We are building a country toilet: projects, drawings, dimensions. We build a country toilet according to drawings Country toilet by hand step by step mansion

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For some, a dacha is simply their own plot of land outside the city. Of course, over time a house will appear on it, the territory will be surrounded by a fence, but for now it is land, that’s all. What should be built here first? Garden tool shed? It is also necessary, but not paramount.

DIY country toilet

The first step is to build such a responsible and necessary structure as a toilet. Don’t constantly ask your neighbors to help you when you need it. It’s not difficult to build a toilet in your country house with your own hands; the step-by-step instructions for this are not complicated, so you can do the job without experience.

Selecting a location

The toilet cannot be located anywhere; there are some requirements that must be observed when constructing such a building.

The toilet should:

  • Stand at least 30 m from a water source.
  • Should not be located on the border of a neighboring property (at least 1 m from the border).
  • Be no closer than 5 m from a residential building, tent, etc.

If the cottage is located on an area with uneven terrain, the well should be located above the toilet. Thus, before building a toilet in the country with your own hands, you need to correctly draw up a drawing.

It is necessary to decide not only on the location, size and material of manufacture, it is also necessary to take into account the wind rose in order to avoid the penetration of a specific aroma from the toilet, say, onto the terrace, where it is so pleasant to drink tea in the evening.

If the project involves the presence of a cesspool, you immediately need to think about the possibility of a vacuum truck approaching the toilet. Let us immediately note that it is not recommended to make a cesspool in an area with a high groundwater level.

Construction type

There are several main types of toilets:

  • backlash-closet;
  • bio toilet.

Each has its own characteristics, which you need to familiarize yourself with before making a toilet in the country. And here you can rely on personal preferences before choosing the right type of construction that best suits the existing conditions.

Construction with cesspool

The simplest toilet, used since time immemorial. No containers are needed, and a clear drawing is hardly needed; if such a toilet is built, a sketch will be enough. Building a summer wooden toilet is not very difficult; you should start by actually digging a hole for waste, while remembering that they will have to be obtained somehow.

Then comes the installation of a toilet booth. Yes, let’s add that after filling the pit, it can be filled up, and, so to speak, the above-ground part of the building (the booth) is moved to a new place - a new pit. It’s good here if the outdoor toilet is made of wood, it will be easier to move from place to place.

By the way, it is recommended to make a drawing in advance, which will indicate the subsequent locations of the toilet if it is planned to be moved. So, after a while there will be no troubles associated with the fact that the place where the new wooden tower should be located is occupied. And they move the outdoor summer toilet once every 2-3 years.

Thus, building a pit toilet is easy, which is a plus. But the unpleasant smell that comes from it is, of course, a big drawback, and one should not forget about it.

As for the actual construction of the toilet, the instructions will be as follows:

  • dig a hole 1.5-2 m deep;
  • its walls are reinforced with boards, bricks or concrete rings;
  • You can put an old barrel inside or line a hole with car tires;
  • the bottom is concreted or filled with crushed stone;
  • The cracks are caulked until they are sealed.

Then comes the installation of the house. It is placed on four brick pillars - a foundation that protects the wooden body from dampness. In appearance it could be a tower, a birdhouse, or another form. Brick columns are insulated on top using roofing felt. In order to correctly determine the dimensions and not make a mistake with the amount of building materials, it is recommended that you first draw up a project.

A frame made of 100x100 timber, primed and painted, is placed on the pillars.

Four racks are installed in the corners, which are secured using metal plates. Since it is necessary to ensure a roof slope, the rear pillars are made shorter than the front ones. A frame for sitting is made above the cesspool for the toilet.

Roof beams are mounted at the top, on which roofing felt and slate are laid. Blocks are nailed onto the booth at 15 cm intervals, onto which the final cladding is attached. To sheathe the inside of the building, plastic or wooden lining is used. The lighting device crowns the work.


The cesspool is a source of unpleasant odors. You can use an air freshener to somehow neutralize it, but it is more correct to ventilate it. The project for building an entire toilet must certainly include its diagram.

