Tyutchev has an initial analysis in the fall. Analysis of the poem “There is in the original autumn” by Tyutchev

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5th grade

F.I. Tyutchev.
"Is in initial autumn...»

Lesson summary on analyzing poetic text

Goals: continue to develop students’ ability to read and perceive landscape poetry; skills of analyzing poetic text.


1. The teacher’s word about the poet.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev spent almost twenty years abroad, working in the Russian diplomatic mission. When he returned to Russia, he settled in St. Petersburg, occasionally visiting his native village of Ovstug in the Bryansk province. Such trips helped Tyutchev to experience the joy and beauty of Russian nature in a new way.

On August 22, 1857, the poet and his daughter Maria set off from Ovstug to Moscow. The road was tiring, father and daughter were dozing. And suddenly he took from her hands a piece of paper with a list of postal stations and travel expenses and on the back of it began to quickly write:

There is in the initial autumn
Short but wonderful time
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only a web of thin hair
Glistens on the idle furrow.

Maria, seeing her father’s hand trembling impatiently, and the stroller bouncing on potholes preventing her from writing, takes a pencil and paper from him and, under his dictation, finishes the poem:

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away -
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...

2. Analysis of the poem.

We analyze the poem during the conversation, writing down the main thoughts in a notebook.

In the poem “There is in the original autumn...” Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev conveys to the reader his mood, his travel impressions of the autumn landscape, his thoughts.

– How many stanzas is the poem divided into? What does each stanza say?

In the first quatrain, the poet describes the picture of nature that he sees. In the second stanza, he remembers the time of the harvest, and then carefully peers into the cobwebs on the stubble (on an idle furrow). In the third stanza, he says that winter storms are ahead, but now the poet does not want to think about them and is enjoying the last warmth.

– What epithets does the poet use?

To create a mood of gentle sadness and solemnity, Tyutchev uses expressive epithets: in the primordial autumn, a wondrous time, a vigorous sickle, on an idle furrow (on idle- that is, on a vacationer on whom work has been completed), clear and warm azure, resting field.

Finding metaphors: the sickle walked, the azure flowed. The poet compares the web to a hair: only the cobwebs of thin hair shine; he calls blue sky azure. We, following the poet, imagine the field as a large resting person.

Nature froze in anticipation, and only two verbs help convey the state of peace in the first quatrain: There is And costs.

– What is the rhyming method in these stanzas? What does it help convey? Observe the length of the lines.

We imagine that the poet looks thoughtfully at the autumn field and reflects leisurely. This state of thoughtfulness conveys different way rhymes (in the first stanzas the rhyme is cross, in the third it is circular, or encircling), different lengths lines: long lines of 10 syllables rhyme with shorter ones of 8 syllables, lines of 11 syllables rhyme with lines of 9 syllables. Shorter lines follow long ones, the rhythm seems to be lost, and this creates the impression that the person is tired and wants to rest.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard, (11 syllables)

But the first winter storms are still far away - (12 syllables)

And pure and warm azure flows (11 syllables)

To a resting field... (9 syllables)

Describing an autumn day, Tyutchev conveys to readers the beauty of nature, the mood of sadness and peace.

3. Expressive reading of a poem by F.I. Tyutcheva.

4. Miniature essay “The Journey of the Golden Leaf.”

Ulyanovsk region

The poem “There is in the original autumn..,” F.I. Tyutchev is one of the most beautiful, poetic, melodic and perfect in terms of artistic talent elegies.

Elegy is a genre dominated by a certain philosophical orientation, the motive of farewell, departure, and preservation of the purity of the soul. F.I. Tyutchev uses images of nature to express the complex world of the human soul. At the same time, in his artistic world a predilection is manifested precisely for the borderline states of the soul and nature. Tyutchev's elegies and melodic landscape sketches are one of the ways to overcome the loneliness of life. The poet repeatedly complained about certain “fits of melancholy,” which were most likely generated by a feeling of the finitude of existence.

It is known that Fyodor Ivanovich did not consider himself a professional poet. His lyrical revelations are most often improvisations, sketches made based on living impressions. The poet himself sometimes felt their incompleteness, shortcomings and flaws. However, it is precisely these qualities that make them so memorable and realistic. An unprocessed gold bar is sometimes more valuable and more important than a finely polished counterfeit.

