Swamps and swamps blue board. Sergey Yesenin - Swamps and swamps: Verse

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Analysis of the poem "Swamps and swamps..."

Deep patriotism in Yesenin's poems

In his work, Sergei Yesenin devoted the greatest attention to his native land, with its beautiful Russian expanses. The poet understood nature, lived by it and praised it, devoting most of his lyrical works to it. His poems sound very tender and sensual, everything in them lives and breathes some kind of magical charm. In the poem “Swamps and Swamps,” Yesenin colorfully and lovingly describes the summer nature of his native land, about which he speaks so reverently: “You are my forgotten land, you are my native land!” He admires its beauty, the diversity of his native nature and the many sounds and aromas that the author skillfully conveys in his works.

The poem "Swamps and swamps" refers to early lyrics poet, where he very sensually and colorfully describes the diversity of his beloved region: “Swamps and swamps, blue plateau of heaven.” Here Yesenin, describing nature, uses dull consonants, thereby softening the sound of the text, giving it tenderness and warmth. This technique is used by the author very often to give poetry not only verbal beauty, but also musical beauty. Indeed, his poems convey not only pictures of nature, but also sounds and smells. And therefore they are very melodic and gentle. “The forest rings with gilded pine” - from these lines you can hear the ringing, which is conveyed by using the letter “z”.

These lines of the poet describe a fabulous picture, replete with the colors of the sky, swamps, pine needles and all its shades. Here the author combines earth, nature, and heaven into a single whole. The pictures of his nature are ideal, they are created by the Creator and have no flaw. The author has a special relationship with the world around him, harmony and complete unity. He subtly senses the state of nature, its mood and knows how to very accurately convey in words its colors, smells and sounds.

Yesenin’s beautiful lyrics give the reader the pleasure of its beauty: “the willows are listening to the whistle of the wind... you are my forgotten land, you are my native land.” His lyrics are filled with high spiritual patriotism and boundless love for his native land. Yesenin's poems do not leave the reader indifferent; they fill his soul with a song to the beauty of Russian nature.

Swamps and swamps,
Blue board of heaven.
Coniferous gilding
The forest rings.

Tit shading
Between the forest curls,
Dark spruce trees dream
The hubbub of mowers.

Through the meadow with a creak
The convoy is stretching -
Dry linden
The wheels smell.

The willows are listening
Wind whistle...
You are my forgotten land,
You are my native land.

Analysis of the poem “Swamps and swamps” by Yesenin

Yesenin's early lyrics are distinguished by their particular sincerity and purity. At first, after moving to Moscow, he continued to consider himself a simple village poet, experiencing a great longing for his native village. At the same time, Yesenin saw that his “village lyrics” found many fans among the city society, tired of life. The sadness of separation from his homeland and the desire to tell others about its beauty gave birth to very pure works in the poet’s soul. One of them is the poem “Swamps and Swamps” (1914).

Yesenin does not idealize his native land. Endless swamps and swamps make up most of its territory. You just need to be able to discern a special charm and attractiveness in the ingenuous Russian nature. The poet's early poems themselves are reminiscent of his native land. They are written in an extremely concise form, but using very apt and expressive words and epithets. Yesenin seems to scatter real pearls in simple and naive lines: “pine gilding”, “forest curls”, “wind whistling”.

Another technique of the poet is the personification of native nature. In any description of a landscape, one senses a special life that does not depend on a person (“the fir trees are dreaming,” “the willows are listening”). Human activity becomes not determining, but merely complementing nature, adapting to its laws. “The hubbub of the mowers” ​​is simply the sleep of the trees. The convoy stretching across the meadow fits organically into surrounding nature, becomes an integral part of it (“the wheels smell of dry linden”).

A sad motif appears in the last stanza. Yesenin addresses his native land: “You are my forgotten land.” This expresses the personal melancholy of the poet, who has a presentiment that over the years it will be more difficult for him to come to stay in his native Konstantinovo. In a broader sense, Yesenin understands that the patriarchal way of life is gradually becoming obsolete. At first it was very difficult for him to get used to torrent city ​​life. Residents of big cities have lost touch with their native roots. Yesenin's peasant clothes and common speech made him a foreigner in the eyes of urban society. To enter this society, the poet will involuntarily have to change. But, as time will tell, the most dear and close to the heart appeal to S. Konstantinovo will remain for him: “You are my native land.”

You are my forgotten land,

You are my native land!

Blue board of heaven.

You are my forgotten land,

You are my native land.

help me analyze Yesenin's poem "Swamps and swamps"

Swamps and swamps,
Blue board of heaven.
Coniferous gilding
The forest rings.