The ventilation pipe will be an ordinary 100 mm plastic sewer pipe. It is attached to the back wall of the toilet booth using clamps. A well-drawn drawing will help. One end of the pipe is passed through a hole in the podium leading into the pit, leaving a section of 100 mm. The tube should protrude 200 mm above the roof of the booth. The place where the pipe meets the cesspool is insulated with tow with bitumen mastic. At the top, the hole in the tube is closed with a deflector.

It is believed that it is possible to build a toilet on the ground without any additional strengthening measures if its load-bearing capacity is at least 1.7 kg/cm². As a rule, the plan dimensions of a toilet cubicle are rarely more than 2.5-3 m², and the utility block is 15-20 m². The soil is considered too heaving if it heaves already when it freezes by 12%.

Humus swells the most. If we take its layer of 50 cm and multiply by 0.12, we get 6 cm. It is recommended that the drawing take into account exactly this value.

On homogeneous loose soil there is a uniformly swelling surface - the horizontal dimensions are equal to 100 absolute values ​​of the swelling; here 6 m.

It is unlikely that you will find a toilet with dimensions of 6x6 m in plan, which means that the toilet can be built without a foundation.


As was said, the project will help build a wooden or some other toilet. The step-by-step instructions that the drawing should have are as follows:

  • The dimensions are determined: depth - 1 m, width - 1.5 m, height - no less than 2.2 m. Next, based on the project, we mark the site.

  • What does the project tell us to do next? Of course, make a frame. This design can be a box welded from metal corners. There should be four load-bearing corners. A wooden toilet seat is attached to these corners. A similar frame can be made from wooden beams 50x60 mm.

  • You can sheathe the booth with: slate, lumber, metal sheets, corrugated sheets. You can also do it the sea way - with a boat plank. This board performs better in areas with heavy rainfall, but it withstands gusts of strong wind somewhat worse than a sheet piling board.
  • Toilet roof. The project may include several options for roof construction. The roofing material can be: slate, roofing iron, wood. The wooden roof of the toilet is covered with roofing felt to protect it from moisture. The slope is made towards the back wall.

  • It doesn’t matter what your project involves - a wooden door or a plastic one, a hole should be made above it, in the area up to the roof of the toilet, for natural lighting of the stall during the day. The door closing mechanism can be: a latch, a latch, a hook, or a simple lock. By the way, the latches should be inside too.
  • Interior. In the toilet stall, a wooden box for filling is hung on the wall. Place a bucket or box for used toilet paper in the corner. Under the toilet seat there should be a container for sewage with a volume of 20-30 liters, if there is no cesspool. In principle, there may even be a washbasin inside the toilet, under which a bucket for dirty water is installed.


Often, summer residents are interested in the project of a toilet-tower. They want to find a drawing for the manufacture of this structure, since the tower looks very original. The design is especially distinguished by its arrow-shaped roof, which adds a somewhat magical appearance to the structure. However, this design does not interfere with using the toilet as intended.

  • “Teremok” is good not only because it looks great. The arrow-shaped lid, which the project provides for when choosing this toilet option, allows you to avoid the hassle of snow accumulating on the roof of the building, which means that the roof will leak in the future. This is especially important for regions where heavy snowfalls are not uncommon.
  • Better protected from the wind than other structures.
  • This shape can even make the toilet a decoration for the dacha.
  • It is not difficult to make a tower from different materials.
  • Relatively low cost.
  • The elongated shape of the toilet roof is not particularly practical, and sometimes it is inconvenient.
  • Construction is more complex than other types of buildings, since precise adherence to the geometry of the corners is very important to obtain symmetry. The door, as a rule, needs to be made with a curve at the top. Because of this, construction also becomes more complicated.


It seems that the most important element of this structure is the roof, and not the frame and walls. After all, the roof is the largest element. Looking at the project, you can see that the size of the roof is actually larger than the height of the structure, which is why it gives the impression of its massiveness.

The side plan shows that the roof is longer than the entire structure.

