The secret legacy of "Starship". Artifact Cunning

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Almost all nations have legends about unusual artifacts, which are customarily worshiped unconditionally. No one living today has ever seen these relics, but there are soothsayers and soothsayers who know exactly where “that” treasured place is located. Many brave adventurers went in search of the shrine, and... no one else saw them. And it’s all because of prophecies and curses. Today on the Pink Sofa is the mapping board game “Secret Heritage. Starship."

Mostly, secret places and artifacts are associated with alien creatures that once visited the remote corners of the Galaxy. The scattered aliens left behind various high-tech debris: empty fuel tank cassettes, used weapons and even spaceships. We have to find one of these “holy places” today.

The small cardboard box contains a stack of twenty cards, a handful of tokens, and an old sheet of paper folded in six with sketches of the path to the Secret Heritage. The packaging is “disposable”: if you plan to actively search for alien ships, then purchase a special container for cards.

The game uses a set of 20 cards, which includes character and action cards numbered from one to eight...

As well as a special “Sneaky Attack” card and a memo on the rules of the game. Each picture shows an illustration, and at the bottom there is a text block with special properties. In the upper left corner, blue dots indicate the number of similar cards in the deck and a numerical value that will be useful in the final search for the ship.

The game is based solely on the properties of the cards, so I strongly recommend studying the entire deck before the first game.

14 tokens depicting an alien ship (or something vaguely resembling a space shuttle) will serve as a reward for particularly successful artifact seekers. These roundels are used only if your team is planning several forays for the “Secret Heritage”.

There is something secret there somewhere...

Preparing for the game will take about a minute: each participant in the adventure receives one memo and one random card from the common deck. The remaining stack is shuffled and placed face down in the center of the table. One card is removed from the top of the common deck and laid out next to it, also face down - these are “ruins”. Tokens, if necessary, are placed in the center of the table.

On his turn, each player must take one card from the common pile into his hand, choose one of the two, and place it face up in front of him, activating a special property. These actions must be performed even if they are not beneficial to the active player.

By using card effects, you can look into your opponent's hand, change cards, look through the general deck, destroy your opponent, and so on. Be careful, when viewing cards you can get a knife in the back, becoming a victim of a “Sneaky Attack”.

Gradually, the expedition consists of fewer and fewer participants, and the number of cards in the deck decreases. As soon as the general stack is exhausted, the final phase of the search begins - determining the “Secret Heritage” (card number 5).

In ascending order, opponents must locate the Secret Legacy card. On your turn, you can either play a card from your hand (if you have the necessary artifact), or reveal any card in your opponent’s hand, or turn over the “ruins”. In any case, you only have one try. It is noteworthy that if two or more players have cards with the same numbers, then they are eliminated from the search.

The winner receives a token with a strange-looking amorphous creature, the deck is shuffled again and the next round of the game begins...

Messages to the heritage.

Let me start with the fact that “Secret Legacy” is a reworked version of “”, as honestly stated on the box. An element of searching for a given card has been added to the “base” game, and the properties of all characters have been redesigned.

Is it possible to have both games in your collection? The answer is “yes”, since the feelings after the games are completely different and these games “do not overlap” with each other. Do you need to have both games on your shelf? Here the answer is not clear - I personally like “” both in design and in meaning. At the same time, “Secret Heritage” aroused greater interest among the eldest daughter in the student body. I highly recommend trying both games first and then deciding on your choice. Personally, I am inclined to favor ""...

However, there is an interesting detail in The Secret Legacy: you need to carefully monitor your opponents and their cards. The owner of the "Secret Legacy" can give away his emotions, and will also never play the end goal card of the adventure. But it’s not so simple - you can also have a “Sneaky Attack” in your hand...

Personally, I have a feeling that there will be a lot of expansion packs coming to the game. If “” is a self-sufficient game that does not require innovation, then “Legacy” needs something else in order to compete with its progenitor. Although, my opinion may be subjective, since I am a fan of the “princess”...

The game was provided for review by the store " Hobby Games", whose sellers will advise and help you choose the product you are interested in.

"about the princess, courtiers and love letters became a bestseller in the world of board games, both here and abroad. Low cost and pleasant gameplay are to blame for this. And after some time, Hobby World localized the next card game from the same author, but already in a fantastic setting with more beautiful pictures. I’ll tell you what to expect from the new box in this post.


