Technologies are political. Forms, types and stages of political and social technologies

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Political technologies– a set of certain methods and techniques of political activity. The most common political technologies include political consulting, election technologies, lobbying, and public relations technologies.

Political consulting carried out by large analytical centers that study political processes and phenomena public life.

Lobbying(from English lobby - corridor, vestibule) - a system of means and factors for exerting the necessary influence on politicians and civil servants making decisions at the federal or regional level, in order to ensure the interests of relevant groups. Reputable political or government figures representing the interests of pressure groups can function as lobbyists. Lobbying is not only behind-the-scenes actions, but also a system of argumentation, mechanisms for preparation, consultation, assistance in the adoption of relevant laws, and participation in other socially constructive acts.

The “lobbying” influence of a pressure group depends on a number of factors: the degree of commitment of its members to its goals, the authority of the group, the ability to attract financial resources, geographical position and etc. Various groups pressures take the necessary actions to appoint authoritative and influential individuals sympathetic to their goals to positions related to the implementation of programs important to the groups. Such groups can be effectively involved, for example, in the elections of deputies, providing them with the material resources necessary for this purpose, and after the elections maintaining the necessary contacts with them.

Electoral technologies– a set of ways to influence the masses in order to influence their voting behavior and encourage them to cast their votes for a particular candidate. Election technologies are aimed at regulating the behavior of voters, appealing to the beliefs and positions of citizens, and their orientation towards certain values. Identify trends in the development of mass sentiment, find optimal combinations Specialists in public relations, communications, and image makers are called upon to implement the political program.

Public relations(English public relations - public relations, public relations) - activities aimed at forming among the public a stable positive image of a particular organization, a candidate, a favorable attitude towards them through professional processing of public opinion. IN political sphere this is the corresponding activity of the authorities state power, parties, movements, electoral blocs, etc., often including individual elements political manipulation of mass consciousness. The main goal of public relations- sway public opinion in favor of a particular organization.

Functions of public relations:

– identification and analysis of general trends in public opinion;

– development of a strategy for interaction with the public based on public opinion research data;

– formation of a favorable attitude of the population both to the organization itself and to its activities;

– informing the public about the specific activities of an organization or person.

The basis of political technology is the idea formulated by the Bulgarian scientist II. Stefanov that “the real problem is not whether it is possible in principle to technologize social processes, but whether How do it."

Political technologies appear in two forms, as a structural element of political management, an organizationally designed software product and as an activity related to the implementation of the intended goal.

The functioning of these technologies is always associated with the need to rationalize political management and quickly and efficiently replicate special techniques and procedures. Special meaning for these technologies there are conditions for their implementation: elements of the structure of the political process, structural features and patterns of their functioning; the ability to formalize real phenomena and present them in the form of indicators, operations and procedures. The nature of political and social technologies, their features are determined by the internal nature of the object of technologization itself and the social orientation towards its development and implementation.

Types of technologies vary depending on the spheres of public life where they are implemented; economic, social, political or spiritual.

As for economics, the efforts of technologists are focused on solving social problems of labor, on turning it into an effective criterion for assessing the potential of each person. In this regard, attempts are being made to technologize the impact on conditions labor activity, content of labor and its intellectual development. It is important to solve political and organizational problems of property and people’s behavior in a market economy, which represent not only the social, but also the political aspect of management, because they can lead to serious political consequences. And finally, increasing the efficiency of social and personal labor is impossible without the interested participation of a person in improving production, which directly or indirectly correlates with his socio-political well-being.

This was especially evident during the economic crisis in the 1990s, when the defect and limitations of existing mechanism management, which clearly demonstrated the need to take into account not so much technical and economic, but rather social parameters, which set the task of justifying the basic methods of political solution of economic problems in the country.

In the political-technological decision itself social problems The subject of special concern is the creation of guarantees of social justice, the implementation in practice of harmonizing the measure of labor and the measure of remuneration. The political role of the relationship between employers and employees, methods of organizing work in the conditions of various forms property in all sectors of the national economy. Management in social sphere covers such important aspects of people’s lives as their health, recreation, and social protection.

More and more significant demographic policy becomes a matter of management, providing for the regulation of appropriate behavior of the population, family and household relations, the creation of conditions for the weakly protected social groups.

