Superstitions about the owl. Owl

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Folk signs about the owl

Signs about owls are varied, but most of them have a negative connotation - this is understandable; what good can you expect from a bird that can only be seen at night? Surely, she stays awake at night for a reason, our ancestors thought. Maybe the devil is helping, or maybe at the Sabbath. However, some points were still interpreted positively.

Did you see an owl? The omen is not good

  • Meet an owl in the evening- a sign of news, usually gloomy.
  • See an owl at night- a sign of trouble.
  • But the worst thing is to see an owl during the day- the sign says that this is a very bad omen.

True, this does not apply to birds sleeping or hiding in the thick of foliage, which you noticed completely by accident. A bad omen is considered only when you see an owl flying or screeching during the day.

I saw an owl on the road at night in front of the car - a warning that difficulties would arise along the way. Check if you have gasoline and if you have a first aid kit, and don’t be reckless.

An owl at home is an ambiguous omen

Owls are very rarely kept at home. Even after books and films about the young wizard Harry Potter were published, the idea of ​​keeping an owl as a pet bird did not catch on among the masses. This bird is on subconscious level inspires fear in a person, and he tries to stay away from her.

In the house

But what if an owl flew into the house? The sign says that it is good if there is a person in the house who is seriously ill. Soon after the visit of the feathered soothsayer, he will begin to recover. If the patient is not present, things are worse - it is possible that the visit promises an imminent illness for someone in the household. The exception is the home of newlyweds or those who are just about to get married. If an owl flew to them, the sign promises a long and happy life.

At home

An owl flew to the house - a sign of lack of money if you see a bird silently sitting on the ridge of the roof. If she settled on a fence or tree that grows right next to the house, and at the same time began to hoot, then unexpected wealth awaits the inhabitants of the house.

In the courtyard

An owl flew into the yard - a sign that may foreshadow some kind of cataclysm. In the old days, it was believed that an owl in the yard was a sign of an imminent fire, so they immediately began to prepare containers with water and hooks.

Owl figurine in the house - signs

It is interesting that negative signs are only about real owls and have nothing to do with the figurines of this bird, which act as a talisman for the house.

Most of the folk signs and superstitions that have developed around our heroine, the owl, are negative. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the owl is a nocturnal predator, and as you know, everything that gains power at night has always been considered by the people as something mystical or unclean.

Some peoples held this bird in high esteem: it was believed that it personified the spirit of the forest and was the embodiment of wisdom. People believed that by their appearance in dark time for days, these birds protect belated travelers from troubles and misfortunes. Along with bad omens You can also find a number of positive superstitions about owls. Let's figure out what it means to see a night bird.

  • The ancient Romans believed that if you catch a nocturnal predator and lock it in a cage, you can protect yourself from misfortune.
  • An owl near the newlyweds' house portends them a long and happy married life.
  • If a bird lands on the ridge of a house where a sick person lives, then the sign promises his speedy recovery.
  • The winged predator promises you material well-being and everyone's decision financial problems, if she settled on a tree in the yard of your house.
  • If a bird screams near your home, expect a new addition to the family.

Bad signs

  • In the old days it was believed that if an owl flew up to a house, a fire was possible. The entire village filled tubs, buckets, and barrels to extinguish it.
  • According to superstition, an owl sitting on a cross is a sign of trouble.
  • When a winged oracle circles near or above a house, such a sign promises poverty and a lean year for the residents.
  • There is another superstition. It is believed that if a night predator flies into a barn and touches a cow with its wing, the cow will get sick and problems with milk will begin. This belief has quite scientific basis: interruptions in milk yield may occur due to frightening of livestock.
  • In cases where an owl living in the yard near a house left its habitat, people expected sudden changes, most often unfavorable.
  • Bad news was prophesied by a bird beating on the window during the day.
  • Another sign was associated with a bird that flew into the house. If she managed to fly out of her home, superstitious people believed that she took good luck and luck with her. And if she died inside the house at the hands of a person, they claimed that this person was in danger of illness.
  • Owls are known to hide their nests in places where they are difficult to detect with the naked eye. Our ancestors believed that a person who discovered such a nest was overcome by gloomy thoughts.
  • Meeting a dead bird on your way means trouble in love. At the same time, signs say that serious illnesses and major troubles will disappear from you.
  • A person who sees such a bird in a dream should be extremely careful: in reality he may be in danger.

Protectors of the home

Have you found a little owlet on the ground? In this case, it is recommended to take the chick into your home, raise it and release it into the wild. If an adult owl does not want to leave your home, then it will become its amulet and bring you.

