Comparison of Windows 7 and 8. The best version of Windows

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  • The interface is convenient and intuitive for desktop computers, laptops and netbooks.
  • Stability - Windows 7 is one of the most stable OS in recent times. If everything is configured correctly. Drivers are installed and updated. There is anti-virus protection. The work of the seven is very stable. For example, I have had 7 on my computer for more than 5 years and I have no problems with operation or stability.
  • Windows 7 has good compatibility even with older programs and games. It is possible to run applications in compatibility mode with Windows XP and even Win 98. The operation of such programs has been tested from personal experience, for example, there is a game that was released on Windows 95 - Heroes of Might and Magic III and it still works great.
  • Protection against dummies - Windows blocks possibly incorrect user actions and indicates a possible error.
  • System Restore Service - very convenient if something goes wrong, you can always return to the original settings. After viruses or crashes, you can roll back the system to an earlier state in order to get a normal, working, virus-free Windows.
  • Touch input - yes, already in Windows 7 you can use touch input and it works quite well.
  • Convenient search - search in seven works very quickly, you can easily find the necessary files even on huge disks, for example 2TB.
  • Supports more than 4GB of RAM in the 64-bit version. On XP it was not possible to use more than 3.2GB of RAM, which imposed some limitations.
  • The seven has support for the latest DirectX, which allows you to play any games on it, naturally, provided that the parts have high performance.
  • Simplified work with any connected devices - printers, cameras, Bluetooth and more are now very easy to set up.
  • A simpler taskbar - it now has many convenient functions.
  • Convenient control panel. Everything is grouped thematically and any setting is much easier to find.
  • Windows XP mode - allows you to run the Win XP emulator on your desktop. True, it is available in Ultimate, Pro and Enterprise versions.
  • Improved power management service. When I first installed Windows 7 on my laptop, I was amazed at how long it could last on my battery. In general, power consumption has been very well optimized.
  • The Automatic Driver Installation Center is a very useful thing. If you have Internet access, you can update most drivers in 2 clicks, completely automatically.
  • Very fast OS installation - on your computer, installation from start to finish takes only 9 minutes.
  • Parental control - I think everything is clear here.
  • Windows Defender - built-in protection against spyware and unwanted programs. Although its protection is not very effective, I consider this option a plus.
  • Built-in multiplayer games via the Internet became available. For example, I really like to play chess with opponents from any part of the world.


  • Resource intensive - on weak Windows 7 computers. For the seven to work well, you need a fairly powerful computer.
  • An inconvenient conductor - it has been greatly simplified and sometimes it is quite inconvenient to work with it.
  • Weak native protection - despite the fact that the system has a built-in firewall and Windows Defender. The level of computer protection against viruses is very low. it is necessary to install additional .
  • It is not convenient to share files over the network.
  • Compatibility problems with some 64 and 32 bit drivers.
  • For some there may still be problems, but for myself I have not found any more problems with the seven.
Well, now let’s come to what has become better or worse in Windows 8.

Windows 8

Newer doesn't always mean better. Remember when Windows Vista came out, most users continued to use Windows XP. Why did this happen? Vista was a very crude, inconvenient and resource-consuming operating system. They were really looking forward to it. but when it came out, many returned back to XP. Everyone had different ideas on this matter, but overall the whist was not a success. The developers themselves realized this and began to quickly put Vista in order, after which a pretty good seven came out. Now many people are wondering whether to switch to the new eight or wait and find out what Windows 10 will give us, which by the way will be released in the near future.

