Make candles at home. Making candles at home

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Natural candles beeswax, which initially had a purely utilitarian purpose and were used as the simplest sources of lighting, in addition to their main function, began to perform other tasks (decorative, emotional, ritual), which made them indispensable in everyday life. Let's try to figure out how you can make wax candles with your own hands at home, what are their advantages and differences from paraffin candles.

Golden yellow candles, colored in natural tones with particles of honey and pollen contained in the wax, made from natural product without the use of any chemical colors, artificial flavors, foreign additives or impurities, they are used in a wide variety of situations and for different purposes.


When it comes to wax candles, the first thing that comes to mind are candles, which are most often used in religious rituals, both in church and at home. They are made only from natural raw materials from the apiary without any additives.


Their name speaks for itself. They are simple in shape (usually elongated in the form of a cylinder), functional, and illuminate the room well. They are used most often when there is no electricity.


This is the most common type wax candles. They are used at home as a light source to create a romantic mood and a special atmosphere, as well as interesting decoration interior These candles come in a variety of shapes and can be made using dyes and fragrances.

Candles for traditional ceremonies, rituals and ceremonies

Dinner candles, made using dyes and scents, create a dim lighting effect during dinner and are used as an additional decorative element.

Due to their compactness and lightness, tea candles were originally intended for heating and maintaining required temperature in a special teapot on the festive table. Now they are adored by romantic and dreamy people, who often use them to create comfort and a special atmosphere in the room, at the table and even on the water (they are very light and float well on the surface of the water).

What do these types of candles have in common? All of them can be made from a natural product - obtained from an apiary. Nothing else can replace their ability to fill the house with a subtle honey aroma. And the process of pouring golden liquid beeswax into molds is akin to meditation, ending with the moment of placing a thin wick in the center of each candle.

Read also: Beneficial features beeswax for nails

What are the benefits of beeswax candles?

What benefits, besides aesthetic pleasure, can wax candles give us?

Their subtle, unobtrusive honey-floral aroma is provided by beeswax containing particles of products produced by bees in the apiary. This natural aromatherapy calms and relaxes, creating a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Such candles burn very cleanly and longer than paraffin candles, without releasing any harmful substances into the surrounding space. And they cope with their functional task of lighting the room perfectly.

Wax candles help maintain and restore health, filling the house with an aroma when burned that can affect microorganisms, due to the fact that the wax contains remnants of propolis, resins and other useful material located in a hive in an apiary. This feature allows the candles to be used in folk medicine as a healing agent to stimulate the body's functioning and improve mood.

Wax candles not only provide us with a soothing and peaceful atmosphere, but also make the air in our home cleaner, providing a healthier environment. This is explained very simply. When burning, wax candles release negative ions, which easily neutralize the positive charge contained in dust and micropollutant particles in the air.

By the way, this is precisely the principle used in the operation of some air purifiers and water filters.

When burning wax candles, the content of dirty impurities in the air decreases and it becomes cleaner. A favorable atmosphere is created in the room, which contributes to a more comfortable stay for people suffering from allergies and asthma.

There is evidence that burning a couple of wax candles in a room for a while made it easier for allergy sufferers to tolerate the component that causes a persistent allergic reaction (for example, the presence of a cat), and for asthmatics to feel more comfortable.

Moreover, it is pleasantly sweet and light aroma Candles made from 100% pure natural wax without fragrances, dyes or other additives are completely non-irritating.

Of course, high-quality beeswax candles are not cheap, but health concerns are a more compelling argument for many. By purchasing ready-made candles made of wax, you need to carefully study their composition. Sometimes, candles that are only 50% beeswax and contain not entirely safe paraffin are passed off as a pure product.

Cons of paraffin candles

The regular candles we use most often are made from paraffin wax, which is a by-product of petroleum refining. According to their own chemical qualities is a rather environmentally unfriendly and highly toxic product that can pollute the air we breathe in the house.

The technology for its extraction is as follows: paraffin is extracted during oil refining from the lowest layer oil well. This black mass contains many toxins. Next, the raw materials are bleached and treated with benzene and other drugs containing carcinogenic substances. Further processing in order to give the resulting waste an attractive presentation, aroma and color is also carried out chemicals.

