Comparative and superlative forms of adverbs. Presentation for a Russian language lesson (7th grade) on the topic: Degrees of comparison of adverbs

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Degrees of comparison of adverbs Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU Vylkovo Secondary School Chernakova N.A.

Repetition: Degrees of comparison of adjectives Comparative degree of an adjective Superlative degree of an adjective simple complex simple complex Suffixes: - EE, -E, -SH Particles: MORE LESS Suffixes: -AYSH-, -EYSH- Particles: STRONGEST LEAST STRONGER ITS LOUDER E YOUNGER MORE PERSISTENT LESS DIFFICULT DEEPTH TENDEREST KINDEST MOST DANGEROUS

Fill in the empty cells in the table Full form Simple comparative degree Complex comparative degree Simple superlative degree Complex superlative degree 1. Tall Higher Tallest 2. Calm Calm calmest 3. Most beautiful 4. Large Larger 5. Dangerous most dangerous 6. kinder The kindest

Question: What degree of comparison of the adjective is formed using the particle MOST? Comparative simple. Excellent simple. Comparatively complex. Excellent complex

Degrees of comparison of adverbs Comparative degree Superlative degree Suffixes -EE, -E, -SH Particles MORE AND LESS Pronoun ALL + simple form comparative degree ACCURATELY HIGHER E THINTER MORE ACCURATE MORE HIGH MORE FINELY MORE ACCURATE THAN ALL HIGHER ALL THINTER ALL

Fill in the empty cells in the table Initial form Simple comparative degree Complex comparative degree Superlative degree shorter Shorter Shorter than all Wide Wider than all Energetic often More often Hotter than all Sweetly comfortable more convenient More comfortable Most convenient Most attentive Most difficult

Question: The superlative degree of adverbs ... There is only a simple one. There is only a compound one. There are both simple and compound ones. Doesn't form at all.

Differences between the degrees of comparison of adverbs and the degrees of comparison of adjectives You probably noticed that the forms of the simple comparative degree of adverbs and adjectives are very similar. By appearance or by sound, it is absolutely impossible to distinguish the adjective SPICTER from the adverb SPICTER. But if the words match in sound and spelling, this does not mean that we have the same word.

Words that have the same sound and spelling are called HOMONYMS. You've known them since 5th grade. For example: Bow (plant) and bow (weapon) Key (spring) and key (item)

Let's compare two phrases: THE NEW KNIFE IS SHARPER THAN THE OLD n. adj. THE TOOLS ARE SHARPENED SHARPER verb adverb What? How?

Try to find the differences between the forms of adverbs and adjectives yourself by doing the exercise Determine the part of speech and the form of degree of comparison This tree is taller than that. Today he jumped higher than yesterday. This kindest person. He laughed more cheerfully than anyone else. This essay was written more competently than the previous one.

6. Work faster. 7. He solves problems the fastest. 8. This is the most dangerous path. 9. These apples are tastier than those. 10. This is the most powerful telescope.

Answer the question: Cognate adverbs and adjectives in the simple comparative form are... Neologisms Homonyms Synonyms Antonyms

Conclusions This lesson was devoted to the study of forms of degrees of comparison in adverbs. Adverbs, like qualitative adjectives, have degrees of comparison if they denote a characteristic that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent.

The form of the simple comparative degree is formed using the suffixes: -EE, -E, -SHE. The form of the complex comparative degree is formed with the help of particles: MORE or LESS, which are added to the original adverb. An adverb in Russian has only a complex form superlatives. It is formed using the word ALL, which is added to the adverb in a simple comparative degree.

Final testing What words are involved in the formation of the complex comparative degree of an adjective and adverb? MORE, LESS MOST, MOST, LEAST VERY ALL

2. What category of adjectives has degrees of comparison? All categories of adjectives have degrees of comparison. Qualitative Relative Possessive

3. Cognate adverbs and adjectives in the form of a simple comparative degree are... Synonyms Homonyms Archaisms Antonyms

4. During education complex shape The superlative adjective word MOST is added to... Full form of this adjective The simple superlative form The simple comparative form The complex comparative form

5 . What suffixes are used to form the simple comparative degree of adjectives - AISH-, -EYSH- -IM-, -EM- -E, -EY, -SH -OVA-, -EVA-


Qualitative adverbs are the richest semantic group of adverbs in quantitative terms. These adverbs, as a rule, are motivated by adjectives and inherit from them not only the lexical meaning of the root, but also degrees of comparison. The forms of comparative degrees of adverbs largely coincide with the forms of comparative degrees of adjectives.

