Accurate horoscope by name and date of birth. Individual horoscope

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1. Natal chart.

The natal chart is the main working tool of an astrologer - a diagram that depicts all the elements that are analyzed: signs of the Zodiac, houses (fields), planets and aspects between planets. Houses are counted according to the Koch system. In the calculations of the Northern Lunar Node its average value is used. To the right of the map are all the calculated data: the position of the planets in the signs and houses and the numbers of the houses they rule, the positions of the apexes (cusps) of the houses in the signs and the planets that rule them. If you are interested in astrology only for the practical purpose of getting the information you need, you can go straight to section 2.

2. Basic personality traits

Nowadays, thanks to the advancement of technology, astrological calculations and automatic interpretations have become commonplace. However, in most cases it is a set of texts describing individual phenomena and factors in the horoscope, the interpretations of which can be contradictory and confusing. Professional astrology is distinguished by a synthetic approach, when the strongest and most significant influences are identified and the individual “building blocks” of the natal chart are combined into complete picture. For this, the art of interpretation has its own special methods, which we use in this section to get a comprehensive picture of the owner of the horoscope and his main features.

First we identify the qualities and natural characteristics that are inherently present and inherent from birth. They are determined by the position of the planets in the signs and appear already in childhood:

  • Temperament (balance of elements). The correlation of elements in a horoscope allows us to determine temperament and basic psychological qualities person.
  • Type of behavior (balance of crosses). The predominant cross in the horoscope determines the preferred strategy of action.
  • Predominant character traits (dominant sign). Character depends not only on the sun sign, especially if the Moon and personal planets are located in other signs.

Then we analyze how and where the natural qualities of a person will manifest themselves and be realized in life, which areas will be most necessary and interesting. This is determined by the position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope, and here exact time and the place of birth is especially important for the calculation.

  • The sphere of realization (balance of hemispheres) indicates a tendency towards individualism or reliance on the environment, the need for active social realization or immersion in oneself and caring for loved ones.
  • The form of expression and type of experience determines what motivates a person, what are the basic incentives and needs that will seek fulfillment in life and determine its circumstances.
  • Main areas of life (dominant house). The selected houses of the horoscope indicate more specifically the main areas of interest, circumstances and directions for the realization of the individual.

And finally, probably the most important thing is to understand whether there are energies in the horoscope and which ones, which not only determine the main tendencies of a person’s character, activities, circumstances, the direction of a person’s entire life, but can also help or hinder him from achieving maximum realization. This can be power, wealth, but also the heights of art, science, and spirit. This largely depends on the energy that will be predominant in the horoscope. For this we different ways We analyze the planets directly, their strength and significance.

3. Astropsychological characteristics

If you carefully study the materials in the previous section, then the main personality traits and characteristics will already be known to you. In this section, information is presented and grouped by all factor planets, symbolizing various psychological components.

  • The Sun, Moon and Ascendant form the core of the personality and determine the main character traits:
    • The sun is essence, consciousness, will, spirit, life force,
    • Moon - soul, feelings, unconscious reactions, need for security,
    • The Ascendant is the image of “I”, role, image, self-awareness, appearance and vitality of the body.
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars, so-called. personal planets complete the picture:
    • Mercury - mind, intellect, thinking, means of communication,
    • Venus - love, ideas about beauty and harmony, taste and perception,
    • Mars - willpower, determination, perseverance, struggle, passion.
  • Jupiter and Saturn determine the qualities and characteristics that a person exhibits as a social being.
  • Higher planets(Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) determine spiritual ideals and needs, problems and tasks of the spirit and irresistible forces of transformation.

4. Areas of implementation and life circumstances

In this section we look at the horoscope and almost the same factors, but from a different angle, with more practical point perspective, namely, how circumstances and life will turn out in specific areas: health, finances, family, children, etc. To do this, we examine the horoscope in the structure of its houses (fields), each of which symbolizes and, as it were, “responsible” for certain areas of life. The signs that houses fall into symbolize the background properties and qualities that characterize the circumstances of the house. Planets entering a house bring their energy and directly affect this area of ​​life, and the position of the planets that control the house shows what other areas of life and your actions or inaction in them determine the situation of the house being analyzed.

