Methods for replacing the lower crowns of a wooden house. How to partially or completely replace the lower crown of a wooden house with your own hands, with or without lifting the structure

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A wooden house is undoubtedly a durable and reliable structure, but it also has weaknesses. The lower crowns of the house, and especially the mortgage crown, become unusable over time. The cause is most often errors during construction and operation. The lower crown gets wet from contact with melt and rainwater, as well as groundwater, if the foundation is not waterproofed well enough. But you know that many old wooden houses stand without a foundation at all, and the lower crowns are simply buried in the ground. The work of repairing and replacing rotten crowns is labor-intensive and complex, as well as financially expensive. Sometimes it is cheaper to demolish an old house and build a new one. But there are also situations when changing the crowns is easier and cheaper, and also preferable. This happens when a house is treasured as a memory or has architectural value.

How to change the crown of a house - various methods

Just 100 years ago, the family itself was involved in renovating a wooden house, inviting neighbors to help. For almost all village residents, replacing the crowns of a house was commonplace. In extreme cases, at least once in his life a person was present when rotten crowns were replaced and imagines the process in practice. Now much knowledge and skill have been lost. And although the technology itself for replacing the crowns of a wooden house has not changed much, it is not worth doing such work yourself. Mistakes can be costly. Either the house will fall apart, or move off the foundation, or the roof and ceilings will be damaged, or the chimney will collapse. In general, it is better to entrust the replacement of crowns to professionals with experience.

Below we will describe various technologies on how to change rotten crowns. But this information is presented only to familiarize yourself with the process and nuances. You should not take it as the ultimate truth. Indeed, in the repair of a wooden house, much depends on various conditions: the size of the house, the condition of the crowns and foundation, the availability of free space around the building, the presence of extensions under the same roof as the house, the presence of a stove and chimney, and much more. The experienced eye of a professional sees and notices all these nuances, but we cannot foresee them, so we will only describe general technologies and recommendations.

A fairly common situation is when the lower crown log is not completely rotten, but only some area is damaged. In this case, it is not necessary to replace the entire lower crown. Especially if raising a house involves a number of difficulties. For example, if the log house stands on a strip foundation. In order not to destroy the foundation, you can simply replace the damaged sections of the lower log.

  • First of all, we determine the damaged area by eye.
  • Then, using a chisel, we determine how far the rot has spread. We clear away the damage on both sides. Most often, using a chisel, it is revealed that the area of ​​damage is much larger than that which is noticeable to the naked eye.
  • We retreat from the edges of the damaged area 40 cm in one direction and the other.
  • We install ties 2 - 3 crowns high. We take boards 40 mm thick and nail them to the frame on both sides of the wall: outside and inside. We drill holes in the first and last tightened crown. We insert through tie rods with a diameter of at least 12 mm.

  • We cut out the damaged part with a chainsaw and remove it.
  • We make cuts 20 cm wide in the repaired crown. They are necessary for a strong connection with the new log insert.
  • We make an insert from a log of the same diameter. Its length should be equal to the cut area. Be sure to make counter cuts on the insert.
  • We insert the insert into the place of the cut damaged area. We hammer it into place using a sledgehammer, placing a block under it.
  • In the place where the 20 cm notches are made, we make 3 through holes on each side and drive dowels into them to fasten the old log and the insert together.

Don’t forget to caulk all the cracks with moss, jute or tow.

In a similar way, you can replace the entire lower crown in parts. By cutting out parts of the log and replacing them with new ones. Then you need to cut off the corner joints and replace them as well. The new crown obtained in this way will be less durable than a solid one. Therefore, this technology can only be considered as a last resort or as a temporary measure.

Bulkheading all the crowns of the house

The most labor-intensive way to replace the crowns of a house is to rebuild the entire frame. Each crown is disassembled, all logs are inspected and replaced with new ones. This method of repair is not suitable for a house that is in use. It can be considered if it is necessary to repair an old abandoned house, a bathhouse, or vice versa - a recently built log house. Also, the bulkhead of all the crowns of the house will be needed to replace the upper crowns of the house under the roof, which also quite often suffer from moisture.

