How to make a rat trap with your own hands at home? Do-it-yourself rat trap - independent and effective disposal of rodents How to make a rat trap with your own hands drawings.

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The fight against rodents has been going on since time immemorial. People are forced to be inventive, come up with new traps, and build special structures. You can buy a ready-made device. But some of them are so simple that you can easily make them yourself, saving a lot of money. Others look promising but are expensive. A do-it-yourself rat trap is made from improvised materials or specially purchased materials.

Rat traps at no cost

When you see a rodent, you should not immediately run to the nearest stores to buy traps and traps. It’s worth trying to make a rat trap at home using improvised materials. A photo of rat traps with a description is presented below.

Bucket. You will need an old unnecessary bucket without holes. Pour water, not reaching the edges by 10 cm. Add salt, stir thoroughly. The top is covered with straw, grain husks, and dry leaves. The layer should be dense so that no water is visible. A fragrant bait is placed in the center. You can donate a piece of cheese or sausage. A board is placed on the bucket in the form of a bridge. The rodent trap is ready. The rat can smell food well. He will hurry to taste the treats. He climbs the bridge and falls into the water.

Bottle. It will take you 10 minutes to make a rat trap out of plastic bottles without spending a single penny. Human fantasy has no boundaries. Therefore, rat traps from plastic containers There are several options.

  • For outdoor use, you will need a 3 liter bottle. Cut off the neck, generously grease the inside edges with sunflower oil. Bait is placed on the bottom. Install the device in an inclined position near a shelf or step. When a rat spots food, it will rush to get to it. He will fall into a trap. It is necessary to quickly lift the container and fix it in a horizontal position. The main difficulty lies in waiting for the moment. It is necessary to control the process in order to have time to turn the trap over.
  • In a bottle with a capacity of 1.5, 2 liters, cut off the neck and bottom. It turns out to be a cylinder. They put a stick on the axle. They use sticky bait, which should be attached to the walls of the bottle in the place where the sticker is applied. The stick is placed on the bucket. It turns out to be a kind of bridge. The rat climbs into the bottle, starts tugging at the bait, the stick can’t stand it, and the pest falls into the bucket.
  • The rat trap is prepared from a bottle with a capacity of 5-10 liters. Cut off the neck, turn it over, and insert it inside. The plastic bottle turns into a kind of watering can. The neck is fixed with tape. Bait is placed on the bottom with strong aroma. Cheese, smoked meat, sausage, crackers with bacon, and chips are great. The rat makes its way through the neck to the food and cannot get back out. It is advisable to install the trap in an inclined position. On the steps, near the shelves.
  • You can put a noose on the rats. It is made of a thin cable that is easily tightened. Suspended or fixed at floor level. The loop should “stand”. The device is installed in places where rats like to run. The animal gets caught in a loop, the head goes through, the shoulders get stuck. The rat tries to move forward, the noose tightens.

Flower pot. Use capacity big size. Turn it upside down. Place a board on one side edgewise. Bait is placed in the center. A rat, a mouse crawls under a pot, begins to make movements, touches a board, and finds itself in a trap. To prevent undermining, the device is installed on plywood.

On a note!

Homemade traps with more serious designs are made with special skills and free time. For those who want to show their skills and test their abilities, do-it-yourself rat traps are prepared using simple patterns. Placed indoors or outdoors.

Sophisticated homemade rat traps

To make a structure for catching rodents, you will need planks, nails, screws, scissors, a hammer and other carpentry equipment. You can see what traps there are in the market and on the Internet. Build one like this with your own efforts.