A wise bird that flies away from home, according to legend, senses approaching trouble and carries it away on its tail, thereby protecting its owners. It doesn't hurt to go in search of the family's favorite, since an owl raised in captivity is not ready for life in the wild.

The inhabitants of the houses cannot cause harm. It is believed that such poultry are able to unite the family. An unusual pet will bring harmony and understanding to your home, so when asked whether it is possible to keep such birds at home, the answer is unequivocal: “Yes.” An owl figurine will attract financial energy to your home; the figurine should be placed near the place where you keep money.

Collectors sometimes purchase a stuffed owl for their home, believing that it can serve as a talisman. This is a big misconception. According to esotericists, at the moment of death the owl’s body becomes a clot negative energy. Such a stuffed animal will not bring anything good to the house.

How to neutralize bad signs

1. If it happens that the winged soothsayer prophesied something bad for you, take a pinch and throw it into the fire. The prediction will burn with the fire.

2. When defending a house that, according to a sign, is in danger of some kind of misfortune, heat a poker red-hot and draw a circle around your home with it, thereby blocking the way to misfortunes.

3. Those who nevertheless decide to bring a stuffed owl into the house are recommended to burn candles in the corners of the room in which it will stand for seven days in a row. This ritual is quite expensive, so if you do not want to spend a lot of money on buying candles, it is advised to wipe the window sills with water that has stood under the moonlight; it is important to dip a silver spoon into this water overnight.

Wise people advise, if possible, to see only good signs and omens. If an owl scared you, it was her way of warning you, which means you need to think about it and become more attentive. We should not blindly believe in omens, because bad events will lie in wait for us if we ourselves constantly wait for them and tune in to the negative.

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Everything that surrounded people in the old days had its own interpretation: be it animals, utensils, or objects, among which were “good” and “unkind.” Among them, the night owl enjoyed special “fame.”

Owl- mistress of the night, possessing keen vision and wisdom. In ancient times, she was depicted sitting on a branch, with her back to the sun. Not only weather, but also “life” signs are associated with the owl. They can be interpreted in different ways:

  • So, if an owl flew into your home, expect unexpected favorable news.
  • If a bird flies into the house and cannot fly out, it’s bad luck. And if she crashed into a window and died - to death.

Why do people believe in these superstitions? The fact is that any sign never appears out of the blue. A sign is a superstitious prejudice that arose on the basis of man’s primitive ideas about the forces of nature.

  • If an owl screeches near a dwelling - to a newborn. In France this sign means that a girl will be born.
  • An owl landed on the dome of a church and hooted loudly? Expect the replacement of the old priest with a new one.
  • The loud cry of an owl is perceived as the onset of an imminent flood.
  • In Wales The superstition about the owl's nest gives a bad name. It is extremely undesirable to look into it - you will walk around gloomy and sad all your life.
  • Poverty is prophesied to the owners by an owl that has landed on the roof of the house. If the bird also screams, it will start a fire.

What does the dream in which you saw an owl mean? According to Jewish beliefs, dreams about a forest predator always foreshadow trouble or misfortune. However, at the same time, the owl is a symbol of wisdom and prudence. Therefore, if you have had such a dream, know that your intuition is at its best and you can adequately assess this or that situation.

No matter how sad it may sound, most often owl - messenger of death. People included the owl among the “unclean” birds, just like the crow, jackdaw and eagle owl. Each nation in the world has its own spiritual potential, and accordingly, differences in views on the surrounding reality are clearly present. So, V Ancient Rome this bird was personified with troubles, and in Greece the owl was honored and respected.

However, it's not all bad! Turns out, An owl egg is an excellent remedy for binge drinking, and crushed owl egg shells are good for restoring vision! For centuries, people have used the owl's foot to combat ailments such as epilepsy, insanity and rabies.

Due to their magical nature, destroying an owlet or an adult owl without good reason is considered quite dangerous, since you are “ruining” a wise adviser and mentor.

The owl is a mysterious bird that is interesting for its grandeur, arrogant gaze and unusual way of life. It is the latter that is often the reason why this bird is included in the retinue Evil forces. Nightlife not only makes it mysterious, but also instills a little fear in people.

Signs: true or false

For many centuries, people have observed various natural phenomena and the habits of animals, ultimately connecting everything that happens into a logical picture. Signs embody various observations of ancestors. There are statements that only smack of a desire to intimidate and thereby warn, but most of the signs are still relevant today. You can verify this from your own experience.

There are many signs associated with owls. They have long been considered unusual birds, attributing to them deep knowledge of the essence of existence, fearlessness, and belonging to something otherworldly. This can also explain the fact that beliefs about owls have a negative connotation. Knowledgeable people they say that if you dreamed of an owl, happened to be near your home, or simply happened to hear its cry, then you won’t have to expect anything good. On the contrary, this is a kind of warning that something unpleasant or even dangerous will happen soon.