It also requires technologization of many processes relating to government agencies. IN modern society a huge number of innovations related to solving political problems are proposed. There are countless projects for organizing government organizations, replacing them with new entities, proposals for conducting experiments and testing some important, but not always well-thought-out ideas.

As in managing science, in politics it is important to see what makes up the result and what it is based on. After all, indicators of social development political processes cannot always be expressed through quantitative characteristics, for example, such as the number of parties, the percentage of people participating in voting, the number and structure of the deputy corps, etc. The normal functioning of many political structures depends on how people participate in the life of society, what rights they have, and what influence they have and can have on decision-making.

Management in the field of socio-political relations involves important technological techniques and methods. We are talking about creating a mechanism for rational preparation, adoption and implementation of political decisions that organically combine centralization with self-government.

Since politics is not only a science, but also an art, the skill of foreseeing the consequences of decisions and the ability to navigate specific and predictable political conditions is of particular importance. However, intuition and the art of political forecasting are developed as a result of long, painstaking work. Unfortunately, neither theory nor practice have yet been able to provide any convincing examples of political foresight and forecasting. On the contrary, life has constantly shown how short-sighted, short-sighted and limited many attempts to see the social consequences of political decisions were: they were often replaced by ersatz ideas that had nothing in common with either science or art. This was especially evident in the political decision to carry out privatization in Russia in the 1990s.

Opportunities for technology management in spiritual sphere in a certain sense, they are conventional, since they seriously differ from those techniques that are inherent in management in the economic sphere. Methods and actions aimed only at achieving quantitative indicators cannot be used here. A deep and thorough analysis of the state of spirituality, identification of trends and anticipation of possible changes in the production and consumption of spiritual values ​​is inextricably linked with the solution of such issues of political significance as the ideological and political orientations of people, their attitude to the fate of the country, respect for both the present and the future your people, etc.

Management of spiritual processes is aimed at creating real conditions for the rational development of the cultural needs and inclinations of each person, for their most complete and comprehensive satisfaction. It involves flexible influence on trends occurring in the fields of education, science, literature and art. The interaction of national cultures represents a very difficult and complex area.

Transformations of spiritual life directly or indirectly depend on the material factor, on the level social production. Therefore, management takes into account the presence of economic prerequisites for solving emerging problems, which can be effectively influenced only when they are ensured politically.

Management functions in the sphere of spiritual life are very complex, since each of its components is relatively independent. This makes it difficult to understand its objective laws, and, consequently, to control it.

There is one more important feature processes of technologization, characteristic of political management. The point is that organizations and institutions involved in various aspects of spiritual life need greater independence in solving assigned tasks. Their activities cannot be regulated to the smallest detail, because they deal with the peculiar products of human existence: social mood, well-being, motivation, public opinion, which are directly related to the political orientations of people, with their attitude to real institutions of political power.

Development, design and implementation of requirements political technologies involve several stages: scientific, associated with the definition of the goal, the object of technologization, the operationalization of social processes into components and the identification of connections between them; methodical, involving the choice of methods and means of obtaining information, its processing and analysis, principles of transformation into specific conclusions and recommendations, and, finally, procedural stage, it is associated with the organization of practical activities and the implementation of the requirements of the developed technologies.

One of the most important problems political management - the ability to see the future, not to get lost in momentary concerns, and not to miss landmarks. Working for the future involves possible losses along the way, but it pays off by bringing the central, leading idea to life.

Political management as theory and practice effective management political events, processes, oriented towards the implementation of certain political interests of certain participants in political life includes a technological subsystem, using which it is possible to select a combination of specific technologies to achieve certain political goals. From a technological point of view, political management is a set of procedures, skills and management techniques in politics. Each technology ( from gr. techne-skill, skill, artfully and logos-concept, doctrine) is a set of techniques and methods of influencing the material, energy and information structure of objects of labor. Social technologies are in demand during the preparation and implementation of solutions to various social and political problems. In this case, consistency and sequence of elements are assumed, among which are goals and material means of achieving them, motives, intellectual resources, organizational procedures (rules). Technology is closely related to the actions of certain actors with skills and knowledge. Without such actors, the technology may be “stillborn”.

The technology of political management includes certain management procedures, as well as a corresponding set of skills and management techniques. Technology is the main content of political management. The technological effectiveness of political management presupposes that at each stage of the process of achieving the goal, proven combinations of technology elements are used. However, this does not deny the introduction of innovations, unexpected decisions, enhancing the innovativeness of political management. At the stages of development and implementation of political decisions, political course, selection and training of personnel, ensuring direct or indirect participation of citizens, groups and organizations in this process, there is always control over the implementation of technology and its updating.