In terms of internal dimensions, we can say that the layout resembles a bench that completely covers the free surface. All this is easy to replace and install a toilet.

To make this design you will need:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • saw;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • bricks;
  • bars;
  • cement mortar;
  • ondulin;
  • roulette.

The Teremok toilet also differs from other models in that its frame appears to be truncated. From the base it expands until it rests on the roof.

When building a “teremka”, the wood is prepared in advance: it must have the same density, structure, and other parameters. More often, spruce round timber is used and sanded to the required condition. The fact is that spruce is cheaper than other types of wood.

Video: Do-it-yourself country wooden toilet

One of my acquaintances, mastering a summer cottage, having learned that I, in turn, was mastering the SketchUp program, in which you can build three-dimensional models, asked me to make him a drawing of a “classic” country toilet. You understand that this is usually the first thing that has to be built on a dacha plot that has not yet been developed.

Why not?
And I gave him a drawing of a country toilet with all the dimensions and full details, and also showed him a 3D model of his future “house”.

It is very convenient to use 3D modeling, especially if you do not have a large supply of building materials and you have to buy each board in a store. You can calculate everything down to the last screw.

Now, I decided to post all the drawings of the country toilet and its 3D model on the site, maybe someone will find it useful too. The result is a classic version of a “birdhouse”; for complete similarity, you can make another window in the front on top or in the door.

To view the 3D model, scroll down the page.

So, let's start with a list of materials and tools.


  • Bar 50*50 mm.
  • Board 40*100 mm.
  • Lining, blockhouse or lath - 15 m2 for finishing walls and doors.
  • Plastic bucket.
  • Expanded polystyrene sheet.
  • Flexible tiles - approximately 3 m2.
  • Wood screws and nails for flexible tiles.
  • Plywood or boards for the roof and toilet seats.
  • OBZ (fire bioprotection).


  • Hacksaw or any saw.
  • Roulette.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Jigsaw.
  • If you want to make everything beautiful and clean, you will also need an electric planer and a sander.
  • Brushes or roller for applying OBZ.

We begin work by making the base of the toilet; for this we use a 50*50 mm block cut to size. See detailed drawings below.

* For a more comfortable opening of the door (in order to stand freely on the platform), you may have to lengthen it by a couple of boards. But, it’s up to you to choose: comfort or savings.

Now you need to make the frame of the toilet itself.
The basis of the frame will be two identical sidewalls, all made from the same 50*50 mm bar. The upper part is made with a bevel of approximately 15 degrees.

Next, you should fix the sides of the toilet frame and fasten them together with jumper bars on top, behind and inside. They can be fixed using metal corners 50*50 mm, or directly with self-tapping screws.

The next step will be to make the front part of the frame, with an opening for the door.

*If you use an existing or purchased door, then take into account the size of the opening according to the size of the door.

Now you need to connect the frame with the base of the toilet into a single whole. It is better to do this already on the spot, i.e. on a dug hole, because The assembled structure will already be quite heavy, at least for one.

The next step is to stuff the cut boards onto the seat below from the inside. Whether it will be clapboard, plywood or just a butt board - it's up to you to decide. We also immediately make the seat shelf itself from thick plywood (~16 mm) or a board 20-25 mm thick, nailed end-to-end and reinforced from below.

Using a jigsaw to cut out the correct hole in the seat will help any toilet seat circled on the inside with a marker.

And one more little trick - install a PVC pipe as a hood in any corner of the toilet. I saw this somewhere, but to be honest, I didn’t see it in action myself. If anyone has made such a device, please write in the comments whether it helps or not with the removal of odors?
So I’m wondering: will it “smell” outside then?

It came to the door...
Well, there's a lot going on here. You can make it yourself, or use a ready-made one.
The main thing is to take into account the gaps for expansion, and even when the door “opens” in wet weather, it should fit freely into the opening. I think 5-7 millimeters on each side will be just right.

Important! If you make a country toilet from “raw” lumber (natural moisture), for example, boards and fill them end-to-end, then keep in mind that over time, when they dry out, cracks may appear.