What is the owl screaming about?

In many cultures, the owl is considered an ominous bird. Signs also speak about this - owls bring a bad sign.

If an owl screeches near a residential building, then soon a misfortune will happen there - a person will die. The cry of an owl seems to invite misfortune. Even if everything is smooth in the family and no one is sick, trouble can strike completely unexpectedly. It is not necessary that something irreparable will happen; it is quite likely that the person will become seriously ill. It is a very bad sign if an owl flew into the house through an open window.

According to legends, an owl screaming with a voice that is not its own means sudden death. It also notifies you of the imminent arrival of a baby. unmarried woman or widows. It is not advisable to look at an owl during the day or look into its nest. This can attract troubles and illnesses.

An owl sitting on a church warns of an imminent change of priest, his death or the destruction of the church. If at the same time the owl sat down on the cross, then this may indicate a fire.

In spring, the cry of an owl announces a flood and many troubles associated with it. Nothing good can be expected if an owl living near a residential building has flown away.

Just a couple of signs promise something pleasant. If an owl jumps and makes sounds on the roof of a house in which a seriously ill person lives, then he can count on a quick recovery. It is also considered good if an owl lands on a tree growing near a home - profits await the household.

Particularly superstitious people should not immediately become despondent when they hear the “hooting” of an owl. If you treat it as a warning and try to be a little more careful in Everyday life, then misfortune will pass by.

To the question If an owl flew to the house - What does this mean both as a sign and in terms of ecology??? given by the author Yugrina Oksana the best answer is Everything is fine with the environment. Owls rarely nest in polluted areas...

Answer from Henry-the Horse[newbie]
they just fly towards the light - once. Secondly I will give you useful advice- don’t believe in stupid omens. My friend broke a mirror a week ago, my friend broke it 2 months ago and everything is fine with them)))
how many times has a cat crossed my path))

Answer from Kind-hearted[guru]

Answer from Neurologist[guru]
Maybe she saw the light and decided to commit suicide! Just a joke, of course. But seriously, this means NOTHING in terms of signs. If you don't believe in omens, they won't come true! And in terms of ecology... maybe lost. About two years ago, an owl sat on our window (from the street), sat for two days, then flew away. Everyone went to look at her. Nothing happened - everyone is alive! I wish the same for you.

Answer from Spikelet[guru]
Owls don't fly towards the light. Bad omen, death loved one, usually after such a sign people set up a brew so that they would have time to get the moonshine out for the funeral.

Answer from Nolvin Akhmedov[active]
A bad omen, for the death of a loved one, usually after such an omen people started a marriage

Answer from Gulnara Ulmaskulova[guru]
Accidentally slapped on +5..Study the basic laws of ecology. And you will understand a lot in this life, otherwise ecology, ecology... Do you know what this word means? “You have to pay for everything” is one of the laws of ecology. You will find out why the owl remains the last one, why at every opportunity we quickly set up a brew... I can’t understand how the forum of toothless old women is connected with wild nature.

Answer from Likelia Mineeva[newbie]
The appearance of this bird near a residential building is also considered a bad harbinger. For example, if an owl accidentally flew into a living space, this means that a series of misfortunes will soon befall the residents of this house. If the owl crashes to death, you should prepare for a funeral, and the deceased will be one of the residents of the apartment.
An owl circling around a residential building is also considered a harbinger of death. In this case, the death of one of the relatives or good friends of the person who sees the bird flying is possible.
If you pass by an owl's nest and it starts hooting loudly, you should expect big troubles at work in the near future.
If an owl flew to the roof of a house, this promises lack of money. If at the same time the bird also makes sounds, this portends a fire in the home.
In the event that an owl lived nearby and suddenly it flew away, one should expect some significant changes in family life, and not always positive.
If you dream of a bird, it means that the person who dreamed of it is in great danger. Therefore, he should be extremely careful.
Perhaps one of the few positive signs regarding an owl will be its cry near the house. In this case, family members who live nearby should expect a speedy addition to the family.
If an owl sat on the roof where there is a sick person and began to jump on it, this means that the unhealthy family member will soon get better. It is very good if the owl sat on a tree growing directly near the house. This sign indicates that soon one of the residents will receive a significant profit. If the person who sees the owl in this case is sick, he will definitely get better soon.
Under no circumstances should you blindly believe or trust signs. Remember to think positively. Bad events can only happen if you tune in to them in advance, especially since not all nations perceived owls poorly. For example, in Greece this bird was highly respected and considered a symbol of wisdom.


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