Technology of large-panel housing construction. Panel construction: advantages of technology

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Panel residential buildings with a high number of floors (up to 16 floors inclusive), designed on the basis of a catalog of industrial products for Moscow, according to the design scheme - buildings with load-bearing transverse frames. The catalog provides concrete and reinforced concrete slabs for internal transverse walls with a thickness of 140 and 180 mm based on the requirements of load-bearing capacity, sound insulation, fire resistance; at the same time, according to sound insulation conditions, the walls between apartments must have a thickness of 180 mm.

For use in panel buildings with narrow, wide and mixed spacing of internal load-bearing transverse walls, the catalog provides flat solid reinforced concrete floor panels with a thickness of 140 mm. This thickness is accepted By sound insulation conditions. Floor panels have working spans of 300, 3000, 3600 and 4200 mm. The dimensions of non-working spans are taken from 3600 to 7200 mm with gradation every 300 mm.

Horizontal joint between the load-bearing panels of the transverse walls and floors, a platform type is designed (Fig. 32), the peculiarity of which is the unlocking of the floors at half the thickness of the transverse wall panels, in which forces from the upper wall panel to the lower one are transmitted through the supporting parts of the panels floors.

Seams at the points of contact between panels of load-bearing transverse walls and ceilings are made with mortar. However, with large thickness of seams (10 -20 mm and more) in the case of incomplete filling of the mortar in the cross section, as well as in the case of uneven thickness of the mortar joints along their length, stress concentration is possible in individual places of the joints, causing local dangerous overvoltages. To avoid this, cement-sand plasticized paste is currently used for butt joints, from which a thin joint with a thickness of 4-5 can be obtained mm,

Cement-sand paste consists of Portland cement grade 400 -500 and fine sand with a maximum particle size of 0.6 mm(composition 1:1) with the addition of sodium nitrite as a plasticizing and antifreeze additive in an amount of 5-10% by weight of cement. Thanks to the use of plasticized paste, when installing the panel on a thin seam, the panels seem to be glued together.

It should, however, be kept in mind that the use of paste cannot affect the increase in joint strength in cases where the gaps between the panels of walls and ceilings are instead of the design 5 mm reach 20 -30 mm.

The external wall panels provided for in the catalog for Moscow are designed in the form of two interchangeable structures - single-layer az expanded clay concrete grade 75 with a volumetric mass of 1000 -1100 kg/l 3 and three-layer with reinforced concrete outer and inner layers and with a middle layer of effective - insulation.

All wall panels included in the catalog are hinged, regardless of the number of floors of the houses. In cases where the steppes must be load-bearing, for example, at the ends of buildings, panels are used consisting of one load-bearing element or two elements - an internal load-bearing reinforced concrete panel and an external insulating one.

Rice. 32 . Horizontal platform joint of panels of internal transverse load-bearing walls: 1 - panel of the internal wall; 2 - floor panel; 3 - cement paste

The catalog distinguishes between row wall panels, step wall panels, end load-bearing panels and end mounted panels.

Ordinary panels are those located along the working spans of the floors, i.e. perpendicular to the transverse steps.

Row panels can be not only suspended, but also partially load-bearing for the corresponding floors of the building. In the first case, they are supported on the floors and secured To internal walls. In the second case, the floor panels rest on the external walls, i.e. they partially transfer the load to them. Therefore, the shape of the horizontal joint of row panels satisfies both the hinged and load-bearing options.

End bearings are called wall panels located in a building along the floor spans parallel to the internal transverse load-bearing walls, i.e., bearing the main load from the floor panels. If the main load from the floors is to be borne by the internal walls, then external end-mounted insulating panels are hung on them.

Thickness of single-layer rows, corner expanded clay concrete panels for external walls for Moscow, pilasters and ledges accepted 340 mm, end bearings - 440 ml, end mounted ones - 30 mm.

Thickness of ordinary three-layer panels external walls for Moscow according to the catalog are 280 mm. Cement fiberboard with a thickness of 150 is used as insulation. mm s volumetric weight Y = 350 kg/l 3. End non-existent three-layer panels have a thickness of 380 mm, and end mounted -180 mm, Moreover, the latter provide lighter insulation (mineral wool boards or foam glass).

The connection of load-bearing and curtain external walls to the alignment axes of the building is assigned based on the equality of the distances from the outer edges of external walls of any type to the axis of the building (Fig. 33).

Rice. 33. Rules for linking to alignment axes:

A— external single-layer and internal walls; b— external three-layer and internal walls: I- ordinary panel; 2 — internal bearing groans; 3 — ledge panel; 4 — load-bearing end panel; 5 - end hinged panel ; 6 - temperature or sedimentation seam

The binding of the internal edge of ordinary (longitudinal) curtain external walls to the alignment axes of the building is taken equal to 90 mm s taking into account the thickness of the internal reinforced concrete layer of three-layer panels of external walls equal to 80 mm and thickness of panels of internal walls 180 mm(see Fig. 33). The area of ​​support of the panels on the ceiling is sufficient.

Internal walls tied to the alignment axes of the building along their geometric axis. The exception is walls located at expansion or settlement joints at the ends of the building with curtain external end walls. In these cases, the center axis of the building passes at a distance of 10 mm from the outer edge of the inner wall (see Fig. 33). The same value is attached to the internal walls enclosing the staircase-elevator assembly.

