The Last of Us is the swan song. Review

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Naughty Dog , under the aegis ofSony , PlayStation 3 produces games of exceptional quality throughout its lifecycle. The fact is thatwill continue the tradition, no one seems to have doubted. But that everything will work out, we didn't expect that.

You can disagree with Darwin’s theory of evolution, you can find flaws in it, look for counterarguments, but it is unreasonable to completely deny the influence of natural selection on our existence. This life is not at all like a piece of sugar held out in the palm of your hand. Every moment of happiness has to be fought for. Every step leading to a dream needs to be climbed, like Mount Everest. Not everyone can pass Jacob's ladder, which symbolically connects Earth and Heaven. Joel , the main character of the game, by the will of fate stands at the very bottom. Where you wouldn’t want your enemy to be: among the ruins of civilization, desperate people and cave instincts unleashed.

The first fifteen minutes of the game. But it’s better, of course, to see them live.

We first see Joel with his family, on his birthday, in front of the TV, in a rare moment of relaxation. " You're never home, but you're still the best dad in the world. How do you do it?"- written in the greeting card. An ordinary person, an ordinary father - who was unlucky. Like all other ordinary fathers. The end of the world made him tougher, more straightforward and indifferent to others. Will he find peace again? To see this, you will have to go through his entire journey with him.

1:4. “Clan goes, and clan comes, but the land remains forever.”

In the world of The Last of Us, all survivors remember that fateful day when the first infected people swept through the streets in a maddening wave. The developers tried to ensure that this event was deposited in the player’s subcortex, hiding as a dark shadow among the memories. In its aggressiveness, suddenness and pressure, the beginning of the “end” is not inferior in form and quality of presentation to older examples from cinema and literature. "Dawn of the Dead" Zack Snyder , "Mobile" Stephen King , "World War Z" Max Brooks , "I'm a legend" Francis Lawrence ... Now a game version of the collapse of civilization has appeared, which can be placed on the same shelf with them, and those who come after will have to keep “alignment with...”.

Locations, characters, dialogues, gameplay... let's not be afraid of this word - they are fascinating.

What awaits this torn world twenty years later? How do the survivors live? What do they fight for and what do they dream about? IN " Some of us“(under this name the game was released in the CIS) there are no answers to global questions, as, indeed, there are no questions themselves. Only history, personal and human. It is simple in terms of motivation, but complex in its essence.

This Long Walk begins rather sluggishly for Joel, now a seasoned smuggler. The first plot twists are easy to predict, but once Joel is left alone with Ellie , a girl whom he, by chance, has to protect, as history begins to expand along with the world. By the end, the player has vast experience and memories of a variety of things and places: from cramped corridors to horseback riding through the forests of America. Every corner of the world is thoroughly drawn. The crackling of branches underfoot, timid animals, insects running away from the circle of flashlight light... Inexorable nature is taking its toll. Her green hands take away empty houses and roads from confused humanity. And only the quarantine zones still seem inhabited - disgusting, dirty, similar to the caves of primitive people.

2:17. “I began to hate life; everything under the sun seemed evil to me. Everything is empty, everything is a pursuit of the wind.”

6:12. “Who knows what is best for a person in the days of his empty life, sliding like a shadow? Who can tell a man what will happen after him under the sun?”

And the characters are real, living people without a shadow of heroism, outside the conventions of the genre, outside the established types. Everyone we meet brings their own experiences to the story. Everyone has their own Road. And it is not at all a fact that they will all reach the end.

Even ordinary dummy soldiers, guards of order in the quarantine zone, come to life if you get closer. The first time you do it, you'll get a butt bump and a warning to keep your distance. In the second - a bullet to the head.

From the very beginning they make it clear to us that the jokes were left in another episode, along with Nathan Drake. Excellent technical implementation makes what is happening even more real. The bar in depicting the world and characters has been raised so high that the next generation of games will have a hard time. All that remains is to find fault with the little things. Why doesn't Ellie cover her face with her hand when the flashlight is pointed at her? Why doesn't Joel shiver or cough after swimming in ice water?

THIS IS ALREADY A TRADITION: The localization of games in our country is increasingly raising questions. The Last of Us is not without substitution of concepts, technical flaws and other annoying little things. The translation turned out to be quite free, but in some places the original message is lost. The Fireflies, a political resistance group, became the Cicadas, and the motto, “In the Dark, Walk to the Light,” changed to “In the Silence, Follow the Voice.” And Ellie, who saw live fireflies for the first time, is forced to call them cicadas. Some phrases are translated out of context. For example, Joel, while climbing on a horse, says to Ellie, “Run,” instead of “move.” Add to this the diary texts that break off mid-sentence and a strange bug due to which characters speaking Russian stop opening their mouths...

Take the children away!

The game's story is divided into seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring. And if for the aged Joel this is really the path to spring and some kind of spiritual rebirth, then for young Ellie the path is rather the opposite. The cruelty of a collapsed civilization will forever change her attitude towards life. There is no place in this world for the joys of childhood. The open, almost carefree perception of the girl is eventually replaced by embittered determination, detachment, a cold gaze and the need to survive on an equal basis with adults.

7:20. “There is no righteous person on earth who does only good and sins not at all.”

Violence in The Last of Us is disgusting but subtle, almost theatrical. It's not as provocative as in the movies Dario Argento , not as hypnotizing as "Cigarette Burn" John Carpenter , but not the usual enticing sign, like in the series or now half-forgotten. The cruelty in the game is frightening primarily because of its documentary nature. This is especially true for character death scenes. Rest assured, in The Last of Us dying is almost physically unpleasant, to the point of shaking in the knees. And although the death scenes end at the most repulsive moments, sometimes you have to put the gamepad down and take a “smoke break” to collect your thoughts.

4:2. “I realized that it is better for those who have already died than for those who are still alive.” 4:3. “And it is best for him who has not yet been born and has not seen the evil deeds that are happening under the sun.”

The fight against infected people and simple thugs becomes depressing and routine. Joel is by no means a righteous man, and when choosing between murder and a peaceful solution to the conflict, he will choose the first. Because in the world created by Naughty Dog, this is the optimal and most effective way. Kill or be killed - there is no third option. This behavior is more than justified and is even supported by animal passion, akin to the courage that was felt in the actions of the hero of the film “Oldboy” or the nameless man in “The Man from Nowhere”. Each blow is perceived as an act of justice, as a way to put a maddened world in its place. And if you think that the story of The Last of Us along with the heroes will make you any better than you were before, you are deeply mistaken. There is no heroism or high purpose in cruelty here. She just is.


The debut gameplay video created a real sensation. After it, I went deep underground, pulled out the Ethernet cable and turned off the phone so as not to hear or see anything related to the game until the release. Even then it was clear that unnecessary information would either weaken the experience of the game or unreasonably raise expectations.

As it turns out, the shares of shooter, stealth and survival are approximately comparable here. Only less attention has been paid to pre-planning and saving supplies than we would like. On normal difficulty and with reasonable use, pistol cartridges first run out only towards the end of the game, and this is because opponents are armed with more powerful guns and there is simply nowhere to get bullets for an old pistol. In terms of the need to save ammunition, Ubisoft is much stricter.

Live by gathering

3:18. “And I said to myself: as for people, God tests them to show them that they are animals.”

In difficult situations, you can make a first aid kit, a Molotov cocktail and bombs from scraps at hand, one throw of which can put a spectacular end to a shootout. Be sure to pick up everything that comes to hand; sooner or later, every scrap of fabric will be used. Sometimes these rags, belts and alcohol are even more in short supply than cartridges.

You will also have to hunt for weapon parts, medicinal herbs and drugs. The former are needed to improve the characteristics of the weapon, the latter will be useful for Joel to develop his hidden capabilities. Both are sorely lacking. The most useful thing a player can do is to make a holster for a second pistol and a long-barreled weapon, so that in the midst of battle they do not throw their backpack on the floor in search of an urgently needed shotgun. And in the development branch, the skill of wielding melee weapons and increasing the maximum health reserve will come in handy. Everything else will come later, because you still won’t be able to do more in one playthrough. Upgrading and modifying weapons in The Last of Us moves at a snail's pace, so you have to choose carefully.

3:19. “The same thing happens to people as to animals: both die, and both have the same breath, and man is no better than animals, for everything is empty.”

All opponents react exclusively to Joel's actions. And this is, perhaps, the main stick in the wheels that prevents us from perceiving the local stealth at the proper level. Imagine that there are three other people with you. You sneak past the infected, trying to avoid sudden movements, and at that moment the elephantine stomp of your comrades is heard behind you. It would seem that it’s time to throw up your weapons and prepare for the inevitable clash. But no. But as soon as you speed up your pace a little, the surroundings will tremble with the wild screams of hungry creatures and the flock will rush at you.

The same applies to running between covers. One day I decided to go around from the rear of two marauders standing in the doorway. He climbed out the window, crept up from behind... and then Ellie jumped right between them on all fours. Panic?! Screams?! Shots?! Nothing like this. The whistle of a flying Molotov cocktail, the death throes and again - silence.