Degrees of comparison of adverbs Comparative

1) simple (synthetic) – louder, faster;

2) analytical – louder, faster.


1) simple (synthetic) – absent;

2) analytical – louder, louder than everyone else; more quickly, faster than everyone else.

The comparative simple form of adverbs is formed using suffixes - e:loud - louder;-her:strongly - stronger;-she:early - earlier.

Some adverbs have two variant comparative forms: far - further, further; early - earlier, earlier; late - later, later. It is possible to add a prefix By-:higher - higher; slowly - slow down.

The analytical form of the comparative degree is formed, like that of adjectives, by joining the positive degree of the word more (most):more loudly, most loudly. Regarding the inclusion of the word less There are different opinions. V.V. Vinogradov wrote: “... combinations of adjectives with the word less(due to the absence of correlative forms of the superlative degree) do not merge into a grammatical whole, are not “morphologized”. They retain the character of free syntactic chaining. Less acts only as an antonym to more" [Vinogradov, 1972, p. 203–204].

The opinion that only the word can act as a component of the analytical form more, is based on the fact that the comparative degree expresses greater intensity of the attribute, and the word less destroys this theory.

It is possible to form suppletive comparative forms: x good is better, little is less.

There is an opinion that analytical forms of the comparative degree have not only adverbs of qualitative characteristics, but also some adverbs ending in -ski,, in...ohm, For example: friendly - more friendly.

Superlative forms of adverbs are formed in the same way as adjectives - with the help of suffixes -ayshe, -ayshe, but are found extremely rarely, in a small group of words: most strictly, most deeply, most humbly, most reverently, most respectfully, highest, sweetest, most humble, most detailed, closest. These obsolete forms are used for stylistic purposes.

Analytical forms have components: 1) the form of a comparative degree and words all, all: fastest, most convenient; 2) positive form of adverb and word most: most understandable.

  1. Degrees of quality of adverbs

Like adjectives, adverbs formed from qualitative adjectives express the degree of quality without comparison using suffixes of subjective assessment and special prefixes.

The degrees of quality of adverbs are formed:

1) using suffixes - onk-(-enk-), -ovat-(-evat-), -onechk-(-enechk-), -okhonk-(-yokhonk-):quietly, a long time ago, lightly, quietly, close etc. In this case, some of the suffixes are used to strengthen the attribute ( often, quickly etc.), the other - to express the weakening of the sign ( too little, too early);

2) using attachments pre-, once-, all-, archi-, super-:calm, beautiful, extremely modern, extremely elegant;

3) by repeating adverbs: far, far, quickly, quickly etc.

    Word formation of adverbs

Adverbs are formed from adjectives, nouns, participles, gerunds, etc. The most productive are suffixal and prefix-suffixal methods of word formation. Let's briefly look at the main methods.

1. Suffixation. The most productive way is to form adverbs using a suffix -O from adjectives: freely, quickly, moderately, difficultly, conveniently, daily, highly, faithfully, deftly, fervently, undeservedly, stubbornly, sadly, cheerfully.

From adjectives to skiy, -tskiy adverbs with a suffix are formed -And: brotherly, friendly, barbaric, bossy, brave.

Adverbs defiantly, threateningly, irritatingly, excitingly, pleadingly, lovingly and so on, having the suffix -e, are motivated by the corresponding present participles of the active voice.

Adverbs can be motivated by nouns ( in the afternoon, in the morning, in spring, sometimes, at a trot, on horseback, around, instantly, home, single file), numerals ( five, three times, once), verbs ( silently, jogging, alert), adverbs ( not enough, often, briefly, a long time ago, quietly, waddle). In some cases, word formation is closely intertwined with adverbialization - the replenishment of adverbs due to transition from other parts of speech. Thus, nouns have undergone adverbialization eveningohm , springO th, in which the former ending has turned into a suffix.

