of enterprises. Some of them are offered in a short overview. Law of the Russian Federation of September 23, 1992 No. 3523-1 “On the legal protection of programs for electronic computers and databases” Article 12. “Ownership of the exclusive right to a computer program or database”
1. Exclusive right on a computer program or database created by an employee (author) in connection with the performance of work duties or on the instructions of the employer belongs to the employer, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between him and the employee (author).
If the exclusive right to a computer program or database belongs to the employer, the employee (author) has the right to remuneration, the payment procedure and amount of which are established by an agreement between the employee (author) and the employer. Law of the Russian Federation of September 23, 1992 No. 3520-1 “On trademarks, service marks and appellations of origin of goods” Article 1. “Trademark and service mark.” Trademark and service mark (hereinafter referred to as the trademark) are designations used to individualize goods, work performed or services provided (hereinafter referred to as goods) of legal entities or individuals. Article 4. “Exclusive right to a trademark.” The copyright holder has the right to use the trademark and prohibit the use of the trademark by other persons. No one can use a trademark protected in the Russian Federation without the permission of the copyright holder. Federal Law of June 23, 1999 No. 117-FZ “On the protection of competition in the financial services market” Article 15. “Forms of unfair competition.” Unfair competition in the financial services market between financial institutions, which is expressed in actions aimed at obtaining advantages when carrying out business activities, concluding agreements or conducting concerted actions among themselves or with third parties, which are contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation and business customs and may cause or have caused losses to other financial organizations competing in the market financial services or caused damage to their business reputation, including: dissemination of false, inaccurate or distorted information that could cause losses to another financial organization or damage its business reputation; incorrect comparison of the financial services provided by a financial organization with financial services provided by other financial organizations; receipt, use and disclosure of information constituting an official or commercial secret without the consent of its owner, unless such actions are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 1-FZ of January 10, 2002 “On Electronic Digital Signature” The purpose of this Federal Law is to provide legal conditions for the use of electronic digital signatures in electronic documents, subject to which an electronic digital signature in an electronic document is recognized as equivalent to a handwritten signature in a paper document carrier.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part Two Article 857. “Bank secrecy”:

The bank guarantees the secrecy of the bank account and bank deposit, account transactions and client information.

Information constituting banking secrecy can only be provided to the clients themselves or their representatives. State bodies and their officials such information can be provided only in cases and in the manner prescribed by law.

If the bank discloses information constituting a bank secret, the client whose rights have been violated has the right to demand compensation from the bank for the losses caused.

Approved by Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia dated March 3, 2003 No. BG-3-28/96 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 26, 2003 No. 4335 “Procedure for access to confidential information of tax authorities.” This document defines the procedure for access to confidential information of tax authorities of state bodies, local governments, organizations, authorized persons and other users. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ, which came into force on January 1, 1997, contains a significant number of norms that perform the functions of criminal law ensuring the economic security of enterprises from crimes in the field of economic activity. Most of the crimes that encroach on the economic security of an enterprise in terms of the security of economic activity are criminalized for the first time in the new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 169, 173, 176, 177, 182; Part 1 of Art. 183, 185, 195-197 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ). For other types of crimes included in this group, the legislator considered it possible to establish more severe (stricter) punishments (Articles 178, 180 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). A study of the relevant group of norms shows that in some cases the legislator made a clear underestimation of the social danger of organized forms of criminal attacks on the economic security of an enterprise. For example, the sanction of Part 2 of Art. 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (monopolistic actions and restriction of competition in the form of eliminating economic entities from the market, committed by an organized group) does not allow this crime to be classified as serious. Accordingly, in the fight against this type of attack on the security of an enterprise, the rules on liability for organizing or participating in a criminal community cannot be used (Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In most cases, these include: obstruction of legitimate business activity, causing major damage (Part 2 of Article 169 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); false entrepreneurship that caused major damage to citizens and organizations (Article 176 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); illegal receipt of a loan (Article 176 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); illegal use of a trademark (Article 180 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); illegal receipt and disclosure of information constituting a commercial or banking secret, causing major damage (Part 2 of Article 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); abuses during the issuance of securities (Article 185 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); misconduct in case of bankruptcy (Article 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); deliberate bankruptcy (Article 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); fictitious bankruptcy (Article 197 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

On July 29, 2004, Federal Law No. 98-FZ “On Trade Secrets” was adopted. The law regulates relations related to classifying information as a trade secret and protecting its confidentiality in order to ensure a balance of interests of information owners and other participants in regulated relations. The law specifies issues provision of information constituting a trade secret, information that cannot constitute a trade secret, the procedure for establishing a trade secret regime when fulfilling a government contract for government needs. In addition, issues of protecting the confidentiality of information are regulated, issues of liability for violation of the law are spelled out. This section provides only a small part of legislative acts related to ensuring the economic security of an enterprise.But even the examples given give reason to believe that the legislator will continue to pay due attention to the problems of economic security of entrepreneurship.

