Tree stump stool. How to make a wooden stool: ideas and an example of self-assembly

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Hi all. This time I suggest you work with a tree. And we will make an unusual massive stool. Its unusualness lies in the fact that the stool is made of hemp, it is completely monolithic. To give the product a more interesting look, the author made it as if it were twisted. Such furniture looks beautiful and it is almost eternal. As wood, the author used ash, this wood is very strong and has a beautiful pattern. For manufacturing, you will need a fairly small set of tools, and we have one material - a stump, not counting finishing materials (oil, epoxy, and so on). So, let's take a closer look at how to make such a stool!

Materials and tools used

List of materials:
- ash stump;
- oil for wood;
- epoxy glue and dye;
- finished legs made of rubber or materials for their manufacture.

List of tools:
- chainsaw or electric;
- a grinder (petal attachments, a wood disc with three teeth and a Velcro for sanding with sandpaper);
- planing machine;
- a hammer;
- measuring tool and more.

Stool manufacturing process:

Step one. We select the source material
The author used ash as a starting material. This wood is dense, strong and has a beautiful pattern. It is important to understand that the wood must be dry, otherwise it will still crack after applying the oil, and the oil will not be absorbed. The author's wood dried for 18 months in the open air.

Step two. Let's start cutting
Next, we need to make a square out of hemp. Here the author decided to use a chainsaw, this can be done manually, but it will take a lot of time and effort. When everything is done, we go through the planes with a planer to remove rough bumps.

Step three. Cut out the "screw" part
Next we need a pencil and a ruler. We mark on the material where you need to cut off the excess to get the effect of a swirling tree. Well, then you can start cutting. The author again performed the main work with a chainsaw. The main thing here is not to rush and not cut off the excess, otherwise you can ruin everything.

Step four. We cut the grinder
Then you can proceed to finer processing, here we need a grinder. With it, we will form the main profile of the stool. For work, the author used a metal disk with three teeth for cutting wood. It is safe when compared with circular disks, which many install on angle grinders. Carefully remove excess material along the marked area. How exactly to do this, everyone decides for himself, this is a creative process. We form a profile to your taste. The result is an almost finished product, you can start grinding.

Step five. Rough grinding
You can start rough grinding to remove all the defects that remain from cutting. Here we need a petal attachment for the grinder. The graininess will need to be large, as it will be necessary to remove the bumps, smooth out the recesses, and so on.

Step six. Working with epoxy
Next, we arm ourselves with epoxy and proceed to eliminate defects. With it, you can fill cracks, holes, strengthen rotten areas, and so on. You can show your imagination and add any dye of your choice to the epoxy. Keep in mind that the resin can be quite fluid, and this will be absorbed into the wood. But if you use a quick-drying epoxy, you may not have time to expel air bubbles from it. In order for the air to escape, the epoxy can be heated with a hair dryer after pouring.
After that, we leave the epoxy to dry, we will need to sand it later.

Step Seven Finishing Sanding
When the epoxy is completely dry, proceed to sanding the entire product. Here we need a grinder with sandpaper disc nozzles. The author used 120 grit sandpaper. In general, the finer the abrasive will be at the final stage of processing, the more beautiful the product will be and the less oil will be needed for coating.

Step eight. Cover with oil or varnish
In general, ideally, the tree is covered with oil, this is the best coating. The oil well emphasizes the natural look of wood, and also protects it well from moisture. But the author decided to use a water-based varnish, as he did not have the patience to wait for the oil to dry. For the best effect, you need to apply several layers and lightly sand before each new layer.

H It is often a pity to throw away or use a stump, log or stump for firewood, because it can be used to create a thing that is beautiful and unique in nature. For example, a table, a chair or a flower bed for a garden can be made from a stump or a log, all kinds of beautiful crafts are made from stumps. Let's look at what you can do with your own hands from a stump, hemp or log, what crafts for a garden from stumps, logs you can make yourself and what you need for this.



General requirements for wood

Our future craft from a stump or log should initially be dry wood. Fresh wood must be dried for at least 1-2 months at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. It is best in a dry room and / or without direct sunlight, otherwise our stump may crack and crafts from it may not work.

Frankly rotten stumps or logs should not be taken, but if the stump is a little rotten on the outside, such a stump can be used by treating it with a grinder with a brush, removing the rotten layer from it, in which case something can be made from it. The bark can be removed before drying the stump, for which it is convenient to use a chisel and a hammer or an ax, or you can leave it, it will need to be well treated from decay, for example, with iron sulfate and varnish.

If you have a stump on the site that you have wanted for a long time, be sure to do it, or use it untouched, ingrown into the ground - this option is also applicable for arranging a table or chair from a stump or decorative crafts for the garden.

