Herbaceous rose eustoma root. Eustoma perennial - a whole bouquet of one plant

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Some people use their summer cottages to grow vegetables and berries, others create beautiful flower beds. In the latter, you can often find eustoma.

Until recently, this flower was known only to professional florists, but today it has gradually begun to conquer Russian gardens.

general information

Eustoma (“Eustoma” from the Latin “Beautiful mouth” or “Beautiful to speak”) belongs to the Gentian family. Cultivated varieties have a second name "Lisianthus" from the Latin "Lisianthus" or "Bitter Flower". Among the unofficial names are “Irish rose”, “Japanese rose”, “Texas bluebell”.

The plant's homeland is considered to be the south of North America and the north of South America, Mexico, and the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Cultivated varieties can be found in almost every part of the world.

The plant has strong, but graceful, like a carnation, stems, the height of which reaches 60-100 cm. Starting from the middle, the stem branches into several branches, making one flower look like a whole bouquet. Up to 30-35 flowers can grow on one stem. The leaves of eustoma are matte, with a grayish tint, the flowers are large, funnel-shaped, reaching 8 cm in diameter.

Flowers in shades of blue are found in the wild, and red, white, purple and yellow varieties have been created artificially, many of which have a border or pattern. Petals can be double or non-double.

A cut flower can stand in water for up to 3 weeks.

Depending on their life span, lisianthus species are divided into:

  • annuals: these are mainly garden flowers growing in summer cottages and intended for cutting;
  • biennial: all wild species;
  • perennial: plants that are quite difficult to care for, which are often grown indoors and not cut at all.

Indoor varieties are distinguished separately - they are distinguished by their small height, no more than 30 cm.

Popular varieties

According to their growth, all varieties can be divided into tall (they are grown in dachas and used for bouquets) and low-growing (most often they are grown at home).

The first include:

  1. "Flamenco". Reaches 120 cm, the stems are strong, elastic, has fairly large flowers (up to 8 cm) and many colors. The main advantage is unpretentiousness.
  2. "Cinderella". Reaches 50 cm in height, flowers are pink and yellow, with double petals.
  3. "ABC". They are represented by large double flowers of lilac, yellow and white, the latter having a pink or purple border.
  4. "Echo". Offers early flowering and 11 color options, some of which are double. Grows up to 70 cm.
  5. "Aurora". Reaches a height of more than a meter, the first flowers appear half a month earlier than other varieties. It has blue, light blue, white and pink palettes, as well as terry options.
  6. "Twinkies." The flower grows up to 50 cm and has yellow, purple and pink petals.
  7. "Heidi." It grows to almost a meter. The flowers have a simple shape and about 15 flowers, bloom profusely.
  8. "Magic." Japanese variety, height up to 80 cm, presented in pink, white and champagne flowers.

Among the short ones there are:

  1. "Loyalty". White eustoma up to 20 cm high, flowers are simple, arranged in a spiral on the stem;
  2. "Matador". An undemanding variety with double flowers in white, blue and pink shades;
  3. "Mermaid." (“Mermaid”). The height is 10-15 cm, the diameter of the flowers reaches 6 cm. There are white, pink, purple and blue colors;
  4. "Florida Pink" Pink flowers growing at approximately the same level. By cutting such a bush (its height is only 20 cm), you can get a bouquet;
  5. "Little Bell" A small plant, only 15 cm high, with simple, funnel-shaped flowers;
  6. "Sapphire". It is represented by low-growing varieties that grow up to 15 cm. It has double and simple flowers of different shades, some varieties have a contrasting border.

At home

Depending on the location of the landing, the methods of its implementation also differ.

Note: at home, you need to plant the plant in the second half of summer or early autumn, then the flowers will bloom in the middle of winter.

To do this, use a mixture of sand and peat or violet soil into which the seeds are thrown. Then the container is covered with glass or film and put in a warm place. The temperature should be about 20-22 degrees. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the soil and moisten it; it is also worth installing additional lighting for 10-12 hours.

Worth considering: There is no need to roast the seeds in the oven like other plants - this will only harm them.

After 6-8 weeks, when sprouts appear, watering should be reduced and postponed to the morning, the soil should dry out slightly between waterings. At this time, the glass can already be removed. When the sprouts have 2-3 leaves, they are transplanted into separate containers.

Instead of containers with soil, you can use peat tablets with a diameter of about 5 cm. The tablets are compressed peat, which is placed in a container and slightly moistened. Using tweezers, place a seed in the center of each tablet, pressing it slightly, then cover the container with glass and put it in a warm place. After germination, each tablet is moved into a separate cup and grown separately.

In the country

In open ground, lisianthus is usually planted as seedlings, which are grown in advance according to the method described above. It is necessary to sow the seeds at the end of winter, so that in May-June, when the cold weather recedes, they can be replanted. To do this, dig holes 10-15 cm deep under each flower at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. The holes are watered with water or a solution of pink manganese, then the flowers are transplanted along with the soil from the pot.

In the first 2-3 weeks, the sprouts should be covered with a plastic jar to create a greenhouse effect, and regularly raised for several hours. When the flowers get stronger, the jars are removed, and a month after sowing, fertilize with universal fertilizer for flowers.

Take into account: the fertilizer concentration should be a quarter weaker than indicated on the package.

