Log house made of laminated veneer lumber, manufacturers' ratings. Which timber is better – profiled or glued?

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Glued laminated timber, which is popular these days, is characterized as best material for construction wooden house. Many companies specializing in this type of construction recommend choosing CB over other materials, motivating this choice by its high environmental friendliness, good strength and other mechanical characteristics.

Building a house is not a cheap pleasure. A mistake made when choosing a material can be fatal. Therefore, before you start building a house, it’s worth figuring out whether the design bureau is really that good?

CB resistance to cracking

It is believed that CB is a material not susceptible to cracking. One can only partially agree with this belief. Yes, a package of lamellas assembled with perfect precision will not crack. However, the assembly process itself is not automated and is performed manually. That is why it is sometimes not necessary to talk about the quality of the material, and, accordingly, its resistance to cracking.

A package of lamellas, assembled with the slightest deviation, is under the influence internal forces bending wood. Therefore, you won’t have to wait long - in a short time the vaunted design bureau will certainly crack.

A house made from KB is not afraid of shrinkage

"Specialists" wood construction claim that houses made of laminated veneer lumber do not settle over time. It is not true. Houses made from KB exhibit significant shrinkage - about two centimeters per meter of building height per year in the first two years after completion of work.

If average height one-story house is about 4 meters, then in two years the shrinkage of the house in height will be 16 centimeters! It would be hard to call this figure insignificant and not worthy of attention.

High environmental friendliness of design bureau

There is no doubt about the environmental safety of wood. However, the adhesives that are used in the production process of CB are so saturated with formaldehyde that there can be no question of any environmental friendliness of this material.

Harmless adhesives and impregnations still exist, but the cost of construction using truly environmentally friendly KB will increase significantly and become unreasonably expensive.
For these reasons, you should not use CB in the bathroom. When renovating an apartment, construction mosaics are ideal for bathroom design.

KB houses “breathe”

The most arrogant myth about KB. The air exchange that the KB can provide can be compared with the air exchange in a house with the best plastic windows. This effect is achieved due to the presence of several lamellas in the package. adhesive layers, unable to pass air.

The walls do not require additional sealing

So hopeful, but so harmful myth! There are no seamless joints, no matter how high-quality the material is and no matter how accurate the calculations.

In addition, changes in geometry provoked weather conditions, no one canceled. Therefore, in damp but warm weather the seams will be “closed”, and in dry, frosty weather they will “open”. It is into these “open” uninsulated joints that heat will escape from the house. But for high-quality wall insulation you will have to use a special type of insulation - self-expanding tapes.

KB durability

The latest myth about KB is: “KB is many times more durable than solid logs.” In fact, the concept of “KB durability” should be understood as the quality of the glue used. It is they who determine the lifespan of the design bureau.

As for buildings made from solid logs, even without proper care they can last several hundred years. And if you maintain the good condition of the house from solid log, protecting the wood from damage, moisture and pests, then you don’t have to worry about its durability.

Here it is - the whole truth about KB. Do you need such a house? The choice is yours.

IN last years the demand for has increased significantly, because it began to be used in almost all areas of construction. Experienced developers have their own unspoken rating of laminated veneer lumber manufacturers, but ordinary citizens do not have such information, and therefore are faced with the problem of choice.

That is why we decided to present to your attention useful information that will help you understand many of the nuances.

House made of timber - beauty and durability

Glue is the head of everything

Very important aspect, which reflects the quality of this material is the adhesive base. That's why we'll talk about it. Most Russian and foreign manufacturers use the same technology.

According to experts, 50% of the main components depend on the glue. specifications timber (strength, frost resistance, etc.).

Today three compositions are actively used:

  • Polyurethane. This variety is the most economical. Due to not the best technical characteristics, it is losing its position every year.

  • Melamine. The only serious drawback of this type is the high formaldehyde content. In this regard, if you suffer from any respiratory diseases, it is not advisable to use it.
  • Isoacetate. Of course, only a responsible manufacturer of laminated timber uses such glue. It has the best performance characteristics and is also completely harmless to humans.

Now let's analyze the most popular in our country adhesive compositions according to the main characteristics.

Variety EPI Rapid EPI Dynea Melamine
Approved for use in this area
Toluene content
Formaldehyde content
Pressing duration, min
WATT 91 Certificate

Important! The lion's share of manufacturers in our country use EPI glue, even though its use in this area is prohibited. When purchasing a product from a foreign manufacturer, you can be sure that this composition was not used.

Let's talk about cost

Undoubtedly, nowadays one of the main aspects when choosing a product is its price. Therefore, it would be wise to talk about this in more detail.

Main components

Studying market offers, you will notice that the cost of laminated veneer lumber can vary greatly. In this regard, many people will want to know what it depends on.

So, it consists of the following components:

  • Type of glued composition. As explained earlier, from this aspect The quality of the product depends. Samples using more advanced varieties will cost significantly more.
  • Type of wood. This aspect greatly influences operational period material. In addition, environmental friendliness also depends on it. Naturally, larch.
  • Additional expenses(delivery, salaries of specialists, advertising, etc.).
  • Season. In winter, for obvious reasons, the volume of construction is significantly less. Therefore, during this period, most building materials are sold at reduced prices.
  • Sectional area of ​​the timber. The strength of the material depends on this aspect. As the instructions say, for massive structures you should use the thickest samples, otherwise the strength of the structure will be in question.