Advantages of Windows 8:

  • Explorer in desktop mode is more convenient.
  • The new task manager is very convenient and informative.
  • Quickly turn your computer on and off.
  • Convenient controls for touch input devices.
  • Ability to install Windows 8 on a USB flash drive.
  • Advanced system recovery capabilities - an interesting feature of restoring system settings to default without reinstalling Windows, restoring a PC without deleting files.
  • Burn any disc using Windows itself.
  • DirectX 11.1 support - useful for owners of video cards that support this functionality.
  • A less demanding system for hardware, unlike the seven.
  • Supports various devices - computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

Disadvantages of Windows 8:

  • Lack of START menu - for many, the absence of this menu greatly spoils the usability of the OS for non-touch computers.
  • The Modern UI interface (tiled interface) is a very inconvenient interface for ordinary non-touch computers and laptops. It is inconvenient to operate the mouse and keyboard. This is why many people don’t switch to Windows 8. There is no way to remove Modern UI, I would like to do this.
  • Incompatibility of games - it seems like a new operating system, but not all games run on it))
  • Fragmented search - no general search for desktop and Modern UI. This is very inconvenient when searching for the necessary information.
  • The market is adapted for a touch interface, all applications in it are for Modern UI and are not convenient for keyboard and mouse.
  • Cloud - Not everyone wants their files to be stored in the cloud. Remember the example of iCloud hacking.
  • Pop-up panels are generally terrible, you work calmly and accidentally point at a corner or edge and then a pop-up window appears that interferes with your work and distracts you from work.
  • Performance - apart from the loading speed, the increase in performance, unlike the seven, has hardly changed. Therefore, I write this down as a minus.
  • The absence of a system tray causes discomfort when used.
  • UEFI bios locked to Windows 8 are extremely sad, since it is impossible to install, for example, 7 if necessary, or it is also impossible to install Ubuntu, for example.
  • Many will find many more shortcomings - you can add to the article in the comments.


As a result, I presented you with the most basic advantages and disadvantages of Windows 7 and 8. Based on them, you yourself can easily conclude what exactly to choose. Because both operating systems are good in different conditions. If you decide to do it

Windows from Microsoft has long been ranked first in popularity among operating systems, unless, of course, we talk about mobile platforms. Microsoft itself periodically pleases us with updates, and every few years it releases a completely updated operating system. The latest at the moment is Windows 8 (8.1, to be precise, but in this case it does not matter). At first, users were simply afraid to update the system - it seemed so unusual and even complicated to them. However, after some time, everyone realized that there was nothing to be afraid of, and today version 8 of Windows OS is installed on almost every second computer.

However, there are always people who are completely satisfied with the operating system in its current form. And really, if someone is using XP, why should they upgrade to the latest version if they simply don't need it? However, a huge number of users are torn between 7 and 8 versions of Windows. What is better to install? I'll give you food for thought.

Pros of Windows 7

  • Where to begin? Of course, from design. If you are accustomed to the laconic design of Windows, which dates back to the mid-90s of the last century, then it is better for you not to change anything. Moreover, this version of the OS has been studied inside and out so much that experts know it like the back of their hand, so if problems arise, it will be very easy to find a solution.
  • The next point, which actually originates from the previous one, is the absence of a Start button. This is something that is truly almost impossible to get used to! To be honest, I don’t use this button very often, but in terms of convenience it has no competitors. Looking ahead a little, I note that returning the Start button in Windows 8 is very easy - there are a great many ways.
  • What else? Well, for example, don’t forget that virtually 100% of all available programs are compatible with Windows 7 by default. However, it’s just a matter of time - in a couple of years, some toy and application manufacturers will stop supporting the “seven”, limiting themselves to the “eight” " However, I hope it won’t come to that.
  • I remember I was very surprised when I first launched 7 - unusual widgets appeared on the screen. Initially they seemed unnecessary, but later I got used to them. If you are one of those people like me, then 8 is contraindicated for you - it has no widgets at all! Why is a question that needs to be asked to the developers, although this problem can be solved by third-party applications.
  • By the way, another funny thing is that the G8 has no transparent window design at all. How important is it? To be honest, I wouldn’t even pay attention at this point, but for some it matters.
  • The advantages also include the relative ease of problems - I’m talking about various problems related to the performance of the operating system. However, all the bugs in Windows 8 will definitely be fixed - it’s just a matter of time.