2. Prefixation. Adverbs are formed from corresponding adverbs using prefixes Not- (not far, not for long), behind-(before dark, in advance), before- (until now); from pronouns ( forever, to here, from here).

3. Prefixation with suffixation. Adverbs can be motivated by adjectives ( businesslike, still, apparently, comradely, like a dog, manually, in the distance, locked up, dry, again, occasionally, to the right, tipsy, rashly, old-fashioned), pronouns ( in our opinion, in my opinion), nouns ( really, draw, half, above, on top, in front, next morning, married), numerals ( three of us, ten of us, nine of us), verbs ( at a glance, at a glance), adverbs ( for a long time, a lot).

4. Addition: half-lying, half-joking.

5. Suffixation with addition: in passing, on its own.

6. Prefixation with suffixation and addition: half-heartedly, in a low voice, at exorbitant prices.

Adverbs ending in -o(-e) formed from qualitative adjectives can have degrees of comparison, for example: took off high- took off higher, took off higher, took off above all. Adverbs have two degrees of comparison: comparative And excellent.

The comparative degree of adverbs has two forms - simple And composite. Simple form the comparative degree is formed using suffixes -ee(s), -e, -she, in this case the final -o(-e), -ko:

hurt - sick to her (-her), it became easy - easier e, thin - thin she .

The compound form of a comparative adverb is a combination of the word more and the original form of the adverb, for example: cut off more subtly, belonged more attentively.

The superlative degree of adverbs, as a rule, has a compound form, which is a combination of two words - the comparative degree of the adverb and the pronoun of all (total): did the best.

234. Form simple comparative forms from these adverbs and write them according to the model. Read the synonyms for the highlighted word in the box. Make sentences with three of them.

Graceful - graceful her ; confident, unbridled, steady, beautiful, excited, majestic, energetic, comfortable.

Hot - hot e ; loud, expensive, ringing, strong, strict, dry, quiet, simple, sharp, bright, cool, hard, often, cheap.

Close - closer e ; smooth, liquid, short, low, rare, narrow, sweet, high, wide.


235. Read the text. Determine its topic. First, write down phrases with comparative adverbs, then with the rest. In what other meaning is the word “sabantuy” used in Russian? Tell us about one of the Russian national holidays or about the holiday of other peoples of Russia.


    Sabantuy is an ancient holiday of the Tatar people, it is held after the end of field work, in June. They prepare for Sabantuy in advance - they clean the house more thoroughly, stock up more treats for guests, and more thoughtfully choose gifts for the winners of competitions.

    The collection of gifts is carried out on the eve of the holiday, on Saturday. In villages, young men ride around on horses with a cheerful song, collecting gifts - towels, scarves, etc. They are attached to the horses' bridles. The more gifts collected, the richer the rider’s horse is decorated.

    The place for the celebration is determined in advance; most of all, it looks like a stadium for competitions. At the ceremonial opening of Sabantuy, one of the district leaders congratulates those gathered on the national holiday. This is followed by the entertainment part - performances by singers and dancers.

    Then various competitions are held, most of all the attention of the audience is attracted by the national wrestling - keresh. Various kinds of comic competitions bring cheerful excitement: running with a spoon in your mouth with an egg placed on it, running with buckets on a rocker filled with water. Fighting with sacks full of hay causes a lot of laughter. Very popular are tug of war, tug of war with sticks, climbing a high smooth pole with a prize suspended at the top, etc. At the same time, competitions of singers, readers, and dancers are held. Young people enthusiastically lead round dances and organize dances.

Name words that sound the same. Ask them questions. What parts of the sentence are they?

  1. My brother is taller than me.
  2. My brother jumps over the bar higher than me.

The comparative degree of an adverb is a circumstance, refers to a verb and answers the question how? And the forest makes more noise (how?) when there are a lot of trees. (Proverb)

236. Read Russian proverbs and sayings. Copy and underline the comparative adverbs. Think of two situations in which you can use these proverbs and sayings.

Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie. More science - smarter than your hands. The ears do not grow above the forehead. More action, less words. You can't jump over your head. Talk less, hear more. You can't yawn wider than your mouth. There is no beast stronger than a cat. Below the average. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. Worse than ever. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. A day later, a day earlier - what's the difference. Whiter than snow you will not.

237. Dictation. Underline the adverbs. What do they mean? Make up three sentences with participial phrases.

Ra(s, h)red-hot stone, very thinning taiga, recently built(n, nn) ​​power plant, heating..greenhouse below, industrial wood, heated in some places underground springs(?), the predawn(n, nn) ​​hour, a stripe flaring up (in) the sky, lava rising..rising upward, a fire(n, nn) ​​stream scattered everywhere blocks, a thick geyser shrouded in steam.

Topic: Degrees of comparison of adverbs. (Grade 7)

The language is never permanently installed:

He constantly lives and moves,

developing and improving.

(V.G. Belinsky)

Goals and objectives:


1. Continue to develop the ability to form comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs, determine the syntactic role of adverbs in the comparative degree.

2. Develop the ability to distinguish the comparative degree of an adjective and an adverb.

3.Introduce the etymology of adverbsto pieces and to the ground.

Developmental: develop logical and creative thinking, focus

Educational: instilling respect for work

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Research methods used: survey, observation, analysis, comparison, exclusion.

Forms of organizing student activities: frontal, individual, collective.

Equipment: texts with tasks, test, textbook.

Expected Result: the ability to distinguish the comparative degree of an adjective and an adverb has been developed, the role and rules for the use of adverbs in artistic speech have been identified.

During the classes

I. Org. moment. Emotional mood of students.
The bell has rung for us.Everyone entered the classroom calmlyEveryone stood up at their desks beautifully,We greeted each other politely.They sat down quietly, with their backs straight.I see our class anywhere!We'll start the lesson, friends.

Today in the lesson we will continue to get acquainted with the degrees of comparison of adverbs, we will learn to distinguish them from adjectives in the comparative and superlative degree, determine the syntactic role of adverbs in the comparative degree, and learn to use them correctly in speech. Be active, attentive, and you will succeed.

(Write down the date and topic of the lesson.)

    Warm up.

First, let's warm up a little. (Orally).

Choose synonyms-adverbs for phraseological units.

Neither light nor dawn -early;

at any moment -soon;

hand in hand -together;

hastily -fast;

to the edge of the world -far;

out of the blue -suddenly;

the cat cried -few;

soul to soul -amicably.

Tell me, do all of these adverbs form degrees of comparison?

II . Checking homework.

1. Frontal survey followed by a written test.

How many degrees of comparison does an adverb have?(Two).

Name the degrees of comparison of adverbs.(Comparative and Superlative).

How many forms do these degrees of comparison have, name them.(Two forms: simple and compound).

How is the simple comparative degree of an adverb formed?(Using suffixes -ee, -ey, -e, -she ).

(adverb + more, less).

What can you say about the formation of the superlative degree of comparison of an adverb?(The superlative degree of comparison of an adverb has only a compound form; simple forms are extremely rare, mainly in archaic words like pokorn Yeshe , bottom Aishe , guard Aishe ).

How is it formed compound degree comparison adverbs?(Comparative adverb + pronoun of all).

- Well done.

2. Testing knowledge of theory in practice.

Formation of degrees of comparison of adverbs. Work in a notebook according to options.

Form everything from these adverbs possible degrees comparisons.

LOUD louder, more (less) louder, louder than everyone else

BEAUTIFUL more beautiful, more (less) beautiful, more beautiful


COLD colder, more (less) cold, coldest of all

LOUDLY louder, more (less) louder, louder than all

BEAUTIFUL more beautiful, more (less) beautiful, more beautiful than all

SMOOTHLY smoother, more (less) smoothly, smoothest of all

3. Creation, solution (search for an answer), development (consolidation) of a problem situation.

Guys, read the sentences and tell me what are the similarities and differences between the sentences

Please note that the same word appears in these sentences, but in one case it is an adjective, and in the other it is an adverb. How to distinguish an adjective from an adverb? Let's look at the table

Our class is friendlier than the sixth class.