Read also: Beeswax for the face: recipes for creams and masks

As a result, we, unsuspectingly, receive a beautiful, completely innocent-looking candle that contains dangerous toxins. Some of them are released when it burns and are carcinogenic.

What is the danger? toxic effects paraffin candles?

Paraffin candles, when used frequently and for a long time, can cause certain health problems. Tiny particles of harmful substances easily and imperceptibly enter a person's lungs, which can cause irritation of the respiratory tract and allergies.

As for the dyes and aromatic substances that are added to paraffin candles, they are also not always safe. When burned, such a candle can release toxins that are formed when the molecular structure of the oils changes when heated.

And these are not the only disadvantages of burning paraffin candles. When burned, they release toxic fumes and microscopic particles of soot, which over time leave dark stains on ceilings, walls, furniture and interior items, and also settle in human lungs.

How to protect yourself in this situation? Either avoid using paraffin candles unless absolutely necessary, or try to learn how to make useful and safe candles on one's own.

We make wax candles with our own hands

Making candles is a fun activity. For example, you can take a short break from pressing matters or make an original and useful gift for yourself or your loved ones with your own hands.

Of course, without mastering at least the minimum of little secrets and various wisdom invented by savvy masters (and for them long years accumulated a lot), cannot be achieved good result. But you can and should still try. The process of mastering the art of making wax candles is simple and exciting. And perhaps for some it can become a favorite pastime.

To guarantee a pure product with healing properties, to make candles you only need natural beeswax. It is best to purchase it from those who are directly involved in beekeeping. That is, from trusted beekeepers who can offer the right beeswax (this may depend on the season and the amount of pollen contained).

So, how to make beeswax candles at home? Let's consider several ways.

Rolling from foundation sheets

To make this method, aromatic wax is used. The sheets of foundation are slowly rolled up and, under the influence of the warmth of the hands, slowly form the intended shape of the candle. required thickness. Even a novice master can cope with this task.

To make it you will need a sheet of foundation, twine (cotton or jute) for the wick (you can use a ready-made wick for candles), scissors and a candle tablet for wetting the wick in molten paraffin for better burning.

Decoration festive table, parts of the interior, a lifesaver in case of a sudden power outage, a nice gift for loved ones. What is this? Handmade candles!

Yes, yes, such an activity also exists. Moreover, those who are interested in such a hobby receive incredible aesthetic pleasure from it.

You can look at the photos of candles made by yourself endlessly...

What you need is easily accessible

Anyone can make candles. What will you need?


Sometimes paraffin can successfully replace it. The difference between them is that wax, due to its naturalness, does not emit soot, while paraffin, when completely burned, produces smoke.

These are simple materials that are not difficult to acquire. You can find them in any craft store or, as a last resort, melt a ready-made candle, the cost of which is quite low.


There are also two options here: remove it from an unnecessary candle or make it from cotton-based threads. It is not recommended to twist them too much - the flame may go out.

It is also worth considering that a wick that is too thick will cause the candle to melt faster, while producing a lot of smoke.

The length of the wick is determined by the size of the candle plus a small section for convenient lighting.


A hollow container made of any material. The only thing: the edges of the form should be straight and not narrow.

Available materials are:

  • Pan and metal utensils for a water bath;
  • A stick or any long thin object (pen, match) for fixing the wick.

Making a candle

Having prepared all the necessary materials, you can begin creating. Detailed master class will show you how to make candles with your own hands quickly and beautifully.

Place the wick into the prepared mold for the future candle, secure one end of it to a stick, and place it on the container.

Grind the paraffin or wax and melt it in a water bath. The heat should be low, and the process should be monitored, and to avoid lumps, constantly stir the mixture.

It is worth considering that the temperature of the molten material is quite high, so it should be handled with care.

Pour a little melted paraffin (wax) into the mold with the prepared wick. Place the tip of the cotton thread in the middle and let the material harden a little.

Wax has the ability to cool quickly, so you need to work with it quickly.


Fill the mold with the remaining melted material to the required level.

Wait until the candle hardens and trim off the excess part of the wick. It is recommended to do this at least 24 hours later.

