Grass interpretation of the dream book. What does the green grass dream mean?

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Dream Interpretation Tear Grass

Green meadows, even in a dream, inspire peace and tranquility. Since ancient times, herbs have been called silk and lush. And the attitude towards them was appropriate. But what if the grass had to be torn hard in a dream? To answer the question of why you dream of tearing grass, you need to analyze what you see and look at the night dream from different angles.

Lush green growth in the meadows speaks of good health. If she's flooded clean water in a dream, it means that you will be able to save it until very old age. But an overgrown path to the house means that you will be able to achieve a solid position in society.

Tearing green grass in a dream to feed an animal means that you have entrepreneurial talent. To see how the eaten cattle grows right before your eyes - you will be able to make a solid fortune from almost nothing.

What does sleep mean

In order to understand what such visions come to, it is important to remember two fundamentally important points:

If they tore the grass

  • what condition was it in when you tore it (fresh, juicy or dry, blackened):
  • for what purposes it was needed (to feed the animal, to eat it yourself or to prepare a healing decoction).

What kind of growth had to be torn

If in a dream the lush growth was familiar to you by name or variety, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge gained earlier. To sort through, putting aside only what you need - you will have to look for an assistant for a long time.

Seeing plants in a dream is not familiar, but beautiful and juicy - to fruitful cooperation with foreign investments (both financial and human).

It is worse if it was yellow or dried up in a dream. In this case, you should spend more time own health. No need to think that the cause of malaise is a banal lack of sleep. It is better to consult a doctor, a modern dream book advises.

silk herbs

Tearing fresh green grass in a dream - to make a profit.

If she was in places familiar to you, and it was pleasant for you to touch her, get ready for the fact that you will have to do what you like best.

You may be able to turn your favorite hobby into a worthy source of income. Or you can discover a long-dormant talent in yourself.

If you dreamed high mountains beyond the green plains, you can expect some obstacles in advancing your own business. And dried up or trampled in places - means the evil machinations of competitors.

withered greens

If in a dream you tore green shoots, but you had hay in your hands, none of your efforts can save the work you have begun. At first, you will suffer minor losses, but every day they will grow like a snowball. Subsequently, it will be difficult for you to pay off creditors.

It is a dream that you are stepping on green grass, but it immediately turns black - bad sign. Serious health problems await you. Yellowed grass under your feet - to the illness of relatives or children.

To see how the locust eats the mop you have torn off - to serious losses, a debt hole or loss of housing, an esoteric dream book warns.

For what purpose

To interpret such a dream, it is very important to remember for what purposes the herbs were collected in a dream.

Own impressions

As a rule, dreams in which you have to see green juicy grass cause pleasant impressions. But even if it is yellow or dried, it almost never scares and does not cause bright colors. negative emotions. Unfortunately, this is precisely the reason that such a night dream is not taken seriously and is in no hurry to take care of their own health.

It is very important to pay attention to visions in which the grass turns yellow right in the hands - this indicates the asymptomatic development of a serious disease. If such a picture has stuck in your memory, you need to urgently visit a doctor, recommends an esoteric dream book.

Tall silk fragrant herbs signify good health and financial well-being, promises family dream book. Walking through the meadow and picking off some blades of grass you like - to a high leadership position.

To rejoice that lush grasses have grown in your own meadow - you will be able to organize work well at your own enterprise.

Dreams in which green grass was present are considered a good sign for the one who saw them. Such visions represent positive life changes, material well-being and good luck in financial matters.

Sleep amplifies its meaning if the sleeper felt the aroma emitted by the grass. Availability additional details and characters in a dream, will help to correctly interpret it and predict future events.

To dream of green grass that reaches the sleeper's waist symbolizes happiness in life. A person will not be familiar with financial difficulties. For businessmen, a dream portends significant incomes that increase capital several times. Creative people will be recognized and become famous through their work. A couple in love will be able to fully enjoy their feelings, as all barriers will disappear.

Grass and trees

When they rise above the green grass, such a dream portends a good profit. The grass growing right in the middle of the room symbolizes. Former housing will be empty.