Known different approaches to determine the essence of political technologies. According to one of them, political technologies are the sum (system) of successive, obviously effective action aimed at achieving the required political result1. Therefore, political technologies include techniques for achieving immediate local short-term results (tactics) and obtaining deep, global, long-term effects (strategy).

In the “Political Encyclopedia” (1999), the emphasis is on the fact that political technologies are methods for solving political problems, developing policies, implementing them, carrying out practical political activities, a set of techniques aimed at transforming (changing the state) of an object in the sphere of politics, achieving a given result (goal).

Domestic authors O.G. Leonov and Yu.L. Muravyov define technologies for managing political processes as a set of techniques, methods, and procedures for implementing functions political system, aimed at improving the efficiency of managing the political process and achieving the desired policy results.

Political technologies discipline the activities of people, the organization of systems and therefore can be used repeatedly to solve similar political problems. The subjects of the use of political technologies are the political elite, leaders, parties, and public organizations. The object of influence is the political consciousness and behavior of social groups of people. Main tools for implementing political technologies means mass media and various centers of political science (political) research.

In the broadest sense, political technologies is an activity-based approach to creating a scientifically based model of transforming the political space, taking into account its spiritual and moral influence on people’s lives3. An analysis of the conditions for the functioning of the political life of society shows that the essence of technologization of political processes can be revealed in the process of identifying and using the potential of the political system for the purpose of its optimal functioning using a set of methods and techniques of political influence. Political technologies include: goals, content, means, control, regulation, criteria, stages, methods and forms of diagnosing the political space, identifying dysfunctions, pathologies, anomalies and finding the most effective ways to regulate political events in order to create favorable conditions life of society.

Political technologies in terms of content are:

Political consulting, etc.

Among the important methodological problems in the study of political technologies, the definition of criteria (indicators) for the technologization of political events deserves attention. Research has shown that technologization is possible under the following conditions: the object must have a certain degree of complexity; the elements of its structure, features of their structure and patterns of functioning are known; the subject of management must be able to formalize real processes, present them in the form of indicators, operations, procedures and create an innovative environment for reproduction and provide the necessary level of management, etc. The nature and features of political technology are determined by the internal nature of the object of technologization itself and the social attitude of the organization (person) for its development and implementation. The technologization process is characterized by:

Delineation, division of a political event into stages, phases, operations;

Coordination and phasing of actions aimed at obtaining the predicted result;

Unambiguous execution of procedures and operations.

The system for developing political technologies includes a number of stages:

· theoretical;

· methodical;

· procedural.

Political technologies today are a new and not yet fully studied way of achieving goals in all spheres of political life. When introducing political technologies, society faces problems characteristic of any innovation process. Political technologies will undoubtedly be effective when:

· continuous increase in their knowledge intensity;

· overcoming crisis situation in society and in the economy, when innovations are not in demand;

· the presence of specialists - political technologists who actually participate in the management of political events;

· changing society's attitude towards owners intellectual activity, overcoming anti-intellectualism and a negative attitude towards innovative impulses that help overcome the barrier to any extraordinary solution, a science-intensive project.

The increasing role and importance of political technologies in Russia is due to a number of reasons. First of all, the management cadre is currently dominated by people with engineering and technical education, for whom the idea of ​​​​transferring industrial engineering methods with its accuracy, clarity of task setting and achievability of real results to the field of political processes is attractive. In addition, political technologies are characterized by a distinct goal, gradual execution of the task, and preservation of the traditions of the past. Last but not least is the temptation inherent in the Russian mentality to find faster, more accessible means to solve complex socio-political problems.