Rice. 34, Linking floor panels:

A- node near the staircase; b— knot at the expansion joint; 1 - interior wall panel; 2 - purpose of overlap; 3 - cement paste

P binding of floor panels shown on rice. 32 and 34. Floor panels are laid on an area limited by alignment axes. The gap between the axis and the end of the floor panel is 10 mm. Thus, the size of the floor panel in buildings with transverse load-bearing internal walls is equal to the distance between the alignment axes minus 20 mm

Rice. 35. Installation diagram of a high-rise panel residential building with a narrow pitch of transverse load-bearing steps and horizontal cutting of external walls

In Fig. Figure 35 shows the installation diagram of the walls of a high-rise panel residential building with a narrow pitch of transverse load-bearing walls and horizontal cutting of the external ones.

When designing external panel walls, as indicated in 71, special attention should be paid to the joints between the panels, the design of which largely determines the strength and reliability of the entire load-bearing frame. In high-rise buildings, the joints between panels are exposed to stronger effects of wind and rainwater than in 5-story buildings.

Rice. 36. Construction methods for sealing joints of external wall panels used in constructed buildings:

A- vertical joint of a residential building in Donbass; 6 - the same, in Magnitogorsk; c - the same, on October Zero in Moscow; G- the same, on Mira Avenue in Moscow"; d- horizontal joint of the same house; 1 - external wall panel; 2 - insulation. 3 - mortar or concrete; 4 - lightweight concrete; 5 - pilaster; 6 - insert; 7 - cement paste; 8 - gernite; 9 - floor panel; 10 - tow soaked in gypsum solution; 11 - gypsum solution; 12 - transverse load-bearing wall panel

Joint designs used before 1973 cannot be considered perfect, firstly, because modern methods of sealing them are designed for manual work (pouring mortar or concrete into the joints, laying elastic bands and mastics). The quality of such work is almost uncontrollable. Therefore, for high-rise buildings, methods of sealing joints using the so-called construction methods should be considered more reliable - giving the mating elements an appropriate geometric shape (lap joint, quarter joint, tongue and groove joint), i.e. using materials and methods that have long been mastered builders.

In these houses, the seams between the panels were filled only with mortar and concrete. Thanks to their reliable geometric shape, these joints showed good performance during their 20-year service: they did not leak or freeze.

Possible fundamental design solutions for joints between wall panels, made using construction methods, are given on rice. 37.

In the design of joints of panel houses, it is of great importance to ensure reliable connection between the panels of walls and ceilings. When joining these elements of buildings, as is known, joints using welding of various types of steel connections are widely used.

Considering this circumstance, the special design bureau “Prokat Detali” of Glavmosstroy proposed a new way of fastening wall panels to ceilings using galvanized steel bolts and strips, eliminating the need for assembly welding of steel fasteners. The effectiveness of this connection method has been confirmed by the experience of constructing high-rise residential buildings in Moscow (for example, on Chkalova Street, 41/2).

Rice. 37. Design options for joints between wall panels using construction methods:

A- for single-layer flat panels; b V- the same for walls with a pilaster; G- for three-layer flat panels; d- the same for corner panels; e- the same for panels with a quarter; and- the same for walls with pilasters; I And 2 - panels of external and internal walls; 3 - solution; 4 - pilaster; 5 - insulation; V- insulation in the form of a liner

In Fig. 38 shows the arrangement of joints of panel walls of a 9-story residential building of series 11-57. After connecting the loop outlets of the reinforcement with staples, the vertical joint is sealed. Along the top of the external and transverse internal walls, the panels are connected using galvanized steel bolts and strips.

Bolted connections can only be used with high accuracy of panel dimensions, which is ensured by the vibration rolling method. Thanks to this and strict fixation of embedded parts on the forming belt of the mill, favorable conditions are created for the so-called forced installation, in which the installation of wall and ceiling panels clamps ensure the strictly designed position (see Fig. 38, b).

What is new in the design of external fencing of high-rise panel residential buildings is the installation of loggias. The catalog accepted the width of loggias from 900 to 1800 mm with gradation every 300 mm.

In Fig. 39 Shown are the layout options for loggias with curtain and load-bearing walls, as well as with walls formed by consoles of external wall panels.

In Fig. 40 components and details are shown in the plan of loggias with curtain and load-bearing walls.

As an example of a high-rise panel building, the design of which was carried out on the basis of a catalog of standardized products, the design of a 16-storey 275-apartment building from vibration installation structures, built in Moscow in the residential area of ​​Troparevo.

Rice. 38. Joint of panel walls on bolts of a 9-storey residential building of series II-57:

A- vertical joint: b- horizontal joint; 1 - internal wall panel; 2 - external expanded clay concrete panel; 3 - floor panel; 4 - bolt; 5 - solution; 6 - galvanized metal plate with bolts; 7 - concrete cone on a metal pin; 8 - gernite tow; 9 - metal wedge; 10 - concrete grade 200; 11 - heating riser; 12 - an insulating package made of styrofoam, wrapped in roofing felt and glued to the panel; 13 - loop outlets of fittings.

The building is five-sectional, row sections have two two-room and two three-room apartments, end sections have one two-room, three-room and four-room apartment. (Fig. 41, o). Each section has two elevators with a lifting capacity of 320 and 500 kg. A structural scheme with load-bearing transverse walls has been adopted for the house; the longitudinal structural module is equal to 300 mm, transverse - 600 mm. Module 300 mm in a longitudinal step caused by the design feature of the vertical joint of the outer wall panels with an overlap. This design of the joint makes it possible to compensate for temperature deformations and inaccuracies in panel dimensions (Fig. 41, b).

