Types of mousetraps. Making humane mousetraps with your own hands

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Small cute animals only look harmless and fragile, but in fact, the presence of mice in the house means a lot of trouble. They carry potentially dangerous diseases for humans, destroy food supplies, damage furniture and books, and are also so small that they can penetrate holes no more than six to seven millimeters wide. Catching mice usually involves setting traps in areas where animals move, but you can get rid of annoying guests without the use of special equipment.

How to catch a mouse

To check whether there really are mice in the house, you just need to sprinkle a little flour in the “suspicious” areas where the animals supposedly live, and see if traces appear the next morning. Depending on your personal preferences, you can choose different methods of catching mice - from harmless to quite cruel. It should be kept in mind that these rodents rarely leave their nests during the day, so you need to set traps at night.

Interesting fact. Mice's incisors grow throughout their lives, so animals are forced to constantly grind them down, gnawing on everything. With the help of its teeth, the animal can destroy structures made of wood, concrete and even metal.

A mouse is dangerous to humans because it can cause a dangerous infection, especially if it gets into food

Killer Mousetrap

An old, tried and true, but not always effective way to catch a mouse is to use a mousetrap. The latter can be industrially manufactured and vary in design. The principle of operation of such a device is to lure a rodent and then kill or injure it through a special mechanism.

Table: traps that kill rodents

Traps made of steel and (or) woodA reliable and proven product that often kills the pest outright. You can use lard, raisins, peanut butter, and smoked meats as bait.
Mouse trapsBetter and more reliable than similar mechanisms made of wood and metal, due to greater efficiency, less risk of injury to humans, simplified design and versatility.
MousetrapA simple but not very effective design. The principle of operation is to lure the animal and suffocate it with a steel loop.
Electric mousetrapThe principle of operation is based on luring and shocking a rodent with an electric current. A relatively humane tool for killing mice.

Photo gallery: types of mousetraps

A classic mousetrap consists of a wooden plank and a metal spring. On sale you can find an improved version of the classic mousetrap Electric mouse trap electrocutes mice

Humane traps

Not everyone will enjoy killing or maiming a living creature, even a very harmful one. Manufacturers specializing in the production of rat and mouse traps have developed a large number of humane mouse traps that do not harm animals. As a rule, the operating principle of such products is based on luring the animal using bait into a cage (box, container) with an automatically closing door. The caught troublemaker can then be released. It is recommended to do this at least one kilometer from home.

A mouse caught in a cage mousetrap remains alive

Table: traps that do not harm the animal

How to make a mousetrap with your own hands

You can get rid of mice in your home by purchasing one (or several for greater effectiveness) of the industrial-made traps listed above. But what should you do if rodents surprise you late in the evening, or store-bought traps and live traps don’t work properly? Making a quick mousetrap from available materials is not as difficult as it seems, you just need a little patience and ingenuity.

There is an improved version of the cage mousetrap: the so-called live trap

Making a mousetrap using a plastic bottle

There are many options for catching mice using a plastic bottle. Depending on the location of objects in the house, the habitats of rodents and other factors, you can modify and vary the method of making and installing traps, you just need a little imagination.

How to catch a mouse right in a bottle

The easiest way:

  1. Take a plastic bottle.
  2. For reliability, you can lubricate the walls inside the container with vegetable oil.
  3. Place bait.
  4. Secure the bottle at an angle so that the mouse can climb into it from the floor or other surface.

A simple and reliable mousetrap can be made from a plastic bottle

Plastic design for catching mice

Complicated way:

  1. Take the bottle.
  2. Cut it in half.
  3. Lubricate both parts with oil on the inside.
  4. Place bait.
  5. Place the upper part in the lower part with the neck down, securing the structure with paper clips.

A mouse trap can be made from a cut plastic bottle

Trap from a bottle and string

For this method you will need a thin but strong rope.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Take a plastic bottle.
  2. Tie a rope up to 50 cm long to the neck.

    The length of the rope should not exceed 50 cm

  3. Place bait in the container.

    The bait is placed inside the bottle

  4. Attach the other end of the rope to the table with tape.

    One end of the rope is attached to the table

  5. Place the bottle on the edge of the table in a horizontal position, and it is important to balance it correctly.

    You need to place the bottle so that it doesn’t roll anywhere.