Depending on the planting, flowers may appear as early as mid-summer, or the appearance may be delayed until autumn, but in any case, flowering does not stop until mid-October. The plant is frost-resistant and easily survives autumn frosts down to -10 degrees. If flowering occurs too early, you need to trim the flowers and wait - perhaps in 1.5 months the bush will bloom again.


Eustoma has an extremely weak root system. It is easy to damage, which in turn will lead to the death of the entire plant, and the pieces taken almost never take root.

It is important to know: In general, root propagation for lisianthus is not practiced, and eustoma rhizomes sold are often the roots of other perennials, for example, phlox. Having bought them and planted them, you can be very disappointed with the result.

The same applies to bulbs: eustoma is not a bulbous plant, so selling tubers of this plant is deceiving buyers. The flower propagates only by seeds and seedlings grown from seeds.

Features of cultivation

Eustoma is quite whimsical and capricious in planting. At home, a cool room with constant access to fresh air will suit her; in the garden, a brightly lit place, but without direct sunlight.

It is better to use a mixture of humus and soil as soil. The plant tolerates drought well; you should not water it often: the soil should dry out slightly.

Note: eustoma is quite bad at replanting, since its roots are too fragile, so replanting the bush should only be done in extreme cases and this should be done by transferring the entire earthen lump to a new pot.

When growing a plant at home, it is best to place the pot on a western or eastern window, regularly ventilate the room, but do not freeze it - the temperature should not be lower than +19 degrees. Regular watering with settled water will be required, but there is no need to spray the leaves and petals: this will only harm them and cause disease. During growth and flowering, feeding with complex fertilizers is recommended. Dry leaves and wilted flowers must be removed regularly.

Regular pruning of bushes helps stimulate the formation of new flowers. You need to cut the flowers with a sharp tool obliquely in the first half of the day, when it is cool. After cutting, the bushes should be watered and fed to encourage the plant to grow further. After 4-6 weeks, new buds will appear at the cut site.

Diseases and pests

Enemies of lisianthus are aphids, whiteflies, spider mites and slugs. All of them affect leaves and sprouts, causing them to dry out and fall off early. Aphids are also carriers of dangerous diseases that can cause an epidemic.

Eustoma grandiflorum, lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) or Japanese indoor rose, is a herbaceous plant of the Gentian family. The southern part of the USA is considered the birthplace of the flower. This is where roses grow naturally in lowlands or on river slopes. The height of the plant reaches an average of 30 cm, and sometimes it can stretch up to 90 cm in height. The stem is branched, the leaf is green with a grayish tint, the color of the inflorescence in the natural environment is purple or blue. In appearance, the Japanese one is similar to On one bush, up to 20 buds can develop, and they do not bloom immediately, but one by one.

Variety of eustoma

Breeders have created many varieties of eustoma: with white inflorescences, apricot, pink, yellow and even greenish shades. There are also varieties that combine several representatives of the color spectrum. The selection of this plant is very relevant in countries such as the USA and Japan. It was here that the Japanese rose (photo below) with a double flower was bred. Its inflorescence no longer resembles a bell or poppy. Thanks to this, the plant is experiencing its second renaissance. It is very popular in European countries, Australia, America and Japan.

The natural color of the plant does not shine with variety. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, today there are a huge number of varieties that are characterized by a variety of not only colors, but also flower shapes.

Varieties by growing method

The natural variety of the plant is very capricious; breeders have managed to develop hybrids with fewer care requirements, for example:

  • Tall bushes that are used in garden design. These are the varieties “Aurora”, “Echo”, “Flamenco” and others.
  • Short. Grown at home, in pots: LittleBell, “fidelity”, FloridaPink, Mermaid and others.

According to the duration of the growing season

  • Annuals. They are easier to grow, since this Japanese rose does not require special care, so these varieties are most suitable for amateur gardeners.
  • Biennials. They are more demanding in terms of care, so they are most often dealt with by professionals.
  • Perennials. They simply do not exist in nature; they are grown only decoratively in pots.

By flower type

  • The Kioto variety is characterized by a large but non-double inflorescence. Color palette: red, white and pink. It grows quickly and pleases with its rapid flowering. It has amazing petal color.
  • "Echo". Japanese rose of this variety blooms profusely. A very tenacious plant, double petals of different colors.
  • "Cinderella". pleasant colors - lilac, snow-white and purple. The variety belongs to the terry variety. It gets along well at home - in a pot and in the garden.
  • A variety with medium-sized flowers, funnel-shaped and simple. The color range is extensive. Small in height, which makes it possible to cultivate plants in pots.

Japanese rose - plant care

Beginning amateur gardeners cultivate eustoma as an annual. In order to achieve re-blooming, you need to remove faded buds and properly care for the plant. We will describe exactly how below.


As for lighting, the plant prefers diffused light. When directly exposed to sunlight, brown spots may form on it - this is a burn, and they can also be observed on the bud or leaf itself. If you plant a Japanese plant, the area for it should be located in a semi-dark area. If you grow it in an apartment, in a pot, then the room must be sufficiently moist and well ventilated, otherwise the Japanese rose will simply die.


With decent and proper care, eustoma survives the winter period well. In the spring it must be replanted if the bush has grown very large. The soil should be of normal acidity, nutritious and fairly light. An important condition for transplantation is good drainage. And in order for the rose to feel more comfortable, it is recommended to add a small amount of fine sand to the soil.