Brickwork can be installed under a wooden house either with or without raising the house. It depends on the conditions: on what foundation the house stands, how old it is and how much effort and money you are willing to invest in its renovation.

For example, if an old house sits directly on the ground without a foundation, you can replace the crown with brickwork without raising the house. The same is true if the house is on a columnar foundation. It is enough to cut out the most affected areas of the lower crown logs, as described above, and then make a brick foundation. Its surface must be brought under the upper crown, which is in good condition.

In this way, sections of logs can be cut out piece by piece and brickwork can be done. It is best to start at the corners of the house, cut off the corner joints and create a secure support. The height of the brickwork may vary. There are cases when the house stands on the ground, and even at a slight slope. Then, at the lowest point, several rotten crowns are replaced with brickwork, and at higher points - only one crown.

If the house is on a foundation, then it makes sense to raise it with jacks. For this purpose, hydraulic and screw jacks are used. First, they lift the house at the corners, level it and place temporary support under the corners. Next, the surface of the existing foundation is cleaned, leveled and the brickwork is built up.

Partial dismantling of the strip foundation

If a wooden house stands on a strip foundation and you need to replace the lower crown or several crowns, you will have to raise the house on jacks. To be able to place a jack under the frame, it is necessary to partially destroy the foundation. Usually, a niche is hollowed out 40 cm wide and high enough to accommodate a jack. In this case, it is necessary to retreat 70 cm - 1 m from the corner of the house.

Before installing the jack, it is necessary to cut a piece of the lower crown log so that the jack can rest against the upper crown log. There are also options for raising a house without a jack using a strong lever.

You can raise either just one side of the house or the entire house at the same time. Although, to reduce distortion, it is still recommended to lift the entire house at once. To do this, niches in the foundation must be located on opposite sides of the house, with at least two niches on each side. Niches should be located at equal distances from the corners of the house. The log house is raised by 7 - 10 cm, the old logs are removed and replaced with new ones. Then the damaged foundation is repaired. The disadvantage of this method lies precisely in the fact that after repair the integrity of the foundation is compromised, which means its strength is reduced.

To fully repair the lower crowns of the house and the foundation, the wooden house is raised on jacks. It is most convenient when the house stands on a columnar foundation; you don’t have to destroy anything. Simply install a solid base for the jack between the foundation supports. This could be a concrete block, for example.

Also, first, a piece of an old log or several logs is cut out if it is planned to replace not one, but several crowns. For example, when replacing the three lower crowns, it is necessary to cut out three logs, install a jack and rest it on the fourth crown log.

This method is considered the most reliable and is used everywhere.

Hanging a house on special structures

Another innovation is hanging the house on special supports, which are made for a specific building. Typically, this method is used when planning a high-quality repair of a wooden house that stands without a foundation or the foundation requires a complete reconstruction.

A structure is made from metal channels and placed under the log house. First, the frame is raised on jacks, and then lowered onto a support made of channels. The support points of the channel structure itself are located outside the frame. Therefore, after replacing the rotten crowns, a solid foundation can be easily poured, and the house can remain on supports until the foundation concrete hardens and gains strength.

How to change the lower crowns by lifting a wooden frame

Let's take a closer look at the most common option for replacing the lower crowns of a wooden house. We immediately warn you that the work is labor-intensive and dangerous, and is associated with a number of difficulties. Therefore, you should not do them yourself; it is better to hire a team of professionals. First of all, calculate how much it costs to replace the crown of a house in your area. Prices vary. Some teams agree for 40 thousand rubles, while others only for 100 - 120 thousand rubles. Plus calculate the cost of the material. Further technology is provided for information.

A wooden house cannot be raised as it is. It is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  • The sashes and even window frames must be removed. The same applies to doors and door frames. In the process of raising the house, they may become damaged - crack, warp or split.
  • All heavy furniture must be removed from the house. It will be better if the log house is completely empty.
  • The wooden floor must be separated from the walls. If the floor is not embedded into the embedded crown, but above, and there are no plans to replace this upper crown, then the floor can be left as is. If the floor joists are embedded in the embedded crown, then the floor will have to be disassembled, support posts made for the logs and separated from the crown.
  • If the house has a stove or fireplace, they should be located on a separate foundation. If this is not the case, then raising the house is impossible.
  • The chimney of a stove or fireplace must be separated from the floors and roofing so that during the process of raising the house, the heavy chimney does not destroy the floors and roofing material.