2.3. Main directions and principles of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise

The economic security of an enterprise is a complex concept and is associated not so much with the internal state of the enterprise itself, but with the influence of the external environment, with its subjects with whom the enterprise interacts. In this regard, it is probably more accurate to state that the economic security of an enterprise reflects the consistency and balance of the interests of the enterprise and the interests of the subjects of the external environment. From these positions, the economic security of an enterprise can be considered as a practical implementation of the provisions of the theory of resource interdependence, according to which in its activities an enterprise must take into account not only its own, but also the various interests of partners, the range of which can be very wide. It is from the point of view of coordinating the interests of the enterprise and the subjects of the external environment interacting with it that it is intended to study the concept of economic security of the enterprise. The economic security of an enterprise is proposed to be considered as a measure of harmonization in time and space of the economic interests of the enterprise with the interests of the associated subjects of the external environment operating outside the boundaries of the enterprise. This understanding of the economic security of an enterprise does not contradict the attempts already made to define this concept, since, just like all these attempts, it proceeds from the recognition of a significant, if not more decisive, influence of the external environment on the activities of the enterprise. The fundamental difference of the proposed understanding of the economic security of an enterprise is the recognition of the impossibility of completely protecting the enterprise’s activities from the negative influence of the external environment due to the fact that the enterprise operates in this external environment and its activities outside it are impossible, as well as the recognition of the positive influence of the external environment. How positive influence external environment, technical and managerial innovations that have a complex impact on the activities of the entire enterprise should be considered. An enterprise may accept these innovations for implementation, or may ignore them, but the need to take innovations into account is dictated by a number of objective reasons. As a result of innovative processes, new methods and means of production appear. This objectively determines the need for active intervention of enterprises in innovation processes, critical analysis possible means and methods of manufacturing the same type of product. But this is only one side of the issue. The second is the variety of forms of organization of production and labor, ways to increase production efficiency. The need to take into account emerging innovations both in the field of production technology and in the field of organization of production and management is due to at least two reasons, namely the opportunity: to reduce production costs and thereby increase profits and gain competitive advantages in the market; expand the occupied market segment or enter new markets. Ultimately, both the first and second directions should lead to an increase in the profit of the enterprise, strengthening its competitive positions in the market and increasing the level of economic security. The proposed understanding of the economic security of an enterprise allows us to assert that it is economically secure if its economic interests are harmonized with the interests of subjects of the external environment - consumers, suppliers, competitors, investors, the state and society as a whole. Harmonization of the interests of an enterprise with the interests of the subjects of the external environment interacting with it is achieved by coordination of interests, which, depending on the status of the subject of the external environment, can appear in various forms. The interaction of an enterprise with subjects of the external environment is carried out through the implementation of functional activities in the external environment. Among the subjects of the external environment, it is necessary to highlight, first of all, the state, which has the most significant influence on the activities of the enterprise, regulating almost all aspects of its activities in different forms. Each enterprise necessarily interacts with consumers of its products, as well as with suppliers of necessary resources. The composition of market infrastructure subjects is largely determined by the type of activity of the enterprise and its organizational and legal form. Among the subjects of market infrastructure, general and special subjects are distinguished. Of the general entities, banks, for example, play a key role. For joint stock companies the stock exchange and subjects of the over-the-counter trading system, financial intermediaries (traders) are important securities, investment funds and companies, trust companies). It should be noted that the interaction of an enterprise with subjects of the external environment is carried out in a market environment, one of the state parameters of which is the presence of general economic risks associated with the stage of development of the country’s economy as a whole (rise or crisis), with the development of inflation processes, and the movement of the bank interest rate , with currency parity. As is known, it is impossible to remove or reduce general economic risks in the activities of an enterprise using known methods (diversification of activities, transfer of risks, etc.). The interaction of an enterprise with subjects of the external environment can be direct and indirect. Direct interaction refers to direct contacts of an enterprise with subjects of the external environment, carried out temporarily or permanently, on a documentary or information basis, the results of which have a direct impact on the profit of the enterprise. Indirect interaction does not imply direct contacts of the enterprise with subjects of the external environment, whose activities, without directly influencing the operational activities of the enterprise, determine the strategically important decisions made by its management. Indirect interaction, without implying direct contacts of the enterprise with the subjects of the external environment, nevertheless has an impact on the results of the enterprise’s activities, in particular, on its profit. The most important role here is played by the company's competitors. The importance of indirect interaction between an enterprise and subjects of the external environment increases sharply due to the increasing complexity of the entire system public relations , which constitute the management environment. From the above understanding of the economic security of an enterprise, as a measure of harmonization of the interests of the enterprise with the interests of the subjects of the external environment associated with it, it follows that the content of the basic concept of economic security - the concept of “interests of the enterprise”, as well as the criterion of compliance with the interests of the enterprise, which is organically associated with it, needs to be studied. Based on the meaning of the word “interest”, defined as benefit, benefit, profit, it seems possible to consider the interests of an enterprise as its interaction with subjects of the external environment, carried out constantly or for a certain period of time, forcibly or at the choice of the enterprise, the results of which ensure the receipt of profit. The interests of an enterprise are inseparable from their subjects, since the interests of an enterprise are a personalized category. There are no interests at all. In this regard, it is necessary to identify the subjects of interests of the enterprise. The personification of the subjects of interests of an enterprise is determined by a number of factors, primarily such as the form of ownership of the means of production and, accordingly, the organizational and legal form of the enterprise’s activities, and the type of interests themselves. In accordance with these factors, the hierarchy of subjects of interest of the enterprise can be presented as follows: the owner of the means of production, the management of the enterprise, the enterprise management team, and the enterprise personnel. In the proposed hierarchy of subjects of interest of the enterprise, the dominant positions belong to the owner of the means of production and the management of the enterprise. This hierarchy of subjects of interest of an enterprise is valid for those cases when the owner of the means of production or the management of the enterprise exercise control over the activities of the enterprise, i.e., at the same time they are controlling subjects. Control over an enterprise is considered as a form of exercising economic power over the dominance of a specific person or group of persons and is based on the use of such economic categories as property, power and the right to dispose of the income of the enterprise. The subject of control forms the system of interests of the enterprise and, therefore, has a dominant influence on its economic security. Real control over the activities of an enterprise can be exercised by third parties, for example, creditors. The presence of such a subject of control over the activities of the enterprise can be determined by the results of an analysis of its financial condition using indicators of the share of long- and short-term loans in the capital structure and an assessment of the structure of the enterprise's creditors. Use of borrowed funds in large volume may lead to the fact that the activities of the enterprise are actually controlled by the owners of borrowed funds for a certain period. In addition, the real policy of an enterprise can be formed and implemented outside the sphere of its management, for example, through various kinds of consultative and advisory bodies. The presence of a controlling entity in itself cannot be considered a positive or negative factor for the activities of the enterprise. What is important is the coincidence or divergence of the interests of the controlling entity and the enterprise. If their interests coincide, if the controlling entity has significant investments in the capital structure of the enterprise, for example, in the form of loans, if the controlling entity is interested in the sustainable and dynamic development of the enterprise, then the presence of a controlling entity cannot be considered a negative factor in the development of the enterprise.

Based on the definition of economic security, it is necessary to highlight the main function blocks economic security systems trading enterprise, ensuring maximum compliance between the management of the enterprise and its resource potential: property of the enterprise; enterprise finance; enterprise personnel; technology, innovation and information environment of the enterprise; organizational structure of the enterprise. This structure of functional components corresponds to the structure of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise. The safety of the enterprise's property and other material assets is ensured by a set of measures, which must include measures to ensure the rules of operation, security, personnel liability, accounting, and depreciation. At an enterprise, the category of property and material assets includes: buildings and structures, vehicles and mechanisms, trade equipment, warehouse supplies, communications equipment, computers and structured cabling systems equipment. The finances of an enterprise occupy a leading place in the process of reproduction and formation of its own funds. To ensure economic security, enterprise finance must ensure a balance between the movement of material and financial resources at all stages of the circulation of capital in the reproduction process. The financial management of an enterprise should be based on the principles of financial independence and self-financing. The task of the enterprise management is to regularly analyze and build optimal structure capital to ensure financial stability, solvency and financial independence of the enterprise. And yet the main factor of economic security is the personnel of the enterprise. A professional management team is able to reorganize an unprofitable enterprise and make it a leader, and, conversely, illiterate management, negligent performance of duties, lack of labor discipline can lead a profitable enterprise to bankruptcy. Main directions personnel policy enterprises must be: determining the needs for labor both in quantity and quality, forms of its attraction and use. This applies both to advanced training, constant development of personnel, and to the creation of conditions for the full manifestation of incentives for highly productive work on the part of each employee, eliminating the prerequisites for the emergence of unreliable employees. Unreliability is a dynamic process that changes over time under the influence of external and internal reasons, and reflects the individual’s readiness to take actions that in his socio-cultural environment of a higher level can be regarded as a violation existing standards and traditions. And also the behavior itself that violates these norms. Unreliable personnel are primarily dangerous due to their tendency to disclose proprietary information and trade secrets. Ensuring information security presupposes, on the one hand, the extraction (receipt) of information of interest by any means. On the other hand, careful, targeted and constant protection of your own information. Today, the most important means of accumulating, storing, processing, and transmitting information are corporate structured cabling systems and computer networks, usually having gateway channels to the Internet. The complexity of creating an information security system is determined by the fact that data can be stolen from a computer and at the same time remain in place; the value of information lies in its possession, and not in destroying or changing the data, although in certain cases attackers may pursue precisely these goals. Over the past 50 years, the main competitive advantages have been: the level of development of production capacities, the innovative policy of the enterprise, timely renewal of fixed production assets, the technical level of production in all areas of production and economic activity of the enterprise, the possession of new modern technology and innovative transformations. The key to creating a competitive advantage was to increase the utility of the product to consumers while maintaining the same cost of inputs. Competitive advantage was based on ingenuity. But over time, products were imitated and patents either expired or were bought out. Once all these innovations became available to everyone, competitive advantage could no longer be based on an already broken technological monopoly. Then the era of organizations began. The new organizational structure allowed for continuous improvement of existing technological developments. Those with more effective organizational structures did better. In the second half of the 20th century, a range of organizational innovations helped create temporary monopolies, large and small. All of them helped to gain competitive advantages for those who were the first to use them. Organizational structure An enterprise must have a goal, the form of which must follow the content, the structure must be developed in order to correspond to a specific set of goals. Changing the organizational structure to reflect business processes can have long-term and significant consequences.

Principles of building an organizational structure.

Flexibility. Characterizes the ability to quickly adjust in accordance with changes occurring in personnel and production.

Centralization. It consists in the reasonable centralization of the functions of employees in departments and services of the enterprise with the transfer of operational management functions to the lower level.