On the other hand, ask yourself, do you need the restrictions imposed by the behavior of artificial intelligence? Ask your teammates to stay in one room while you clear another? Hardly. All efforts to develop the atmosphere would have gone down the drain. Fortunately, the embarrassments described above do not happen often, and at least you feel that everything is under control. Everything is in the hands of the player.

IT IS IMPORTANT: Playing The Last of Us with extraneous sounds is like trying to sleep while listening to a mosquito squeak. Until you eliminate all annoying sources of noise, you cannot concentrate. So you have to batten down the windows, draw the curtains and, if desired, cover the walls with soundproofing mats. The sound in the game is amazing. Silence will eventually become your main companion. While sneaking, Joel can listen to his surroundings, and if there are enemies nearby, they will light up. This way you can easily scan rooms behind walls and corridors around corners. It has almost no effect on the atmosphere, but it gives a colossal advantage over the enemy.

Mutants behave most appropriately. There are only a few types of them (they differ in appearance), but each has its own function, each requires a special approach. Screaming, rushing in crowds, not knowing the fear of weapons, they will bite you to death in a few seconds, and there will be almost no chance of escaping from their clutches. Some even kill instantly, you just need to be at arm's length from them. Natural animals.

People copy this behavior to some extent. If you inadvertently catch the eye or unsuccessfully attack a lone enemy, all his comrades within earshot will come running like cunning jackals and encircle you. And then a thoughtful positional action game begins. Falling into the trap of a savage waiting around the corner, as shown in the gameplay video a year ago, is a piece of cake. Meanwhile, Ellie helps in every possible way: she shouts “Joel, on the right!” when a thug with an ax in his hands rushes at you, throws bricks at opponents and, if something happens, can even plunge a knife into the throat of the enemy who grabbed you.

But the move of taking a hostage works on the principle of a human shield, and nothing more. The marauders simply stop shooting and circle around you like vultures. In I Am Alive, a similar technique was of a diplomatic nature; in The Last of Us, it is just a way to extend one’s life in a firefight.

5:10. “If they fall, one will lift the other. What if he falls alone and there’s no one to pick him up?” 5:12. “And if someone overcomes one, two will be able to resist, and the triple thread will not break soon.”

In contrast, in The Last of Us there is no obvious bias towards one or another style of play. Everyone is their own director, and there cannot be a favorite style here. Either you lure out enemies one by one, go around from behind, stick a knife in the neck, then you hide behind cover, run from room to room, dodging Molotov cocktails, and shoot from a rifle, keeping an eye on your ammunition. And then, when the cartridges run out, you hide, bandage your wounds, pick up a pipe with a blade glued to the end and go out into desperate hand-to-hand combat.

The entire mechanics of collisions rests on the competent alternation of stealth mode and combat. In The Last of Us during your life really have to fight. Sometimes - throwing his chest at the embrasure in despair, sometimes - throwing empty bottles at his opponents in order to gain at least a few seconds of respite.

At the same time, the camera, which is often the subject of complaints in games, works impeccably. The skirmishes behind your back will seem cinematic to the viewer, but you will know that all this is far from a movie.

9:4. “But all living people have hope: a living dog is better than a dead lion!”

The Last of Us always stays connected to the player. And even in the intervals between battles he does not lose this thread. The characters are constantly talking to each other, every moment of your life in this post-apocalyptic, harsh world will be remembered for something. If someone before the start of the game said: “Motor!” - that cherished “Cut” would have sounded only during the final credits.


[] The devil is not as terrible as he is painted. Even players who are far from online battles will certainly try out multiplayer.[]

There are games, like or, whose existence is justified by multiplayer alone. But there's not much you can say about The Last of Us' multiplayer.

The online mode of The Last of Us largely copies the online battles from, only with an even smaller set of modes and innovations tailored to the surroundings. It should be considered more as an independent and not entirely necessary appendage, rather than as a full-fledged element of the mechanism. This is exciting, good entertainment that works on the classic principles of online shooters.

Of greatest interest is the “Survival” mode, in which killed players are revived only in a new round. No timed revivals - only two teams and tough positional competition up to four wins. Due to the absence of the Playstation Store in the European segment, this is a very good alternative. Among the innovations, we can note boxes with resources located at key points, from which Molotov cocktails, first aid kits and other useful items are made right on the battlefield. Here we can draw analogies with the well-known “capture the flag”, only here, by visiting important points, you only get a material advantage.

1:9. “What has been is what will be...” 1:9. “...what happened will happen, and there is nothing new under the sun.”

The idea of ​​creating and caring for your own community could be the most important element of an online game if it weren't so casual. Your “Clan” is a set of blue dots floating in a circle, corresponding to the number of people in the group, and constant messages that the ephemeral Mia Martin is collecting wood for the fire, and William Vaughn is skinning a raccoon. If you connect to your Facebook account, your friends will be collecting firewood and skinning a raccoon.

What helps to maintain self-control is the awareness that people like “The Last of Us” appear once every ten years, and the desire to prove something to someone and certainly survive. And the game is exclusively about survival, all other topics are secondary. All you need to do is remain yourself: firstly, as a single organism, which means avoiding anything that can bite off/tear off limbs, and secondly, maintain your sanity in an atmosphere of extremely truthfully depicted madness. A fungus is responsible for it here, turning people into aggressive walking corpses. The rest of the scenery is built around this fact: the government is trying to fence off the infected areas, which does not prevent entire cities from dying out, humanity traditionally shows its best side and whiles away its days with looting and cannibalism. We, in the person of the smuggler Joel - a beautifully aged loser with no future - are making our way through these nightmares with the girl Ellie under his arm. To be honest, where he takes her and from where is not so important: “The Last of Us” exists on the road, knee-deep in green water that has flooded city squares, in rusty, rickety buildings, from the roofs of which stunning sunsets can be seen.

In 2006, the American writer Cormac McCarthy wrote the novel “The Road” and received two prizes for it - the Pulitzer Prize and the James Tate Memorial Prize. It is incorrect to call the work a disaster novel: the actual cataclysm that struck the Earth is not described here. The main plot is a creepy and rather hopeless journey of a boy and his father to a semi-mythical place where other people seem to be. In 2009, a film was made based on the novel. The Guardian gave the film four out of five stars and described it as a "haunting, harrowing, powerful film", with a "stellar performance" from Mortensen as the father. The analogies between the film and the game are obvious.

The game was made by Naughty Dog, known for its Uncharted trilogy and the Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter series. The Last of Us is most like Uncharted, which was first asked not to shave, wear a dirty plaid shirt and roll in machine oil. The game became more serious and somehow more thoughtful, or something, but retained many of the same mechanics and love for game scenes. Jumping with pull-ups and climbing dangerously groaning cornices have not gone away, except that now it takes much less time, so the process does not cause irritation. The battles have completely changed. Any hand-to-hand combat here results in crunching bones, ragged fists and hoarse breathing. Blood and saliva from broken mouths are generously present in the frame. Sticks, bricks, bottles and sharpening points from the found scissors are present, but they tend to break, and some infected can be killed with one blow. Skirmishes can’t be taken seriously, since there’s almost always not enough ammunition, and you won’t be able to sit out in cover: they’ll go around you from the flanks. After any skirmish, you want to wash your face, take off your sweat-soaked shirt and go to the balcony to smoke. After important fights, it’s natural for your hands to shake.

All this, however, could be called briefly: “high complexity”. Much more important is how accurately the game indicates our place in the conditions of a possible catastrophe. Forget about chainsaws, under which mutants will fall to the ground in sheaves. Get rid of the images of armored tanks, fortified shelters, and other Hollywood fantasies from your head. Most likely, you will have to fight hard and for a long time for life: yours, and the one who is most dear to you. Sitting behind tattered trash cans, waiting for strangers to leave (and this game teaches that in a disaster, people are worse than any mutants). Stuff nuts, tape, alcohol and bandages into your pockets: they will be useful for making weapons and first aid kits. Live on reflexes alone: ​​when, at the Nth hour of the game, Ellie is grabbed by a bearded man in protective cast-offs, the hand itself snatches the gun. Let your head think about where to go next.

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The online part of this game is called "Factions". To begin, you must select the Hunters or Cicadas Faction. Having chosen one of the factions, you will have to go through a journey with this faction or your clan will be destroyed, and you will lose, and you will have to start all over again. The multiplayer may seem confusing at first, but for the most part you should just play through it normally and only worry about completing the missions that appear.

To get this achievement, the most important thing you need to know is that throughout the entire time, at least 1 survivor must remain in your clan, otherwise you will lose. Basically, your clan's numbers are threatened by missions in which you need to protect your clan from extermination. At first, you will start with missions that can increase the size of your clan without the risk of loss and missions with a 60% risk of population loss. You can ignore these missions. It's worth worrying about missions where the risk of population loss is 100%. You will encounter five such missions. These missions will take place during:

  • 1 day, 6 week
  • 2 day, 8 week
  • 3 d June, 10 week
  • 6 d June, 11 week
  • 4 d June, 12 week

They cannot be lost, otherwise you will have to start the journey again. You will have to survive for 12 weeks (1 match = 1 game day, so a total of 84 matches).