Tit shading
Between the forest curls,
Dark spruce trees dream
The hubbub of mowers.

Through the meadow with a creak
The convoy is stretching -
Dry linden
The wheels smell.

The willows are listening
Wind whistle.
You are my forgotten land,
You are my native land.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is often called the singer of Russian nature. There is no state of the surrounding world that the artist would not subtly and poetically sing about. His poetry reveals the secrets of nature in a unique and sublime way, perhaps because of this he loved artistic device was a personification.
In the poet's poems, trees, grass, quiet waters all live and Breathe with their unique and magical charm. You can select a large number of color images, abundance of sounds, smells. At the beginning of creativity the world full of harmony and colors.
Swamps and swamps,
Blue board of heaven.
Coniferous gilding
The forest is ringing...
When perceiving Yesenin’s poems, hearing, vision, smell, and taste are involved
The poet conveys his state of mind through pictures of nature.
The world created by the creator is perceived by the poet as ideal, devoid of any flaws. In his early lyrics, Yesenin often uses Church Slavonic vocabulary. It seems to unite earth and sky, and nature is the crown of their creation. The author's favorite technique is personification. He refers to trees and grasses, rivers and lakes, steppes and fields as close friends, including them in his confidential conversation. Hence the poet’s special kinship with the world around him, complete fusion with nature, which the author constantly strives for. If this harmony does not exist, the poet experiences melancholy, sadness, and discomfort. His friend nature reacts sensitively to the author’s state, or vice versa. Yesenin perfectly sees the mood of the world around him and knows how to sensitively convey it in colors.
The beautiful, bright, sonorous and multi-colored lyrics of Sergei Yesenin are filled with high patriotism. Whatever the poet writes about, it’s all about Russia. She appears to the author either as a tender birch girl, or as a blue girl who fell into the river, sometimes as meek and serene, sometimes as restless and proud, but always infinitely loved.
The willows are listening
Wind whistle...
You are my forgotten land,
You are my native land.
Yesenin’s surprisingly tender, melodious and colorful poetry leaves an indelible mark on the reader’s soul, teaching him to be a devoted, selfless and faithful son of the great and long-suffering country of Russia.

Kostya Ananyev Student (169) 10 months ago

Swamps and swamps,
Blue board of heaven.
Coniferous gilding
The forest rings.

Tit shading
Between the forest curls,
Dark spruce trees dream
The hubbub of mowers.

Through the meadow with a creak
The convoy is stretching -
Dry linden
The wheels smell.

The willows are listening
Wind whistle.
You are my forgotten land,
You are my native land.

Sofia Cat Student (132) 1 month ago

S. A. Yesenin called himself “the last poet of the village.” He loved the Russian village, rural work, and nature. Nature was a stimulus for creativity for the poet, so most of Sergei Alexandrovich’s lyrical works are dedicated to his native land, the beautiful Russian expanses.

The main theme of the poem “Swamps and Swamps” is love for one’s native land. The poet called the village of Konstantinovo his small homeland, where he was born and raised, where he spent his youth, where he grew up and became the future poet of Russia. The key words of this work can be called the last lines, which summarized the artistic picture created by Yesenin:

You are my forgotten land,

You are my native land!

The poet describes nature middle zone Russia: swamps and swamps, blue sky, green coniferous forest. Nature is full of life, harmonious, and the lyrical hero revels in the landscape opening before him. To convey the delight of the lyrical hero, the author uses metaphors and personifications: “blue cloth of heaven”, “coniferous gilding”, “between the forest curls”, “dark fir trees dream”, “wind whistling”. The poem is rich in figurative folk expressions that make the lyrical work as understandable to the reader as possible: “the clouds of heaven,” “the tit is shading,” “the hubbub of mowers,” “the willows are listening.” The reader hears how “the forest rings with gilded pine,” “a convoy stretches creakingly across the meadow,” “the whistle of the wind”; sees swamps, swamps, blue sky above his head, a small convoy; smells pine needles, like “wheels smell of dry linden.” The native side is beautiful, and although the poet does not here describe the endless expanses, huge seas, impenetrable forests, but there is the most precious thing - signs of the native land.

It is in the works of S. A. Yesenin that the theme of the “small” Motherland, native Ryazan, the village of Konstantinov, which gave us the “Russian scandalous piita,” sounds with such force. But for everyone who loves the poems of Sergei Yesenin, the region that he glorified in his work is Rus'.

Blue board of heaven.