  • The crowns of the house, which are not planned to be replaced, must be fastened and fixed. For this purpose, boards with a thickness of 40 mm are used. At a distance of 50 cm from the corner of the house, the boards are nailed vertically to the frame. The bottom edge of the board should be fixed into the lowest crown of those that are not planned to be replaced. The upper edge is fixed into the upper crown. The boards must be placed both on the inside of the frame and on the outside. The upper and lower edges are fixed with through dowels. All this is necessary so that the house does not move when raised.

After the preparatory work, it is necessary to clear the area around the house as much as possible for ease of work. If there are extensions to the house that are under the same roof as the house, you must try to separate their roofs. Otherwise, raising the house will be impossible without destroying the roof. When all preparations are completed, you can begin lifting the house.

Raising a house standing on a columnar foundation is easier and more convenient.

  • The first step is to prepare a niche in which the jack will stand. It will rest against the upper healthy crown. Therefore, in all lower logs to be replaced, a section sufficient for installing a jack is cut out.

  • Then measure the height of the jack with the recessed and slightly raised rod and compare it with the height from the ground to the log against which the jack must be rested.
  • A fairly common situation is when you have to dig in order to install a jack.
  • A strong support is equipped under the jack: a board made of 50x50 boards, a concrete block, or others.
  • The head of the jack rests against the lower log, but not directly into the wood, but always through a backing made of a metal plate.

There should be 4 of these jacks. Two on opposite wide sides of the house. They must be located at a distance of 80 - 100 cm from the corner of the house.

In the case of a strip foundation, you can also do without destroying the foundation, but you will have to work hard.

  • Windows are cut out in the logs being replaced so that the lever-log can be inserted.
  • From the inside, the floor of the house must be disassembled so that the lever can freely enter the underground space.

  • You can use a log, channel or block as a lever.
  • Jacks are installed on the outside of the house as close to the foundation as possible.
  • A lever is inserted into the window and a support is installed under its inner end - a concrete block, for example, or a stack of boards.
  • The outer edge of the lever is placed on the jack, as shown in the photo.
  • Next, with the help of a jack, the lever is raised, and with it the house. At this time, it is necessary to place wedges between the foundation and the hanging house.

After the house is raised, the crown logs can be replaced. Please note that the levers can only lift each side in turn. Also, after replacing the logs, you will have to seal the technological gap through which the lever was inserted.

So, the house is hanging, let's return to how to change the crown of a wooden house.

The crown consists of upper and lower logs, which are connected to each other at the corners. It is necessary to lift the log house so that the jacks rest against the top logs.

  • Then, when lifting the log house on jacks, the lower beam of the dressing turns out to be unfixed. It should be removed.

  • Instead, temporary supports are installed under the lower log of the next crown.
  • The jacks can now be lowered. The top log of the dressing will also fall along with them. It should also be removed.
  • Two logs are prepared instead of the upper logs for tying the lower crown. They must be carefully processed so that the cup fits tightly to the top old log. Much will have to be filed and trimmed as work progresses.
  • The top log of the dressing is installed on jacks, and caulking material is laid on the surface.
  • Next, the jack rises along with the log, and the log is pressed against the upper counter log.
  • The jack must be raised a little higher, along with the house, so that temporary supports on other walls can be removed.

  • Then the temporary supports are removed.
  • Now you can change the lower beam of the harness. In the same way, it should be planed and precisely adjusted to the counter log.
  • Then it is laid on jacks, caulking material is placed on top and lifted up, pressing it against the counter log.

At this time, the jacks on the adjacent walls can be lowered. Before lowering the jacks, it is necessary to repair and waterproof the surface of the foundation to prevent damage to the wood in the future.

Replacing the logs of the lower crown of a house on a strip foundation is practically no different. Simply the logs are lifted and pressed down using a lever. After all the work, it is necessary to repair the window through which the lever was inserted.