Having placed the toilet door on its hinges, we proceed to installing the roof and upholstering the walls.

Even an unedged board will fit on the roof (the top should be level), but of course a piece of waterproof plywood or OSB is better. The overhangs of the toilet roof at the front and rear should be slightly larger than at the sides.
Next, flexible tiles are laid onto the fixed base of the roof. Well, it's simple.

It doesn’t matter what façade material you use to upholster the toilet walls, it all depends on personal and financial preferences. You can even use vinyl siding, except that you may need to nail more slats at the corners.

On the back wall I made an opening for a window, glass it or not as desired. But you definitely need a window, without it it will be dark. Although, as a lighting option, there are LED lights with motion sensors on batteries that are attached to the wall or ceiling.

3D model of a country toilet

Click on the picture, wait for it to load and use the left mouse button held down to rotate the model. Rotate the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Watch full screen - icon in the lower right corner. Exit full screen - Esc key.
To fully view 3D models, you need to download the SkethUp viewer program from the official website (free) and install it on your computer. You can download this model for viewing by clicking on the logo in the lower left corner of the viewing window.

And finally, if you are planning to install such a toilet in your dacha, here are some simple tips:

  • Treat all wood with bioprotective impregnation, at least 2 layers. To maintain a decent appearance and protection from ultraviolet radiation, external walls will have to be treated once every 2-3 years with bioprotection with color or paint.
  • Try to carry out the final assembly of the toilet structure directly at the installation site - you will save effort on installation.
  • Be sure to install the toilet on some kind of foundation (stones, bricks, concrete blocks). Between the wooden structure and the foundation, be sure to lay a layer of waterproofing, for example, two layers of roofing felt.
  • Try to reinforce the sides of the cesspool with something, for example, you can put an old iron barrel, having previously cut out the bottom in it, otherwise it may collapse.
  • To remove odors, use special powders for septic tanks.

Of course, such a country toilet is good as a temporary solution; ideally, you should still consider choosing, purchasing and installing a real autonomous septic tank, especially since there is a huge selection of them now.

A toilet in a country house is an irreplaceable thing; every owner of a country plot has to deal with the construction of this important facility. Usually these buildings look inconspicuous, so they try to hide them in the depths of the garden or in the backyard of the site. But you can make it a decoration for your yard - choose an unusual design for a tapa tower. The toilet-teremok resembles a fairy-tale house; its main element is a strongly sloping roof, the slopes of which sometimes reach the very ground. This design looks impressive; the toilet no longer needs to be hidden; on the contrary, it may well become the envy of the neighbors.

This article will be about how to build a country house toilet with your own hands; here you can also find drawings and dimensions of a structure of this type.

Features of the tower

A country toilet-teremok looks like a house with a very sharp and high roof, the slopes of which reach at least the middle of the building. From the photos of the finished toilets you can understand that the inside of the mansion is more spacious than in a regular rectangular toilet. This is thanks to the inclined side walls and roof slopes, which significantly increase the internal space of the tower at the level of the middle of the walls; the floor, at the same time, has the same size as in the standard design.

It turns out that to build a toilet-teremka you will not need more space, but inside it will be spacious and cozy.

There are several other advantages of this type of design:

  1. Long slopes reliably protect the side surfaces of the toilet-tower from drafts and strong winds. It is recommended to position the tower so that one of its side walls is on the leeward side.
  2. The toilet-teremok is spacious, so it can be easily insulated with any insulating material and used in the winter season - there is enough space in the toilet-teremok.
  3. On a strongly sloping roof, snow will not accumulate and water will not stagnate there, which minimizes the likelihood of roof leaks and deformation due to load.
  4. If you decorate the toilet-teremok with beautiful details (forged canopies, latches, carved windows) you will get a real fairy-tale house, which you really wouldn’t be ashamed to show to neighbors and guests.
  5. The teremka-type toilet is suitable for installation on a conventional cesspool, and for modern peat and chemical processing systems.