Internal cross wall panels are adopted with a thickness of 160 mm. The thickness of interfloor ceilings per room is 140 mm. External wall panels - hinged expanded clay concrete with a thickness of 320 mm the size of two rooms. The partitions are mounted from gypsum-rolled panels with a thickness of 80 mm.

The main design feature of this 16-storey building is that the external wall panels are connected to the internal load-bearing walls and floors using galvanized steel bolts and plates, which provides the building with greater structural reliability and durability.

Rice. 39. Options for arrangement of loggias in panel residential buildings:

A- with curtain and load-bearing walls; b- with walls formed by consoles of external wall panels; 1 - load-bearing wall; 2 - the same, average; 3 - curtain wall; 4 - load-bearing end wall panel; 5 - load-bearing wall panel console

A new solution deserves attention volumetric monolithic balcony elements(Fig. 41, c), which are attached to the outer stop panels in the factory. The use of such structures can significantly reduce the number of tower crane lifts and labor costs for installation. In addition, fastening the balcony element to the wall panel at the factory ensures reliable sealing of the joint.

Rice. 40. Knots and details of loggias in plan with curtain walls:

1 - the outermost hinged expanded clay concrete wall of the loggia; 2 — panel of the internal transverse load-bearing wall; 3 - expansion joint

A feature of the architectural and structural solution of residential buildings with a height of 9 floors or more, designed on the basis of a catalog of industrial products for Moscow, is the installation of an attic roof and a warm attic.

As experience in the construction of residential buildings has shown, the non-attic combined roofs that have been used so far have some disadvantages. In the non-attic roofs of 5-story buildings, compared to attics, heat loss through the roof amounts to 13-15% of the total heat loss. In high-rise buildings, these heat losses increase even more due to a sharp increase in wind on the enclosing structures of the upper floors. In roofless roofs, in order to obtain a stable thermal regime in the premises, it is necessary to overuse fuel.

Rice. 41. Residential 16-storey building made of vibro-rolled elements based on a catalog of industrial products:

A- ordinary section; b— vertical overlap joint of external wall panels; V- external wall panel G- volumetric monolithic balcony; 1 — vertical gernite bundles with a diameter of 40 mm on KN-2 glue, 2 — cement-sand mortar; 3 - external wall panels: 4 — mounting bolts; 5 — caulking of tow in gypsum mortar and jointing; b- interior wall panel: 7 — heating riser; 8 — mounting steel plate. 9 - caulking with cement mortar

It should also be noted that due to the imperfection of the waterproofing rolled carpet, made from roofing felt, the roof often leaks and water gets through the ceiling into the premises of the upper floor. The reason for the leakage of roofing material is that during its manufacture only the pores between the fibers of the cardboard are completely saturated and water flows through individual unimpregnated fibers.

Instead of roofing felt, it is advisable to use glass roofing felt (GOST 15879-70), manufactured on the basis of bituminous material - fiberglass. Fiberglass, in which glass fibers are glued together with plastic, has the best properties. However, little of these materials are produced yet.

When installing attic roofs, it is easier to eliminate roof leaks and prevent water from entering the upper floor. The attic is used to place overhead heating, ventilation, etc. communications. The attic space is designed to be warm with insulated enclosing structures; a positive temperature in it is ensured by the supply of thermal air from the ventilation system of the house. The calculated attic air temperature is +18°; the warm attic room is divided into compartments with sealed internal transverse walls, and an exhaust ventilation shaft is installed in each compartment.

Rice. 42. Constructive diagram of a warm attic in a high-rise residential building. Cross section through the attic

A warm attic has been adopted as the main solution for houses built on the basis of a catalog of industrial products for Moscow for the following reasons: it reduces the cost of heating the house, since it eliminates heat loss through the ceiling of the upper floor, and reduces the number of holes in the roof , since only one ventilation exhaust shaft is installed per section.

The walls of a warm attic in a high-rise panel residential building (Fig. 42) are made from ordinary panels of the building’s external walls. The covering consists of roofing expanded clay concrete panels (EC) with a thickness of 350 mm.

Roofing panels are supported at one end (from the side of the outer wall) on longitudinal reinforced concrete crossbars (RC), and at the other end - on tray expanded clay concrete panels (ECP) with a thickness of 350 mm.Ends The covering panels, resting on the tray panels, have bevels that make it easy to stick the rolled carpet.

Crossbars with a section of 500x200 mm rest on reinforced concrete walls (RC) measuring 300X1410x1180 (1480) mm, and tray panels - on reinforced concrete walls (RC) with dimensions 140X1410X2980 (3580) mm. Slopes in trays to drainage funnels are made from cement solution. The minimum release of roofing panels when unlocking onto a tray panel must be at least 380 mm.

Structural diagrams of KPD (large panel housing construction). The panels are widely used in mass residential construction. One drawback is the rigid space-planning system.

Panel housing construction- one of the methods of prefabricated construction, based on the use of pre-fabricated large reinforced concrete panels and factory-produced slabs in the construction of large residential, administrative and public buildings.

Large panel houses are built according to. Spatial rigidity and stability are ensured by the mutual connection between the wall panels and.

With longitudinal load-bearing walls:

  • load-bearing - external panel longitudinal walls;
  • self-supporting - external panel transverse walls;
  • load-bearing - internal panel longitudinal wall;
  • The floor slabs are supported on 2 short sides, solid, 160 mm thick.

span- the distance between the coordination axes of the longitudinal load-bearing walls.