Watering and fertilizing

In the natural environment, Japanese rose (eustoma) most often grows on the banks of rivers and reservoirs. But this does not mean that she likes high humidity. When grown indoors, frequent watering should be avoided. The basis should be based on the degree of drying of the soil between the previous and current watering. The water temperature should be room temperature; it is strictly forbidden to water with cold water.

The plant should be fertilized with liquid mixtures and only in

Possible problems during cultivation

Problems in caring for and growing plants can arise when the rose is exposed to pests and diseases. The flower of the plant can be affected by spider mites, whiteflies or thrips. You can get rid of lesions by treating the bush with insecticides. As for diseases, the most common are fusarium, mycosis and gray rot.

Reproduction of Japanese rose

The plant reproduces exclusively by seeds, since it cannot tolerate violations of the integrity of the root. Therefore, dividing the bush is excluded. Cuttings do not produce sprouts or roots at all. The seeds themselves can be purchased at specialized flower shops or collected from your own plants if they grow in a garden or apartment. It is recommended to collect them from November to February. The Japanese rose blooms only in the 20th week, maybe a little earlier, after germination. Therefore, if you plant a plant in the spring, then this year it will have time to bloom, delighting with the beauty and charm of the blossoming buds.

A rose should be planted in open ground no earlier than 4-8 strong and healthy leaves have formed. The procedure is performed in the evening. After planting, it is recommended to cover the top of the seedling with cellophane or a plastic bottle (cut off at the bottom) for about 3 weeks. The distance between each sprout should be at least 15 cm. To achieve better branching, stronger canes should be pinched.

At first glance, caring for a Japanese rose seems labor-intensive, but it is worth it. After all, the blooming bud itself is in no way inferior in beauty to the traditional rose for most amateur gardeners. In a bouquet, eustoma looks amazingly beautiful, albeit a little unusual.

It is no coincidence that eustoma is one of the popular ornamental plants. Its beauty can be judged by the bluish leaves and double funnel-shaped flowers with a rich color palette. During the flowering period, eustoma appears inflorescences of various shades - pink, white, lilac, purple, reaching a diameter of 7-8 cm. They look especially beautiful in a half-bloomed state, when they resemble a rose.

When eustoma flowers fully open, they look very similar to poppies. It is enough to see a blooming eustoma just once for a gardener to want to plant it in his own garden. And you shouldn’t give up on this idea, given that caring for this plant is quite simple.

Description of eustoma

During the growing season, eustoma forms strong stems 80-90 cm long. From about the middle of the shoot, it forms many strong branches, which represent formed bouquets. Eustoma began to be considered as a cultivated plant not so long ago. At first, it was considered only as a plant for growing indoors. However, subsequently the opportunity arose to cultivate this crop in open ground conditions.

Today, in relation to eustoma, agricultural cultivation techniques are used that are applicable to annuals. Its distinctive feature is that it stays blooming for a long time, even if you cut it and place it in water. It looks most vibrant during the flowering period, when it has very beautiful and long peduncles. These features contributed to the widespread spread of eustoma in Europe.

Over the past years, breeders have managed to develop many different varieties that are not similar to each other in all respects. Therefore, gardeners who decide to purchase eustoma seeds need to remember that there are only two types of this plant:

  • short;
  • tall.

It is not difficult to guess that the first ones are intended for growing indoors and on the balcony. As for tall varieties, they are usually cultivated in gardens.

Known to many as lisianthus, this plant can be grown as an annual or biennial. As a rule, this information is provided on the seed packet. Growing eustoma, which belongs to the group of biennials, does not always end successfully. Therefore, for novice gardeners, annuals are the best choice.

Look the brightest double eustoma flowers(lisianthus). You shouldn’t think too much about the shade of the flowers, because regardless of the variety, any plant will look beautiful during the flowering period.

Distinguished by a variety of colors, these flowers usually reach a diameter of 6 cm. Eustoma has served as the base plant for breeding many different hybrids, which are similar to each other except for the shade, which can be white, pink and purple. Many gardeners often grow perennial eustoma, which also has many advantages.

Typically, to grow this plant use seed sowing. The method of dividing a bush has not gained popularity due to the fact that this event rarely ends successfully. This is due to the fact that disruption of the root system severely injures the plant, after which it is very difficult for it to recover. As a result, this method leads to the death of all parts of the plant. For this reason, if you want to be guaranteed to grow eustoma at home, then you should use the seed sowing method.

However, not everything is so simple here either. First of all, difficulties may arise during seed germination. Otherwise there shouldn't be any special problems. You can sow seeds even in winter, remembering that his eustoma begins to bloom approximately in the 20th week from the moment the first shoots appear. So you should not delay sowing until spring, otherwise you will not be able to achieve flowering in the early stages. To wait for the timely appearance of flowers, it is recommended to start sowing seeds between November and February.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a suitable soil mixture, which is peat with the addition of a small amount of sand and perlite. This substrate has the most loose structure and can provide the best moisture absorption.

You can also replace this mixture with specialized soil for Saintpaulias. It is recommended to use disposable small cups as a container for sowing.