If you need to replace several lower crowns at once, you must first stack them on a separate platform. Tightly and neatly fitted logs should form a strong structure at the crown of the house. During the replacement process, it is necessary to adjust the upper logs to the counter logs. Quite a lot of time and resources are spent on this. And subsequent logs are easily replaced, since they are already adjusted on the ground.

Frame and panel houses are also installed on a mortgage crown. Only the support is not a log, but a beam. Replacing the mortgage crown under a frame house is also a very troublesome task. The technology for raising the house itself is practically not molded. There are only a few important nuances:

  • Before raising the house, it is necessary to remove the sheathing from the frame at least up to the window opening.

  • Then the frame should be strengthened. To do this, boards 40 - 50 mm thick are nailed at window level around the entire perimeter of the house. Just as in the case of a log house, the boards must be fastened both from the outside and from the inside. Along the edges and in increments of 1 m, the boards must be fastened with through pins.
  • The technology for raising a frame house with jacks is no different from lifting a log house. Just don’t lift the house from its strip foundation using levers. The foundation will have to be partially destroyed.

  • After raising the house, it must be secured. For this purpose, special supports are made, as in the picture.
  • The support posts are made of 100x80 mm timber. The length of the jib should be such that the stand rests against the boards holding the frame together.

  • To prevent the support post from moving under the weight of the house, its lower edge should be fixed. For example, create a 5 cm niche in the blind area or concrete block against which it will rest. If there is no blind area, you can rest the stand against a wooden board. In this case, it must be dug 15 cm into the ground, and a recess must be made in the shield itself, as in the blind area.

Such racks must be installed in 2 m increments along the entire wall. After the house has been raised on jacks, support posts are installed. Then the jacks are carefully lowered at the same time, and the house is lowered onto the support posts.

In this position, the house can hang while the mortgage crown is replaced and the foundation is repaired.

It is better to change crowns in a wooden house in the dry season - in May - June. Replacing logs in a log house is still easier than replacing it in a frame or panel house. You don't have to dismantle so much. And the risk that the frame will “lead” is much greater than the log house falling apart. When lifting a house on jacks, it is important to ensure that it rises evenly. Otherwise, the house may move off the foundation, which should not be allowed.

Wooden houses have not lost their relevance today. After all, this is comfortable and environmentally friendly housing with a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation. However, owners of country cottages and log country houses often face a number of problems. Wood is a living material that cracks and rots over time. As a result, the lower crowns have to be disassembled and replaced.

But if the construction was correct and carried out by professionals, a wooden house will last 80-100 years without problems!

If the construction was carried out without observing technology and treating the wood with protective agents, within 5-10 years you will encounter the growth of cracks, the appearance of rot and mold, darkening or yellowing of the wood. If these problems occur, the lower ring will often need to be replaced. Let's look at when replacement is needed and what options for replacing crowns exist.

Causes of decay

Replacement of the lower crowns of a wooden house is required when it rots. Let's find out why a log rots. Among the reasons are the following:

  • Poor quality building materials. Rot is often caused by poorly dried wood. Lumber with high humidity is characterized by a short service life and increased susceptibility to the negative effects of moisture and wind;
  • Insufficient waterproofing of the foundation of a wooden house. The foundation plays a vital role in the functionality and service life of any house, especially wooden ones. It is important not only to establish a strong, reliable and durable foundation. It is necessary to properly carry out the work on insulation and waterproofing of the structure. Otherwise, the lower crown will absorb moisture from the soil and soil evaporation;
  • Insufficient treatment of wood with antiseptics. Special products will protect the tree from the negative effects of precipitation, wind, ultraviolet radiation and insects, and will preserve the natural properties and color of the log for 4-10 years, depending on the type of antiseptic;
  • Processing takes place in several stages, including the stage of manufacturing lumber, building a log house and finishing a wooden house. At the same time, the antiseptic coating is regularly updated. Processing may seem like a troublesome and costly process, but it is cheaper and easier than replacing the lower crowns.

Professional construction of a wooden house from properly dried logs harvested from durable winter forest and treatment with protective agents is a guarantee that the structure will last at least 60-70 years without major repairs! Without observing the above conditions, it is likely that severe cracks and rot will appear within the first decade of operation of the house. Next, we’ll look at how to change the lower crown in the house with your own hands.

