Thermal insulation for water supply pipes: a review of insulation against freezing of pipes in the ground. Thermal insulation of heating and hot water pipes Thermal insulating material for heating pipes

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It is necessary to protect not only building structures from the cold, but also engineering Communication. Proper insulation heating pipes reduces heat loss, reduces the risk of freezing if the circulation of hot water stops for long time due to accidents and repairs. The consumption of fuel and energy resources increases along with monthly utility bills.

Requirements for thermal insulation of heating pipes

Technical requirements for thermal insulation of pipelines are established by SP 61.13330. During operation, it is exposed to various influences - mechanical, chemical, thermal, humidity, therefore it must not only be energy efficient, but also reliable, durable, and safe.

Characteristics of materials that are taken into account when choosing:

  • Thermal conductivity, density - determine the thickness of the insulation layer, the load on the pipe, its supports.
  • Heat resistance - ensures that the original properties remain unchanged upon contact with a hot surface.
  • Elasticity and compressive strength are responsible for the stability of shape and structure when caking and laying in the ground.
  • Water resistance - eliminates the absorption of water, allows you to maintain thermal insulation properties.
  • Biostability and resistance to aggressive environments are important for long-term operation.
  • Flammability, content of harmful substances - must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, fire safety standards.

WITH practical point Convenient, simple installation is important. It saves time and eliminates additional costs for installation materials.

Functions of insulating materials

Heating system pipelines are insulated using any method of installation - underground and above-ground on the street, in technical rooms of apartment buildings, private houses, industrial, public buildings. The objectives of materials and structures do not depend on the location of communications.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes should:

  • Maintain the temperature of the coolant to ensure comfort in living and working areas.
  • Reduce heat loss in the pipeline, maintain it at an acceptable level, reduce fuel or energy consumption.
  • Ensure safety when in contact with the surface, since the temperature of hot water in the pipes reaches 1050C.
  • Protect the system from freezing, corrosion, deformation, damage, and extend its maintenance-free service life.

Properly selected and installed insulation performs all functions throughout its intended service life.

Types of materials for thermal insulation of heating pipes

Technical solutions for pipe insulation differ in design, materials and characteristics.

Mineral wool

Technical insulation from stone wool basalt rocks for insulation of high-temperature pipelines are produced in wound cylinders, slabs and mats, including those with one-sided foil. It is chemically inert, biostable, non-flammable, has a thermal conductivity of about 0.04 W/m*K and a density of 100-150 kg/m3.

The materials are effective, affordable, but have disadvantages. The use of mineral wool insulation for insulating heating pipes in attics, basements, and technical undergrounds is limited due to high humidity. Tendency to caking, absorption of moisture leads to disruption of the structure, wetting, rapid deterioration of heat protective properties.

Polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam

Thermal insulation materials from extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam are made in the form of plates, segments in the shape of half-cylinders. They are used to protect in-house heating pipelines, assemble a closed or U-shaped box when laying a pipeline in the ground.

The insulation has a density of 35-40 kg/m3, a thermal conductivity coefficient of about 0.035-0.04 W/m*K and low water absorption, is not subject to rotting, and is easy to install. The disadvantages include flammability and a narrow range of operating temperatures from -600 to +750C. Pipes must be treated with an anti-corrosion compound before installation in the ground; when laid open, the insulation must be protected from UV rays.

Polyurethane foam

To insulate heating pipes, polyurethane foam shells with and without foil coating are used. The material is characterized by low thermal conductivity 0.022-0.03 W/m*K and water absorption due to the closed cellular structure, high strength, long service life, does not rot, and is quickly installed. Uncoated shells are used only indoors, since polyurethane foam is destroyed under the influence of UV rays.

Insulation of pipelines large diameter can be done using sprayed polyurethane foam insulation. It has increased density and fire resistance, significantly reduces heat loss thanks to a continuous coating without “cold bridges”.

Foamed synthetic rubber

Rubber technical thermal insulation produced in rolls and tubes. It is non-flammable, environmentally friendly, resistant to chemical and biological influences, has a density of 65 kg/m3 and a thermal conductivity of 0.04-0.047 W/m*K.

The materials are used for insulation of pipelines in premises laid above-ground and underground; they may have an aluminized coating to protect against mechanical damage, UV rays. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

Foamed polyethylene

Thermal insulation for heating pipes made of foamed polyethylene with an elastic porous structure is used in any conditions, does not absorb water, and maintains a low thermal conductivity of 0.032 W/m*k when temperature changes. It is available in tube, roll, and mat formats and is easy and quick to install.