  1. Mechanical trap - Zürner rat trap. Initially, the box should be knocked down without a bottom on one side. The sloping roof is knocked down separately and 2 windows are cut into it on opposite sides. A bridge is attached to the sides of the box using hinges. On one side it touches the window, on the other - the second half of the bridge. It is not fixed in the center. A bait is attached to the convex part of the roof so that the rat can see it clearly, but find it with difficulty. A rat mousetrap works as follows. The rodent smells the bait, crawls through the window, and steps onto the bridge. Moving closer to the center, it falls into a box, the bridge takes its original position. This trap can catch several pests at once.
  2. Rat trap from metal mesh. You will need a mesh with a fine mesh. Rectangles should be cut out of it to make a box measuring 60*30*20 cm. The walls are fixed with steel wire. The lid is made on one side with a spring. It should close from bottom to top. Connect the end of the door to a cord, thread it into the cells on the opposite side of the cage, and attach a bait hook to the end. To lure a rat inside, put any food with strong odor. When you try to remove food, the cord instantly releases and the door slams shut.
  3. Homemade trap. You will need a spring mechanism with a frame. Fix it on a wooden plank. The frame is pulled back and fixed with an arrow, which is inserted into the loop. It works on the principle of a regular mousetrap, but is larger in size. When the animal tries to pull the bait, an arrow jumps out of the loop and the mechanism snaps into place. The rat is injured or dies. You can make a trap for rats using a purchased mechanism or make a spring yourself from wire or a long nail.
  4. Electric rat trap. The design is in great demand. Because you don’t have to rack your brains about how to kill a rodent. Making an electric trap is quite simple. First you need to decide on the sizes. For big rats prepare a box 20*50*30 cm. Construct it from a metal mesh so that the bait is visible from all sides. A door with a sliding mechanism similar to a Zünner trap. The peculiarity lies in the lower part of the structure. Wooden blocks are knocked down to size the cells. On the opposite side of the entrance, wiring is brought to the bars. A plate of aluminum or tin is prepared and placed on top of the bars. Springs are attached to one side. The bait is suspended above the mechanism of the electric trap. The point is this. The rat crawls through the door, moves towards the bait, steps on the springs, the tin surface falls on the exposed wires, and a short circuit occurs. The electronic mechanism is activated.

A homemade rat trap is no worse than a purchased one. It remains to decide on the bait, which plays an important role.

Attractive maneuver

The best bait for rats is meat. The predatory animal does not particularly lean on cereals, flour, or grain. Gnawing on inedible materials in a desperate situation. Rats do not tolerate hunger well. They need to eat up to 50 g of food per day. For this reason, rodents sharpen wood, plastic, foam, concrete, bricks, and fabric.

To lure a rat into a trap, you will need aromatic products that can be smelled several meters away. For these purposes use:

  • fish;
  • meat;
  • chips;
  • sausage;
  • ham;
  • fresh bread;
  • seeds;
  • beer;
  • salo.

On a note!

Instead of food, ready-made poisonous baits are laid out. They contain flavorings that lure pests into a trap, and.

You can catch a rat in a rat trap different ways. The question of what to do with the caught animal remains unresolved.

Options for getting rid of rats

Rodents are caught for one purpose, to get rid of them completely. No one is going to free the animals, but not everyone is ready to kill with blood and screams.

To get rid of a rodent, the animal is killed with a stick, brick, or heavy object. You can use a more humane method. The rat is placed in a bottle. In another container, soda is quenched with acetic acid, the mixture is placed in a jar with a rodent. The release of carbon dioxide will cause the animal to stop breathing, lose consciousness, and die painlessly from suffocation.

Traps and traps for rats are used in cases where it is impossible or does not want to use poison. You can buy a ready-made device, but it’s more interesting to make it yourself.

Since the time of the famous Pied Piper of Hammel, who lured all the rats out of the city with a magic flute and mercilessly drowned them in the river, a lot of water has flowed under the river. But little has changed in the eternal confrontation between man and evil rodents. People, through their powerful intellect and enormous creativity, come up with ever new ingenious means of exterminating pests, and rodents, with their enormous fertility and resistance to the blows of fate, quickly make up for their losses and again go on the offensive against human bins. A multi-thousand-year battle without rules has developed into a positional war without winners or losers. But human genius does not give up and is preparing new surprises for the pests.