“Spot” or cosmetic repairs

This is the simplest and “painless” technology that you can easily do with your own hands. It is only suitable if the log is partially damaged in one or more small areas of the lower crown. In this case, the rotten areas are cut out and new elements are installed. To replace a damaged component with your own hands, you need to cut out the rotten area with an ax or cut it out with a chainsaw and place a fresh piece of wood there.

The only disadvantage of such a repair is that the harness is made from a solid wooden log. And after replacement you get joints. This reduces the structural rigidity of the house.

Another option for fixing minor problems is to fill the openings with brickwork. This is also a fairly easy method that you can do yourself. In this case, instead of rotten elements, bricks are laid. The negative aspect of such repairs is that the newly formed joints reduce the level of thermal insulation and the structural strength of the house.

Complete replacement

Most often, owners of country houses do not notice individually rotten sections of logs or delay repair work until the last minute. There is no need to do this. After all, it is much easier to replace a separate section than the entire lower crown. If the log or crown is completely rotten, the crowns will need to be completely replaced.

If this problem occurs, use one of the following options:

  • Partial dismantling of the foundation can be done with your own hands without the involvement of professionals, but provided that the structure is disassembled. Not every type of foundation can be partially dismantled (this includes reinforced concrete strip foundations).
  • In this case, the part of the foundation above which the rotten lower crown is located is dismantled. After which the damaged element must be replaced with a new one. The disadvantages of such dismantling include a decrease in the strength and service life of the foundation.
  • Dismantling the wall is a labor-intensive but effective method. This method will extend the service life of a wooden house, although the work cannot be done only with your own hands. With this method, the walls are completely dismantled and reassembled. As a result, you will get a durable and reliable structure with high heat and sound insulation without cracks or gaps.
  • Lifting a log frame with a jack is another way to replace a rotten lower crown. This method will allow not only to replace damaged elements, but also to strengthen or update the waterproofing layer of the foundation. Lifting a house with a jack can be done with your own hands without the involvement of specialists using special equipment.

If you choose the latter method, it is important to follow the replacement technology. You can't raise the house as it is. First, work is carried out to prepare the premises and assess the condition of the structure. Failure to follow the rules may result in the house falling apart during lifting.

Log lifting technology

First of all, you need to assess the condition of the corners of a wooden house. It is important that the frame does not fall apart during lifting. If necessary, consult an expert. After which, furniture and other items are pulled out of the house, window and door frames are removed. The building must be empty!

The wooden floor in the house is dismantled and separated from the walls. The floor can be left if it is installed not in the embedded crown, but above. At the same time, there are no plans to replace the crown to which the floor is connected. When separating the floor, support pillars are installed under the joists. The chimney is also separated from the ceilings so that the roof is not damaged.

You can only lift a log house if the fireplace or stove in the house is on a separate foundation!

After preparation, the frame is raised. If the corner connections are weak and cause concern, a special support structure is used for lifting. In rotten areas, use a saw to make at least two openings to fit the size of the jack.

The crowns of wooden houses that you do not plan to replace are fastened with boards. Boards 4 centimeters thick are attached vertically to the frame at a distance of 50 centimeters from the corner of the house. In this case, the lower edge of the board is fixed into the lower crown of those that do not need to be changed. And the upper end of the board goes into the upper crown.

The house must be lifted evenly using each mechanism to avoid distortions. Raise the frame so that the jack rests on the top logs. After which, the lower crown is removed and temporary supports are installed under the lower log of the next crown. Replacement of the crowns is carried out in parts, first two blanks are laid from the corners to the jacks, then one - between the jacks. New logs are placed in the recesses of the jacks.

Replacement logs must be treated with a protective compound and have a flat, smooth surface so that they fit snugly against the old crowns. Be prepared, the materials will have to be leveled, trimmed and filed during the work. While the house is being raised, the hydro- and thermal insulation of the foundation is being updated. At the final stage, the joints in the walls are sealed with insulation. Mineral wool, caulking materials and environmentally friendly acrylic sealants (“warm joint”) are suitable for a wooden house.

The lower crowns of all wooden houses succumb to rot over time and the question arises of replacing them with new ones. Especially often it is necessary to replace the lower crown of the log house, since it is in direct contact with the foundation.

