Construction of apartment buildings business plan. Download a sample business plan for building a house

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In order to build a cottage, you need to spend a lot of money, time and effort. But you can still do it by building apartment buildings.

In addition, difficulties may arise when drawing up documentation for the construction of premises. Despite the fact that problems arise in obtaining permission, it is quite worthwhile and profitable.

Often, the first floors of buildings are rented out for shops, offices, salons, and so on. Starting from the second floor, the premises are converted into apartments. The costs quickly pay off, since the profit is quite large.

If you decide to start building such an apartment building, remember that this project will take a lot of money and effort. Time will also be spent on selling apartments. You can sell apartments quickly only if you sell them at a low cost. This should not be done, because your income will be minimal.

Before you start drawing up plans for building an apartment building, you will need to decide in what area you will build it. You must think through every detail because your home must meet all the requirements.

Leave the drawing up of a house project to a special organization that has sufficient experience in this area. Such a company will be able to make all the necessary calculations. As for the construction site, you must choose it yourself.

An apartment building must be connected to all currently available communications, namely: gas supply, electricity supply, sewerage and water supply. If you follow practice, it is best to choose a place to build within the city. It will be better if you build a house on the outskirts of the city. You can also provide a plan in the area where communications will be able to withstand the load.

It is also important that all necessary communications are nearby. This includes a school, a kindergarten, and shops. The condition of the roads in this area will also be important. If the road wants to leave the best, you will need to work on lining up the roads. This will significantly increase the cost of an apartment in a house in such an area.

Also arrange the nearby area (yard), organize an underground floor with parking. Parking will provide you with additional income. This decision has already been approved by many developers. They confirm that this . The main thing is to identify the condition of the soil and find out whether it is possible to build something in this place.

Stages of construction of an apartment building

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Let's summarize all of the above and tell you in basic terms about all the stages of preparation for the construction of a multi-story building.

1. Select a building site. The best option is to join the general urban planning plan. Build the building in a location where residential development will take place over the next few years. Gather all the necessary information about construction options. Find out whether the utility networks can withstand the load of the new multi-story building.

2. Obtain permits to build a house

3. Draw up an estimate and a development project. Do this with the help of special organizations. Choose it based on your preferences and financial capabilities.

4. When starting the construction stage, remember that this is a very important stage. Take all stages of construction seriously: preparing the territory, digging a pit, supplying the necessary communications, laying the foundation, building the house itself. By the way, the price for the foundation is equal to half of all the costs of the construction itself.

The construction of a multi-storey building is the work of many specialists, such as architects, installers, and others. Many design organizations are also involved in construction. When it comes to construction, it becomes immediately clear that there must be contractors and subcontractors - people who create a project for your future home, design its appearance and calculate the structure of the house, and then install it.

If we consider all the works as a whole, there are quite a lot of them. All of them require responsibility and great expense and effort. But in general, building a new residential building is a very profitable and profitable business.

Of course, building a multi-story building is a long process, especially in our country. But there are technologies that make it possible to erect multi-story structures in a matter of days. Here, for example, is a technology from China (based on lightweight metal structures), which allows you to build a full-fledged hotel (without interior decoration, of course) in 90 hours:

The residential construction industry attracts many entrepreneurs due to the fact that there is a diverse market, unlimited use of technology, and most importantly, there is always demand. However, if we take the modern construction market in Russia, then to start your own business in this industry you need:

  • have or relatively large initial capital;
  • concentrate their efforts on narrow market segments of individual housing construction.

One of these market niches in housing construction is the construction of wooden houses, which for Russia is more natural than the construction of brick ones.


Before deciding whether to invest your money in organizing a construction business, especially something as specific as the construction of wooden houses, an entrepreneur must clearly understand how relevant this form of product is for modern Russia, whether there will be enough demand for houses, and with whom will you have to compete in this market?

