Which petunia has the longest lashes? Petunia: photos and names of the best varieties

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Petunia (petunia) (lat. Petunia) is a perennial or annual, herbaceous or subshrub flowering plant that belongs to the class Dicotyledons, order Solanaceae, family Solanaceae, genus Petunia.

The first name of petunia Nicotiana axillaris appeared thanks to the French naturalist Jean Baptiste Lamarck, who in 1793 discovered and described this plant during a scientific expedition to the countries of South America. This small error arose due to the similarity of the leaves of these plants with tobacco leaves. When, ten years later, several more species similar to Nicotiana axillaris were found, they were separated into a separate genus, which was named Petunia from the Brazilian word “petun”, meaning “tobacco”. The Russian definition of the plant “petunia” appeared as a result of a free reading of the scientific name of the flower.

Petunia - description, characteristics, photo. What does petunia look like?

Petunia is a plant with a weakly branched, tap-type root system with adventitious roots and shallow burial. Stems Petunias are round, colored green, densely branched, with shoots of the second and third orders. Depending on the species or variety, they can be either erect or creeping, low-growing (20 to 30 cm in height) or tall (with a stem height of 60 to 70 cm).

Various in shape and size, sessile or with short stalks leaves Petunias are green or dark green.

On the shoots they are arranged in the same order. Both the leaves and stems of these plants are completely covered with small hairs.

Flowers petunias with short stalks, solitary, funnel-shaped, with a bell widening towards the top, are located in the axils of the leaves of the plant.

The corolla, with a diameter of 5 to 16 cm, is formed by five smooth or folded petals fused together, the edges of which can be smooth, wavy and even corrugated.

Coloring Petunia amazes with its variety of colors and shades. The main background of the flower can vary from snow-white to light pink and dark purple or from soft lavender to blue-black.

In addition, veins of a darker color piercing the petals of flowers, contrasting spots, and a light edging of the edge of the corolla or center of the flower give the overall color of the petunia a deeper saturation.

After the plant has flowered, a fetus, having the form of a bicuspid capsule with small seeds, the number of which ranges from 100 to 300 pieces.

Where does petunia grow in the wild?

The natural habitat of petunias includes Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. One of the species is found even on the North American continent. In the warm climate of these countries, petunias are perennial. Due to their beauty and variety of shapes of bushes and flowers, petunias have become popular among gardeners. Today, these flowers are cultivated in the countries of Western, Central and Eastern Europe, including throughout Russia, as well as in Central, Middle and South-West Asia. In cooler climates, petunias are grown as annuals. In addition, in many countries around the world, petunias are favorite house flowers that grow in pots on windowsills, in boxes or hanging vases on balconies.

Types of petunias, names and photos

Despite the fact that this plant has been known to scientists for more than 200 years, there is still no scientific classification of petunias. While botanists were engaged in heated discussions about the specific name of the plant and whether it belonged to a particular species, breeders were working on creating completely new species of these flowers with many subspecies and hybrids.

Today there is reliable information about 21 species of petunias that grow in the wild:

  • Petunia altiplana (T. Ando & Hashimoto)
  • Petunia × atkinsiana (D. Don ex W.H. Baxter)
  • Petunia axillaris (Lam.) (Britton, Sterns & Poggenb)
  • Petunia bajeensis (T. Ando & Hashimoto)
  • Petunia bonjardinensis (T. Ando & Hashimoto)
  • Petunia exserta (J.R. Stehm. in Napaea)
  • Petunia guarapuavensis (T. Ando & Hashimoto)
  • Petunia hybrida ()
  • Petunia inflata (R.E.Fr.)
  • Petunia integrifolia (Hook.) (Schinz & Thell)
  • Petunia interior (T. Ando & Hashimoto)
  • Petunia littoralis (L.B. Sm. & Downs)
  • Petunia mantiqueirensis (T. Ando & Hashimoto)
  • Petunia nyctaginiflora ()
  • Petunia occidentalis (R.E. Fr.)
  • Petunia patagonica (Millán)
  • Petunia reitzii (L.B. Sm. & Downs)
  • Petunia riograndensis (T. Ando & Hashimoto)
  • Petunia saxicola (L.B. Sm. & Downs)
  • Petunia scheideana (L.B. Sm. & Downs)
  • Petunia violacea (Lindl.)

Below is a description of several varieties of petunias with photographs.

  • Petunia axillaria ( Petunia axillaris)

Grows in southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. This is an annual plant with herbaceous creeping and spreading stems no more than 0.6 m high, forming lush bushes whose diameter can reach 0.7 m. The surface of the stems is covered with hard glandular hairs. The softly pubescent leaves of petunia are ovate or ovate-oblong in shape, have a solid edge and reach a length of 50 mm with a width of up to 15 mm. They sit on the stem without a petiole and have a regular arrangement. Single, simple, white petunia flowers have a funnel shape and short pedicels, located in the axils of the leaves and on the tips of the shoots. The narrow tube of the flower is up to 50 mm long with a corolla diameter of up to 60 mm. The flowering period of axillary petunia begins in mid-July and lasts until the first frost.

  • Petunia violet ( Petunia violacea, Petunia integrifolia )

Also called shanin. The height of this annual plant with herbaceous spreading shoots rarely exceeds 30 cm, while the diameter of the bush can reach 75 cm or more. Slightly concave, green-colored leaves with solid edges have an elliptical shape and are located opposite each other on the shoots. Quite small violet or purple funnel-shaped petunia flowers with a corolla diameter of 2.5 to 5 cm grow on short stalks from the axils of the leaves.

Under natural conditions, it is a typical endemic of the Serras de Sudeste region, located in southern Brazil. Erect herbaceous shoots, covered with fine hairs, form compact petunia bushes 30-50 cm high and up to 40 cm in diameter. Quite large green ovoid leaves with a sharp nose and a solid edge are arranged on the shoots in a regular order. Bright red funnel-shaped flowers with a long tube open with an unusual corolla in the form of a pointed star, which is formed by petals strongly turned outward. The flowering period of this type of petunias lasts from the beginning of summer and continues until autumn.