Damage from rodents

The well-known ladies' exclamation “It smells like mice!” - not the saddest consequence of a rodent invasion of a household.

Mice and their larger relatives, rats, eat everything that is bad in kitchens, warehouses, pantries, cellars, sheds, barns, and other places where food is concentrated, often damaging food supplies, especially in warehouses and rural areas, damage comparable to fires. It’s not uncommon for them to spoil clothes, shoes and books.

In addition, rodents, leaving excrement, urine and saliva in human homes, are carriers of more than 70 infectious diseases. The ominous medieval plague epidemic, which wiped out the population of half of Europe, was brought on its paws by rats.

And the simple appearance of rats and mice in women's company spoils the ladies' nerves and mood for the whole day.

Did you know? According to approximate calculations by scientists (since it is impossible to count accurately), there are half as many people on our planet as there are rats.

Effective Rat Traps: 5 Ways to Catch a Rat

The creative thought of modern rat catchers does not stand still and finds new ways to use objects familiar to us in order to capture and destroy rodents.

Bucket trap

From improvised means that are available in any household, you can make very effective tool for the destruction of pests.

It is quite simple, and to create it you need:

  1. Pour a strong salt solution into a bucket.
  2. Sprinkle a thick layer of sunflower seed husks, sawdust or shavings on top.
  3. Wait until this layer swells. He won't be able to drown because of high density concentrated saline solution.
  4. Place bait with an appetizing smell for rats in the center of the layer.
  5. Place a board resting on the ground against the top edge of the bucket, along which the rodent can climb up.
  6. Smelling the smell of bait, the rodent will rush to it and, having climbed the plank, fearlessly step on a layer of sawdust or husk that seems durable to him and immediately fall into salt water, from which there is no escape for him.
  7. In the morning, count the number of gray drowned bodies and dispose of them.

How to make a trap from a plastic bottle

IN Lately Increasingly, plastic bottles have begun to be used for pest control because of their low cost and ease of processing when making a trap.

One of the most simple options is as follows:

  1. U plastic container for 10-20 liters, you should cut off the top threaded part where the lid is screwed on, and the dome-shaped part, which starts from the place where the vertical walls begin to round towards the hole.
  2. Insert the dome-shaped part tightly with the narrow end into the container to make something like a funnel.
  3. Strengthen the edges of this “funnel” with tape.
  4. Throw heavier bait inside the resulting trap so that the trap cannot easily move at the touch of an animal.
  5. Place the trap itself, lying on its side, with the hole on some small elevation, so that it is easier for the rodent to get to the coveted bait.
  6. Once a rodent gets inside a plastic container, it will no longer be able to get out.

Did you know? The entire population of rats on Earth eats 168,000,000 tons of food annually.

Homemade pot trap

Common flower clay pot a medium-sized one can also become a formidable weapon against gray pests.

To do this you need:

  1. Raise the edge of the pot.
  2. Place the bait deep into the space under the pot.
  3. Place the edge of a coin under the raised edge.
  4. A rat looking under the pot will certainly disrupt the stability of the structure, and the pot will cover the rodent.

The disadvantage of this method is the possibility that the rodent will touch the coin before that as soon as it gets completely under the pot and manages to escape. To prevent this from happening, a more sophisticated method is used.

Instead of a coin, an ordinary ruler placed on its edge is used, to the end of which a thread is attached through a loop. A bait is attached to the other end of the thread and placed under the pot.

This time-tested trap works reliably and is capable of “sheltering” more than one rodent overnight.

It is made as follows:

  1. Under construction wooden house in the manner of a birdhouse, but only with a hole not in the front, but with two on the sides and with a removable lid.
  2. The bottom of the box and the inside sides are lined with tin.
  3. Opposite each of the two holes, planks are attached on hinges from the inside in such a way that they form a kind of bridge leading from window to window and interrupted in the middle.
  4. Each of the boards is equipped with a light spring that supports it in a horizontal position.
  5. The bait is suspended on a thread above the planks.
  6. Animals have easier access to the holes by means of planks leaning against their edges from the outside.
  7. Then everything is simple: the rat looks into one of the holes, sees a hanging bait and a convenient bridge leading to it. She walks along the plank, it lowers under her weight, and the animal slides into the tin-lined box, and the plank returns to its original position.
  8. The Zürner rattrap is ready to receive its next guests.