How to make a chair, stool or chair from a stump, hemp or logs with your own hands

The options for chairs made of hemp and logs, as well as tables, are endless. There are two main technologies for creating a hemp chair or stool:

  • roasting method,
  • chainsaw.

Using the firing method to make a chair or stool is quite simple. First, the log is sawn lengthwise crosswise to the desired length of the legs. The slots are wedged with wood chips. Small chips, branches are poured into the wedged cracks, a little gasoline is added and set on fire, fuel is gradually added to maintain combustion and ignite the bulk of the log. This burns out the center of the log. After the necessary firing of the angle grinder with a brush-brush, excess coals are removed and a do-it-yourself stool is made from a log or hemp on 4 legs. Further processed.

The necessary workpiece is cut out with a chainsaw and then the angle grinder is polished, or it is fired, painted, etc. You can also put the stool on furniture wheels by screwing them from below, while the bottom surface should be perfectly flat. You can attach a pillow to the hemp on top, so you can do it. Putting a slice of wood on legs, you will also get a wonderful stool.

Consider several options for a stool and / or chair with your own hands, presented in the video.

How to make a stool from ordinary acacia hemp with your own hands at home (video)

Do-it-yourself hemp stool by firing method.

Do-it-yourself hemp chair-stool (video)

Chair-stool made of hemp (logs) with a chainsaw.

Do-it-yourself garden chair-chair made of logs (video)

A simple log chair is made in much the same way as a stool, but the back is cut with a chainsaw, as in the video below.

Hand-shaped log garden chair (video)

Chairs or armchairs from logs can be made in any shape and size, for example, in the shape of a hand. To do this, you need to work well with a benzo or electric chain saw.

Gallery of photographs of chairs, armchairs and stools made of logs, stumps

Finally, options for creating armchairs, chairs, stools from logs and stumps.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult in making a chair or a stool from a log, the main thing is to approach the matter with soul and diligence.

How to make a flower bed or flowerpot from hemp, do-it-yourself logs

What else can be done from hemp or logs in the garden? Well, of course, a flower bed! For flowers or seedlings. There are again a great many design options here, we will try to identify the main ones.

In its simplest form, a core is cut along a log of the required length with a chainsaw and / or an ax to make a container for backfilling the earth. The container is covered with polyethylene so that the log does not rot and the flower bed for the garden is ready.

The second option is a log cabin. We build a small log house from logs, and it is desirable according to all the rules. That is, with the device of a small foundation and the caulking of cracks between the logs. The base (foundation) for a flower bed with your own hands in its simplest form is stones, on a cement-sand mortar. It is best to caulk the gaps between the logs with moss, it is more beautiful. Then you can paint the flower bed with varnish or paint.

A flowerpot or pot made of logs is easy to make. We set the log vertically and, using a chainsaw, a hammer with a chisel or an ax, cut the core to the desired depth. We cover the formed niche with polyethylene, lay the ground and plant plants. The flowerpot can be varnished. You can do the same with the stump that "grows" in your area.

A couple of videos to illustrate.

How to make a flower bed from a log with your own hands (video)

Do-it-yourself vase from a log (video)

Eco-style interior design, perhaps, will never lose its relevance. Residents of large cities with their frantic pace of life often seek to create an island of calm and relaxation at home, choosing natural materials, natural color palette and decorative elements created by nature for decoration. A special place is occupied by accessories and furniture made of stumps and tree trunks. Let's see examples of the use of solid pieces of wood in the interiors of apartments of different styles.

Furniture from stumps and saw cuts of solid wood

Stumps are a great material for making stylish, inexpensive and completely unique furniture with your own hands, because in nature there are no two absolutely identical trees. Such stump furniture will fit into almost any interior, whether it be light classics or country, Scandinavian style or minimalism, loft or industrial. If the stump is painted in glossy or metallic shades, then even high-tech can organically accommodate such an object. A processed tree trunk cut or stump can become a comfortable coffee table in the living room, a bedside table in the bedroom, stools in the kitchen or a table in the bathroom. Most often in the interior, the stump is used as a cabinet or table.

How to make a table from a stump with your own hands

First, find a suitable stump to create a table or cabinet. It is not so difficult even if you are a purely city dweller without a summer residence. Firstly, there are a lot of companies that deal with wood - logging, sawmills, and so on, you can buy a saw cut of a tree of the right size from them. Secondly, we advise you to interview all acquaintances and friends who have dachas or relatives in the villages, they probably have firewood or uprooted stumps. And thirdly, you can take a saw, go to the nearest forest, find a fallen tree and cut it into pieces.

The stump should be dry, but not rotten. If the bark is easy enough to move away from the trunk, then such a stump can be used. If you find fresh wood, you need to let it dry. Leave such a stump for a month or two in a warm and dry room.

The bark must be removed from the trunk. To do this, take a chisel or chisel and gently, using a hammer, detach the bark.