Advice! You can further increase the free space inside the mansion by installing a toilet instead of the usual toilet seat and bench.

There are some disadvantages in the design of the toilet-tower, for example, a larger amount of material will be required for the roof, and it is not cheap. But the walls of the toilet can be made from almost any material; wood, remains of brick, cinder block or foam concrete are quite suitable. You can even use thick plywood - it all depends on the capabilities and imagination of the master.

It is very important during the construction of a toilet of such a complex shape as a tower, to observe all angles and accurately measure the dimensions, otherwise the parts will subsequently not fit together.

How to build a Teremok toilet with your own hands

Having been inspired by the photos of the finished towers, you can get to work. The first step of a home craftsman should be to select a construction scheme and sketch its drawing. A drawing of a teremok-type country toilet proves that the roof occupies most of the entire structure.

The dimensions of the toilet-teremok are determined at the design stage. Practice shows that a tower with sides of 140x200 cm is quite sufficient for comfortable use.

Important! If there is not enough space on the site, you can reduce the size of the toilet-teremka. It is also possible to change the height of the building downward, but in this case you will have to make a semicircular or triangular door.

At the very beginning, it is worth thinking about the presence of a window, as well as such an important part of any country toilet as ventilation. The ventilation hole should be as high as possible so that the draft is stronger and the atmosphere inside the building is comfortable. In summer-type buildings, it is quite possible to combine a ventilation duct with a window; in this case, simply cut a hole in the upper part of the front wall of the toilet-teremka.

For an all-season insulated toilet-teremka, it is better to glaze the window, and the ventilation can be brought out using a pipe directly to the roof.

When all the nuances of construction have been thought out, you can begin working directly on the toilet.

Creating a foundation for a toilet-teremka

Usually, a country toilet-teremok is built, after all, from wood. Wood is available, cheaper than stone materials, and easy to work with even alone. The weight of a wooden toilet tower will be small, so it can be placed on a lightweight foundation.

Two types of foundations are suitable: strip and columnar. To create a strip foundation for a toilet, dig a trench about 25-30 cm deep, its width is approximately 20 cm. Broken bricks, cobblestones, crushed stone, construction waste are poured inside the pit, reinforcement is laid out, and then all this is filled with cement-based concrete. When the foundation hardens, you can begin building the toilet-tower itself.

The columnar foundation consists of four pillars, measuring 25x25 cm, located in the corners of the future toilet. The depth of the holes for the pillars is also small - about 30 cm. You can lay out the pillars from brick or cinder block or fill them with concrete, having previously installed metal reinforcement inside the pits.

Attention! Metal reinforcement rods must protrude from the foundation, because it is to them that the frame of the toilet-tower will be attached.

A cesspool or depression is dug inside the frozen foundation to install a chemical waste cleaner. The walls of a regular cesspool can be lined with brick, cinder block or rubber tires. The bottom should be covered with crushed stone and sand to improve drainage and increase absorption.

Construction of the frame of the toilet tower

The frame of the toilet tower is assembled on a flat surface, not far from the finished foundation. The material used is wooden beams; it is better to take coniferous wood, it better withstands atmospheric influences and temperature differences.

The frame of the toilet itself is assembled from timber, with a cross-section of 11x11 cm. The length of the beams corresponds to the width of the toilet tower and is equal to 140 cm. The beams are laid out parallel to each other on the short sides of the foundation. Previously, the foundation of the toilet tower is isolated from the wood with two layers of roofing material.

Now the floor boards are placed on the finished frame. The front side of the floorboard of the tower is sanded, and the back side is covered with used automobile oil so that the wood does not rot.

At the corners of the toilet tower, four vertical posts made of timber of the same section are installed. The height of the racks is approximately 150 cm. They can be installed strictly vertically or made a slight deviation outside the toilet to increase the building area.

The roof rafters are attached to the beams; their length is about two meters. Now all the toilet parts are held together by horizontal beams, which are laid on the ends of the support pillars.