To complete missions, you must complete all challenges within 3 days (3 matches). You should save the simplest challenges for days with a 100% risk of clan extermination (See. Faction Missions). If you are on the verge of failing one of these missions and your clan is destroyed, then exit the game in XMB and that day will not count. So you can try to replay this day and complete the challenges.

Pass days :

I don't like to recommend this method because it interferes with other players, but for now it's the only way to quickly get to grips with multiplayer. By exiting a match via the pause menu, you can skip the match and have a Travel day counted against you. Doing this will cause your clan to become hungry/sick and eventually die, so you'll need to periodically play every few matches you miss. Also, you should not forget to complete important missions that appear periodically (and in particular those that pose a 100% risk of exterminating the population of your clan).

As for the game mode, it's up to your taste, but I would recommend the Raid mode as it seems more consistent. Matches go faster and it's easier to work on mission objectives, etc. In Survival mode, the match may be over before you know it and you'll encounter few enemies if your team deals with them instead of you.

Faction Missions:

  • Such missions take place once a week, and sometimes twice (One game week = 7 multiplayer matches). They differ only in the consequences for your clan. At times, the results are determined by how many new people join your clan. More often than not, it's the other way around. The number of deaths from attacks or disease outbreaks is counted.
  • From time to time you will be given missions to choose from. There are a number of tasks, such as wounding, execution, wounding from various weapons. Each challenge has 3 levels (eg 3 wounds, 6 wounds and 9 wounds) and you must reach the highest level within 3 matches.
  • You can take on the same task several times, for example, choosing a task to wound an enemy with your favorite weapon. True, each time the level of the task increases and the requirements become more difficult, so don’t get carried away too much, as you can lose a lot of time on one mission.
  • I advise you to save the simplest tasks for later, when missions appear with a 100% risk of losing your clan.

Now people are united in enclaves, expressed in the form of quarantine zones, where everything is ruled by the firm hand, heavy boot and directed muzzle of a military weapon. Before us is the collapsed United States, where the military machine continues to move, and the soldiers' loyalty to the orders of their superiors is unshakable. Therefore, discipline in quarantine zones is strict, and in fact, for any offense, the culprit will face a life-giving dose of lead. But even in such conditions, freedom-loving people are trying to resist the dictatorship of the military, and many of the seemingly “exemplary citizens of the zone” are engaged in smuggling or some other dark business. If you want to live, know how to spin, says popular wisdom, and in a collapsed world it is more relevant than ever. And we will spin around, taking control of Joel, a simple middle-aged American from Texas, who survived thanks to the fact that in his state owning personal firearms, and not some primitive pneumatics, Flaubert or meaningless “rubber”, is the norm, and the government understands that the forces of troops, police and other paramilitary units will never be able to help everyone, protect everyone and save everyone in the event of a global catastrophe. Joel lives in the Boston quarantine zone and, together with his friend Tess, smuggles various kinds of goods, including weapons. Our long, colorful and very eventful adventure begins from the moment when Joel and Tess discover that the intermediary has “dumped” them and has taken over the consignment of goods. After meeting him, events take a turn in the most unexpected way for our heroes... meeting a teenage girl, Ellie, who needs to be escorted to a certain place. Will Joel and Ellie be one of the survivors? It all depends on the player. In order to avoid even small “spoilers”, I will not delve further into the plot, but to summarize, I would like to note that this is a wonderful, interesting and adult story, moderately cruel and very life-like. This is the best script created by Naughty Dog.

  • Gun- Joel’s very first firearm, unremarkable destructive power, confident accuracy and a capacious magazine make it a good assistant in battles against people, but in the case of the infected, the effectiveness of this weapon is not impressive.
  • Revolver- an excellent unit for quickly and effectively crushing the skull of some infected bastard, but do not forget to count the cartridges, because there are only six of them in the drum, and some enemies need two cartridges in the head to completely knock out all the aggression.
  • Shorty- a misunderstanding that resulted from an attempt to turn a shotgun into a pistol. Please do not confuse it with a sawn-off shotgun - a shotgun in which the barrel and butt are cut off. The Shorty is a pistol that evokes strong associations with eighteenth-century pirates, as it is as inaccurate and not to say very effective as their flintlock weapons. The large spread, weak stopping power and mediocre stopping effect of this weapon forced me to throw it in my backpack for the rest of the game. When upgraded, this hybrid becomes a pretty confident “barrel”, but is it worth spending on it parts that can be used to improve a more effective shotgun? It's a matter of personal preference.
  • El Diablo- a long-barreled revolver with a low-magnification optical sight installed, with amazing destructive power and excellent armor-piercing ability, which can also be improved. A significant disadvantage of El Diablo is its drum, which initially holds only one cartridge.
  • Shotgun- an indispensable weapon at close ranges and in enclosed spaces, which can literally tear apart almost all enemies in this game. Confident radius of destruction and excellent destructive power, but at the same time high recoil and slow reloading, since the shotgun is pump-action and requires manual ejection of the cartridge case and driving the cartridge into the chamber after each shot. However, these shortcomings can be reduced with the help of improvements.
  • Hunting rifle- an ideal weapon for long-range combat and destroying armored enemy fighters with the first shot. The problem is that many looter and military enemies wear armored glass helmets that can withstand most of our firearms. Except El Diablo and the rifle. You can install an optical sight on a hunting rifle and increase its armor-piercing power. Since the rifle is a bolt-action rifle, you shouldn't expect semi-automatic fire, but the reload speed is fast enough to take out two long-range targets in one go. Or even three, if you pump up the capacity of the conventional magazine.
  • Flamethrower- my third favorite weapon in this game, after the bow and revolver. A stream of fire escaping from the barrel of a flamethrower can instantly burn out any signs of aggression from either one enemy or an entire group, including such dangerous opponents as Toplyaki. Really. the first time Toplyak won’t even take the flamethrower, but it will make him dance a jig, making him an ideal target for a second salvo, or a couple of shots from another weapon.
  • Assault rifle- a standard weapon used by a rebel group of freedom fighters from military dictatorship, calling themselves the "Cicadas" ("Fireflies", in fact). This rifle is a 5.56mm M4A1 carbine, which is in service with most US paramilitary forces. The semi-automatic fire of the carbine allows you to shoot more accurately, but its destructive power pales in comparison to Joel's other combat arsenal, since the "emka" cannot be upgraded from the machine and we get it almost at the end of the game.
  • Onion- an ideal silent weapon that will allow you to quickly and without attracting unnecessary attention “clear” the territory from hostile enemy forces. This is especially true for Runners and Clickers, who are extremely vulnerable to sharp arrows and often stand almost motionless. Arrows fired from a bow are extremely effective at hitting the head and body of enemies if they are not covered by any armor. In addition, unlike ammunition, arrows can often be returned by being pulled from a defeated target, but there is a certain chance that it will break. And sometimes it just falls into the texture - it seems whole, but you can’t pick it up.
  • Molotov cocktail- a bottle with an incendiary mixture, the composition of which varies from a mixture of gasoline with engine oil, to gasoline, alcohol and tar, which was widely used by the Finns during the Soviet-Finnish War, due to its effectiveness against poorly protected Soviet tanks of that time. Initially, this weapon was called a “Molotov cocktail”, due to political nuances, but in the end, thanks to the Western media, it became simply a “Molotov cocktail”. Like a flamethrower, it is a very effective weapon against groups of enemies, since the flammable liquid spilling over the surface continues to burn for some time and stupid infected, running at the sound of breaking glass, step into a hot puddle and are likely to catch the cleansing flame.
  • Bomb with nails- a grenade with a strange mechanism of action, which reacts to the approach of the enemy and, when exploding, scatters nails and various sharp fragments, such as scissors and blades, in different directions, striking everything in its path. This surprise can be either placed on the path of enemies as a trap, or thrown somewhere. When a grenade bomb falls, it will not explode, but will obediently wait until the enemy, or several of them, who reacted to the sound, runs up to it.
  • Smoke bomb- a device useful for covertly crossing territory infested with enemies, which explodes upon contact with an object and leaves behind a cloud of smoke. Opponents caught in the cloud become completely blind and defenseless, so they can be beaten hand-to-hand or shot if you don’t mind the ammo.
  • Boards, axes, pipes and other joys of hand-to-hand combat- on his way, Joel will find all sorts of useful objects that can be used as temporary melee weapons, from boards to baseball bats. In its normal state, such a weapon has a certain strength and calms the enemy with several blows, each of which reduces this strength. That is, a board with a durability of four hits will allow you to kill one enemy and anger another. But it’s not for nothing that “The Last of Us” has a system for improving weapons, with which you can push nails into a board and make it very lethal, but only for one or two times, since improvement also does not last forever. In turn, axes are already an analogue of improved weapons, thanks to their sharp blade, and destroy enemies with one blow. But they can also be improved, thus increasing their strength.
  • Bricks and bottles- these are rather objects for distracting opponents, or trying to collect them at one point, for a subsequent salvo from a flamethrower or throwing a grenade. But, nevertheless, they can be used in close combat, and very effectively. For example, by sneaking up on the Nutcracker, you can crush his fungus-covered skull with a brick, instead of wasting such a useful knife on murder.
As I have already mentioned in several descriptions of weapons, in The Last of Us the developers introduced a system for improving almost the entire arsenal of weapons at the machines, for a corresponding improvement in the number of parts scattered throughout the game world. Each weapon - be it a pistol, revolver, rifle or bow - has its own parameters that can be increased by one or more levels. For example, you can increase the magazine capacity, reload speed and rate of fire for a pistol, and the draw speed, arrow range and aiming speed for a bow. In addition to weapon improvements, parts from the machine can be used to create a holster for a second pistol and a loop for a second “long-barreled” weapon, which includes a bow, rifles, a shotgun and a flamethrower. Thus, we will have two pistols and two large weapons in quick access, switching between which will not require spending time searching for the unit in Joel’s bottomless backpack. Improving melee weapons - boards, bats and the like - is done in the item creation menu and requires the presence of the necessary ingredients, usually adhesive tape or adhesive tape, as fasteners, and blades, for “killing power”.