Specialization. It is ensured that certain management functions are assigned to each division.

Standard control. Compliance with a rational number of subordinates for each manager: the highest level of the enterprise - 4-8 people, middle management (functional managers) - from 8-20 people; lower link - from 20-40 people.

Unity of rights and responsibilities. It means that the rights and responsibilities of departments and positions must be in dialectical unity.

Separation of powers. Line management ensures decision-making on the current activities of the enterprise, and functional management ensures the preparation and implementation of decisions.

Necessary costs for building and maintaining an organizational management structure.

The structure of functional components may be different, depending on the type of activity and size of the enterprise; in each specific case, management determines its priorities.

2.4. Criteria, indicators and concept of economic security of an enterprise

An integral element of the study of the economic security of an enterprise is the choice of its criterion. The criterion of economic security of an enterprise is understood as a sign or sum of signs on the basis of which a conclusion can be made about whether the enterprise is economically secure or not. Such a criterion should not only state the existence of economic security of the enterprise, but also evaluate its level. If the purpose of the criterion is reduced only to stating the economic security of the enterprise, then in this case the subjectivity of the assessment is inevitable. At the same time, it would be desirable to obtain a quantitative assessment of the level of economic security using those indicators that are used in planning, accounting and analysis of the enterprise’s activities, which is a prerequisite for the practical use of this assessment. To do this, it is advisable to study the indicators of financial stability, break-even and liquidity of the enterprise. In the economic literature, attempts have already been made to quantitatively assess the level of economic security of an enterprise, which has led to the emergence of several approaches to assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise. Thus, the indicator approach is known, in which the level of economic security is determined using so-called indicators. Indicators are considered as threshold values ​​of indicators characterizing the activities of an enterprise in various functional areas, corresponding to a certain level of economic security. An assessment of the economic security of an enterprise is established based on the results of a comparison (absolute or relative) of the actual performance indicators of the enterprise with indicators. The level of accuracy of the indicator in this case is a problem, which lies in the fact that currently there is no methodological basis for determining indicators that take into account the characteristics of the enterprise’s activities, determined, in particular, by its industry, type of ownership, capital structure, and existing organizational and technical level. In case of unqualified determination of the indicator values, the level of economic security of the enterprise may be incorrectly determined, which may lead to the adoption of management decisions that do not correspond to the real state of affairs. The indicator approach is quite justified at the macro level, where indicator values ​​are more stable.

There is another approach to assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise, which can be called resource-functional. In accordance with this approach, the assessment of the level of economic security of an enterprise is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the state of use of corporate resources according to special criteria. At the same time, business factors used by the owners and managers of the enterprise to achieve business goals are considered as corporate resources. In accordance with the resource-functional approach, the most efficient use corporate resources necessary to achieve the goals of a given business are achieved by preventing threats negative impacts on the economic security of the enterprise and achieving the following main functional goals of the economic security of the enterprise: ensuring high financial efficiency of the enterprise, its financial stability and independence; ensuring the technological independence of the enterprise and achieving high competitiveness of its technological potential; high efficiency of enterprise management, optimality and efficiency of its organizational structure; high level of qualifications of the enterprise personnel and their intellectual potential, efficiency of corporate R&D; high level of environmental friendliness of the enterprise, minimizing the destructive impact of operating results on the environment; high-quality legal protection of all aspects of the enterprise’s activities; ensuring the protection of the enterprise’s information environment, trade secrets and achieving a high level of information support for the operation of all its services; ensuring the safety of the enterprise’s personnel, its capital, property and commercial interests. Each of the economic security goals of an enterprise has its own structure of subgoals, determined by the functional feasibility and nature of the enterprise’s work. The resource-functional approach to assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise is very broad. An attempt to cover all functional areas of an enterprise’s activity leads to a blurring of the concept of economic security, and the assessment of its level using the aggregate criterion of economic security, “calculated on the basis of the opinions of qualified experts on private functional criteria of the economic security of an enterprise,” is subject to significant influence from the subjective opinion of experts. In addition, the question of determining the level of qualification of experts remains open. In addition, as is known, integrating indicators using any of the known approaches, including using the specific weight of the significance of indicators, as proposed by E. Oleinikov, leads to a decrease in the accuracy and reliability of the assessment. To top it off, it should be noted that the detailed development and monitoring of the implementation of the target structure of the economic security of an enterprise significantly complicates the practical implementation of the resource-functional approach to assessing the economic security of an enterprise. The subjectivism of the resource-functional method is manifested both in the assessment of damage when determining private functional criteria for the economic security of an enterprise, and in the process of distributing the share of functional components when calculating the overall criterion for the economic security of an enterprise. Therefore, one can hardly agree with the arguments of the authors of the resource-functional method, given in its defense, that “ is the absence of a strict “Procrustean bed” of clearly defined assessment parameters that allows the most effective configuration of this flexible tool for a comprehensive assessment of the activities of an enterprise and its environment business on the specifics of a candy organization." V. Zabrodsky proposed using an approach to assess the economic security of an enterprise that reflects the principles and conditions of program-targeted management and development. In accordance with this approach, the assessment of the economic security of an enterprise is based on the integration of a set of indicators that determine economic security. In this case, several levels of integration of indicators and such methods of their analysis as cluster and multidimensional analysis are used. This approach is characterized by a high degree of complexity of the analysis performed using mathematical analysis methods. And if its use in the research field makes it possible to obtain reliable results of assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise, then in the practical activities of enterprises this is very difficult. In addition - and this is noted by V. Zabrodsky - it is very difficult to “assess the stability of the aggregate integral indicator for a given area of ​​its change.” The approach proposed by the author to assessing the stability of the aggregate integral indicator makes it possible to assess the level of economic security of an enterprise, but rather from the position of a mathematician, rather than a manager. Based on the results of the analysis of the most well-known approaches to assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise, we can conclude that these approaches are very difficult to use to assess the level of economic security of an enterprise in the proposed interpretation. In this regard, a different approach to choosing a criterion for determining the level of their economic security is necessary. Based on the fact that the economic security of an enterprise is proposed to be considered as a measure of the coordination of its interests with the interests of the subjects of the external environment, and any interest of the enterprise - as its interaction with the subjects of the external environment, as a result of which the enterprise makes a profit, then it would be logical to assume that the criterion The economic security of an enterprise is the profit obtained as a result of interaction with subjects of the external environment, which the enterprise can already dispose of at its own discretion, i.e. net profit. In the absence of profit or, moreover, losses, it is impossible to say that the interests of the enterprise are being respected and, therefore, that the enterprise is in economic security. On the contrary, in this case the enterprise actually faces the threat of bankruptcy. Thus, the proposed approach to choosing a criterion for the economic security of an enterprise is based on the enterprise’s receipt of profit. The profit of an enterprise - its absolute value or the results of its relationship with the resources expended - can be considered as a prerequisite for a conclusion about the economic security of the enterprise. However, it cannot be used to assess the level of economic security of an enterprise. The economic security of an enterprise, its independence and the prevention of slipping into a critical risk zone can be ensured if the most important strategic directions for ensuring business security are identified, a clear logical scheme is built for the timely detection and elimination of possible dangers and threats, and reducing the consequences of economic risk. To create a reliable enterprise security system, it is necessary to carry out a set of preparatory measures. This work largely determines what decisions will be made in this area, how security authorities will be formed, what financial, material and human resources will be allocated, and ultimately, the effectiveness of ensuring business security. Before making decisions, developing a concept, drawing up a system of plans, etc., it is necessary to objectively assess the situation in which the enterprise is located. First of all, it is necessary to study the environment at the macro and regional levels, as well as at the level of partners and competitors. The state of the environment can either create a favorable situation for business safety, or, conversely, constantly initiate the emergence of difficult-to-predict dangers and threats. There are many things to consider when assessing the environment. These are the political and socio-economic situation in the country and region, the predictability of the behavior of power structures and the direction of their policies, the state of the legal framework, the availability of material, raw materials, energy and labor resources, the crime situation, the state of the market environment: the availability of necessary resources, sales markets, acceptable price level, competitiveness of products, opportunities for establishing business contacts, the presence of real and potential competitors, the state of market infrastructure and many others. Particular attention should be paid to the study of business partners, their solvency, and business reputation. Experience shows that in the conditions of an emerging market economy, in cases of establishing business relations with unscrupulous counterparties due to their violation of contractual obligations, significant economic damage can be caused to the enterprise. Serious attention should also be paid to competitors, since if they use unfair competition methods, serious dangers and threats with serious economic consequences may arise for the enterprise. At the preparatory stage, not only the environment is studied, but also the state of the enterprise itself. Moreover, the more complete and detailed the information, the more opportunities there are for an objectively justified management decision to create a reliable security system. For this purpose, it is necessary to assess the state of the enterprise’s provision of various types of resources, the degree of security of security facilities, the reliability of human resources and, above all, those who have access to trade secrets and take responsible risks. management decisions; the state of financial, information, personnel, technical and technological, environmental, intellectual, political, legal and power components of economic security; the ability of the enterprise to create, maintain and equip its own security service, etc. Based on the extensive information received, a concept for the economic security of the enterprise is developed. The concept of economic security of an enterprise is a system of views, ideas, goals, permeated with a single plan, on the problem of security of the main security facilities of an enterprise, as well as a system of measures, ways, directions for achieving set goals and creating favorable conditions to achieve business goals in conditions of uncertainty, as well as the existence of internal and external threats. A concept is not some kind of detailed program or safety plan, but a fundamental position, plan, system of views, requirements and conditions for organizing safety measures at various stages and levels of production activity, a logical diagram (program) of the functioning of the enterprise safety system.