And the forest makes more noise, when there are a lot of trees




Item attribute

Sign of action

Refers to

To a noun

To the verb

Answers the question

Which? Which? Which?

How? How?

The sentence is



Now let's look in the textbook on Page 81.

4. We work out the algorithm of action

1. We need to look at what part of speech the word depends on in the comparative degree:

Adverb – from a verb Adjective – from a noun or


2. Ask a question:

How? Which? what?

3. Define the word as a member of a sentence:

predicate circumstance

We return to the sentences written on the board. We make a note in a notebook.

III . Consolidation

1) Record from dictation, underline adjectives and adverbs (2-3 students at the board):

1) Today you look more cheerful.

2) Now your mood is much happier than a minute ago.

3) The guys in our class are more friendly.

4) We are more friendly when we take on interesting work.

5) A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

6) The falcon flies higher than the sun.

Physical education minute

Let's put our hands to the sides,

We'll get the left one with the right one.

And then vice versa:

There will be a right turn

One - clap, two - clap,

Turn around one more time!

One two three four,

Arms higher, shoulders wider!

We put our hands down

And sit down at your desk again.

1 ) Let's continue working. Write it down using missing commas. Above adverbs in the comparative degree write the letter n., and above adjectives - p.

1. The night is pale. The fog leaves the valleys and meadows, the forest becomes whiter, the forest becomes more sonorous, the moon becomes more lifeless and the silver of the dew on the glass becomes colder. 2. Fresher...t every day and younger...the forest is turning black, the distance is blue...t softer - February finally succumbs to the damp winds, and the sweat...snow has melted in the hollows. 3. The wind blew away the damp fog from the fields, the stars lit up and the waters rustled more cheerfully in the depths.


And now we have to

2) Etymological excavations (checking individual assignments).

Individual messages about the history of the emergence of phraseological unitsburn to the ground , adverbsto pieces.

Make up a sentence with this phraseological unit and write it down. Parse it.

Now let's work orally.

3 ) « Speak correctly "(orally).

1) As quickly as possible(you can’t: “possibly faster”) .

2) Visit as often as possible(not possible: “possibly more often”) .

3) It was creepy in the dark(not allowed: “likes it terribly”, “terribly misses it”) .

4) Receive for free, free(impossible: “get for free”) .

5) A lot. You got a lot. Gave you so much(not allowed: “so much”) .

6) Arrived, left completely, forever(not allowed: “I give it away forever”) .

7) Divide in half(not allowed: “split in half”) .

Orally make sentences using these phrases.

You did a good job with all the tasks, and now I propose to check how you have mastered this topic with a small test.

4) Monitoring the assimilation of what has been learned. Test (2 – 3 min.)


1. Choose a sentence with an adverb in the comparative degree:

a) In spring the sun shines more cheerfully.

b) This flower is more beautiful than before.

c) Sasha is bolder than Pasha.

2. Choose a sentence with an adjective in the comparative degree:

a) As you age, the years go by faster.

b) City houses are higher than rural houses.

c) A diver dives into water deeper than a scuba diver.

3. Choose a sentence with an adjective in the comparative degree:

a) In the mornings the frost is much stronger than in the afternoon.

b) In order not to be late for class, you need to wake up earlier.

c) Please speak more quietly.

4.Indicate adverbs in comparative degree:

a) reads more carefully

b) ran the slowest;

c) the book is more interesting.

5. Find a sentence with an error in the use of an adverb:

a) He listens to me more attentively.

b) You did the best job.

c) I try to write more beautifully

d) My brother draws worse than me.

Check yourself! 1.a;2.b;3.a;4. A; 5. c.

Peer review of the test

IV .Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

I liked the way you worked in the lesson. I think that today you learned even more about our native language.

V. Homework. 7 – 10 proverbs with comparative degrees of adverbs and adjectives. (grades for the lesson)


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