The poem reveals a favorite feature of F.I.’s poetics. Tyutchev - emphasizing the vertical coordinates of artistic space. In the poet's worldview, this technique is associated with the idea of ​​​​the transition from earthly life to immortality, from earth to heaven.

The first stanza in this regard is a small exposition. Autumn in poetry is always associated with the motive of completing a certain life cycle nature: in the spring everything blooms, in the summer it smells fragrant, and in the fall nature prepares for winter sleep. F.I. Tyutchev subtly identifies a special period in autumn - the initial one. It is at this time that nature stands, as it were, on the verge of the blossoming of its beauty in its entirety and the inevitability of rapid fading. The epithet “crystal” fully characterizes the fragility and short duration of this period. In the last stanza of “And the evenings are radiant” F.I. Tyutchev emphasizes the motif of light.

In the second stanza, the poet emphasizes that the harvest ends by autumn: “Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell, Now everything is empty.” The move in the construction of the second stanza is interesting: from a generalized picture of the harvest to the subtlest artistic detail: “Only a cobweb of thin hair Glistens on an idle furrow.” It is symbolic that there is a feeling of completion of agricultural work, an awareness of the importance of their results, but at the same time there is no feeling of carefree idleness. Space and emptiness evoke only light sadness in the lyrical hero. However, the fragile beauty of the natural world forces him, forgetting about everything, to stand and admire: “And pure and warm azure pours onto the resting field.”

Thus, the nature of F.I. Tyutcheva performs the function of a harmonizing principle. Only in communication with nature is a person able to experience the feeling of eternity.

Analysis of the poem - There is in the initial autumn...

A poetic work, as is known, is much more complex in its content than a prose one: there is a huge thematic material “squeezed” into a very limited form, and an increase in meanings that elude the inattentive eye, and a mass of unsaid things that arise in the imagination of an astute reader. Every word in a lyrical work, even the smallest one, can tell a lot.

In the poems of Tyutchev, an unsurpassed master of landscape lyricism, the word takes on a new meaning: it begins to sound differently. Almost all of his poems are original sketches of various seasons: when reading the poems of F.I. Tyutchev, the reader can immediately reproduce in his imagination the features of winter or summer, spring or autumn.

Tyutchev's depiction of nature deserves close attention. It is impossible to imagine a person’s life in which there is no place for admiration for the beauty of the surrounding world. Admiration for the beauty of nature is one of the distinguishing features of Tyutchev's poetry. That is why every poem praising our native nature deserves the closest attention.

Tyutchev portrays nature as a living being that lives and changes. The poet shows how closely nature is connected with human life. Really, the world has a huge impact on a person. In this poem, the poet talks about the beginning of autumn. This is an amazingly beautiful time. Nature seems to be giving away all her bright colors. Nature is preparing for bed, finally pleasing the human eye with magical beauty. The days become inexpressibly beautiful, the world around is amazingly beautiful. The weather brings special joy - soft, striking with its magical calm:

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

But at the same time human soul troubled by painful thoughts. Autumn always reminds us of the imminent onset of cold weather. Therefore, certain changes appear in the world around us, causing us to worry especially acutely. last days heat.

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -

Only a web of thin hair

Glistens on the idle furrow.

People finish their usual work associated with the onset of the new season. Full swing Preparations for winter are underway. Now the fields are no longer pleasing with the lush growth of wheat, and the cold is gradually creeping in.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But the first winter storms are still far away -

And pure and warm azure flows

To the resting field...

Nature gives a person a wonderful opportunity to relax before the onset of winter blizzards, enjoy the beauty of the world around us. Moreover, the usual work is completed and you can immerse yourself in contemplation of the beauty of nature.

The poem creates a vivid and distinct feeling of the inextricable connection of a person with the world around him. The beauty of nature does not exist on its own. It makes a person feel especially acutely that he belongs to this world. It is impossible to indulge in gloomy thoughts and reflections, watching the leisurely change of seasons, affecting the mood so unobtrusively and easily.