Prepared seeds placed on the soil surface, after which they need to be slightly buried into it. There may be 2-3 seeds per glass. After sowing, polyethylene is stretched over the cups to provide a greenhouse effect. After this, you need to be patient and wait for the shoots to appear. To accelerate seed germination, it is necessary to maintain a favorable temperature, which should be within 20-25 degrees. If this condition is met, the seeds will begin to germinate in about two weeks. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the seeds will grow extremely slowly in the first month.

It is not necessary to water while the seeds are under the film, since it retains moisture well. Caring for seedlings at this stage of cultivation requires ventilation at least once a week. As a result of regular intake of fresh air condensate will be discharged. Also, during this operation, you can once again make sure that young plants have enough moisture. If there are signs of drying out of the soil, you can water it with a light stream of water along the edge of the cup, after which the cups are again covered with film.

Caring for eustoma seedlings

It is necessary to care for seedlings especially carefully in the first months of life. When grown indoors, they can often stretch out, which can be avoided by providing them with diffused lighting. Artificial light makes this possible. At the end of February, the seedlings can be transferred to a windowsill located on the south side. As the sun begins to warm up more strongly, the seedlings will receive more heat and respond to this with more active growth.


In order for Irish rose (eustoma) seedlings to be strong and healthy, it is necessary to take measures to protect them from diseases. Once in two months carry out treatment with a solution of foundationazole, for the preparation of which you need to take half a teaspoon of the drug and dilute it in 0.5 liters of water. An effective measure to stimulate the growth of seedlings is spraying with Epin or Zircon.


Two months after planting, the seedlings reach a state where diving into individual pots. However, you should be extremely careful here.

Usually, eustoma seedlings tolerate picking without consequences, so they begin to grow quite soon.

Transplanting flower seedlings

In spring, seedlings of Irish rose flowers become quite large, so you can think about transplanting them into larger pots. For this you can use cups with a diameter of 7-8 cm. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. However, first the bottom of the pot should be filled with suitable drainage. This can be either expanded clay or crushed foam.

After transplanting, the pots with seedlings are transferred to a well-lit place. Gradually they are adapted to sunlight, leaving them without film for several hours. Subsequently, they are grown without polyethylene. They are grown in this state until a favorable moment arises for transplanting into open ground.

Planting Irish rose seedlings in open ground

Favorable conditions for planting seedlings in a permanent place arise already in mid-May. This can be determined by the presence of 6-8 leaves in the seedlings. When grown in open ground conditions, eustoma begins to rapidly increase in size. It is best to transplant in the evening, when the sun is not so hot. For transplanting seedlings, pits are prepared, which should correspond in size to the pots with seedlings.

The finished holes must be watered. Transplantation of seedlings is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. Upon completion, a shelter must be installed on each hole - half a plastic bottle or a transparent jar. It will be needed in case there are return frosts, and will also reduce moisture evaporation. After the last wave of frost has passed, the shelter is removed.

In order for the seedlings to immediately begin to grow and bloom profusely after transplantation, they need provide maximum illumination. The quality of soil fertility also affects the development of this plant.

When determining the frequency of watering for Irish rose flowers, they are guided by the condition of the soil. After transplantation, even before flowering, eustomas begin to fertilize. You can determine the right time to apply fertilizer by its active growth. This means that the seedlings are well rooted. This usually takes about one month. To provide young Irish rose flowers with the necessary microelements, it is recommended to use specialized complex preparations for flowering plants. So, the following easily soluble in water products are suitable for this:

  • Plantafol;
  • Kemir;
  • Kemira Lux.


Many experienced flower growers are very interested in such a plant as eustoma, because it looks very beautiful, so it can become an excellent decoration not only for an apartment, but also for a summer cottage. Growing a two-year-old eustoma in open ground is not so difficult. However a lot depends on the quality of the seedlings. Therefore, sowing seeds of Irish rose flowers must be carried out at a suitable time - usually this is done in the interval from November to February.

This race in time allows you to get the first flowers in the spring. However, this is only possible with proper care during growing seedlings and after transplanting young eustoma plants.

Eustoma, or lisianthus, is included in the Gentian family. This is a lush ornamental plant with graceful flowers, very similar to roses. Although eustoma is a perennial plant in its natural habitat, when grown in open ground it can only live for 1 year. In potted culture, its age reaches several years.

Eustoma (from the Latin name - “Eustoma”) has many other names. People call it herbal, Irish, Japanese, French or Chinese rose (not to be confused with hibiscus), and in the USA the plant is nicknamed “Texas bell.”

The flower has strong stems, in most species growing to a height of 1 m. Approximately 50 cm from the ground they begin to branch. Moreover, over 30 buds are often formed on each shoot during flowering. They bloom not at one moment, but one after another, so the Texas rose is decorated with beautiful flowers for a long time and is very attractive.

Looking at the leaves of eustoma, it seems that they are made of wax. This impression is largely due to their bluish color and matte surface. The flowers are large, 5–8 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped. In decorative floriculture, double plant species are more often used, although there are also non-double ones. Their color may vary: white, pink, lilac, plain or with a border. When the flower opens halfway, it looks very much like a garden rose. Later it takes on a resemblance to a double poppy.

Lisianthus grows wild in the Southern Hemisphere: in the southern territories of North America, including Mexico, in the northern part of South America and on the islands located in the Caribbean Sea. It prefers to settle in river valleys, where it receives enough moisture.

