Time management is okay for women. Time management for the modern housewife

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Many women don't know, but time management is real the rescue for them!

Unlike men, women need to allocate not only their working time (those hours they devote to work outside the home), but time for cleaning, cooking, washing, caring for children, husbands, themselves, and so on.

It is imperative for a woman to be able to plan wisely throughout your day, not just during work hours.

Time management is a great way to make your lifestyle more healthy, effectively distributing such precious time.

Consequences of lack of time

Many people associate the word “time management” with business environment. It seems that time management skills are something that only people in business and mostly men need.

Indeed, initially time management was intended mainly for those businesses men ov who wanted to distribute their working time most efficiently.

Today, people are more likely to feel a lack of time women and not just a businesswoman. It is the ladies who take on many responsibilities:

  • they can’t cope with them, they just don’t have time to do anything,
  • manage to do everything, but the quality of work leaves much to be desired,
  • They do everything flawlessly, but at the same time they themselves suffer incredibly.

Depending on personality characteristics, feeling lack of time brings women a gamut negative experiences: from mild discomfort to deep depression.

Women living in eternal turmoil from the understanding “I don’t have time,” “I have to hurry,” “there’s not enough time again,” and so on:

  • irritable
  • anxious,
  • inattentive,
  • scattered,
  • hot-tempered,
  • tearful,
  • aggressive (often in a hidden form).

This lifestyle causes many diseases. It all starts in chronic fatigue and permanent stress. These conditions deprive the body of life energy.

Persistent fatigue and tension lead to mental disorders, which sooner or later are reflected in the body as illnesses.

Needless to say, those areas of life that a woman leaves “for later” suffer greatly?

What does a woman who spins like a squirrel in a wheel forget about? Mainly - About Me. Secondly - about your man. Not enough time is devoted not only to romance and erotica, but also to basic communication in a husband-wife pair.

The main rules of women's time management

Time management skills are needed everyone for women:

  • businesswomen and careerists,
  • women combining work and home,
  • housewives,
  • young mothers,
  • schoolgirls, students and even grandmothers.

Basics time management like a woman:

  1. Making a to-do list. Every evening, write down your plans for the next day, indicating the approximate time for completing the task. Similarly, a week, a month, a quarter, six months, a year, and so on are planned.
  2. Delegation of powers. You can't do everything yourself. Adequately assessing your strengths, part of the job is to trust the people around you. Women who live by the principle “no one can do it better than me,” “if you want it done well, do it yourself,” and other similar principles, should remember that even if the work of another person is not done “perfectly,” it will still be completed.
  3. Eliminating time wasters. What small, insignificant activities take up a lot of time? To track them, it is enough to be attentive to everything that happens during one day. This could be calls from an annoying girlfriend, checking emails or pages on social networks, and so on.
  4. “Do not disturb!” rule. That period of time when you have the most intense, responsible work ahead or you simply need to concentrate as much as possible on a task, inform the world about your busyness: turn off your phone, lock yourself, put a “Do not disturb!” sign on your desk. and so on.
  5. A must have time for yourself! After spending time on others or a cause, be sure to give it to yourself. Let it be at least a couple of seconds, during which the thought will sound in your head: “What a great fellow I am! How well you did it!”

Woman obliged take time for yourself! Take care of your health, body, psyche and soul. These acts of self love not just a way to rejoice. This is the duty of every woman!

The only thing is must woman - be happy. Because a happy woman → a happy husband → happy children → a happy family → a happy society → a happy country → a happy Earth.

Ease of time management

Always in a hurry, not having time and being late - unhealthy habit. It is corrected:

  • discipline,
  • planning,
  • clarity and honesty (especially with yourself),
  • awareness of all actions performed,
  • internal self-regulation.

All these words sound very serious, and girls who are not too confident in themselves may have an internal experience: “Can I?”

Time management is not a tough drill for yourself, but an opportunity put in order, improve own life. Self-control should not be a punishment, but a joy.