With a small pitch of transverse walls:

  • pitch of transverse load-bearing walls 2700-3600 mm;
  • floor slabs - solid, the size of a structural planning cell with walls supported along the contour or on three sides;
  • external and internal, longitudinal and transverse are load-bearing;
  • the floor slabs are connected to each other and to the walls by steel ties in at least 2 places on each side.

With a large and/or mixed pitch of load-bearing transverse walls:

  • load-bearing internal transverse wall panels;
  • external longitudinal wall panels are self-supporting;
  • pre-stressed solid (160 mm) or hollow-core (220 mm) panels;
  • steel ties of at least 3 on the long side and at least 2 on the short side.

Cutting walls of large-panel buildings

Cutting is a system for laying out panels in the plane of the wall.

Types of cutting walls


  • single-story panels the size of a room;
  • single-story panels the size of two rooms;
  • strip - waist panels + partitions.


  • two floors and one room in size;
  • strip - 2-storey partitions + inter-storey belt walls.

We use a horizontal cutting scheme.

The process of assembling a house from large wall panels.

Installation of high-rise frame buildings is carried out using a communication system.

The construction of frameless buildings involves the use of internal and external load-bearing wall panels and floor slabs, which are installed next to each other and on top of each other in such a way that, after pouring concrete into the seams and joints between them, a stable structure is obtained.

Prefabricated house construction is something without which it is simply impossible to imagine modern construction. More and more new technologies and materials are being introduced to ensure that the building fully complies with today’s requirements for comfort, heat supply, etc.

The size of the panels that make up the load-bearing walls of buildings is equal to the height of one floor. Wall panels differ from large blocks in that they are not adapted to self-stability: during construction, mounting devices are responsible for stability, and during operation, specially designed joints and connections are responsible. When covering, reinforced concrete panels or panels are used, the size of which is equal to the structural planning cell.

Most structures built using this technology simultaneously perform several important functions: for example, the outer walls are load-bearing and heat-insulating, and the inner walls are load-bearing with a sound insulation function, etc.

The described technology is distinguished by its high spatial rigidity and provides excellent seismic resistance in the event of an earthquake.

It is worth saying that good heat resistance of the panels is achieved by changing the thickness of the layers.

There are also two-layer panels (there is no façade layer). In this case, the facade layer must be made directly on the construction site.

The main advantages of using three-layer panels for external walls:

  • Good heat resistance (no cold bridges);
  • Resistant to sound and wind;
  • Reliable protection in any climate;
  • Relatively simple and quick construction;
  • and can be installed directly at the factory, and this will allow you to do internal work much earlier;
  • The ability to make special channels with which electrical wiring can be easily installed;
  • Full or partial finishing of surfaces is possible at the manufacturer;
  • Smooth surfaces of internal walls (no need to plaster);
  • Exact panel sizes;
  • Possibility of finishing the façade surface to suit absolutely every taste.

Frame-panel houses are built according to the standards of frame technology: construction of the frame, installation of insulation, cladding. The peculiarity of the method is that panels for frame houses with insulation are made at the factory, and the assembly of the house is much faster. Depending on what part of the house kit is made in a factory, there are several types of panel houses, differing in construction time, budget, design approach: houses made of sip panels, frame-panel or frame-panel, modular.

Construction of frame-panel houses - classic technology and quick assembly

Frame-panel or assembled from elements prepared at the factory. Finished walls are made using high-precision equipment. Construction companies offer standard house kits or customized custom designs.

Basic principles of frame technology

Frame houses are popular due to short construction times and cost-effectiveness. Using this technology, a frame is first made of beams and boards, then insulation, membrane layers that protect from moisture and wind, and a vapor barrier are installed. The structure is sheathed on both sides with sheet materials, and then the external and internal cladding is made with finishing materials.

In a traditional frame house, all the "layers" of the wall assembled on site according to a pre-developed project. Sometimes they talk about prefabricated frame houses, meaning ready-made house kits in which wooden elements and panels are prepared in production to the dimensions of a specific project and marked. At a construction site, they are assembled like a construction kit according to drawings.

Design and production of house kits for frame-panel houses

Manufacturing is automated: window and door openings and even holes for sockets are cut in advance. But the degree of automation of production at different enterprises differs.

The most advanced automation option - design drawings are loaded into a computer, the location of technological openings and places for stitching frame elements are specified. The output is ready-to-assemble elements with virtually no manual processing.

House kits are made according to standard samples; minor changes in the layout are possible, but must be made before launching into production. Calculation and production of an individual project is much more expensive than a standard one, and the equipment has to be rebuilt. The finished walls are brought directly to the site and the house is assembled, while the exterior is made by hand.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame-panel houses


  • faster assembly compared to standard frame technology;
  • no shrinkage, the ability to immediately begin finishing;
  • the use of a lightweight foundation and, as a result, budget savings;
  • energy efficiency comparable to a brick house;
  • fire safety due to the use of self-extinguishing materials for the production of panels.


  • increase in cost compared to a standard frame;
  • service life - 50-60 years;
  • impossibility of making changes during the construction process;
  • the need to install fresh air ventilation, although some manufacturers claim that simple ventilation is sufficient for summer houses;
  • difficulty in redevelopment after some time.

Houses made from SIP panels

Vulture frame houses are assembled from panels made according to the sandwich principle: a block of polystyrene glued between sheets of OSB using polyurethane glue. The use of oriented strand boards significantly speeds up construction, since three layers have already been combined and all that remains is to cover them with finishing materials outside and inside. The insulation does not need to be installed separately and the house is built faster than a classic frame.