The enterprise security concept is an officially approved document. The concept of economic security of an enterprise may include the following blocks.

1. Description of the problem situation in the field of enterprise safety: a) determination of the state of the environment; b) analysis of the state of the enterprise, its resource potential, the degree of security of security facilities, the reliability of human resources, the state of its functional components: financial, personnel and intellectual, legal, information, technical and technological, environmental, power, etc.; c) identifying potential and real hazards and threats, ranking them according to the degree of significance or danger according to the time of occurrence or the amount of possible damage caused; d) determination of the causes and factors of occurrence of hazards and threats; e) forecasting possible negative consequences of individual hazards and threats, calculating possible damage; f) formulation of the problem situation.

2. Determining the security target: a) formulating a security policy and strategy; b) defining the safety goal; c) setting tasks that contribute to achieving the goal and implementing the formulated policy and the chosen type of strategy.

3. Building a system of economic security of an enterprise: a) formulating the functions of the enterprise security system and choosing the principles on which it is based; b) identification of security objects and analysis of the state of their security; c) creation of security bodies (subjects); d) development of security mechanisms; e) creation of an organizational structure for managing the enterprise security system.

4. Development of methodological tools for assessing the state of economic security of an enterprise: a) determination of fundamental criteria and indicators of the state of economic security; b) selection of methods for assessing the state of economic security of an enterprise; c) formation of a system of methods for analyzing economic risk.

5. Calculation of forces and means necessary to ensure security: a) calculation of the required amount of material, technical, energy and other resources, means of protection and security of security facilities;

b) determining the required amount of human resources and the costs of their maintenance and labor stimulation; c) definition financial costs necessary to ensure the safety of the enterprise; d) comparison of necessary costs with possible damage from the effects of hazards and threats.

6. Development of measures to implement the main provisions of the enterprise security concept: a) determination of the conditions necessary and sufficient for the implementation of the concept; b) finding sources of resource support for the concept; c) allocation of financial resources for the implementation of the concept; d) development of a strategic plan (or program), as well as work plans for structural divisions of the security service to solve the problems defined by the concept; e) training of professional personnel for the security service, as well as training of company employees (insofar as they are concerned) on compliance with security rules, actions in emergency situations, access control rules, work with documents, compliance with trade secrets, etc.; f) creation of a certain type of security service and organization of its management; g) installation of technical means of protection, etc.; h) monitoring the effectiveness of implementation of the basic provisions of the concept of economic security; i) development of the enterprise security system, its constant adaptation to changing conditions, improvement of the forms and methods of its work.

7. Conclusions about the need to develop and implement the concept of economic security of an enterprise and the effectiveness of its application:

a) compliance of the concept, goals and objectives of the created security system with real and potential threats and dangers;

b) the degree of sufficiency of allocated resources to implement the concept;

c) the ability of the security service to solve the problems facing it;

d) efficiency (economic, production-technical, environmental, etc.) of the implementation of the concept of economic security of the enterprise.

The most important strategic direction of ensuring the economic security of an enterprise is planning, which is carried out on the basis of the developed concept. As you know, planning is an integral element of management, its most important function. It is the plan that brings the organizing principle into the process of solving certain problems. It should not only formulate the activities, but also determine the sequence and timing of their implementation, indicate the performers and, which is very important, determine the forces and means of their implementation. Purely theoretically, it is possible to imagine many dozens of plans that are aimed at ensuring the economic security of an enterprise. All planning begins with the development of a strategic plan to ensure the economic security of the enterprise. This is the most general plan, which sets some quantitative guidelines for ensuring the functional components and, in general, the state of economic security of the enterprise, provides for the most optimal scheme for using resources for these purposes, develops organizational measures and interaction of structural divisions. Other plans also contribute to ensuring the economic security of the enterprise: financial, production, supply, personnel planning, etc., as well as work plans for individual structural divisions. Although they are not specific security plans, they bring consistency and organization to departmental operations and help achieve business goals more effectively. In addition to a special strategic plan for ensuring economic security, an enterprise can develop a whole range of other current plans. For example, plans to ensure the security of functional components (financial, intellectual and personnel, technical and technological, political and legal, environmental, information, power); specific plans for the work of the structural units of the security service (security, regime, human resources, document processing with the stamp “KT”, engineering and technical protection, intelligence, counterintelligence, information and analytical group, headquarters); action plans to repel individual threats and in crisis situations (in the event of an explosion threat, hostage-taking or kidnapping of employees, an attack on enterprise facilities, extortion or blackmail, an attack on collectors, etc.). Generally, the information contained in these specific plans is strictly confidential. It is communicated to specialists and relevant managers. If necessary, specific recommendations, instructions, etc. can be developed on the basis of the plans, then the practical implementation of the developed plans is carried out.

One of the most important strategic directions for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise is the identification, prevention, neutralization, suppression, localization, repelling of dangers and threats, and, if necessary, compensation for damage, restoration of objects of protection damaged as a result of illegal actions, negligence, force majeure and etc. The implementation of this strategic direction requires high skill and professionalism of the company's employees, significant expenditure of corporate resources, good organization, clarity, discipline, etc. In fact, the practical solution of this problem is the implementation of the most important provisions of the concept, policy and security strategy ; the enterprise's economic security system manifests itself in action. To implement such an important strategic direction of security, a fundamental, conceptual model (algorithm) of security must be developed for each security object (material assets, products, personnel, information, etc.). These models can have both common elements and their own specifics resulting from the features and properties of the security object. This model allows us to consider the problem in the interrelation of both the object of the threat or attack, the threats themselves, and the means of ensuring security. There is no doubt that each enterprise may have its own approach, its own threats and their sources, its own security measures, etc. in this case What is important is the fundamental approach (algorithm), which is the methodological basis for detailing specific measures to protect a particular security object.

2.5. Indicators and indicators of economic security of an enterprise

From accurately identifying threats, from the right choice measures of their manifestation, that is, a system of indicators for monitoring (they are also called indicators), depends on the degree of adequacy of the assessment of the economic security of the enterprise existing in production reality and the complex necessary measures to prevent and counter dangers corresponding to the scale and nature of the threats. One of the goals of monitoring the economic security of an enterprise is to diagnose its condition using a system of indicators that take into account specific industry characteristics that are most characteristic of a given enterprise and have important strategic significance for the latter.