Grows in the southern regions of Brazil. This is a perennial plant with herbaceous, branched shoots that creep along the ground, which form quite extensive “pillows” no more than 5 cm high. The surface of petunia shoots is densely covered with glandular hairs about 1 millimeter long. Small ovoid leaves with a pointed base and a rounded nose are covered with small hairs only along the edge and along the central vein. The length of the leaves ranges from 1 to 2.5 cm (in some plants up to 4.8 cm), and the width - from 0.5 to 1.5 cm (in rare cases up to 2.9 cm). The petunia flower is funnel-shaped with a short (no more than 25 mm) tube, which ends in a corolla, the diameter of which ranges from 20 to 30 mm, reaching 45 mm in some plants. The corolla, formed by rounded petals, is colored red-violet.

  • Petuniabajeensis

It is an endemic species native to the southern part of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande. These are perennial plants with erect, herbaceous, branched stems from the base, the height of which ranges from 20 to 40 cm. They form bushes with a diameter of about 1 meter. The entire surface of petunia stems is densely covered with hard white hairs about 1 mm long. Dense, slightly pubescent green leaves have a variety of shapes and sizes. They can be elongated-elliptical and lanceolate-oblong, from 4 to 7.5 cm long and from 1.4 to 3.3 cm wide. Petunia flowers are funnel-shaped with a rather long tube (from 35 to 48 mm) of a reddish-violet color and a corolla whose diameter does not exceed 28 mm. The color of the petunia corolla can vary from pale pink to light purple.

  • Petunia scheideana

This is a type of petunia that is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Brazil. These are perennial herbaceous plants with branched and spreading yellow-green shoots, the length of which can reach 70 cm. The surface of the petunia stems is covered with sparse villi. Ovate or elongated lanceolate leaves with many veins are attached to the shoots in a regular order on short (no more than 10 mm) petioles. The length of the leaf blades does not exceed 4.5 cm with a width of up to 2 cm. The flowers are funnel-shaped with a rather short tube and a corolla, the diameter of which does not exceed 25 mm. Petunia petals are colored in reddish-violet or lilac tones.

Taken from: sites.google.com

Classification of petunias by bush shape

In order not to get confused in the huge variety of bred varieties and hybrids, breeders began to use classifications of petunias according to the shape of the bush, the height of the stems, the diameter of the flowers and the number of petals that make up the flower.

According to the shape of the bush they are distinguished:

  • Bush petunias,
  • Ampelous petunias,
  • Cascade petunias.

Bush petunia, photos and varieties

The group of bush petunias is the most numerous, as it includes both low-growing varieties with flowers with a diameter of no more than 50 mm, and tall plants with corolla sizes reaching 160 mm. The main condition for petunias to belong to this group is that no special measures (pruning) are required to maintain the shape of the bush. You can get a bushier bush by pinching the tops of the stems, thus stimulating the development of side shoots. Among bush-type plants, the following series and varieties of petunias are most popular among gardeners:

  • Variety "Triumph" (Triumph)

This is an annual plant with a stem height of about 0.6 m and giant flowers, the diameter of which can reach 16 cm. The corolla is formed by five divided and corrugated petals of light pink or dark pink color, with fringed edges. The flower tube is quite short. Its inner part is much darker than the main background and seems to be streaked with light stripes.

Taken from the site: petunia.ucoz.ru

  • Ultra SeriesF1" (UltraF1)

This is a series of annuals that form compact bushes up to 0.35 m high and no more than 0.4 m wide. Characterized by large, wide-open flowers with a corolla diameter of about 90 mm. These petunias have good resistance to rainy and cool weather. The flowers of this series of hybrids have a wide range of colors and shades, including “star” varieties. The petals can be colored pink, blue, purple, white, burgundy and red, hence the numerous names of varieties in this series: White, Burgundy, Red, Plume, Blue, Scarlet, Violet, Pink Star, Raspberry Star, Blue Star.

Taken from: bordines.com

  • Series "Limbo"F1" (Limbo F1)

Annual, low-growing, large-flowered petunias with highly branched stems, forming a rounded bush with a height and width of about 20 cm. Despite such modest sizes, the flowers of these petunias reach 8-12 cm in diameter. A characteristic feature of the series is early and abundant flowering, as well as resistance to precipitation. The palette of petal colors is very diverse and includes the following colors: classic white, pink, bright red, blue, purple. There are varieties colored lilac, silver, peach, purple or salmon. In addition, the variety of shades increases due to contrasting veins or light spots in the center of the flower.

Taken from the site: 1semena.ru

Ampelous petunia, photos and varieties

Ampelous petunias include plants used for growing in pots, cache-pots or containers. As their shoots grow rapidly, they form flexible, hanging lashes, ranging from 50 to 150 cm in length. These petunias are characterized by long flowering with a large number of buds. The shape of the flowers is funnel-shaped or bell-shaped, with simple or finely folded petals, the edges of which can be smooth, carved or fringed. The diameter of the corollas ranges from 15 to 80 mm, and their color can be varied, including two and three colors, with different veins, a border along the edge of the petals, and with a light or dark core. The most interesting are the following series and varieties of hanging petunias:

  • "Wave"F1)

A series of annual plants with shoots up to 120 cm long. When planting petunias in open ground, these plants create extensively flowering “carpets” that can withstand adverse weather conditions well. Petunias bloom long and abundantly. Funnel-shaped flowers with a corolla diameter from 50 to 70 mm have a variety of colors: dark blue, purple, lavender, soft pink, deep pink, light lilac, purple.

  • "Avalanche F1"

A magnificent decorative series of petunias with long (60 to 80 cm) hanging stems. When planted in a pot or cache-pot, they form flowing “streams” of fairly large flowers with a wide corolla; the diameter of the flower can reach 70-90 mm. When planted horizontally, petunia, thanks to the branching of stems of the second and third orders, forms a thick, round “cushion” with a diameter of up to 160 mm on the soil. The color of the petunia petals that form the corolla of the flower is varied and can be purple and orange, red, yellow, white and blue, salmon or pink. The palette of colors and shades of this series can be expanded by veins or white stripes emerging from the throat of the flower and creating a “star” effect.

  • "Velvet"F1)

A wonderful series of annual plants with hanging shoots stretching up to 0.8-1 meters. Varieties of petunias in this group have a high rate of stem growth and good resistance to various diseases. Numerous velvety flowers with a corolla diameter of 50 to 70 mm are excellent honey plants, so this variety of petunias is often planted in gardens to attract bees to cultivated plants. These hybrids are characterized by rather late flowering. Petunias can be dark pink, salmon or purple. The variety of color palette of this series is added by dark veins on the petals, light yellow or dark (almost black) coloring of the inner surface of the flower tube.