In order to know what condition the lower logs are in, you can use the old method - tap them with an ax, identifying them as rotten by the characteristic dull sound. You should also take into account how many crowns are in the frame of the house, what is the diameter of the logs.

The simplest operation in changing crowns is replacing one log. Before starting work on replacing it, it is necessary to dismantle that part of the foundation of a wooden house that is located under the log that you will be replacing, so that it can be easily removed.

To work you will need:

  • several lifting jacks up to 5t
  • several logs or some blocks to support the house
  • several strong levers
  • chainsaw
  • and of course a pair of hands :)

Next, you need to select a new log that exactly matches the rotted one. The selected log must be sharpened with your own hands so that in the future it fits as tightly as possible to the lining. In order not to encounter new troubles associated with the fact that the new crown will soon begin to rot, 3 layers of any waterproofing material, which has been previously cut into strips, should be laid on the lining.

It is imperative to lay caulking material on top of the log, and after that you should very carefully lift the log up using wedges. Once the log is in place, you should immediately begin restoring the foundation underneath it. Make formwork and fill the damaged section with new mortar. Allow the foundation to harden completely and only then remove the temporary formwork.

Complete replacement of rotten crowns of a house can be carried out either with or without raising the house. If the house does not rise, rotten logs are replaced using the method described above. The only difference is that it is necessary to additionally cut down the corner connection of the logs on both sides, and only after that the old log is removed and replaced with a new one.

Do not forget that when replacing logs and joining them at the corners, it is necessary to put tow or any other caulking material in the corners so that the corners of the house do not freeze in the future.

If touching the foundation when replacing rotten logs is not part of your plans, then you will have to raise the entire house using jacks to a height that corresponds to the height of the log being replaced plus a margin of 10 centimeters. Before installing jacks, you should determine the condition of the log, and if it is damaged enough, make 2 nests in it for installing your jacks. You should not make the windows too large - make them 40 centimeters in size - this will be quite enough for the lift.

When you lift the first (lower) logs, you, accordingly, also lift the second ones - in order for everything to be done as correctly as possible, you should place logs or wedges under them. The jacks should then be removed to make room for new logs. After replacing the crowns on one side, go to the opposite. Replace the crowns in the same way as on the previous side of the house. The second logs are replaced in the same way as the first, with the only difference that the jack must be placed under the third log, and not under the second, next crown.

When replacing crowns, you should not rush - do all the work as efficiently and accurately as possible, so that the house will last for several more decades, and you will not have to replace rotten corners or logs after a couple of years. After the work is completed, the grooves should be well caulked, and, if necessary, you can use convenient and reliable polyurethane foam (for insulation).

Video of replacing rotten crowns of a wooden house:

A crown is a structure made of one row of beams or logs, laid perpendicular to each other, and fastened together at the corners. The walls of the house are built from the crowns.

Types of house crowns:

  1. salaries. These are the first crowns of the log house;
  2. lower trim - second crowns;
  3. window sills Logs from the bottom trim to the window;
  4. window. They are cut from short logs (shortened logs) and are intended for the construction of window openings;
  5. above the window. They are laid on top of window crowns.

Crowns of a wooden house

The felling of the walls of a wooden house begins with the installation of the frame (first) crown. Since the lower crowns of the house sooner or later begin to rot, during installation the possibility of their subsequent replacement is immediately provided. The lower crown of the house is usually made of larch or oak, since these types of wood are the most resistant to moisture and rot.

Installation of the first crown is the most critical stage in the construction of a log house. The thickest and most durable log made from high-quality wood is selected for it. The first crown of the house laid and aligned with extreme precision using a building level.

Since working at height is very inconvenient, the log house is usually assembled in separate parts on the ground. Each part is shaped to human height so that workers can perform work while standing on the ground. After manufacturing, the parts of the log house are disassembled and placed on the prepared foundation. For stable installation on the foundation, the casing of the house is cut from the bottom side.

Verification of the corners of the log house is carried out in a diagonal way - by measuring the diagonals of the crowns and adjusting their position, if necessary, by moving one of the ends.