The demand for wooden individual housing construction in Russia currently affects a relatively small segment of the market, which is very strange, since for a long time all of Russia, except for the Moscow Kremlin and St. Petersburg, was entirely wooden.

In general, the following factors should be taken into account when developing your business strategy in this market:

As for competition, the main opponents of an entrepreneur may be local multidisciplinary construction companies.

In addition, we should not forget about competitors from abroad, where, for example, sets of finished wooden houses are supplied from Finland, and even from China.

Technologies used in construction

The construction industry today is characterized by development in several technological areas, ranging from the use of the latest methods of processing building materials to the construction technologies themselves, including all kinds of small and medium-sized mechanization and 3D printing of houses.

As for the construction of wooden houses, as a rule, they are based on old, time-tested assembly technologies, but a qualitative step has been taken in the use of special technology and equipment.

Such technologies include:

  1. Frame-panel.
  2. Glued laminated timber.
  3. Log houses.
  4. Combined technologies.

Moreover, it should be noted that in this market you can work with a full cycle, consisting of:

  • lumber preparations;
  • its processing;
  • drying;
  • storage

And also to work with ready-made materials, using only technologies for assembling building kits.

Registration and organization of business

Depending on the market the entrepreneur will target, you should choose the form of business registration. If at the initial stage it will be carried out only with private clients, including material suppliers, then the best option, of course, would be to register an individual entrepreneur on the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system).

As the client base expands and partners and suppliers appear among clients - legal entities, it will be necessary to register an LLC (limited liability company) in order to be able to work with VAT (value added tax) and include it in services.

Otherwise, this tax will have to be compensated by its price on the market.

Registration of both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs is now quite simple, and it can be implemented even through the State Services portal or through the single window service in the Federal Tax Service.


In addition to standard construction equipment, special equipment for processing lumber is needed to organize the business. A standard set of equipment for a small company includes:

Requirements for the quality of equipment depend on the conditions under which and what type of house will be built. Naturally, to process wooden stairs and panels of a country cottage, you need high-quality sanding equipment, and not simple sandpaper.

Selection of builders

The success of the whole business depends not only on the quality of the material, the availability of money and equipment, but also on who will work with it and how. Recruiting personnel for a construction team is not an easy task, since craftsmen who know their worth will not work for money on an equal basis with everyone else; an individual approach will be needed here.

Recruitment can be done in several ways, for example:

  1. Through personal contacts.
  2. Through recruiting firms (the recruiter will have to pay to select the employee).
  3. Through advertisements in the media and the Internet.

Purchase of building materials

The acquisition of finished building materials or raw materials for work in the market for the construction of wooden houses can be carried out through the following channels:

  • independently, through obtaining a forest ticket and permission to cut down forests. Not a bad option, but then you need to have a place where the construction timber will be dried and conditioned;
  • through wholesale centers;
  • through the delivery of finished material or sets of finished houses purchased both from Russian and foreign manufacturers.


Financial component of business

To calculate the efficiency of invested capital in the construction business, especially with regard to non-standard wooden house construction, the main difficulty is regional specifics.

In the northern regions, where timber is more accessible, the material will be cheaper than, for example, in the south in the steppe regions. To assess the future of a business, parameters such as:

  • average price per sq. meters;
  • market volume;
  • number of completed projects per year.

Cost of opening and maintaining

To organize a small construction company in the form of an individual entrepreneur for the construction of standard frame house construction, the initial investment may look like this:

  1. Rent of a truck with a crane (used) and storage per year - 200,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of equipment - 400,000 rubles.
  3. Registration of individual entrepreneur - 5,000 rub.
  4. Advertising - 10,000 rub.
  5. Purchase of documentation for standard projects - 50,000 rubles.

TOTAL: 665,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • salary for a team of 4 people - 120,000 rubles;
  • taxes according to the simplified tax system – 6000 rubles;
  • advertising, as well as administrative expenses - 15,000 rubles;
  • consumables - 20,000 rub.

TOTAL: 161,000 rubles.

