Interpretation of dreams and their correct interpretation: why dream that a friend is pregnant? What does it mean to see a pregnant girlfriend in a dream? All interpretations.

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Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a PUSH-YOU EVENT and sets its certain content.

Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age barriers.

Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial transition stage to a new stage of introspection.

One of the YUNGU ARCHETYPES is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the family.

To see oneself engaged in activity in this position is to observe one's exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle.

In connection with such a dream, ALARMS of the "what if" type may arise, which require reflection and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question.

Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be.

Sleep acts as a compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

Pregnant men give birth not only to children, but also to something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams.

By their nature, these events can be anything from the most cruel to the ludicrous.

This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, the DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams of infidelity or the death of a partner often occur as a response to feelings of insecurity due to a change in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy.

Dreams of chronic health problems and defects in the child belong to the category of negative WILL-BEING, and are also the result of the excitement experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of fears about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER.

Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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Dreams are an integral part of our life. Regardless of whether we believe in them or not, each dream carries a special meaning, a warning, a signal from the subconscious about future changes. However, dreams often carry a lot of different images and actions, which are extremely difficult to understand. Why dream of a friend's pregnancy in dreams? A dream book will help to decipher the hidden meaning of such a dream, taking into account a lot of factors: the life situation, the sex of the sleeper, and much more.

If a pregnant girlfriend comes to a man in a dream, then this symbolizes a certain fear of the appearance of her own children. Serious changes are coming in the relationship of this man with his partner, for which he must be ready. If a man who has seen such a dream is not married to a girlfriend, then this may mean certain changes in their relationship.

If a woman had such a dream, then this often indicates an imminent improvement in her financial condition, an increase in family income and more stable financial independence.

If in a dream you just found out about the pregnancy of a friend, then this most likely indicates changes in the life of this girl, in which you will also occupy a certain place. Changes will be in a positive way, so do not worry. If a meeting with a pregnant girlfriend in a dream did not bring positive emotions, but rather caused mental anxiety, you should refuse to participate in some kind of enterprise. It can be adventurous and bring a lot of trouble.

Also, the pregnancy of a friend in a dream may indicate a special predisposition of this girl to someone else's opinion and influence from the outside. It is worth helping her to think about her actions and be responsible for her actions on her own. Most likely, at the moment she needs your help, as someone is influencing her with selfish motives and she is in danger. Perhaps relatives put some pressure on her, and she cannot figure out the current situation, she needs support and good advice.

Seeing a friend's pregnancy in a dream may indicate the commonality of your joint ideas and plans. It is important to understand that the role of each of you is equally important in the implementation of your ideas, you just have to listen to each other's opinions and then your plans will quickly begin to bring success.

The dream book also interprets the pregnancy of a girlfriend as a signal of your possible illnesses if a girlfriend cries in a dream. In this case, you need to pay more attention to your own health.

If a pregnant girlfriend came in a dream in upset feelings due to poor health, you should pay attention to the health of the gynecological organs and the pelvic organs. If you have already had problems in this area, it is possible that the disease will worsen or relapse.

If in a dream you realized that a friend is pregnant from your beloved man, then this may portend a deterioration in your friendships, distrust. If trust is not restored in time, you will lose this friend forever.

If a pregnant friend asks you for advice in a dream, then perhaps soon you will have a difficult task that you will have to figure out on your own. If a friend was in danger in a dream, then you should pay attention to her health. Perhaps soon she will fall into a bad company and will not be able to help herself. If a pregnant girlfriend was beaten in a dream, then this portends a difficult period in her life, not only in terms of health, but also in financial well-being.