The item creation system in the game is minimalistic, simple and, at the same time, very competent. There isn't a huge selection of craftable items, but not once during the game do you feel like something is missing. In total, we have several types of ingredients: blades, fasteners, alcohol, rags, explosives and sugar. That is, six categories, combining which we can create six items: a Molotov cocktail (rag and alcohol), a finka (blade and fasteners), a first aid kit (rag and alcohol), a bomb with nails (blades and explosives), a smoke bomb (sugar and BB) and improvement of melee weapons (the weapon itself, blade and fasteners). So that life doesn’t seem like a raspberry to the players and to maintain the ambiance of a world where resources are very limited, the developers made it so that the parts picked up are not always, let’s say, complete. During the creation of an item, we have in front of us “cubes” with the available ingredients, some of them are completely gray, which indicates the usefulness of the ingredient, and some (the last ones in each line) can only be gray by a certain percentage, which tells us the following: “ Collect, my friend, further ingredients of this type.” It goes without saying that only "full" ingredients can be used to create items.

In addition to upgrading weapons in the game, you can develop the skills of our main character by feeding him vitamins and stimulants found in locations. The skills that can be upgraded vary from difficulty to difficulty, for example, on easy difficulty there is no “Knife Master” skill, on normal and high everything is available to us, and on maximum difficulty there is no upgrade of Joel’s hearing abilities. Increasing each skill will require a certain number of tablets, for example, hearing can be upgraded for 20 tablets, but the mastery of the Finnish weapon, which increases its strength and effectiveness of “work” against the grips of the Clickers, will require 75 tablets. For the first levels, of course. At the next levels you will have to “develop” more generously. An equally useful skill is to reduce the vibration of a weapon when aiming, this is especially true for a bow, which shoots not in a straight line, like a firearm, but in an arc, taking into account the force of gravity. Some people may like the skills to increase maximum health, speed up item creation, or speed up healing, but I personally classed them as “last priority skills.”

I would like to say something separately about several types of infected, against which we use the weapons, devices and some skills described above. There are four of them in total, and these are not so much species as stages of progression of Cordyceps. In the first stage, the person turns into an aggressive Runner, who does not change much in appearance, but his gait and movements become convulsive, since the body is already controlled by the fungus. The Runner hears and sees like an ordinary person, the only thing is that his eyes stop catching the light, that is, for example, the light of a flashlight does not exist for them. The second stage of progression is the Scout. Outwardly, scouts combine the characteristics of Runners and Clickers, that is, they can run and see the player, but at the same time, part of their skull has already succumbed to the influence of the mushroom. In addition, the Scouts are able to show some intelligence, since they do not throw themselves on the barrel of a shotgun, but prefer to run and hide, so much so that even Joel’s fully upgraded hearing will not pick up their location. The third stage is the Clickers. Completely blind opponents who navigate in space like bats, sending sound waves and determining the position of objects depending on the time of its return. Clickers are very dangerous, and you can kill them secretly without a bow only with the help of a finca, a brick or an improved weapon, but the last two methods do not always work silently. If the Clicker manages to grab Joel, then there is only one salvation - to “release” the grip with the Finn. But if it is not available, then it’s a lost cause. The result of the fourth stage of infection is the Drift, the most dangerous and rare enemy in the game. The fungus not only completely deformed his head, but also covered his body with a kind of “armor”, so Toplyak is able to withstand several blows from bladed weapons and a number of point-blank shots from a pumped-up shotgun. Like the Clicker, Toplyak is completely blind and uses echolocation to determine the location of the target, and if this target falls into his hands, no Finns will be able to save him, death is guaranteed. It is simply impossible to kill Toplyak quickly and silently, so I recommend always carrying a supply of Molotov cocktails with you, as they are incredibly effective against this enemy.

The design work in “The Last of Us” was done simply “excellently”; we see a collapsed world in all its wild beauty - nature reclaiming its place, rusty car frames stuck forever in traffic jams, stone buildings eaten away by roots, walls succumbing to water pressure and much more. Paramilitary enclaves are presented with all the attributes of a militaristic dictatorship: foot and mobile patrols, aggressive guards, a collision with which can be fatal, signs saying people are wanted for robbery, looting, murder and other crimes, constant announcements over the loudspeaker about how bad it is not to obey military and that anyone seen on the street after curfew can only count on a cramped underground apartment “two by one and a half.” At the same time, on the walls there are revolutionary slogans of the Cicadas, such as: “They killed your family, and now you are “their dog,” or the main slogan of the group is “Look for the light,” which causes misunderstanding as to why it was decided transfer "Fireflies" to the category of "Cicadas", because the slogan calls for looking for the light emitted by "Fireflies", and cicadas glow only if they are set on fire, and even then not for long. In the entire environment of this game, regardless of the place and time of year - an abandoned university in autumn, a winter forest, the spring ruins of Salt Lake City, abandoned quarantine zones or a mountain landscape with raging rivers - you can feel the love and scrupulousness with which they approached their work designers.

The technical part of the game is not as great as the design work. No, the environment is beautifully recreated, the character animation is excellent both during the gameplay and during cutscenes, there is interactivity - third-party communication with non-player characters, Joel is not a silent log. In this regard, there are almost no complaints or comments about the game. Except for the moments when characters fall into each other, becoming one. The game's artificial intelligence noticeably lets it down. It would seem that everyone has become accustomed to the fact that the artificial intelligence of enemies in games is always far from the most intelligent, but in The Last of Us it is completely unimpressive, regardless of the difficulty setting. If you capture an enemy and threaten him with a weapon, he will start babbling something like “no need, man, let’s come to an agreement,” and this babbling is very loud, but his comrades standing a couple of meters away from him do not hear anything. Enemies do not see Joel from a certain distance, including their peripheral vision does not work at all, or they are simply inattentive, since awake guards can be sneaked up not only from the back, but also from the side. Paired patrols, whose members shout at each other about “found what?”, when one enemy is eliminated, they seem to cease to exist, that is, the survivor can completely forget about his partner. But sometimes they don’t forget and even go in our direction. Naturally, such moments are not observed with the intelligence of the infected, since one should not expect much logic and reason from them. However, from time to time the infected can miraculously see us through the wall and come running, waving their arms like the blades of a mill. The intelligence of non-player characters deserves special mention. The fact is that Naughty Dog decided to make our partners “invisible to opponents” so that they would not “accidentally reveal Joel’s location.” But they still manage to do this, because if the enemy comes close to their position, they can open fire on him, thereby nullifying the entire plan of silently exterminating the enemy. Also, our characters talk loudly and even scream when there are opponents a couple of meters away, and they, these opponents, do not react to this phenomenon at all. The most frightening moment in the entire game, for me personally, was the moment when I was hiding behind the wall from the enemy and thinking about how best to eliminate him, and suddenly the almost absolute silence was broken by the loud tramp of someone’s shoes, and behind the wall from me Tess burst into the doorway in person and then hid behind Joel. At this moment I was very upset by the fact that NPCs cannot be shot. Deaf enemies, naturally, did not hear the horse's stomping. Against the backdrop of Naughty Dog’s loud promises regarding “advanced and unique intelligence of opponents,” all these “features” look... strange.