Design Features

Manufactured at the factory. Polyurethane glue is applied to the OSB sheet, a polystyrene board is placed, glue is added again, a second sheet of OSB is placed on top and pressed with a press. The OSB sheets protrude 2.5-5 cm beyond the edges of the polystyrene. This creates a “groove” that is used to attach the panel to the frame beam. The quality of the panels is determined by the grade of polystyrene, OSB and the correctness of the geometry.

The construction of a house from sip panels begins with the foundation. After the foundation is ready, they do timber frame and bottom floor from sip panels. Then they build a frame in which the pitch of the vertical posts is equal to the width of the panel, and they start at the side of the house. The panels are attached to the racks using the tongue-and-groove method, having previously applied polystyrene foam to the polystyrene. As a result, all voids at the joint are completely filled.

Advantages and disadvantages of a house made from SIP panels


  • speed of installation;
  • no complicated equipment is needed - workers install lightweight panels by hand; a team of 3-5 people is enough to assemble a house;
  • expanded polystyrene is a self-extinguishing material; if the panel is removed from the fire zone, it will go out. therefore, in terms of fire safety, a structure made of sip panels is better than a wooden one;
  • Electric heaters are sufficient to maintain a comfortable temperature.


  • The short service life of the panels compared to brick houses is a conditional minus. Some manufacturers are already claiming tests showing that polystyrene will not degrade for about 80 years;
  • The customer cannot control the quality of manufacturing of sip panels. If there is a cavity inside, it will form bridge of cold, and efforts to heat the house are reduced to nothing. Violation of the geometry leads to installation difficulties. The only way to avoid mistakes is to contact manufacturers who use high-quality certified components and provide a guarantee.

European traditions in frame construction

In Russia, houses have been built using frame technology since the end of the last century; in Europe, active construction began already in the 50s. Our builders adopted the experience of their colleagues, and the technologies received appropriate names: Finnish, German.

The Finns are supporters of the maximum use of natural materials in combination with modern technologies: the frame is usually made of laminated veneer lumber, cellulose is used as insulation, and the structure is sheathed with wood.

German manufacturers of frame house kits often use basalt wool, and for cladding - cement-bonded particle board. The fire safety of the house and the speed of construction come first. All materials used are fire-resistant or self-extinguishing, and the assembly technology has been worked out to the smallest detail.

Lightweight structure - inexpensive foundation

A distinctive feature of frame buildings is their low specific gravity. A small load allows you not to make a massive foundation, but to make do with an inexpensive pile-screw, shallow-depth strip or support-column foundation. Shallow foundations are suitable for heaving soils, characteristic of many regions of Russia; they are not deformed by “swelling” of the soil during freezing.

Pile-screw foundations They are convenient because they can be done at any time of the year in just two days. The use of piles helps to cope with height differences on the site and does not require any preliminary soil preparation. Before construction begins, a test screwing is done to determine where the solid ground begins. After installing the piles, a bottom frame is made of timber and treated with bitumen mastic to prevent rotting of the wood.

Modular houses - construction in a few days

The construction of houses from large modules, entirely produced at a factory, is a popular European method that is gradually taking root in Russian realities. Houses using this technology are designed according to the “constructor” principle, combining several modules of rooms and roofs for the construction of one building.

Factory production of modules

At the factory, the frame of the module is assembled, it is insulated, windows and doors are installed, and external cladding and interior finishing are done. The walls are made in the same way as with the frame construction method: a layer of insulation between two panels, membranes, external and internal cladding. The difference is that all these layers are made at the factory; wires and pipes for the bathroom are immediately laid inside, and the roof is separated into a separate module.

The modules have standard sizes and fit together like construction parts. When designing, allowable overall dimensions for transportation are taken into account. In Russia: width – 2.5 m, and the length of the elements is calculated taking into account the transport used for transportation. When ordering, manufacturers provide the opportunity to choose a design and finish. Possible: lining, siding and other modern materials.

Delivery and installation of the house

Transportation requires heavy equipment and a crane. The structure is usually installed on a pile-screw foundation, which can be done at any time of the year and with any ground relief. Two to three days are enough to install such a foundation.

Assembling a modular frame house takes 1-2 days, most of the time is spent on sealing the joints between the modules to avoid heat loss. Electrical wires coming out of adjacent modules are connected and the junction boxes are covered with junction boxes. After assembly, only minor interior finishing work and plumbing installation remain.


  • assembly speed - several days;
  • independence from weather and season;
  • availability of finishing;
  • Possibility of house transportation to a new location: the modules are separated, transported and reassembled, only the foundation is made anew;
  • Energy efficiency of the house allows you to save on heating.


  • heavy equipment will not reach every populated area due to bad roads;
  • The customer cannot control the production of the house kit at the factory. And if a mistake is made, for example, there are voids in the wall, this is fraught with large heat losses and discomfort;
  • service life is approximately 50 years, and since the technology has been used not so long ago, there are no verified data on service life.

Frame-panel houses are a promising technology. If you don’t have time for long construction and the desire to delve into technological intricacies, but you need a house quickly, this method is ideal. Prefabricated houses are universal: they are used for permanent residence and summer cottages, as a guest house or as a temporary option until more permanent housing is built.

Video: accelerated shooting of a house made of SIP panels

Panel housing construction is one of the methods of prefabricated construction. It is based on the use of prefabricated or prefabricated panels. Such products are used for the construction of administrative and large residential buildings. Such construction has become widespread in world practice; there are three main prerequisites for this, among them:

  • the need for mass construction;
  • availability of an appropriate raw material base;
  • comprehensive preparation of sites for mass development.