To get things done easy and pleasant, should be left in the works really:

  • important,
  • necessary,
  • significant,
  • making you happier.

Those events that are unpleasant, but still mandatory, are better to be reduced to a minimum- one such task per day.

Unpleasant the duty should not be postponed for long. It's a better way to start the day! Upon completion, your mood will improve, self-confidence will strengthen, and the remaining pleasant tasks will be solved faster.

If this is a task that requires a significant investment of time, it is worth determining for yourself the minimum sufficient to complete it daily. For example, 15 minutes.

When is it issued during the day? free unplanned minute or two, which, at first glance, “eats” time, it is useful to use it for your own benefit. For example, if transport does not arrive for a long time, you can make an important call.

In any case, it’s better to spend the minutes of “downtime” on business, and not on worrying about “Well, when already! How long can you wait!” In the end, even standing in line, unnoticed by others, you can spend time on:

  1. Self-improvement, training, personality development. For example, listen to an audiobook with headphones.
  2. Relaxation, visualization, auto-training. For example, mentally gradually relax all the muscles (from the heels to the top of the head) and the mind.

There are a lot of options on how not to waste time, but to spend it usefully! There would be a desire.

Two effective time management tools

Throughout the history of time management, scientists have put forward many interesting time management techniques.

Any lady could use knowledge priority matrices, developed by the 34th US President D. Eisenhower.

Eisenhower Matrix- four squares, the basis of which are two axes:

  • importance axis (vertical),
  • urgency axis (horizontal).

The matrix allows you to distribute everything planned for the day into 4 categories:

  1. Important and urgent. Performed first. It is better that such things do not exist at all, since they are the ones that create panic in the soul and are an indicator of the inability to plan time in such a way that you can live at a calm pace.
  2. Important, but not urgent. Essential activities that are consistent with your life goals and worldview. It is in this square that successful and happy people have most of their daily tasks. In essence, it is a daily routine that forms a lifestyle.
  3. Urgent, but not important. Inhibiting, meaningless, petty, “alien” events, perceived as unimportant. These are actions that do not fit into the main life goals and objectives.
  4. Not urgent or important. Useless things that, if possible, should be canceled altogether. These are “time wasters” and bad habits that are not always easy to give up. For example, watching TV.

If such a simple time management tool as dividing tasks into 4 categories helped the head of state cope with daily tasks, it will certainly help the ever-busy modern girl.

Another very common and frequently used time management tool has been suggested by F. Cirillo - Pomodoro technique. The author, while still a student, invented it, armed with a timer in the shape of a tomato (from Italian “pomodoro” - “tomato”).

The essence of the technique:

  1. Set a timer for 25 minutes.
  2. When the time is up, take a break for 5 minutes.
  3. After every 4th cycle “25 minutes-5 minutes”, take a break for 15-30 minutes.

If the techniques don't work...

What to do if time management is ineffective? If all the tasks for the day are assessed as unimportant (it doesn’t matter whether they are urgent or not)? How to deal with where life is “flowing”?

If your time management system is not effective enough or requires a global review, we recommend contacting specialists, able to help.

Directly Now you have the opportunity to pass training courses on time management.

Courses from a team of coaching trainers project by Yulia Pryakhina- This Always practically useful and extremely informative, mostly free video lessons .

During the learning process, you:

  • review your time management system,
  • lay the foundation for personal effectiveness,
  • get your first quick results,
  • You will see that you accomplish much more and feel better,
  • You will understand that you have become the Mistress of Time and are managing it correctly.

The most valuable and truly irreplaceable resource that a person has is time. Minutes slip away like sand through our fingers, and how often do we think: “The day has passed, and I haven’t done anything!”

For those who want to learn how to manage their time rationally, there is a special technology - time management. Translated from English, it means “time management.” There are many varieties of this “almost science” - for businessmen, managers, children,... But I want to dwell on the closest and most familiar topic: time management for women.

The most important thing in time management is planning. It will be useful for everyone who wants to not only manage to take care of their children and home, but also “live.” Therefore, all business consultants unanimously recommend starting a diary and recording your plans and intentions in it.