Replacing crowns at home

The lower crowns, as the part of a wooden house most susceptible to rotting and destruction, must be replaced over time. Replacing the lower crowns can be done in several ways:

  1. Redecorating. The destroyed parts of the log are cut out, and new ones are installed in their place.
  2. Complete dismantling of the house with replacement of the lower crowns and its subsequent alignment. This is a long, labor-intensive and expensive method.
  3. Jacking. With the help of jacks, the first crowns of a wooden house are evenly lifted, new ones are placed under them (after restoring the foundation and performing waterproofing work), and the old ones are carefully removed.
  4. Instead of the lower crowns of a wooden house, brickwork is done, concrete is poured, or foundation blocks up to the height of the entire crown are installed. The concrete is pre-treated with an antiseptic. With this method of replacing a rotted crown, the height of the brickwork or concrete base must be arranged below the floor level. This is done in order to avoid the formation of a “cold bridge”. If necessary, additional insulation is provided.

The lower crown is the “weak link” in the design of the sauna log house. It is most susceptible to moisture, so it rots easily, spreading rot to the upper logs. And this leads to gradual distortion and destruction of the entire structure. Therefore, at the first signs of rotting of the lower crowns of the log house, a decision should be made: either build the bathhouse anew, or replace the rotten logs - completely or partially. The last option is associated with the least time and material costs, therefore it is used most often. Read on to learn more about the methods and nuances of replacing the lower rims of a bath house.

Method #1. Replacing the lower crowns in parts

There are situations when the logs in a log house are partially damaged and do not need complete replacement. In this case, it is enough to remove the rotten area by putting in its place a “patch” made of wood, brick or other materials.

The technology for partial replacement of the lower crowns is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The affected area is cleared of external cladding (siding, lining, etc.).
  2. Determine the boundaries of rotten wood, mark them with a chisel or knife.
  3. They retreat from the intended boundaries 40 cm in both directions and install screeds. They are necessary so as not to damage the structure during the removal of rotten wood fabric. For screeding, use bars 40 mm thick and 2 to 3 crowns high. They are fixed on both sides of the wall, on the sides of the damaged area (4 bars in total). Ties are required if a significant part of the crown is to be removed at a time. For small replacements they are rarely used.
  4. Cut out the rotten part of the log with an electric or chainsaw. First, a through cut is made on one side of the damaged area, then on the other. The sawn part is removed. For a tighter fit of the insert, notches about 20 cm wide are made along the edges of the opening.
  5. The opened lower part of the second crown is cleaned and leveled to a flat state (with a chisel). It and the side walls of the resulting opening are treated with an antiseptic.
  6. Roofing felt is laid on the foundation in 2 - 3 layers.
  7. An insert is made to cover the opening. A section is cut from a log of the same diameter as the logs being repaired. The length should be 1 - 2 mm less than the size of the opening. The insert is treated with an antiseptic.
  8. Install the insert into the opening and, if necessary, hammer it in with a sledgehammer.
  9. The gaps between the frame and the insert are carefully sealed with moss, tow, and jute.

Using this method, you can replace not only damaged logs, but also the entire lower crown. To do this, parts are gradually cut off from the crown, replacing them with new ones. The process is quite painstaking, but it allows you to do without lifting the log house on jacks.

You can also replace the lower crown with brickwork. In this case, parts of the damaged log are cut out sequentially, and bricks are laid on the mortar in the resulting openings. Gradually, brickwork will replace the entire lower crown.

Method #2. Complete replacement of the lower crowns

A complete replacement of the crowns can be performed not only in the manner described above (with the gradual removal of all parts of the damaged log). The new crown will be more durable if it is made from whole logs rather than from pieces. To do this, the walls of the log house are raised using jacks, the damaged lower crowns are removed, and new logs are installed in their place.

This method involves displacing the entire structure of the sauna log house, and therefore requires preparation.