Interpretation of sleep with a pregnant girlfriend of different dream books

According to Freud

Why dream of a friend's pregnancy in Freud's dream book? There are several interpretations of such a dream:

  • Sleep can mean a lack of sleeping warmth and affection from men. This woman herself dreams of becoming a mother, therefore she sees in a pregnant woman’s dream a female representative close to herself.
  • The joy of a friend from her pregnancy in a dream is a messenger of positive changes in the life of this woman. She can happily enter into a new relationship with a man or develop existing ones without fear.
  • If a friend is upset by her situation, then this may indicate an imminent disappointment in your loved one. You will emotionally experience upcoming events in your personal life for a long time.
  • If a friend gave birth to a child in a dream, but the baby's father remained a mystery, then secrets are outlined in your life. Most likely, they are associated with disappointments and resentments of the past, which need to be released.
  • If in a dream you happily looked after a close friend in a position, then soon you will enter into a new relationship of an intimate nature. They will be full of pleasure and warmth, which will certainly change your attitude towards yourself and towards the surrounding representatives of the stronger sex.

According to Miller's dream book

This dream is interpreted by the dream book as a warning to a friend about the roughness in her personal life, which she does not notice. She needs to reveal her secrets to her beloved, otherwise he will find out about them by accident, which will bring only grief.

If a friend is pregnant in real life, then the dream portends her an easy birth and a healthy baby. Also, a dream can be a warning of a possible awkward situation in which a friend will become the center of gossip and gossip. However, this situation will not harm her, justice will prevail rather quickly.

According to Grishina's dream book

For a man, sleeping with a pregnant girlfriend means his unwillingness or unwillingness to take responsibility for her life. In this case, the man subconsciously understands that these relationships are not serious and will end at the mention of creating a family.

According to Hasse's dream book

This dream book interprets such dreams as a sign of trouble for this woman. An interrupted pregnancy of a friend in a dream may portend problems with her health, a multiple pregnancy - to the boundless happiness of a woman.

If in a dream a pregnant friend is going on a trip, in reality it is worth discouraging her from any long trips, as she may find herself in a difficult financial situation.

If a pregnant friend cried in a dream, difficult situations are coming in your life. You should be mentally prepared for this and not plunge into these emotions in order to resolve a difficult life situation.

Sometimes you don’t even have the strength to be surprised, remembering the past dream. The mechanism of dreams has long been studied by scientists, they are all trying to explain the formation and laws of sleep. Why is the dream new every time, why do some look like beautiful, full-length paintings, while others are just fragments of something? Why do girlfriends dream, it is worth understanding it literally and how much pushing in dream books diverges.

Sleep details

For a better and more accurate decoding, you need to remember more details of the past dream. scientists have proven that often after waking up people are able to voice only 30% of the general visions. And it is unlikely that a person sees only one dream during the night. It's just that the subconscious remembers selectively or the last dream is preserved brighter than the rest.

A pregnant friend ... what else could be in the vision:

  • A thin, tired girl or looks good;
  • There was one, someone was standing nearby;
  • What did she do, what did she say;
  • How long;
  • Who is the dreamer: for men, women, such dreams have different interpretations. The dreamer is married or married, has children. In reality, the girlfriend herself - the heroine of the dream - is pregnant or not yet, is also important.

Miller's dream book

Dreams are more described here, where the dreamer himself is in position. As for a friend, there is one case. When in a vision a woman is thin, pregnant. Then the dreamer can prepare for the future, large-scale success, which will come unexpectedly, without requiring much effort or time. The main thing is to catch the moment and be where you need to be. Alas, homebodies will miss everything. Why dream of a friend's pregnancy if she is pregnant herself in reality? To a prosperous, easy term and successful childbirth. The same meaning if the dreamer is pregnant and saw herself.

For virgins who have seen their own pregnancy, such dreams are a subconscious warning. Be more attentive and serious about new, unplanned acquaintances. For an unmarried woman, such dreams are harbingers of an imminent, moreover, unsuccessful marriage.

Freud's dream book

This dream book tries to interpret the "signs of the subconscious" through the prism of psychology, because Freud was a famous, venerable psychologist. According to him, the seen pregnancy, even if it is someone else's, hints to a woman about quick, pleasant changes for her. Maybe even your own pregnancy. If the dreamer is still free (or a friend, the heroine of a dream is free), this is a harbinger of a successful acquaintance. A new, serious person will come, with whom you can easily plan a family.