The online component of The Last of Us, contrary to the doubts of many who were expecting the game, turned out to be very addictive and interesting. Its name is quite appropriate to the game - “Confrontation”, and tells us its own story, if I may say so, about two opposing groups - “Cicadas” and “Hunters”. We have met enough of both of them in the main storyline of the game, and now there is an opportunity to join one of these two factions and go “its path”, fighting in battles for territory and resources, collecting parts and providing for your own clan - virtual and conventional little men who look like bacteria or cells swarming under a microscope. If you synchronize your game account with your account on the social network Facebook, then part of your clan will consist of the same people, but named after the names and nicknames of your friends from the social network. Every day, to maintain the health of clan members, it is necessary to provide them with a certain amount of resources. These resources are obtained in battles, as trophies for killing opponents, and are also converted at the local rate from parts collected during the battle at the end of the battle. Parts, in addition to being converted into resources, can be spent directly in battle, in the in-game store, which is accessed by pressing the “Select” button and then switching to the store tab with the “R1” button. Up to eight people take part in online battles “The Last of Us”, four fighters on each side of the barricades, and they compete in the following modes: “Raid”, which is a regular team duel where you need to kill a certain number of opponents, and “Survival” , in which death is death, and no second attempts are given, the team that either kills all four opponents, or by the end of the round there will be more alive in its composition than in the enemy’s camp, wins. But death in the online game “The Last of Us” is not always instantaneous. While a Molotov cocktail is very likely to kill immediately, gun shots and bomb explosions can mortally wound and nearby comrades will be given time to raise a comrade. A wounded fighter can slowly move on all fours, crawling towards his friends, but at any moment he can be overtaken by an enemy bullet, interrupting his life until resurrection or the end of the round. The mechanics of the online game are completely consistent with the single-player campaign - the same item creation, the same controls, the same ability to “hear opponents”, as well as the same weapons that can be customized before starting the game. To customize your equipment, you can use one of the four available sets, placing there the weapons and skills that the player himself wishes, or you can use one of the four already pre-configured options, which represent the four classic “network” classes - attack aircraft, sniper, support fighter and a secretive warrior.

To the delight of many players in Russia and the CIS countries, the game “The Last of Us” has been completely translated into Russian, but when playing the localized version, you involuntarily face the question: “Is it completely?” The fact is that part of the game text, especially with regard to any notes and diaries that we find, is simply missing, a sentence can literally stop mid-sentence, and in the subtitles for dialogues we encounter untranslated sections that are displayed in English. Also, very often the subtitles are simply late (but this is generally a problem with the game, not related to specific localization) or what is written does not correspond to what is said (and this is already a localization problem). The Russian dubbing is not bad, but there are moments where the emotions of the characters do not correspond to the situation at all, this is especially noticeable when you play twice in a row with localization and in the original. If we draw a parallel with another game from the Naughty Dog studio, or rather the Uncharted series, then the characters there, it seems to me, are voiced much better. But “The Last of Us” is distinguished by simply amazing music and generally excellent sound. The game's composer, Gustavo Santaolalla, created a divine musical accompaniment, and the developers took care of the range of sound settings and high-quality surround sound. I played with headphones from Sony, with 7.1 sound virtualization, and I can’t help but note the amazing effect of immersion in what is happening - rustling, howling wind, any steps of opponents, each sound is both clearly separated from all the others, at some moments, and merges with them into a single cacophony, into others.

As for trophies, here “The Last of Us” is inferior to other games of the studio, since it presents us with a small number of external prizes, some of which some cannot receive at all - as a rule, this concerns trophies for collecting all items of a certain group, or all artifacts in general . But the in-game prizes, for which we receive in-game currency, are very pleasing and made in the style of the Uncharted series - “so many kills with such and such a weapon”, “create such and such an object so many times”, “kill an enemy in a certain way” , “blow up three enemies with one bomb” and so on. It’s a bit of a shame that all this wasn’t taken outside the game, as a bunch of bronze prizes. For the money earned, given out for received in-game prizes, you can buy all sorts of nice bonuses, such as new clothes for characters, open game galleries or new color filters. In general, everything is like in Uncharted.


Sarah, Joel's daughter.

On the eve of his birthday, Joel receives a wristwatch as a gift from his daughter. There were no signs of trouble that night. Having woken up from an alarming call from Tommy, Joel’s brother, we examine the postcard on the chest of drawers. Let's look into my father's bedroom and learn from the news about an unknown virus that has swept the town. We go down to the first floor, go to the kitchen and look at the calls on the phone. We go left and go through the slightly open door. Worried, Joel quickly pulls out a revolver and reports strange behavior from his neighbors. One of them breaks into the house, Joel kills him, and we go out to the backyard. Together with Tommy we go in search of a safe way to leave the city. Having had an accident, we take Sarah in our arms and move down the road. At the intersection we turn right. We continue to run, go around the truck and head towards the alley on the left side. We get to the building and go inside. Tommy will hold the door so they can escape. We meet a military man who saves us from the infected. However, then he receives orders to kill us. Tommy arrived too late and Sarah died from her injuries.

On the day the virus began to spread, everyone was trying to get out of the city.

20 years later
Quarantine zone

Behind the wall

The world has changed. The military created quarantine zones, protecting the survivors from the infected. Waking up to a knock on the door, we let Tess into the house and talk about pressing problems. She managed to negotiate the deal, and now we are provided with cards for a couple of months. Robert is trying to put a spoke in the wheels, we need to deal with him. Going outside, we follow our friend to the checkpoint. We almost managed to get past it, but there was an explosion and all the passages were blocked. We quickly run after Tess, go into the building and get a first aid kit. Having bandaged the wound, we move along the corridor. Besides us, Marlin from the Cicada group is looking for Robert. We get to the secret hole in the wall and move the cabinet to the right side.

We jump down and follow Tess to our things. We take them from the table, go to the red boards, look up and seat a friend. We get out, talk to Tess and follow her. The required ladder is located on the side of the white car. We lean it against the wall and climb up. We follow Tess and use a flashlight in the dark. The first floor is filled with controversy. In this case, Joel will put on a gas mask, and visibility will noticeably deteriorate. In the room, crouching down, we pass through the gap in the wall. We move the log out of the way and squeeze between the cabinet and the drawer. We find a person whose mask is damaged. We select the cartridges lying nearby and shoot the unfortunate man in the head. Crouching we pass under the boarded up boards. When faced with the infected, we first listen to see their location. We sneak up on the enemy, waiting for him to turn away. We carry out a seizure and strangle him. You can go around the remaining two on the left side, making sure to turn off the flashlight. We go up the stairs and get out.

We follow Tess to the neighboring building and go inside. We climb higher and go down on the other side. We grab the board and go to the wall to give it to our partner. We ourselves return upstairs through the gap in the wall on the opposite side. We continue to follow Tess. While the boy checks to see if Robert’s soldiers and people are nearby, we’ll take the cartridges from the rack. We pass through the local market and go to the shipyard. When faced with enemies, we try to get as close to them as possible. We save ammunition and attack enemies in hand-to-hand combat whenever possible. The gate is closed, so we put Tess on the wall on the left side. Enemies again, slowly, we follow Tess. After she deals with one of them, we make our way to the building and go inside. We sneak up on the one that is further from us. We carry out capture and strangulation. We destroy the rest and select the key with which we unlock the door inside the building.

There is strict control in the quarantine zone: if you are infected, you will be immediately shot.

Being behind cover, we wait for the end of the conversation. We destroy the enemy at the door, then another one in the neighboring building. We go to the warehouse, sneak up on the enemy and carry out strangulation. We go up the stairs outside. After killing two, we search the warehouse. On the second floor, we select a knife from the table, with the help of which it is much more effective to deal with enemies after they are captured. We open the gate on the first floor and get out to the pier. We go to the right and destroy the enemies one by one. We are waiting for the third one to come closer and turn away from us. We continue walking along the right side until we reach the office.

Robert will start shooting, and when he runs out of bullets, he will run away. We catch up and ask him about weapons. He reveals that he sold them to the Cicadas. Marlin appears and makes a deal with us. We'll get twice as many weapons if we agree to smuggle them across the border. We follow a friend to her home. Having reached the bridge, we turn left. We go upstairs, then enter the building on the left side and go around the enemy. As soon as we grab him, the ally will do the same. We move along the corridor, go into the last room and get out through the window on the left. We destroy the enemy and another one on the right side. But before doing this, it is best to wait until the enemy on the bridge moves to the left side. We go down under the bridge and get to the house.


The essence of our work is to escort the girl to the Capitol. Tess will go with Marlene to the Cicada camp to check the weapons. Going outside, turn left and go down to the fence. We follow along it, then go right and find ourselves in an alley. To climb up, we move the trash container to the stairs. We go upstairs and get to a safe house near the border. Having rested a little, we leave the apartment through a hole in the wall. We start the generator by pressing the button when the slider drops to the bottom of the scale. We crawl forward, climb the stairs and get out. We move forward, pass through the container and are immediately attacked. After scanning, it turns out that the girl Ellie is infected. According to her, she was bitten three weeks ago, but for some reason the virus did not affect her.

We follow Tess to the patrol. We move to the left and press ourselves against the wall. We follow the enemy's lantern at the top position. We carefully go around the corner and continue moving along the left side. We jump into the water, climb up and slowly move through the shelters to the other side of the building. We open the gate and, having got out, we get to the building on the right side. We wait behind cover for the enemy to turn away. We neutralize him and head to the window at the other end. We go outside, continue to go forward and move along the sewer pipe to the building. We go up the stairs and immediately turn left. Bent down, we pass through the gap in the wall. We run forward and turn right at the fork. We get to the grate and open it.

While Joel and Tess often push boundaries, this time the stakes are too high.