Preparatory work before raising the frame

  • Window glass and frames, door frames are removed so that they do not crack during the lifting of the frame.
  • All heavy furniture is removed from the bathhouse; ideally, the log house should remain empty.
  • If the floor joists are embedded in the lower crown, then they are dismantled. In structures where the logs are laid above the lower crown, the floor can be left untouched.
  • The chimney is separated from the ceilings and roof. Otherwise, in the process of raising the log house, they may be damaged by the heavy chimney pipe.
  • Those crowns of the log house that will not change are secured and fixed. To do this, at a distance of 50 cm from the corners of the log house, on each wall, boards (bars) 40 mm thick are nailed vertically. The lower edges of the boards should end at the level of the end of the logs of the crown that is not subject to replacement (second from the bottom). The upper edges are fixed on the logs of the uppermost crown. Boards are nailed both on external and internal walls (across the entire log house - 16 boards, 4 on each wall). From below and from above, each board is secured with through dowels. Such fixation is necessary so that the walls of the log house do not move when they are lifted on jacks.

Once all the preparatory work is completed, the walls can be raised and the repair of the lower crown can begin.

Progress of work on replacing the lower crown of the log house

If the log house stands on a strip foundation, proceed as follows:

  1. A log frame consists of two logs (top and bottom) connected in a corner joint. The first step is to determine which logs in the crown being replaced are the top ones. Jacks will be installed underneath them. Here, retreating 0.7 - 1 m from the corner of the house, an opening 40 cm wide is knocked out in the foundation. Opposite the opening, a part of the lower crown log is cut out. The overall height of the resulting niche should allow a jack to be installed there.
  2. Two such niches are cut out on two opposite walls, at equal distances from the corners.
  3. Install jacks, from 2 to 4 pieces. The available quantity will allow you to either lift the entire frame at once, or each wall one at a time. Less distortion can be achieved if you lift all the walls at the same time - by installing 4 jacks under two opposite walls (2 pieces on each).
  4. Using jacks resting on the upper logs of the crown bandaging, the frame is raised by 7 - 10 cm.
  5. The lower logs of the dressing are released and removed. Temporary supports (logs, concrete blocks, bricks, boards, etc.) are installed under the opened lower logs of the second crown.
  6. The jacks are lowered. The upper logs of the crown being repaired are also lowered along with them. They are also removed. Instead, new logs are installed and immediately pressed with jacks.
  7. Temporary supports under the lower logs of the second crown are removed. New logs are laid on the foundation (the lower ones are tied).
  8. The jacks are lowered slowly and synchronously, placing the upper logs of the dressing on the lower ones. The gaps between the new logs and the second crown are sealed with tow, moss or jute (caulking is performed).

This completes the replacement of the lower crown.

If the log house is on a columnar foundation, replacement is easier:

  1. Jacks are installed between the foundation columns on which the upper logs of the lower crown frame rest. 2 pcs. on the wall. In this case, the jack must be installed on a solid base, for example, on a board made of boards (dimensions about 50x50 cm). The head of the jack rod should rest on the log through the metal plate.
  2. The jacks are lifted. Next, perform the same steps to replace the lower crown as in the presence of a strip foundation. That is, the difference in replacing the crowns of log houses with strip and column foundations is only in the method of installing the jacks. To do this, the strip foundation must be partially destroyed. There is no need to destroy the columnar foundation. It is “intermittent” in design, so there is enough space between the posts to install jacks.

See the diagrams below for more details.

Prevention of rotting of the lower crowns: protective measures

You can replace old logs in the crown, but after 2-3 years you will find them rotting again. To prevent this from happening, the lower crowns must be properly waterproofed and protected from rotting. Protection measures may be the following:

  • Making lower crowns from larch, which is little susceptible to rotting. Instead of solid logs, you can use larch boards. They should be placed under the lower crown. This way, a protective layer that is not susceptible to fungi will be formed between the crown and the foundation. A good alternative to larch are oak logs and boards.
  • Coating logs with antiseptic. You can use any water repellent, for example, antiseptics “Pinotex”, “Sadolin”, “Senezh Ognebio”, etc. Another popular “folk” antiseptic is machine processing. Its disadvantage is a sharp odor that does not disappear for a long time.
  • Coating the bath base with a water repellent.
  • Using several layers of roofing felt (2-3) to waterproof the joint between the crown and the foundation.
  • Protection of the lower crowns from external moisture using canopies (for example, from galvanized strips).

Such simple methods will help you eliminate the cause of rotting and prevent the need to repeatedly replace the lower crowns of the bathhouse.


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