The material is used in premises, heating points, when laying pipes on outdoors, in the ground. For above-ground installation it is necessary to provide a covering layer, for underground installation - a casing.

Comparison of characteristics of heating pipe insulation

Table 1. Comparative table of characteristics different insulation materials for heating and hot water pipes
Characteristics Mineral wool Expanded polystyrene Polyurethane foam Foam rubber Foamed polyethylene
Thermal conductivity, W/m*K 0,04 0,035-0,04 0,022-0,03 0,038-0,045 0,032
Density, kg/m3 105-135 35-40 60 65 35
Water absorption,% 10-15 4 1-2 0,6 0,6
Application temperature, C0 -180 to +680 -60 to +75 -180 to +140 -60 to +105 -80 to +100
Easy to install May require winding, fixation with ties, wire rings Glued, tied with fastening bands or assembled in a box Placed on the pipe and secured with thermal tape Fixed with glue or clamps Attached with glue or tape
Chemical and biostability high high high high high
Flammability NG G3-G4 G2-G4 G1 G1

The advantages of using foamed polyethylene for thermal insulation of heating pipes are obvious. Foamed polyethylene insulation has superior performance, physical and economic properties. It is universal, energy efficient, retains heat-shielding properties throughout its service life, and is used in medium- and low-price facilities due to its affordable cost.

Evgeniy Sedov

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Pipes located in unheated areas need protection from freezing. Whatever material they are made of, their thermal conductivity is high, so freezing occurs quickly. To avoid unnecessary problems, use pipe insulation, which will create reliable insulation for the pipeline from frost and even insulation from noise due to its noise-absorbing qualities.

On Russian market There are many companies that produce structural elements to reduce heat transfer. You can choose products made from different materials, choose right size and characteristics suitable for your communications. Thermal insulation of pipes can be carried out from several types of protection, such as polyethylene or foam plastic.

Insulation for pipes made of foamed polyethylene

Insulation for polyethylene pipes has one of the best price-quality ratios. It is a material consisting of tiny cells that waterproof the system well. This protects against metal corrosion. The material itself practically does not absorb water and can withstand temperatures from –60 to +90 degrees. The covering is easy to install.

In heating systems next material reduces heat loss by up to 80%. It is produced in 2 meter sleeves of different thicknesses:

  • model name: Porilex NPE T 60x9x1000 mm;
  • price: 45 rub;
  • characteristics: gray color, gross weight 0.06 kg;
  • pros: flexible material, moisture resistant, has low thermal conductivity;
  • cons: not found.

The following product copes well with insulating cold and hot communications. Due to the color separation, it allows you to distinguish between pipes with hot and cold water:

  • model name: Thermal insulation super protect 28;
  • price: 21 rubles;
  • characteristics: supplied in coils, color red, length 10 meters;
  • pros: the outside is covered with a polymer film, which increases the strength of communications and their service life by 50%;
  • cons: not found.

Another universal material, which can be used to protect heating systems, sewage systems, etc. It is resistant to materials such as concrete, gypsum, lime:

  • model name: Energoflex Super 2 m;
  • price: 69 rub./linear meter;
  • characteristics: hollow, low thermal conductivity, gray color;
  • pros: low-flammability;
  • cons: high cost.

Foil insulation for pipes

Foil is a heat insulator that is often used in construction. Its functions are in many ways superior to other types of materials such as foam or mineral wool. When there is a need for a material capable of reflecting heat waves, foil pipe insulation is used. It is a basic thermal insulation material covered with foil.

Thermal insulation for pipes of this type is used in various branches of construction. It is suitable for pipes of any size due to the fact that you cut out the necessary pieces of material yourself:

  • model name: Penofol - 2000 A;
  • price: 65.00 rub./m2;
  • characteristics: polyethylene foam, aluminum foil on one side;
  • pros: universal material;

If you need an excellent insulator that will provide double heat protection effect, choose the following product. With it, heat loss will be minimized:

  • model name: Mosfol;
  • price: 900 rub./roll;
  • characteristics: base – polyethylene foam, foil located on both sides;
  • pros: high reflective effect - 97%;
  • Cons: Available only in rolls.