Following Tess, we rise to the top point. In the distance we see the Capitol building. We turn right and get inside. We get out to the stairs and go up to the floor above. We find a nutcracker stuck to the door. Their faces are disfigured beyond recognition, so they cannot see, but they can hear perfectly. We break through the door and turn right. Together we open the next door. We deal with the nutcracker quickly and often by pressing the button shown. We look around the rooms to find useful items. Some doors are locked and require a knife to open them. Almost always, the spent knife more than pays for itself. We go into the very last room on the left and put Tess on the yellow ledge. The partner will distract the clicker, let's follow her. Then we distract the enemy ourselves by throwing the bottle to the right. We climb up, jump onto the stairs and remove the box from the path. We make our way along the platform outside, go around the corner and go back into the building.

We select the revolver, follow Tess and jump down. We select a piece of pipe and destroy the first enemy by sneaking up from behind. We return to the place where we jumped. We go forward and wait for the runner to go further along the corridor. We neutralize him and go to the other side. We watch for two more, and then finish off the last one - the click beetle. We jump up and move aside the box blocking the door. We go lower and lower. We select a Molotov cocktail, which we can make from the same items as first aid kits. Bent down, we pass through the gap in the wall. We creep up to the first clicker, deal with it and move to the right. Let's move to the other side. There is an enemy standing at the grate, you definitely need to kill him. To do this without attracting attention, we will use a Molotov cocktail or a knife. We place our partner on the ledge on the right side. We go up the stairs and finally get out.

We get to the truck in the alley. We turn left and enter the building. We silently destroy the runners, grab the chest of drawers and carry it to the truck. We jump over to the other side, go forward and open the gate on the left side. At the last moment we manage to run inside. At the workbench we can modify weapons. We open the door and go up to the second floor. In the middle of the room we come across a rubble. We lift the log so that Tess and Ellie can move on. We will take a different path. We turn right, get out into the corridor and watch for the runner. We go into the large room on the right side, move to the other side and throw a Molotov cocktail into the corridor as soon as we notice the runner. The clicker will come running to the sound and will be engulfed in flames. We go up to the next floor, destroy the enemy beating on the door. We help Tess, then Ellie. We move further away and fight off the runners, preferably using firearms. We jump through the window onto the fire escape. We go upstairs, take any of the boards and use it as a crossing between the buildings.

Ellie has never left the quarantine zone and therefore skyscrapers seem something surprising to her.

We go downstairs and drag the trash container to the gate. We get out to the road and get to the Capitol. All the Cicadas were killed, and we also find out that Tess is infected. She invites us to go further and find Tommy. Tess herself will remain here and try to hold back the military. Before we could get upstairs, Tess had already been shot. We jump over to another part of the building and pick up a rifle near the corpse. There are enemies ahead, we turn into the room on the left side and neutralize the lone enemy. Actively listening, we move to the other side and go down to the first floor. We move along the left side again. We try to move silently for as long as possible.

We go outside and cross the road. We go down and quickly hide from the machine-gun fire. Since Ellie is immune, she can breathe the spores. We destroy two soldiers and go through the carriages. The tunnel is flooded, so we continue swimming. By diving, we can go around the rubble. We swim to the very end, where we find a raft. We transfer it to Ellie and transport her to the opposite side. We climb up the descending stairs and get out.

Bill's town

After discussing with Ellie the moments that are better not to remember, we move to an old friend Bill. We move through the thicket of the forest and will soon get out to the tower. The main gate is closed, so we go left and get to the stone wall. We select the board and move it to the small building. We climb onto the roof and lift the board. Here, by the way, you can pick up a modified piece of pipe. We install the board between the buildings and move to the other side. We go down, move to the left and get to the gate. They are closed on the other side, so we seat Ellie. We move down the road, at the end we turn into an alley on the left side. The nutcracker will blow himself up on the trap. We get to the truck, put up a ladder and climb up. Having walked along the board, we pick it up and install it next to the stairs. Having gone upstairs, we pull up the board and place it between the buildings. We continue to move along the roof. Having gone down, we crawl under the tripwire. Two more stretches at the passage on the net. We move away, crouch down and shoot at them. Let's go further and destroy the tripwire at the bottom between the walls. Having entered the building, we fall into a trap. While Ellie is working on our liberation, we shoot back at the infected. Don't worry about ammo, there will be an endless amount of it. We reload more often and try to keep enemies away. Bill will soon come to the rescue. We follow him, being minimally distracted by enemies. After some arguing, Bill agrees to help us. To assemble the car you will need parts, which can be found in the city.

Any weapon can be modified, although you will have to find a workbench to do this.

We collect a large number of useful items in this eatery. We get out, following Bill. When enemies appear, there will be nowhere to run, so, without leaving our allies, we fight off the infected. Having finished with them, we go upstairs and go down to the cellar, where the warehouse is located. We get a shotgun and an explosive bomb. It can be used as a mine and will explode when an enemy approaches. If you throw a bomb directly at an enemy, it will explode instantly. Recently, military personnel appeared in the area. They were attacked by a horde of infected and the transport, having lost control, rammed the wall of the school. There we will find a working battery. We go upstairs and leave the church through the window. We use a Molotov cocktail against a large number of click beetles in the garden. They will all come running to the noise and set themselves on fire.

We get out into the alley and pass through the territory of private houses. We listen and determine the location of the runners. We move forward, destroying enemies. We get to the house on the far left and try to open the door - it doesn’t work. Ellie will be able to get to the other side through the doggy door. We clear the gazebo and house from click beetles. All you have to do is throw a Molotov cocktail at the aisle. We get out through the house to the other side, climb onto the van and move along the board to the neighboring territory. We thoroughly search the house. We help Bill open the garage door. A truck is visible in the distance. We head towards it, shooting runners along the way. We use bombs in narrow passages and do not allow ourselves to be surrounded. We get to the bus at the gate. We help Ellie so they can lower the stairs. We move to the other side and follow Bill.

The first aid kit and Molotov cocktail require the same ingredients.

The school doors are closed, so we turn the corner and get inside through the window. Not finding a battery in the truck, we begin to look for a way out. We follow the corridor, clearing it of enemies. We pass through the audience, together we break through the door in the corridor. Once in the gym, we encounter a large opponent. First, we destroy the runners and only then concentrate all our attention on the thug. We try to shoot at its bright growths on its body. We don’t stand still, as spores flying at us cause constant damage and reduce our visibility range. Having won, we collect ammunition and reload the weapon, we will still need it. We drop Bill and Ellie off, but we don’t have time to climb in ourselves. We destroy the runners and climb up.

We get out and follow Bill. As soon as the allies free the stairs, we immediately cling to it. In the house we find Frank, Bill's partner, hanged. He was bitten by the infected and, apparently, he did not want to become one of them. Meanwhile, Ellie discovers a car with a working battery in the garage. All that remains is to recharge it by pushing the car. After looking around the house, we approach the car from behind and take it outside. We don’t get carried away with pushing, we make sure to keep an eye on the enemies and shoot them in time. Having separated ourselves from the infected, we say goodbye to Bill and continue our difficult journey. We arrive in the city; The highway is clogged with cars, the only way is to turn right. We are faced with an aggressive group of people.


We fight off the enemy by quickly and often pressing the shown button. Then we run up to Ellie and help her. There are many enemies and some of them will try to approach you from the rear. We listen and monitor the location of the bandits. After killing everyone, we go outside and open the gate in the corner. We get out to the stairs and go up. We pass along the corridor and open the side door. We jump down and move along the highway. Having seen the hunters, the easiest way to get around them is to hide behind the cars on the left side. We climb onto the bus and go through the checkpoint. There are many enemies ahead, so if we want to act silently, then we turn right and penetrate the building. We go upstairs, go right and go down into the courtyard. We go into the alley, go up the fire escape and jump off the other side. If we break through with a fight, we first clear the street, then the first floor of the building and, accordingly, the second.

Bill mined almost every corner of the city.

We get to the flooded area and swim to the very end, where we find a raft. We deliver him to Ellie and carry the girl to the bus. We pass through the van, turn left and find ourselves in a cafe. From here we jump up and move along the board to the hotel building. Having jumped down, we go left. Opposite the bar counter is a structure. We take the ladder and bring it to the hall. We turn left and install the ladder on the wall above which there is no railing. We climb up, then go up to the second floor. We get out onto the roof through the window and move to another part of the building. Most of the enemies are without firearms, but with improvised items. We try to act silently. Along the corridor we get to the next staircase and go up to the third floor. We are located in the hall, from where we can clearly see the long corridor. Ellie will warn you if enemies start approaching from the flank. Having destroyed all the enemies, we move along the corridor and get to the terrace. We enter the room through the window on the left side, go out into the corridor and go up the stairs to the fourth floor.

We open the elevator door by quickly and often pressing the button shown. Having climbed the stairs, we climb through the narrow passage on the right side. We jump onto the elevator car, wait for Ellie and drop her off. We ourselves fall into the water. We get to the flooded stairs, dive under the water and swim to the lower floor. Having rested, we dive again and, having looked around, swim through the door, next to which is the same emergency exit icon. We move further into the territory filled with disputes. Having moved along the corridor, we go upstairs and arrive at a locked door. Firstly, there is no electricity and, secondly, a pass is required. We return to the corridor and walk along it to the end. We turn into the room on the right side, then right again and move to the opposite room. We take the pass from the table, return to the previous room and go downstairs. We start the generator and hastily return to the locked door, which we unlock with the help of a pass.