Yesenin’s Rus' is fabulous, just like in Vasnetsov’s paintings. Before us are, as it were, three spaces, three primary colors that create the background of the picture being described: green with all its shades, halftones, from dark green to bright emerald - earth, grass, swamps; Spruce trees illuminated by the sun “rang” with gilding in the wind; above all this riot of green and gold there is a blue sky, like a scarf covering the earth.

Let's imagine this woman named Rus, dressed in a dark skirt with bushes and twigs embroidered along the hem, wild berries... She dressed up: her jacket shimmers mysteriously. The head is covered with a bright blue plate, so going to her blue eyes. Nature comes to life under the poet’s magical touch, shaking its “forest curls.” She hasn’t woken up yet, she’s only waking up at dawn, but even in her sleep, the dark spruce trees near the meadow dream of the hubbub of mowers.

Man and nature are so closely intertwined that the line between “natural” and “human” is imperceptible: the sky is compared to a scarf, tree branches to curls, the wheels of a convoy traveling through a meadow smell of the linden from which they were made.

Everything is full of sounds and smells: the forest “rings”, the tit “shades”, the mowers “hustle” in their sleep, the convoy stretches “creaking”, the willows listen to the whistling of the wind. The ability to hear, see not only reality, but also dreams, talk to each other, is endowed in Yesenin’s poem with all living and nonliving things.

You are my forgotten land,

You are my native land.

Native - yes, of course, but forgotten?

Nature in the poems of S. A. Yesenin: analysis of the poem “Swamps and swamps.”

Analysis of the poem "Swamps and swamps."

Deep patriotism in Yesenin's poems

In his work, Sergei Yesenin devoted the greatest attention to his native land, with its beautiful Russian expanses. The poet understood nature, lived by it and praised it, devoting most of his lyrical works to it. His poems sound very tender and sensual, everything in them lives and breathes some kind of magical charm. In the poem “Swamps and Swamps,” Yesenin colorfully and lovingly describes the summer nature of his native land, about which he speaks so reverently: “You are my forgotten land, you are my native land!” He admires its beauty, the diversity of his native nature and the many sounds and aromas that the author skillfully conveys in his works.

The poem “Swamps and swamps” refers to the poet’s early lyrics, where he very sensually and colorfully describes the diversity of his beloved region: “Swamps and swamps, the blue platform of heaven.” Here Yesenin, describing nature, uses dull consonants, thereby softening the sound of the text, giving it tenderness and warmth. This technique is used by the author very often to give poetry not only verbal beauty, but also musical beauty. Indeed, his poems convey not only pictures of nature, but also sounds and smells. And therefore they are very melodic and gentle. “The forest rings with gilded pine” - from these lines you can hear the ringing, which is conveyed by using the letter “z”.

These lines of the poet describe a fabulous picture, replete with the colors of the sky, swamps, pine needles and all its shades. Here the author combines earth, nature, and heaven into a single whole. The pictures of his nature are ideal, they are created by the Creator and have no flaw. The author has a special relationship with the world around him, harmony and complete unity. He subtly senses the state of nature, its mood and knows how to very accurately convey in words its colors, smells and sounds.

Yesenin’s beautiful lyrics give the reader the pleasure of its beauty: “the willows hear the whistling of the wind. You are my forgotten land, you are my native land.” His lyrics are filled with high spiritual patriotism and boundless love for his native land. Yesenin's poems do not leave the reader indifferent; they fill his soul with a song to the beauty of Russian nature.

Essay: Analysis of Yesenin's poem Swamps and Swamps

S.A. Yesenin called himself “the last poet of the village.” He loved the Russian village, rural work, and nature. Nature was a stimulus for creativity for the poet, so most of Sergei Alexandrovich’s lyrical works are dedicated to his native land, the beautiful Russian expanses.

The main theme of the poem “Swamps and Swamps” is love for one’s native land. The poet called the village of Konstantinovo his small homeland, where he was born and raised, where he spent his youth, where he grew up and became the future poet of Russia. The key words of this work can be called the last lines, which summarized the artistic picture created by Yesenin:

You are my forgotten land,

You are my native land!

The poet describes the nature of central Russia: swamps and swamps, blue skies, green coniferous forests. Nature is full of life, harmonious, and the lyrical hero revels in the landscape opening before him. To convey the delight of the lyrical hero, the author uses metaphors and personifications: “blue cloth of heaven”, “coniferous gilding”, “between the forest curls”, “dark fir trees dream”, “wind whistling”. The poem is rich in figurative folk expressions that make the lyrical work as understandable to the reader as possible: “the clouds of heaven,” “the tit is shading,” “the hubbub of mowers,” “the willows are listening.” The reader hears how “the forest rings with gilded pine,” “a convoy stretches creakingly across the meadow,” “the whistle of the wind”; sees swamps, swamps, blue sky above his head, a small convoy; smells pine needles, like “wheels smell of dry linden.” The native side is beautiful, and although the poet does not here describe the endless expanses, huge seas, impenetrable forests, he does have the most precious thing - the signs of his native land.