This insulator is suitable as protection against steam, heat loss, and noise reduction. It reflects about 55% of energy and tolerates humid environments very well:

  • model name: Penoflex L (Lavsan)
  • price: 799 RUR/roll;
  • characteristics: polyethylene with one-sided lamination, elastic, flexible;
  • advantages: quick installation anywhere;
  • Cons: Available only in rolls.

Insulation for polystyrene foam pipes

Foam plastic is one of the most common materials. Its second name is expanded polystyrene. It combines advantageous characteristics: cheap and easy to use. Expanded polystyrene for pipes received a second name - “pipe shell” due to its corresponding appearance. It may have 1 or two cuts with grooves at the joints that securely fasten the edges.

The Polymerizolyatsiya company produces products such as foam thermal insulation for heating pipes. They are durable, lightweight and safe:

  • model name: PPU shell 720/50;
  • price: 1,750 rub./linear meter;
  • characteristics: material is polyurethane foam (a type of polystyrene foam), consists of 2 cylinders;
  • advantages: high heat saving;
  • disadvantages: fragility, flammability.

Another type of foam plastic product for quick and easy installation, which will effectively protect any external heating pipe:

  • Model name: Insulation shell 325/50;
  • price: 916 rub./linear m;
  • characteristics: hollow pipe made of polyurethane foam;
  • advantages: ease of installation;
  • disadvantages: fragility, flammability.

In cases where it is necessary to insulate plastic communications in sewers or pipelines, you can use these products. It is suitable for reusable use and will provide you with quick access to problem areas if the need arises:

  • model name: PPU shell for insulation 89/40;
  • price: 306 rub./linear m;
  • characteristics: length 1 m, coolant parameters up to +150°C;
  • advantages: ease of installation;
  • disadvantages: fragility, flammability.

Basalt insulation for pipes

Cylinders made from basalt fiber are available in any diameter and size. They have the highest temperature resistance (from –200 to +300°C), can withstand temperatures above 1000 degrees without melting, and are great for reducing heating costs. The level of heat loss where basalt insulation is used is 8%, which leads to savings of up to 20% of funds.

Excellent thermal and sound insulation can be achieved using these products. Manufacturers produce it to order according to the individual requirements of customers:

  • model name: Izolin RW;
  • price: from 75 rubles/linear meter;
  • characteristics: mineral wool cylinder;
  • pros: special lock that reduces heat loss;
  • cons: not found.

There is another variety of the same material, which has increased thermal insulation properties. These products are available with different coatings:

  • model name: Izolin RW ALU;
  • price: from 95 rubles/linear meter;
  • characteristics: aluminum foil coating;
  • pluses: longitudinal strip with a self-adhesive layer;
  • cons: not found.

The following protection product is available in various coatings. It performs not only protective, but also decorative function in those places where pipes are located in the room:

  • model name: XotPipe;
  • price: 277 rub./p.m.;
  • characteristics: mineral wool based on basalt rock, length 1 m;
  • pros: highest temperature area of ​​application;
  • cons: high cost.

Liquid insulation for pipes

Thermal insulation of pipelines can be carried out using a special paint, which creates an energy-saving barrier 1 mm thick. Application method: brush, roller or spray. After drying, liquid pipe insulation forms a matte surface that serves as a thermal mirror, keeping cold in and heat out.

Thermal insulation for water supply pipes from Korund is worthy of attention. It protects well from freezing and prevents the formation of moisture on the surface:

  • model name: Corundum Classic;
  • price: 330 rub./l.;
  • characteristics: 1 mm of material = 5-7 layers of cotton wool;
  • pros: ultra-thin;
  • cons: high cost.

Another type of liquid insulation that can withstand temperatures from –60 to +600 degrees is Teplomet products. The paint will serve you for about 30 years and will help you save significantly on heating:

  • model name: Teplomet Standard;
  • price: 310 rub./l;
  • characteristics: consists of vacuum microspheres, 1 mm layer replaces 50 mm of mineral wool;
  • advantages: applied to surfaces of any shape;
  • cons: high cost.

A basic composition that is suitable for most different areas applications. After application, it tightly and reliably envelops the surface:

  • model name: Astratek;
  • price: 410 rub./l;
  • characteristics: resistance to high temperatures;
  • pros: seamless surface that retains heat;
  • cons: high cost.

How to choose pipe insulation

To choose the right insulation for water supply pipes and protect yourself from problems, you need to pay attention to three main factors: location (apartment, attic, in the ground, in the sewer, outdoors), ease of installation, and price. All types of products are easy to install independently, but polyethylene is universal in all characteristics.