If you plan to use the stump not just as a decorative ornament, but as a functional piece of furniture, you need to level it. Using the building level, check how smooth your workpiece is. If the surface of the stump is sloped, level it with a planer.

Sand the cut of the stump and sidewall with a grinder or manually with sandpaper.

Well, if the stump has an interesting natural texture with knots, cracks and chips. After you have processed and sanded the entire surface of the stump, clean the cracks from small chips and dust. To do this, you can use both locksmith tools, a rag, and a regular vacuum cleaner.

Any stump or cut of a log is beautiful in its natural form. But you can paint the stump any color (after a coat of primer), apply patterns with a brush or stencil, or at least open with varnish or apply a water-repellent impregnation for wood. The latter is especially true if your future table will be actively used outdoors or in a room with high humidity, such as a bathroom. Remember that even one layer of varnish will darken the wood a little. It is recommended to apply two or three coats of water-based varnish, and after the last coat has dried, polish with a soft abrasive fiber.

Such a stump table can simply be placed on the floor. You can also use shortened legs from old tables or a stool, wheels or special stands. By the way, the use of legs, firstly, will protect your floor from scratches, and secondly, it will lift the stump and ensure air circulation, which is important for the long service life of such furniture.

Curbstones and tables from stumps in the interior

Look at the different options for tables and bedside tables made of stumps in the interior.

Natural stump tables with minimal processing (click to enlarge):

Stump tables painted:

Stools and chairs and stumps in the interior

There is practically no difference between a table and a stump stool. But it is obvious that sitting on a stump is not very comfortable. In order to make the stump a comfortable stool or footstool, you can simply place a pillow on it. You can also make soft upholstery with filler and attach logs to the surface. Having a backrest will make the stump chair even more comfortable. Designers and carpenters carve such a chair from a single piece of wood using a chainsaw with subsequent processing. Some examples of the use of stumps as seats can be seen below.

Vases from stumps and tree trunks

Stump vases will be a great addition to any interior. A bouquet of fresh flowers or a houseplant in a cache-pot or a vase of natural origin looks very beautiful and harmonious. Parts of the trunk of small trees are often used for vases, and the bark of the tree in such products is sometimes left for a more natural, natural appearance.

To make such a vase or planter out of wood, find a suitable part of a dry tree trunk. Remove the bark with a chisel or leave it on.

The main task of the whole project is to make a hole in the barrel for the container. Decide what you will put in the middle - a flower pot or a glass jar. Mark a circle on the cut of the log with a diameter 3-5 mm larger than the diameter of the widest part of the container. Next, you have several options for how to make a hole in a log.

You can use a drill attachment for round holes or a hole saw for wood - quick and convenient, but the method is suitable for shallow holes, for small jars or candles.

The second way is more laborious. Drill a lot of holes around the circumference with a drill, and then use a chisel and hammer to knock out the core. The hole will not turn out perfectly round and even, but any size and depth that you wish.

Wood can be painted, coated with aqua varnish or water-repellent impregnation. In case you use a stump as a candlestick, be extremely careful with fire.

Several options for candlesticks and vases from a tree trunk are below.

Stump lamps

Stumps in the interior can serve as unusual lamps. Duncan Meerding, a visually impaired designer and artist from Australia, creates unique lighting systems from sawn wood. Inside a wooden block with through cracks, LED lamps are placed that emit warm light. Such stump lamps can simultaneously serve as tables, cabinets, and stools. Especially relevant is the use of such a multifunctional piece of furniture in the bedroom, where subdued lighting will act as a night light.

An interesting and rather unusual trend - the use of wood stumps in interior design, appeared just a couple of years ago. It was rapidly gaining momentum, and today stumps are no longer just a current trend, but a sign of style and taste.

Today, stumps are incredibly popular, and at the same time inexpensive and environmentally friendly material.

Stumps are often used as furniture for the home, it not only helps to update the space, but also awakens thoughts about our place in nature. As a rule, the result exceeds all expectations and turns out to be inexpensive, beautiful and unique.

Driftwood coffee table

Do-it-yourself stump table

Especially often - in interiors, stumps are used as a table, bedside and coffee tables, as well as bathroom furniture.

The stump is natural. The easiest way to use a stump in its original form as a table is to sand it a little to avoid getting a splinter.

Stump painted

Stump painted with gold paint (from a balloon)

The stump looks great in its natural form, but you can give it even more originality by painting it in any color, applying patterns with a brush or using a stencil.

for bathroom

If you treat the stump with water-repellent impregnation, then it will also be suitable for the bathroom.

A bathroom stump will become a very original decor. It can be used as a table by the bathroom by placing bath accessories on it, or candles when you want to arrange an evening of relaxation.

Table with glass

The simplest use of a stump is to make a coffee table out of it. A glass top can be fitted on top for a more elegant look. The stump can also be put on legs or wheels, resulting in a very convenient mobile table.