A pregnant girlfriend (or a simple acquaintance) suddenly appeared to a man, the dream fell from Tuesday to Wednesday, perhaps this is an expression of his hidden desire to settle down, have children. Or a signal of caution, especially with casual, light connections.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

When figuring out what a friend’s pregnancy is dreaming of, you should definitely look at several sources. For example, a dream book
Vangi is ready to interpret the dream of pregnancy as something good for married women and disturbing for free women. When a woman is married in reality, and she suddenly sees herself with a belly, it is worth waiting for the twins.

A friend or a completely unfamiliar woman is pregnant - an unexpected, but pleasant monetary reward, some kind of change in the dreamer, personal life will improve. The woman is already giving birth - everything, the end of long, exhausting problems is visible.

Is the dreamer a man? Then the dream is quite plausible. Perhaps he likes a dreaming girlfriend, he plans a family and wants to know paternity.

Loff's dream book

You should not interpret "pregnant" dreams only for girls. This is a dream for everyone, even for men. If you look at the general meaning, such visions convey subconscious maturity, the desire to create families faster, have children if the dreamer is still free.

When a male dreamer and he suddenly saw himself pregnant, it means that in reality he is definitely not ready to know the joys of fatherhood.

Dream Interpretation Menenghetti

Such a dream is always remembered, no matter if it is a thriller or a melodrama. Therefore, in the search for what a friend’s pregnancy is dreaming of if she is not pregnant (already in reality), it is easy for people to remember the details. Menenghetti has rather vague explanations, where the pregnant girlfriend herself becomes a sign of an alien, extraneous influence on the dreamer's current thoughts and actions.

Perhaps, in reality, he is extremely passionate about someone else's life, other people's problems, and has long forgotten about his own destiny. Accordingly, a "pregnant" dream, a reflection of the desires of the subconscious mind to return to their own, personal problems, stop helping others. It does not matter if there will be a pregnancy of a girlfriend with twins, a small or a big belly.

Modern dream book

Initially, pregnancy itself is more of a sign, you can’t literally take it, thinking that, behold, a friend will become pregnant already in reality or the dreamer himself (if he is a woman). Rather, these are signs from the subconscious. Through a vision, it shows about the coming, yet unclear changes. The truth is not always something good. here it is important to remember what the general background was like, the atmosphere of the past dream, how close, beloved a friend was.

Why does a friend’s pregnancy dream from Wednesday to Thursday, because this is the time for realistic, mundane dreams, when fabulous, incredible pictures rarely come. The subconscious reflects only what is happening, and often the signs are understandable, open. For some who know how to understand dreams, they help to quickly figure out where and what.

Thursday is more loved by the planet Jupiter. It helps to prioritize, to find a common, large-scale goal. It is considered a pragmatic, serious planet that informs the dreamer what problems there are. But if dreams reflect money, wealth or a career, then how to decipher the phenomenon of a pregnant girlfriend?

It is not the state that is important here, but the behavior of the dreaming person, his words. Especially if there was an interaction with the dreamer himself. When the dream is bright, good, then through a friend, her pregnancy, Jupiter transmits "information" about replenishment. Perhaps new ideas or profits, career growth.

When, on the contrary, it is unpleasant or scary, it is better to forget it faster, not to think and not try to decipher. Then the events reflected there will not harm.

From Thursday to Friday

Since ancient times, this particular time was considered the most mystical. Like, whoever goes to bed at night, before Friday, can see a real, prophetic dream. why does a friend’s pregnancy dream from Thursday to Friday, if the patron of this time is Venus? Most likely, the dream is good, pleasant, Venus always gives romance and lightness to the atmosphere.