Panel housing construction is impossible without the presence of road tracks, which must have an impressive carrying capacity and width, since special equipment is used to deliver assembly units. Powerful lifting crane equipment is also used, because the weight of the panels can reach 9 tons, and the boom radius is 30 m. The positive qualities of such housing construction are quick-assembled structures, a high degree of readiness for finishing work, the quality of structures and prefabricated elements, the latter of which are produced industrially way.


Panel housing construction is developing quite intensively today. Like any other technology, the described one develops new engineering, design and planning solutions. For example, today it is practiced to build houses with facades without seams. Whereas just recently the possibility of using external insulation technologies, which involves the use of single-layer reinforced concrete panels, became known. Such thermal insulation does not delay the completion of the facility on schedule, since such work is carried out in parallel with the installation of utilities and the interior finishing of buildings.

If we consider in more detail the silent technology of constructing a facade, we can note that each contour is assembled from single-layer panels, the thickness of which can vary from 120 to 160 mm. After this, a thermal insulation layer made of materials characterized by a low thermal conductivity coefficient is strengthened on the outside. In addition to such protection, the insulation acts as a base for applying the plaster layer. A reinforcing layer is applied on top using an adhesive composition, the thickness of which can vary from 2 to 4 mm. The fiberglass mesh is pressed into the adhesive composition, and then a primer layer is applied.

The final stage of exterior finishing is the use of polymer, mineral or decorative rough plaster. This perspective of panel housing construction made it possible to give buildings a modern look, improve their thermal insulation characteristics and close interpanel joints, eliminating leaks that could cause freezing

The facades have received an individual appearance; now they can have a rich range of colors and can be easily repaired if necessary. The prospects for panel housing construction also include the use of a ventilated facade, during which porcelain stoneware panels are used, strengthened using a seamless finishing technique. Such a rapid spread of this technology is also due to the fact that the panels are of higher quality compared to monolithic structures.

Main advantages

Considering the advantages of panel housing construction, it can be noted that such buildings are quite cheap. Housing in buildings of this type is more profitable, and if you compare the price of an apartment in a panel house with one in a brick building, the difference will be significant. Another advantage is the speed of construction. For example, a team of specialists can build it in six months, while the construction of a monolithic building will take 2.5 years.

Ready-made reinforced concrete structures are delivered to the construction site, which reduces the time required for the work. The outer panels already have window units, and inside there are ready-made channels for laying electrical wiring. If you are interested in the advantages of panel housing construction, then you can also pay attention to the evenness of the internal systems. The panels are manufactured in a factory, so the owners will not have to struggle for a long time with applying plaster. There is no need to bring the surfaces to perfect smoothness.

Such buildings hardly shrink, so the owners can immediately begin repairs after construction is completed. And in a newly built house there will be no distortions or other defects. Among other things, the construction of such buildings is constantly being improved and modernized. Already this year, construction is planned according to new requirements; new building projects will have an open layout, and the facades will have a variety of designs.

Main disadvantages

A major drawback in panel housing construction can be considered the presence of seams, which to this day remain between the panels if the construction is not carried out using innovative technology. If small cracks are present at the joints, then moisture will enter the room, causing the walls to become damp and mold to appear on their surface. The downside is the low ability to accumulate heat. In winter, the walls quickly cool down, while in summer they heat up quite quickly.

The construction of panel houses today is still carried out using old technologies, so such buildings have some disadvantages, including:

  • poor planning;
  • roof leakage;
  • uniformity of houses;
  • lack of opportunity to make redevelopment.

Main types of panel buildings

If we classify the buildings described, we can distinguish frame and frameless buildings. The first type includes frame-panel houses, while the second type includes large-panel houses. Frame-panel systems can be divided into two additional design schemes: with a full frame and with an internal frame. If we are talking about a full frame, then the building is formed using external supports and ribbed panels in the form of floors. Panels and internal partitions are fixed to the racks. If the building is being erected using full frame technology, then the method of longitudinal and transverse arrangement of the frame can be used. In frame-panel houses, the span length can vary from 5.6 to 6 m. Columns are located along the building, the distance between which can vary from 3.2 to 3.6 m.

Features of frameless buildings

Large-panel housing construction can be classified as frameless construction. Depending on the number of floors and the purpose of the building, several structural schemes can be distinguished, namely: buildings with load-bearing internal and external longitudinal and transverse partitions, buildings with self-supporting external and load-bearing transverse partitions, as well as houses with load-bearing external and longitudinal internal walls.

If we are talking about buildings with transverse partitions, then the load-bearing elements in them are internal partitions located transversely, on which the floors rest. In this case, the outer panels are lightweight and strengthened; they act as enclosing elements, since they do not bear the load from the floor.

Technological process

Panel housing construction, the technology of which is described in the article, involves the production of elements at specialized enterprises, which are called frame-panel and large-panel housing construction factories. The formation of elements of a large-panel building is carried out in one of three main ways, namely: vertical formation in cassettes, the use of an aggregate-flow or conveyor method, as well as the vibratory rolling method. In the latter case, a rolling mill is used.

At the next stage, the finished panels are transported; for this purpose, panel carriers are used, which are a semi-trailer or trailer. Their carrying capacity sometimes exceeds 24 tons. Modern panel housing construction usually involves the installation of elements using a bracing system. The construction of buildings involves the use of external and internal load-bearing panels and floor slabs, which are installed next to each other so that after pouring concrete there are as few joints and seams as possible. As a result, it is possible to create a stable structure.