Amount of future income

To determine the amount of future income during the construction of wooden houses, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  1. The cost of the turnkey project, excluding the cost of building materials, but including the company’s work.
  2. Number of completed projects per year, taking into account seasonality.
  3. Average price per square meter.

If we proceed from average market conditions in Russia, then the cost of sq. m. meters of inexpensive housing built from wooden structures can be taken in the range of 10,000 rubles/sq. m up to 30,000 rub./sq. m. Then if you plan to implement 5 projects per year, with an average cost of 500,000 rubles (small houses for private dachas), then:

  • the company's gross revenue for the year will be 2,500,000 rubles;
  • total amount of variable costs and expenses for the year: 161,000 * 12 months = 1,932,000 rubles;
  • The annual income of an entrepreneur at 50% workload will be about 600,000 rubles.

To this amount you can also add, for example, profit from the sale of materials from your partner suppliers, which will add at least another 10 - 20%.

Payback period

Based on the calculated net income of 600,000 rubles and the initial investment of 665,000 rubles, the payback period will be approximately one year.

As a conclusion, it is worth noting that for Russia the construction market is the most promising, taking into account both immeasurable forest resources and spaces that can be used no worse than in the state of Montana or Courchevel.

Contents of a business plan for the construction of a residential building:

  1. Project summary.
  2. Market research for the construction of apartment buildings, market factors, etc.
  3. Investment plan.
  4. Description of the project. Work schedule.
  5. Production plan.
  6. Organizational and legal plan.
  7. Real estate sales plan, price formation.
  8. Financial plan.
  9. Assessment of project risk factors.

Why do you need a business plan for building a residential building?

  1. A business plan is your business card for external users of the project, which will help you obtain the required financing (banks, investors, etc.)
  2. You will need a business plan in order to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the project even before its implementation and make the right management decisions.
  3. A business plan will be needed to create a schedule of activities for the project.

Example of a business plan for the construction of a residential building

suitable option


with financial calculations
with Excel financial model

with adjustments

Standard business plan

Extended business plan for the construction of a residential building with a complete business analysis and financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model of residential building construction

  • Break-even point calculation
  • Analysis of profit and profitability by individual business areas and products
  • Analysis of risks and business safety margin by sales volume, cost and credit load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Quarterly cost forecast for 5 years
  • Calculation of conditions for obtaining and repaying a loan
  • Break-even point calculation
  • Quarterly Cash Flow Report for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Adjustment of the business plan to your numbers by our analysts within 5 working days

Business plan volume: 30 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages.

10,000 rub.

20,000 rub.

39,000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to obtain a loan or attract investment.


The extended business plan includes a financial model for the construction of a residential building in Excel format.

The business plan was developed taking into account the practice of evaluating projects in Russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and funds for supporting entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation. It will allow you to justify management decisions on investing in the creation and development of the construction of a residential building, predict its financial results and assess risks.

A full description of the business plan can be downloaded from the link:


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Tables and graphs

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Payment and delivery

You can pay in the following ways:

  • Bank cards (Russia)
  • Electronic money
  • Terminals and communication salons
  • Money transfers
  • Bank cards (International)

Submitting a business plan and financial model:

Dispatch is carried out within 24 hours after payment to your email address.

Business organization

The construction business has always been considered one of the most profitable areas of entrepreneurship. A special place in this industry is occupied by the construction of multi-apartment residential buildings. Like any large-scale project, it requires large investments and a serious organizational approach. To implement it, you will definitely need a business plan for the construction of a residential building.

Steps to implement the project:

  1. Registration of a legal entity.
  2. Conducting marketing research.
  3. Concept development for an apartment building project.
  4. Attracting investments.
  5. Conducting geological exploration work.
  6. Carrying out design work.
  7. Coordination of the project with the relevant authorities.
  8. Carrying out construction work.
  9. Installation of communications and finishing works.
  10. Sales of residential and commercial premises.