Political technologies in their content are distinguished by the presence of algorithmized, standardized means and procedural techniques for forming social programs, sociotechnical projects. Through them, the function of identifying, revealing, and using the potential of the political system in conditions of its optimal functioning is realized through the management of political events. The structure of political technology is characterized by the presence of:

· a given algorithm;

· performance standard;

· sequence of operations;

Political technologies contain the unity of traditional, creative, innovative actions. They are created to solve problems of a certain class (type) and require a certain type of activity, set and quality of actions. To solve similar problems, one or another political technology can be transferred from one object to a similar another, but taking into account the necessary adjustments that come from the nature of specific conditions, place, time, and other factors of the existence of a given social object. Thus, political technologies are a special form of activity directly related to solving practical political problems and obtaining a specific result. Their specificity is manifested in the presence of:

· a justified socio-political project;

· a given algorithm of sequential actions (steps) along the path of the process of solving a problem, achieving a specific result;

· standard of activity, prescribed procedures for actions carried out on the basis of achieved experience and therefore requiring a high culture of execution; stable structural components of political technologies (a well-founded project, an algorithm for its implementation, a standard of activity and behavior, objective criteria for assessing the progress, process and result of solving a practical political problem).

Political technologies are, in a certain sense, complete, a coherent system of actions for solving practical political task and at the same time it is a developing system, since it is enriched with new operations during the process of real implementation, because continuous changes occur in political life, the structural model of technologization of which can be presented as follows:

· according to the nature of the problems being solved, political technologies can be specific and universal;

· the degree of association differs in the political technologies of society as a whole, nations, national-ethnic groups, parties, associations, and unions;

· according to the management hierarchy, global world technologies are distinguished, continental, state, regional;

· high, medium and low degrees of maturity of political objects and subjects require their own specific approach to the technologization of political space. Why don’t the most modern ones pass today? innovative technologies? Obviously, the insufficient social maturity of objects and subjects affects low level awareness of imminent changes and the presence of a complex, diverse mechanism for inhibiting political innovation, and, consequently, the targeted development of political space.

Political technologies are a kind of connecting link between theory and methodology, on the one hand, and political practice, on the other.. The set of such technologies, as can be seen from the proposed model, is very large and requires constant adjustment based on innovation and a fairly scrupulous, adequate connection to specific conditions and states of the political space.

The model of technologization of a specific level of political space includes: the environment (political activity), personal self-realization, factors and conditions that contribute to the effectiveness and quality of the political situation. The technologization of political processes will increase as humanity moves towards an information society, in which one of the main tasks will be the rapid development of science, the theoretical justification of ways to preserve the spiritual and moral potential of society, and maintain relations between people, nations, and states on the principles of humanity. Experience shows that without proper technological development political programs and projects, without serious mastery of the most modern methods analysis, achieving an economically prosperous and politically stable society is impossible. Political technologies provide an opportunity not only to understand political life, but also purposefully influence it. The specificity of political technologies lies in their ability to self-development. Since the beginning of the nineties, political processes in Russia have been associated with the transition to new system public relations, political-state structure and management.

Beginning of XXI century dictates the need to develop conceptual innovative approaches not only of a theoretically cognitive nature, diagnosing the state of society, but also carrying constructive, creatively transformative functions, based on a predictive vision social development.

Since the beginning of the nineties, political processes in Russia have been associated with the transition to a new system of social relations, political-governmental structure and management.

Related information.

The term “technology” (from the Greek “techne” - art, skill, skill; “logos” - concept, knowledge) came into politics from production. This term denotes the directed influence of a person on material objects in order to change their properties, impart qualities, necessary for people. Technological knowledge oriented a person not to explain current events and phenomena, but to justify ways and methods of achieving set goals.

The term “political technologies” is one of the newest in political science. The relevance of these technologies has increased significantly with the appearance of the “political man” in the historical arena as a result of the development of democratic processes, his transformation into an active participant in political changes in society.

Political technologies– a set of techniques, methods, methods, procedures used by political subjects to achieve political goals, to solve political management problems.

The main object of influence in the political technological process is always people. They are the ones who create parties, hold rallies and strikes, vote for candidates, reproduce or destroy political and economic systems. The achievement of political goals depends on people. Respectively, political technologies- these are ways and methods of influencing people in order to change their political behavior.

Political technologies based on theoretical analysis interaction of political subjects, contain methodological guidelines and methodological recommendations effective solution political problems and achieving certain political goals.

Processes of democratization in the twentieth century led to a decrease specific gravity violence, forceful solutions to problems in the sphere of political governance. The shift in emphasis in the ways of achieving political goals occurred due to the fact that the values ​​and principles of the rule of law, ideological and political pluralism, and restrictions on the actions of the highest government officials were established in society. officials law, proclamation of the inviolability of individual rights and freedoms, etc. Thus, political technologies– these are methods of influencing people in order to change their political behavior, which exclude the use of direct coercion and physical violence.