When it is important to reduce heat absorption, choose foil insulation for pipes. Expanded polystyrene is fragile, but suitable for work anywhere. Basalt material easy to install, has good characteristics, but is expensive. If you want to quickly thermally insulate a system, but other methods are not suitable, choose thermal paint that is easy to apply, looks beautiful and protects well.

The functional diversity of pipelines, as well as the climatic conditions of our country, have determined the variety of ways in which thermal insulation for pipes is carried out.

Pipelines are classified according to several criteria. Depending on the type of product that is transported through them, they are divided into the following types:

  • For steam;
  • For water;
  • For gas;
  • For oil;
  • For air;
  • For oil, etc.

Depending on the distance over which transportation is carried out, pipelines are:

  • Trunk, which includes pipelines that transport over long distances. Thermal insulation of main-line pipelines is the responsibility of specialized enterprises;
  • Local, which includes pipelines, for example, city utility networks, including water supply, sewerage and heating systems. Thermal insulation of heating mains of water supply networks, sewerage and heating lines is a task that city dwellers most often face.

IN separate group technological pipelines are identified that serve industrial needs, located directly at the production site.

In addition, there is a division of pipelines into types according to the characteristics of the transported medium and operating pressure.

Purpose of thermal insulation

Depending on the purpose of the pipeline, thermal insulation for pipes can solve different problems. Let's list them:

  1. Providing specified temperature characteristics on the surface of the insulating layer. This task is posed when the temperature of the medium inside the pipe does not matter, but it is necessary, for example, to avoid burns when contacting the surface of the pipes.
  2. Providing protection against freezing of liquids passing through thermally insulated pipes. In our climate, this is one of the most pressing tasks, especially for utility networks, that is, water supply, sewer systems and heating routes.
  3. Preventing the formation and accumulation of condensate on the surface of pipes. This problem arises when the temperature of the liquid in the pipeline less temperature outside air, as happens, for example, in water supply and sewer pipes ah with cold water indoors.
  4. Preventing heat loss in the pipes of heating networks and insulating the heating main. Heating and hot water supply lines for urban and industrial networks laid in the ground or on the surface of the earth inevitably lose some heat due to the lower ambient temperature. The task of insulating water pipes and heating lines in urban networks is to minimize these losses.

Types of thermal insulation materials

The choice of material and method of thermal insulation is made based on its purpose.

There are two main methods of insulation:

  1. The insulating material is applied or sprayed in the form of mastic or paint.
  2. The finished insulating material is attached around the pipe.

Today, insulating materials are produced in the following forms:

  • Cylinders;
  • Half cylinders;
  • Segments;
  • Rolls;
  • Mats.

Important! When choosing insulation, it is necessary to take into account what types of pipeline it is intended for. Failure to comply with this rule can lead not only to a violation of the thermal protection, but also to damage to the pipeline itself.

Let's consider the most common types of insulation, as well as methods of their installation.

Mineral wool

Of all types of insulation, mineral wool has the lowest cost. Installation of insulation from this material is simple, but labor-intensive.

To do this, a roll of cotton wool is cut crosswise into pieces 200 mm thick and then wrapped around the pipes. Moreover, first a layer of mineral wool is wound, and on top of it a layer of fiberglass.

The fiberglass fabric must be laid tightly, but so that it does not compress the insulation. The thickness of the layer of wool covering thermally insulated pipes should be about 100 mm. This indicator depends on the ambient temperature.

When winding mineral wool, you should ensure that it lays evenly and does not wrinkle.

Mineral wool is used as thermal insulation for large-diameter pipelines, most often for heating routes in urban networks and for sewer systems.

For water supply, heating, and sewer pipes of small diameter, this type of insulation is usually not practiced.


This type of insulation is used for sewer, water and heating pipes with a diameter of more than 50 mm. The shell consists of insulation and a protective shell.

The insulation is made of mineral wool or polyurethane foam, and the protective shell is a thin sheet of metal bent in the shape of half a nut shell.

During installation, the shell halves are placed on the pipe, forming a protective cocoon around it, and fastened together with clamps or mounting wire.

To insulate corner elements, the shell can be made bent at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees.

In terms of average cost, shells are superior to other types of thermal insulation.

Polyurethane sealant

This type of insulation or, in other words, liquid insulation, is composite material. It consists of a two-component polyurethane sealant and a protective shell, which is made of thin stainless steel sheet or galvanized steel.