Decryption options:

  1. A pregnant friend who unexpectedly dreamed of a dreamer will bring news, pleasant changes (if the dream itself went well, easily). Or the news, on the contrary, will be unpleasant, even dangerous.
  2. Here you can also see the timing for the implementation of the dream, if the dream really seemed prophetic. After all, sometimes fabulous, implausible things dream. Pregnancy is a very real event.
  3. Midnight (Thursday) - had a dream, the dream may come true in about a year.
  4. Middle of the night (Thursday), this is from 00.00 - 3 in the morning - it will be completed faster, 2-3 months.
  5. In the morning (already Friday) - it will be fulfilled quickly, literally the other day.

True, it is important to understand the signs of the subconscious here. After all, in a dream there was a pregnancy of a friend, not a dreamer. Girls on Thursday nights often dreamed of seeing their betrothed, scenes of the future, usually for themselves, not for others. Therefore, the image of a friend, moreover, a pregnant woman, here personifies either news or change.

It is important to look at the date of Friday night. 7 or 13, maybe it was already 15 or 27? That pregnancy will personify changes for the dreamer in the field of his relationship. A new acquaintance or development of an existing novel.

Why dream of a friend's pregnancy from Friday to Saturday? Usually, the dreamer manages to get enough sleep and see the whole picture, in its entirety. After all, the weekend is ahead. Sometimes the visions transmitted then are really prophetic, even fateful. Here Venus is replaced by a harsh, formidable Saturn, patronizing more agriculture. He shows dreamers future trials, obstacles, sometimes pictures of the future in general.

Sometimes there is no need to go deep for interpretation, the general picture will suffice. When a friend runs, leaves, in an ambush or overcomes obstacles, moreover, the dreamer is nearby, they may face many obstacles.

If there are no active actions at all, the atmosphere is calm, then most likely a friend, her pregnancy, has become a symbol of change. Pleasant and exciting. It will be career growth, an increase in well-being, it doesn’t matter.

The dream seems to be long, it is a whole movie full of different events, but do you feel a common connection? Here the dreamer needs to better remember his attitude, the state in a dream.

The dream was interrupted, but the dreamer is ready to act, is he alert, full of energy? This means that any, even a difficult test (depending on how the dream itself went) is surmountable. When, on the contrary, the dream left only fear, feelings, bitterness, it means that the obstacles, alas, will be insurmountable, there is a dark, difficult period of disappointment ahead.

Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy, a female dream book

When in reality, the girlfriend herself is not yet pregnant, this is a sign of well-being, joyful (for the heroine of the dream) changes. The vision also promises happiness to the dreamer, perhaps he will become an active participant, an assistant to the heroine.

She is pregnant, moreover, she will give birth soon - there will be changes, they will affect already existing offspring, nephews.

Dreams are an integral part of our life. And it does not matter whether you believe in them or not, remember or not - dreams are the language with which the subconscious mind speaks to us. However, this language is not always clear and can contain quite incredible images. The art of interpreting dreams is not for everyone.

The dream books that currently exist can differ radically in deciphering the same event seen in a dream. This is because each message is individual and an outside interpreter must take into account a lot of factors. For example: the sign of the zodiac, the phase of the moon, the psychotype of the sleeper, the life situation and many others.

Why dream of a friend's pregnancy? What does this dream mean? Let's figure this out.

Pregnant girlfriend in a dream - what is it for?

First of all, the pregnancy of a girlfriend in a dream is always the threshold of something new. And this event is not always expected and pleasant. How close your girlfriend is to you, how much this event will affect your life.

To understand what exactly such a dream will turn out for you, you need to take into account the overall energy of the dream: pleasant, intense, funny or creepy. The most famous interpreters of dreams explain in different ways the possible meaning of a friend's dream of pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation Menenghetti - why is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming?

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti gives a rather vague explanation of such a dream, which can be interpreted as follows. A pregnant friend serves as a symbol of extraneous influence on your thoughts or body.

It can also mean that you are too passionate about other people's problems and forget about your own life. Accordingly, the subconscious mind says that you should pay more attention to your own life and not succumb to other people's influence.