Pros of Windows 8

  • What's the first thing that comes to mind? Of course, updated design. It can hardly be called beautiful (personally, I don’t consider it anything out of the ordinary), but it is pleasing to the eye and laconic. At the same time, the design cannot be called completely new - it is rather a deep modernization of Windows 7, which appealed to many users.
  • The next item that perhaps should have been topped is the new Metro skin. Actually, this innovation aroused the greatest interest in the new product. What do I think about this shell? Let's just say that it's not as convenient for me to use as the seventh version of Windows. And yet, I believe that Microsoft should have taken a big step forward a long time ago, which has finally happened. It is possible that after some time I will reconsider my opinion about Metro, besides, as far as I know, a huge number of users remain quite a shell.
  • Metro has several other important advantages. For example, the user now has the ability to access the most popular computer settings, for example, the file search function. However, previously it was also convenient to use search - you just had to press the “Start” button and enter a search query.
  • You can also remember the more convenient task manager - it really has become more pleasant to use. You don’t need to mention the new one - everyone already knows about it.
  • Integration with cloud data storage Microsoft SkyDrive has appeared. True, I don’t use cloud storage at all.
  • And finally, you can always brag to your friends that you are using the latest version of Windows. Although who cares about this today...


The above story was mostly about external changes. What about performance?

In order to compare performance, experts took two completely identical laptops with the same drivers, on which they installed Windows 7 and 8, respectively. Several special programs were used for the test. Thus, in 3DMark 2001, both operating systems showed almost identical results, and the same applies to 3DMark Vantage. In some places, of course, the “eight” was slightly ahead, but this can be attributed to errors.

But in performance tests, Windows 7 took a slight lead. At the same time, Windows 8 showed much better results when loading the operating system itself, but the difference turned out to be small.

In games, there was also no noticeable difference. However, in some games, one operating system performs slightly better, and in others, the second. In general - parity.

All this leads to the conclusion that you won’t actually be able to achieve performance improvements by moving from Windows 7 to 8.

What's the result?

It must be said that initially Widnows 8 was designed to be controlled from touch screens, where it is really more convenient to use. But using a mouse is not so convenient, so it is not surprising that smartphones and tablets running the mobile version of the G8 have become so popular.

Is it worth switching from “seven” to “eight”? The choice is entirely yours and depends only on personal preferences.

Microsoft Company improves And optimizes each its own product. Each new version of the Windows operating system has a number of benefits or shortcomings before the previous product, but each time a new OS is different its shell and the presence of new options.

It is impossible to say which version of the operating system is better: each software is different decent performance and versatility. Most people like the old builds of Windows with a comfortable and established design, but they do not have a Microsoft support program, unlike the new ones, which are improving every day based on user feedback.

Comparison of Windows 7 and 10: what is the difference

Despite the peak of popularity of Windows 10, many users remain loyal to Seven. Windows 7 has:

  • habitual design and convenient location of all options,
  • recovery center and stable performance,
  • light software filling that does not load the processor.

Most users prefer the seventh OS, but if the “seven” is significantly ahead of the eight in functionality and performance, then Windows 10 is serious competitor, winning in many respects. In addition to fast performance and ease of use, Windows 10, unlike Windows 7, has:

  • light system backup and recovery center,
  • constant upgrade and shell optimization,
  • work with the latest drivers and application support,
  • support DirectX 12 and Microsoft Edge.

Despite the wide popularity of Windows 7, the OS is outdated an option that is gradually losing its former multifunctionality and quality of work. If the user appreciates convenience layout of the functionality of the "seven" and the old design, then Windows 7 will be an excellent choice. This OS will do for people of the third age or the old school - for those for whom ease of use is more important productivity.

Windows 7 or 8: version features

These operating systems are very similar in appearance, but Windows 7 has more potential and the best performance, as well as a comfortable and familiar design. According to statistics, users do not have a choice between versions 7 and 8; many return to the “seven” after testing Windows 8.