For me personally, an organizer has been an essential item since my days at work. When the average day consists of articles that need to be submitted to the editor or sent to the advertiser for approval; travel to various events; phone calls and meetings with new people - you can’t live without a diary!

So, when I went on maternity leave, this office supply easily migrated into my family and personal life, helping me cope with the influx of responsibilities. I will share my experience of keeping an organizer, which allows you to manage everything, and even a little more.

  1. Maximum information. The more you wrote down in your diary, the more you saw the picture of the future day. Record on paper visits to the doctor, important calls, meetings with family, trips to the gym. Don't forget about everyday activities, such as preparing dinner or walking with the children. They take a lot of time and must be noted on paper.
  2. Use pens of different colors. This allows us to separate matters related to different areas of our lives. I highlight everything related to work in red; green – children; purple - yourself and your husband; blue - other matters.
  3. Set your priorities. Choose the Case of the Day, which sets the tone for the rest of the events. This could be a visit to a children's clinic; working on a big project; a trip with children out of town; visiting a beauty salon; even general cleaning of the house. It is by starting from the Case of the Day that it is possible to build the most effective plan.

The most important rule of effective time management: a diary must be at hand wherever you go. Otherwise, the “didn’t take it - forgot it - put it off for another day” scheme can adjust your schedule not for the better.

We delegate responsibilities

Modern time management for mothers involves the use of various benefits of civilization. Nothing contributes to more efficient time planning than a washing machine, a washing vacuum cleaner, a multicooker, or a dishwasher.

It’s scary to imagine how our grandmothers coped, manually washing endless baby diapers in basins... Fortunately, in the 21st century, more than 50% of housework is done by various machines. Therefore, if it is important for you to use your time with maximum efficiency, stock up on reliable household appliances.

If your home suddenly lacks any special appliances, delegate all household responsibilities to others as much as possible. Is your washing machine broken? Let your husband (he is strong, and the skin on his hands is rougher!) wash things in the bathroom.

Didn't have time to buy a “dishwasher”? Ask your visiting mom to help with the kitchen chores. She came with your dad?.. Actually great: let her take her child for a walk on the playground!

Don’t be shy, because the biggest problem for women is to take on children, work, and housework, while feeling OBLIGED to look great and try to keep up on all fronts. But, as we remember from the classics, “Bolivar can’t stand two.”

Can a fragile lady bear an unbearable load on her shoulders? So, I repeat, don’t be shy and delegate housework responsibilities to everyone we can. Time management for moms allows you to do this in unlimited quantities.

Eat the frog, divide the elephant

By the way, in time management there are elements of planning that have intriguing names from the animal world. Here they are:

  • "Eat a frog." It's based on a joke: if you eat a live frog early in the morning, it will be the nastiest thing that will happen to you that day. Thus, business consultants advise completing the most unpleasant tasks first.
  • "Divide the elephant." We are talking about global plans. Usually they are difficult to perform impudently, right away. This task needs to be divided into several parts and completed step by step.

For greater clarity, I will give specific examples. So, I don’t like ironing things, and this is my “frog”. Therefore, I stand at the ironing board only in the morning, when my mood is still high and there is no accumulated moral and physical fatigue.

And now about the “elephants”. Even though I’m on maternity leave, I continue to work part-time at home. And sometimes the editors give quite voluminous tasks that require numerous calls and approvals. In this case, I try to divide the task into parts: one day I deeply study the topic (if it is little known to me), draw up a work plan, and make preliminary drafts of the article.

The next day I make a lot of phone calls - I make them when my girls are sleeping. I devote the third or fourth day to actually writing the text. Just like that, unnoticed, the “elephant” is eaten!

Beware: “thieves of time”!

In time management there is such a thing as “time thieves”. Simply put, these are conditions, situations and activities that interfere with the effective management of time. I’ll list the main “thieves” that I have to deal with since I’ve been on maternity leave and at the same time working from home.