Attention! The wooden parts of the toilet are first fastened with nails, and after checking all angles and dimensions, they are firmly fixed with studs and nuts, as well as metal brackets.

Now the finished toilet frame can be installed in place and fixed, connecting it to the floor and frame.

Final work

Now you need to install the frame for the toilet door. Typically, the dimensions of a doorway for country toilets are standard - 180x90 cm. The frame is assembled from timber or thick boards, secured with pins, the holes for which are drilled obliquely.

The toilet walls of the tower are covered with planed boards or round timber cut in half. They nail the wood with nails with bitten off heads.

Boards are also placed on the roof of the tower, first laying the top and bottom, then filling the space between them. The roofing boards should be longer than the width of the toilet; ideally, they protrude 18-20 cm beyond the level of the walls.

The roof of the toilet tower can be covered with ondulin, flexible tiles or metal profiles. The main thing is that the roofing material is not heavy. After this, the end boards are stuffed, covering the side of the roof, and the ridge is installed.

A window is cut out in the upper part of the front wall of the tower. A shelf for a toilet seat is installed inside the toilet or a toilet is mounted.

Important! If you decide to install a toilet in the mansion, you must first nail wooden blocks to the underside of the floor - heavy plumbing will be attached to them.

All that remains is to screw the handle and hinges to the tower, hang the door, varnish or paint the constructed toilet.


Building a tower toilet with your own hands is quite simple; you don’t need to be a professional builder or have special skills.

Photos of finished mansions will inspire the owner of the dacha; all that remains is to decide on the size and choose a place for such vital beauty.

At your summer cottage, you can build a toilet with your own hands, which in appearance resembles a mansion from Russian folk tales. The roof of such a tower is very steep, which gives it an unusual appearance. Visually, it seems that the main element of such a tower is the roof, since it occupies a significant place in the structure.

How to build a street toilet Teremok

When making such a country toilet, its dimensions can be set to any size. Usually they make a toilet with a cesspool or install a container with peat or chemical elements. Sometimes these houses are insulated so that when visiting them in winter you will be in more comfortable conditions. Due to the steep slope of the roof of such a tower, snow does not accumulate on it in winter. The construction of the toilet begins directly on the cesspool or on a flat area from which it is then transferred and installed on the pit.

Build a toilet in the countryside photo

A cesspool in a country house can be made from old car tires by digging them into the ground. The side wall in the toilet is not made vertically, but with a slight slope in order to expand the space in the toilet. The roof is made very pointed and therefore half the height of the tower is occupied by the roof. Inside you can put a toilet in the toilet or make a wide bench with a hole.

How to build a toilet in a country house with your own hands photo

The first step is to make a cesspool or bury a container in which your waste will accumulate. Then they make a small foundation, strip 0.25 m wide or columnar at the corners 0.25 x 0.25 m. The foundation is not buried deep, about 30 cm. Ruberoid folded in two layers is laid on the foundation so that the rising water along the foundation does not pass onto wooden structures. Metal pins should stick out from the foundation in several places, with the help of which the tower will be attached to the foundation. First, logs are attached to the columnar foundation on which the tower will be built or attached to them.

Scheme of construction of a country house toilet Teremok

The toilet is assembled according to the drawing of the Teremok toilet. According to the scheme of the mansion toilet, first the frame of the entire toilet is assembled from beams. Then they make a floor from boards and cover the side and back walls.

Diagram of a country toilet Teremok side view

After this, they begin to manufacture the toilet seat, and if a toilet is installed, then additional bars will need to be installed under the floor to which the toilet will be attached. The front part of the tower does not need to be completely covered, but a hole should be left in the upper part that will work as ventilation in the outdoor toilet, and in the daytime as lighting for the toilet.

Drawings of a country house toilet, front view

Corrugated sheets are usually laid on the roof, but first you will need to nail a sheathing to the rafters on which the corrugated sheets will be attached. A ridge is installed on top of the profiled sheets to prevent water from getting under the profiled sheets during rain. The protruding profiled sheets from the end are covered with platbands from below to close the gap between the profiled sheet and the rafters. Lastly, a door is installed on the corrugated toilet, securing it on hinges. Then a latch and handle are attached to the door from the inside and outside.