All that remains is to remove the candle from the container. For ease of removal and to avoid damage, the mold should be placed in the freezer for half a minute or immersed in hot water.

You can light a finished candle only a day after its production is completed. During this time, it will have time to completely harden, which will have a beneficial effect on its operation.

Candle colors

You can make candles at home not only in the main (white) color, but also in absolutely any shade.

In order to color a wax work, you cannot use paints. Oil or acrylic they will not fulfill their purpose, but will only stick together in the melted paraffin, turning into unattractive colored flakes.


They will help you give the desired shade wax crayons. They mix perfectly with the chosen material by adding small pieces directly during the melting process.

Using several pencils, you can create a real rainbow of shades by gradually pouring paraffin of various colors into the mold.


When making wax products, they not only paint them, but also make them give off a scent. The fragrance of a burning candle can create an atmosphere of peace and comfort, as well as energize or, conversely, relax.

In order to make a beautiful candle that will delight the eye and smell, you will need essential oils. They are sold in great abundance at any pharmacy or cosmetic store.

A few drops of oil will give the future candle a unique aroma.


When choosing a scent, you need to be guided by the purpose or color of the wax miracle:

  • relaxation will be given by lavender oil, and in this case it is better to paint the candle in light purple;
  • Bergamot can also relax – it’s suitable for this green color candles;
  • An orange can improve your mood – a bright orange tint will complement the effect;
  • ylang-ylang will set you in an intimate mood - lilac or pink color candles will be just in place.

Wax works of art

Decorating candles is the true pinnacle of wax craftsmanship.

You can decorate a candle in various ways:

  • Natural materials - pebbles, shells, twigs and others. Basically, they are placed at the bottom of the mold before adding molten paraffin.
  • Food products – coffee beans and dried fruits. Such materials can be placed throughout the entire volume of the mold, pouring wax gradually and giving it the opportunity to fix the decoration.
  • Decoupage. The technique has been known for a long time and is successfully used in the manufacture of candles. A colored napkin design is placed on the surface and secured with glue designed specifically for candles. This fixation protects the paper from burning.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the carved decoration of candles. Not everyone can do this - it will require perseverance and accuracy, but the result exceeds all expectations.

For cutting you will need: stationery knife, paper and pen. After wrapping the candle in paper, determine the size of the future drawing, and cut off the excess. A pattern is applied to the remaining rectangle.

The candle is wrapped again in paper and secured with tape. Using a knife, carefully trace the pattern along the contour, and then cut out the excess layers of wax.

You can use these candles at a wedding, for table decoration, or just for the interior.

Transparent candles

You can make completely transparent candles using a special gel.

The advantages of this material are:

  • absence of smoke, odors and soot;
  • transparency (for beauty and decoration);
  • possibility of self-cooking.

How is the gel prepared? Glycerin, gelatin and tannin are mixed in equal quantities, the same amount of water is added to them, all this must be put on low heat and cooked until the liquid evaporates.

At first, the gel may be cloudy, but as it cools it will become transparent.

Working with gel is not much different from using wax, but there is still a slight difference:

  • after the candle hardens, it is impossible to remove it from the mold, so it is better to use a glass and transparent container;
  • Before adding the gel, the mold should be slightly warmed up - this will prevent air bubbles from appearing in the candle.

You can color, scent and decorate a gel candle just like any other.

Knowing how to make candles yourself, you can always have a wonderful table decoration on hand, an exclusive gift for friends and family, and also use your creations in the interior.

Photos of candles with your own hands

Candles became popular back in the Middle Ages. They were only among people of means because their price was very high. They were made from different materials, it could be paper or papyrus, different plants and fat. Then the North American colonists figured out how to get wax. After this, a lot of different experiments and experiments were carried out, but the expected result never happened. This lasted until paraffin was invented. Since then, candles have been made from it.

DIY candle molds

Shapes for candles can be very different, it will depend only on your imagination and mood. Various transparent glass jars, cups that you have in your kitchen, baby food and yoghurt containers, and small boxes made of thick cardboard are suitable for this. You can also use orange and lemon peels. And you can also do plaster candle mold, to do this, you need to fill the figurine of an animal or flower with plaster and wait until it hardens.