  • watching television programs;
  • unnecessary telephone conversations;
  • “hanging out” on the Internet;
  • problems of a technical nature (rarely, but it happens: an accident on the provider’s line, a power outage, a breakdown of the washing machine, etc.);
  • eliminating the consequences of children's pranks.

Of course, it will not be possible to banish these “thieves” from your life forever. But you can reduce their interference in everyday activities. For example, control the time you spend talking on your mobile phone. If conversations are conducted on idle topics - no more than five minutes for each call! And immediately warn the interlocutor that you will not be able to hang on the phone for a long time.

And you can watch TV without lying on the sofa hugging a sleeping child, but while doing the necessary household chores. Tested: food is prepared well under the “box,” dust is wiped off, and clothes are ironed.

As for children's activity and its consequences, try to isolate children as much as possible from everything unnecessary. For example, we installed latches on all furniture with doors, and put the trash can in a place most inaccessible to children.

And, if before I spent a lot of time every day putting things scattered by children back into the wardrobe; or tidy up the kitchen, in which they managed to take the contents of the trash can into the corners - now there is no trace of these problems.

Learning to fully relax

To successfully manage your time and manage to cope with a lot of things, you need to be able to... relax. In fact, this point should have been placed at the very beginning of the article. After all, a person’s “burnout” can lead to a lot of bad consequences, including chronic depression and thoughts of suicide.

So, take a day off at least once a week. If you work part-time at home, put aside all working aspects. If you have children, try to send them to their grandparents.

Do you want to sleep 12 hours? Get enough sleep! Do you dream of lying in the bathtub for an hour and drinking champagne? Please! Have you decided to go to a disco or a restaurant with your husband in the evening? Put on a chic dress and go ahead. After all, the worst thing is to feel like a squirrel, spinning in a wheel day after day and not knowing how to get off it.

Time management in detail

The topic of “time management for women” can be simply endless. In order not to overload with information, I will outline a few more secrets that will help you become real masters of time.

  • Learn to be an early riser. People who get up between 6:00 and 7:30 get much more done than others. Even if the total waking time was the same.
  • Get small things done right away. As they accumulate, they tend to take up a huge amount of time.
  • More practicality! On ordinary days, it is not at all necessary to prepare complex multi-component dishes. Creating such “masterpieces” usually takes more than one hour, so leave this pleasure for the arrival of guests. And on ordinary days, cook something simpler and faster - time management for mothers allows this.
  • Be like Julius Caesar. That is, do several things at the same time! An elementary example from life: I apply moisturizing masks to my face and hair, and while they are working, I prepare food. As a result, dinner is ready and I look great.
  • Don't put it off until the last minute. Remember: rush is not the best situation for doing anything.

Another interesting nuance is what I call “wise logistics.” If you leave the confines of the house, make a list of tasks that can be solved along the way. This method works great!

With its help, the other day I managed to complete a bunch of tasks in four hours. While we were waiting our turn at the pediatrician, we managed to take a walk in the fresh air; after the hospital we stopped at the post office to pick up a package; on the way back I took the shoes to a repair shop; Not far from home, we stopped at a shopping center, where we not only chose a gift for a family friend, but also bought groceries for the week. After such an intense pastime, the children slept at home for another hour and a half, and I was able to devote to work.

Thus, time management for mothers and women in general is an opportunity to organize the chaos of everyday life, while remaining confident in their capabilities, attractive and self-sufficient. Try it and see for yourself!

Is there a need to separate time management for women and men? After all, the tools are still the same, the methods remain unchanged. However, the division of time management into male and female exists and is due to differences in psychology, the nature of thinking and purpose. The main reason for the division is that men mainly use time management for work hours, while women also manage morning and evening hours. The range of activities of a modern woman is so large that she needs to keep everything under control.

Features of female and male psychology

Female and male psychology, as well as thinking style. However, there is no woman with an ideally feminine type of thinking, just as there is no man with an ideally masculine one. We will look at those aspects of a man's and woman's thinking that are important to their time management style.