About the authors of the texts

For description various elements For the horoscope, we use fragments of books and reference books by famous astrologers.

The work of American astrologers Frances Sakoyan and Lewis Ecker is perhaps the most famous and widespread in the CIS among other translations of foreign reference books and enjoys well-deserved respect. It should be noted that many domestic authors, to a greater or lesser extent, quoted or retold this reference book.

Grant Lewey is a famous foreign astrologer who strived to achieve the goal of making astrology accessible to millions. His book “Astrology for Millions,” from which horoscopes are compiled, became a bestseller and was reprinted many times.

Astrological interpretations by German authors Hayo Banzhaf and Anna Hebler are taken from their book “Astrology: Key Concepts,” published in Russia in 2002. These are exceptionally clear and modern interpretations. Bill Herbst's interpretation of the planetary positions in the houses is profound and also very modern.

Probably many astrologers studied from the books and lectures of Absalom the Underwater 10-15-20 years ago. These interpretations are written in a style that makes it possible to unmistakably identify their author.

Descriptions of the elements and types of houses are partially borrowed from the book “Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements” by Stefan Arroyo.

Since ancient times, astrologers have been in power, which either persecuted them or used them for their own purposes. There are not many emperors on earth, and therefore the vast majority of residents do not have access to personal astrologers.

People have different attitudes towards horoscopes, but even skeptics sometimes read them, read them and find confirmation of their beliefs that horoscopes are far from the truth. Why does this happen? Firstly, not all the information provided in the media and on Internet resources was written by specialists; frankly speaking, there is a lot of “garbage”. Secondly, horoscopes by zodiac sign are a description of the main characteristics for people born in a certain period, covering more than 4 weeks. A horoscope based on date of birth is more accurate and individual.

The date of birth of a person is a key value that allows you to find out the fate of the person born on this day, purpose and main character traits.

In ancient times, number experts believed that the numbers of the date of birth determine fate, since the laying of a person’s character occurs precisely at the moment of his birth, and the state of the soul depends on it.

The date of birth is a constant and starting point that does not change under any circumstances throughout the entire life span. Date of birth is a source of information with which a person can learn about his hidden character traits, determine his direction and opportunities in life, and also check compatibility with a partner.

Even after reading the horoscope by date of birth, which is narrower than the horoscope by zodiac signs, many do not agree with the information presented. Don't rush to conclusions. A general horoscope cannot look into the soul of each person; details are learned individually.

If you are interested in the subtle facets of your own nature and how the placement of planets on your date of birth affects your tendencies, you should apply for the preparation of an individual horoscope. You can understand the present, look into the future and reveal your talents only with the help of detailed horoscope by date of birth.

The horoscope by date of birth presented on the site, as on all other sites, reveals General characteristics character and destiny of a person. We hope that the information will be interesting for you, and you will look at your life and the lives of your loved ones from a different angle. Perhaps there will be a “revolution” in your views and attitude towards the world around you and yourself.

The unique order of the planets on a person’s birthday largely determines the character, habits and fate of a particular person. Even by general horoscope By your date of birth, you can find out your strengths and weaknesses, as well as hidden capabilities, which can have a positive impact on your future if you take the information you receive and work on your weaknesses and use your advantages wisely.

A horoscope by date of birth can be called a guide to life, the study of which can change your future for the better.

The horoscope by date of birth reveals the following aspects:

- life path trends;
- relationship with the outside world;
- character traits;
- features of worldview;
- prospects for personal life;
- suitable hobbies and career opportunities.

Planets predetermine opportunities; recognizing them by your date of birth, you get a chance to become a real creator of your own destiny. In any case, you will be wondering how accurate the horoscope by date of birth turned out to be with your personal qualities, vocation and attitude towards life.