It is in the works of S.A. Yesenin’s theme of the “small” Motherland, the native Ryazan, the village of Konstantinov, which gave us the “Russian scandalous piita,” sounds with such force. But for everyone who loves the poems of Sergei Yesenin, the region that he glorified in his work is Rus'.

Blue board of heaven.

Yesenin’s Rus' is fabulous, just like in Vasnetsov’s paintings. Before us are, as it were, three spaces, three primary colors that create the background of the picture being described: green with all its shades, halftones, from dark green to bright emerald - earth, grass, swamps; Spruce trees illuminated by the sun “rang” with gilding in the wind; above all this riot of green and gold there is a blue sky, like a scarf covering the earth.

Let's imagine this woman named Rus, dressed in a dark skirt with bushes, twigs, wild berries embroidered along the hem... She has dressed herself up: her jacket sparkles mysteriously. The head is covered with a bright blue stripe, matching her blue eyes. Nature comes to life under the poet’s magical touch, shaking its “forest curls.” She hasn’t woken up yet, she’s only waking up at dawn, but even in her sleep, the dark spruce trees near the meadow dream of the hubbub of mowers.

Man and nature are so closely intertwined that the line between “natural” and “human” is imperceptible: the sky is compared to a scarf, tree branches to curls, the wheels of a convoy traveling through a meadow smell of the linden from which they were made.

Everything is full of sounds and smells: the forest “rings”, the tit “shades”, the mowers “hustle” in their sleep, the convoy stretches “creaking”, the willows listen to the whistling of the wind. The ability to hear, see not only reality, but also dreams, talk to each other, is endowed in Yesenin’s poem with all living and nonliving things.

You are my forgotten land,

You are my native land.

Native - yes, of course, but forgotten? The man who describes his land with such love did not forget it, he preserved his native land in his memory and made his readers see, hear and even feel it.

“Swamps and swamps...” S. Yesenin

“Swamps and swamps...” Sergei Yesenin

Swamps and swamps,
Blue board of heaven.
Coniferous gilding
The forest rings.

Tit shading
Between the forest curls,
Dark spruce trees dream
The hubbub of mowers.

Through the meadow with a creak
The convoy is stretching -
Dry linden
The wheels smell.

The willows are listening
Wind whistle...
You are my forgotten land,
You are my native land.

Analysis of Yesenin’s poem “Swamps and Swamps”

Sergei Yesenin's landscape lyrics can be divided into two stages. The first of them falls on the years 1914 - 1920, when the young poet tries to find his own style of presentation and understands that the source of his inspiration is his native nature. However, in later poems, Yesenin more and more often criticizes the village, which, after living in the capital, seems to him dirty, dull, joyless and devoid of its former charm. Therefore, it is not surprising that Yesenin writes the most heartfelt, pure and moving poems dedicated to his native places in the first years of his stay in Moscow. He yearns for the village of Konstantinovo, where he spent his childhood, and fondly remembers all the little things that warm his soul in a foreign land.

The poem “Swamps and Swamps,” written in 1914 and dedicated to autumn in his native village, which the author depicts very brightly, colorfully and impartially, also dates back to the early period of the poet’s work. The “blue layer of heaven” in this idyllic landscape is adjacent to “pine gilding” autumn forest, “the shading of tits” and “the hubbub of mowers.” This is a period of calm and tranquility, when the villages have already completed field work, and “a convoy stretches creakingly across the meadow,” carrying the last harvest to the threshing floor.

Yesenin manages to convey not only the creaking of the linden cart wheels, but also the smells floating in the cool autumn air. when the dampness mixes with the aroma of mown meadows, scorched by the sultry summer sun lingonberries and the first mushrooms ripening in the forest. All these smells are so dear and close to the poet that he only needs to close his eyes to be mentally transported to a world that is so dear, close and understandable to him since childhood. However, Yesenin understands that now he has a completely different life, in which there is no place for rural fun and entertainment. Therefore, with some sadness and longing, the author exclaims: “You are my forgotten land, you are my native land.”

Having become a city dweller, Yesenin still remains a country guy at heart, for whom there is no more exciting activity than walking along a forest path or inhaling the aroma wildflowers. But the poet understands that past life He is unlikely to be able to return, since he has made his life choice. But, saying goodbye to his native places in verse and preserving their amazing beauty in memory, Yesenin is not completely sure whether he really did the right thing, exchanging the rural wilderness, where he forever left his heart, for the shine and bustle of noisy Moscow, in which he feels alien and restless.