Windows 8 did not become a breakthrough in the computer industry like 7 or 10. This operating system has inconvenient desktop, start menu, and item layout. G8 was initially aimed at running mobile devices and you shouldn’t expect any special performance in games or general performance from this OS. The OS is designed to work on touch gadgets, as well as increased energy efficiency, and on stationary PCs it may not be as comfortable as its counterparts in the seventh or tenth version.

Which is better – Windows 8 or 10

Windows 10 is multifunctional: It will be convenient to use the OS both on a desktop PC and on mobile platforms. By choosing the tenth version, you get wide-profile and a stable operating system with a wide range of features and additional configurations. Windows 10 is the most in demand an operating system that gets better every day. "Ten" allows:

  • use new Microsoft Edge browser,
  • work with several virtual tables,
  • use option analysis disk space,
  • use notification center,
  • launch games for Xbox One.

Microsoft Company invests more resources to support and optimize version 10, which is the most popular and popular version after the gradually dying “seven”. The eighth version is designed to work mobile platforms Windows based and has a number of shortcomings in the interface: it is difficult to get used to the OS and master the basic functions, which is significant distinguishes"eight" from 10 and 7 versions.

So what to choose

In order to receive best performance and the ability to use all available configurations, recommended Perform a clean installation of the operating system. Installing Windows through updates significantly impairs performance computer and may cause some drivers or applications to malfunction.

It is believed that each subsequent version of Windows is better than the previous one: in new versions is improving and the software is rotated and the performance of the operating system is improved. However, ordinary users for whom a slight increase in power will not give much benefits, choose an OS based on their own comfort in using the software. Choosing an operating system is a matter of habit and largely depends on the nature of the user.

– Which is better - Windows 7 or Windows 8.1? I have seven, but I’m thinking of switching to 8.1, please advise whether I should do this or not?!

Added: 2015-03-19 18:10:11

For Windows 7

Still, I think that Windows 7 is the best in the entire history of Windows, this is purely my personal opinion... This system is very easy to use compared to Windows 8.1 and much more stable... And yes, it’s a shame that Windows 7 is not in production, that is, no matter what store you go to with a computer. equipment, then all laptops, PCs, etc. everyone is on Windows 8-8.1... This is very disappointing!!! Even a Windows 7 license is now very difficult to find, well at least I couldn’t find one.... I have to use a pirated version! Microsoft is disappointing!!!

According to: 1


It all depends on taste and habits, as well as experience. Since Windows 8 does not work on my hardware, I vote for Windows 7 because... it's more accessible!

According to: 2


everything that was invented after Seven is stupidity for tablets

According to: 0


For Windows 8.1

8\8.1 works faster than 7, is more stable (who says that 7 is much more stable, apparently I was sitting on 8 for half an hour) The interface is convenient, if you want, you can return the old Start, this is not a problem if your hands are not the best. There is no this stupid Aero that loads weak PCs and Laptops and you have to play around with performance - turn off all sorts of shadows, animations and other Aero crap. Wait for Windows 10 - it will be great. And launch and tiles and an even more minimalistic interface and performance. The hamsters are still yelling that XP was the last normal one, then they are yelling that 7ka is the most normal, and the rest is bullshit - Win10 will come out, they will yell that Vin8 was normal.

According to: 2


Detailed comparison Windows 7 And Windows 8. The main innovations in Windows 8 are described, as well as a detailed comparison of its performance with Windows 7 in various applications and games.

General information about Windows

Some time ago, the final version of the new operating system from Microsoft - Windows 8. It has already been discussed on this resource, detailed installation guides have been prepared: , and , but the most important question was left without due attention: Is it worth installing Windows 8 at all?

This article, I hope, will help you decide whether it is worth installing Windows 8, what benefits you will get after installing it, and also what difficulties you will have to face. This material is a logical continuation of the previously published comparison of Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7:.