Mousetrap made from a bucket and a plastic bottle

To make it you need to do the following:

  1. Take a small plastic bottle.
  2. Use an awl to make holes in the lid and at the end.
  3. Insert a knitting needle or a straight piece of wire 1–2 mm in diameter into the holes.
  4. Attach bait to the bottle.
  5. Grease a bucket with oil or fill it halfway with water.
  6. Place the bottle on top of the knitting needle (wire).
  7. Place a piece of board against the bucket.

When caught in a trap, the mouse ends up in a bucket of water

Trap from a cut bottle

Another option for making your own trap:

  1. Take the bottle.
  2. On the side where the bottom is located, cut strips 3 cm wide and half its circumference long.
  3. Sharpen them and bend them inside the bottle. This way, the animal that gets inside will not be able to get out.
  4. Place a piece of chocolate or a loaf soaked in sunflower oil in the trap.

Video: how to make a trap from a plastic bottle

An easy way to catch a mouse in a bucket

A very simple but effective “trap” can be made from an ordinary bucket:

  1. Fill it halfway with water.
  2. Place it at the edge of a table or chair.
  3. Place a school ruler with bait on the edge of the surface above the container, maintaining balance so that the structure does not fall into the bucket.

Before the mouse reaches the bait, it will fall into a bucket of water

How to catch a mouse with a jar

The design is very unstable, but nevertheless can be very effective. You need to do the following:

  1. Take a jar and a five-ruble coin.
  2. Attach the bait to the inside of the container using a piece of double-sided tape.
  3. Place the jar upside down on the edge of the coin.

Instead of a jar, you can use a wide glass or any other container with smooth edges

The trap is made with glue designed specifically for catching mice

What is the best bait to use?

Contrary to popular belief, cheese is not very attractive to mice. Given a choice, they will most likely choose other favorite products.

Table: TOP 10 goodies for mice

Smoked lardA very small piece is enough, because you don’t need to feed, but to catch the rodent.
Sunflower oilIt is best to use unrefined, more aromatic.
White breadTo increase the effect, you can drop a little sunflower oil on a piece.
Roasted seeds, especially pumpkin seedsThree or four pieces are enough to attract rodents. It's better to clean them for a stronger smell. In principle, mice love almost all types of seeds and nuts, but some of them attract rodents more, and some less. Pumpkin seeds belong to the first category.
PeanutIt is also better to use it fried. A couple of pieces are enough.
Smoked sausageA small piece can drive a mouse crazy and forget about caution. Better results can be achieved with a product prepared naturally, without the use of dyes, preservatives or flavor enhancers.
Cold smoked fishSmoked fish attracts many animals like a magnet, and mice are no exception. It must be kept in mind that the product must be fresh and natural.
CookieYou can use flavored, for example, vanilla scented.
Salted bacon with garlicSalty lard itself attracts mice, and the aroma of garlic enhances the effect.

The easiest way to get rid of the most common, but far from the most favorite household pest, is a mousetrap: you can make one with your own hands using available materials. Ease of operation, ease of manufacture, the ability to use unnecessary trash for noble purposes and high efficiency allow us to classify homemade mousetraps as folk art.

How to catch a mouse in an apartment

Man is the king of nature. Therefore, he must cope with his “subordinates” easily and naturally. Moreover, if among the latter there are small and dangerous rodents. They may not eat much, but they spread serious diseases.

A cat knows better than anyone how to catch a mouse in an apartment. But she doesn’t share her secrets, and besides, cats are poorly controlled and very unstable. That is why homemade mouse traps can give any mustachioed predator a run for its money.

Of course, you can buy a mousetrap in a store. But for a resident of Russia, the very thought of buying such a simple thing comes to mind only after a complete loss of creative abilities or after being included in the Forbes list.


The mouse is a cautious but stupid animal. Don't think of him as a wise scout capable of avoiding camouflaged traps. Rodents live by instinct and this is their weak spot.

Homemade mousetraps benefit from being loaded with the right bait.