Girlfriend's pregnancy in a dream - esoteric dream book

Many people perceive pregnancy dreams as a symbol of changes in financial affairs. An example of this is an esoteric dream book. It says that one's own pregnancy dreams of financial difficulties. If you see your girlfriend pregnant, then you yourself will lend, i.e. one of your relatives or friends will have financial problems.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova considers personal pregnancy as a positive event, even if a man dreams of it. But here is someone else's - as a symbol of impending troubles. Hasse's dream book interprets her friend's pregnancy in the same way.

Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy - Miller's interpretation

Miller in his dream book describes only a meeting in a dream with a very thin pregnant woman. If this is what you dreamed about, then you should prepare for universal success. And to achieve it, you do not need to make great efforts. You just need to be in the right place at the right time, and not sit at home.

Loff's dream book

Loff's dream book considers dreams as a natural reflection of the processes occurring in the human body or brain. Those. a woman who reacts sharply to changes in the menstrual cycle can see pregnant people in a dream.

This is also how a subconscious fear of unwanted pregnancy can manifest itself during an active sexual life. Or, on the contrary, a woman who herself really wants to get pregnant can see her pregnant friends in a dream, but does not yet have such an opportunity.

Many people who have had interesting visions immediately turn to the help of dream books to find out their meaning. And rightly so, because sometimes you can learn something interesting in this way. Well, you should consider why you dream that your girlfriend is pregnant, since the interpretation is really entertaining.

good news

In most cases, such visions are a good sign. Many are puzzled: what does it mean if a pregnant girlfriend dreams, when in reality she is not expecting a baby at all? In fact, good things are just coming. Perhaps there will be good news. By the way, sometimes this dream, as they say, is “for the future”. If the girl is not pregnant, then when this happens, the birth will go well.

Also, this dream means family well-being. A girl may worry about the fact that she does not work out with her personal life, but these worries are meaningless and empty, since everything will be fine. A strong love awaits her, which will give her offspring.

It is worth noting a couple more interesting facts regarding the question of why one dreams that a girlfriend is pregnant. If she is very thin, then this portends her wealth, which will come in the near future. Seen means little problems with nephews or existing children. It is worth taking this into account. Why dream that a friend is pregnant? If the sleeping woman quarreled with her in a dream, then to conflicts that will happen in reality. And not necessarily with the same friend. Perhaps it will be a discord with home tenants. If a very young girl sees this dream, then you should prepare for gossip addressed to you. Not a very pleasant situation, so it is advisable to try to stop it in the bud, if such an option is possible.

Prophetic dream

Considering the question of why one dreams that a girlfriend is pregnant, one should talk about those visions that often coincide with reality. If the girl is really expecting a baby, then you can rejoice - the birth will be successful. Maybe in a dream she suddenly began to give birth? Nothing too bad either. This vision means only that he is very worried about his close friend. And so it is worth visiting her and showing a little more attention than usual.

Sometimes there are difficult births. You do not need to tell your friend about this vision - this can frighten her greatly or at least puzzle her. In fact, this dream means the imminent resolution of some long-standing serious problem. But if a friend suddenly dies right in the process of childbirth, then her baby will probably have some complications, and maybe even chronic diseases. Did you dream of an easy childbirth? So, the girl will most likely have a girl. Or maybe twins.

Male dream book

It happens that such visions come at night to guys and men. This puzzles them too, and therefore many are looking for an answer to the question of why they dream that your girlfriend is pregnant. Sometimes in such dreams, guys may dream of their future missus. Naturally, in this way it is possible to interpret what he saw only if a stranger appeared to them at night. But if he dreamed of someone with whom he already has a relationship, then this is a hint from Fate: then everything will only be more serious. The young man himself may not yet know this, but in the future it will become clear.

But the dream in which the man had to take birth is not interpreted very positively. This means that he is trying to take on too many responsibilities. You don't need to do this - there will be no benefit. And of course, it is worth remembering this. But if the birth went well, then this is a good sign. A dream means that soon he will achieve great success - at work, in his career, in his personal life.


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