This video shows how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands.

It is difficult to imagine our people without a summer cottage in the suburbs, but it is even more difficult to imagine a summer cottage without an equipped toilet. Even if you don’t have a house to live in at your dacha, you still need to build a toilet. Even if you come to the site for a short time, in order to work, water the soil or relax, in any case you will need a toilet. The construction instructions are very simple, and construction is inexpensive.

Before you start building a country toilet with your own hands, you need to find photo drawings first, and then choose a place for construction.

Despite the simplicity of the design of a toilet in a summer cottage, at first glance, it belongs to the main buildings. The most important building on the site is the bathroom; many will confirm that it is simply impossible to be outside the city without it.

Of course, a toilet that is built on the street is no substitute for a comfortable restroom; it will only provide some amenities. But without it it is impossible to fully work on a personal plot.

You need to know the sanitary standards for building a toilet and create a building specified by them.

Construction of a toilet is not particularly difficult and does not require the involvement of specialists.

But some features must be observed in the construction.

Basic standards:

  • Convenient place to build a toilet. A poor location can lead to contamination of the area around the structure, soil, and water. Therefore, failure to comply with sanitary standards and ignorance can lead to health problems and fines from the sanitary service.
  • Make sure that construction will not cause inconvenience to neighbors.
  • Consider a method for emptying the cesspool.
  • If the groundwater level is high, then the construction of the toilet must be well sealed to avoid water contamination.

How to choose and build a country toilet with your own hands, photos and what types of designs there are:

There are enough options for choosing the construction of a toilet, but the choice may be influenced by:

  • The budget allocated for the construction of the toilet;
  • Frequency of use of this structure;
  • Groundwater height level;
  • Funds allocated for repairs and waste disposal.

The most popular and most common are toilets where the base is a cesspool. It contains waste, which is then absorbed into the soil, but sometimes you still need to call a sewer truck to clean the pit. The frequency of cleaning and calling for vacuum cleaners depends on how deep the waste pit is, but this procedure can be very rare. Basically, the disposal problem can be solved with the help of earth, crushed stone, sand, which is used to fill the hole. Then you have to choose the right site for construction.

A toilet can be built from different materials, it could be:

  • boards;
  • metallic profile;
  • brick;
  • slate.

The most important part in the construction is ventilation and the quality of the frame base.

The main preference is given to buildings made of wood. The cost of construction is not high and does not require special skills. A wooden toilet can be built in the style of a log cabin or small house. If you come up with a drawing for a country toilet yourself, you can get not only what you need, but also a building that will decorate your site. You can use lining as finishing material. The advantage of a wooden toilet is that it can be easily moved to a new location.

Disadvantages of wooden buildings.

  • under the influence of the sun, wood becomes deformed, quickly dries out and bursts;
  • burning of wood from ultraviolet radiation;
  • humidity and dampness contribute to deformation of the building frame;
  • Due to dampness, fungi form that destroy the wood, and it begins to rot and emit unpleasant odors.

In order to extend the service life of the building, it must be treated with special means in the form of impregnation. Wood can be primed and painted.

To build a toilet from a metal profile, you need to build a frame from wood.

You can also build a frame from profile pipes that can be connected by welding, but for this you need to have some skill. The frame is sheathed with profile sheets and reinforced with screws or rivets. The disadvantage of this design is that it gets very hot in the sun, so it is advisable to find a place in the shade in advance. To prevent the toilet from heating up so much and to keep it cool inside, you can use polystyrene foam sheets for upholstery.

The advantage of this design is protection from moisture, since the metal profile sheets are spray-coated.

It is impossible to move a brick building, so this design has difficulties.

A brick building also requires a concrete floor. You also need to think in advance about how to clean the cesspool. The costs of building such a toilet are higher, but it will be a full-fledged building that will not need repairs for a long time.