The essence of political technologies can be revealed only through a system of identifying and using the potential of the social system - “human resource” in accordance with the goals and meaning of human existence. This is realized through a set of methods, procedures, operations, influence techniques, all modern capabilities creative activity both management subjects and political institutions generally.

The goal of political technologies is to optimize the fulfillment by political subjects of their tasks and responsibilities through rational means, sequencing of actions, and developing an appropriate algorithm of behavior.

In general, political technologies act in two forms: 1) as a structural element of any system, a technologically designed software product; 2) as an activity related to the implementation of the intended goal.

The functioning of new political technologies is always associated with the need to optimize political management, quickly and efficiently replicate special techniques and procedures. Of particular importance for these technologies is the presence of conditions for their implementation: elements of the structure of the political process, structural features and patterns of their functioning; the ability to formalize real phenomena and present them in the form of indicators, operations and procedures.

The whole variety of political technological techniques can be reduced to three types:

1) techniques that ensure a targeted change in the rules of interaction between participants in the political process, including by changing the normative, institutional order. By adopting new laws and changing the rules of the game, it is possible to change the behavior of people in society. True, besides the state, other political subjects do not have the right to set rules, so we can say that this actively used technique in the public administration system has its own limiting framework in those political processes where the main active forces are non-governmental organizations and groups (institutions and civil society organizations) ;

2) techniques that ensure the introduction of new ideas, values, and the formation of new attitudes and beliefs into the mass consciousness.

3) techniques that allow you to manipulate people’s behavior.

To the greatest extent, new political technologies are associated with the manipulation of people's consciousness and behavior. Manipulation (from the French manipulation) literally translated is hidden hand movements that activate a device. In politics, manipulation is understood as a special type of influence when the manipulator induces a person to take actions that he did not intend to carry out at the moment. Manipulation differs from forceful influence in that there is no direct instruction or order of what to do, nor the subsequent open coercion or threat of sanctions. During manipulative influence, a person does not feel external coercion; it seems to him that he himself makes a decision and chooses the form of his behavior.

The American scientist R. Goodin formulated and described two fundamental models of manipulation – “rational” and “psychological”. The first of them is characterized by the use of lies, deception and secrecy. A common feature These methods are either complete or partial concealment of information that may affect decision-making, or its distortion. The second, “psychological” model is characterized by the use of unconscious reactions of the individual, which are “provoked” by specially modeled behavior. For example, at a certain attractive moment in his speech, the candidate reinforces his speech with a memorable gesture. Subsequently, the gesture is repeated, causing positive experiences and reactions in the audience.

IN modern world The theory and practice of political manipulation have received quite deep scientific development and practical application. General technology global, nation-wide manipulation is usually based on systematic introduction into mass consciousness socio-political myths– illusory ideas that affirm certain values ​​and norms that are perceived by the objects of manipulation mainly on faith, without critical reflection (for example, the political myth of “American exceptionalism”).

Myth is a generalized idea of ​​reality, combining both moral and aesthetic principles, connecting reality with mysticism. That is, this idea is always largely illusory, but due to its ethical and artistic appeal, it has a great impact on mass consciousness.

According to domestic political scientist Sergei Kara-Murza: “Myths that carry an important irrational... component become part of tradition and play important role in the legitimation of the social system in ideocratic states.” However, myth has not lost its significance in modern society as an important form of social consciousness and representation of reality.

In situations of social instability and uncertainty, classical political technologies (specify which ones) do not bring the expected result. So, in modern Russia greatest number Voters are collected not by those political leaders who better understand social problems, but by those who better understand the electorate and take into account the multidimensional spectrum of interests, sentiments and expectations. Success comes not to those political leaders who strive to understand the current political situation, but to those who promise a lot, demonstrating their efficiency and thriftiness, while playing at paternalism and “social concern.”

An advantage also goes to those politicians whose rhetoric is intertextual and whose language is metaphorical, with elements of clarity and self-evidence. Using concepts - images in the political lexicon, mixing myths and reality, present, past and future in the political text, targeting political relations, politicians achieve great success in their claims to power.