Mouse trap baits

The mouse has very poor eyesight, but its sense of smell is simply phenomenal! The physiology of mice has evolved in such a way that the number of neurons in its olfactory bulb constantly increases throughout life. This occurs due to migration from the subependymal zone of the ventricles of the brain.

The mouse is very well versed in odors, can identify them and has a clear gradation according to the degree of their attractiveness. In critical conditions, the mouse can feed on candles and soap. If possible, the attractiveness of baits should be arranged in the following sequence:

  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Nuts (including peanuts);
  • Meat (fat);
  • Bread;
  • Chocolate;

If desired, you can experiment with baits. To do this, you will need to make your own mouse traps of the same design, which use different products. After each successful operation, you need to note which bait attracted the rodent.

In a couple of weeks, you will have a systematic catalog of baits.

ADVICE: baits can be combined, enhancing their attractiveness.

Why you should make a mousetrap yourself

The design of homemade mousetraps is so simple that the process of making them is more like creative work. It is not as exciting as sculpture or painting, and it is very difficult to imagine yourself in the place of Rembrandt or Michelangelo. But it’s very easy to become like Kalashnikov or Manerheim.

The most attractive thing about making your own mousetraps is the opportunity to experiment by making improvements to classic designs. Moreover, even if the change did not bring the expected effect, a catastrophe with human casualties will not happen in any case.

A mousetrap is not an airplane or a submarine! Experiments are welcome.

Do-it-yourself mouse traps: materials and principle of operation

You can make a mousetrap with your own hands even from the garbage that is thrown away. You just need to apply some ingenuity and creative ingenuity.

Too lazy to make a mousetrap yourself?

Read our review of the best ultrasonic mouse and rat repellers. Rating of the five best models with reviews from owners.

Most models of homemade mousetraps use the same principles and techniques. Depending on how to make a mouse trap, according to the operating principle of most models, they should be divided into two categories:

  1. Gravitational;
  2. Spring.

In the first case, the trap is triggered due to a change in the stability of the system after the rodent enters the control zone (example No. 3) or its activity in the prepared place (examples No. 1 and 4).

Spring models use the elastic energy of the working fluid (example No. 3). Moreover, a spring, in this context, is a collective name. A lever with a counterweight can also act as an accumulator of elastic energy.

The homemade mousetrap models described below show both types of designs.

DIY mousetrap from a plastic bottle

A homemade mousetrap made from a plastic bottle is extremely simple and effective. And most importantly, it is absolutely free.

To make it you will need a PET bottle with a volume of more than 2 liters. A smaller capacity can make it difficult for the trap to trigger, due to too little room for the victim to maneuver.

Step 1

The bottle is cut into two unequal parts. The height of the lower part is ⅓, and the height of the upper part is ⅔ of the total length.

In the lower part, at a distance of 4-5 cm from the bottom, a round hole is cut out, with a diameter of a 5-ruble coin.

Step 2

Opposite the entrance, a puncture is made using a wire.

Step 3

We bend an L-shaped guard from the wire.

Step 4

We place the bait on the guard.

Step 5

We insert a guard with bait into the puncture and lower the upper part of the bottle inside.

Step 6

The baited wire is pushed inside the bottle so that the smallest tip sticks out.

A plastic bottle mousetrap is triggered if a mouse, having climbed through the hole into the trap, becomes interested in the bait and begins to pull it. The holding tip of the wire will move and the top of the bottle will move down, blocking the rodent's exit.

TIP: Do not screw the cap on the bottle all the way. In this case, the moving part of the bottle will fall faster due to the lack of compression effect. But you can’t remove the lid completely. Since the animal locked inside can knock over the bottle and get out through the neck.

Making a mousetrap from a plastic bottle using video

How to make a mouse trap from a jar

For this trap, you only need a glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters and a special bait. A mousetrap from a jar will function flawlessly precisely when using a certain filler - husks (husks from sunflower seeds).

In a practical sense, you won't have to do anything. It is necessary to fill the jar with a layer of 3-5 cm of husks and place a board on the neck, along which the rodent can quickly get to the source of the smell.