Seeing the beauty of the forests, you might think that there was no epidemic.

We go upstairs, walk along the corridor and get out to the kitchen. We kill the enemies, then go to the hall. There is a ladder near the locked door; install it against the wall to the right. Having almost climbed up, we receive a blow from above and fall down. Quickly and frequently press the button shown several times. Ellie will arrive soon and help us. Instead of being grateful, Joel yelled at Ellie. This is all due to the fact that the girl used a firearm. We go upstairs and get to the restaurant area. We go up to the stage and push the piano up to the wall. We climb up and get out. There are many enemies outside and it will be difficult for one to cope with them. Joel has no choice but to entrust the rifle to Ellie. She will cover us from the top position.

The hunters have been notified of our adventures. When they finish, we move to the left and destroy the first enemy. We try to bring enemies out into the open so that Ellie can shoot them. Having destroyed every single one, the girl will come down to us. We hand her a gun. From now on, Ellie will cover us always and everywhere. We go all the way forward, where there is a gate behind the truck on the left side. Having made our way inside, we remove the cart from under the gate and move it to the opposite wall. We climb up, get to the window and watch how the looters kill the unarmed. Finding nothing useful, they leave. We go upstairs and deal with the hunters. We get out through the office space.

Record collection. Perhaps among them there are rare specimens.

We head to the next building. We penetrate inside from the right side, taking cover behind a police car. We go upstairs and kill three opponents. We move to another part of the building, go down and continue along the street. At the crossroads there is another group of enemies, consisting of four hunters. Let’s not get into trouble, because two of them have firearms. We go to the right and take the girl to the fire escape. We climb up, jump off the other side and head to the alley on the left side. Having crossed to the other side, we cross the road, taking cover behind a police car. If desired, we can first clear the building from enemies. The gate is closed, so we go around it through the building on the right side. We go deeper into the alley, turn right and immediately enter the building. We go upstairs, go to the nearest room and climb out onto the ledge along the fire escape. We move along it to the window, go inside and go into the next room. We get out of the window to the destroyed fire escape and continue to move along the ledge.

So we fell into one of the most dangerous traps. In response to the noise, the infected slowly begin to come running.

Having penetrated inside, we are attacked. The survivors were Henry and his younger brother Sam. They mistook us for hunters and therefore tried to kill us as quickly as possible. We also find out that they are the only ones from the group who survived. Nearby is the lair of these guys, we follow Henry. We go downstairs to the toy store. Then we go outside and go through the open door on the right side. Having watched the enemies, we deal with them. We climb onto the truck, walk forward a little and retreat behind cover again, as enemies will appear. Having destroyed them, we jump even higher and arrive at the allies’ lair. Henry and Sam, like us, are looking for Cicadas. They are waiting for the moment when the checkpoint guarding the passage to the bridge is weakened. Most of the guards will go to bed. Having rested a little, we follow Henry. Having gone downstairs, we sneak up on the two and silently neutralize them in sync with Henry. Ours is the one on the left. We go outside and cross to the other side, taking cover behind the cars and avoiding the spotlight. We kill a lone enemy and turn off the generator. We deal with everyone who comes down to us.

We open the gate together and at the last moment manages to escape from enemy transport. We kill the enemy and put all three on the truck. The ladder breaks, so we won't be able to climb up. Henry and Sam decide to leave us. Ellie doesn’t leave us and jumps back down. We open the gate and get inside. We clear the building from enemies, after which we go into the hall and remove the cart that blocked the main door. Having gone outside, we quickly run after Ellie, avoiding obstacles. Finding ourselves in a dead end, at the last moment we decide to jump into the water.

Apparently, someone has finally gotten fed up with these nutcrackers.


We meet Henry and Sam on the shore. Joel grabbed Henry's gun and threatened to kill him for abandoning us in our time of need. But this time we waited for help. Having examined the surroundings, we return to our allies. We climb up and help Henry lift the grate of the sewer pipe. Having reached the fork, let's take the right path. Having finished the inspection, we reunite with our friends again. We arrive at an area with water. We swim to the other end of the gate, dive and remove the pipe from the mechanism. Henry will open the gate, we swim further. We get out onto land and go up the stairs on the left side. We drop the raft down near the fence. We deliver it to Ellie and take the girl to the other side to the generator. She will turn it on, and Henry and Sam will also be able to move in with Ellie. With Henry's help, we climb up.

Opening the door will trigger a sound trap. We select a two-shot “shorty” shotgun from the table. We continue to move forward, destroying the infected. Opening the door, another trap is triggered, which separates us from our allies. The nutcrackers appeared on Henry and Ellie's side, so they had to run away. We turn around, go through the net and turn left. We move with extreme caution. There are many enemies here and they will all attack us sooner or later. You can place bombs or throw a couple of Molotov cocktails. Next, we go forward to the end, then turn left and put Sam on the ledge. We climb up the stairs, go straight and jump down. Reuniting with Henry and Ellie. We quickly run after them. Let's try to open the grill by pressing the button shown quickly and often. Sam will crawl through the small opening and unlock the door on the other side. We go up the stairs and head to the exit. We collect useful items from the table. The children will move outside and try to open the door. During this time, we will contain the infected. We mine the passages with bombs and Molotov cocktails. As soon as the door opens, we don’t linger here for a minute.

Toplyak is the most powerful enemy in the game. Even a knife won't save us if he grabs us.

We follow Henry down the road. Along the way, we search houses in which there will definitely be a lot of useful things. Through the last house on the left side, we move to the next street. It is controlled by a sniper, so we move forward, taking cover behind the cars on the right side. There will be no enemies here, but we will have to accurately calculate our advance. If we go from the left side, then we are practically not threatened by sniper fire. But you will have to destroy other hunters. We go around the house, get inside and deal with the sniper. Using a sniper rifle, we clear the way for the allies. We kill everyone who tries to get closer to them. After a while, transport will appear. We wait for him to come closer and shoot at the one throwing Molotov cocktails. Soon the influx of zombies will begin; after shooting at them a little, we get out of the house.

Joel talks about his brother Tommy, who wanted to take two Harleys and head to the ocean for his birthday. Sam starts a conversation with Ellie about the epidemic, about his fears of becoming infected. The basis for this was the fact that Sam was bitten. The next morning, Ellie decides to check on him. Sam, turned into a runner, attacks Ellie. At first, Henry tries to save his brother, but then he kills him and himself.

Tommy Dam

We continue our search for Tommy. Having reached the car, to the left of him in the grass you can find an El Diablo revolver with an optical sight. We go down the slope, turn right and move along the coast. Tommy and Joel have different views on the world. The first joined the Cicadas, hoping for a better life, and the second decided to engage in smuggling. We get to the dam and turn the valve to turn over one of the shutters. We jump into the water, dive and swim into the sunken building. We release the raft on the ceiling and quickly swim to the surface. Using the raft, we transfer Ellie to the other side of the dam. We move to it by walking along the shutters. We climb up the rock, then move along the wall until we arrive at the main gate.

As it turned out, the plant was occupied by survivors, among whom is our brother Tommy. We meet his wife Maria and enter the territory. Things are not going well here. The turbines are damaged, without which it is impossible to restore the power supply. After making the rounds with my brother, we tell him about Ellie’s immunity and at the same time ask for help. Tommy does not want to risk his life, especially since he is now a married man. Suddenly the siren goes off - bandits have entered the territory. Ellie and Maria are trapped, we go to save them. We move forward, destroying enemies. We use shelters more often, since the bandits are well equipped. After some nagging, Maria releases her husband to the Cicadas.

Pretense and attempts to gain pity in order to lure people out of the car, kill them and rob them are not uncommon in the modern world.

Ellie ran away on horseback. We follow Tommy in the footsteps of the girl. Having fallen into an ambush, we destroy all the bandits in the territory. We actively listen and do not allow ourselves to be surrounded. Having killed every single one, we return to the horses and ride them to the ranch. Having entered the house, we go up to the second floor and go to the very last room. Ellie is unhappy that we wanted to leave her and trust Tommy. The house was surrounded by bandits. We kill the enemies while they are inspecting the rooms. Having cleared the house, we go outside. We learn from Tommy that the laboratory is located at the University of Colorado. Joel decides to finish what he started on his own. With this we say goodbye to our brother and continue our difficult journey.


Having entered the territory, we head towards the center. We rise higher and jump through the fence. We go up the stairs, then turn left and jump along the terrace. We enter the building, follow the corridor and at the end open the grate. We take the flamethrower lying at the table on the right side. We inspect the de-energized electrical panel; the wire leads to the second floor. We go up and burn out all the runners with a flamethrower. We start the generator in the central room, go downstairs and open the gate. We jump to the center, turn left and cross a huge territory. We go around the building and arrive at another locked gate. The mechanism is de-energized, and the generator is on the other side. We go into the building through the door on the right side. We go up to the second floor, go along the corridor to the end and jump down. We shoot from the flamethrower in short bursts, since the ammunition is depleted very quickly. Having cleared the floor of enemies, we go to the other side and push through the door, quickly and often pressing the shown button. We go upstairs, get out and get to the gate. We move the generator to the wire on the left side and start the generator.