When choosing a plot of land for development, pay attention to the following points: proximity of communications, convenience of transportation, availability of developed infrastructure, etc. Having communications in close proximity to the site will significantly save you the cost of the project as a whole.

The construction of an apartment building is fraught with other difficulties. A business plan will help you understand all the intricacies of this complex issue.

Market analysis and description of a residential building construction project

The construction of residential buildings is currently more focused on the economy and comfort segments. Studio apartments and open-plan apartments are very popular. In these segments, payment is usually made using a mortgage loan (more than 60% of transactions). Recently, due to the crisis, the growth rate of housing construction and sales has decreased somewhat, but experts expect the market to recover within several years.

Produced goods/services

Sale of apartments, sale or lease of commercial premises, underground parking spaces.

Potential clients

Individuals, legal entities.

Calculations for the construction of a multi-storey building are presented below in the business plan. The example assumes a house project of 30,000 square meters. meters of living space, 1500 sq. meters for commercial use, 1500 sq. meters of underground parking. It is expected that the area will be fully realized within several years.

Financial part of a business plan for the construction of a residential building


AttachmentsDeadlinesAmount, thousand rubles

Registration of an organization, paperwork

Geological exploration work

Design work

5 months

Project approval and obtaining permits

6 months

Construction of an apartment building

20 months

Providing communications (electricity, water supply, etc.)

Finishing work

Organization of underground parking

36 months

Other costs

According to the example of a business plan for the construction of a multi-storey residential building, investments in the business will amount to about 500 million rubles.


Source of income

approximate price

Sales volume, per year (average)

Amount of revenue, thousand rubles per year

Sale of apartments (studio apartments, one-, two- and three-room apartments)

Sale of commercial premises

Sale of underground parking spaces

Other income, including rental of premises (annually)

The sale of real estate will take place over one year, so the proceeds will come gradually. Average annual revenue will be about 350 - 400 million rubles.


Annual expenses average 150-200 million rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period of the project is about 3 years, the profit is on average 200 million rubles annually (500-600 million rubles if the entire volume is sold), and the profitability is 50%.


The high profitability of the construction business is also associated with high risks of project implementation. A professional business plan for a multi-storey building will help you identify all possible risks, assess the impact of each of them on the final result and calculate performance indicators.

Download the business plan template and you can:

  • Quickly and effortlessly assess the feasibility of developing your project and calculate its main values.
  • Provide potential investors and lenders with a complete overview of the project and justify the required investments.
  • Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the project, its opportunities and threats, formulate a clear strategy of action, areas of responsibility of employees and third-party contractors, and monitor the implementation of the plan at all levels.

There are no unattainable goals, just poor planning. In order for such a large-scale project as the construction of an apartment building to succeed, you simply need a high-quality business plan, which you will receive if you download the document template.

Other ready-made business plans.

The real estate market remains a profitable investment for large sums, but construction itself is a troublesome and time-consuming task. construction of a residential building will help determine the likelihood of receiving income, outline the scope of work and discover the main areas of investment.

Where to start

Before starting work, you need to carefully study the market. A construction business plan must take into account all the features and details of future work. Not every city has a reason to start such a business. Need to check:

  • What kind of housing has been sold most often in the city over the past 5 years?
  • What is the price trend in the local market?
  • What level of housing do potential buyers prefer?
  • How many similar companies are already operating at the moment?
  • Is there a tendency for the city to expand in the next 3-5 years (is there any construction of promising industrial complexes underway).
  • On what terms are banking products (mortgages) offered to local residents for the purchase of finished residential real estate and housing that is just under construction?

Selecting a location

After clarifying the general requirements, the selection of a specific location begins. In this case, the prospects of the area, transport interchange, infrastructure features, and remoteness of communications are taken into account. It is necessary to know the characteristics of the soil, which will partially indicate the characteristics of the work process and its cost. All this needs to be reflected in the construction business plan. Geological and topographical expertise will be required.