Once inside the jar, the mouse can no longer get out. And it’s the husk that helps keep it there!

Mice jump quite high. But for a good jump, a powerful push from a solid base is required. The seed husk layer is very loose and mobile. You can’t just push off from it, you can’t even stand on it. The rodent will fall through at the slightest movement.

This design has its advantages:

  1. The husk does not spoil;
  2. Mice don't eat it;
  3. The product does not require cocking and can function without maintenance for some time (the duration depends on the abundance of rodents);
  4. Performance is maintained even at sub-zero temperatures.

A jar trap is convenient to use in the cellar.

Homemade mouse trap from a bucket of water

The design of a mousetrap made from a bucket of water stands out from all other models in that it can be left without maintenance for several months. And with a small upgrade, it will function even during severe winter frosts.

The main part of this trap is a wire frame with a movable ladder made of a plastic panel, which easily rotates inside the structure.

The dimensions of the frame will depend on the diameter of the bucket. So:

Step 1

Bend an elongated U-shaped frame 5 cm wide from aluminum wire, the length of which will be 12-15 cm greater than the diameter of the bucket. Bend the closed end of the frame at an angle of 90˚. It will fix the structure.

Step 2

Make a circular loop with each of the open ends of the frame around a nail. The holding loops should be approximately in the middle of the wire blank.

Step 3

Using a construction knife, cut a small piece of material from a plastic panel so that its width is 1 cm narrower than the clearance of the wire frame. Stepping back 1-1.5 cm from the middle, drill (or pierce with a heated nail) a through hole in the plastic drain.

Step 4

Insert a nail into the puncture, passing it through the wire loops.

Step 5

Place a plastic jar lid on the open ends of the frame. It will contain bait. Pour a 3-5 cm layer of water into a bucket and place a wire frame on top.

The water bucket trap is ready to go.

For efficiency, place a small board on the bucket so that the mouse can reach the frame from the desired side. Moving along a plastic ladder from the board to the source of aroma, the mouse reaches the axis of rotation. As soon as she overcomes it, the center of mass shifts, and the rodent falls into the bucket.

It is convenient to leave such a mousetrap inside the country house for the whole winter. But it will require a small upgrade! Instead of water, you need to add oil. It does not freeze in the most severe frosts and mice will not be able to jump out.

TIP: any oil can be used, provided that its smell does not overwhelm the aroma of the bait. Ideally, it is good to fill the bucket with spent vegetable oil, which was used for deep frying.

DIY mousetrap made of wood

This wooden mousetrap can be made with your own hands in just 15-20 minutes, but this model is the most complex. It is possible to install several traps at once, which will be located on one block.

Step 4

A ring with an eye with a diameter of ≈ 3 cm is made from iron wire. Weave a three-turn spring from elastic steel wire. The free ends of the spring should be 8-10 cm long.

Step 5

Make a three-turn spring from elastic steel wire. The free ends of the spring should be 8-10 cm long. Opposite the eyelet, a strong thread is tied to the ring. For ease of work, thread the free end of the thread into a shoemaker's (gypsy) needle.

Step 6

The thread is sequentially threaded first into the first hole (through the cut). Then from below into the second hole and the free end is fixed with tension by the peg. Please note that the ring should sink into the cut so as not to reduce the clearance of the hole.

Something more about homemade mousetraps

The models of traps given in the description are extremely primitive and easy to manufacture. But this does not reduce their effectiveness.

If you have the skill to work with a soldering iron and are well versed in electrical circuits, then you can make an electric mousetrap with a laser guard. True, using such a miracle will be extremely inconvenient, because this product belongs at an exhibition.

So, being the owner of a private house (in which I live only in the summer) and a house on a summer cottage (which I rarely visit), I was faced with one problem: MICE! In the summer this is not so bad, but with the onset of cold weather, the problem becomes urgent - mice tend to warm up and climb into houses. Of course, there are a great variety of mousetraps sold in stores. And I bought and installed them. But they have one common drawback - they catch the same mouse! What if I don’t show up at the house every month? How many mousetraps can I install? ... You can, of course, a lot! But then, you will definitely accidentally get into them yourself! After all, they are placed in “secluded places”, or a cat or a dog will do it!