Zodiac sign - Pisces

21.02 - 20.03

The symbol of Pisces is two fish, connected by their tails, rushing in different directions, wandering in the vastness of the ocean. This symbolizes life after death; the struggle of soul and body, suppression of self-expression. Water sign, changeable, nocturnal, cold, negative.

Year of the Zodiac - Pig

Basically, in nature, the Pig zodiac is timid, and they have to be like that because they have many enemies, and they themselves are desirable prey for any predator. Pigs are not completely defenseless, as many inexperienced hunters believe, for despite the fact that they often flee, all pigs, including people born in the year of the Pig, are capable of a desperate fight if it comes to that, and it is unlikely will want to give up.

The Pig zodiac is probably the sign that we most often underestimate, and this is quite difficult to understand. The character of the Pig is full of obvious paradoxes: she is timid and shy, but strong and persistent; In unfamiliar company, she can hide in a corner, but if she needs to act, she shows swiftness and frightening confidence.

Usually the Pig zodiac sign is good-natured by nature, although they have earned a reputation as rather gloomy and mysterious creatures. They are distinguished by great sensuality and are able to love, forgetting about everything else. They like to be at home, they strive for a happy family life, in which they find their greatest joy.

Element of the year of birth - earth

This element belongs to the afternoon and the hottest summer days. The main qualities of the Earth element are fertility and endurance, diligence and strategic thinking. The earth also represents realism and hard work- elements inherent in a businessman.

1. Natal chart.

The natal chart is the main working tool of an astrologer - a diagram that depicts all the elements that are analyzed: signs of the Zodiac, houses (fields), planets and aspects between planets. Houses are counted according to the Koch system. In calculations of the North Lunar Node, its average value is used. To the right of the map are all the calculated data: the position of the planets in the signs and houses and the numbers of the houses they rule, the positions of the apexes (cusps) of the houses in the signs and the planets that rule them. If you are interested in astrology only for the practical purpose of getting the information you need, you can go straight to section 2.

2. Basic personality traits

Nowadays, thanks to the advancement of technology, astrological calculations and automatic interpretations have become commonplace. However, in most cases it is a set of texts describing individual phenomena and factors in the horoscope, the interpretations of which can be contradictory and confusing. Professional astrology is distinguished by a synthetic approach, when the strongest and most significant influences are identified and the individual “building blocks” of the natal chart are combined into a holistic picture. For this, the art of interpretation has its own special methods, which we use in this section to form a comprehensive picture of the owner of the horoscope and his main features.

First we identify the qualities and natural characteristics that are inherently present and inherent from birth. They are determined by the position of the planets in the signs and appear already in childhood:

  • Temperament (balance of elements). The correlation of elements in a horoscope allows us to determine the temperament and basic psychological qualities of a person.
  • Type of behavior (balance of crosses). The predominant cross in the horoscope determines the preferred strategy of action.
  • Predominant character traits (dominant sign). Character depends not only on the sun sign, especially if the Moon and personal planets are located in other signs.

Then we analyze how and where the natural qualities of a person will manifest themselves and be realized in life, which areas will be most necessary and interesting. This is determined by the position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope, and here the exact time and place of birth is especially important for the calculation.

  • The sphere of realization (balance of hemispheres) indicates a tendency towards individualism or reliance on the environment, the need for active social realization or immersion in oneself and caring for loved ones.
  • The form of expression and type of experience determines what motivates a person, what are the basic incentives and needs that will seek fulfillment in life and determine its circumstances.
  • Main areas of life (dominant house). The selected houses of the horoscope indicate more specifically the main areas of interest, circumstances and directions for the realization of the individual.

And finally, probably the most important thing is to understand whether there are energies in the horoscope and which ones, which not only determine the main tendencies of a person’s character, activities, circumstances, the direction of a person’s entire life, but can also help or hinder him from achieving maximum realization. This can be power, wealth, but also the heights of art, science, and spirit. This largely depends on the energy that will be predominant in the horoscope. To do this, we analyze the planets themselves, their strength and significance in various ways.