  • "Opera SupremeF1" (Opera SupremeF1)

A decorative series with flexible shoots, the length of which reaches 100 cm. These petunias are quite unpretentious to the duration of natural sunlight, so they can be grown in an apartment at any time of the year. Thanks to the strong branching of the stems from the petunias of the “Opera Supreme F1” series, it is possible to form not only beautiful openwork lashes, but also spherical or teardrop-shaped bushes, abundantly covered with small (50-60 mm) funnel-shaped flowers. Their color can be soft blue, blue, pale lilac, white, purple, light pink or crimson.

Taken from the site: 1semena.ru

Petunia cascade, photos and varieties

Cascading petunias are very similar to the ampelous group. These plants, like the ampelous varieties, have shoots that are very flexible, but thicker and shorter in length. In addition, in young plants of the cascade group, the stems initially grow upward. As these petunias mature and shoots lengthen, they begin to trail and hang out of the pot or container. Unlike plants of the ampelous group, the flowers of cascading petunias are larger. The most famous varieties and series of cascading petunias are:

  • "La GiocondaF1" (Gioconda F1)

A series of annual plants that can maintain flowering throughout the year. These petunias are unpretentious to weather conditions and can withstand frosts down to -8°C or heat up to +40°C. Petunia bushes are low-growing, no more than 20 cm high, with powerful, highly branched shoots up to one meter long. Numerous flowers covering the plant do not exceed 60 mm in diameter. Their color can be white, pink, salmon, orange, scarlet, scarlet, purple or violet.

Taken from the site: www.farao.it

  • "TornadoF1" (Tornado F1)

A small series of cascading petunias with numerous, rather large, funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of 50 to 70 mm. Plants in this series are characterized by the rapid growth of massive branched shoots, the length of which can reach 150 cm. The petals forming the corolla of the flower can be colored pink, red, purple, snow-white, crimson and silver. The flowering period of plants begins at the end of spring and lasts until stable frosts.

Taken from the site: cvetnik54.ru

  • "Ramblin" (Ramblin F1)

A series of petunias, which consists of 12 low-growing varieties. The height of the spreading branched bush does not exceed 35 cm, and the length of its shoots ranges from 50-60 cm to 1 meter. The numerous funnel-shaped flowers covering the plant are quite large, with a corolla diameter of about 80 mm. The petals of these petunias can be purple, lavender, hot pink, blue, or peach. There are varieties with pink, red, salmon, dark pink or snow-white buds. In addition, in this series there are varieties of petunias with two-color colors: soft lilac and light salmon interspersed with white.

  • "Burgundy F1" (Burgundy F1)

A new hybrid variety of petunias, characterized by abundant flowering. The length of the main and side shoots reaches 50-60 cm. The flowers are medium in size, with a corolla diameter of about 50-60 mm. The flowering period lasts from May to the end of September. This variety of petunias comes in two varieties, which can be purple-red or dark blue in color.

Petunia, terry and simple, varieties and photos

According to the classification based on the number of petals that make up the corolla, there are:

  • Terry petunias,
  • Simple petunias.

Petunia terry

A distinctive feature of double petunias is that their flowers consist not of 5, but of more petals. This group of plants may include tall and medium-sized, bush, cascading and hanging petunias with large or small corollas. Flowers acquire special splendor if their petals have a wavy shape and velvety edges or are covered with small folds. The varied colors of terry petunias can be plain or with various inclusions in the form of color spots, veins or a border running along the edge of the petals. Unfortunately, the exquisite beauty of these plants has its drawbacks: terry petunias are more responsive to adverse weather conditions and die during prolonged rain or frost.

Among the variety of varieties and series included in this group, the series and varieties Valentina, Double Cascade, Duo, Pirouette, Artist, Love Story, First Beauty, Tarte Bonanza, Blue Danube, Sonata, Allgefiillter Zwerg, are popular among gardeners. Fanfare.

Petunia simple

Petunias with flowers of a simple structure are the largest group, which includes tall, medium-sized and low-growing plants with an erect, ampelous and cascading bush structure. Classic funnel-shaped flowers with a long or short tube consist of five petals fused together, the edges of which can be smooth or wavy. The palette of colors in which the buds and flowers of petunias are painted is varied, and can be not only one-color (including with small veins or inclusions), but also two-color. The species and varieties of petunias included in this group are the most resistant to the vagaries of the weather and can withstand both prolonged rains or frosts and prolonged increases in air temperature without complications. Flower growers and decorators most often use the following varieties and series: Amaretto, Sun, Typhoon, Horizon, Imperial, Prague, Eagle, Daddy, Mirage, Karkulka, Dance of Passion, Morning.

Petunias with solid and corrugated petals, varieties and photos

The edges of petunia petals can be solid or corrugated (fringed).

  • A typical representative of plants with petals with a solid edge is considered variety series "Unicum". These are quite tall plants with erect, densely branched stems, the height of which can reach 50-60cm. The flowering period of all varieties of petunias included in this series begins in late spring and lasts until autumn frosts. The diameter of the funnel-shaped flowers of various colors, formed by five petals with a solid rounded edge, ranges from 50 to 70 mm.

Such petunias are successfully used for decorating flower beds, balconies and growing on windowsills.

  • Petunia petals, which are covered with small folds, with a strongly wavy or jagged edge, are called fringed. The beauty of such flowers is best manifested in variety series "Aphrodite F1". It includes annual plants with erect, densely branched shoots, from which a spherical petunia bush is formed, no more than 40 cm high. Petunia stems are densely covered with rather small ovoid leaves and funnel-shaped flowers, with a diameter of 80 to 100 mm, white, salmon or pink in color . The edges of the petals are decorated with small wavy folds, reminiscent of ruffles. The flowering period of these petunias begins in May and ends in September.

Plants of this series look great both in low-growing borders and when decorating verandas and balconies.

Petunia superb and Petunia frillitunia with wavy petals look great.

The varieties that stand out are the Most Excellent Alba, the Excellent Burgundy, the Excellent Pink, the Excellent Dark Purple, Frillitunia Burgundy, Frillitunia White, and Frillitunia Rose.