Therefore, I made a homemade mousetrap (and more than one), which has the following properties: it can catch several mice, and it is absolutely safe for anyone who is not a rodent, and does not fit into a two-centimeter hole.)))

Today I made another such mousetrap and photographed the process. I made it for six mice, so we will consider this option.

So, we will need:
1) Bar. (Any unnecessary one will do. Section from 40 to 100 mm, to infinity... Well, within reasonable limits. I don’t recommend making it from sleepers))))) Length - about 6 centimeters for each “mouse space” - in my case - about forty centimeters)
2) Old bicycle spokes. (Again, one for each mouse - in my case - 6)
3) Thin knitting wire (I took 0.8)
4) Strong thread.

To begin with, we drill “blind” holes at the end of our beam, with a diameter of 20 mm and a depth of 8-10 cm. (The beam should be two centimeters wider). (These will be “holes” for mice). I did this using an adjustable wood drill bit and a regular drill.

After this, we need to make a cut along the entire block, stepping back about a centimeter from the edge where we drilled the blind holes. The depth of the cut should reach the bottom edge of our holes. I did it using a wood wheel and a 125 small angle grinder. It can be done with a circular saw (circular saw), or even a hand saw. But in this case, you will not be able to make a mousetrap for more than 3 holes - the length of the hacksaw blade will not be enough.

The next step is at a distance of about two to two and a half centimeters from our cut, drill two holes across the beam, 2 mm in diameter. They must pass across each hole, dividing it into equal parts. For clarity, I inserted wire into the drilled holes:

Using the same drill, we drill a hole in the block where the burrow has already ended. We get this product:

Let's start assembling. We insert the springs into the hole we drilled opposite each hole:

After this, we attach a loop of knitting wire to the end of each spring:

And we charge the mousetrap: Compressing the spring so that the wire loop drops into our cut, we fix it by inserting something of a suitable diameter. I used the same file:

After that, we simply tie the spring with a thread passed through our two holes. I use a gypsy needle to make it easier to thread:

After this, we remove the file and place the bait in the end of the hole. Better, strong smelling. I used pieces of lard skin that had been fried to a crisp. (This can be done at the beginning. It’s even more convenient - the threads don’t get in the way)

We charge all the minks in a similar way:

What we have: a wire loop, which is larger in diameter than the mink, is completely hidden in the cut and does not block the mink. A mouse, seeing a hole, will naturally try to explore it. Moreover, it smells delicious! Having passed through the loop, she will run into threads blocking her passage... and simply gnaw them off!! (Don’t doubt it, it’s been verified.) The rest is clear. The released spring will immediately jerk the wire loop upward... That's it!!! Not a single one has reached the bait yet))))) At the same time, the mouse’s tail sticking out of the mink does not scare away others! The rest of the minks are free! Upon arrival at the dacha, I sometimes shake out, pressing the springs, 10 mice each! All you need is a new thread. The bait lasts a long time.

In the fight against mice, one of the usual and quite effective means are mousetraps.

Bucket mousetrap

Option number one

Take a bucket and insert a metal rod into the top.

Place a 0.33 or 0.5 liter tin can on it lengthwise - for example, a beer can, or a plastic bottle.

The jar (bottle) should rotate quite freely on the rod. Place bait on it.

Place the bucket so that the mouse can reach the jar, and fill it with water to half or less.

When the mouse smells the bait, it will climb onto the bottle. The jar (bottle) will turn over and the mouse will fall into the bucket.

If you are using a jar, then it is important to select the distance between the edge of the bucket and the edge of the jar so that the mouse cannot step on the jar, but can jump; if it’s a bottle, position it so that the mouse first hits the neck of the bottle.

If you want to make a weapon for the mass destruction of rodents, place the bait in a ring around the bottle, and the mice will climb on it continuously.

The main thing is that there is enough bucket.

Option number two

Simply attach a strip cut from a plastic bottle to the edge of the bucket and place the bait on it. The strip will bend under the weight of the mouse, and the mouse will fall into the bucket.