If you use a similar methodology to build a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators of economic security at the enterprise level, then it is necessary to include the following indicators (naturally, this list requires its specification for each type of production, ranking of indicators into primary and secondary):

a) production indicators:

Dynamics of production (growth, decline, stable state, rate of change);

Real level of production capacity utilization;w

Share of R&D in the total volume of work;w

Share of R&D in total R&D;w

Rate of renewal of fixed production assets (renovation);w

Stability of the production process (rhythm, workload level over a certain period of time);

Share of production in GDP (for especially large monopolistic enterprises);

Assessment of product competitiveness;w

Age structure and technical resource of the machine and equipment fleet;

b) financial indicators:

Volume of the “portfolio” of orders (total volume of expected sales);w

Actual and necessary volume of investment (to maintain and develop existing potential);

Level of innovation activity (volume of investment in innovation);

Level of production profitability;w

Capital productivity (capital intensity) of production; w

Overdue debt (receivables and payables);w

The share of availability of own sources of financing of working capital, materials, energy resources for production;

c) social indicators:

The level of wages in relation to the average for industry or the economy as a whole;

Level of wage arrears;

Lost working time;

Structure of human resources (age, qualifications).

In relation to the specifics of the enterprise and in accordance with the actual and normative values ​​of its technical and economic indicators and the magnitude of their deviation from the barrier (threshold) values ​​of economic security indicators, the state of this enterprise can be characterized as:

a) normal, when indicators of economic security are within threshold values, and the degree of use of existing potential is close to technically sound standards for loading equipment and space;

b) pre-crisis, when the barrier value of at least one of the indicators of economic security is crossed, and others have approached some vicinity of their barrier values, and at the same time the technical and technological capabilities of improving the conditions and results of production by taking preventive measures against threats have not been lost;

c) crisis, when the barrier value of most of the main (according to experts) indicators of economic security is crossed and signs of an irreversible decline in production and partial loss of potential appear due to the exhaustion of the technical life of equipment and space, and personnel reduction;

d) critical, when all (or almost all) barriers separating normal and crisis states of production development are violated, and partial loss of potential becomes inevitable and inevitable.

There are various methods (correlation connections, weighting coefficients, etc.) and approaches to determining the integral indicator of economic security, which characterizes the effect of heterogeneous factors on the state of the enterprise.

If we use a graphical approach, then such a criterion for the state of production that meets the requirements of economic security will be the condition S n > S PC > S kr, where S n is the area of ​​the polygon during normal or pre-crisis development of production; S pc is the area of ​​the polygon in the crisis or threshold zone of the production state; S kr - area of ​​the polygon in the critical zone of the production state.

It should be noted that the importance of graphical interpretation of the results of indicative analysis of economic justifications, assessments, and calculations is often underestimated in practice. It contributes to better perception and acceleration of obtaining not only quantitative, but also qualitative values ​​of indicators, which plays important role in a visual, operational, comprehensive assessment of the consistency of heterogeneous factors that determine the state and development trends of the enterprise. The graph contains a lot of information, but its main advantage is that it gives a fairly complete picture. The schedule not only characterizes the current state of the enterprise, but also the state of its security to which it is necessary to strive. Having similar data on competing or related enterprises, you have the opportunity to compare yourself with other enterprises and evaluate your relative strengths and weaknesses, compare and match your capabilities and the capabilities of related companies. Or compare the state of the enterprise over the dynamics of different years and reliably analyze whether the enterprise is progressing or degrading, identifying and fending off dangerous deviations from the normal state.

As an example of a qualitative analysis of the state of economic security, let us consider a high-tech mechanical engineering enterprise that has the most complex structure of potential and is characterized by the following system of indicators of economic security under normal conditions of its operation, threshold parameters (indicator values) of the critical level of state and indicators of the actual state (see Table 1) We have compiled a system of indicators of the actual state on the basis of averaged data on the results and operating conditions of some high-tech industries available in the press. Each specific enterprise can independently determine its own system of indicators. To assess deviations, the values ​​of the indicators are normalized relative to the values ​​of the indicators of the normal functioning of the enterprise, taken as a unit; the threshold values ​​of indicators of economic security and the values ​​of indicators of the actual state of production of the enterprise are calculated in fractions of a unit. Then, for example, the standard for the use of production capacity at full load in a stationary mode of operation of the enterprise will be equal to one, and the threshold value of the indicator for the critical level of economic security is 0.5, while its actual use is 0.25.

Table 1.- Characteristics of the state of economic security of a high-tech mechanical engineering enterprise

Indicators of economic security of an enterprise

The value of the indicator in the normal state of production, %

Normal level of production status

Critical level of production state (expert assessment)

Actual production level

Amount of funding working capital etc.

Capacity utilization rate

Production profitability level

Share of R&D in the volume of work

Share of R&D in total R&D

Salary level compared to industry average

OPF update rate

Proportion of workers over 50 years of age

Share of equipment with a service life of up to 10 years

Capital productivity

Standard, actual and threshold values ​​of indicators characterizing the age and qualification composition of the enterprise’s employees, the age structure of the equipment fleet, were determined as follows (see Table 2).

Table 2-Characteristics of the values ​​of individual indicators

Since capacity utilization indicators and many others do not exceed 30% of the norm, when actually financed work is carried out, this enterprise will be in a zone of critical or, at best, pre-crisis state. Consequently, he is faced with the task of finding such a volume of orders (the missing volume of financing) that will bring the enterprise to a higher level of production volume. Degree of survivability industrial enterprises during the crisis turned out to be quite high, and therefore the forecasts about the cessation of their activities did not come true. The fact is that the possibility of survival of these enterprises is determined by the competitiveness of their products, which, in turn, depends on the level of domestic prices for products and services.

Domestic prices are influenced by two groups of main factors:

1) expenses for the creation of scientific and technical reserves, for personnel wages, depreciation charges;

2) prices for consumables - raw materials, semi-finished products, components, etc.

The degree of influence of the first group of factors on the level of domestic prices is constantly decreasing, while the second group is growing, since prices for fuel and energy resources, many semi-finished products and components have approached or already exceeded the level of world prices.

The post-critical moment will come when the enterprise's products become completely uncompetitive in the domestic and foreign markets. So far, such a moment has not yet arrived, but in Lately Industrial production in Russia has come very close to the limit where it will remain unclaimed and may cease to function. Maintaining the necessary potential of the enterprise in modern conditions should be based on a comprehensive solution to the problem of multi-channel resource support for its life activities from various sources, primarily through the stable expansion of the commercial sector, which will help minimize dependence on state budget funding while maximizing the preservation of existing potential. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of structural transformation to effectively load the enterprise, improve its financial and economic situation and increase competitiveness. Conquering new markets for your products as additional sources of funds is necessary to compensate for the funding gap and bring it to the level of threshold values ​​of indicators of economic security of an enterprise, below which the irreversible degradation of its potential begins, at which the very formulation of the problem of assessing economic security becomes meaningless. Identifying and taking measures aimed at preventing threats to economic security involves analyzing the hypothetical state of an enterprise as a result of the implementation of previously adopted economic, scientific and technical decisions that were strategic for this enterprise, general trends and processes in the demand for products and services, investments, etc.