In a small box (which can be thrown away after purchase, it will break anyway) there are 16 cards for the game, hints and victory point tokens with a picture of a starship. On the game cards there is a name, a serial number for the final draw, the number of cards of this type in the deck (blue dots at the top) and the text of the action (at the bottom).
It should be noted that in the first edition of the game the cards were made with minor defects and the publisher announced that they were ready to replace the purchased copies of the game with new ones.

How to play?

The goal of the game is to obtain a certain number of victory tokens, which are given to players for winning rounds. But to win the round, you must either remove all players from the game or, if several people have not dropped out before the end of the round, find the Starship card.

Players are dealt one card each, one card goes to the ruins (separate pile). On his turn, the player receives an additional card from the deck and must play one of them onto the table.

Most cards will ask you to look at a card from your opponent, in ruins, or even in the deck. But you need to be very careful when looking at the cards, because another player may end up with the Sneaky Attack trap card in their hands, and then you can pay for your curiosity by being eliminated from the game.

In the rules of the game, all played cards are proposed to be laid out next to the player who played them. I believe that it is more convenient for analysis to lay out the cards in a common track, sorted by serial numbers.

When the deck runs out of cards, the serial numbers on the cards come into play. Players who have not been eliminated will now try to find the Starship Card. The lower the number of the card on the hand, the sooner the player begins the investigation. In turn, the player can reveal 1 card from the player's hand or ruins. If it’s a Starship, we get a victory token, another card, the next player starts an investigation, and so on. If you have a Starship card and no one has revealed it before you (the serial number of this card is 5), then you reveal your card and win the round.
It’s not for nothing that the Sisters of Fate card was chosen in the photo above. If a player reaches the investigation with this card, then he is the first to have the right to reveal the card. However, this card is difficult


“Secret Message” captivates players from the very first round, it is light and exciting. "Secret Legacy: Starship" after it seems somehow abstruse and twisted. Of course, either you're having fun knocking out players (or you're having fun getting eliminated), then you're forced to keep an eye on the cards in your hands and ruins. The contrast is obvious! But this is the impression after a couple of rounds, the players are used to making a verdict after a couple of rounds, but we were spoiled...

My advice to you is to give the game a chance. Yes, “Starship” is less airy and simple, you need to plan at least two full-fledged games (not to be confused with rounds) and only then everything will become clear.

I confess that everyone who played for the first time experienced the same symptom - rejection of the process. Therefore, it is important to sit out/wait out/survive the beginning and push through. This happens, for example, with Stephen King's books. =) Now I have a small cell of regular players, whose experience is 5 games, and I’ll tell you, they play with pleasure. Even now I am afraid that after the game has started, will we be able to return to the princess. =)

I give my verdict: a good card game where you have to keep track of what and where who played. Enjoying the game comes a little late, keep this in mind.

See you soon. With coming!

You are the one who is trying to solve the mystery of a starship that crashed under the strangest circumstances. Just don’t relax too much, you have three competitors who will stop at nothing to find the most important fragments.

Remnants of the secret in your pockets

Why is it so important to find the fragments of this starship? Yes, because a certain seer predicted that whoever found the most evidence of the crash would be able to rule the world! You have been planning to take over the Universe for a long time, and here is such an opportunity.

Loyal space subjects

To get to the treasured fragments, you will need the help of a variety of people, who, by the way, cannot always be relied upon. The characters are as follows:

1) Sister of fate. She will take you out of the game if anyone notices that you are in an alliance. Hide it from prying eyes.

2) General - brave, perfect for desperate forays into space. You can check the top card in the deck and change it to a card from your hand.

3) The Phantom Thief is very cunning: if she discovers the “Secret Legacy” card on her turn, victory is yours.

4) The swordsman fearlessly deals with scoundrels. If your opponent has a “mean card” in his hand, he is out of the game.

5) “Secret Heritage” card - it cannot be discarded, but you must remember which player currently has it.

6) Ancient card allows you to remove a card from the deck into ruins.

7) Sneaky Attack cards protect you from your opponents seeing your hand - trying to see your cards will result in your opponent being out of the game.

8) The “Raid” card will allow you to look at your opponent’s card and change it to your own if desired.

9) The “Search” card allows you to look at any one card in the ruins and change it to your own.

Investigation phase

In the Secret Inheritance board game, the winner is the one who either eliminates all opponents from the game, or the one who, at the end of the deck, discovers the location of the Secret Inheritance in one attempt. If the deck runs out of cards and all participants are in the game, then the investigation phase begins: the one with the lowest card is the first to try to guess where the Secret Heritage card is. Whoever guesses correctly wins the game and takes a fragment of the Starship. It may turn out that you have the Secret Heritage card, then in turn you can simply lay out this card, of course, if no one reveals you before.