Classification of petunias by type of flowering and flower size


  • Large-flowered petunias - Grandiflora (Grandiflora);
  • Abundantly flowering petunias - Floribunda (Floribunda);
  • Small-flowered petunias – Milliflora (Milliflora);
  • Multi-flowered petunias - Multiflora (Multiflora).

Petunia grandiflora (Grandiflora), varieties and photos

The Grandiflora group includes both low-growing (25-35 cm) and tall (50-70 cm) petunias with erect compact or branched spreading bushes, with a small number of large, simple funnel-shaped or double flowers, the diameter of which ranges from 80 to 130 mm . The edges of the petals can be solid or wavy and even corrugated. Large-flowered petunias are poorly resistant to weather conditions, so they are more often used for landscaping balconies, verandas or terraces than for planting in open ground. The most famous variety series of this group are:

  • "Double Cascade F1"

This is a series of annual plants with low (25-35 cm), highly branching shoots, forming semi-compact bushes. Depending on the variety, funnel-shaped large double flowers, the corolla of which can reach a diameter of 13 cm, are painted in burgundy, dark blue, lavender-pink, soft pink and lavender colors. The surface of the petals with wavy edges can be either smooth or streaked. The varieties of petunias included in the series are characterized by an early onset of flowering.

  • "Galaxy F1"

Annual hybrids that form branched compact petunia bushes up to 25 cm high. The period of abundant flowering of this variety begins in early May and lasts until autumn frosts. Snow-white funnel-shaped flowers with a star-shaped center are formed by lacy petals that have slightly wavy edges. The diameter of the corolla ranges from 80 to 100 mm.

  • "Black Velvet"

A variety of petunias bred by British breeders. The height of the bushes does not exceed 35 cm, and its diameter is 25-30 cm. The stems are highly branched, with shoots of the second and third order. Large simple petunia flowers, resembling a bell in shape, are almost black in color. The diameter of the corolla, formed by petals with smooth edges, can reach 80 mm, and their surface has a velvety texture. Petunia blooms from late May until frost.

  • Series "Spherics"F1" (SfericaF1)

A universal group of plants used not only for decorating flower beds and lawns, but also for decorating balconies and verandas. Low-growing shoots no more than 25 cm high form a dense bush with a diameter of about 30 cm. The few funnel-shaped flowers are colored dark purple, salmon, soft pink or deep blue. The diameter of the corolla, formed by petals with a solid edge, can reach 12 cm. Unlike many large-flowered varieties, these large-flowered petunias tolerate long rains well.

  • Series "Sophistry F1" (Sophistica F1)

A group of varieties bred by American breeders. These are annual petunias with herbaceous stems from 25 to 38 cm in height, which, thanks to the good branching of the shoots, form spherical bushes with a diameter of up to 30 cm. Simple flowers are formed from slightly separated petals with a smooth or slightly wavy edge. The diameter of the corolla can reach 80-100 mm, and its color is amazing. It can be blue-blue with a shining snow-white center, soft pink with creamy white streaks, black with a purplish-red tint, lime green or pink with greenish-yellow spots. It is noteworthy that depending on the lighting, the colors of some varieties of petunias from the Sophistry series may change.

Petunia profusely blooming (Floribunda - Floribunda), varieties and photos

Petunias belonging to the Floribunda group can be called an intermediate link between large-flowered representatives belonging to the Grandiflora flowering type and multi-flowered petunias from the Multiflora group. Abundantly flowering petunias are plants with erect, branched shoots from 25 to 45 cm in height and funnel-shaped simple and double flowers with a diameter of 60 to 100 mm. They are widely used for decorative borders and flower beds, and are also suitable for home floriculture. The most commonly grown varieties of petunias are:

  • "SonyaF1" (SonyaF1)

It is one of the most popular series, including eleven hybrid varieties. These are low-growing plants up to 25 cm high with a fairly compact bush. Simple petunia flowers with a diameter of 60 to 80 mm can be colored pink, crimson, red, white, raspberry-burgundy or blue-violet. Many varieties of petunias have a two-tone color and can be pink-lilac with lilac-burgundy veins, raspberry-pink or raspberry-burgundy with a snow-white star in the center, light purple with dark veins, or red with a white border around the edge of the petal.

  • "Milky Way F1"

Low-growing petunia (up to 25 cm tall) with herbaceous, erect, branched shoots. The flowering period of petunia begins in May and lasts throughout the summer, and ends with autumn frosts. Snow-white lace petals with a slightly wavy edge and a pink star inside seem to be a symbol of awakening nature. The diameter of the corollas of petunias of this variety can reach 100 mm. These plants tolerate bad weather conditions well and do not lose their decorative value after heavy rains.

  • "Angora F1"

A new hybrid variety of petunias with well-branched erect herbaceous shoots that form compact bushes up to 45 cm high. During flowering, which lasts from June until the onset of frost, the plant is buried in a sea of ​​large (70 mm) double flowers formed by many pink petals with wavy edges .

Petunia small-flowered (Milliflora – Milliflora), varieties and photos

Small-flowered plants of the Milliflora group include annual petunias with erect stems no more than 25 cm high and numerous branched shoots, the length of which can reach 0.9 m. This group is characterized by abundant flowering. The flowers are quite small, with a diameter of 25 to 40 mm, funnel-shaped or bell-shaped. Small-flowered petunias tolerate unfavorable weather conditions well. The following varieties of petunias are popular among decorators and gardeners:

  • Petunia "Pink F1"

Belongs to the Shock series and is a real baby among the many types of petunias. This species rarely reaches a height of 25 cm, but it has well-branched, flexible and strong side shoots that grow up to 75-90 cm in length. Flowering occurs early and lasts until the first frost. During this entire period, the petunia bush is buried in a huge number of small (40-50 mm) pale pink flowers, formed by simple petals with solid rounded edges.

  • Variety "Yellow Duckling"F1"

A low-growing plant with a height of no more than 25 cm. It is characterized by well-developed side shoots, the length of which ranges from 75 to 95 cm. The flowering period of this variety begins in late spring and lasts until autumn, ending with the first frost. Petunia blooms profusely, with many small yellow funnel-shaped flowers. It is grown both in open ground, creating a lush cover, and in hanging baskets and flowerpots.