How to use an iron barrel as a trap

This is an extremely simple and equally effective way to control rats.

Iron barrel trap: video

To do this you need:

  1. Put iron barrel next to a table or similar surface, slightly pushing the edge of the barrel under the table.
  2. Pour water into the barrel.
  3. Place a board on a table or other surface in such a way that one of its edges with bait hangs over the barrel, being in balance with the rest of the board.
  4. The rodent, walking along the plank towards the bait, loses its balance and slides right into metal barrel with water, from where he can no longer get out.

Important! Any contact with a rat, including a dead one, should be carried out exclusively with thick mittens or gloves and appropriate clothing.

Rats control: features

Rats are among the smartest animals. That is why it is so difficult for a person to fight them. For example, being omnivores, even when they are hungry, they will never attack unfamiliar food all together. As soon as they are convinced that nothing happened to the “scouts,” the others will begin to eat unfamiliar food.

So, with the help of pesticides, even the most modern ones, it is impossible to remove the entire rat family in a certain place. Rats do not eat stale food or food that smells like humans.

Contrary to popular belief, this animal is quite clean, visits garbage dumps in extreme cases, and chooses the most well-groomed places indoors. For example, even the most hungry rat will not eat rotten meat.

And although the rat is an omnivore, when choosing bait for a trap, you need to know which products rodents prefer.

What rats love: the perfect bait

As you know, the most popular bait in a mousetrap is hard cheese. For a rat trap, this is also bait No. 1. The cheese has a strong specific smell that attracts animals from afar, rodents really like the taste, has a dense consistency for fixing in traps and does not spoil for a long time.

  • lard;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • sausages;
  • flour;
  • beer;
  • of bread;
  • baking;
  • cottage cheese;
  • smoked meats.

Where is the best place to place the trap?

It makes the most sense to place the trap closer to where the rat family lives. And if it is not defined, then we should assume that these animals prefer to move along walls in clean and dark places, without going out into bright and dark places. open areas premises.

It is usually customary to install rat traps in the opposite direction, that is, towards the usual course of their movement.

Since rats are intelligently cautious, it is advisable to first place bait in rat traps where rodents are going to enter, without arming the trap into the firing position. Rats must get used to the fact that nothing threatens them inside.

You should also take into account the cleanliness of these animals, so you should not install rat traps in cluttered places. In addition, after catching rodents, traps must be thoroughly washed.

What to do with a caught rat

Most rat traps quickly kill the captured rodents. However, some traps, such as those made from a plastic water container, allow the animals to remain alive and healthy for some time.

Of course it's big and strong man capable of killing a small animal in many ways. But it’s one thing to throw an already dead animal out of a rat trap, and quite another to kill a living creature. with my own hands, causing him torment. There are not so many hunters for this.

In this case, a way has been invented to euthanize the animal painlessly for it.

For this:

  1. The animal should be placed in a plastic container.
  2. Dilute baking soda with vinegar in a container.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a container.
  4. Released during the reaction carbon dioxide will quickly put the animal to sleep without any torture for it and then bring it to death.

Rat Trap: Precautions

A cornered rat can be very dangerous. And this is not a figure of speech at all, but a harsh reality. A rat caught in a trap, frightened and feeling hopeless, when removed from a mousetrap, is capable of digging its incisors into the throat, clinging to the face or biting deeply into the arm.

In this case, not only the wounds themselves are dangerous, but also the infection that the animal can introduce into the human blood with its saliva.

Important! Rats are capable of jumping up to two meters in height - which is why they can cling to the face of a person who has driven them into a hopeless situation.

When using homemade or manufactured industrially rat traps should be protected from access by children and pets.