It is ideal to find out if there are places that are planned by the city authorities under the state order. In this case, there are many benefits, including fast paperwork and profitable investments at preferential rates from government programs. Of course, getting them will not be easy, but it will be worth it.

Only after this does it make sense to start collecting the necessary documentation.

Preparation of the documentary base

The construction business is one of the most demanding in this regard. Unfortunately, in some cases it may not take even a year to collect all the necessary documents. The absence of any of them is fraught, at best, with litigation, and at worst, with a ban on construction work at the final stage. Required:

  • indicating the future field of activity, that is, the construction of residential buildings.
  • Project documentation.
  • The schedule according to which the project will be financed.
  • Construction work plan with proper approval. It includes everything: from preparation of the territory and stage-by-stage construction of the house to the final improvement of the land. It makes sense to involve a landscape designer with the development specialists. This will allow you to erect a building that will harmoniously fit into the surrounding picture.
  • Conclusion endorsed by the departments of urban construction and architecture of the locality administration.
  • License for the right to perform construction and installation work.
  • Agreement on the right to use land (purchase or lease) intended for construction.
  • Conclusion of the state examination.

This is not all the paperwork that will have to be collected and completed.

How to calculate expenses

A business plan for the construction of a residential building cannot be perfectly accurate: the cost of materials and services on the market is constantly changing, which will certainly affect the basic calculations. Approximate changes can be predicted based on average trends for the year; in addition, a reserve is included for unforeseen expenses.

How to make a construction business plan as accurate as possible? Plan and carry out work at the fastest possible pace using technology.

As for cost items, a business plan for the construction of an apartment building must take into account everything: from the preparation of each document and examination to the cost of each material and its required quantity. It is important to carry out landscaping of the area along with the last stages of construction. Neat sidewalk paths, landscaping and playgrounds raise the cost of apartments, but in themselves do not require significant expenses. The most significant costs are expected to be for the actual construction of the building, communications and remuneration of personnel.

Payments come not only from the entrepreneur’s personal pocket. Attracted investments play a significant role, including:

  • contributions from clients - future residents.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

Wooden house construction is one of the types of construction using natural wood materials. Such designs, as a rule, are reliable, durable, affordable and, most importantly, (as the entrepreneurs themselves emphasize) environmentally friendly. All this ensures a stable demand for the services of construction companies that specialize in low-rise wooden construction. Of course, this business has its pitfalls, but, in general, experts consider it as profitable, promising and requiring relatively small investments.

Is the construction of frame houses a profitable business?

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There are quite a large number of different technologies for building houses made of wood. In particular, there are frame houses, houses made by hand from logs and carriages, houses made of rounded logs, houses made of planed logs, houses made of laminated veneer lumber, and support-timber houses (half-timbered houses). The most popular and promising direction for mass construction is frame housing construction, which provides more opportunities for creating a variety of architectural and planning solutions. According to statistics, about 60% of houses are built using frame technology, 26% from rounded logs and 5% from hewn logs, and 10% of houses are built from laminated veneer lumber. Frame technology makes it possible to implement individual solutions for individual structures without special costs. It has virtually no restrictions on exterior finishing options: you can use both traditional and modern materials, from brick to vinyl siding. In this article we will look at two main types of individual frame houses that are in greatest demand. These are frame-frame and frame-panel (frame-panel) structures.

In addition, frame buildings have a number of additional advantages. The main one (especially relevant now - during the difficult economic situation in our country) is the relatively low cost of building such a house. For example, the construction of a log or brick house will cost the customer $550-900 per sq. m. meter. A frame house (using frame-frame or panel construction technology) will cost between $350-650 per sq. m. meter. If necessary, even these costs can be reduced by lightening the foundation (this is especially true with weak bearing capacity of the soil) and using unedged boards in some structures.

As a percentage, the costs of building a frame house are distributed as follows:

    preparation of documentation for the construction of a new house and its design – 10%;

    foundation installation – 5%;

    installation of walls and ceilings (roof, floor and ceiling) – 45%;

    interior and exterior decoration of the house – 20%;

    engineering communications – 20%.