It is also used to insulate large diameter pipelines.

The installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Fixed on the pipe containment, which is centered relative to the axis of the highway using wooden wedges.
  2. The main component of the sealant is poured into the protective shell. In order for thermally insulated pipes to serve well and for a long time, it is necessary to strictly follow the proportions specified in the instructions.
  3. An auxiliary component is poured into the protective shell.

During the reaction between the components, polyurethane foam, filling the space between the shell and the surface of the pipe.

Important! When working with polyurethane sealant, safety precautions must be strictly observed. Do not allow it to come into contact with the skin.

Tubular insulation

Tubular insulation - Merylon, is made of polyethylene foam. It is used for insulation of water supply lines with a diameter of no more than 100 mm.

To install the Merilon, remove the tape attached along the tube. After this, the tube opens up and can be easily inserted onto the water pipe. Then the merilon is secured with electrical tape or tape.

It insulates pipes in home networks, water supply, sewer or heating, located in a building or buried to a depth of no more than a meter.

Important! Merilon is not intended for outdoor use.

External heating networks, or, as they are also called, overhead or overhead, are laid in cases where temporary construction of a heating main (bybass) is necessary or in those places where it is impossible to lay a heating network underground. For example, in earthquake-prone areas. Such heating network easy to use, quickly built and differ from other types of heating networks due to their low cost.

Thermal insulation of external pipelines. Thermal insulation materials.

They are used as materials for insulating external heating mains.

1. Thermal insulation of pipes with mineral wool.


- mineral wool is practically non-hygroscopic - when properly organized ventilation if it gets wet, it immediately releases excess moisture;
- ensures the stability of its physical and chemical properties throughout the entire period of operation;
- has a fairly long service life


- when wet, it loses its performance properties;
- has weak strength and is inferior in this characteristic to other heat-insulating materials.

2. Thermal insulation of pipes by spraying polyurethane foam, using polyurethane foam shells.

- the ability to create continuous insulation, without joints;
- is a fairly elastic material;
- provides the possibility of quick installation;
- is a biologically neutral material, does not rot, is resistant to microorganisms and mold formation;
- provides stable thermal insulation qualities over a wide temperature range.


- is a fairly flammable material and, when burned, releases highly toxic substances into the surrounding space;
- spraying requires special equipment;
- does not “breathe”.

In recent years, the method of thermal insulation of pipes with polyurethane foam shells has become widespread, but they also need additional protection.

3. Thermal insulation of pipes with foam concrete.


- high thermal insulation qualities, not inferior to polyurethane foam insulation;
- solidity, which ensures good anti-corrosion protection due to the absence of cold bridges and the impossibility of material theft;
- high technology, which ensures the possibility of laying heating mains in any area;
- high adhesive properties.


- restrictions on insulation thickness;
- the need to protect the dried surface with a protective layer.

4. Reinforced concrete (armored concrete).


- effective thermal insulation is ensured;
- there is no possibility of theft.


- high price;
- complexity of installation work;
- fairly high fragility of the material.

It's obvious that Each type of thermal insulation layer must be protected. If this is not done, then over time he will be exposed to unfavorable factors. external factors will be violated. Practice shows that uninsulated heat-protective layers quickly fall apart, crumble, rot, and work has to be done to replace them. That is why, today, external protective insulation of pipes is actively used.

Waterproofing of the thermal insulation layer. Review of basic materials.

We have to admit that almost all types of such insulation have major disadvantages:

- fiberglassb- extremely short-lived, after 1 year, a heating main insulated with fiberglass is literally unrecognizable. The fabric turns into rags, not to mention the complete lack of waterproofing and protection from precipitation;

- roofing felt- more durable than fiberglass, but excessively fire hazardous, entire heating mains often burn out;

- galvanizing- excellent material, durable and non-flammable, but it they steal very quickly. If heat pipe passes outside the city limits or near holiday villages - then, as a rule, galvanized sheets disappear the next morning after their installation.

According to the majority of managers of heat supply organizations, they have to restore hundreds of meters of heating mains, which ultimately affects both the quality of the services provided utilities, and on the costs associated with the operation of heating networks, which exceed all conceivable limits.

However, there is a way out. Protection of the thermal insulation layer of external heating mains can be made using heat shrink. It is not flammable, has an attractive appearance, does not lose its protective properties under the influence of low or high temperatures. In this case, the heating main will be as efficient and durable as possible.


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