The centuries-old struggle of man with this intelligent, cunning, cautious and prolific animal has not yet brought any serious success. Rats continue to cause colossal damage to people's food supplies, while spreading dangerous infections.

That is why the search for new means of combating this dangerous enemy does not stop. But with some effort, you can successfully protect your home from their invasion.

Using poison is easy, but not always The best way. The main disadvantage of such persecution is the impossibility of eliminating all corpses. Some rodents try to get into deeper holes and die there. Over time, the room becomes filled with an unpleasant cadaverous odor. If preference is given to rat traps, then you will control the number of dead rodents, and such a fight will not subsequently result in corpse “flavors”.

Features of rat control

If you decide to make a mechanism such as a rat trap with your own hands, then first become familiar with the habits and preferences of rodents. Experienced exterminators who have been waging war against rodents for many years give four pieces of advice.

  1. Tasty bait. The success of catching animals depends 80% on what you put in the rat trap. Therefore, choose aromatic and appetizing foods for bait. The rat will definitely be lured by the smell of vegetable oil (especially fried), smoked lard, sausage, seeds, beer, fresh bread, cheese.
  2. Definition of a hole. It is better to place the trap near the hole. This place has the largest concentration of rodents, so the fight will be more effective. As reviews show, you can determine whether a hole is residential or not using the following trick. Crumple up a piece of paper and easily plug the hole with it. Wait a day. If the hole is inhabited, then the inhabitants will push out the paper, chew it and scatter it on the floor.
  3. Installation of traps. Rats prefer to remain unnoticed, so they move along walls. Rodents avoid illuminated areas and almost never go out into open place. Given these features, it is recommended to install rat traps near the walls, against the movement of tailed pests.
  4. Cleanliness of the trap. Be sure to monitor the condition of the rat trap. As soon as a rodent gets into it, remove it immediately. Wash the rat trap thoroughly with soda or ash lye. Ventilate the washed mechanism well, and only then reinstall it. Otherwise, the rodents will smell the smell of a dead relative and will never stick their nose into the trap.

Making a rat trap with your own hands

When building a trap for rodents, you can use a whole arsenal of improvised means. If you are a beginner rat fighter, use simple traps. Advanced masters will easily develop more complex circuits rat trap.

From a flower pot

Peculiarities . Simple and affordable way make a rat trap with your own hands. For her regular will do flower pot or a small bucket. But choose heavy containers: light plastic construction the rat will turn it over.

You will need:

  • flower pot - one;
  • sheet of plywood - one;
  • bait - optional;
  • coin.

What to do

  1. Place a sheet of plywood on the floor.
  2. Place a delicious bait in the top center.
  3. Cover it with a flower pot.
  4. Raise the flowerpot a little on one side.
  5. Secure it in this position with a coin placed on its edge.

How does it work

  1. The rat is attracted by the scent of the bait.
  2. The rodent runs under the pot.
  3. The coin, caught by the tail, slips out, and the trap slams shut.

After catching, lift the pot along with the plywood so that the rodent does not slip out.

From the bottle

Peculiarities . Another very effective trap is a rat trap made of plastic bottle. If war has been declared on mice, then a 1.5-2 liter bottle will do. If the fight is directed against rats, then take a larger container - 3-5 liters. It’s best to use 10-20 liter bottles, which are usually used to carry drinking water. This trap will be an excellent live trap for large rats.

You will need:

  • plastic bottle - one;
  • thin rail - two;
  • sharp knife for work;
  • bait.

What to do

  1. Use a sharp knife to cut off the cone-shaped top.
  2. Turn it over and insert it into the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Lower the bait to the bottom.
  4. Be sure to put stones inside that will hold the trap and prevent it from turning over.
  5. Place special slats-ladders on the sides, along which rats can easily climb up.

How does it work

  1. The rat climbs the board.
  2. It falls into the funnel-shaped cutting part.
  3. It will easily get inside through the hole for the lid, but will not be able to get out through the only hole.