  • Picobella Series

It is characterized by compact bushes, which are abundantly strewn with small (up to 50 mm) funnel-shaped flowers of various colors. Well-groomed petunia bushes, formed by flexible herbaceous and erect shoots, have an almost spherical shape, the diameter of the bush does not exceed 25 cm. The varieties of this series are suitable for growing at home and for decorative flower beds, as they have good resistance to winds and precipitation. The petunias of this series can be painted in white, salmon, carmine, dark blue and soft lavender, pink and red tones. There are varieties with a two-color star-shaped color or with a light center.

Multi-flowered petunia (Multiflora – Multiflora), varieties and photos

The group of multi-flowered petunias (Multiflora) includes plants that form compact low-growing bushes up to 25 cm high, abundantly covered with small simple or double flowers of various colors, the diameter of which does not exceed 40-50 mm. Petunias of this group, without compromising their decorative appearance, can withstand all the vagaries of the weather, be it strong wind or heavy rain. Flowering in petunias of the Multiflora group is early and long-lasting. They are used both for creating flower beds and for growing on a windowsill or decorating balconies. Most often, gardeners use the following varieties or series of petunias:

  • "Celebrity F1"F1)

This is a series of 13 low-growing hybrids with small (no more than 50 mm) flowers of interesting colors. A characteristic feature of most of these varieties are contrasting, brightly colored veins that form a fine mesh pattern at the base of the flower funnel. Their color can be lilac-pink with burgundy-colored veins, salmon-red with dark veins, white with blue veins, blue-violet, dark red, etc. Today, about thirty varieties of the color palette inherent in petunias of this series are known.

  • Petunia "Picotee F1" (Picotee F1)

The result of the work of American breeders who created five hybrids with original colors. These are low-growing plants with herbaceous shoots that form compact bushes up to 25 cm high. A characteristic feature of this series is the white border running along the highly corrugated edge of the petals that make up the flower. The main color of the buds can be red, crimson, pink, purple or violet-blue.

  • Petunia "Glafira"

A plant with highly branching, erect shoots, the height of which can reach 30 cm. Abundant flowering of petunia begins in May and continues until cold weather. The diameter of the corolla, which is formed by simple petals with a smooth round edge, ranges from 45 to 65 mm. The color of the buds of the Glafira variety can be completely varied: blue, red, white, pink and purple, but always remains bright and rich.

Growing and caring for petunia

Thanks to its variety of bright colors and shapes, petunia is considered the “princess of flowers.” The plant is very flexible and can develop, bloom and bear fruit in different latitudes. The only thing is that in the north and in the middle zone its flowering will be more modest and shorter than in the southern latitudes. It behaves friendly with different types of flowering plants, so it can be planted in pots, containers and flower beds along with other flowers to create decorative compositions.

To make flowers delight you with their beauty in your garden plot or in pots on your balcony, during the spring-summer season you can purchase petunia seedlings from specialized flower shops or grow them yourself. Planting material can be obtained from seeds or by propagating plants by cuttings.

When to sow petunia for seedlings?

If flowering petunias are needed early (at the end of spring), sowing of seeds begins already in January. The ampelous forms, forming long vines, also begin to sow earlier, so that they have time to increase their volume. If summer flowering is necessary, petunia is planted from mid-February, including the third ten days of March. It usually takes about 3 months for the development of full-fledged healthy seedlings.

Petunia seeds are very small in size, so working with them requires attention and caution. They come in a shell and without it. Dried or granulated seeds are slightly larger in size and are easier to sow. In addition, thanks to the shell, they have protection from various damage and fungal diseases, as well as additional nutrients. When properly stored, seed remains viable for 3-4 years.

How to plant petunia seedlings with seeds?

As containers for sowing, you can use seedling pots with drainage holes made in the bottom, small plastic glasses or food containers with lids. The main thing is that the depth of the dishes should not be less than 70 mm. If it is not possible to make holes at the bottom of the containers, drainage is poured into them with a layer of about 20 mm. Granulated seeds of ampelous varieties of petunias are immediately sown in seedling pots; they will not need to be planted later.

Petunia seeds should be planted with a reserve. Due to the lack of natural light, they may not sprout, since petunias are light-loving plants. They prefer nutritious, light, loose soil. Its acidity index (pH) should not be less than 5.5, but not more than 7.0. Land for planting petunias can be purchased using peat. To make it more breathable and nutritious, vermiculite or perlite is added to it, which act as a leavening agent, as well as a little vermicompost and sand. To neutralize high acidity, add a little lime to the substrate. You can prepare soil for petunia yourself. Experienced gardeners use a mixture of equal parts of peat, leaf or turf soil and humus. To make the substrate more airy, add a small amount of sand to it.

A day before sowing petunias, prepared containers with drainage are filled with ready-made soil mixture. It is lightly compacted, but not compacted. Then the top part of the soil, about 10 mm thick, is sifted through a fine sieve, slightly leveled and well moistened. After filling the containers to their edges, there should be about 5-10 mm of free space. The seed is not buried in the ground, but placed on the surface. Granulated petunia seeds are placed on the substrate using a toothpick. For a more uniform distribution of undulated seeds over the ground, they are mixed with pre-sifted and dried river sand, and then scattered over the soil surface and leveled. The crops are carefully moistened with a spray bottle. Plain petunia seeds can be sprayed with a solution that stimulates growth. Granules or pellets should not be treated this way, but the ground must be very wet so that their shell begins to soak and melt. Sowing can be done on loose snow, pouring it into a container in a layer of 15 to 20 mm.

Do not cover the seedlings with soil or sand, otherwise they will not germinate. In a container with snow, petunia seeds can be lightly powdered with vermiculite. Containers with crops should be covered with transparent glass or placed in a plastic bag, after which they are placed in a bright room where the temperature is maintained between +20 and +25°C. After one to one and a half weeks, the seeds begin to germinate.

Until this time, they monitor the maintenance of the necessary soil and air humidity in a kind of greenhouse. Petunia seeds do not tolerate excess moisture, so the plastic bag or glass should be turned over or wiped in the morning and evening when condensation appears on them, and the greenhouse should also be ventilated once a day. To prevent the soil from drying out, it is sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate from a spray bottle or water is added to the pan.

After the first leaf opens, the number of waterings of the seedlings is reduced. Gradually reduce the daily temperature of the sprouts to +18-+20°C. Plants are hardened by moving them from the greenhouse, and after three or four days, completely removing the glass, film or lid. The soil in the container with petunias is sprinkled with sand to prevent it from becoming waterlogged.