An ordinary stump will look great as a bedside table. You can decorate it at your discretion.

Table with glass

Table on wheels

Stumps as chairs

Stumps make excellent stools. Small pillows can be placed on top of them to make it softer to sit. Hemp can also be used as decorative chairs, which will be a great addition to the interior. Having a backrest will make the stump chair even more comfortable.

If you contact the workshop, you can make an original author's chair or bench.

How to process a stump for the interior

To create a table or cabinet, you need to find a suitable stump and process it correctly. The bark can be removed with a chisel, or left on.

Cut to desired size

We remove the bark from the stump

The sections of the stump must be sanded with a sandpaper and then the stump must be cleaned of dust. Treat with a layer of primer and open the stump with several layers of wood varnish.

Sand the stump with sandpaper

Apply water repellent

If the future table is intended for the bathroom, you need to apply water-repellent impregnation.

Other methods of using stumps in the interior

Small stumps can be used as a flower stand, so the home greenhouse will look very aesthetically pleasing.

Rotten stump for flowers


Flowerpot from birch stump

Stump vases will be a great addition to any interior. Moreover, the bark of the tree can be left for a more natural, natural appearance.

Hemp can even be used as unusual lighting fixtures. Inside the stump you need to place LED lamps that emit a warm light.

You can decorate the wall with cuts by sawing stumps into many rings. You can decorate the entire wall with cuts, or a fragment of it, as a result you get a unique panel. To do this, the saw cuts are simply attached to a clean, flat surface, on wood glue.

Great solution for the living room

Wood cut wall decor

On smooth layers of wood, you can glue a mirror processed with a cutter, and thus get an original mirror.

When arranging housing and interior, I want to put my soul into it and do something with my own hands. The easiest way is, which is always needed and will remind the reader that he made it himself.

But in order to make a high-quality and reliable piece of furniture, one desire is not enough. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, without deviating from it, otherwise the stool will break at the most inopportune moment, and the desire to make a new one will disappear instantly. Consider what is useful for this, how not to make frequent mistakes, how to do everything quickly and the first time.

To begin with, let's define what the choice of a tree affects in principle:

Both cheap and expensive breeds are described here, however, all of them are suitable for the first time. Focus on the price - buy the wood for which it is not a pity to pay.

Reference: the cheapest option is linden, the most expensive is oak.


Dimensional drawing

It is recommended to adhere to the standard sizes of stools, as they are calculated on the basis of physical formulas and the laws of strength of materials. A stool of arbitrary dimensions will most likely have a displaced center of gravity and several points of stress concentration, which will reduce its service life.

You can go two ways:

  • find a drawing of a stool on the Internet;
  • measure the finished stool, after disassembling it.

Dimensions are just as important for the selection of fasteners and connectors.. All these parts also have their standardized dimensions and are designed for certain loads.

Important: even just by doubling the scale of the stool, while maintaining the proportions, you get a completely different design with different operating conditions.


Basic list:

Expendable materials:

  1. Stain.
  2. Lacquer on wood.
  3. Wood putty.

How to make original beautiful furniture?

Important: after a few days, when the paint and varnish dry, you can notice a loose surface and ripples. This happens when the temperature in the room changes dramatically. To prevent this, you need to perform all work at a static temperature and avoid drops.

This defect is eliminated by grinding the coating with a fine-caliber sandpaper and then applying an additional layer. If you have a grinder at hand, you can create a perfectly smooth reflective surface, although modern trends say that matte varnish and gloss are now in fashion.

Decorating a homemade structure

A stool made according to the above instructions will already look good in itself. Additionally, it can be decorated with such methods.:

The logical question is - why do you need putty on wood? First of all, to eliminate cracks and errors that appeared in the process of work. But it can also be used as a decorative element. She draws patterns, makes a textured texture, changes color.

Important: The best way to change the design of the stool is to combine all the above methods in the correct proportion. This will make a piece of furniture truly author's and unique.

As an option, varnish only the side surface, and leave the top intact, or apply a matte varnish. It all depends solely on the imagination of the master.

Photos and pictures

Ideas for decorating the resulting result can be seen in the following photos and pictures:

Useful video

A detailed manufacturing process can be seen in the following video:


We hope this article helped you figure out how to plan all the operations and how to make a truly durable stool. Let's quickly go over the main points of the article:

  • all tools are prepared in advance, otherwise the process will be delayed indefinitely;
  • you should not save on wood, especially on the one from which the seat is made;
  • before starting all the work, you need to imagine the finished stool in your head and think over its design.

The instruction given in the article is not the ultimate truth, but a short algorithm that will suit any beginner. You can deviate from it and change points if you are a fairly experienced user and are aware of your actions. Do not be afraid to experiment, because every failure is another great opportunity to try again.

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