From buckets and boards

Peculiarities . A trap can be made from a bucket, just take a large container. And if you live in a private house, then it is better to use a spacious barrel or an old can that has become unusable.

You will need:

  • bucket (10-15 l) - one;
  • boards - two;
  • bait - optional;
  • highly concentrated salt solution - 5-7 l;
  • sawdust.

What to do

  1. Prepare brine - a concentrated salt solution.
  2. Pour it into a bucket.
  3. Cover the brine with sawdust or sunflower husks on top.
  4. On upper layer(it will not sink) put a fragrant bait.
  5. Place boards on both sides of the bucket that will allow rats to easily climb up.

How does it work

  1. The rat, attracted by the fragrant smell of food, will climb the board to the very top.
  2. Unaware of the danger, she will jump onto the layer of sawdust for food.
  3. The swollen sawdust will not hold the rodent, and it will fall straight into the salt solution, from which it will no longer be able to get out on its own.

Metal cage

Peculiarities . Only true craftsmen can make such a rat trap with their own hands. Beginners can already use ready-made design cell, improving it with the help of several simple devices. This mousetrap is highly durable, durable, and allows you to effectively catch rodents.

You will need:

  • metal mesh or ready-made cage;
  • door;
  • spring;
  • rope;
  • hinge;
  • bait.

What to do

  1. Using a hinge, attach the door to the metal cage at the top edge. It should slide down and open easily.
  2. Attach a spring to it that forces the door to slam shut.
  3. Secure the bait tightly with one end of the thread.
  4. Place the tied lard or cheese into a metal box.
  5. Tie the other end of the thread to the spring so that the door is raised.

How does it work

  1. The rodent, sensing the aroma of food, will run into the cage.
  2. The rat will pull the bait and easily chew through the thread.
  3. The spring will work, and the rather humane trap will slam shut.

From the pipe

Peculiarities . If rats have settled in a chicken coop or barn, then homemade trap can be made from pipe. To make such a rat trap at home, a little skill in working with a drill is enough.

You will need:

  • metal or plastic pipe (diameter 12-14 cm) - 45-50 cm;
  • sheet aluminum - piece;
  • wire;
  • bait.

What to do

  1. From sheet aluminum cut out two circles, the diameter of which is slightly smaller size pipes.
  2. Make two holes at the end of the pipe.
  3. Thread a wire through them.
  4. Attach one aluminum circle to it, which will act as a door.
  5. Install the same “doors” on the other side of the pipe.
  6. If you did everything correctly, then round sheets will easily open inward without deviating outward.
  7. Drill several small holes at the top of the pipe, which will allow the aroma of the bait to spread.
  8. Place a trap in the rat's habitat.
  9. Place a piece of cheese or lard inside the pipe.

How does it work

  1. The rodent gets inside the pipe through a kind of “door”.
  2. Since the design does not allow the aluminum discs to deflect outward, the rat remains in the trap.

Electrical device

Peculiarities . Even if you are not the greatest electrical expert, you can still build an electric rat trap. However, before using such equipment, thoroughly study the safety precautions. If you are not comfortable with electrical structures, it is better to use others, no less in effective ways described above.

You will need:

  • board - 30×30 cm;
  • plexiglass - three plates;
  • Fiberboard - piece;
  • wires;
  • bait.

What to do

  1. The board will become the frame of the future mousetrap. Build a small “house” of plexiglass on it, making two side walls and a ceiling.
  2. On one side of the “house”, close the exit tightly with a sheet of fiberboard.
  3. Inside the house, place two exposed wires so that the rat that climbs in is sure to touch them at the same time.
  4. Connect the wires to an electrical source.
  5. Place bait inside the house.
  6. Turn on the power.

How does it work

  1. The rat, attracted by the edible aromas, will run inside the house.
  2. She will step on exposed wires and will immediately receive a corresponding shock.

Placing bait, as well as removing the corpse of a rodent, is carried out only after turning off the device.