The wick can be purchased at a special store, taken from a candle that you have, or made with your own hands. There are two options.

Materials you will need for work:

  • bamboo or balsa wood sticks;
  • sunflower oil, you can also use olive oil;
  • napkins;
  • scissors.

First you need to cut the stick to the length you need. Then place the resulting stick in a sunflower or olive oil for twenty minutes. This is necessary so that the wick burns longer. After this, remove the stick and lightly blot with a napkin. Your wick is ready.

Second option. Here the wick will be made from cotton thread. Necessary materials for work:

  • floss thread or cotton thread;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • borax.

You need to cut a couple of strips of cotton thread. Then take a glass and mix three tablespoons of borax and one tablespoon of salt in it. After this, lower the strips of thread into the glass and leave them there for twelve hours. After this time has passed, the threads will need to dry thoroughly.

When the threads are dry, weave them together and dip them in wax or paraffin. Once dry, the wick will be ready.


You can use essential oils for this. When the candle burns they will evaporate and permeate the air. pleasant aromas , which, in most cases, have a good effect on the body. Oils can be mixed to create candles for different purposes, some for relaxation and stimulation, and others for uplifting. The more oil is added to the candle, the brighter its scent will be. But if you make a candle with your own hands from natural wax, it is better not to use fragrances.


It is not necessary to use this component, since you can make a candle without it. But if you decide to make your candles bright, you can use wax crayons that children use to draw on the asphalt. Before use, it must be crushed into small crumbs, and then added to the melted mass for the candle. There are still liquid food colorings , but they are not suitable for our candles, because they contain water. You can replace them oil paints or special paints that are sold in stores that have everything for candle making.

How to make a candle at home

DIY wax candles

Necessary materials:

  • wax or paraffin, at your discretion;
  • form;
  • flavorings and dyes, if you decide to use them;
  • a container for a water bath and a saucepan with water;
  • wick;
  • sticks that will support the wick;
  • glue gun.

Making candles.

The first step is to decide on the form into which the wax will be poured. Then install the wick in this form. The wick must be glued to the bottom of the mold, by using glue gun and fix his stick, and if there is no stick, then you can use a regular pencil for drawing.

After you have fixed the wick, you need to make a mixture for the candle. To do this, melt wax or paraffin in a water bath. As soon as the mass becomes liquid, you can add flavors and dyes to it.

The last step in the work will be pouring the mass into molds. In order for it to take the shape you want, it needs to harden, which will take several hours. After hardening, your original candle will be ready.

DIY gel candles at home

They can be a wonderful gift or souvenir. They smell very beautiful and burn much longer than paraffin or wax. Moreover, the container in which the candle will be made, after it burns out, can be used for other purposes. We will tell you further how to make candles with your own hands.

Materials for work:

  • gelatin, it should be colorless;
  • glycerin and tannin;
  • ink that has different colors;
  • essential oil that you prefer;
  • glass container;
  • wick;
  • various items

Making candles.

The first thing to do is add five parts gelatin to twenty parts water. Then twenty-five parts of glycerin are placed in this mass and it is all heated over low heat until transparent.

Bye gelatin and glycerin When it gets hot, you need to dissolve the tannin. To do this, you need to take two parts of tannin and ten parts of glycerin, after mixing, add it to the total mass. The mixture should simmer until it becomes clear.

If you want the candle to be bright and beautiful, add ink; the color of the candle will depend on its color. After this, essential oils are added.

To decorate a candle, you need to put decorations on the bottom of the mold, these can be beads, various beads, shells and even pieces of fruit.

After this, the wick is fixed in the mold; it needs to be in the middle. Then the mass is poured in and left to harden. A beautiful candle, after hardening it will be ready for use.

For this you can use whatever you like. If you are making an aroma candle, you can use pieces of fruit; oranges, tangerines, lemons, and grapefruits are suitable. But before that, the fruit must be dried; this can be done in the oven at seventy degrees.

You can also use various ribbons, decorative threads and lace as decoration. But you need to be careful with this decorative material, as it lights up easily. It is best to mount it on a candlestick.