Since the manifestation and action of threats is not a one-time act, but a complex dynamic process, and a deterministic process, that is, with a fairly rigid time structure of cause-and-effect relationships of events occurring in production, then the assessment of economic security should be carried out in the dynamics of changes in the potential of this production by a certain time interval, which should be determined based on ideas about the reliability of the information used as a forecasting base (technically and economically sound standards, norms, etc.). Accordingly, for forecasting control points (for example, at the end of each year or at the end of the entire period), it is necessary to calculate the technical and economic indicators of the state of production of the enterprise, which are the basis for such an assessment. To construct and comprehensively technical and economically evaluate hypotheses or possible production development strategies at control points of the established forecast horizon, appropriate tools are required, which can be various methods used in economic, scientific and technical forecasting. The constant strengthening of factors threatening the economic security of an enterprise and causing its depressive development raises the question of creating a system for monitoring the state and dynamics of development of the enterprise in order to prevent impending danger in advance and take the necessary protective and countermeasures.

2.6. Organization of monitoring of threats to economic security at the enterprise

Like any system, the economic security system of an enterprise requires constant self-testing and updating, otherwise it will not be able to adequately respond to a constantly changing situation. For this purpose, it is necessary to monitor the leading parameters, an algorithm must be created " early warning"negative, destructive processes at different levels of management from the point of view of economic security criteria, identifying "system destroyers". The constant strengthening of factors threatening the economic security of the enterprise and causing its depressive development raises the question of creating a system for monitoring the state and dynamics of the development of the enterprise with the aim of early warnings about the impending danger and taking the necessary protective and countermeasures.

The main objectives of monitoring should be the following:

Assessment of the state and dynamics of development of the enterprise;

Identification of destructive trends and processes for developing the potential of an enterprise;

Determining the causes, sources, nature, intensity of the impact of threats to economic security;

Forecasting the consequences of threats to economic security;

System-analytical study of the current situation and trends in its development, development of targeted measures to counter threats to the enterprise.

Monitoring should be the result of interaction between all interested services of the enterprise. When carrying out monitoring, the principle of continuity of monitoring the state of the monitored object should apply, taking into account the actual state and trends in the development of its potential, as well as general development economy, political situation and the action of other system-wide factors. To carry out monitoring, appropriate methodological, organizational, information, and technical support is required. The content and sequence of monitoring are presented in the table.

Identification of the enterprise (economic entity) - the object of monitoring.

Formation of a system of technical and economic indicators for assessing the economic security of an enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its functioning.

Collection and preparation of information characterizing the state of the monitoring object.

Identification (definition) of factors characterizing promising directions enterprise development.

Modeling and formation of scenarios or strategies for enterprise development.

Calculation of technical and economic indicators of the enterprise for the entire depth of the forecast period.

Conducting an analysis of indicators of the economic security of an enterprise.

Development of proposals to prevent and neutralize threats to the economic security of an enterprise.

Set out methodical approach and the tools for analyzing and diagnosing the state of the enterprise make it possible to sufficiently investigate a complex of factors that threaten the economic security of the enterprise, meaningfully and purposefully organize and carry out the necessary monitoring, systematically analyze the dynamically changing socio-economic situation, and conduct a feasibility study of management decisions.

The implementation of a strategy for the stable and efficient functioning of an enterprise involves a comprehensive solution to the following management tasks: marketing market research; investment support for production and reproduction through the rational organization of cash flows and borrowings; creation of innovative foundations - scientific, technical, technological, design - to ensure competitive superiority own products; improving the structure and composition of human resources, etc.

Ultimately, the task of enterprise management is to search and create competitive advantages; only the presence of competitive advantages and their compliance with the goals and objectives of the enterprise can provide it with economic security.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 29, 1996 N 608 “On the State Strategy for Economic Security of the Russian Federation (Basic Provisions)” Fundamentals of economic security (State, region, enterprise, individual). Ed. E.A. Oleinikov. M., JSC “Business School “Intel-Sintez”, 1997. P. 138.

(master's student), (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor)


Penza, Non-state educational institution higher professional education Moscow Technological Institute "VTU"

Each enterprise is the owner of one or another property, the unauthorized use of which may cause damage to its financial situation. These are not only material or financial resources, but also information (technical and commercial), intellectual property, trademark, etc. Awareness of the problem of security threats is very important, because actively involved potential is a determining factor in the development of an enterprise and a guarantor of economic growth , as well as maintaining its economic independence. In addition, the state and development trends that ensure economic security eliminate or minimize damage not only to the potential of an individual enterprise, but also to the economy as a whole, which indicates the relevance of the topic of ensuring economic security.

Social protection of personnel, for the purpose of economic security of enterprises, should ensure not only decent wages and social benefits, but also the protection of people’s health, the avoidance of emergency situations, since the financial liability of enterprises in these cases has a direct impact on the amount of profit remaining in its disposal. A special place in the organization of ensuring the social well-being of personnel may be occupied (under certain conditions) by the exclusion of life-threatening criminal manifestations in relation to management employees, employees aware of information constituting a trade secret and other “vulnerable” personnel. Since this, ultimately, can significantly affect the company’s image and, accordingly, its financial position.

Ensuring the security of enterprise information resources consists of maintaining authorized access to information containing trade secrets, while at the same time ensuring complete “transparency” of the enterprise economy for regulatory authorities and statistical authorities.

A special place in the model of economic security of enterprises is given to ensuring the security of contractual relations, where, along with economic issues, the legal aspect should be considered to a sufficient extent.

The system for ensuring the economic security of enterprises, depending on specific conditions (the scale of financial and economic activity, production volumes, territorial features, the state of fixed assets, human resources, etc.), must have certain means of its own provision. With the help of these tools, not only the tasks of the system for ensuring economic security will be carried out, but also regulatory and legal support, which includes the norms of activity of the organization’s services, means, methods, regulatory documents that determine the status of the economic security service and requirements that are mandatory within the scope of action .

Organizational activity implies the creation of a structure (Fig. 1), with the help of which the state of economic security of individual components is analyzed, and the development of measures to ensure the economic security of the enterprise as a whole. This structure, depending on the characteristics of the business, can be either its own division or contracted.

Rice. 1. Organizational structure of the enterprise’s economic security system

Ensuring the economic security of enterprises, in its essence, does not allow this work to be reduced only to the organization and implementation of individual events, but must be a continuous, purposeful process that requires:

Constantly forecasting possible threats;

Justification and implementation of effective forms and methods of creating, improving and developing a system of economic security of enterprises;

Continuous monitoring and management of the system;

Integrated, effective use of available means of protection of all elements of the production and economic system.

The greatest efficiency of the current system for ensuring the economic security of enterprises and, first of all, the security of financial resources can be achieved, in our opinion, provided that methods and means are combined into a single, holistic mechanism, which together are able to ensure the security, preserve and effectively use financial, material and information resources.

Thus, the introduction of a comprehensive system for ensuring the economic security of enterprises, which allows one to predict and prevent threats to economic security, as well as quickly regulate the volumes and structure of costs for ensuring economic security, will allow a qualitative influence on the overall financial condition of a particular enterprise.

In conclusion, we can conclude that an effective security system can be built with an integrated approach to organizing the process of protecting production, economic and financial activities enterprises. To plan work to ensure enterprise security, it is necessary to develop an enterprise security concept that takes into account the specifics of its activities.

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Russian reality dictates the need to create an economic security system entrepreneurship ensuring the protection of the vital interests of individuals and legal entities.

The economic security of an enterprise is the state of the most effective use of corporate resources to prevent threats and ensure the stable functioning of the enterprise now and in the future. The economic security of an enterprise is characterized by a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators, the most important among which is the level of economic security.

The level of economic security of an enterprise is an assessment of the state of use of corporate resources according to the criteria of the level of economic security of the enterprise. In order to achieve the highest level of economic security, an enterprise must ensure maximum safety of the main functional components of its work. The functional components of the economic security of an enterprise are a set of main directions of its economic security, which differ significantly from each other in content.

Approximate structure of the functional components of the economic security of an enterprise:


Intellectual and personnel;

Technical and technological;

Political and legal;




Each of the listed functional components of the economic security of an enterprise is characterized by its own content, a set of functional criteria and methods of ensuring. The essence of the functional components of the economic security of an enterprise will be discussed in more detail below.