  1. Will. Typically, men are more strong-willed than women, so it is easier for them to stay within the boundaries of their plans for the day, month, and year. This does not mean at all that women do not have willpower, but due to their emotionality, women more often “go astray” from the intended path. However, recently the difference between men and women has become more blurred, which leads to the emergence of strong-willed women and the feminization of men.
  2. Self-esteem. Women have lower self-esteem, greater sensitivity, anxiety, tension and, therefore, lower self-control.
  3. Stress. Women are more stress-resistant than men and can more easily tolerate tension and psychological pressure. According to a study by American scientists, after severe criticism from their superiors, 11% of women and 33% of men may submit applications for dismissal.
  4. Thinking. Men think more specifically, objectively, often in an overly abstract way, while women rely on their intuition and think subjectively. Women are also more likely than men to change their minds.

Time Management Basics

Women today experience an acute lack of time, since many women not only work, but also take care of the house, cooking, children, and also their appearance (visiting the fitness room, beauty salons, etc.). How to get everything done in 24 hours? You can still organize your time if you have some knowledge.

Time management is the planning of tasks and distribution of workload, delegation if possible. How to organize your time as efficiently as possible?

1. Plan.

Make a plan in advance for the next day, week, month. Constantly make changes, new events and tasks. This way, you will see your full load, really assess your capabilities and be able to deal with all matters. TO make a plan, you can use applications on your phone, to-do-list, Google sheets, diary, notepad, etc. Set yourself no more than six or seven tasks a day, so you won’t get tired and gradually get involved in a similar schedule.

2. Prioritize

Make a list of all the things that need to be done and prioritize them. The Eisenhower matrix is ​​best suited for this.

3. Don't forget about rest

It is impossible to work constantly, so take short breaks while working or between tasks. The Pomodoro technique is ideal for work: work - 25 minutes, break - 5 minutes, after 4 cycles long break - 30 minutes. Get outside for some fresh air and try to make your days off really a day off.

4. Kill a frog a day

A “frog” in time management is an unpleasant task that is constantly put off until later. Most often, these are the things that hang like a dead weight on the to-do list. Dealing with them is unpleasant, but possible. One thing a day, and best in the morning. Pride in yourself and motivation for the whole day are guaranteed.

5. Delegate

Note that in the Eisenhower Matrix there is a group of tasks that can be handled by someone else: personal assistant, subordinates, etc. Don't forget about the possibility of transferring matters to another person. As for household chores, if finances allow, you can hire a housekeeper for one or two days.

6. Get up early

Don't have enough time for yourself and your interests? Wake up a little earlier and do what you need to do to set yourself up for a good day: reading a few pages of a book or newspaper, watching a TV series, having a long breakfast, etc. Morning is your time.

As we have already said, girls and women have a huge sphere of interests and responsibilities, so they are constantly busy with something. However, it is impossible to choose the same time management technique, for example, for a young mother and a business woman. Each type of activity has its own characteristics and daily routine.

Time management for new mothers

Maternity leave means constant work without lunch, weekends and vacations. A child/children takes up all your time and energy, and often there is no talk of simple worldly pleasures. And yet mothers find time for everything, how do they do it?

  1. The life of a mother on maternity leave revolves around her child, and the life of a child is a routine. By creating your child's daily routine, you can determine the time you can devote to solving everyday tasks.
  2. Delegation. There are two options here: either find a good nanny, or periodically leave the child with dad, grandparents.
  3. Early rise.

Time management for a business woman

“A woman entrepreneur works for herself, which means she can do whatever she wants” is the biggest misconception about a businesswoman that can be. These women are the first to arrive at the office and the last to leave the office, while they must always look great and be aware of the latest trends in the world and business. Time management for a business woman is a faithful assistant. In addition to, you can set aside one day without scheduled meetings, negotiations and phone calls in order to focus on strategically important matters or do something that you haven’t gotten around to for a long time.

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Complexity of presentation

The target audience

Girls and women for whom it is important to achieve a lot in all areas of life.