Additional advantages and disadvantages of panel housing construction

The components of a panel house, which look like reinforced concrete slabs, are manufactured in house-building factories. In terms of quality, such products will always compare favorably with those structures that are erected directly on the construction site. Frame-panel housing construction is reminiscent of assembling a children's construction set. The building area is smaller than that used for the construction of a brick house. Labor-intensive and time-consuming processes such as installation of reinforcement or concreting, which are typical for monolithic housing construction, are excluded. Experts see this as their main advantage over others.

Frame-panel housing construction also has its disadvantages, which are expressed in the impossibility of producing a wide range of similar structures. This is especially true for the variety of shapes that are limited by standard formworks. Factories produce only those structures that require mass use. The widespread introduction of prefabricated reinforced concrete technology entails the emergence of a huge number of buildings of the same type, which leads to the degradation of the region’s architecture.

Features of private panel housing construction

Private panel house construction may involve the use of SIP material, the quality of which must be checked before purchase. If low-quality polystyrene foam or glue was used in their production, this can reduce the life of the house. You should not purchase panels that were made using the manual gluing method; although such products are cheaper, they are of low quality.

Low-rise panel housing construction must be carried out after checking the documentation, which confirms the quality of the products. The strength of the panels is determined by the quality of the polystyrene foam. To build such a house, it is recommended to form a columnar foundation using piles. Sometimes a shallow strip foundation is installed. Such a foundation becomes a reliable support even for a multi-story building. If such a foundation is not suitable for the reason that the soil is heaving, then it is best to opt for a deep strip foundation; it should have an expanded lower part. When building a house with a ground floor or basement, it is worth choosing a slab foundation. It is suitable for almost any soil and has high performance characteristics.

Construction technology

Houses made from panel slabs begin to be built with the construction of the foundation. The technology for its installation will depend on the type of base chosen. Among the advantages of a foundation on screw piles are the speed of work, as well as its seasonality. This comparison is relevant if we take into account a slab or strip base.

After completing the construction of the foundation, you can begin waterproofing it, which will protect the foundation of the house from moisture. If there are elements made of steel or wood, they should be treated with special compounds that increase the quality and length of service life. If screw piles were installed, then the strapping beam is laid on them, but before that you need to lay roofing material in 2 layers. The installation of timber is carried out in accordance with a previously prepared project.

Work methodology

The next stage of construction of panel houses involves installing the floor. The lower part of SIP panels is treated with a waterproofing solution, which prevents the material from being exposed to moisture. To join the panels together, you can use a tongue-and-groove connection with a beam. Each side is strengthened with a self-tapping screw.

Before installation, foam must be applied to the tongue-and-groove side of the panels. After this, the panels are covered with wooden boards. At the next stage, you can begin to assemble the first floor. Work is being carried out on the lower trim. The smallest deviations from the project are unacceptable, as this will affect the correct installation of subsequent floors. The walls at this stage must be marked, and corner panels must be installed to complete their assembly. Next, the panels are mounted in relation to the perimeter of each room.


Panel housing construction involves completing the assembly of the first floor in the corner. To close the end section, elements in the form of racks are used. The next step will be the installation of floors and the construction of a roof. In this case, there is no need to build a rafter system. To install the roof, special SIP panels are usually used, and there is no need to lay a layer of heat and vapor barrier.

The technology of panel housing construction appeared in our country about half a century ago. Five-story “Khrushchev” panels or later standard nine-story buildings are probably familiar to every Russian. However, over time, such housing has ceased to meet the needs of buyers.

Old vs new panel

The main disadvantages of old panel houses are faceless facades, very large apartments, poor noise and heat insulation, and monotonous layouts. According to Svetlana Shmakova, vice-president of the SAPSAN Group of Companies, the old ill-conceived layouts with Khrushchev-style kitchens of 6-8 square meters, as well as long and narrow corridors, due to which a lot of usable space is lost, have long become irrelevant.

The modern panel allows for more flexible solutions to construction issues. It is easier for her to “adapt” to new urban planning, space planning, and architectural requirements. The main advantage of the new technology is the ability to modify layouts “to suit the customer”. Reinforced concrete structures allow the construction of objects of any complexity with various types of facades and types of facing materials.

Thus, specifically for the first stage of construction of the River Park residential complex, the LSR company designed a non-standard model of buildings of the EuroPa series. In this series, the project developer can choose for development various layouts from 25 apartment options, among which there are compact studios with an area of ​​25-28 sq. m. m. At the same time, the ceiling height is 2.8 meters.

Residential complex "River Park"

Of course, not all new series offer optimal configurations of rooms, kitchens and balconies. But a panel house with an open plan is now a very common option.

“Over 10-15 years of market development, the old series have already been partially modified, the quality characteristics of panel houses have improved”

Alexander Zubets, “New Vatutinki”

Among the innovations, it is also worth noting special designs for air conditioners and public areas on the first floors. It became possible to build multi-storey buildings, and block sections with apartments of various sizes appeared. The modern panel, unlike the old one, is insulated and thickened, and new seam technology is used during installation. Therefore, all past shortcomings (poor thermal insulation and strong audibility) are no longer relevant. Small kitchens are also a thing of the past. A modern kitchen in a panel house has an average area of ​​10-14 square meters.