How to grow eustoma at home (video)

Popular types and varieties of eustoma

Botany knows about 60 plant species. Two of them are used in floriculture: eustoma grandiflora and Russell. Moreover, some scientists believe that this is the same species.

Mostly tall varieties are used for growing in the garden. They look good in flower beds and as cut flowers. The height of the stems is more than 70 cm:

  • Aurora: reaches 90–120 cm, and the main advantage of the variety is its early flowering - it occurs 3 weeks earlier than the others;
  • Echo: much lower - the height of the stems is only 70 cm, but they branch strongly and form a spreading bush, and the color of the flowers can be very diverse, including two-tone.

To grow eustoma at home or on the balcony, low-growing varieties are used, whose height does not exceed 45 cm:

  • "Loyalty" with single white flowers, growing up to 12 cm;
  • Mermaid- a true “dwarf” no higher than 15 cm, abundantly branched and decorated with numerous simple flowers with a diameter of 5–6 cm of various colors;
  • Florida Pink- “French rose” with pink single flowers, forming a bush of regular shape.

These are just a few varieties, although there are many more and breeders are working on developing new ones.

Mostly tall varieties of eustoma are used for growing in the garden.

Features of growing eustoma

The Irish rose has important features that influence its method of reproduction. The main one is the unusually delicate root system.

From tubers

It is impossible to propagate eustoma by dividing the rhizome. If the fragile root system is affected, the mother plant will be destroyed and new seedlings will not be obtained. This makes it very difficult to breed lisianthus - it is carried out only by seeds. But, when you don’t want to bother with growing seedlings, you can try to find young seedlings that are more tolerant to replanting in a flower shop or from amateur gardeners. But even then, the risk that the plant will die remains.

From seeds

Most gardeners propagate eustoma by seeds - both for growing in the garden and for potting. This process requires great attention, caution and painstakingness.. But if you follow all the recommendations, the idea will definitely turn out to be a success.

The difficulty of propagation lies both in the risk of injuring the sensitive roots of the seedling and in the microscopic size of the seeds themselves. According to rough estimates, 1 g of seed contains 23,000 pieces. Seeds that are sold in stores undergo a special treatment that increases germination: its percentage is 60%, which is quite good and makes it possible to grow a capricious plant.

Gallery: eustoma (44 photos)

Eustoma planting technology

To succeed, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for planting French rose seeds and follow them. Eustoma is capricious during the growth period and requires certain conditions, so the “instructions” must be strictly followed.

In open ground

If you want to decorate a flowerbed in the garden with eustoma, you will have to take care of sowing seeds for seedlings in early spring: approximately at the end of February or at the very beginning of March. So the plant will bloom in mid-summer or in August - it largely depends on the weather. For planting, use containers (can be replaced with other suitable containers) and soil mixture for flower plants. It must be sterilized and have a low nitrogen content. Soil with a pH of 6-7 is optimal.

The process of growing seedlings consists of several stages. Each of them is important!

  1. Try to distribute small seeds evenly over the surface of the ground in a container. There is no need to bury or sprinkle them, just gently press them to the soil with your palm. The container is covered with polyethylene or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Leave a small gap for ventilation. In early spring there is usually not enough light, and young seedlings will need 10 to 12 hours of daylight. Therefore, it is recommended to place them on a south or south-west window and additionally illuminate them with phytolamps. The temperature during the day should be around 20°C, and at night drop to a maximum of 14°C.
  2. Caring for a container with planted eustoma involves spraying the seeds as the soil dries with warm water from a spray bottle. This may not be required, because condensation collects inside the greenhouse. You need to focus on the condition of the earth.
  3. In a maximum of 2 weeks, the first seedlings should appear. After this, the shelter is removed so that they do not grow into “greenhouse plants.” They are periodically sprayed with a solution of “Fitosporin” to prevent diseases.
  4. After the appearance of 2 full-fledged leaves (approximately 1.5 months after planting - in April), the seedlings are picked and planted in separate pots. The preferred diameter of the dish is about 5 cm.
  5. At the end of May or the first ten days of June, young plants can be transplanted into the ground without damaging the roots. Therefore, the earthen lump must be removed carefully and try not to destroy it.

The distance between plants should be 15-20 cm. All that remains is to care for the eustoma and wait for its gorgeous flowering, which will begin after mid-summer.

2 weeks after planting the seeds, the first eustoma seedlings should appear

In a pot at home

Planting for potting is very similar to the process described above. Only the timing and nuances differ. In order for the French rose to bloom in winter, planting is carried out several months in advance: from July to autumn. They also use a container and a flower substrate, which can be replaced with a mixture of sand and peat, taken in equal proportions.

After diving, which is carried out after the appearance of two leaves, the plants are planted in a pot, cared for and waiting for flowering, which occurs with this planting scheme approximately in January or at the very beginning of February.

Timing and features of planting eustoma in Siberia

The Siberian climate is harsh and unpredictable. It cannot be called ideal for growing southern eustoma, but with the right approach everything will work out. It is important to follow the rules:

  1. Seeds are planted in early March.
  2. An important deviation from the “standard” recommendations for planting in the ground is that it is carried out based on the climatic characteristics of the region. You need to focus on the weather. Seedlings are planted in open ground only if the threat of return frosts has passed - they will instantly destroy the plant.
  3. Seedlings are planted in cloudy weather and in the evening, when the sun has almost set below the horizon. So the chance that the seedlings will take root will be slightly higher.
  4. In the first 2-3 weeks, the transplanted plants are insulated. This must be done at night and in cold weather. Use regular film or cut plastic bottles with a volume of 1-2 liters.