Petunia pick

When three or four leaves appear on the sprout, the petunia is ready to be picked into separate containers, the diameter of which must be at least 70 mm. Using a small stick, the sprouts are removed from the moistened soil and replanted in special peat pots, plastic glasses, balcony boxes, and even in pots (ampels) with the same soil. Ampel varieties of petunias, planted in containers or flowerpots and located at the edge of the container, are usually immediately planted at an angle of 45°.

Picked petunia seedlings are again kept in warm rooms with a temperature of +20 to +22°C. After 10-14 days it can be reduced to +16-+18°C. At this temperature, petunias with more compact forms are obtained. If seedlings develop at a higher temperature and do not have enough natural light for 11-12 hours, they begin to stretch, take root less well, and lose their decorative effect. At this time, young seedlings need moderate watering and additional lighting.

Watering petunias

Frail petunia seedlings are watered very carefully with settled water, right up to the root. It is best to carry out drip irrigation using an ordinary syringe for this purpose. The soil under and around the grown seedlings is moistened in the same way as around adult plants. Petunia is drought-resistant; it does not like waterlogging, so it is usually watered when the earthen clod dries out. But access to moisture to the roots must be regular, otherwise the petunia leaves will begin to turn yellow and the stems will become bare. To prevent the foliage from getting sunburned in the summer heat, it is better to water the flower in the evening.

Fertilizer for petunias

To obtain strong and healthy petunia seedlings, it needs to be fed periodically. The first application of nitrogen fertilizers should be carried out 15-20 days after the appearance of the first shoots. This will allow the future plant to increase the required amount of green mass. You should not fertilize seedlings often; it will be enough to carry out this activity twice a month.

Lighting for petunia seedlings

Petunias are very demanding on lighting. When planting seeds in winter, they are sorely lacking in light due to the short daylight hours, so experienced gardeners advise additional illumination with a fluorescent or LED lamp from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., installing them above the seedlings themselves. Containers with pickled petunias should also be placed in a well-lit place. To prevent young seedlings from getting burned, they should be protected from direct sunlight.

Pinching petunia

The formation of the appearance of an adult plant begins at the seedling stage. This is achieved by pinching. It is this that ultimately determines the degree of branching of the bush and the number of future flowers. Petunia is pinched over the fourth or fifth leaf of the central shoot. Thanks to this, in the axils of the leaves located below, new shoots awaken to growth, which make the bush densely branched. This procedure can be repeated two or three times.

Planting petunia in the ground

In early April, they begin to harden the young seedlings. Prepared petunia seedlings can be planted in open ground only after the night frosts have stopped. It is better to plant plants in the evening or on cloudy days, this will allow the seedling to take root well and avoid sunburn. To avoid damaging the root system, petunias must be watered before transplanting.

The distance between petunias is directly dependent on the varietal of the plant. For petunias of the multi-flowered group this value is 15-20 cm, for the large-flowered group the distance should be at least 20-25 cm, but for ampelous flowers this interval increases to 30 cm.

Petunia flowers planted in open ground are watered, and the root part is mulched with ground peat, this makes it possible to protect the roots of the plant from drying out and from possible night frosts. The area intended for planting the “princess of gardens” should be sunny. A few days before transplanting, the soil is enriched with organic fertilizers and loosened well.

Feeding petunia in open ground

After the petunia bush gets stronger and grows a sufficient number of shoots and foliage, it needs to begin to be fed with phosphate-potassium mixtures, providing a supply of minerals for lush and bright flowering. To improve the appearance of the plant, foliar feeding can be carried out to supply the petunia with the necessary microelements. The interval between root and foliar feeding of adult flowers should be 5 days.

Petunia cuttings

There is a more reliable and simpler way to propagate these plants - cuttings. It is suitable for all types of ampelous and double petunias. Cuttings for plants with double flowers are prepared from February to May. Cuttings of ampelous petunias, subject to temperature conditions and lighting conditions, can be carried out throughout the year. Planting material is cut from the tops of the shoots. The cut cuttings should have at least 4-6 leaves, of which only the top two are left, and even then shortened by half. The cut part of the cutting is treated with a solution that stimulates the growth of the root system and placed in a substrate similar in composition to soil mixtures used for sowing seeds, deepening it to a quarter of its length. The interval between seedlings in the planting box should be at least 15-20 mm. After planting the cuttings in the substrate, its surface is sprinkled with sand or perlite with a layer of 20-25 mm and treated with an antimicrobial solution. The box with the peculiar seedlings is covered with a sheet of glass and taken out to a well-lit room in which the temperature is maintained in the range of +21°C +24°C. To increase the chance of successful rooting of cuttings, they must be planted in the substrate within two hours after cutting.

To stimulate the development of the root system, it is necessary to monitor the moisture level of the soil mixture, not allowing it to dry out, but also avoiding waterlogging. To do this, spray the soil surface with water from a spray bottle at least once a day. If the cuttings are infected with blackleg, watering is suspended, the box is ventilated from excess moisture, and the planting material damaged by the disease is destroyed.

Already on the fifth day, the first roots appear on the cuttings. As they grow, the planting material is gradually transplanted into separate pots, the diameter of which is no more than 5 cm. In order for the future plant to form lush bushes, petunia seedlings are pinched, this is done after the fourth or fifth leaf appears on the seedling. After 30-40 days, the rooted petunia cuttings are transplanted into pots, the diameter of which should be at least 13 cm. With the arrival of spring, the formed bushes are transferred to balcony boxes or planted in a flower garden.

The principles of caring for seedlings obtained vegetatively are no different from those carried out with seedlings grown from seeds.

Taken from the site: www.svit-nasinnya.in.ua

Growing petunias at home requires observing certain nuances, without which it is impossible to achieve successful flowering. The root system of petunias requires quite a large space, so it should be taken into account that at least five liters of substrate are needed for the development of one petunia. Therefore, more than two flowers cannot be placed in a container with a capacity of 10 liters, and no more than one in a standard flowerpot. Planting petunias more densely may cause one of the plants to wilt.

Equally important for petunias is natural light and a flow of fresh air. The plant can wither both in deep shade and in a bright, sunny but glazed loggia. The most luxuriant flowering is observed on balconies and loggias facing south or southeast. Good results can also be achieved by planting petunias in boxes on balconies facing north, but for this you need to use seedlings of modern, expensive hybrids.