The guaranteed service life of the new “sockets”, thanks to the design and technological features, has doubled and is about 100 years. Therefore, such houses will not be demolished in the coming decades. The only thing is that in some cases they will require serious reconstruction, as, for example, in the case of wet facades (plaster). This option, compared to curtain and brick facades, is extremely short-lived. No matter how well the developer plasters the walls, at best they will lose color, and in the worst case they will crack.

However, in terms of construction speed, panel houses of the old and new series are practically the same. As Georgy Novikov, head of the analytics and consulting department of the MIEL-Novostroiki company, said, the duration of the installation stage may have been reduced, but only slightly (a residential building of a standard panel series is installed in 10 months). But if we consider the general construction cycle from a legal point of view (from foundation pit to commissioning), then it has not changed and is about 1.5 years.

Leader in the panel housing market- P-44T/K series

According to experts, the most popular panel series today is the P-44T/K. Such houses are distinguished by more interesting planning solutions and a small number of apartments per floor. The “Europa” and “GRAD” series (“Grad-1M”, “Grad-2M”, “Grad-4M”) are popular.

An example is also the PIK-1 panel series from PIK Group, developed from scratch. Its innovation lies in lower production costs.

Another example is the “DOMMOS” series, an in-house development of the developer GVSU “Center”. It is distinguished by the variability of facades, including the presence of design solutions for houses with stained glass and cladding with ventilated facades.

At the moment, quite a lot of new buildings are being built using modern panels. Thus, LSR Group is building several facilities in the capital using new technology, including the comfort-class residential complex “Luchi” in the Solntsevo district, a residential complex in the Beskudnikovsky district and residential buildings on Dmitrovskoye Shosse. According to Konstantin Kuznetsov, manager of LSR. Construction - Moscow", in the residential complex "Luchi" (Europe series) 9 multi-storey residential buildings from 6 to 25 floors with apartments of various sizes and layouts will be built.

According to experts, approximately half of the volume in panel series houses is made up of new generation panels. In particular, among the projects in “old” Moscow, the implementation of which began over the past two years, buildings are being built using the most modern technologies in seven residential complexes: “River Park” (Europa series), “Varshavskoe Highway, 141”, “Meshchersky Forest” ", "Elninskaya, 14B" (all three - series "PIK-1"), "World of Mitino", "Olgino Park" in Zheleznodorozhny (series "DOMMOS") and "Nekrasovka" ("DOMRIK"). A new microdistrict in the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow - the residential complex "Kvartaly 21/19" is being built up P-44T/K.

“In the new series of residential buildings, the emphasis is on an attractive architectural appearance, energy efficiency, functionality and convenience of planning solutions”

Igor Sibrenkov, Morton-Invest LLC

New panel housing construction technologies are used in the Zelenogradsky residential complex (Andreevka) and Domodedovo Park (Domodedovo). The construction of houses in Zelenogradsky is using sandwich panels with additional 25-centimeter insulation. A distinctive feature of the houses is mirror glazing. In the Domodedovo Park residential complex, in a number of buildings there are houses of the EuroPa panel series, which are distinguished by a seamless “warm” facade.

Panel vs monolith

Modern panel houses are often so similar to monolithic buildings that many buyers do not immediately distinguish a panel from a monolith. Thus, the boundaries between different types of housing construction are gradually blurring. Soviet stereotypes that a panel house is an economical option with all the ensuing consequences are becoming a thing of the past. Therefore, if in the same project there are both panel and monolithic houses, then the former often buy even more due to their lower cost.

Some buyers are confused by the fact that, compared to a monolithic house, a panel house has more load-bearing walls, so the options for “remodeling” an apartment are somewhat limited. But residents can still, for example, expand the bathroom using the hallway space or move the doorway. On the other hand, when renovating a monolithic house, you have to spend additional money on building walls. However, it is worth noting that fewer and fewer buyers are asking the question of redevelopment and want to buy ready-made turnkey housing. This means that panel housing construction today offers buyers the most optimal options suitable for the average family.

According to Andrey Kolochinsky, managing partner of VectorStroyFinance Group of Companies, panel houses are popular among developers primarily due to the speed of their construction. Such a building is built 1.5-2 times faster than a monolithic house of similar size. A monolith is, as a rule, an individual project, so during construction unforeseen problems may arise that require new architectural and technical solutions. Because of this, the speed of construction is slowed down. In addition, the approval of design documentation for an individual monolithic project takes much longer than for a panel project, because such projects require a separate examination, since they are not familiar to the authorities, unlike a standard panel.

“Modern panel houses look no worse than those built according to an individual design project”

Maria Litinetskaya, Metrium Group

Developers also prefer panels for purely economic reasons. In the early 2000s, up to 60-70% of Moscow buildings were standard construction - panel houses. For the first time, the share of monolithic housing construction exceeded panel construction in 2004, and already in 2006 it almost reached 80%. The crisis of 2008-2009 served as a new incentive for the emergence of standard new buildings. Thus, in 2009, half of the properties released were panel houses. In 2010, the share of such buildings increased by 1.5-2 times compared to the pre-crisis period.

However, since the mid-2000s, monolithic housing construction has confidently held the lead in Moscow, and from 2012 to 2014 it accounted for almost 90% of new buildings in the capital. In 2016, the situation changed. The share of supply in panel houses in the mass segment of the primary market of “old” Moscow was 23%. For comparison: at the end of 2015, apartments in panel buildings occupied only 12% of the Moscow market.

The distribution of supply volume, expressed in the total area of ​​apartments by design technology relative to the total supply volume, according to the company, looks like this (as of July 2016).


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