Market offers

Now, for sure, you will want to know specific numbers. Having studied the offers from largest producers the central part of our country, we presented them in the form of a visual table.

Manufacturer Cost of one cubic meter in thousand rubles
"Northern Hut"
"Russian West"
"SPP Salyut"
"Northern Forest"
"Stroy - Invest"

Advice: as you can see from the table, there is no manufacturer who would have the most low prices for all types of timber. Therefore, when purchasing mixed products, it is better to purchase certain varieties from different manufacturers.

Let's spend some time on mythology

IN Lately Various myths began to arise that relate to this material. Therefore, below we will consider the most popular of them and analyze how true they are.

Poor environmental friendliness

This opinion appeared due to the fact that people consider glue to be a toxic material. Of course, in most cases this idea is one hundred percent true, but in this path there was room for an exception.

Any honest manufacturer of laminated timber houses uses exclusively environmentally friendly adhesive compositions (we talked about them earlier). Such products have the first class of safety, because they are completely odorless and are not burdened with any toxic fumes.

The main ingredient of such compositions is cellulose. Thus, they are completely safe even for children.

Insufficient reliability

This opinion was probably born in the minds of the most skeptical citizens. It is worth saying that making laminated veneer lumber is somewhat reminiscent of creating a layer cake:

  • The boards, carefully treated with fire-resistant and antiseptic compounds, are dried and joined together.
  • When the glue has set, the resulting workpieces are ground and profiled.
  • These “bricks” are cut and sent for sale.

The result is a very durable and reliable material. Its technical characteristics are significantly higher than those of ordinary wood. In this case, buildings are no more than 2%.


Of course, if we compare with untreated wood, then this tendency takes place. However, if compared with, for example, a brick, then it results in an absolute misconception.

Also, do not forget about the fact that laminated veneer lumber does not require additional finishing. In addition, it is easy to install with your own hands, which will significantly reduce construction costs.

Fire hazard

Perhaps there is much more truth here than in the previous aspects. Naturally, wood materials are more susceptible to fire than, for example, brick or concrete. However, there are some nuances here too.

If we are talking about an open fire, then undoubtedly the timber will lose, because, despite the fire-resistant coating, it will begin to burn. However, as a rule, most serious fires are associated with fires in wiring, because open fire Can be easily extinguished with water. If the wiring catches fire, then regardless of the material from which the house is made, the consequences will be serious.

Poor heat resistance

Few people know that wood has a thermal conductivity that is 6 times lower than that of brick. Consequently, 10 cm of such a wall can replace 60 cm of a brick one.

It is difficult to imagine a person who would not want to save money on the purchase of this or that product.

Therefore, we decided to present to your attention some tips that will help you with this.

  • Try to buy in bulk. All best manufacturers glued beams offer discounts for large purchases. You can, for example, group with several more developers to order a large number of goods.
  • Take your time with the purchase. Check out prices in neighboring cities. It often happens that it is profitable to place an order in another region.
  • Remember that manufacturers of laminated timber houses have either own production or suppliers offering discounts. Therefore, ordering a turnkey house will cost you less in this case.

  • For summer houses It is not at all necessary to buy large-section timber. Such products are needed exclusively for buildings for year-round use.
  • remember, that the main raw material for this material is wood. As a result, you can save money by purchasing samples made from a cheaper type of wood. However, such a measure may affect quality.


That's all, our story has come to its end logical conclusion. However, if something remains unclear to you, then there is absolutely no reason to be upset. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic, which can answer all questions.

The catalog includes manufacturers of laminated veneer lumber in Russia. Factories have established production and wholesale sales. The list contains 20 companies for 2019. Well-known Russian companies: Zavolzhsky Woodworking Plant, Vishera, Forest Region, Center wooden house construction Siblux”, etc. In stock:

  1. beams,
  2. house kits,
  3. profiled,
  4. wall beams and other categories.

The types of wood used as raw materials are pine and spruce. Glued laminated timber- popular construction material For wooden structures. Construction of houses, bathhouses, and cottages is underway. Planed boards that are identical in length and width, without knots or defects, are dried to the required moisture content. The resulting blanks - lamellas - are glued together with special glue. The quality of Russian elements and compounds is not inferior to imported ones.

For construction, jointed structural parts are processed by profiling. The dimensions of the parts included in the kit are selected during the design process, which facilitates installation. Technological characteristics products are superior to solid wood products. A cost estimate for the project is available on the manufacturer's website. Russian industries are purchasing automatic production lines and mastering new technologies.

Companies invite construction organizations, suppliers, and wholesale buyers to cooperate. The address and phone number are contained in the “Contacts” tab. In order to buy laminated veneer lumber wholesale, order a price list - contact the manager. Delivery of goods - Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions, CIS countries and abroad. Dealers receive discounts when paying for orders and negotiated prices for products.


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