Listen to Yesenin's poem Swamps and Swamps

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Picture for the essay analysis of the poem Swamps and Swamps

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

Swamps and swamps,
Blue board of heaven.
Coniferous gilding
The forest rings.

Tit shading
Between the forest curls,
Dark spruce trees dream
The hubbub of mowers.

Through the meadow with a creak
The convoy is stretching -
Dry linden
The wheels smell.

The willows are listening
Wind whistle...
You are my forgotten land,
You are my native land!..

Sergei Yesenin's landscape lyrics can be divided into two stages. The first of them falls on the years 1914 - 1920, when the young poet tries to find his own style of presentation and understands that the source of his inspiration is his native nature. However, in later poems, Yesenin more and more often criticizes the village, which, after living in the capital, seems to him dirty, dull, joyless and devoid of its former charm. Therefore, it is not surprising that Yesenin writes the most heartfelt, pure and moving poems dedicated to his native places in the first years of his stay in Moscow. He yearns for the village of Konstantinovo, where he spent his childhood, and fondly remembers all the little things that warm his soul in a foreign land.

The poem “Swamps and Swamps,” written in 1914 and dedicated to autumn in his native village, which the author depicts very brightly, colorfully and impartially, also dates back to the early period of the poet’s work. The “blue layer of heaven” in this idyllic landscape is adjacent to the “coniferous gilding” of the autumn forest, the “shading of tits” and the “hustle of mowers”. This is a period of calm and tranquility, when field work has already been completed in the villages, and “a convoy is creaking across the meadow”, carrying the last harvest to the threshing floor.

Yesenin manages to convey not only the creaking of the linden cart wheels, but also the smells floating in the cool autumn air, when the dampness mixes with the aroma of mown meadows, scorched by the hot summer sun, lingonberries ripening in the forest and the first mushrooms. All these smells are so dear and close to the poet that he only needs to close his eyes to be mentally transported to a world that is so dear, close and understandable to him since childhood. However, Yesenin understands that now he has a completely different life, in which there is no place for rural fun and entertainment. Therefore, with some sadness and longing, the author exclaims: “You are my forgotten land, you are my native land.”

Having become a city dweller, Yesenin still remains a country guy at heart, for whom there is no more exciting activity than walking along a forest path or inhaling the aroma of wildflowers. But the poet understands that he is unlikely to be able to return to his past life, since he has made his life choice. But, saying goodbye to his native places in verse and preserving their amazing beauty in memory, Yesenin is not completely sure whether he really did the right thing, exchanging the rural wilderness, where he forever left his heart, for the shine and bustle of noisy Moscow, in which he feels alien and restless.

The poem “Swamps and Swamps” was written in 1914 by Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin, a Russian poet, lyricist, imagist and the brightest representative New peasant poetry of the 20th century. The poet was born and lived until 1912 in the village of Konstantinovo, a description of the nature of which is embedded in the main theme of the work.

Literary analysis of the poem

Method of organizing the poem: Syllabic-tonic

Verse size: trochee

Literary techniques that S. A. Yesenin used when creating the poem:

  1. Metaphor. Examples: “between the forest curls”, “pine gilding”, “blue cloth of heaven”;
  2. Personification. Examples: “the willows are listening”, “the dark fir trees are dreaming”, “the wind is whistling”;
  3. Vernacular. Examples: “the tit is shading,” “the willows are listening,” “the hubbub of the kasars.”

“The last poet of the village,” as Yesenin jokingly called himself, treated nature with love and reverence. She was his muse throughout his creative life. The lines of this work, with literally every phrase, convey the mood of the lyrical hero, his attitude towards his native land. If we take into account the fact that in the year of creation of this poem the poet was far from his native place and compare it with the lines, then we can assume that he was very homesick for his homeland.

Many critics share landscape lyrics Yesenin into two parts, the first of which falls on the years of the poet’s search for his own style of presentation (1914 - 1920). But even then the young lyricist was well aware of the source of his inspiration - the nature of his native land. In the poem “Swamps and Swamps,” he very expressively, vividly and without embellishment described autumn in Konstantinovo, and although the phrase “you are my forgotten land” appears in it, it does not refer to the poet himself. The work conveys in all colors not only visual landscape images, but also the sounds and smells of those places. Filled with spiritual patriotism, it does not leave readers of our age indifferent.

Picture for the poem Swamps and Swamps

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