Taken from the site: s1.1zoom.me

  • Petunias have been artificially cultivated since the 18th century.
  • These beautiful flowers are distant relatives of potatoes and tomatoes, as they also belong to the nightshade family.
  • In Europe, the first petunias of the species Petunia violacea appeared in 1825.
  • The first plants with characteristics of double forms were obtained in 1849, but varieties with fully double flowers were bred by Japanese breeders only in 1930.
  • Petunia, known to us as Petunia violacea, was extremely popular among the Ecuadorian Indians. Its dried leaves contain active diterpenes, which makes smoking them induce the illusion of flight.
  • The rarest species of the petunia genus is the species Petunia exserta. It is noteworthy that this species is completely devoid of any scent and is pollinated by hummingbirds, and not by butterflies and bees, like all other species.
  • There is a misconception among gardeners that all ampelous petunias are representatives of the surfinia group. However, Surfinia is only one of a series of ampelous petunias.
  • The aroma of petunias repels mosquitoes and some other insects.

9 The most resistant varieties of petunias - they are not afraid of rain, hot sun...

New varieties of resistant petunia varieties

I present varieties of petunias that are not afraid of rain and are resistant to low temperatures in early spring and late autumn. All varieties presented are worthy favorites of the summer garden.

Frillitunia Butterfly F1 fringed large flowered

A new spectacular petunia, with a unique giant flower shape, trimmed with wavy fringed ruffles.
At the time of flowering, it presents a grandiose picture - its compact plants of equal size bear large, corrugated, bright pink flowers that do not lose their decorative effect throughout the summer.

Particularly attractive due to its short growing period, long flowering and hardiness.
Works great in soil and container decor.

Petunia Blue waterfall F1 cascading

Petunia cascade is known as the earliest flowering series with excellent growth characteristics and excellent branching, which allows it to be widely used for hanging gardening. Large (10-13 cm in diameter), densely double flowers are very resistant to adverse weather conditions, retain their decorative effect for a long time and leave a bright impression.

Showy trailing petunias make the award-winning “Wave™” series an excellent choice for creating stunning garden beds, landscape groundcovers on sloping surfaces and for filling large planters or hanging baskets. With a height of only 20cm, the Wave™ series petunias spread up to 1 meter around, and within a few weeks they form a floral carpet around themselves with many flowers along the entire length of each vine. Petunias of the “Wave™” series tolerate unfavorable weather conditions.

Petunia All Stars F1

A true masterpiece among petunias - All Stars - with slightly drooping shoots cannot but arouse admiration! Throughout the summer it will open cascades of inflorescences shrouded in pink mist. The flowers are distinguished by soft shading of the petals. No other plant is as suitable as petunia for creating comfortable and romantic places to relax. A distinctive feature is its resistance to heat, rain and wind.

Giant cascading petunia Typhoon F1 Cherry

Cascade series Typhoon is an unusual powerful plant that has no analogues among other petunias.
As an adult, Typhoon is more than twice the size of such well-known cascading forms as Surfinia.
It blooms all season, forming a large number of powerful, hard stems up to 1.5 meters long.
It has an unusual growth rate and power, forming many hundreds of flowers (about 5 cm in size).

It recovers much better than other petunias after rains and strong winds.
Blooms until frost.

Can be used for large containers, baskets, and also as a ground cover.
One plant in a flowerbed grows over an area of ​​about 2 square meters. m. The type of "Typhoon" depends on the proximity of the plants to each other. When planting in flower beds, a distance of 70 cm (minimum 35 cm) is recommended, otherwise the plants will stretch upward.

Petunia cascade Ramblin F1 Burgundy Chrome

Petunia ampelous Explorer Scarlet F1
Seeds from the Japanese company "SAKATA"

The "Explorer" series belongs to the ampelous petunias, is capable of strong growth and has a whip length of up to 80-100 cm. It begins to bloom in early spring and continues to bloom even with decreasing daylight hours in the fall. The flower size is approximately 5-7.5 cm in diameter. The flower's petals have a glossy, waxy texture that reflects water. Recovers very quickly after rain. Tolerant to salt, i.e. The series is excellent for growing on the sea coast. Can be used for hanging baskets and as a ground cover.

Petunias are thermophilic and light-loving, do not tolerate frost and bloom poorly in the shade. Drought-resistant, but in very dry years, watering is necessary. In order to achieve abundant flowering, fading flowers are regularly removed.

Due to its sensitivity to frost, petunia is grown in seedlings. Seeds are sown in February-March in bowls or flower boxes with loose substrate on the surface, without covering them with soil. The substrate is pre-moistened well. The crops are placed in a bright place and covered with glass or transparent film. To germinate, petunias need light and a temperature of about 25 degrees. If these conditions are met, seedlings appear on the 10th day. They are placed in boxes or pots and kept in a room with a temperature of at least 18 degrees. Seedlings are planted in open ground from the second half of May, when the threat of frost has passed, leaving 40-50 cm between plants. Feed after picking and during the period of budding and flowering with dissolved complete mineral fertilizer.

Petunia Purple velvet F1 ampelous

A hybrid from the famous series, which is recognized in Europe.
Ampelous petunia of the surfinia type with unsurpassed decorative characteristics. In terms of abundance of flowering, it competes with varieties propagated vegetatively.
The length of well-branched shoots reaches 1 m.
The hybrid can be used not only in canopy culture, but also in carpet plantings in open ground, where one plant can occupy 1.5 m² of area, generating a huge mass of flowers until frost.
A sought-after hybrid, always in trend!

Petunia cascade Ramblin F1 Salmon Capri

Ramblin is a true cascading petunia, one of the most spectacular large-flowered ampelous forms.
It rises up only 35 cm, but extends to the sides by almost a meter.
It blooms two weeks earlier than similar groups (surfinia) and grows more densely.
Eventually forms a continuous crown of flowers.

These petunias are very effective in flowerbeds, large hanging baskets and containers.

Petunia is a universal flower that fits harmoniously both in a flowerbed and near a gazebo or on a balcony. Thanks to the work of breeders, plants differ in flower shape, shades, and shoot size. Let's look at the best varieties of petunias with photos and names.

Ampel variety of petunias

Varieties of plants are mainly used to decorate balconies, loggias, and gazebos. They are planted in pots, vases, containers or hanging pots. The ampelous group includes heat-loving varieties. Such petunias grow well only in open sun and do not like low temperatures. The best varietal qualities are shown in the southern regions of Russia.