The board game “Secret Heritage” is a quick game for 2 to 4 people based on luck and strategy, it can be played in a maximum of 20 minutes, but it brings a lot of fun, because the number of strategic combinations in it is off the charts.

"about the princess, courtiers and love letters became a bestseller in the world of board games, both here and abroad. Low cost and pleasant gameplay are to blame for this. And after some time, Hobby World localized the next card game from the same author, but already in a fantastic setting with more beautiful pictures. I’ll tell you what to expect from the new box in this post.


In a small box (which can be thrown away after purchase, it will break anyway) there are 16 cards for the game, hints and victory point tokens with a picture of a starship. On the game cards there is a name, a serial number for the final draw, the number of cards of this type in the deck (blue dots at the top) and the text of the action (at the bottom).
It should be noted that in the first edition of the game the cards were made with minor defects and the publisher announced that they were ready to replace the purchased copies of the game with new ones.

How to play?

The goal of the game is to obtain a certain number of victory tokens, which are given to players for winning rounds. But to win the round, you must either remove all players from the game or, if several people have not dropped out before the end of the round, find the Starship card.

Players are dealt one card each, one card goes to the ruins (separate pile). On his turn, the player receives an additional card from the deck and must play one of them onto the table.

Most cards will ask you to look at a card from your opponent, in ruins, or even in the deck. But you need to be very careful when looking at the cards, because another player may end up with the Sneaky Attack trap card in their hands, and then you can pay for your curiosity by being eliminated from the game.

In the rules of the game, all played cards are proposed to be laid out next to the player who played them. I believe that it is more convenient for analysis to lay out the cards in a common track, sorted by serial numbers.

When the deck runs out of cards, the serial numbers on the cards come into play. Players who have not been eliminated will now try to find the Starship Card. The lower the number of the card on the hand, the sooner the player begins the investigation. In turn, the player can reveal 1 card from the player's hand or ruins. If it’s a Starship, we get a victory token, another card, the next player starts an investigation, and so on. If you have a Starship card and no one has revealed it before you (the serial number of this card is 5), then you reveal your card and win the round.
It’s not for nothing that the Sisters of Fate card was chosen in the photo above. If a player reaches the investigation with this card, then he is the first to have the right to reveal the card. However, this card is difficult


“Secret Message” captivates players from the very first round, it is light and exciting. "Secret Legacy: Starship" after it seems somehow abstruse and twisted. Of course, either you're having fun knocking out players (or you're having fun getting eliminated), then you're forced to keep an eye on the cards in your hands and ruins. The contrast is obvious! But this is the impression after a couple of rounds, the players are used to making a verdict after a couple of rounds, but we were spoiled...

My advice to you is to give the game a chance. Yes, “Starship” is less airy and simple, you need to plan at least two full-fledged games (not to be confused with rounds) and only then everything will become clear.

I confess that everyone who played for the first time experienced the same symptom - rejection of the process. Therefore, it is important to sit out/wait out/survive the beginning and push through. This happens, for example, with Stephen King's books. =) Now I have a small cell of regular players, whose experience is 5 games, and I’ll tell you, they play with pleasure. Even now I am afraid that after the game has started, will we be able to return to the princess. =)

I give my verdict: a good card game where you have to keep track of what and where who played. Enjoying the game comes a little late, keep this in mind.

See you soon. With coming!

A long time ago, a star ship appeared from a distant world, in the depths of which the legacy of an ancient alien civilization was hidden. The spaceship crashed, and hundreds of heroes, thieves and adventurers of all stripes went in search of it, dreaming of getting the Secret Heritage and using it for their own purposes. But will they get to the treasured artifact?

About the game

Secret Legacy is a fast-paced game of luck, determination and deduction. Each turn you play one card, trying to eliminate your opponents from the game or find out where the Secret Legacy card is hidden. When there are no cards left in the deck, an investigation begins. The one who correctly determines where the Secret Heritage card is wins the game. If the Secret Legacy is not found, everyone loses. Set traps for your opponents and be the first to find the starship, following the directions of the ancient map.

What is in the box?

  • 16 cards
  • 4 reminders
  • 14 discovery tokens
  • Rules of the game

The game is fully compatible with the Secret Legacy: Sky Garden set. By mixing two Secret Legacy packs, you can play with five or six players.


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