Candles self made You can decorate with pine cones, coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, various beads, printed photographs. How your candle will be decorated depends only on your imagination and desire.

The perfect way to decorate almost any festive eventbeautiful candles how to quickly and easily do which you will learn for yourself by reading detailed instructions. Today, candles in the interior can both bring aesthetic pleasure to the owners and guests of the house, and become an assistant in case of an unexpected power outage.

Also, self-made candles can easily become an interesting gift for family and friends, who will certainly appreciate the effort and time spent.

Some people think that candles are an exceptionally cute element of decor, which is true, except for those cases when scented candles are placed in the house, because they can replace a real expensive psychotherapeutic remedy, creating the right atmosphere for relaxation.

Is it possible to make beautiful candles with your own hands?

Of course, today candles are sold in almost all souvenir shops, however, if this time you plan to give it as a gift to a loved one, it is much more pleasant to make this piece of furniture yourself.

If you are thinking about how to make candles with your own hands, then don’t worry, because the task may seem quite difficult only at first. With the right approach, you will quickly understand that the process of creating a candle is quite easy.

You can confirm this fact by simply contacting people who decided to start producing candles, but got involved so quickly that it became not easy additional income, but also a fun activity. The more often you practice making candles yourself, the better quality they will be every day.

You don't need large candles to create a home financial costs, therefore, in addition to the pleasure that you will get from the creation process, you will also be able to save a lot of money.

What materials are needed to make candles?

Really make candles at home without special materials will not work. You should prepare:

  • Vessel (the wax will melt in it);
  • Molds used for candles;
  • A saucepan (useful during the water bath);
  • Two sticks;
  • Various decorative elements (so the candle will look original);
  • Wax crayons;
  • Stubs from used candles
  • Paper threads

Sequence of work

Firstly, you need to lower the prepared paper thread into the mold that you took to pour the wax/paraffin that was subsequently melted. With help wooden stick, which should eventually end up on top of your form, you need to fix the upper end at the future wick.

Secondly, cut the paraffin (wax) into small pieces and place it in the prepared bowl. Next, a saucepan with clean water you need to put it on low heat, place a bowl with wax in it and melt it. The main thing is not to forget to stir regularly so that lumps do not form.

Thirdly, pour a little of the previously melted wax into the mold, position the lower end of the wick directly in the center. All you have to do is wait until all the wax thickens slightly.

Fourth, fill with the remaining wax that was melted into the mold, and once the candle has completely hardened, cut off the part of the wick that will be superfluous. It is advisable to do this in no case earlier than twenty-four hours later.

Important point. You should not light candles that you think are ready until they are completely hardened. Remember that at least a day must pass from the moment the candle is created to its first use.

Decorating candles

The real pinnacle of craftsmanship when creating candles yourself is not at all scenting or coloring them, but decorating them with a variety of natural materials, starting from coffee beans and ending with pine cones, seashells or herbs with an incredible aroma.

Important point. The materials should be laid out on the bottom of the mold prepared for the candle until the melted wax is poured into it.

Another popular way of decorating today is the decoupage technique, which involves decorating with napkins of different colors.

How to turn an old candle into a new one?

If you liked the instructions on how to make a candle with your own hands, then first of all you should know that to create a new candle you will need essential oils.

To give a decorative element a scent, just add a couple of drops of oil to the already melted wax immediately before pouring the mold.

If you want to achieve the relaxing effect of candles, you can use a combination of bergamot and lavender oils.

If you want to get rid of bad thoughts, it is better to choose rosemary and lemon oils. For peace of mind No better option than rose or geranium.

How to create a gel candle?

In order to create a candle, you must first purchase a special gel that will be used instead of paraffin. It has a number of advantages:

  • It is completely transparent. In practice, this makes it possible to achieve interesting contrast when various techniques decoration;
  • During combustion, the gel does not emit odor or soot that is unpleasant for households.

The technology for creating any gel candle is generally similar to the process of creating a wax candle, but there is a difference: it is necessary to pour pre-melted gel, not paraffin, into the prepared form. Moreover, this must be done in compliance with a couple of nuances.

Firstly, before the gel is poured into the mold, it must be heated. This will avoid the formation of unwanted bubbles on the candle.