Of course, these indicators are not constant. They can change in one direction or another, primarily depending on the type and cost of building materials used.

Another advantage of frame structures is the timing of the work. If it takes at least a year to build a brick house, then a frame structure is built within 2-5 months. The frame structure does not shrink, so there is no need to wait between building the walls and finishing the finishing work. There are also differences in labor costs. To build a frame house, a whole team of builders is not required. In frame buildings, you can use hidden laying of the main communications, which is located inside the walls. Consequently, this eliminates the need to install various boxes and conductors. Although we should not forget that some types of communications require regular maintenance or repair, so it is necessary to ensure easy access to them. Finally, a frame house has higher seismic resistance than concrete and brick buildings.

However, nothing ideal exists in our world, and frame houses are no exception to this rule. In addition to the above advantages, these designs also have a number of disadvantages. These include, for example, a high probability of rodents appearing in wall cavities. In addition, if treated poorly with antiseptics, insects may infest the wood of the frame. But the latter case can only happen if there is a gross violation of construction technology.

The second significant disadvantage of frame houses is their low degree of fire safety. These are perhaps the most serious disadvantages of such structures, according to construction companies. Although they also have other disadvantages, which may not be so insignificant. For example, houses built using frame technology do not undergo significant deformation if they are not heated during the cold season. Although the thermal insulation characteristics of a frame house can be improved if special insulation materials are used. But still, these structures are not very suitable for permanent residence, including in winter. Therefore, frame houses are recommended more for country house construction.

The situation with sound insulation in frame buildings is not the best either. Although the use of modern materials makes it possible to more or less protect the house from airborne noise, even the best materials do not solve the problem with impact noise. Finally, it should be noted that frame buildings have a short service life, which according to official standards is 75 years.

Other disadvantages of buildings built using frame technology can be mitigated, partially or completely, using modern technological solutions. For example, it is believed that frame houses cannot be redesigned. If a house is built using frame-frame technology, then it can be subject to complete or partial redevelopment, depending on the presence and number of load-bearing partitions. Panel houses made from standard elements, alas, cannot be redeveloped.

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The same applies to low-rise frame buildings. A frame house can even be three stories high. It’s just that if the structure is large, it is recommended to use a metal frame rather than a wooden one, which is more reliable. With panel construction technology, it is better to limit it to one floor, although a light attic can be installed on top.

Frame house construction technology

The frame is the basis of the entire structure. It consists of individual elements: boards, beams, combined beams of various configurations. Such a prefabricated structure takes on all the loads acting on the object, so it is so important to select the correct parts according to geometric dimensions, determine their location, correctly connect them taking into account the load-bearing capacity of the walls, fill the wall structures with heat-insulating materials and then cover the frame with sheathing made of plywood, slabs or typesetting shields. According to classical technology, frame buildings usually have a bottom frame made of beams. Along this harness, racks of boards are installed, which are the supporting system structure for the entire structure. They limit window and door openings and are vertical elements to which the internal cladding and façade covering are attached.

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The outer posts rest on lower support plates or a frame beam. For wall cladding, wood materials (plywood, chipboard, OSB) or lining are used. In this case, the space between the sheathing is filled with heat-insulating material and covered on the other side with plasterboard or plywood. Other cladding materials can also be used.

The racks are made from measured lumber with a cross-section of 38×89 square meters. mm or 38×140 sq. mm. The width of the rack depends on the thickness of the layer of thermal insulation material. The racks are installed at a distance of 300 to 600 mm from each other. The exact distance depends on the type, size, thickness and type of fastening of the sheathing.

Houses using frame technology can be built at any time of the year. Since all parts of the frame are small in size and weight, special lifting equipment is not required to erect the structure. This is convenient for working on site and allows you to reduce labor costs during construction.