To ensure economic security, the enterprise uses the totality of its corporate resources. Corporate resources are business factors used by the owners and managers of a business to achieve business objectives.

Among them we highlight:

a) capital resource. The share capital of an enterprise in combination with borrowed funds financial resources is the circulatory system of the enterprise and allows you to acquire and maintain other corporate resources that were initially absent from the creators of this enterprise;

b) personnel resource. Enterprise managers, engineering staff, production workers and employees with their knowledge, experience and skills act as the main conductor and link that brings together all the factors of a given business, ensuring the implementation of the business ideology, as well as the achievement of business goals;

c) a resource of information and technology.

Information relating to all aspects of an enterprise's activities is currently the most valuable and expensive of all enterprise resources. It is information about changes in the political, social, economic and environmental situation, changes in the enterprise's markets, scientific, technical and technological information, specific know-how relating to any aspects of a given business, new things in methods of organizing and managing a business that allow the enterprise to adequately respond to any changes in the external environment of business, effectively plan and carry out its business activities;

d) resource of machinery and equipment. Based on existing financial, information technology and personnel capabilities, the enterprise acquires technological and other equipment necessary, in the opinion of the enterprise’s managers, and available, based on available resources;

e) resource rights. With the development of civilization, the depletion of natural resources and the increase in the value of intangible assets for business, the role of the resource of rights has sharply increased. This resource includes rights to use patents, licenses and quotas for the use of natural resources, as well as export quotas, land use rights, and currently the value of urban areas not intended for agriculture, but used for administrative development, has increased enormously. Using this resource allows an enterprise to join advanced technological developments without conducting its own expensive scientific research, as well as gain access to non-public business development opportunities.

The main reason for the need to ensure the economic security of an enterprise is the task facing each enterprise to achieve the stability of its functioning and create growth prospects to achieve the goals of a given business.
Business goals should be understood as a system of incentives that force people to start a new business.

Such incentives include:

Preserving and increasing the capital of the company’s shareholders based on the excess of the banks’ deposit interest rate;

Self-realization through this business of its initiators and top management of the enterprise;

Satisfying the various needs of people and society as a whole. This motive is especially often dominant in the activities of state or municipal enterprises.

Formed on the basis of the business initiators’ vision of its goals, the business philosophy is a system of values ​​and norms of behavior adopted at a given enterprise, as well as the place and role of the enterprise in the business system and in society as a whole.

Factors and sources of threats to the economic security of an enterprise. Obviously, the level of economic security of an enterprise is based on how effectively the services of a given enterprise manage to prevent threats and eliminate damage from negative impacts on various aspects of economic security. The sources of such negative impacts can be the conscious or unconscious actions of people, organizations, including government bodies, international organizations or competing enterprises, as well as a confluence of objective circumstances, such as: the state of financial conditions in the markets of a given enterprise, scientific discoveries and technological developments, force majeure, etc.

Depending on the subjective nature of the negative impacts on the economic security of the enterprise, the following gradation can be applied:

Objective negative impacts are those negative impacts that arise without the participation and against the will of the enterprise or employees;

Subjective negative impacts are negative impacts that arose as a result of the ineffective operation of the enterprise as a whole or its employees.

Goals of economic security of the enterprise. The main goal of the economic security of an enterprise is to ensure its sustainable and most efficient functioning at the present time and to ensure the high potential for development and growth of the enterprise in the future.

The most efficient use of the enterprise's corporate resources, necessary to achieve the goals of a given business, is achieved by preventing threats of negative impacts on the economic security of the enterprise and achieving the following main functional goals of the enterprise's economic security:

1) ensuring high financial efficiency of the enterprise and its financial stability and independence;

2) ensuring the technological independence of the enterprise and achieving high competitiveness of its technological potential;

3) achieving high efficiency of enterprise management, optimality and efficiency of its organizational structure;

4) ensuring a high level of qualifications of the enterprise’s personnel, the use of their intellectual potential, the efficiency of corporate R&D ;

5) achieving a high level of environmental friendliness of the enterprise’s operation, minimizing the destructive impact of the results of production activities on the state of the environment;

6) ensuring high-quality legal protection of all aspects of the enterprise’s activities;

7) ensuring the protection of the enterprise’s information environment, trade secret and achieving a high level of information support for the work of all its services;

8) ensuring the safety of the enterprise’s personnel, its capital, property and commercial interests.

Fulfillment of each of the above goals of economic security of an enterprise is essential for achieving its main goal. In addition, each of the economic security goals has its own structure of subgoals, determined by the functional feasibility and nature of the enterprise. Detailed development and monitoring of the implementation of the target structure of the economic security of the enterprise is very important integral part the process of ensuring its economic security.

Currently, in order to achieve stable functioning of economic entities and other types of activities, economic security is the most relevant and important task. Economic security of a corporation is understood as the protection of scientific, technical, technological, production and human resources potential from external and internal economic threats and the ability to reproduce with the efficient use of all its resources. The level of economic security of a corporation depends, first of all, on the ability of its management to anticipate and prevent possible threats, as well as quickly resolve problems that arise.

The concept of “security” is widely used in almost all areas of any activity; it has become firmly established in our everyday life. In turn, the economic security of the corporation and its constituent enterprises is closely related to the production of products, performance of work and provision of services. The economic condition of the entire country depends on how efficiently they work. Any enterprise, being the main structure-forming element of the economy, performs not only production function, but also provides livelihoods for many people, i.e. it bears a social burden and responsibility.

In addition, a poorly formed system of views on the economic security of a corporation (ESC) and the lack of a methodological basis for measuring and managing ESC are the reason that all existing approaches to determining the essence of ESC are incomplete and understated. For large industrial enterprises and corporations, EBK is a determining stabilizing factor in anti-crisis development, a guarantor of economic growth and maintaining economic independence and security of the region and the country as a whole.

For any theory, including the theory of economic security, the issue of definitions and terminology is quite important. Definitions and terms that form the basis of any reasoning or logical construction influence their final result. Definitions are always based on one approach or another, the author’s attitude to the problem, his system of views, way of thinking, method of action.

The economic security of an enterprise and corporation is a complex concept and includes a set of factors associated not only with the internal state of the enterprise and corporation itself, but also with the influence of environmental factors with which the enterprise interacts. Large domestic enterprises and corporations create specialized divisions within their structure designed to ensure their economic security. EBC is a system that ensures the mobilization and most optimal management of the corporation's resources in order to ensure its sustainable functioning and actively counteract all kinds of negative environmental impacts. Thus, EBC is the state of the most efficient use of enterprise resources, a system for assessing and ensuring EBC (economic aspect) and ensuring the sustainable functioning of an enterprise and corporation under conditions of negative environmental impact.

The economic security of a large enterprise and corporation should be understood as the protection of their scientific, technical, technological, production and personnel potential from direct or indirect economic threats. The EBK level is an assessment of the state of use of corporate resources according to the criteria of the EBK level. The functional components of the economic security system are a set of main directions of its economic security, which differ significantly from each other in content. Functional components of the EBK: financial, intellectual, personnel, technical and technological, political and legal, information, environmental and power. Each of the above functional components of the electronic control system is characterized by its own content, a set of functional criteria and methods of provision.

Related article: Economic security in the banking sector: license revocation

The main goal of the EBK is to ensure its sustainable and most efficient functioning at the present time and ensure the high potential for development and growth of the enterprise in the future. It is obvious that ensuring EBC is a constant cyclical process. Therefore, EBC can be considered as a system of measures that ensure the competitive stability and economic stability of an enterprise and corporation. The main entities that potentially pose a threat to an enterprise and corporation include the state, competitors, customers, and production partners. The level of ES depends on how effectively it is possible to prevent threats and eliminate damage from negative impacts on various aspects of ES.