Glass jar mousetrap

Buying a mousetrap in a store or on the market is not difficult. But what to do if uninvited guests appear in the late afternoon, and you have no desire to listen to mouse rustling all night. To get to food and paper documents, the small animal will need very little time; Of course, he won’t have time to eat it, but it could seriously ruin it.

The question inevitably arises: how to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap. In addition, rodents are carriers of infections dangerous to human health. You need to get rid of the mouse as soon as possible. In this case, a do-it-yourself mousetrap using improvised materials that can be found in every home will help.

It is better to lubricate each of the traps made with unrefined sunflower oil; its aroma will overcome the smell of a person and attract rodents.

Important. There is an opinion that all mice love cheese, this stereotype comes from children's fairy tales and cartoons. In real life, to attract mice, it is better to use sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, crackers dipped in vegetable oil, and fried lard.

It is advisable to install made traps in places where mouse rustling is most clearly heard.

Important. Placing your engineering masterpiece in the chosen location will not be enough. It is necessary to take care of the ways to approach it. It will be a shame if, after all your efforts, the mouse cannot climb it and leaves in search of other, easier prey.

Let's look at the most common ways to make a mousetrap without much effort and without spending a lot of time.

Plastic bottle for mousetrap No. 1

Making mousetraps from plastic bottles is quick and not at all difficult; even a child, not to mention an adult, can handle it.

First, you need to cut off the neck of a plastic bottle with a sharp knife - the part where the thread is located. It is more convenient to use a stationery knife for these purposes.

Pierce a hole and pass a harsh thread through it. A gypsy needle is suitable as an auxiliary tool. The thread that has been threaded must be securely fixed.

Place bait at the bottom of the bottle. Then place the bottle in a horizontal position so that the side with the neck is located on the table surface and the bottom hangs freely.

Tie the thread attached to the bottle to a nail. The length of the thread should be such that the fallen bottle hangs in the air.

The mousetrap from the bottle is ready, all that remains is to wait for the mouse, which, having made its way through the neck for the cheese, will shift the center of gravity. The bottle will fall and the animal will be caught in a trap.

Plastic bottle for mousetrap No. 2

When making this design, the plastic bottle will need to be cut into 2 parts with a knife. The lower part should be 2/3, and the upper, respectively, 1/3 of the total size.

The cone-shaped part, turned upside down, must be inserted into the bottom of the bottle. Punch several holes through which both parts are connected together. Holes can be made with a gypsy needle, an awl, wire heated over a candle flame or over a burner, sewn with thread or tied with thin wire, the main thing is that the assembled mousetrap from a plastic bottle is securely fastened.

Place seeds and crackers on the bottom to attract mice. Lubricate the top of the bottle with unrefined oil to increase the sliding of mouse paws.

It is necessary to attach a “platform” to the bottle, along which the rodent will reach the top and fall into the trap.

Glass jar mousetrap

A trap from a jar can be made in a few minutes. You will need a long skewer or a twig from a tree on which to hang the bait. It can be strung or tied with thread. The size of the twig should be equal to the diameter of the jar so that its ends rest against the walls and it is securely fixed.

The jar is turned upside down and a coin mounted on its edge is carefully placed under it. It is advisable to choose a large penny size, because the mouse will have to sneak into the resulting gap. A trap made using this method has a very low degree of stability, which will be broken as soon as a rodent tries to reach the bait.

You will have to make sure that this mousetrap is not pushed over by pets or children. You don't even need to touch it - the coin will fall with minimal movement of the floorboards.

Such a mousetrap is easy to make, but it is advisable to install it on a board, cardboard, or pallet so as not to miss the mouse when lifting the can.

Trap from a jar with a paper lid

Mousetrap made from a jar with a paper lid

Another mousetrap from a jar is very easy to make. You will need a jar, a sheet of paper, thread or an elastic band.

A sheet of paper is placed on the neck of the jar, the edges are folded down and wrapped tightly with thread. Then the paper is cut crosswise and the bait is placed in the center.

The mouse will fall into the trap as soon as it steps on the paper cover.

Important. In this case, it is better to take a three-liter jar and pour water into it so that the animal does not jump back out.