Although frame technology involves low-rise construction, nevertheless, it can also be used to design wooden houses above two floors. In our country, this direction is just beginning to develop, and so far they have not built more than three floors on a frame basis. Particular resistance to deformation and durability of the structure is ensured by the use of laminated veneer lumber in the construction of the frame. There are two types of timber that are used in construction - simple or sawn timber and laminated veneer lumber. Accordingly, the technologies for using each of these types differ significantly. Ordinary timber must be dried in natural conditions. However, even after drying it is highly susceptible to deformation. A log house made from such timber requires additional processing, finishing, insulation, repeated caulking, etc. In addition, it is subject to seasonal fluctuations, which necessitates the need for special structures (especially window, door and roof coverings).

Unlike sawn timber, laminated timber, even at the factory during the manufacturing stage, undergoes drying and stress relief, which can subsequently lead to distortion. For these reasons, pre-treated laminated veneer lumber is not subject to deformation and cracking, it is more reliable and easier to work with.

The technological process of building a frame house includes several stages. The first is design. One of the most important roles in the production of houses made of laminated veneer lumber is played by the architectural and design department of a construction company. First, the customer sets out his wishes for the future home, which are drawn up in the form of an engineering and architectural project. Of course, this work is not done manually. For this purpose, special computer programs are used, which, based on the technical parameters of the project calculated by the designer, allow you to create a detailed list of the necessary parts. The project is transferred to production, where the next stage is the production of a set of parts. From these, it will subsequently be possible to build a house according to the principle of a designer. To facilitate the work of builders, all parts of the building structures are pre-labeled, assembled in accordance with the order and transported to the construction site with all accompanying documents and detailed instructions.

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Structures made from laminated veneer lumber are highly stable, and the frame construction technology itself assumes a relatively low weight of the entire building. Therefore, such houses can be built on any type of soil. They don't need a massive basement or deep foundation. All parts of the future house made of laminated veneer lumber have grooves and cuts. They are carried out with the highest possible precision in the factory and do not require further modification during the construction process. When erecting a structure, the beams are pulled together with metal “dowels” (“wood grouse”). Additional seals are not provided when constructing structures made of laminated veneer lumber. The construction kit of a frame house usually also includes beams and rafters made in accordance with the original design. It is extremely important that during construction only well-dried boards are used, otherwise there is a high probability of violating the tightness and geometry of the structure. After installing the rafters, a vapor barrier, sheathing slats, roofing material and, from the inside, an “insulating sheet” are installed on them.

To increase the service life of a wooden house, its walls are treated with antiseptics and fire retardants. Builders often save on this procedure, which should never be done. It is recommended to carry out processing in three stages. First, the wood is processed in production during the production of laminated veneer lumber. The second time the treatment is carried out during the process of assembling the house and, finally, the third time the wood is treated after installing the roof.

Installation of windows and doors is carried out after the construction of the house and does not require additional work. The dimensions and material of windows and doors, their architectural design are also determined at the project development stage. During construction, you need to take into account that laminated veneer lumber still produces, albeit minor, shrinkage. It is only 1%, but it must also be taken into account when installing windows and doors, as well as the sides of the door frame.

The project also provides for the installation and wiring of all necessary communications (plumbing, heating, sewerage, ventilation, etc.). All this is laid down at the stage of production of the “component elements” of the future building. In structures made of laminated veneer lumber, it is possible to carry out hidden wiring of utility lines (for example, in beams).

Buildings made of laminated veneer lumber do not require additional external and internal “finishing” finishing, since the material itself has a flat and smooth surface. These works are carried out at the request of the customer and are paid separately.

Construction of wooden houses as a business

Wooden houses are always in demand, but they are especially popular now. And it’s not just about environmental safety and other advantages of houses made of natural wood, which sales managers love to talk about. Obviously, cost comes first, and only then come all the other advantages of such housing. Until 2014, the housing construction market increased by about a third of its volume annually. Now the rate of its growth, for obvious reasons, has decreased significantly. However, the wood construction segment is still in the black. Many people invest money not in real estate in the city, but in land plots outside of it and build country houses on them, suitable for living not only in the summer.