These little tricks will help you grow an elegant flower in Siberian conditions.

How and what to feed eustoma (video)

Secrets of caring for eustoma in the garden

In order for eustoma to grow into a beautiful bush, it needs to be properly cared for. For example, it is necessary to pinch the top of the main shoot after 8 leaves appear, so that the plant bushes more strongly. Since buds form on all shoots, the more there are, the better! A flowers that show signs of wilting should be cut off immediately, because it stimulates the formation of new ones. Flowering will become more abundant and longer.

Frequency and rules of watering

The plant is watered, observing the condition of the substrate. This largely depends on climatic conditions. The soil should be moistened when it dries 2 cm deep. More frequent watering can lead to rotting of the tender roots.

Feeding eustoma in the garden

The time for fertilizing comes 1 month after the seedlings are moved into open ground. At this moment, the rooting period ends and the eustoma begins to actively “grow.” You can use universal fertilizers to fertilize ornamental flowering plants. But when preparing the solution, you should make the concentration 4 times weaker than indicated in the instructions for the product (for example, take a quarter cap instead of a whole one).

Be sure to pinch the top of the main eustoma shoot after 8 leaves appear, so that the plant bushes more strongly.

Disease prevention and pest protection

Eustoma is vulnerable to diseases and pests, therefore It is imperative to take preventive measures:

  1. Use only sterilized soil for growing seedlings.
  2. Before planting in open ground, seedlings are treated with Fundazol.
  3. The seedlings are sprayed several times with Epin or Zircon. They will strengthen the plants, which will make them more resistant to both unfavorable conditions and diseases.
  4. Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. Although the French rose is a tropical plant, it doesn't like it. Due to excess moisture, fungal diseases of the roots and lower parts of the stems develop, which can destroy the entire plant.
  5. Weed to ensure good ventilation at the base of the shoots.
  6. The use of the drug "Ridomil Gold" allows you to prevent Fusarium wilt caused by the activity of the fungus.

Preparing eustoma for winter

In open ground, the French rose dies during wintering. The only options for “rescue” are to carefully transplant it into a pot and use it as a houseplant, or cut it, leaving two internodes on the main shoot, and place it for the winter in a cool but bright room (with a temperature of 12 ° C) with periodic watering. The chance that the eustoma will survive the transplant is very small, but still exists.

In open ground, the French rose dies during wintering, so you can carefully transplant it into a pot and use it as a houseplant

Caring for indoor eustoma at home

Eustoma is a difficult plant. It requires careful handling and attention. In indoor conditions, the Irish rose can live for several years. In this case, transplantation is done in extreme cases - there is a high probability that the flower will die after it.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

The plant is not like most of its counterparts from the tropics. Eustoma needs a bright but cool room. Optimal temperature - from 19 to 22 °C, and the location is on the east or west window. High air humidity will harm the eustoma, because it can provoke the appearance of rot, so good ventilation is required.

Requirements for planting pot and soil

The best soil for indoor eustoma is a mixture of bark humus and peat, taken in equal quantities. In extreme cases, you can use a universal soil mixture. For a plant, when transplanting a young seedling, take a pot “for growth”, because the French rose may not survive re-transplantation. A drainage layer is required at the bottom.

In indoor conditions, the Irish rose can live for several years.

Watering eustoma at home

Eustoma requires moderate but regular watering. The top layer of soil should dry out to a depth of 1.5–2 cm. Use soft water, standing for at least 24 hours. Lisianthus does not need spraying and can even cause serious harm.

Feeding indoor eustoma

Feeding is needed during the period of active plant development and bud formation. Use complex mineral fertilizers diluted in water. They need to be made 4 times weaker than indicated on the package.

Features of caring for eustoma in Siberia

In the special climate of Siberia, it is difficult to grow a full-fledged eustoma, because it does not tolerate cold and heat. To protect it, use small tricks:

  1. When waiting for cold weather, cover with film.
  2. During hot weather, artificial shading can be created.
  3. Do not water the plant for several days after rain.
  4. Immediately trim off wilted buds.

So there is every chance to see eustoma in its full glory on your site.

How to transplant an eustoma to a permanent place (video)

The flowering of the beautiful lisianthus continues until late autumn, and is stopped only by the arrival of frost. In place of faded buds, new ones immediately form. Such beauty is worth spending a little attention on growing capricious eustoma.

Attention, TODAY only!

The eustoma flower (lat. Eustoma) or, as it is also called, “Irish rose” belongs to the mustard family. The southern part of North America, Mexico and the Caribbean Islands is considered the homeland of this beautiful flower. The perennial eustoma is loved not only by flower growers, but also by florists due to the fact that it is perfect for arranging bouquets. When cut, the flower can last up to three weeks.

Every year more and more different varieties of Irish rose appear on the market. They all differ in the shade of the inflorescences, the height of the stem and the method of planting. You can grow lisianthus flowers not only at home, but also in your garden; they will look very impressive everywhere. In addition to cultivation, care is also important. In order for perennial eustoma to produce abundant flowering and large inflorescences, it is necessary to follow simple care recommendations.