3. Astropsychological characteristics

If you carefully study the materials in the previous section, then the main personality traits and characteristics will already be known to you. In this section, information is presented and grouped by all factor planets, symbolizing various psychological components.

  • The Sun, Moon and Ascendant form the core of the personality and determine the main character traits:
    • The sun is essence, consciousness, will, spirit, life force,
    • Moon - soul, feelings, unconscious reactions, need for security,
    • The Ascendant is the image of “I”, role, image, self-awareness, appearance and vitality of the body.
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars, so-called. personal planets complete the picture:
    • Mercury - mind, intellect, thinking, means of communication,
    • Venus - love, ideas about beauty and harmony, taste and perception,
    • Mars - willpower, determination, perseverance, struggle, passion.
  • Jupiter and Saturn determine the qualities and characteristics that a person exhibits as a social being.
  • The higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) determine spiritual ideals and needs, problems and tasks of the spirit and irresistible forces of transformation.

4. Areas of implementation and life circumstances

In this section we look at the horoscope and almost the same factors, but from a different angle, from a more practical point of view, namely, how circumstances and life will turn out in specific areas: health, finances, family, children, etc. To do this, we examine the horoscope in the structure of its houses (fields), each of which symbolizes and, as it were, “responsible” for certain areas of life. The signs that houses fall into symbolize the background properties and qualities that characterize the circumstances of the house. Planets entering a house bring their energy and directly affect this area of ​​life, and the position of the planets that control the house shows what other areas of life and your actions or inaction in them determine the situation of the house being analyzed.

About the authors of the texts

To describe various elements of the horoscope, we use fragments of books and reference books by famous astrologers.

The work of American astrologers Frances Sakoyan and Lewis Ecker is perhaps the most famous and widespread in the CIS among other translations of foreign reference books and enjoys well-deserved respect. It should be noted that many domestic authors, to a greater or lesser extent, quoted or retold this reference book.

Grant Lewey is a famous foreign astrologer who strived to achieve the goal of making astrology accessible to millions. His book “Astrology for Millions,” from which horoscopes are compiled, became a bestseller and was reprinted many times.

Astrological interpretations by German authors Hayo Banzhaf and Anna Hebler are taken from their book “Astrology: Key Concepts,” published in Russia in 2002. These are exceptionally clear and modern interpretations. Bill Herbst's interpretation of the planetary positions in the houses is profound and also very modern.

Probably many astrologers studied from the books and lectures of Absalom the Underwater 10-15-20 years ago. These interpretations are written in a style that makes it possible to unmistakably identify their author.

Descriptions of the elements and types of houses are partially borrowed from the book “Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements” by Stefan Arroyo.

Individual horoscope online (free)

On this page you can build your individual birth horoscope (natal chart) online and receive a free computer interpretation of it. The interpretation of the horoscope, which you will receive by filling out the form below, can be considered the first approximation to a full interpretation of the individual horoscope.

To study your personal horoscope you can make an appointment with an astrologer, who will carefully examine your natal chart and draw up your astropsychological portrait, tell you about your strengths and weaknesses Your character. You will receive comprehensive information on how to use the potential of your personality to the maximum.

Now on the page you see the “Current Horoscope” - a map with the position of the planets at a given moment in time for Moscow.

To construct a birth horoscope (natal chart) Enter your name, date and time of birth. The page defaults to GMT (Universal Time) time setting. If you enter your local time of birth, be sure to switch the checkbox to “local” time. Do not forget that the accuracy of the time of birth is very important for an individual horoscope! The acceptable approximation is plus or minus 5 minutes.

Select from the list the country, region and city where you were born. You don’t need to enter anything in the longitude and latitude boxes, they are filled in automatically! If your locality is not on the list, you can select the city closest to your place of birth, but the horoscope will not be as accurate. Next, click the “Create horoscope” button.

" Natal horoscope" with your birth card. To get it for free full interpretation Your individual horoscope, select “Interpretation” from the “Horoscope” drop-down menu.

Please be careful and avoid mistakes when entering data.


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