To root socio-political myths, manipulation technology involves the use of a rich arsenal of specific methods of influencing people's consciousness. Among the manipulation methods are:

Reducing the amount of information available to the average citizen;

Use of propaganda (providing citizens with partially correct but biased information);

Use of secrecy (deliberate withholding of information that could undermine the official political course - to show - who, whose course);

Information overload (the deliberate presentation of excessive information in order to deprive the average citizen of the opportunity to adequately assimilate and correctly evaluate it);

Labeling (to reject and discredit persons or ideas, listeners are given an unseemly definition without evidence, for example, “imperialist,” “fascist,” etc.).

Along with the methods described above, a number of other methods are also used. These may be so-called “linguistic traps” - the imposition of the necessary assessments of events through their comparison with certain values. The opposite of this is considered to be another method of “linguistic deprivation”, which consists of excluding certain concepts and terms from the political lexicon (according to the principle: no term - no problem). Widely used in political practice is such a method of manipulating consciousness as political nomination - a targeted choice of terms, concepts and expressions that can produce the desired impression. (“We are slaves of words,” said K. Marx, and then F. Nietzsche literally repeated this.).

Manipulation is widely used not only in totalitarian and authoritarian states, where it is often the dominant type of political technology, but also in modern Western democracies, especially in party propaganda and during election campaigns. Today, not a single presidential or parliamentary election campaign in Western countries, as well as Russia and other countries, is complete without the use of manipulation techniques that create among the population ideas about a certain politician that are very far from reality.

Political technologies are a set of rules, procedures, techniques and methods of influencing the political process that provide a specific subject with optimal and effective implementation its goals and objectives. The specificity of political technology is that it strictly algorithmizes certain rules activities in the field of politics, i.e. reduces it to a system of actions performed in the interests of fulfilling a given political task.

IN modern conditions power, political ideas, organizations, politicians act as political goods offered to citizens. Political technologies are aimed at the effectiveness of market promotion of political goods. In this regard, their second name, “political marketing,” is quite justified. Its appearance is associated with the fact that in the United States, after the Second World War, presidential candidates began to resort to the services of advertising agencies to organize their election campaign.

Political technologies translate theoretical political science knowledge into the plane of practical political activity, thereby allowing the use of all the diversity of political patterns, principles, norms, factors in determining the goals, means and methods of implementing politics - this, in fact, is the essence of the process of technologization of the political environment.

The structure of political technologies is formed by three main elements, each of which, in turn, has a complex structure. The first element is technological knowledge, combining scientific and applied knowledge of political problems with their assessment. Its content consists of the knowledge and positions of the following subjects of political technologies: a technologist who analyzes political events and processes; the customer defining specific goals; a performer who directly solves the problem of optimal application of appropriate procedures, techniques and methods of influencing the political process. The second element is procedures, techniques, methods of influence. They reflect those specific skills and abilities for carrying out purposeful actions that the subjects of political technologies possess. The third element is technical and resource support. It includes financial, technical and other means that can be used in the process of applying specific technological techniques (“promoting” a candidate, forming an appropriate image, etc.), as well as personnel structures and their reserves.

The construction of political technologies is carried out using analytical goal setting and the subsequent division of activities into individual stages, stages, operations of selection of adequate effective methods, means and logic of their use depending on the goals being achieved.

As a rule, modern political technologies have a number of stages: diagnosis and monitoring of the socio-political situation; setting goals and objectives that must be achieved using specific political technology; comparative analysis possible options for achieving the goals, etc. A clear example political technology is the technology of dividing a single political power into legislative, executive and judicial powers.

Political technologies are a set of the most appropriate techniques, methods, and procedures for implementing the functions of the political system, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the political process and achieving the desired results in the political sphere. They include both techniques for achieving immediate local short-term results (tactics) and obtaining a deep, global, long-term effect (strategy). The use of certain political technologies determines the effectiveness of political management, regulation of political processes, the stability of the political system and the entire political space. Political technologies are determined by the type of social development (the dominance of evolutionary or revolutionary processes in it), the nature of the regime (democratic, authoritarian, totalitarian, etc.).

Among the increasingly developed technologies of political activity, the following technologies stand out: social partnership; lobbying activities; adoption and implementation of political decisions; resolution of political conflicts; "public relations"; selective; political management; manipulation; image formation; optimization of political risk, etc.

Thus, in nature there are no abstract political technologies suitable for all occasions. Each of them, on the one hand, is specific and unique, since it is designed to ensure the interaction of various political forces and structures to resolve very specific issues. On the other hand, it is multifaceted in its content and nature, multifaceted in terms of implementation conditions, composition of performers, types of political activity and problems to be solved.


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