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    Description of perennial

    Before you start growing, you need to know the characteristics of the eustoma flower and its description. Irish rose eustoma is characterized by strong and graceful stems, the height of which can reach one meter. These varieties are suitable for planting in the garden.

    There are also dwarf species; they can be planted at home in flower pots. The leaves are covered with a thin waxy coating. The foliage is a muted green hue, lanceolate-oval in shape. The stems begin to branch approximately from the middle, so even one stem can look like an independent bouquet. One stem can have up to 35 buds.

    Inflorescences can be either simple or double in delicate shades. The petals can be white, blue, pink, purple, lavender or red. There are also variegated varieties.

    Eustoma violet is especially attractive. Shades can be from rich lilac to delicate lavender. Half-opened flowers bear a slight resemblance to rosebuds, while fully opened flowers resemble double poppies. The inflorescences are large, about 7-8 cm in diameter.

    Popular varieties

    The plant can be of two types: annual and perennial. As a rule, annual plants grow in Russia. You can also grow perennials at home.

    The most common varieties:


    • Eustoma “Sapphire” is a Russian selection. The inflorescences are monochromatic, sometimes there are species with double color. The height of the stem is no more than 15 cm.
    • “Matador” - characterized by double inflorescences, very difficult to care for.


    • "Flamenco" - non-double inflorescences, stem height can reach 70 cm.
    • “Magic” - refers to Japanese selection, double inflorescences, stem height can reach 80 cm.

    Landing Features

    Many gardeners are interested in how to grow eustoma on their site. In order for eustoma to quickly take root in the garden, it is necessary to study the features of planting the plant and follow certain rules:

    • Before planting eustoma with seeds, you need to choose the right place. She prefers diffused light. It is not recommended to plant the herbaceous plant in the shade. Open sunny areas are also not suitable. Bright sunlight is needed only during the germination period.
    • The soil must be prepared in advance. To do this, you need bark humus and peat in equal parts.
    • Herbal rose is planted only by seeds. Planting perennial eustoma with roots is not practiced.
    • It is not recommended to replant the grass.
    • If eustoma lisianthus grows at home, then for abundant flowering it is best to place the pots in a cool room.
    • Due to the fact that the seeds are quite small, it is better to buy them in the form of granules.

    When is the best time to plant?

    When is the best time to plant an Irish rose?

    The most favorable time for plantingeustomaat the end of February - beginning of March.

    Seeds planted during this period will be able to sprout quite early, and flowering will begin in July and end only at the end of August.

    It is best to sow seedlings starting from December and ending in January. This is due to the fact that the bush begins to bloom 17-20 days after the first shoots appear, therefore, in order to speed up the onset of this period, sowing should be done as early as possible.

    How to grow eustoma in open ground? The temperature for growing eustoma from seeds should be no more than +20 degrees during the day and +14 degrees at night. Planting dates depend solely on the region and climatic conditions. In a temperate climate zone, the most favorable time is mid-May, when four to eight leaves appear on the sprouts.

    When to sow eustoma for propagation at home? If eustoma is grown from seeds at home, then sowing should begin from July to September.

    How to choose the right place?

    First of all, you need to remember that lisianthus is a rather light-loving plant. It needs up to 12 hours of sunlight per day. But there is one nuance: the light must be diffused.

    While the lisianthus sprouts have not yet become strong and are in a container at home, they need to be provided with additional lighting, for example, by placing it under lamps for a couple of hours.

    It is very important to choose the right soil. The soil should be well-drained, rich in humus, and also have neutral acidity. In addition, it is recommended that the soil is always moist.

    For planting in open ground, you will have to prepare the soil. To do this, you need to take equal parts of soil, sand, lime, perlite and humus. If Irish rose is grown at home, you can purchase a soil mixture for perennials at a specialized flower shop.

    Planting seeds

    Chinese roses are grown mainly by seed. The bulbous planting method cannot be used. Eustoma does not form bulbs. The main disadvantage of growing lisianthus from seeds is low germination. The main reasons for this problem are poor-quality planting material and violation of agricultural technology.

    Growing eustoma from seeds:

    • First of all, you need to prepare the soil. It is advisable to purchase land for planting from a flower shop. The soil must be sterilized and have neutral acidity. You can also purchase peat tablets. They will need to be soaked for 24 hours before planting the planting material.
    • It is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers and sellers. Before purchasing, it is advisable to make sure that the planting material has been processed by the manufacturer and also sealed with a special gel. The presence of these procedures not only significantly increases the germination rate of seedlings, but also allows the seeds to be evenly planted in the ground.
    • It is advisable to prepare the container for planting in advance. To do this, you need to wash it in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then fill it with soil. Then the surface of the soil needs to be leveled and lightly compacted.
    • Planting material must be sown in a previously prepared substrate. The soil should be moist, but in no case wet, and its structure should be quite soft and loose. Seeds should not be covered heavily with soil. Just tamp down lightly.
    • It is recommended to water the seeds with a sprayer. It is also necessary to ensure that the planting material does not fall underground.
    • After this, you need to cover the container with cling film or a plastic bag. To ensure air circulates and the soil does not become moldy, you need to make small holes in the film. As a rule, the first shoots begin to appear 14-15 days after sowing.
    • To increase the germination rate, the container must be placed under lamps to provide additional light.
    • The temperature in the room where the container is located must be at least +20 degrees. Very often, violation of this parameter causes low germination of planting material.
    • Immediately after the first shoots appear, the film must be removed.
    • As the soil dries, the sprouts must be sprayed with a solution of phytosporin.
    • After about one and a half to two months, the seedlings should have their first leaves. After this, you can begin the diving procedure. The height of the seedlings should be at least four to five centimeters. You need to dive very carefully, since the root system of the sprouts is very weak and can be easily damaged.
    • About two weeks before planting the plant in open ground, the sprouts must begin to be hardened off. This is done gradually. In the first couple of days, the container should be taken out into the open air for several hours. It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight. Sprouts should only be hardened off in warm, dry weather.
    • Before planting in open ground, the soil must be prepared. The ground should be weeded and cleared of weeds, and also watered.
    • It is important to remember that after planting seedlings in open ground, they must be covered with bottles.