We jump through the arch on the left side. Then we turn right and jump over the fence. Having arrived at the laboratory building, we go around it on the left side. The gate is closed, but you can climb over it. Let's go back a little, where there is a garbage container next to the fence. We carry him to the gate and randomly break through it. This, however, is also a good way to get into the territory. We move the container to the truck and climb up. We move through the balcony to another part of the building. We look at the list and go up. We follow Ellie, then open the door in the corner on the right side. We don't find anyone here except monkeys. From the recording we listened to, we learn that the scientist released the monkeys, and one of them bit him. Further more. We break through the door and find the skeleton of a dead man. Another audio recording says the others have returned to Our Lady Hospital in Salt Lake City.

Feral dogs.

Unknown people appeared and started shooting. We get out of the building the same way we arrived here, destroying enemies along the way. Suddenly, opening the door, we are attacked. No matter how much we resist, we fall down and fall straight onto a large fragment that pierces us right through. As soon as the enemies appear, we shoot them. Ellie helps us get up, we follow her. We will be pinned in a corner, we shoot at the enemy when he is distracted by Ellie. We barely get out, and soon Joel will lose consciousness.

Lake resort

Winter. It's hungry time. To survive, Ellie hunts in the forest on her own. The first prey is a hare. A little further on a deer appeared. We leave the horse and pursue large prey. We stay as far away as possible and try not to step on branches. The noise they make will only scare away the beast. We sit down, aim and fire an accurate shot. Following the tracks and bloody spots in the snow, we continue to follow the deer. After a couple more hits, we boldly pursue the prey and eventually get out to the huts, where we find a dead deer. Unknown people appear and introduce themselves as David and James. Pressing on pity, they want to take our loot. In exchange for this large piece of “meat,” Ellie asks to deliver her medicine. David will stay with us and we will take refuge in one of the huts for a while.

We come under attack, and the infected begin to approach from all sides. You will have to keep an eye on all the windows. We let some of the enemies inside so that after killing them we can collect ammunition. Let's block a couple of windows by blocking them with a closet. We continue to kill enemies until David suggests leaving here. We shoot the clicker so that our partner can block the passage. We follow him, go up and fall down. Actively listening, we go around or destroy the click beetles and move to the other side. We reunite with David and continue moving. Having reached a dead end, we notice a staircase at the top. We ask our partner to lift us to the ledge on the opposite side. We take a roundabout way to get to the stairs, simultaneously destroying the nutcracker. We jump down and go up the stairs.

We move to another part of the building. Here we will have to fight off the infected for a long time and persistently. We quickly collect useful items and create as many bombs and Molotov cocktails as possible. We leave one bomb and one cocktail for last, for a large enemy. Having destroyed everyone, we return to the hut to check the deer. David shares his story with us. Not long ago, he sent his people into the city, who stumbled upon some psycho and a girl. And then everything falls into place. For some reason David decides to let us go. We take the medicines and leave this place as soon as possible.

The monkeys were released by a scientist who simply took pity on them.

Returning to the lair, we inject Joel with a dose of antibiotics. He's still not in the best condition. The next morning we find bandits on the territory. They still tracked us down. Apparently David's target was not Ellie, but Joel. We need to distract them so that they never find Joel. We rush forward, bypassing the bandits. If you had to encounter them, then quickly and often press the button shown. The horse will be shot, and we will fall down. We go down the hill and pass through the house. We get out of it through the window on the right side. We actively use onions so as not to attract unnecessary attention. Don't forget, then collect the arrows from the bodies. We move to the other side and go up. We go left to the pier and walk along its edge. We get to the pipe and climb over it. Next there will be another similar pipe, but before crossing it, we remove the box from the wall.

We jump down and move closer to the house. We destroy enemies one by one using a bow. We go around the house and arrive at the gate. We move one of the trash cans and enter the house through a small opening. We are trying to get to the exit on the other side. The bandits will try to get close and deal with us in close combat. We actively listen and preferably use a faster-firing pistol. When we try to open the door, David will grab us from behind.

Waking up in a cage, we see the following picture in front of us: James dismembers a human body, and a minute later David invites us to taste meat of unknown origin. Ellie lets David get closer to her and breaks his finger.

Joel has come to his senses, but he is still weak. We go outside, move along the road and, as soon as the gate on the left side opens, we take a place behind cover. It is enough to kill three for the rest to escape. We follow them to the fence. We climb over it and destroy the remaining bandits. We go around the house or pass through it and are attacked. Having defeated the enemies, we begin to interrogate them. We learn that Ellie is being held in the city.

Deer hunting.

The next morning, they try to kill Ellie. But she manages to tell David that she is infected. Taking advantage of the moment, she manages to escape. Having got out, we run to the end and, turning right, enter the building. We move the cart to the left side and crawl under the boarded up boards. We carefully turn left and move to the next building. Once inside, we immediately go left and go to the toilet. We go outside through the window and then cross the road, using the shelters on the left side. We go into the alley, get to the stairs and pass below to the right of it. We climb through the slot in the wall. We turn right and now constantly move along the wall, actively listening and avoiding enemies. We get to a local eatery, which is easily recognized by its burning barrels. We get inside through the window in the alley on the right side. We move to the other side and when we try to leave the cafe through the front door, David catches us. Our task is to get close to him from behind and stab him with a knife. We move exclusively on all fours and look at our feet, because there are areas with fragments on the floor. If you walk along them, David will find us. Each time it will be more and more difficult to catch the enemy. In this case, we use “listening”.

Let's play as Joel. We go right and go into the alley through the car wash. We wait for the enemies to leave and approach the container. We destroy the enemy at the top position using a bow. We pass through the container, move along the road and at the end turn into an alley on the right side. We enter the building and find Ellie's backpack. Having climbed out from the other side, we see a burning building.

The deer turned out to be resilient. They managed to bring him down after three accurate shots.

Having woken up, we crawl to the knife. When David grabs us, we make the final push, quickly and often pressing the shown button. We deal with the enemy and, together with Joel, get out of this place.

Car park

We move along the highway, then turn right and go down. Another empty quarantine zone. We climb over the fence and decide to take a shortcut through the building on the left side. We approach the ledge and try to pick up Ellie. Today she is clearly not herself, apparently it was affected by what she had to go through all year. In an instant, something distracted Ellie. We install the ladder and climb up. We follow the girl until we see a large herd of giraffes. We go upstairs and continue observing. Having gone downstairs, we walk along the tents and pass through the bus. We turn left and move along the tunnel. We jump over the truck and encounter a large number of infected people. We use a bow against small enemies, and it is best to burn out large ones with a flamethrower. One way or another, everyone will have to be killed. We move to the other side and give Ellie a ride. Then we climb up ourselves and continue swimming. We go around the obstacle under water. We climb on the other side and drop the ladder for Ellie.

You can pet a giraffe if you approach it.

We continue walking along the right side. The door is closed, so we take Ellie to the upper passage on the left side. We quickly kill the clicker that attacked the girl. We get to the next zone. We jump into the water, dive and swim through the open door. At the fork we turn right. We climb onto the first ventilation pipe, then jump over to the second and move along it to the end. We go around the pipes through a narrow opening. We drop the raft, jump down and use it to transport Ellie to the opposite side. She will throw down the ladder; When you try to climb up, the ladder will break. We move it to the wall behind us. We climb up, take the ladder and go down it on the other side. We rearrange the ladder again, only this time in a horizontal position, and go through the gap.

The water flow has increased, so we jump from one van to another. We fall onto the bus from the ventilation pipe and, not having time to cross it, we get stuck inside. We are trying to get out, clinging to the handles. As a result, we are thrown back. Ellie tries to help, but to no avail. We quickly get out of the flooded bus and swim only forward - to the surface. Ellie is unconscious and Joel tries to pump her out. Cicada's men appear and stun us.

Laboratory of Cicadas

We arrived on time, the operation had not yet begun.

Having woken up, we see Marlin in front of us. She is trying to convince us that Ellie is a chance to save humanity. Only in this case, it is necessary to carry out a complex operation, as a result of which the girl will die. Joel is not happy with this turn of events. He finds out from the guard where the operation is being carried out and deals with him. Hiding around the corner, we wait for the enemies to get closer so we can shoot them. Once you have an assault rifle, your progress will become much easier. Let's use our entire arsenal. We move to the western part of the hospital. Here we can manage and take cover behind the counter on the right side, and when the enemies run by, continue moving. We quickly destroy the enemies who have broken through the door and move on. We make the last push and finally get to Ellie. We carry her to the elevator, guided by the flashing lights. If we see lanterns, we make sure to go around the enemies. Marlin will try to stop Joel again, but he will not allow this.


Playing as Ellie, we follow Joel. She shares her life story with him. In Boston, when Ellie was bitten, she was not alone. Her friend Riley also became infected and after some time transformed. Tired of losing people close to her, Ellie wanted to make things right, even though she would have to sacrifice herself. Joel hid information about the operation from Ellie for the sake of her bright future. Let's watch the final video.


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