What's new in Windows 8

First, let's look at what innovations Windows 8 offers, what's new in it? The most obvious innovation is the updated interface. It is known as Metro or Windows 8 interface (Windows 8 UI). Its main feature is the start screen:

It contains application shortcuts, as well as so-called live tiles (live tiles). By and large, their main difference from labels is that the information on them changes, they themselves can change size. This is a kind of analogue of widgets from Windows Vista and Windows 7.

This start screen replaces start menu, from which Microsoft got rid of it in Windows 8. This is perhaps the most controversial innovation in the new operating system. Fortunately, it can be returned using third-party utilities. How to do this is described at the end of the article: .

Another innovation in Windows 8 is the so-called active angles. Mouse over to the right edge Desktop A small menu appears:

Looks a little unusual. If you move the mouse cursor close to the left edge, you can switch between applications. By the way, the applications themselves can work in two modes: in a desktop mode with a classic interface, and in a mode with a Metro interface, which is focused on working with touch screens.

Among other changes in appearance, it is necessary to note the abandonment of translucency and rounded corners in various interface elements. The operating system interface has become cleaner, so to speak, and began to work a little smoother. In many places it was changed and improved; the so-called Ribbon interface of control panels began to be used more often. This interface first appeared in Microsoft Office 2007, and then began to be used a little in other applications. In Windows 8, the same Explorer is equipped with a similar interface with the ability to hide it.

In addition to the interface in Windows 8 there was deep integration with Microsoft SkyDrive. This is a service for storing files in the cloud. To Work with Microsoft SkyDrive quite simple: there is a folder in the system SkyDrive, the contents of which are stored on Microsoft servers. If a file is moved to it, it is automatically sent by the system to the cloud storage that is assigned to the account Windows Live ID. This allows you to sync images, music, movies, documents and other files between different devices, and also allows you to share them with others.

U Microsoft SkyDrive, like any similar service, there are two main disadvantages:

  1. for its operation you need a fast and, if possible, unlimited Internet connection;
  2. Storage capacity is limited to several gigabytes. It can be increased for a fee.

In addition to various Microsoft files, Windows 8 allows you to synchronize system settings. This requires an account. Windows Live ID. Almost all settings except passwords are synchronized. If desired, their list can be configured in the system.

Account Windows Live ID also required to download and purchase applications in the built-in Windows 8 store Windows Store. This application store not only allows you to install applications, but also monitors their updates. Convenient, in a word.

In Windows 8, in addition to those mentioned above, there is a whole bunch of innovations: a new Internet Explorer, a redesigned Task Manager, a redesigned copy dialog, a redesigned system recovery mechanism, an ARM version and many others. We will not dwell on them in detail within the framework of this article.

Since the operating system is mainly used to run games and programs, it is very important at what speed they will work there. Therefore, let's move on to the most interesting part of this article - comparing the performance of Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Performance comparison between Windows 7 and Windows 8

To compare the speed of these operating systems, both synthetic performance testing applications and test packages based on real applications were used. The advantage of the former is greater accuracy and repeatability of the results, the advantage of the latter is greater compliance with real-life tasks. In addition to performance tests, the startup speed of the system and applications was measured.

Test conditions

To ensure accuracy, all measurements were taken on the same laptop and with the same versions of drivers, applications and settings. Comparison was carried out on a laptop Asus N61Vn with quad core processor Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000, 4 GB DDR3 RAM and with video card nVidia GeForce GT240M. 64-bit Russian versions were used Windows 7 SP1 Professional And Windows 8 Pro RTM with all updates available at the time of testing. The drivers for both systems were the same. Antivirus and other applications that can affect the measurement results were not installed, all settings were by default.

Comparison of Windows 7 and Windows 8 in games

To measure and compare performance in games and other applications that intensively use the graphics card, it is most convenient to use test packages from the family 3DMark. As practice shows, they give a fairly accurate idea of ​​system performance in certain games.