    Propagation by root

    How to plant a Chinese rose using root division? As a rule, the process of root propagation in eustoma is always unsuccessful. The root system of the plant is very delicate and can be easily damaged. Even the slightest careless actions can harm the root.

    In most cases, with this method of planting, lisianthus not only does not take root, but also dies. Therefore, it is recommended to abandon this method of cultivation and resort to growing the plant with seeds.

    Plant care

    Eustoma requires special care. Basic care procedures include:

    • Watering;
    • Loosening the soil;
    • Application of mineral and organic fertilizers;

    1. 1 Watering

    The plant requires watering as the soil dries out. Watering should not be abundant. If the weather is dry, it is recommended to increase their number.

    1. 2 Loosening the soil.

    It is advisable to weed once every two weeks so that more oxygen penetrates the soil. In addition, it is important to get rid of weeds on time.

    1. 3 Application of mineral and organic fertilizers.

    The first feeding is carried out after the seedlings have taken root in a new place. It is recommended to do this about a month after the dive. It is advisable to use high-quality mineral fertilizers that are completely soluble in water. For these purposes, you can use a series of fertilizers for flowering plants “Plantafol”. At the beginning of June, it is necessary to add “Plantafol Rost” with a high nitrogen content to the soil. In July and August "Plantafol Budding". This fertilizer already contains less nitrogen, but more phosphorus. This type of mineral fertilizer from the entire series will promote abundant flowering and the formation of lush buds. Instead of Pantafol, you can use Kemira or Kemira Lux fertilizer. It can be used at the root.

    1. 4 Prevention of diseases and pests.

    Eustoma is susceptible to diseases such as:

    • Fusarium wilt.

    The disease is caused by fungal bacteria. They develop in the absence of sunlight, high temperatures and high soil moisture. Fusarium wilt is difficult to control because the bacteria live in the soil itself. Affected plants must be removed from the site immediately. The soil should be sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with a mixture of ash and sulfur.

    • Gray rot.

    The first sign of gray rot is dark gray spots on the leaves. To cope with this disease, the affected plants need to be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture. Fungicides can also be used. If the leaves are severely affected, then such specimens must be urgently removed from the area so that the fungus does not spread to other crops.

    • Powdery mildew.

    The first sign of powdery mildew is a white coating. It appears on leaves and stems. The cause of powdery mildew is excess moisture. Fungicides can be used to control the disease.

    Eustoma can also be affected by various insects. Basically, these are wingless flies, fungus gnats and aphids. These insects feed on the sap of the plant, which causes it to wilt. The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. If bugs and larvae appear on the bushes, they urgently need to be treated with insecticides. Larvae and adult insects can be removed manually.

    As mentioned earlier, the Irish rose is most often grown as an annual. To preserve the bushes, you can dig them up for the winter and plant them in pots at home. And in the spring, plant them again in open ground.

    This method has a significant disadvantage. The plant does not tolerate transplantation well, so it may take a month to adapt. A sharp change in temperature and a decrease in the amount of light can cause the bushes to begin to wither. To prevent this, lisianthus should be potted in late August or early September. This will make it easier for him to adapt to new conditions. In addition, you need to reduce the number of waterings. In a new location, the bushes will not be able to absorb large amounts of moisture, and the root system may begin to rot.

    So that lisianthus can quickly get used to the new environment, it is better to first place the containers with it on the balcony or loggia, and after a few days bring it into the house. This way he can get used to the decreasing amount of sunlight.

    There is another common way of wintering. Before transplanting into containers, the stems must be cut to the very root. After such pruning, new basal shoots may form.


    Eustoma is a wonderful plant that is suitable not only for growing in the garden, but also for decorating flower arrangements and various bouquets. When cut, it can stand for a long time, up to three weeks, and not lose its original appearance. There are two types of plants - perennial and annual. In Russia, annuals are most often grown. Currently, many hybrids have been developed. The inflorescences come in various colors - white, pink, red, yellow, all shades of purple. The only disadvantage when growing eustoma is that it is very capricious. Seed germination is very low.

    This planting method, such as dividing the rhizome, is not suitable. The root system of the Irish rose is very fragile and can be easily damaged. It is advisable to buy planting material from reliable manufacturers. It is also very important to follow certain planting rules in order to increase the germination rate of sprouts. Planting eustoma seeds is a rather painstaking task. Care after planting in open ground is also very important. If you apply various fertilizers on time, the plant will delight you with abundant and lush flowering until the fall.


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