The book tells you how to learn to manage absolutely everything: work, take care of your family, and manage your time wisely. Time management is vital for a woman, because it allows her to erase the imbalance between her personal life and professional activities, and helps her become more successful and happier. The female model is somewhat different from the male one, since it is typical for a man to organize working time and leisure time. It is important for a woman to learn to cope with a million other things, spending her invaluable time wisely.

Let's read together

Time management studies methods for optimal use of time in various areas of activity, including personal ones. It contributes to the formation and achievement of goals, when the competent management of time should become a daily habit.

Any hour can be presented as a commodity that can actually be exchanged for health, finances, pleasure or something else. It's important to figure out what you really need so you can use it correctly.

The time planning technique consists of four positions:

1. You need to plan for yourself and see the future, otherwise they will plan for you.

2. You cannot waste or accumulate such a valuable resource as time; it is better to organize it wisely.

3. It is worth identifying the main and secondary, dividing working time into hard (mandatory) and soft (desirable).

4. The goal is achieved by methodically following a certain course.

One of the reasons for chaos in life is the reluctance to organize time and the constant creation of excuses. Laziness is also added here, when you don’t want to do unpleasant things, but you have to. When doing what you love, uninteresting tasks may appear that are increasingly put off until tomorrow; this action becomes a habit. And the fourth reason is the time spent unwinding before starting work, be it a cup of coffee or viewing your Yandex inbox. All this happens due to a lack of motivation, which is precisely what needs to be filled with unloved activities.

You can use “anchors” (associations with something specific) that help you switch to work. The “frog” method allows you to break up a large, unpleasant task into many small tasks and gradually cope with them. The “elephant” method works in reverse: it is necessary to globalize an already huge business by dividing it into parts, while the “carrot and stick” method allows you to maintain motivation to “eat the elephant parts.” As a last resort, you can always set deadlines for yourself in order to get the work done on time.

When setting priorities, you need to learn to get rid of things imposed by someone and say a firm “no”. To do this, you can give ironclad arguments why it is difficult for you to do this, discourage the desire to ask with specific phrases or behavior, or suggest using the third option when the first and second are not suitable. But in general, a decisive “no” is pronounced only once. No person has the right to take away your personal time for their needs or pleasure.

You can learn to approach things philosophically: you can’t change circumstances, but your attitude towards them is fine. It’s worth asking yourself how much of this you need to do in principle and why you should be the one doing it. Do you believe that you can even buy time? Learn to delegate tasks - to your husband, colleague, subordinate. In personal time management, also maintain control; do not trust your memory of who and what you assigned to do. By learning to say “no” and delegate tasks, you will learn to eliminate unnecessary things from your life and free up personal time devoted to something pleasant and important.

The significance of the cases should be distributed in this order: highlight the selection criteria, compare them with each other and rank them, evaluate each of the options, select the optimal one after calculating the weighted estimates. The priority of any task is determined by its source, contribution to the common cause, urgency, interest in the topic, its complexity and time spent, as well as the availability of the necessary relevant information.

Try to imagine yourself as an autonomous company that can overcome any crisis on its own. This means building the right strategy and establishing connections with your husband or boss as the same corporations. Always imagine what you want through defining values ​​and goals, moving towards your dream. It is important to understand what exactly your mission is, what you can leave behind for someone. If you understand what your calling is, understand that self-realization is more important than scale. Life can be broken down into guidelines in the form of a written table to see the balance between all its areas and eliminate interference. Immediate goals should be specific and time-bound.

Making plans should be enjoyable. The time spent on them serves as a guide for any decisions. It is better to plan the day 60% and leave some buffer for unforeseen events. The easiest way would be to start a diary, you can do it right on your computer. You shouldn’t plan more than two global tasks a day, but you need to start with them.

For a business woman, family life should be exclusive and a priority, but work is just as important to her. The better your home time is planned, the smaller the gap between work and loved ones.