The sources of such negative impacts may be the conscious or unconscious actions of people, organizations, including government bodies, international organizations or competing enterprises, as well as a combination of objective circumstances, such as: the state of financial conditions in the markets, scientific discoveries and technological developments, force - major circumstances. The conceptual foundations of security for a corporation and an enterprise are based on the methodology for constructing a security concept, the corporation's security policy, and the rules for developing a security policy. To ensure the security of a corporation in crisis conditions, it is necessary to study and classify crisis situations, determine the initial signs of the development of a crisis situation, study the state of the legal framework in the fight against crisis situations provoked by “criminal bankruptcies” and raider takeovers of enterprises, as well as determine security measures in case of criminal takeovers and ways to resolve crisis situations.

For large enterprises and corporations, an important structural component is the organization of a corporate system for combating industrial espionage, for which elements of counterintelligence activities are developed in the work of the security service of the enterprise and corporation, the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise are planned and coordinated to identify competitors’ agents, “agents of influence,” etc. . The enterprise security service forms an information and analytical field, regulatory documents regulating the goals, sources, procedure for obtaining and using information for the tasks of the security service. prepares analytical reports, studies business intelligence methods in solving strategic and tactical problems, works with sources of textual information, studies the principles of organizing secure electronic document management in an enterprise and electronic digital signature, existing anti-virus programs.

The principles for creating an enterprise security service information system include information resources of an integrated data bank, Internet intelligence, automation of analytical operations, and a review of Russian information resources. From point of view practical implementation information security important aspect is the nature of the relationship between the information security department and other departments of the company. Based on the study of the legal foundations of the security and access regime, the organization of the regime and security of the enterprise is developed and implemented, including access control, internal regime, confidentiality regime, technical security means, their tactical, technical and cost characteristics. A developed security system includes engineering and technical support systems, enterprise perimeter security, security alarm systems, video surveillance systems, technical means of countering industrial espionage, software and hardware for information security

It is obvious that EBC has a direct causal connection with the system and results of strategic planning of its development, depending on production goals, means and possibilities for achieving them, competitive environment, business conditions, etc. Despite the fact that in general terms there is a complex of problems assessment of the condition of the electrical system has been formulated and studied quite fully in many works; detailed working methods that take into account the industry specifics of enterprises at the corporate level, where they are most needed, are just emerging, since only standard approaches are acceptable here, and generalized systems of criteria and indicators for assessing the condition of the electrical system , as a rule, are not applicable.

Indicators of technical and technological safety: production dynamics, real level of production capacity utilization, share of R&D in the total volume of work, share of R&D in the total volume of R&D, rate of renewal of fixed production assets, stability of the production process, specific gravity production in GDP, assessment of product competitiveness; age structure and technical resource of the machinery and equipment fleet.

The result of ensuring the economic security of an enterprise and corporation is the stability of their functioning, the efficiency of financial and economic activities, and the personal safety of personnel. Resources for ensuring reliable existence and progressive development include personnel, material and intellectual resources. Taking this into account, activities to ensure economic security include four main areas: protection of material and financial assets, protection of personnel, protection intellectual property, information support for commercial activities in market conditions.

Thus, the above facts clearly indicate the need for a thorough study of all aspects and components of the economic security of a corporation as an element of the security of the industry and the country’s economy. The most important of these aspects is the assessment of the security effectiveness of an enterprise and a corporation based on the definition of security criteria or the sum of signs on the basis of which a conclusion can be made as to whether the enterprise is economically secure or not. Such criteria should not only state the existence of economic security of the enterprise, but also assess its level, i.e. have a quantitative assessment of the level of economic security.

A quantitative assessment of the level of economic security should be carried out using those indicators that are used in planning, accounting and analysis of the activities of a corporation and enterprise, which is a prerequisite for the practical application of this assessment, for example, using indicators or threshold values ​​of indicators characterizing the activities of a corporation and enterprise in various functional areas, and their relative dynamics, which correspond to a certain level of economic security. The assessment of economic security is established based on the results of comparison (absolute or relative) of actual performance indicators with indicators.

The indicator approach to assessing the level of economic security of a corporation and enterprise can be complicated by the level of accuracy of the indicators due to the need to take into account the peculiarities of the activities of the corporation or enterprise, determined by industry, type of ownership, capital structure, and existing organizational and technical level. In this case, there is a need to constantly adjust the system of indicators that are indicators of economic security, which entails an increase in labor intensity management work. Another approach to assessing the level of economic security of a corporation and an enterprise is a resource-functional one. In accordance with this approach, the assessment of the level of economic security is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the state of use of corporate resources according to special criteria.

At the same time, business factors used by the owners and managers of the enterprise to achieve business goals are considered as corporate resources. Corporate resources include a capital resource, a personnel resource, a resource of information and technology, a resource of machinery and equipment, a resource of rights to use patents, licenses and quotas for the use of natural resources, as well as export quotas, and land use rights. In accordance with the resource-functional approach, the most effective use of corporate resources necessary to achieve the goals of a given business is achieved by preventing threats of negative impacts on the economic security of the corporation and enterprise and achieving the set functional goals of economic security.

Related article: The evolution of the concept of “economic security” in the USA, Western Europe and Russia

Analysis of the resource-functional approach to assessing the level of economic security allows us to assert that many of its provisions are identical to approaches to assessing the efficiency of resource use, i.e. in this case, assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise is identified with assessing the efficiency of resource use, which, despite the importance of the latter , does not fully correspond to the assessment of the level of economic security of the enterprise. In addition, the level of economic security of an enterprise when using the resource-functional approach is assessed using the aggregate criterion of economic security of the enterprise, calculated on the basis of the opinions of qualified experts on private functional criteria of economic security.

The criterion for the economic security of an enterprise can be profit, which an enterprise or corporation can dispose of at its own discretion, i.e. net profit. In the absence of profit or, moreover, losses, one cannot speak of respecting the interests of the corporation and the enterprise. The amount of profit of an enterprise, being an absolute value, can be considered as a basis, a prerequisite for a conclusion about the economic security of a corporation or enterprise. The basis for such a statement is the fact that the presence of net profit in itself indicates the positive results of operating the assets of the corporation and the enterprise, which allows it to reimburse the costs of production and sales of products, make the necessary payments to the budgets of various levels and, at least, ensure simple reproduction of capital and labor. The receipt of profit by an enterprise already indicates the coordination, to a certain extent, of its interests with the interests of subjects of the external environment.

The efficiency of using the resources of a corporation and an enterprise only to a certain extent characterizes their economic security, since it reflects the level of progressiveness of the technology used, the organization of production, labor and management, etc. In addition, the efficiency of production reflects the retrospective state of economic security, since the profitability indicators used in calculating cost and capital data reflect the past condition of the institution. Another method of assessing security is to compare the estimated amount of reinvested profit with the amount of funds required for the expanded reproduction of capital.

The proposed approach to determining the criterion for the level of economic security is based on recognition of the importance of expanded reproduction of capital for its progressive dynamic development. To ensure expanded reproduction and, accordingly, constant expanded reproduction of capital, carried out, including through borrowed and raised funds, the enterprise needs not just profit, but profit of a certain amount. In this regard, it can be assumed that the level of economic security of a corporation and enterprise depends on the level of competition and on the ability to continuously carry out the process of expanded reproduction of capital, and the pace of such reproduction should be quite high. The lower the level of competition in a market or industry, the higher the level of economic security, and vice versa, the higher the level of competition, the lower the level of economic security of the corporation and enterprise.

Thus, a real assessment of the security of the corporation and the enterprise, ensuring the security of the corporation and the enterprise dictates the need to coordinate the interests of the enterprise with the interests of the subjects of the external environment, the interests of partners from the perspective of focusing on long-term business relationship. This approach is especially appropriate for corporations and enterprises operating in a highly competitive environment.

Thus, studies of the concept of economic security have shown that the economic security is an object of management of a corporation and an enterprise; its provision and support is a complex process in the general management system, without the implementation of which it is impossible to ensure their sustainable


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