If previously the main customers of country houses were families with a monthly income of 200 thousand rubles per month, now this criterion has decreased significantly. People with lower incomes invest their savings in real estate, even country houses.

Even a small company that deals with wooden house construction can fulfill several orders at the same time. Construction time depends on the technology and materials used, but, on average, it rarely takes more than three months to install a box. If we are talking about turnkey construction, then in this case the project implementation takes no more than six months. Experience shows that customers prefer to use a full range of services - from building a foundation to installing plumbing. You should not try to cover everything at once, at least at the first stage of work. It is better to use subcontracting and entrust certain works to specialized companies. However, you shouldn’t neglect them either, since finishing and technical work brings almost 25% of the profit to construction companies. If possible, to increase profitability, you can also get a landscape designer and offer additional services for landscaping your homestead. Some even produce wooden furniture for home and garden, especially since all the resources, including the necessary equipment and materials, are at your disposal.

The profitability of wooden house construction is estimated at 40-70% (sometimes it can reach 90%). Such a wide range is explained by the fact that the success of the project is influenced by a large number of different factors, starting with the materials used (type and quality of wood, diameter of logs, cost of procurement of materials) and ending with the area of ​​the buildings being built. The most popular material for building houses is pine. It is popular, first of all, because of its relatively low cost. Larch, for example, will cost twice as much. The thicker the logs used in construction, the higher the cost of house construction. In the middle zone, rounded logs with a diameter of 200 are most often used for construction. A square beam will increase the cost of construction by 5%.

If you are planning to open a business producing houses from timber, you will have to undergo state registration, obtain the necessary permits and a construction license. Experts estimate the starting capital to be at least 4.5-5 million rubles. This money will be used for paperwork, renting workshops, purchasing equipment, paying employees and holding promotional events.

As for advertising, outdoor advertising (billboards, banners, firewalls) and online advertising work most effectively. It is worth taking care of creating your own website with examples of work, cost of services and contacts. The presence of already completed projects is a big plus for a new company, since most customers will want to get acquainted with your “portfolio” and even see the houses you have built in real life. Many construction companies themselves build houses for their offices. Thus, just one place of their work becomes the best advertisement and clear example. True, in this case you should forget about accommodation in the city center. However, as practice shows, clients are ready to go to the contractor to the other end of the city or even to the suburbs if the latter can offer good quality at an affordable price.

In general, the business of constructing wooden houses pays off faster than in the construction industry as a whole. However, you still have to stock up on patience and working capital. It will take at least two months to obtain permits, during which you will need to pay wages to employees, the cost of rent (if you rent office space) and incur other operating expenses. In the first months of work, you will need an administrator who will take care of the office and answer calls, at least two customer service managers (the company founder himself can work as one of them), two architects, a material purchasing manager and a logistician.

Although the construction of a wooden house takes a few months, but in the current economic situation in our country, prices for materials, even within one month, can skyrocket by an order of magnitude. This also needs to be taken into account when drawing up estimates. Many experts advise opening your own production. Of course, this option is much more profitable, but to implement it, the starting capital will increase by at least 2-2.5 times. Not everyone can invest about 10 million rubles in their business, which will go towards the construction of a sawmill, carpentry shop, drying complex and a raw material splicing shop. And not every novice entrepreneur is able to provide a sufficient number of orders to load their production capacity. You should also take into account that this business is seasonal, so you should start small, renting workshops and fulfilling individual orders.

As the company develops, the number of orders increases and business processes are debugged, you can think about expansion. Payback periods depend on a large number of factors. With an initial investment of up to 5 million rubles, it will be possible to reach the payback level no earlier than one and a half to two years from the start of work. Be prepared to invest a considerable part of your profits in advertising and attracting new clients at first.

Sysoeva Lilia

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