In household matters, planning is done just as carefully as in work, and the help of loved ones is more important than ever. You just have to stop being afraid of not being on time.

Within two to three weeks, it is necessary to conduct global time tracking, track efficiency, and be able to quickly respond to force majeure. Tasks for the coming day should be reviewed the day before; they can be divided into hard and flexible. At work, it’s worth taking five minutes of relaxation outside of your workplace every hour. And the best rest for you at home will always be a light dinner, a walk in the fresh air, a ventilated room and a good night’s sleep.

The well-known ideologist of the TM movement assures that a person should find an individual, most comfortable style in organizing personal time, and not be guided by general rules.

Best Quote

“So far, few people know how to turn a dream into a goal and move towards achieving it. Let's learn how to do this."

What the book teaches

We should stop more often and think whether we are guided by time and circumstances, or whether we are the masters of life and have the power to change a lot.

Life is not always able to fit into a planned plan, so it is worth raising the time management bar higher and trying to reach it: by demanding the impossible, as a result you get the maximum.

You must be able to create situations in which requests are satisfied without harming yourself, or learn to seek a compromise or refuse correctly.

It is impossible to achieve ten major goals at the same time; the priority and order of their implementation are important. You need to learn to discard imposed tasks and find time for what is most important to you.

A person does not even suspect what efficiency reserves he has. It is important to find a way to develop it.

From the editor

To accomplish much more than you can now, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort. It is enough to change the principles of managing your time. An IT manager and a mother twice knows how to do this. Ksenia Leshchenko: .

Search Engine Optimizer Victoria Samira To prioritize tasks, he suggests using the Egyptian genie method. Use her advice, and you will notice how your list of ideas and unfinished projects will be significantly reduced: .

Is it really possible to succeed at work and not deprive your household of attention? Quite! The main thing is to organize your time correctly. It’s not so simple, it’s not for nothing that there is a whole science of time management - time management. This book will teach you the most important and effective principles of this science. Readers will learn how to simultaneously run a successful business and prepare incredibly delicious dinners. And most importantly, they will find out how not to suffer themselves by eliminating the imbalance between work and family.

Time management is the art of managing time.
Time management today is not just a fashionable expression. Its topic is actively discussed by both professionals and ordinary people. In particular, women who are busy with family and work try to manage time. Not many people know that they are engaged in scientific work, much less know what this science is called, so first we will understand the terminology.

Time management is a branch of science and practice devoted to the study of problems and methods for optimizing time costs in various fields of activity, that is, a technology that allows you to use a person’s life time in accordance with his goals and values.

Time management is a whole system for organizing time, including your own. It is suitable for everyone who has time, and especially for those who do not have enough. Time management allows you to learn not only how to set goals, but also how to achieve them by properly managing your work and personal time. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves results, as they often act haphazardly.

Table of contents
Time management - the art of managing time
Why don't you get anything done?
Life is not a swing
If it's tobacco
Here comes the "frog"
The elephant move in the fight against mentality
Carrot and stick method
First step to success
Learn to say no.
Say “no” only once.
We do not care
Delegating tasks
What is most important
What's more important today
With a long view
Second step to success
How to learn to manage yourself
Look to the root
Change of world view
Not only to receive, but also to give
Moment of truth
Life guidelines
Setting Long-Term Goals
Specification is a necessary thing
Third step to success
Flexible or contextual planning
Day - week - year
Solving routine tasks
How many minutes does it take to wash the floor?
Little secrets
The fourth step to success
The most important thing is the weather in the house
No one needs to know that you are a career woman.
Organize family time
Fifth step to success
Planning household chores
Immutable truths
Examples from life (positive and not so positive)
It's easier to be a man
Sixth step to success
Time sinks
How to take into account the waste time factor when planning
Data Measurement
Typical time waster
How to find time for time management
Seventh step to success
I'm late - don't rush
Precision is the politeness of queens
Force majeure
Creativity and self-discipline go together
Save time
Eighth step to success
The best rest is sleep
Relaxing at work
Ninth step to success

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