You can build a toilet from the same brick that, for example, built a garage or house. If you are building a country toilet, you should select the dimensions immediately before building the structure. This makes it possible to fit into the appearance of the patio and save money on construction.

The weight of this building is more than wood, so you need to put a strong foundation under it. You can build a strip or column-type foundation, but a strip foundation provides a number of advantages: low land costs, reduces cement consumption for pouring, safety and reliability.

A cesspool is the most inexpensive and simplest way to build a toilet in a summer cottage, but there are also a number of restrictions and conditions for installation:

  • limestone or shale soil;
  • groundwater flows high;
  • the toilet is intended to be used by a large number of people;

These factors do not allow the construction of a toilet based on a cesspool in a summer cottage, but this problem can be solved by building a bathroom without a cesspool: a backlash closet, a powder closet, a dry closet, or a chemical toilet.

A backlash-closet design is based on a cesspool, but it is airtight. It is often installed near the walls of the toilet. A backlash closet requires the use of sewer trucks to periodically empty the pit. The disadvantage of this structure is that in winter it is impossible to clean it; this requires heating.

Powder closet small tank size about 20 liters. This gives the advantage of low construction costs for this toilet. Its installation is necessary if groundwater flows high.

The DIY country toilet created in this way is named because of its principle of operation. The waste in the pit is, as it were, “powdered” with the help of a dry composition. For backfilling, a peat-sawdust mixture or peat is usually used. This helps get rid of bad odors. All waste is sent to a compost pit for processing into compost.

A dry toilet is a popular type of toilet among summer residents. It has the same principle as the powder closet - waste is processed using a peat mixture. You can also use biological products that contain bacteria.

Chemical toilets - chemical preparations are poured into them. Do not forget about safety when using this drug. For these purposes, substances such as bleach and formaldehyde are often used, but you need to be careful, they are very toxic.

The most important requirement for the construction of any toilet is that waste does not fall into the ground. Its construction is possible only when the water level in the ground is more than 2.5 m. The choice of location for the toilet is influenced by:

  • the distance between the toilet and the water source, the further, the better the nearest distance is 30 m;
  • the building should be built at a distance from cellars and basements;
  • buildings with pets should be no closer than 5 m;
  • there should be 1 m from the fence to the toilet;
  • The choice of material for building a latrine is important;

There are several types of toilets in the form of a birdhouse, hut, hut or house. The drawing of a country toilet with dimensions like “Birdhouse” is made of wood and lined with any other material. It is built over a cesspool. If it is difficult for you to draw up a drawing yourself, you can use ready-made projects.

During construction, you should use a building level to control the level placement of the structure. Do not forget about the presence of ventilation, which can be a pipe. It must be above roof level. In order to insulate the toilet, you can use polystyrene foam, and you can decorate the inside as desired.

Based on the drawing of the country toilet "Birdhouse" we are building a "Shalash", it has a more complex design, but the result is worth it. “Shalash” has many different design options; for this you can use your imagination or the Internet. Dimensions can be used from a previous project.

You need to start construction from the toilet pit; concrete blocks will be placed in it.

A special part of this building is the gable roof in the shape of a triangle. If this is a country toilet, the drawings and dimensions are selected individually depending on the number of people who will use the toilet.

Construction consists of several stages. Initially, we install the foundation using insulating material that will protect against moisture.

Construction of the “Shalash” begins with installing the foundation, then the lower part of the frame 1 by 1 meter and building a cesspool. The base must be treated with an antiseptic.

The toilet can be lined with forced wood or leftover boards from work. The roof can be made from various materials and is 1.8 m long, it rests on the front and back of the frame and is secured. The roofing material can be selected depending on your taste. It can be metal, wood, slate roof or corrugated sheeting.

When installing the door, you should immediately attach the handle and hook to it. At the end of the work, you need to treat the toilet with varnish or paint to improve the appearance of the building.

If it is impossible to dig a hole for a toilet, the solution is a homemade peat dry closet. It is easy to maintain and not expensive. A detailed drawing of a country toilet can be found on the Internet.


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