3DMark2001 SE

Both systems showed approximately the same results with Windows 7 having a minimal advantage.


The tests were repeated three times. On Windows 7 the final result is slightly higher. As with 3DMark2001 SE, the difference is minimal.


In general the situation is similar to 3DMark03, but the gap is slightly larger (about 5%). The tests were also repeated three times. Let's look at the results for the subtests separately:

It is noteworthy that Windows 8 scored higher in the CPU test than Windows 7. In other tests, Windows 8 was slightly faster.

3DMark Vantage

3DMark Vantage is a more advanced and comprehensive gaming performance test. The situation there is generally similar to the results in other benchmarks in this series. To complete the picture, let's look at the benchmark results Heaven Benchmark 3.0.

Heaven Benchmark

In this test, Windows 8 performed slightly better. The gap is minimal.

Conclusions on tests of Windows 7 and 8 in games

Let's summarize the interim results of testing in gaming applications. As the measurement results showed, the gaming performance of Windows 7 and Windows 8 is approximately at the same level. If you are choosing which system to install on your gaming computer or laptop, then there is not much difference between Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Comparison of Windows 7 and Windows 8 when working with regular programs

To measure the speed of application programs, it is convenient to use test applications from the family PCMark. We'll start with PCMark05:


The results are on the same level. In case of PCMark05 Graphics Windows 8 scored suspiciously low. To study this issue in more detail, an earlier build of Windows 8 was installed and similar results were obtained there. Most likely this is due to an error in PCMark05.

Futuremark Peacekeeper

This test measures browser performance. In this case, a browser was used Opera versions 11.64 . Here are the results:

Windows 7 turned out to be a little faster, but the difference is not so great that we can talk about any significant advantage. Let's consider another similar test.


Windows 7 again performed slightly better, completing the test faster.


7-Zip is a fairly popular free archiver. More details about it are described here:. This archiver also has a built-in test. Here are his results:

Windows 7 showed approximately the same result as Windows 8.


Test application Cinebench allows you to evaluate performance in 3D modeling programs and other similar applications. As measurements have shown, both systems demonstrate similar results.

Windows boot speed

This is perhaps the only test where Windows 8 demonstrates significantly better results. Windows 8 actually boots much faster than its predecessor. Studies have shown that Windows 8 shutdown times are also shorter.

Application launch times remained subjectively at the same level. This is because it is primarily affected by the speed of the hard drive, not the operating system itself.

Conclusions from Windows 7 and 8 tests in application programs

The situation is generally similar to that in games. The performance of both systems is approximately at the same level, except for the abnormally low result in graphics tests in PCMark05. I was frankly pleased with the reduction in boot and shutdown times of the new operating system. That's a plus.

It's time to sum up the final results and try to clarify the question of what is better to install on a laptop or computer.

The final results of the comparison between Windows 7 and Windows 8

The results of the comparison in the form of individual theses:

  1. Windows 8 demonstrates approximately the same performance as Windows 7. Installing Windows 8 in order to significantly improve system performance in games or applications does not make sense;
  2. Windows 8 turns on and off much faster. If this is important to you, then it will suit you better than Windows 7;
  3. Windows 8 is best suited for use on touchscreen devices. If your laptop, monoblock or computer has it, then installing Windows 8 will significantly improve the usability of your work;
  4. With devices without a touch screen, things are not so simple. The fact is that Windows 8 was initially optimized for touch screen control. These optimizations are visible in many interface elements. The problem is that using a mouse and keyboard is not as convenient to use as we would like. Not everyone will like moving the mouse from one edge of the monitor to the other, getting used to pop-up menus, and new control methods. It's not even a matter of habits that have developed over the years of using previous versions of Windows. It's just inconvenient. Yes, you can get used to all this, turn on the Start menu using third-party utilities, configure it to immediately turn on the Desktop instead of the start screen, apply other settings, or you can simply install Windows 7 according to the guide:


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