Secondly, the form for creating any gel candle must always be not only transparent, but also beautiful. After all, in the future the candle will not be taken out of it.

The imagination of a person with a creative nature is practically unlimited: the cost of materials needed to create candles with your own hands is quite affordable today.

The process is quite interesting, it does not take much time, as it might initially seem when you see a photo of candles made with your own hands. Having created a beautiful, unusual candle once, you will definitely decide to repeat the experiment.

Knowing how to make truly exclusive candles yourself, being inspired interesting works talented people, you will always have an idea of ​​what you can give as a gift to your friends, and how to decorate the table for a holiday, creating an incredible atmosphere of comfort.

Photos of candles with your own hands

People have been using candles for a long time.

Previously, they served to illuminate rooms, but now they are an element of decor and a way to create a romantic, festive or cozy atmosphere.

You can find a lot in stores different types candles, ranging from simple to fancy. You can make similar decorations yourself from simple materials. Making decorative candles will not require financial expenses and will not take much time, but by showing your imagination and putting a piece of your soul into your product, you can create a unique thing that will bring joy to you and your family.

How to make decorative candles with your own hands

What you need

Candle material. Wax, paraffin or stearin. For people new to candle making, it is best to start with paraffin wax as it is easier to work with. Paraffin can be purchased or obtained from white household candles or their remains.

Stearine can be easily obtained from laundry soap. Grate the soap on a coarse grater or slice it with a knife. Place the shavings in metal container, add water until the liquid covers it and send it to melt in a water bath. When the soap has dissolved, remove it from the heat and add the vinegar. A thick mass will float to the surface, which needs to be collected with a spoon after cooling. This mass is stearin; it must be rinsed several times under water and wrapped in a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.

Wick. For the wick you will need a thick cotton thread, for example, braided or twisted floss. Synthetic materials They are not suitable for candles because they burn quickly and smell unpleasant. It's easier to get a wick from regular candles.

Form. You can use different containers as a mold for making candles: coffee jars, durable packaging, sand molds and plastic balls. If you decide to make a narrowed or round candle, the container you will use for this, for example, a plastic ball, should be cut lengthwise and a hole with a diameter of at least 1 cm should be made at the top so that the composition can be freely poured into it.

Dyes. You can use dry food coloring, wax crayons, or natural ingredients, for example, cocoa. But alcohol or alcohol paints water based not suitable for making candles.

Melting utensils. A small saucepan or bowl that can be conveniently placed in a steam bath will do.

Additional materials. You will need them to decorate and add fragrance to the product. Since DIY candles provide a lot of room for imagination, you can use whatever you like, for example, coffee, dried flowers, shells, beads and sparkles. You can scent the candles with your loved ones essential oils, vanilla or cinnamon.


  1. Grind the selected raw material and place it in a water bath. If you are using household candles, be sure to remove the wick. Remains of candles must be cleaned of black soot. While stirring, wait until the mass melts. Dip the wick into it several times until it is saturated and set it aside.
  2. Add flavoring and coloring to the mixture. If you use wax crayons, you need to grind them using a fine grater. By using two or more colors you can achieve a marbled look. And by dividing the mass into several parts and painting them in different colors, you can make a multi-colored candle.
  3. Grease the mold chosen for the candle. vegetable oil or dishwashing detergent. Attach the tip of the wick to a stick, toothpick or pencil and place it on the mold so that the free end of the wick passes through its middle and reaches the bottom. For reliability, you can attach a weight, such as a nut, to the free part of the wick.
  4. Fill the mold with the melted mass, wait until it hardens completely, then remove the candle by pulling the wick. If the candle is difficult to remove, immerse the mold in hot water.
  5. You can decorate candles in different ways, for example, place dried flowers, blades of grass and seeds around the edges of the mold and then pour in the melted mass. To make a coffee candle, you need to pour a layer of coffee beans on the bottom of the mold, pour them liquid material for the candle and put the grains on top again. Decorating the product with beads, rhinestones and shells is best done after it has hardened and been removed from the mold. Decorative elements inserted into the melted surface of the candle or secured with glue.

You may have some problems the first time, but after a little practice, making candles at home will not be difficult.

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