When inventing various homemade rat traps, do not forget about one very simple, but quite effective method catching rodents. Grease the inner walls of any large container vegetable oil. Such a bait will attract rats, they will jump inside, but will not be able to get out, since they do not have the ability to climb a slippery surface.

Comfortable living in a metropolis or outside the city is often overshadowed by unpleasant neighbors. And now we are not talking about people, but about insects and rodents, whose “pleasant” company can ruin anyone, even the most established life. People fight pests different methods. Do-it-yourself traps and rat traps are not in last place, but are very popular.

Pests such as mice provide a number of inconveniences to people

Unpleasant neighborhood

Few people have a warm attitude towards rodents - except that decorative hamsters and guinea pigs can cause tenderness, and even then not for everyone. For the most part, people treat such animals with hostility, and this is quite justified. Mice, rats and other rodents cause a lot of trouble the owners of the house. These animals spoil food, furniture, things, traces of their vital activity have an extremely corrosive and unpleasant odor.

It is also worth remembering that rodents carry many diseases that are dangerous to humans. In addition, a sick rodent is also dangerous for pets - a cat or dog that crushes an infected rat can also become infected.

In this video you will learn how to make a death trap for rodents:

How to deal with rodents

There are quite a few options, each of them is effective in its own way, and the specific choice depends on the conditions of use.

Types of Rat Traps

Without exception, all traps have one general disadvantage: a killed or caught animal needs to be put somewhere. In this case, the problem is usually not “where”, but “how”. It is strictly not recommended to touch a dead rat with bare hands; it is best to wear latex gloves, and then most people will shudder with disgust. But there is no choice - we need to get rid of the rodent, but before that the rodent needs to be caught . Suitable for this:

DIY traps

If you start fighting rats before they begin to multiply at a huge rate, then there is a chance that you will only need a trap once or twice. The prices of rat traps range from 300 to 3000 rubles. Agree, this is a rather expensive gift for a rodent that you want to get rid of. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to make a rodent trap with your own hands.

From simple to complex

Simple options are sometimes the most effective. To get rid of rodents country house or barn, you can try using a bottle trap. To do this you will need:

  • sunflower or any other vegetable oil;
  • bait;
  • large bottle;
  • knife or scissors;
  • tape or wire.

Separate the top third with the neck from the bottle. Generously grease the inside of the plastic with vegetable oil. Place bait at the bottom of the bottle.

Some traps are a little difficult to make, but the results are well worth the time invested

Insert the cut part into the bottle with the neck inward. Secure both parts together. The trap is ready. The animal will be able to get inside, but will not be able to get out because of the slippery walls. This is the simplest and a budget option rat traps. It is not suitable for large rodents.

A water trap is a large bucket filled one third full of liquid. The walls of the bucket should be oiled so that the animal cannot escape. A “path” with bait should be connected to the center of the bucket from the edge, installed in such a way that under the weight of the animal it falls into the bucket. The rat will not be able to get out of the bucket and will drown.

A rat trap is a live trap that does not kill a rodent, but simply catches it

A mechanical rat trap is manufactured according to simple scheme, however, the efficiency of such a device is high. In addition, this design is suitable for large specimens and can simultaneously capture not one, but two or even three medium-sized rodents.

A rat trap is a box whose roof is not flat, but sloping. A bait is attached to the inside of the roof. Two windows are cut in the opposite walls of the trap, between which a bridge is attached, consisting of two parts on hinges. Its design should be such that in a calm state it is horizontal, but when the rat approaches the bait along it, the bridge “dives” down, overturning the animal, and returns to its original position. The rat will no longer be able to get out, since the hole is blocked by the same bridge.

DIY electric rat trap

To make such a trap, you will need to remember the school physics course, especially the “Electricity” section. The floor of the trap is usually made of wood, and in one place a small depression a few centimeters wide is made, and bare wires are passed through the floor. On top there is a piece of tin, which is set in motion under the weight of the animal. The bait is placed in a key place: when the rat gets to it, the plate goes down and closes the contacts. The rodent dies on the spot due to electric shock.

One way or another, fighting rats is rarely limited to just one means. Often you have to try them all before the problem goes away.

Rats bring a lot of damage to your home. No wonder people are looking for instructions on “How to make rodent baits at home.” There are plenty of electric baits on the market, but if you can make an effective homemade trap, then the question arises: “Why buy something that you can make at home?” In this case, according to the instructions, you will need a minimum of materials. For example, for one of the productions you will only need to have a plastic bottle. Homemade electronic and electrical products are popular.

How to make a rat trap with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

For example, let's take a trap made of cardboard tubes. Cut one such sleeve along its surface. Glue the two cut pieces together to form a full-fledged 30 cm gutter. Place it over a deep bucket in the form of a mound (correctly, so that one end hangs down). Place food in the part above the bucket. It will work like this: when the rat runs up a steep slope and gets to the food, the lid of the bucket will fall under its weight, and the rodent will be inside.

DIY rat trap made from plastic bottles

Homemade rat traps are often made from plastic bottles at home. To make homemade bait, you will need a plastic bottle with a wide neck, which must be cut off immediately. You need to pierce a hole a centimeter from the cut; pass a strong thread 60 cm long into its end.

The bait is placed in the bottle, and it itself should be on the surface above the floor. It is advisable that the food be in the part of the plastic bottle that hangs over the surface (the top has support, but the bottom does not). Tie the thread that was used to pour over the bottle to a nail. The animal can be caught due to the fact that the mousetrap will tip over when it itself reaches into the open plastic bottle for the bait.

Rat trap for large rats at home

If you find a large 1000 liter iron barrel in a private house, you can catch the animal homemade bait at home. The empty vessel should be placed on the floor of the barn where the rat was found. Everything is quite simple: they usually put food that is familiar to the rodent in the barrel. As soon as he wants to eat heavily, by his actions the rodent will climb up the outer walls or along the walls of the barn into the barrel, but to get out into reverse side won't be able to anymore. Sometimes boiling water is poured into such a vessel so that the rat is doused with hot water.

Homemade electric rat trap - how to make?

On the Internet, many people present ideas that come to their minds about how they can use electronic traps at home to catch a mouse or rat.

To do this, you can make a whole house (the upper and lower parts are made of wood, the door and side walls are made of plexiglass, and the rear retractable wall is made of traditional glass). At the bottom you need to make a shallow groove with a width of 3 cm. Then the floor is covered with a slab of wood. Two exposed wires are passed crosswise through the floor. The plate closes the groove, which already contains wires. That is, when the pest gets inside, the movable plate goes down and the wires short-circuit. It is better to wear rubber gloves while making electric and electronic baits.

DIY metal rat trap - instructions

There are instructions not only for electron traps or from plastic bottles, but also for metal ones high quality. To do this, those who fish or know what rat traps are must sacrifice a metal box for fishing tackle (the main thing is that there is a door that slams shut). A wooden strip is attached to the door, its end is fixed with thick wire. The other end with the bait should hang in the box itself. When the rat grabs the food, the wire slides off and the trap closes.

DIY rat trap made from a bucket

One of the most simple ways connected to the bucket. Take the biggest moment and put it like this homemade trap so that part of the bucket stands on the edge of this coin. The bait itself is placed in front of the bucket. Having heard the smell, the rodent will in any case touch the penny and the trap will slam shut - the “dressing” of the bucket will occur.

Ratcatcher cat - what breeds of cats catch rats?

The best bait for rats in a rat trap

If you make an electronic, electric or plastic bottle trap, you still need to know how to lure a rodent into it at home. So how can you lure a rat into a rat trap? First of all, food with a strong smell. Flour, beer, lard, bread, seeds, cheese, any grains, as well as smoked meats are suitable.

Check the cheese first, if there is no result, feel free to choose another product from the list and wait. The rodent will definitely get caught, since it will not be possible to cope with the smell that attracts it.


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