Bucket mousetrap

Diagram of a simple mousetrap

In every house there is an empty bucket, basin, they are also used as a trap for mice.

A sheet of thin cardboard is placed on the table, one side of which should hang freely above the container of water located below.

Bait is placed on the edge of the leaf. The mouse, having made an attempt to get to the food, will certainly end up in a bucket of water: the sheet of cardboard will bend under its weight.

If you don’t have cardboard at hand, a sheet of ordinary paper will do; you’ll need to place a ruler or 2 knitting needles under it.

From a bucket with a rotating cylinder

A trap made from a bucket and a bottle works without misfires to catch mice. A plastic bottle is placed on a wooden stick, having previously cut the bottom in it. The size of the hole in the bottom should allow the bottle to rotate freely. The resulting structure is installed on top of the bucket.

Water is poured into a bucket, and mouse bait is placed on top of the bottle. The animal, having reached the bottle along the stick, will fall down as soon as it begins to rotate.

Instead of a bottle, a tin can will do, and a stick can easily be replaced with a wire with a piece of hose attached to it, a long ruler or a slat. The main thing is that the mechanism rotates, and there is a container with water under it.

Glue trap

Stores sell special glue for catching mice.

Getting rid of mice with glue

You just need to smear a sheet of cardboard or plywood with such an adhesive composition and spread out the flavorings. The caught small animal will be securely recorded.

Important. It is necessary to apply the glue using rubber gloves and make sure that the composition does not get on the skin. If you have pets or small children, it is better to avoid this method.

Mousetrap with spring

It is more difficult to make a reusable trap in which a mousetrap spring is installed, but you can install it anywhere: under the sofa, behind a closet, near a mouse hole. For production you will need:

  • wooden block 40x40x120;
  • drill and Forstner drill or feather drill;
  • a hacksaw or grinder with a disk for wood;
  • steel wire for the spring;
  • thin drill
  • thread;
  • mouse bait.

A blind hole 9 cm long is drilled in the block from the end.

Use a hacksaw to cut the block at a distance of 2.5 cm from the end so that the resulting gap passes through the entire drilled hole. The wire ring should fit freely into the resulting cut.

Having retreated 2-2.5 cm from the cut, drill 2 through holes at a distance of 6-7 mm from each other. A thread will pass through them, securing the spring.

Stepping back 1-1.5 cm from the edge of the second end, drill a hole with a diameter equal to the cross-section of the wire. A mousetrap spring will be inserted into the resulting hole.

The spring is made of steel wire; winding 2 turns will be enough.

One end of the spring is inserted into a hole drilled for it. A loop is bent at the other end. You can make a loop from another wire and hook it to the spring.

After this, all that remains is to charge the mousetrap. To do this, lower the spring ring into the cut and temporarily fix it to tie the thread. For fixation, use an object of suitable diameter: the handle of a screwdriver or a chisel.

The thread is passed through 2 through holes; for convenience it is better to use a long needle. The ends of the thread are tied on top of the spring, thereby fixing it in the working position, after which the screwdriver is pulled out.

The bait is placed at the end of the drilled hole. The loaded trap is ready and brought into working position. Before reaching it, the mouse will have to chew through the thread that gets in the way. The spring for the mousetrap will get rid of its fixation and rush upward, and the rodent will be caught in the loop.

To build a mousetrap for 2, 3, 4 holes, you will have to take a larger block.

Electric trap

Having an electromagnet core, a soldering iron and a little knowledge of electrical engineering in the household can be the starting point for making an electric trap. However, a factory-made electric mousetrap is on sale and can be purchased at many retail outlets.

This mousetrap is a small box with an opening door. A mouse that penetrates into it is killed with an electric shock in a few seconds.

Ultrasonic repeller

The design of all these traps involves catching mice, which can later be destroyed or released.

When you don’t want to have direct contact with rodents, install an ultrasonic repeller. The human ear is unable to detect sounds with frequencies above 20 kHz. But for mice these sounds are a real test. A switched on device that spreads ultrasound will force the rodents to leave. Of course, they won’t scatter in five minutes, but in a few days you will get rid of unwanted neighbors.


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