Distinctive characteristics of the species:

    rapid growth of shoots, depending on the variety, their length ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 m;

    lush, long-lasting flowering;

    flower diameter from 1.5 to 8 cm;

    the shape of the buds is bell-shaped or funnel-shaped;

    type of petals, varied shades.

The shoots are flexible, hanging type. Therefore, it is advisable to plant petunia on a hill so that there is room for development.

Easy Wave

One of the giants among ampelous petunias. Distinctive characteristics:

    shoot length is about 1 m;

    flowering is abundant, long-lasting, until frost;

    forms a spherical or dome-shaped crown;

    flowers are red, yellow, blue, pink, purple.

Suitable for planting in open ground, hanging pots. All types of colors bloom at the same time, so you can create compositions with many shades. Petunia is not difficult to grow.

Opera Supreme

Japanese petunias are distinguished by their ease of care and indifference to the length of daylight hours. Main features of the variety:

    shoot length – up to 1 m;

    funnel-shaped flowers, up to 6 cm in diameter;

    color: light blue, white, pink, blue, lilac.

The lashes branch well, so they can be given not only a hanging, but also a spherical shape. Ampelous types of petunias are distinguished by long-term flowering, subject to fertilizing and removal of wilted flowers and shoots.


A late-flowering variety that attracts attention with rapid growth and abundant flowering. Main characteristics:

    length of lashes – 80-100 cm;

    flower diameter up to 7 cm;

    velvety petals, from dark pink to purple tones;

    the tube is contrasting, yellow or almost black.

Petunia is an excellent honey plant. It attracts bees, thereby helping other cultivated plants. It is highly resistant to diseases and pests.

Cascade variety of petunias

Cascade petunias are in many ways similar to hanging varieties. Their main difference is the thicker, slightly shorter shoots. In addition, only mature plants acquire a hanging form. Young seedlings mainly have a vertical direction.

Cascade petunia does best in hanging pots because it needs plenty of space to thrive. One plant requires up to 5 liters of soil. Used to decorate gazebos, balconies, verandas. An important advantage of the cascade variety is its large flowers.


In warm regions, petunias can bloom all year round. Even in cold areas, you can save flowers by taking them from the street into the house. Main features of the variety:

    bush height is about 20 cm;

    shoots are highly branched, about 1 m long;

    flower diameter up to 6 cm;

    shades - orange, white, salmon, scarlet, purple, violet.

Gioconda is not picky about climatic conditions. It survives both frosts down to -8 °C and heat up to +40 °C.


A low-growing variety of petunia. Ramblins are represented by 12 hybrids. Among them there are single-color and two-color varieties. Main features:

    spreading bush, no more than 35 cm in height;

    length of lashes from 0.5 to 1 m;

    The flowers are funnel-shaped, about 8 cm in diameter.

The color is represented by all shades of purple, red, pink. There are also pure white buds. Two-color hybrids are represented by a combination of lilac and salmon shades interspersed with white.


The name of petunia refers to its color. This is a super-cascade variety, relatively recently bred by breeders. Main features of the hybrid:

    bush height is about 30 cm;

    shoots are flexible, up to 70 cm long;

    flower diameter 5-6 cm;

    The flowering period is from May to October.

Petunia is presented in 2 varieties - with a dark blue and purple-red color. The bush blooms profusely. The flowers are multi-level, with corrugated edges.

Bush variety of petunias

The most numerous group of plants. It has gained great popularity among flower growers due to its many shades. Bush petunia is represented by low-growing and tall varieties. The diameter of the flowers ranges from 5 cm to 16 cm. The plant can be grown both in open ground and in containers and vases.

This type is undemanding in care. Bush petunias form a crown on their own and do not require pruning. The only thing that can be done is to pinch the tops of the shoots. This will make the bush more luxuriant by activating the side branches.


Hybrid petunias with compact sizes. This series includes many varieties, the most famous of them: Plum, White, Raspberry, Pink and Blue Star. Main features of the type:

    bush up to 35 cm high and no more than 40 cm wide;

    flower diameter is about 9 cm;

    purple, red, pink, white, blue, burgundy shades are possible.

Petunia is not afraid of temperature changes or minor frosts. Tolerates rainy weather. Thanks to this, it feels great in open ground and serves as a decoration for flower beds.


A very spectacular bush petunia, available in several shades. Main characteristics of the variety:

    compact bush, up to 40 cm in height;

    flower diameter is about 12 cm;

    Common colors are white, blue, red, hot pink.

Daddy is not afraid of drought or rain. Shows resistance to wind. The bushes have few branches, so to create luxurious bouquets it is advisable to plant seedlings close to each other. They do best in containers.


A relatively new variety that attracts attention with its contrasting colors. Main features of plants:

    bush height is about 30 cm;

    the shoots are completely covered with medium-sized flowers;

    two-tone coloring - a combination of bright shades with wide longitudinal white stripes.

Flowers are not only beautiful, but also unpretentious. They tolerate drought, cold snap, rain, and strong winds. They are characterized by rapid growth. Early flowering variety.

Varieties of large-flowered petunias

Grandiflora is a variety of bush petunia. The height of plants usually does not exceed 40 cm, only some species reach 60 cm. The main distinguishing feature of the variety is large flowers, 10-16 cm in diameter. Petunias are found in a wide variety of colors. Flowers can be simple or double.

Depending on the variety, the shoots are erect or creeping. The flowering period lasts from the beginning of June until the first frost. Large-flowered petunia is unpretentious in care and is not afraid of drought, rain, or strong winds. It grows well both in open ground and in flower pots and containers.


The variety is available in a large number of shades. The most popular colors are white, purple, pink, and red. The variety is early flowering, budding stops with the onset of cold weather. Main features of petunias:

    bushes no more than 40 cm in height;

    flower diameter is from 10 to 15 cm;

    the edges of the buds are slightly corrugated.

Aladdin is characterized by rapid growth, abundant, long-lasting flowering. To preserve the splendor of the bouquet, it is advisable to remove faded buds and dried shoots.

Limbo GP

A new generation of grandifloras forming abundantly flowering cushions. Important characteristics of petunias:

    The height of the bushes is only 20 cm, but they quickly grow in width;

    the color of the buds is represented by all shades of pink;

    Flower diameter is about 12 cm.

The plant retains its shape well and does not stretch. