Women's Saints June. When is the day of the angel Vladimir according to the church calendar

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Coming up with a name for your child is a responsible undertaking, and every parent, without exception, before the birth of a long-awaited baby, puzzles over what name to give the baby. In the old days, people were helped by the church calendar of names - the Saints, thanks to which it was decided what to name the baby and what patron he would have in heaven (see. Orthodox calendar of names as of June 2017 below).

How to choose a name for a child

2. Sometimes parents want to name their child after someone famous person or a relative he respects. If you want to do just this, then remember that a name is not just a word, it affects both character and fate as a whole. Therefore, by naming a baby after a person whose fate was probably outstanding, but very difficult, you can doom him to a difficult fate.

3. The most common option for choosing a name for babies is the parents’ personal sympathy for a particular name. In this case, you should be careful: the name must sound good with the child’s surname and patronymic. And you shouldn't choose extravagant names. They are often the subject of ridicule in school years, which can affect the self-esteem of a little person.

4. You can choose a name for the child in the proven old-fashioned way - by church calendar names Fathers most often recommend making a choice this way, because then your baby will gain not only what is dear to him Orthodox name, but also a heavenly patron who protects the baby from many of life’s hardships.

Female and male names in June 2017 according to the church calendar

How to name a child in June 2017 according to Saints

Names for boys, name meanings:
Alexander ("courageous defender"), Alexey ("defender"), Ivan ("mercy of God"), Joseph ("multiplying"), Nikita ("winner"), Timofey ("honoring God"), Andrey ("brave" ), Konstantin ("constant"), Fedor ("God's gift"), Leonidas ("like a lion"), Denis ("belonging to Dionysus"), Nile ("muddy"), Makar ("happy"), Pavel (" small"), Roman ("Roman"), Mikhail ("equal to God"), Mark ("own"), Nicholas ("victor of nations"), Igor ("warlike"), Vissarion ("forest"), Gregory ( "cheerful"), Kirill ("small gentleman").

Names for girls, name meanings:
Elena (“shining”), Maria (“sad”), Ksenia (“hospitable”), Anastasia (“resurrected”), Fedora (“God’s gift”), Faina (“brilliant”), Vera (“belief”), Sophia (“wise”), Jonah (“patient”), Susanna (“white lily”), Zinaida (“divine daughter”), Anna (“merciful”).

Also see: June 2017.

Modern mothers and fathers, already tired of the wonderful foreign names that were very popular in last decades, they began to turn to the old Russian tradition of naming a child according to the church calendar or calendar. Parents try to choose sonorous, beautiful names for their newborn babies, which can also be used when the child is baptized. This will give him the opportunity to celebrate not only his birthday, but also name days, which may occur more than once a year.

Today we will tell you about the day of the angel Vladimir. This name has always been very popular in Rus' due to its beautiful sound and the extraordinary power contained in it. If you are wondering what date is the day of the angel Vladimir, or you want to know everything about this ancient name, then our article will be very useful for you.

What is name day or angel day?

Every person knows when his birthday is, but not everyone is aware of their angel day. Vladimir, for example, celebrates it more than ten times a year, but Olga only once. So what are name days?

The child has his or her angel day immediately after baptism. Baby during church sacrament is named after some saint, who will later be its patron.

The clergy claim that every person is accompanied by two angels throughout his life. The first is given to the soul at birth, it protects it from evil, troubles and unseemly deeds. He tries with all his might to guide a person on the true path and lead him along this path until the end of his life. And the second angel appears only after baptism. The saint after whom the child is named will pray for him before God and ask Him for help in the most difficult times. The day on which the church commemorates this saint will be the name day of this or that person.

So when is the day of the angel of Vladimirov? We will tell you about this now.

How to determine the name day?

People who are not very well versed in church traditions cannot always correctly navigate Christmastide and find their child’s name day in them. And how can one understand all this if, for example, the day of the angel Vladimir is mentioned in the calendar about fifty times? Will a child really celebrate his name day several times a month?

Not at all. The Church says that in the case when a saint is venerated more than once on Christmastide, it is worth choosing the date that is closest to the person’s real birthday. However, for those who want to celebrate, for example, the day of the angel Vladimir all fifty times, no one will forbid this. The clergy have no special rules or restrictions on this matter.

Name day: how to properly organize a holiday

Of course, Angel Day is not an easy date, so you should be very careful about how to arrange it. festive event. First of all, the clergy advise you to come to confession and receive communion. If the name day falls on a non-fasting day, then you can gather friends and relatives for festive table to celebrate this wonderful holiday and remember the saint who protects you.

If the date falls on a church holiday or fast days, it is worth rescheduling the event and celebrating the name day on the next day.

The meaning of the name Vladimir

When you choose a name for your child, you should be interested not only in when he will have an angel day (Vladimir and Ivan, for example, have a lot of such days), but also about the meaning of the name. At all times this has been given special meaning, and modern scientists have proven that the combination of sounds that a person hears from birth when addressing himself causes certain impulses in the cerebral cortex. They influence not only the mood, but also the behavior of the individual. That's why it's so important to know the meaning of the name you give your child.

Interestingly, many people believe that Vladimir means “who owns the world.” This value can be found on the Internet and many printed reference books. However, initially the translation of the name sounded completely different - “owning the measure.” If we compare this value with the characteristics of Vladimir, it becomes clear why the boys named in this way are calm, self-confident and have good control over their emotions already from early childhood.

Origin of the name

The name Vladimir, whose name day (angel day) we will talk about in the next section of the article, has very ancient roots. It became widespread during the Christian period, but it was also quite popular in pagan times.

It is believed that in its original form it came to Rus' from Scandinavia and meant “lord”, “famous” or “glorious”.

Over time, it acquired a sound more familiar to the Russian ear and spread almost everywhere.

Brief description of the name Vladimir

From early childhood, the boy is distinguished by nobility and self-esteem. He is quite calm and not touchy, but you should not take advantage of Vladimir’s kindness - if necessary, he can stand up for himself and his loved ones.

Adult Vovas value comfort above all else; they always choose beautiful clothes, adore luxury items and strive for perfect order in everything.

A man with this name is able to make decisions almost instantly and respects the flexible mind and willpower in other people. Many believe that life next to Vladimir is always very full of pleasant events and he is capable of becoming a faithful husband, as well as a wonderful father.

Angel Vladimir's Day according to the church calendar (2017)

We have already said that the name day must be chosen based on the closest date of commemoration of the saint after whom you were named at baptism. In the case of Vladimir, you will have enough options to choose from:

  • January - 21, 24, 31.
  • February - 7, 10, 12, 16, 26.
  • March - 3, 7, 21, 25.
  • April - 3, 6.
  • June - 20, 27.
  • July - 10, 28.
  • August - 13, 27.
  • September - 2, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16.
  • October - 1, 4, 9, 17, 21.
  • November - 3, 4, 5, 16, 25.
  • December - 3, 5, 10, 15, 22, 26, 29, 31.

The Church considers the main day of the angel Vladimir to be the seventh of February.

Church reading of the name

If you look for the name Vladimir in the calendar, you are unlikely to find it. The fact is that in the church calendar it has a different reading - Volodomir. This is what your baby will be called during baptism and other church sacraments.

How to congratulate Vladimir on his name day?

This may seem strange to many, but in fact, a person’s name can even influence how he will feel about congratulations addressed to him. This is especially true when we talk about Angel Day, because this date cannot be attributed to ordinary worldly holidays.

If you want to congratulate Vladimir on his name day, then try to do it as simply and sincerely as possible. The fact is that people with this name do not tolerate high-flown words, falsehood and flattery. They prefer congratulations, which can then be reread and revised for a long time. Therefore, prepare beautiful greeting cards for Vladimir with sincere poems or spend time creating a wall newspaper with a collage. Be sure that such a gift will be remembered by your birthday person for a long time and will become a reason to brag to friends and colleagues.

You should never try to give Vladimir a very expensive thing on the day of the angel, which will confuse him with its price and force him to be obliged to the giver. In addition, Vova prefers to purchase such things for themselves rather than feel awkward accepting them as a gift.

We hope that after reading our article there will be no secrets left for you in the name Vladimir, and you will easily choose the most suitable angel day for your child.

From birth, every person is given a name. This word is not just what the child will be called, but also endows a person with character, strength and skills, and determines his destiny. In the old days, when giving a name to a child, parents consulted the Orthodox calendar of names. It describes which day the saint's name belongs to. The 2017 name day calendar will help future parents decide on the name of their unborn child, thereby predetermining their character and destiny. The name can bring happiness, luck and meaning to the unborn child. life path, if it is chosen correctly. In addition, each person can check whether his parents gave him the name accordingly.

Thanks to the calendar, you can find out what is the best name for children and when someone celebrates their name day.

Name day in January 2017

Children born in January 2017 fall under the influence of Capricorn; such people are distinguished by luck and intelligence. But there are also negative sides of Capricorns - they can be cruel, even with close people, and they are self-centered, considering themselves more important than others. Children who have a name day in January 2017 of the Rooster will be leaders in life, thanks to optimism they will be able to solve any problems and achieve success in life, but this will be greatly influenced by the chosen name.
January 1 is Aglaya's name day, which means “magnificent.” January 4th for Anastasia - resurrected, they have feminine strength, but at the same time weak and tender. At Christmas it is better to name a girl Eve or Mary. January 25 at Tatiana's. Also in January the name day of the owner of the names is celebrated:

  • Claudia - 6th
  • Ulyana - 3rd
  • Evgenia - 6th
  • Nina - 9th
  • Irina - 12th
  • Theodora - 4th
  • Vasilisa - 21st
  • Agnia - 27th

It is not advisable to call her Zhanna, Daria and Catherine, these names will give masculine character traits.
Boys born in January should have strong and confident names. The most successful choice would be the names Alexander and Alexey. Good choice the names will be Ivan and Anton on January 2, Peter and Mikhail on January 3, Pavel on January 5, Ilya, Evgeny, Victor and Grigory. It is advisable not to give the names Anatoly, Igor and Dmitry.

Name day in February 2017

Those who will be born in February 2017 are under the sign of Aquarius. Such children are quite calm, easily find friends and are lucky in strong relationships. family relationships. The character will largely determine the name of the future baby. Kids with a name day in February 2017 will strive for a huge number of friends, however, they may have selfishness, but this character trait will not be the main one in all areas of life. You should not give the names of friends or famous personalities With tragic fate, the child can take it upon himself.
Mark and Fedor celebrate their name days on February 1, Timofey and Ivan on February 4. February 7 Dmitry, Georgy, Vitaly. Also this month people with the adverb celebrate their name day:

  • Arseny - February 1, February 19, February 28
  • Pavel - February 2, February 6, February 16, February 28
  • Victor - 13th
  • Prokhor - 23rd
  • Peter - 1st, 4th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 17th, 20th-23rd and 28th
  • Stepan - 7th
  • Ivan - 3-6, 8, 9, 11-13, 16-17, 19, 22-23, 26, 28
  • Vladimir – 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 16th, 26th
  • Konstantin - 11th and 27th
  • Kirill - 17th, 27th

For girls, names should be consonant and beautiful, such as double names, like Alexandra, Victoria.

Also name day for:

  • Anastasy - 3 numbers
  • Agniy - 3 numbers
  • Evdokii - 5th
  • Kseniy - 6th
  • Pelageya - 12th
  • Vasilis - 18th


Children born in March 2017 are under the sign of Pisces. They are smart in learning, such children are interested in everything new and unknown. Such children are creative, a little physically weak in childhood, and their character may weaken as they grow up, so for the future child you need to find a name that will give additional strength and strength of character. People with a name day in March 2017 will have a lot of loyal comrades, but due to their nature they are stubborn, which will negatively affect relationships with people.
Female names that will give toughness of character:

  • Nika - 23rd
  • Kira - 12th
  • Maria - 1st, 20th
  • Galina - 23rd
  • Marianna - 1st
  • Marina - 12th
  • Marfa - 16th
  • Antonina - 14th, 20th

IN Lately The name Anastasia is popular, and Elizabeth is gaining popularity.

According to the Orthodox calendar, girls can be called like this wonderful names- Evdokia and Vasilisa.
Male names mean strength and tenacity of character:

  • Pavel - 1, 2, 5, 6, 16, 20, 23, 29-30
  • Vyacheslav - 17th
  • Yaroslav - 4th
  • Mikhail - 1, 6, 7, 11,14
  • Denis - 4th, 23rd, 28th-29th
  • Konstantin - 5.18-19, 25th
  • David - 4.18th
  • Semyon - 25th
  • Victor - 2, 6, 23, 30
  • Nikolay - 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 26
  • Philip - 4th, 6th

Also popular adverbs in March are Alexander and Maxim.


A child born in April 2017 is under the sign of Aries. Such people have a gentle character and will be very drawn to communicate with peers and older people. The name for such a child is chosen to be courageous and strong, this will help the child to be stronger character and will help you cope with life's problems. Due to their soft nature, children with a name day in April 2017 may be withdrawn, which is something parents should pay attention to.
For men, a rigid name is selected based on meaning, for example:

  • Vadim - 22nd
  • Herman - 2nd
  • Efim – 14-15, 24th
  • Yakov – 3, 6, 19, 23-24 numbers
  • Maxim – 2, 23rd
  • Nikita – 2, 16-17th
  • Kirill – 3rd, 11th
  • Mikhail - 11th, 29th-30th

For women, names should be soft and at the same time strong:

  • Daria – 1st, 4th
  • Svetlana – 2nd
  • Vasilisa – 4th, 28th-29th
  • Lydia – 5th
  • Taisiya - 4 numbers
  • Ulyana - 2nd

It is not advisable to give children born in April some names, as they can make the child weaker or more withdrawn; these are names such as George, Mark, Konstantin, Galina and Daria, Anna and Larisa.

May and June

Future children who will be born in May 2017 are under the sign of Taurus, such people will strive for power and control, they will become bosses, such people are talented, and such a child must be given room for creativity. Taurus are very principled, this trait can negatively affect relationships with loved ones. The name for such children should symbolize gentleness, kindness, this will balance the harsh character. People whose name day is in May 2017 strive to achieve their goal by any means, sometimes this can offend loved ones.
Boys should be called by soft and kind names:

  • Ivan - 1-2, 4, 6, 9-10, 12-17, 19-21, 25, 27
  • Vitaly - 5th, 11th
  • Anatoly - 6th
  • Victor – 1st, 2nd
  • Alexey – 4th, 7th
  • George – 2, 6, 10, 26, 29
  • Nikita – 13th, 17th, 27th
  • Stepan - 9-10, 20, 30

The name for a girl symbolizes beauty and kindness:

  • Alexandra - 6, 31st
  • Christina - 31st
  • Tamara - 1st, 14th
  • Elizabeth - 7th
  • Faina - 31st
  • Zoya - 15th
  • Julia - 31st
  • Irina - 18th, 26th

Children born in June 2017 are under the auspices of Gemini. Such children will be very exciting and inquisitive, creative and sophisticated. They will have good luck in life, but not because of the blessings of fate, but with the help of strength of character. Also among the negative traits is that the person will be indecisive and shy, parents need to take care of this. People with a name day in June 2017 are characterized by frivolity and frivolity, therefore, when choosing names, you need to strive for the name to be strong, unshakable and wise. Such names will make the child’s character stronger and help him decisively overcome difficulties in life.
The following names will give men confidence and determination:

  • Kirill - 3, 22, 30 numbers
  • Yaroslav - 3rd
  • Vasily - 1, 5, 10, 12, 14, 20-21, 23rd
  • Arseny - 25th
  • Vladimir – 2, 4, 20, 27 numbers
  • Ignat – 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th, 23rd
  • Anton - 1st
  • Stepan – 6th, 20th, 25th
  • Makar – 4th, 8th, 10th, 23rd
  • Andrey – 1, 5, 11, 23, 25-26
  • Dmitry – 1, 5, 10, 15-16, 18, 26
  • Timofey – 1st, 23rd, 25th

The following adverbs will help girls be stronger:

  • Antonina - 23rd, 26th
  • Sofia – 4th, 17th
  • Ulyana - 15th
  • Valeria - 20th
  • Maria – 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24-25
  • Anna - 20, 23, 25-26 numbers

July and August

Children who will be born in July 2017 fall under the sign of Cancer. These children will be able to decide their own destiny and do only what is important to them. The disadvantages of such children are their capriciousness, they are annoying with their curiosity, and they can show selfishness and pride. Parents need to eliminate such character traits in their child; they can harm them in adulthood. Children whose name day is in July 2017 have a complex, capricious character; a correctly chosen name will help smooth out their character and help establish relationships with peers and loved ones. Cancers are passionate about family, so choosing the right name will help your child grow up to be a good mother or father.
Suitable names for girls:

  • Marina - 30th
  • Ulyana - 5th, 19th
  • Olga - 17th, 24th
  • Elena - 24th
  • Rimma - 3 numbers
  • Inna - 3rd
  • Veronica - 25th, 30th
  • Varvara - 18th
  • Angelina - 14th

All summer names have tenderness and positivity.
Suitable names for guys:

  • Victor - 1, 19th
  • Georgiy - 4, 9-10, 16-17, 23rd
  • Sergey – 1st, 11th, 18th, 20th
  • Gennady – 5th, 18th
  • Vladimir – 10th, 28th
  • Ivan – 2-4, 7, 9-11, 13-14, 16, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31
  • Mikhail - 13, 16-17, 22, 25th
  • Anton – 6, 7, 16, 19, 23, 26
  • Konstantin - 8th, 14th, 16th, 22nd, 27th
  • Nikita – 4th, 7th

Children whose birthday will be in August 2017 are under the auspices of Leo. Such a child will be kind and protect the weak. He will be surrounded by the love of others; many famous personalities were born in August. But such children can love themselves too much. The name he chooses can help him achieve success in life, muffle negative traits character, and help future well-being, but a poorly chosen name will prevent the child from finding happiness. A child whose name day is in August 2017 will strive to be the best in everything, academically, in camaraderie, in sports.
It's better to call guys:

  • Gregory - 1, 21-22, 31st
  • Ivan – 2, 3, 6, 9-10, 12-13, 15-18, 20, 22, 25-26, 31
  • Trofim - 5th
  • Leonty - 2, 14, 22 numbers
  • Alexey – 2, 4, 11, 17, 20, 22, 25-27, 30
  • Ignatius - 8th
  • Boris - 6th
  • Valentine - 12th
  • Jacob - 22, 25-26, 29th
  • Alexander - 2, 7, 11, 14, 20, 24-25, 27, 29
  • Nicholas - 2, 6-7, 9-11, 13, 16, 21, 25-27

And the girls:

  • Elizabeth - 13th
  • Evgenia - 1st
  • Praskovya - 8th
  • Anna - 3, 5, 7, 13, 29th
  • Maria – 4th, 18th, 22nd, 24th
  • Christina – 6th, 18th


Babies who will be born in September 2017 will fall under the protection of Virgos. Virgos are serious, such kids are inquisitive about the people around them, but such children can hold back their inner experiences, parents should be scrupulous with such a child. Virgos are reserved and unsure of their abilities. When choosing a name, you should pay attention to those that would give confidence and could liberate the child in communication. The name should be firm and confident in order to smooth out the softness in character. Children whose name day is in September 2017 are distinguished by their long perseverance; exact sciences will be easy for them.
Boys should be called with confident and strong names:

  • Ivan - 1, 4, 5, 7, 9-12, 15-17, 19-21, 23, 25, 27-28, 30
  • Makarom – 4, 10, 12, 19, 20, 28
  • Anatoly – 10th, 15th
  • Pavel - 3, 5, 10, 12, 15, 17, 23, 30
  • Arseny – 6, 10, 12 numbers
  • Denis – 10th, 19th
  • Jacob - 28th
  • Gregory - 10, 12, 17, 20, 22, 28-29
  • Stepan – 2, 9-10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 26, 28
  • Fedot – 15th, 28th

For girls, choose the following names:

  • Natalia – 8, 14th
  • Anna – 10th, 22nd
  • Elizabeth – 12th, 18th
  • Maria – 8th, 21st, 28th
  • Raisa - 18th
  • Vera - 30th
  • Angelina - 12th
  • Love - 30th
  • Evgenia - 12th


Children born in October 2017 will be under the sign of Libra. Such a child in the future will be a family man, positive and purposeful. Libras set a goal on their path and clearly move towards it, but they are characterized by composure and prudence; in different situations, these character traits can play both a positive and negative role. Parents need to explain to their children in what cases to be cold and calculating, and in what cases not to. When choosing a name for children with a name day in October 2017, you need to take into account that when choosing a name for a boy, the adverb should be strong-willed and confident, this will give the character strength and determination. For girls, it is worth choosing gentle names so that they soften the negative aspects of their character.
So, it’s better to call the guys:

  • Andrey - 4-7, 15, 23, 30, 31
  • Maxim – 8th, 22nd, 27th
  • Vladimir - 1st, 4th, 9th, 17th, 21st
  • Mikhail - 1, 3, 10, 13-15, 17, 27
  • Peter - 1, 4-6, 10, 13-17, 18, 21-22, 27th
  • Evgeniy - 8, 29th
  • Anton - 24th, 30th

And the girls:

  • Alexandra - 13th, 15th
  • Irina - 1st
  • Agniei – 4 numbers
  • Anna - 11th, 15th
  • Hope - 21st
  • Veronica - 17th


The child who will be born in November 2017 is under the sign of Scorpio. These people are realists by nature and check the advice of others. The nature of such children is calm and balanced, they are reasonable and serious. A child whose name day is in November 2017 may sometimes not listen to his parents, be capricious and deserve punishment. Scorpio can learn from their mistakes so as not to make them in the future. When choosing a name for such children, you should not take mundane names, as this name will make you lonely; it is recommended to choose romantic names that will add tenderness and romanticism to such people.
Name the boys

  • Leonid - November 1-2, 11-13
  • Alexey - November 3, 6, 11, 13, 20, 22, 23, 27
  • Evgeniy - November 11, 20, 24
  • Vladimir - November 3-5, 16, 25
  • Mikhail - November 1-2, 20-21, 23, 27, 29-30
  • Jacob - November 3, 5, 13-14
  • Sergei - November 1, 3, 9, 13-14, 16, 20, 27, 29
  • Dmitry - November 1, 3, 8, 10, 14, 22, 25, 27-29
  • Ivan - 1-6, 9-11, 13-14, 16-17, 20, 22, 23, 25-26, 29-30 November
  • Maxim - 4-5, 9-10, 12, 20 November
  • Andrey - November 9, 11
  • Mark - 8-9, November 12

And girls:

  • Pelageya – November 3
  • Victoria - November 6
  • Anastasia - November 11-12
  • Elizabeth - November 4, 14, 20
  • Neoniloy – November 10
  • Maria - November 11


Future children born in December 2017 will fall under the auspices of Sagittarius. Such children will always be restless and move a lot, but despite this, they have a difficult character in communicating with their peers and they have conflicts with people. Also, such people are endowed with excessive emotionality and hot temper; they are freedom-loving and will not tolerate if something is forbidden to them. The name for a child with a name day in December 2017 should be chosen to be simple and soft; such a name will help them move towards success in their life, and will calm their character a little.
Suitable names for boys:

  • Nikolay - 1, 3, 8-12, 15-17, 19, 23-24, 26-27, 29-31
  • Ilya - 5th, 9th, 18th, 29th, 31st
  • Plato - 1st
  • Sergey - 2, 10-12, 15, 18, 20-21, 23, 30-31
  • George - 9th, 16th, 31st
  • Emelyan - 3, 24, 26 numbers
  • Arseny - 3, 26th
  • Makar - 29th
  • Peter - 2, 5, 8-9, 11, 20, 23-24, 29-30
  • Alexander - 2-3, 6-8, 17, 22-23, 25-26, 28-30
  • Arkady - 26th, 29th
  • Andrey - 8, 10-11, 13, 15-16

For girls:

  • Thekla - 3, 10, 23 numbers
  • Zoya - 31st
  • Marina - 29th
  • Anna - 3, 11, 22-23
  • Alexandra - 23rd
  • Evdokia - 23rd
  • Vera - 15th, 31st

At the birth of a baby, every parent wants to give him a name that will not only suit him, but also bring him good luck and happiness.

And happy parents of girls want the name to have a favorable influence on life, to be rare, significant, to suit the girl and emphasize her individuality. But choosing a name is accompanied by thought and debate. Sometimes it is difficult to choose what to name a child, because the abundance of names is amazing, and parents cannot decide for sure.

Therefore, many newborns are named after the Holy Day on which the child was born. People call this the day of the Angel. According to legend, at the birth of a baby, God gives him a guardian angel, whose mission is to protect the baby from troubles and misfortunes.

Note! The name plays important role In human life. It can change fate. Therefore, the choice of name must be justified. It is better to name girls in honor of Saints according to the Orthodox calendar.

Advantages of this choice:

  • Celebration of Angel's Day and birthday occur on the same day.
  • A guardian angel with a similar dialect as the girl’s will protect the child’s fate, prevent her from taking the wrong path and guide her in time at the right moment.

Many people do not believe in these beliefs. But parents who did just this note that the baby who bears the name Mesyatseslov grows up happier and more cheerful.

In the Orthodox calendar, the name days of the Saints are celebrated every day. To understand what to name a girl at birth, you should look at the church calendar. Russians Orthodox calendars contain all the dates and adverbs of the Saints. Based on the baby’s date of birth, a name is chosen similar to the date on the calendar.

Table: names by Saints for girls by month in 2017.

Name of the month Monthwords
January In January, it is better to name a girl Aglaya, Marina, Anisiya, Polina, Evgenia or Domna. In January the words of the month are:


You can call her Ulyana, Vika, Nastya, Elena. Also Susanna, Agathia, Emilia or Nina.

February In February, it is advisable to name the girl Sveta, Agafya, Agnia, Masha, Aksinya, Ksyusha. You can call her Veronica, Inna or Euphrosyne.

This month is named after Saint Martha, Ulyana, Rimma, Pavla. Theodora, Zoe, Ani and Marianna.

March In March, it is better to name newborns Antonina, Nastya, Evdokia, Vasilisa, Iraida, Rita, Marianna, Nika or Regina.

Also called Christina, Marina, Alina, Arina or Kira.

April Newborn girls are called:

No one.

The rare name of the Saint of this month is Ninel.

May It is better to name the baby Glafira, Faina, Evdokia, Claudia, Pelageya or Susanna.

Also called Tamara, Maria, Martha, Elizabeth, Zoya or Alexandra. Rare adverbs: Glykeria, Lukerya.

June There are many rare adverbs in June:


Often girls are named after Antonina, Lera, Lena, Karelia and Kira. And also Nelly, Irina or Ulyana.

July In July, the name days of Alevtina, Rita, Agrippina, Zhanna and Angelina are celebrated. This month Marina, Yulia, Evdokia and Lena celebrate Angel Day.

Girls this month are called Efimiya, Rimma, Sarah, Olya, Inna, Anya, Masha, Galya, Marfa, Valya or Ulyana.

August In August, Angel Day is celebrated:


September In September there is a name day for:


October In October, Angel Day is:


November In November, it is the day of the angel at Glikeria, Zina, Capitolina, Matryona and Neonila.

Also this month, girls are named Praskovya, Claudia, Masha, Nastya, Natasha, Vera, Dasha, Anna, Lisa, Alexandra and Stepanida.

December In December there is a name day for Augusta, Angelina, Anfisa, Varvara, Zoya, Ekaterina, Ulyana, Lyudmila, Tatyana, Olga and Anya.

How to choose the right name for your baby?

Previously, the name in Rus' was called “adverb”. Since ancient times, this concept has served as a talisman for children. At that time, many people firmly believed that if you call the baby by the dialect of Mesyatseslov, then the baby will be happy all his life.

Therefore, the name was chosen from the church calendar based on the date of birth of the baby.

Today, parents name their children as they wish. But there are those who want to live up to tradition and name the baby according to the Saints.

But there are days in the church calendar when only men's Saints are celebrated. In such a situation, parents can choose a name not only based on the baby’s date of birth. In Rus', a child was named on the eighth or fortieth day after his birth.

Therefore, if you don’t like the names of Angels on the days the baby is born or they are completely absent, you can choose adverbs based on other dates:

  • According to ancient tradition, it was on the eighth day of the baby’s birth that a celebration was held, where the parents named their heir for life. This tradition appeared during the life of Jesus Christ. According to legend, Jesus Christ was named precisely on the eighth day after his birth.
  • You can name the baby on the day of baptism on the fortieth day after his birth. The rite of baptism is ancient Orthodox tradition. During the sacrament, the baby is given a church name, which he will bear in heaven.

Important! But the church says that the baby should be named before the sacrament of baptism.

Whether to follow this rule is an individual choice of the parents themselves. At baptism, the baby is given a different name if none of the church names is liked.

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Much in a person’s life, oddly enough, depends not only on his own actions, but also on how responsibly his parents reacted to the choice of his name at his birth. There are a great variety of names for every choice and varied taste. Some people think that they couldn’t find anything more beautiful than the chosen one, while others won’t understand how loving parents could name their baby that name. Nowadays young people are most focused on church calendar, realizing that choosing a name after them gives the child a chance to have his own angel behind him. Of course, for 2019no different from previous years. Except that more euphonious names appear in it along with the ancient ones. To our taste and hearing, of course. And the old ones, which you rarely hear in everyday life, are gradually disappearing.

Before the baby is born, all relatives are included in the discussion. Naturally, everyone wants to suggest the name they liked the most. The memory of first love, of a deceased parent. It happens that you really like names from some of our or foreign films or TV series. For example, after the film “The Cook,” many girls with the beautiful name Pavlina appeared in the country. What can we say, even Juan’s parents showed up - fans of Latin American TV series. Well, what can you do, there are moms and dads who give movie names. These are mostly mothers, and men imprint the memory of their favorite football player or boxer in the child’s name.

Of course, I wanted the child to have a non-standard name. So that when you call your loved ones, a few more don’t turn around. And also so that it somehow harmoniously comes into contact with the patronymic. After all, a child grows up and wants to achieve something in life. Then the first name and patronymic will come in handy.

Since ancient times, the church named the baby at baptism. And the priest, having looked through the calendar, could give the parents a choice, or he could not do this. That's why names appeared that were somehow not perceived by ear. modern people. But only because on the day of baptism in the church book there was not a rich selection of names. Two, maybe three. And try to choose one of them that will roll in your mouth like caramel when you sound it. But still, when choosing any name, it was believed that such a child had a godfather in the form of an angel, who was constantly present behind the right shoulder.

Orthodox name day calendar for 2019 by dayis now relevant and has become fashionable. When the time comes for the baby’s baptism, you should approach the priest in advance at the church closest to you or the one you visit most often and look at the names in the calendar for the child’s birthday. Didn't like any of them? No problem. You can find a name that falls on the seventh or fortieth day after birth. Of course, no matter how beautiful the name may be, if that was the name of some great martyr, then it is not worth giving it to a child at all. What if fate repeats itself?

We looked at the names, and the soul doesn’t like them. Well, no problem. Call your child any name. And the priest will find something consonant with him (Ivan - John). Because if you then want to go to church and order, for example, a magpie for the health of your pupil or student, you will definitely be asked again for the child’s church name given at baptism.

It is advisable to buy and place closer to the baby an icon of the saint whose name the child was named. On the day of remembrance of a saint or equivalent to him, it is also good to place a yellow wax candle near his icon. And the birthday boy should never forget whose name he was named after. When he enters a church, he can pray and ask for something near the icon of the saint whose name he was named after.

Name day calendar for 2019

Name day in January 2019

Winter frosty and very harsh month. Children who are born in the middle of winter are predominantly cold and even a little harsh. They have a rather difficult character. Even in a large crowd of people they feel quite lonely. They want a lot and, oddly enough, they often just get lucky. The analytical mind and even some tendency towards asceticism in these people in the future suggests giving them soft names without an aggressive “r” at birth. And it is also very advisable not to name girls almost male names something like: Alexandra or Evgenia, Valeria.

Suitable soft names for girls:Emilia, Natalya, Elena, Sofia, Anna, Vasilisa, Anastasia.

Boys can “try on” names:Grigory, Fedor, Leonid, David, Nikolai, Mikhail, Peter, Dmitry. Maxim, Victor.

Name day in February 2019

Somewhat frivolous. They know how to present themselves and show themselves advantageously from all angles. They plan knowing what they want. Moreover, their character is even somewhat speculative, and this helps them well in life. In addition, they are always popular with the opposite sex. They will never give up in the face of difficulties. In the calendar you can choose the following names for them.

Girls can be called: Maria, Anna, Zoya, Svetlana, Tatyana, Oksana, Alena.

Suitable names for boys:Nikolai, Semyon, Alexey, Vsevolod, Boris, Arkady, Valerian, Zakhar, Alexander.

Name day in March 2019

Beautiful and strong. Of course, brave and self-possessed. But they cannot bend under someone or something. We still need to teach these kids to be a little diplomats as they grow up. And names will help them with this. For girls in the calendar you can choose: Valentina, Kira, Marina, Elizaveta, Ulyana, Nadezhda, Christina.

Boys can be called by names:Leonty, Denis, Sergey, Alexander, Mikhail, Veniamin, Anton, Andrey, Philip, Fedor.

Name day in April 2019

Those born in October are neat and energetic. Great individualists and rather extravagant personalities. Somewhat cynical, but with a great sense of humor. But in love it’s a little complicated. Suitable names for girls: Anastasia, Irina, Alexandra, Lydia, Sofia, Vassa.

And boys can choose among many names such as:Rostislav, Svyatoslav, Vladimir, Peter, Vyacheslav, Oleg, Evgeniy, Anton.

Name day in May 2019

Intellectuals with well-developed intuition. But you can see that they are more pessimists than optimists. They do not tolerate even small restrictions in the family. A little distrustful. And it seems that they are constantly waiting for some kind of trap that they do not want to fall into. Not materialists at all.

These girls should be given names:Zoya, Pelageya, Taisiya, Muse, Anna, Irina, Susanna, Tamara.

Of course,name day in 2019will celebrate and boys with the following names:Alexey, Fedor, Valentin, Kirill, Maxim, Vitaly, Roman, Rostislav, Lavrenty, Andronik.

Name day in June 2019

Quite artistic with a soft character and intuition. Sentimental and intelligent. A bit conservative. They don't like to start something new. They are like a breeze: because they can penetrate into any cracks, but do not stay there for long. They can easily get along with people, but in family life things never go smoothly for them. When they are young, they love flirting.

Suitable names for girls:Elena, Vera, Antonina, Lydia, Euphrosyne, Julia, Valeria.

Suitable names for boys: Dmitry, Nikita, Valerian, Vissarion, Vladimir, Pavel, Alexander, Luke.

Name day in July 2019

Very emotional. They don’t get angry for a long time, they are easy-going. Romantics and idealists. They do not tolerate any difficulties well. You must constantly feel the support of loved ones. A little imposing and lazy. Constantly need stimulation. They are of interest to the opposite sex.

Names that will help girls a lot in life:Rimma, Zina, Angelina, Alevtina, Tatyana, Marina, Margarita.

For boys in the calendar there are the following names:Alexey, German, Terenty, Peter, Ivan, Tikhon, Fedot, Arseny, Leonid.

Name day in August 2019

Proud and courageous, but rather touchy. Quite organized and disciplined. They have a subtle mind and some criticism, which at times does not allow them to live in peace. In the family future life can be somewhat despotic. Good comrades and parents. With age they may develop a tendency towards neurasthenia. So to prevent this from happening Girls can be given names:Evdokia, Eva, Maria, Dominica, Sofia, Anna, Elizabeth, Solomiya.

Boys can be called: Alexey, Alexander, Luka, Mark, Julian, Matvey, Ivan, Makar, Georgy.

Name day in September 2019

Calm and fairly balanced. But a little weak-willed. They have good organizational skills and a fairly analytical mind. Kind and delicate. Intelligent. They are captivated by a thirst for knowledge, and they are constantly trying to expand their horizons.

September girls will be decorated with the following names: Natalia, Anfisa, Tatyana, Sofia, Raisa, Lyudmila, Tamila.

Suitable names for boys: Andrey, Peter, Vasily, Alexey, Alexander, Dmitry, Eduard, Tikhon, Nikolay.

Name day in October 2019

Persistent, with intuition on the verge of a foul. Honest and loyal. You can always rely on them. They have bouts of naivety. Very emotional people who know how to adapt to different living conditions. Responsible workers who pay more attention to this side of life than to family and personal relationships.

There are names in the calendar for October girls:Iraida, Pelageya, Praskovya, Taisiya, Anna, Nadezhda.

Suitable names for boys:Kirill, Konstantin, Andrey, Peter, German, Mark, Philip, Ivan, Boris.

Name day in November 2019

They love space and are inseparable from a sense of justice. They are not strategists or diplomats at all. Skeptical about accumulation. They know very well what they want. In their personal life they can be somewhat selfish. They play with fate a little. Reliable. Very homely and diligent. They will make their way in any situation and make their dreams come true.

The calendar contains the following names for girls:Nila, Alexandra, Olga, Nina, Anna, Claudia.

Names for boys: Alexey, Peter, Arseny, Valery, Pavel, German, Nikifor, Aristarchus, Makar, Matvey.

Name day in December 2019

Not proactive, but good performers. Artistic individuals with a developed sense of intuition. Constant fighters for justice. Responsible. Thrifty and homely. In the family they try to take on a lot, but they are a little jealous, which can cause a slight misunderstanding on the other side and small conflicts.

Suitable names for girls:Varvara, Ekaterina, Anfisa, Marina, Kira, Maria, Margarita.

Names for boys:Roman, Seraphim, Plato, Alexey, Arkady, Gury, Lavrenty, Vladimir, Dmitry, Savva.

Make the right choice

Of course,name day calendar for 2019incomplete here. There are many more names in the calendar. There are modern ones, and there are those that are no longer even found in the patronymics of their parents. But they were probably popular once upon a time. And even the baby’s mother managed to reduce the name, which was rude to our ears, and come up with an affectionate one.

In order to give a child a name for life, you need to go to the nearest temple where you want to bring the child for baptism and ask the clergyman to make a choice with you. It’s difficult to choose right away, because there are quite a lot of them. Especially, of course, men's, not women's. There are closer to two thousand of them there. But, having filtered out the dissonant, slightly outdated ones, you need to stop at one or more. Write down the ones you like, come home, look up the meaning of the name on the Internet, consult with your household and choose. But we remind you once again that it stays with the child for life.

Name church child receives once for the rest of your life. He can change his secular name upon reaching adulthood, but he cannot change his church name. The names are repeated in the calendar. If it so happens that the name of a saint or someone equated to him is present in several months at once, then the candle in the church on the day of the angel should be lit on the day that is closer to the date of birth of the child.

Coming up with a name is probably the easiest thing of all. But the child must be raised so that he corresponds to his name and does not tarnish the name of the saint. After all, it may happen that at the right moment the assistant, the one who should always be behind the right shoulder of his godson, will not be there. Therefore, by cultivating character traits that will be useful in life, we improve the child’s future and the very quality of life.


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