The poet uses the most exquisite epithets that convey his attitude towards the world around him: “wonderful time”, “crystal day”, “radiant evening”. What is behind these words? First of all, the poet wants to show his admiration for everything that surrounds him. All nature enjoys the change of seasons, the onset of the most beautiful time of the year - autumn.

"Crystal Day" is an amazing intangible gem. It cannot be touched, it can only be felt. And how happy a person should be who knows how to admire what surrounds him! "Crystal Day" in the reader's understanding seems surprisingly beautiful and transparent. The familiar outlines of objects and phenomena in the transparent air begin to seem even more pure and gentle.

This amazingly beautiful “wonderful” time is very short. Before you know it, the cold will take its toll. And the world around us will lose such an exciting brightness of colors. The first cold rains and winds will wash away the transparency and radiance of the “crystal day”. And a person will only have to remember this amazing time. It is no coincidence that “cobwebs of fine hair” are mentioned. Hair can always break easily. And this will certainly happen as soon as the period allotted by nature for admiration has passed.

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A poetic work, as is known, is much more complex in its content than a prose one: there is a huge thematic material “squeezed” into a very limited form, and an increase in meanings that elude an inattentive eye, and a mass of unsaid things that arise in the imagination of an astute reader. Every word in a lyrical work, even the smallest one, can tell a lot. It is impossible to imagine a person’s life in which there is no place for admiration for the beauty of the surrounding world.

Indeed, the world around us has a huge impact on people. In this poem, the poet talks about the beginning of autumn. This is an amazingly beautiful time. It’s as if nature is giving away all its bright colors as a farewell gift. She gets ready for bed, finally pleasing the human eye with magical beauty. The days become inexpressibly beautiful, the world around is amazingly beautiful. The weather brings special joy - soft, striking with its magical calm:

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

But at the same time, the human soul is disturbed by painful thoughts. Autumn always reminds us of the imminent onset of cold weather. Therefore, certain changes appear that make us feel especially acutely about the last days of summer.

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -

Only a web of thin hair

Glistens on the idle furrow.

People finish their usual work associated with the onset of the new season. Preparations for winter are in full swing. Now the fields are no longer pleasing with the lush growth of wheat, and the cold is gradually creeping in.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But the first winter storms are still far away -

And pure and warm azure flows

To the resting field...

The poem creates a vivid and distinct feeling of the inextricable connection of a person with the world around him. The beauty of nature does not exist on its own. It makes a person feel especially acutely that he belongs to this world. It is impossible to indulge in gloomy thoughts and reflections, watching the leisurely change of seasons, affecting the mood so unobtrusively and easily.

The poet uses the most exquisite epithets that convey his attitude towards the coming time of year: “wonderful time”, “crystal day”, “radiant evening”. What is behind these words? First of all, the poet wants to show his admiration for everything that surrounds him. All nature enjoys the change of seasons, the onset of the most beautiful time of the year - autumn.

“Crystal Day” is an intangible jewel. It cannot be touched, it can only be felt. And how happy a person who can see this beauty should be!

“Radiant Evening” seems to shine different colors. The palette of nature is surprisingly rich. It has many colors, shades and halftones. “Pure and warm azure flows.” Azure is reminiscent of a pure, soft blue color. This is exactly how the world around us appears with the onset of early autumn. This poem sings of autumn calm, which is also hallmark this season.

Early autumn is a very special time, it is not like all other seasons. Tyutchev recalls summer at the moment when he talks about the “cheerful sickle.” Right now the cobwebs are glistening in the sun. And this detail looks completely detached, but at the same time it makes you think about the imperceptible, almost imperceptible details that usually slip out of sight.

Now not only people, but also nature itself are resting. But this rest has nothing to do with laziness and idleness; it is a reward for long and hard work. The poet emphasizes beauty, lightness surrounding nature. And he uses vivid figurative means for this. There are often ellipses in the poem. They create a feeling of slowness and some understatement. This is exactly how it should be in reality, because thinking about the autumn landscape can never be associated with stormy emotions. The poem evokes many different associations. Each reader imagines his own picture of the beauty of the surrounding nature, which is possible at the beginning of autumn.