The greenery that appeared in front of the fence means that the dreamer will be promoted at work, but the position will not be very large.

Greens and flowers

If in a dream they grow along with green grass, in real life sleeping awaits a meeting with interesting people. Acquaintance will be very useful, therefore, when in the near future an invitation is received from colleagues or friends to attend any or any other event, need to accept it. change of scenery and good vacation, that's exactly what you need.

See the earth among the grass

To see in the plot of the vision how bald spots break through the green grass, in reality the sleeping person will begin to correct the mistakes made. This is very important point in life, it does not allow a person to move on and do things properly. Ultimately everything can be quickly returned into place and no major losses are foreseen. Everything about everything will take a lot of time, but the results obtained compensate for everything.

Mow the grass

Mowing grass in a dream means that in real life the status and worthy existence of the sleeper will be confirmed. In life, exceptionally favorable events will occur.

Business will begin to bring good profits, there will be significant progress in personal affairs.

This time is very suitable for undertakings, marriage, conclusion of profitable contracts.

Tear with hands

If in the plot of the vision the dreamer was tearing undersized grass with his hands, in reality you need to take care of your health. Possible stomach problems or recurrence old disease, which for a long time didn't show up at all. When the grass grew on the road, it symbolizes happy meeting with which will bring many pleasant moments.

Walking in the plot of a vision on freshly cut grass portends the onset of a period of major setbacks. Perhaps someone wants to appropriate the results of the dreamer's work in order to benefit. There is no need to negotiate a new case in the near future, one should not engage in dubious business and follow the advice of strangers. You need to wait a little and then everything will cost minimal losses.

fold it

If in the plot of the dream the sleeper was stacking green grass, in reality he will go on a trip. It can be a business trip or a pleasant one. , it means prosperity. Probably, an inheritance or a big win will help to get it, it is possible that the sleeping person will be rewarded with a significant sum of money. In any case, the vision portends positive developments.


Sleep is a warning. In real life, the dreamer may suffer from an accident. In the near future, you should refrain from long trips You don't need to use your own vehicle. In addition, you should be careful when handling electrical appliances. Vigilance can help avoid serious consequences.

Favorable sleep for single people. In the near future, the dreamer will have a pleasant acquaintance. The development of events will be rapid and the sleeper will plunge headlong into a new relationship. You should look at your chosen one, maybe it's fate. If married couple recent times tension is felt, it's time to sort things out. You don’t need to keep everything in yourself, if you speak out and listen to the opinion of the opposite side, everything can be fixed.

walk on it

If a similar dream dreamed young unmarried girl, then soon a young man will propose to her.

When the green grass in the plot of the vision begins to gradually change its color to pale yellow, begins to disappear right before our eyes, a a large number of difficulties.

They are quite capable of causing trouble, because of which you will have to abandon current affairs.

Growing in the yard

To see in a dream how the yard is overgrown with bright green grass portends in reality a test of disappointment in a person who has long been an ideal for the dreamer. If traces remain on it that are clearly visible, soon the dreamer will have a good opportunity to increase the level of his knowledge and abilities. Perhaps he will do study at a prestigious institution or he will be sent from work to refresher courses.

In the near future, conflicts between relatives will be settled. Everything will happen gradually, the relationship will become the same. If the dreamer wants to change jobs, then the time has come to look for her. A new place will provide an opportunity to provide yourself well financially, it will be possible to show everything that the sleeper is capable of. Perhaps this will provide him recognition and respect in the team.

At the cemetery

A favorable dream, predicting that a dreamer who has lost all hope for a better dream will find it again and believe in himself. There is no need to despair, if you do not make efforts and do not work, achieving your goal will be impossible. Only life-improving actions will make the sleeper successful person. You should not bury your talent, it will come in handy very soon. If overgrown with grass, then in reality the dreamer is expected problems with parents.

See in the winter under the snow

When the dreamer saw during a dream how the first snow covered the green grass, one should expect good life changes. They can affect not only work, but also personal life. If it was clean and fluffy, the vision is favorable, promising to receive large sum. When the snow carpet melts immediately, don't wait too long. fast execution desires, there will be obstacles on the way to the goal.

Look for a lost thing among the grass

When the dreamer was looking for something in a dream and at the same time was on his knees, in real life he will become an eyewitness to certain events that should not be made public. It is better to pretend that you did not notice anything than to suffer the consequences later. Sometimes it is very bad to know the facts from the life of strangers. They can be vengeful and vindictive.

The vision testifies to the loneliness of the sleeper. In reality, he needs the support of friends and loved ones.

If the dreamer watched the herbivore graze in the meadow, he will soon find a very valuable thing. We must try not to miss the moment and make the most of this event. Perhaps the dream hero expects a material reward for returning the item found.

Seeing tall grass in a dream, walking across the field, picking flowers - for a prosperous period in life. Well, if you dreamed that there were a lot of green and succulent plants around. Such a dream means good health and having the strength to carry out even major projects. Why do water meadows dream, traditional dream books describe in an accessible way.

Explanations from Miller's dream book

Walking on green and tall grass is a sign of honor and respect in the family, at work, among friends. The psychologist recommends paying attention not only to the surrounding objects, but also to your feelings, actions in a dream.

To understand why the plants in the field are dreaming, you should remember in more detail how exactly you interacted with them and only then look into the dream books:

  • mowed down - to profit, winnings, receiving gifts;
  • lay and enjoyed - to full recovery;
  • tore, saw yellowed leaves - to correct mistakes;
  • they made their way with difficulty - your projects will require a lot of effort, but the return will be appropriate;

All undertakings will be crowned with success

Seeing huge greenery in a dream, making your way through it, going towards your goal is always good. A dream means that a person is not afraid of obstacles, is ready to overcome any difficulties, to solve assigned tasks at all costs. A favorable outcome awaits everyone who dreamed that tall grass did not grow in a meadow, but in the middle of a city, for example, or even in an apartment.

Why dream of overcoming thickets, the dream book of Nostradamus explains well. It turns out that seeing yourself among the reeds, bushes, getting out of them is a direct path to fame, honor, respect not only from relatives, neighbors, colleagues, but also from everyone who surrounds you at the moment.

Financial problems will be resolved

Mowing green and tall grass in a dream is a big acquisition. If for a long time you could not afford to buy something very expensive and necessary, you should know that the hour has come when financial opportunities will increase dramatically.

The planned purchases will delight everyone who dreamed that they had a chance to work as a scythe, knit sheaves with their own hands, and create haylofts. In addition, dream books promise a number of successful deals and the signing of new lucrative contracts.

Make peace with your loved ones

Seeing dry tall grass - to make mistakes. Most likely, you managed to undeservedly offend your loved one or native person. The dream warns that it is time to apologize and reconcile with loved ones. The quarrel may drag on for a long period if you dreamed that among the greenery there were a lot of yellow leaves.

Sun-drenched green lawns both in reality and in dreams have a calming effect on people. But in dreams, grass can grow anywhere and in any way - both in its usual places, and where, under familiar conditions, it cannot be in principle. Let's say you had such a dream: grass grows right in the house. What does such a sign promise?

As the most popular Miller's dream book says, the grass is green, juicy and pleasing to the eye - portends a sleeping non-poor existence, flavored, moreover, with various worldly joys. But this is not the only meaning of the vision in which you dreamed of grass. Much in the interpretation of sleep will depend on what kind of grass it is, how it looks, where it grows and what you yourself are doing in your dream.

  • Grass may be green or dry.
  • Small or high.
  • It can be garden greens - parsley, sorrel and so on.
  • The grass cover can be in a meadow, on a lawn, or in some inappropriate places.
  • The one who had a dream could be a participant in his own vision - for example, he was lying on the grass or mowed it in the field, or he was wading through high grassy thickets.

Let us turn to the dream books to interpret all these stories in order. Explanations of why the grass is dreaming do not always coincide with different interpreters of dreams, some explanations even contradict each other. And here you yourself are free to choose the interpretation that you prefer.

Green meadow or dry field?

According to him - after Miller - Modern dream book, grass in night visions, especially if it grows in an even green carpet in open spaces, is a good symbol.

For businessmen, green grass promises a good return on projects and prosperity in business. For people of creative professions - artists, painters, writers - a green lawn or whole meadows mean the early recognition of their talents.

Such a dream is good: grass growing under the sun or - and for lovers. It symbolizes that the relationship will be long and prosperous. If the grass is dreaming of someone who has not yet found his soul mate, then in the near future he can expect this event. The significance of such a vision is enhanced if not only green grass is present in your dream, but you see that you are lying on a living carpet.

To see that mountains appear on the horizon behind a green meadow warns Big dream book, - this is a reason to be wary: in reality, in business or in relationships, "pitfalls" are possible, which the sleeper is not yet aware of. Despite all the outward well-being of the situation, caution and prudence must be exercised.

The universal dream book offers another interpretation: if a person who has left his native land sees a dream in which the grass grows like a solid green carpet, it means that the sleeping person subconsciously regrets his separation from the roots and misses his parental home. The psychological dream book puts forward its own version: green grass in a dream can be just a signal that you are tired and just want to "get caught on the grass."

If dried, trampled or burnt islets appear among the green grass in your dream, such a vision says Women's dream book, promises some obstacles in business or relationships. If you had to see a few of these islands, and they were small, then you can handle the difficulties alone. Plus, they don't last long.

In general, a dream in which the grass is dry, withered, scorched by the sun is a warning dream. Dry grass does not say with predetermined inevitability that you will certainly fall ill or encounter obstacles in business. Rather, such a vision warns that carelessness and unwillingness to take responsibility should be postponed to more favorable times. And now you have to work hard so that you don’t regret the missed opportunities later.

There is another explanation why dried and dried grass is dreaming. The psychological dream book believes that if you dreamed of dry grass, this indicates that you are not in your best shape now, you need to rest, and therefore it is better to allocate time for recovery own forces, and not on "heroic deeds."

Setting fire to grass when it is dry is not recommended not only by the Ministry of Emergencies, but also by interpreters of dreams. If in your vision you set fire to dried grassy vegetation, such a vision may in reality promise some kind of accident. So in dreams it is also better to do without such "mischief", but if it happened, in life you will have to be more careful in order to try to avoid an accident.

We have already found out why the grass of “ordinary size” is dreaming, now we need to figure out what a dream means, the grass in which is disproportionately tall. Such vegetation, first of all, means that the sleeper does not objectively assess his strength necessary to solve a particular problem. If you dream of high grassy thickets - try to measure the complexity of the issue that you have to solve and your own efforts.

The alphabetical dream book offers a different interpretation: I saw tall grass in which you were looking for someone - probably your love relationship will soon result in a legal marriage. And if you yourself were hiding in tall grass, you will find that “old love does not rust” and does not want to let you go, no matter how you hide from it.

If in your dream the grass - no matter if it is high or low - gets confused at your feet, considerably slowing down your step, this means that there is someone in your environment who "puts spokes in your wheels." You need to make an effort to figure out such a “well-wisher” among your acquaintances and not succumb to his tricks and tricks.

Garden and medicinal plants

Standing apart among the "herbal" dreams are visions in which the sleeper has to see garden greens - sorrel, spinach, parsley and other edible herbaceous plants. Such a "grass" promises some new stage in life, and, as a rule, this stage has the opportunity to begin thanks to the efforts that the dreamer himself made.

This may apply to both useful acquaintances that are about to happen, and new chances that may present themselves in the near future. Creative people after such a dream can meet a person who will become their patron or agent, representative of interests.

If in a dream you yourself planted edible "grass" in the beds, and it quickly grew, it means that your work will be rewarded. Garden greens with a pronounced smell - for example, cilantro or dill - portend some important news.

If a person dreamed of garden or garden greens that he ate raw, this may portend some kind of illness. However, the Dream Interpretation of Health clarifies: if you see such a dream in the spring, this may signal that you have beriberi.

If you see some medicinal herbs in a dream, then you should remember them and then find them in the reference book. medicinal plants. Perhaps this is a direct indication that a decoction of this plant can help you. Naturally, before you start taking a decoction, you need to consult a specialist.

Meadows and lawns

To dream of a good and beautiful grass in the meadow, says Miller's dream book, portends for lovers who were forced to part, a quick meeting. In addition, a meadow overgrown with grass symbolizes the breadth of your imagination and promises the fulfillment of desires in reality.

The family dream book says that a beautiful grassy meadow in a dream portends the comfortable and calm development of your family life . A calm walk in a flood meadow in a dream is good sign, considers the Esoteric dream book.

As for the grass on the lawn that you dreamed about, it will have a separate independent meaning if a lawn mower was also present in the dream.

  • If the sleeping person controlled it, then in reality he will “steer” his affairs, money and life in general.
  • If the dreamer watched from the side of the lawnmower's actions, this is a signal to actually take the reins of control of his life into his own hands.

Dreaming of green grass that grows in the wrong place (on the walls or on the floor, or maybe on the roof) is already a signal. This means that alienation has reigned in your house - try to pay more attention to your family. Grass that breaks through asphalt or concrete - to a new friendship or new family ties.

Despite technological progress, people do not cease to worry about the question, why dream of grass that had to be mowed in a dream? Such a dream, almost all dream books are sure, will be interpreted depending on what kind of grass had to be mowed - green or already dried up, high or low.

Dreams in which something interferes with mowing have an independent meaning - either the scythe becomes dull, then the combine breaks, then stones come across in the grass. The interpreters of dreams are sure that in the case of such a dream, in reality, one should not “get on the rampage” in order to achieve the goal, but think over other options for implementing the plan.

There is grass in a dream, says the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation, portends that now is not the time to show off. You need to use your own resources more moderately so that your entire family or company does not have to tighten their belts.

At the same time, feeding grass in a dream to any herbivore - a cow, a horse, even a guinea pig - is a good sign that promises you a new devoted friend. If in a dream you had to look for a certain medicinal herb, then in reality you have to rack your brains to find custom solution Problems. The main thing is not to give up and not despair, and then a solution will definitely be found!

Why dream of green grass 5.00 /5 (1 votes)

Green grass is the most auspicious sign that can only be seen in night dreams.

In order to accurately determine what green grass is dreaming of, it is necessary to recall all the details of the dream in memory. For example, ordinary inhabitants dream of a happy and well-to-do life. It promises merchants and entrepreneurs successful sales and rapid accumulation of funds. Lovers promises a passionate relationship filled with mutual understanding and trust. And for writers and artists - success and fame in their chosen field.

General interpretation of dreaming green grass

According to the most common interpretation, green grass in a dream promises the dreamer, regardless of the main occupation and position, health, inspiration, love, fame and security. Young grass breaking through concrete or asphalt symbolizes unquenchable hope. Dreams in which this element appears bring rebirth, spiritual rebirth and all the best.

Where does grass grow in a dream?

However, it is important to take into account the fact that sometimes in a dream grass can grow in the most unexpected places. If the greenery appeared right on the floor of your house, then you should be vigilant. Excessive serenity and self-confidence can become a hindrance in business and harm family peace. Grass growing in a cemetery warns that attention should be paid to parents. And the overgrown path is a sign of an unexpected meeting with an old friend, as well as a change in views.

Positive interpretation of sleep about green grass

It is very good to lie, sit and even sleep in the green grass. After such a vision, one can expect the successful implementation of all planned activities and progress in career ladder. It is also an indication of the presence solid foundation which will ensure a strong position and wealth in the future. If in a night adventure you had to hide in high green vegetation, then a stormy romance awaits you, and looking for a loved one in it is for an imminent wedding.

Dreamed of grass - pass a medical examination

Juicy green grass in a dream symbolizes health and vital energy the dreamer himself. A whole clearing, overgrown with fresh greenery, promises longevity, peace and security. Any signs of wilting, spoilage or sagging are recommended to immediately undergo a medical examination for the presence of emerging diseases. By the way, if in a dream you were lucky enough to mow the grass, then in reality you can expect profit, the receipt of which, however, will be fraught with trouble.


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