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Analysis of the poem by F. I. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn...”

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a recognized master of poetry about nature. His works resemble colorful sketches of changes in the world around us: winter patterns, warm summer breeze, marvelous autumn time when nature is just beginning to fade. The poet speaks about the latter with particular trepidation and peace. Having met brief analysis“There is in the original autumn” according to the plan, 6th grade students will be able to appreciate the masterful transmission of feelings and sensations through the Russian poetic language. A brief analysis of the work will help them easily cope with assignments on Tyutchev’s lyrics in literature lessons.

Brief Analysis

History of creation: verse written in 1857 during a trip from Ovstug to Moscow

Theme of the poem: autumn time and reflections on life.

Composition: the poem consists of three quatrains.

Genre: landscape lyrics.

Verse size: The size of the verse is iambic, the rhyme is cross.

Metaphors: “And pure and warm azure flows.”

Epithets: "vigorous sickle", "resting field".

Comparisons: “...the day is as if it were crystal clear”.

Avatars: “...the sickle was walking...”.

Metonymy: “...the ear fell”.

History of creation

Speaking about the history of the creation of Tyutchev’s works, we must remember that the poet spends a lot of time on the road, which gave him the opportunity to constantly admire the beauty and variability of Russian nature. The poem was written in 1857 in August, when all living things are preparing for the onset of autumn.

Tyutchev and his daughter were heading from Ovstug to Moscow when inspiration overtook him. He began jotting down poems on a piece of paper with a list of travel expenses. The daughter, noticing that her father’s hands were shaking with impatience, and the potholes on the road were making it difficult to concentrate, completed the second part of the newly born poem under his dictation.


Having read the poem “There is in the original autumn”, it is difficult to believe that its author did not like autumn. For Tyutchev, this time of year brought melancholy from the realization that life is a fleeting phenomenon. But in this poem the poet depicts a wonderful moment when nature is just getting ready to fall under the power of cold winter and seemed to freeze in all its splendor.

The theme of the work is autumn nature. But Tyutchev’s landscape lyrics are characterized by a parallel reflection of reflections on life and man’s place in it. Therefore, in this work there is a second topic - reflections on life.

The poem voices a number of problems:

  • The relationship between man and nature. The beginning of autumn is beautiful, but a frosty winter is ahead. The period of maturity in people's lives is also wonderful, but youth is left behind, and the approach of old age is inexorably ahead.
  • Labor and people. The work of a peasant is not easy, but it fills life with meaning.
  • Meaning of life. The onset of autumn favors summing up the passing year and assessing it from the outside.


The poem consists of 3 quatrains, each of them acts as an independent landscape sketch. However, the quatrains acquire completeness and true meaning only when read as a whole.


The poem “There is in the original autumn” belongs to the genre of landscape and philosophical lyrics. Tyutchev is a poet of “pure art” who does not understand the predominance of social issues in poetry. This work, like many of his other works, combines two artistic movements: realism and romanticism. Therefore, his lines are colored with accurate pictures of the surrounding nature in combination with emotional state author.

The poem is written in iambic meter. In the first two quatrains the rhyme is cross, and in the third it is encircling. Male and female alternate women's rhymes. This creates the impression of musical sound. Long lines replace short ones, characterizing the impermanence and transience of the natural state.

Means of expression

Tyutchev is known for using exquisite means of expressiveness in the poetically rich literary Russian language. To create in the poem an authentic feeling of the constant connection between man and nature, the poet uses the following artistic techniques:

  • Graceful epithets: “...radiant evenings”, “...cheerful sickle...”, “...on an idle furrow”, which accurately convey the highest degree of admiration for the surrounding nature.
  • Metaphors: “And pure and warm azure flows,” “...webs of thin hair.”
  • Personifications: “...the day is standing...”, “... the sickle was walking...” .
  • Comparisons: “...the day stands as if it were crystal,” that is, transparent, fragile, intangible for both the poet and his reader.
  • Metonymy, or rather its version of synecdoche: “...the ear fell”

In the work there are ellipses twice, which create a feeling of understatement and the opportunity to “think out”, to present to any of the readers their own picture of the “original” autumn season.


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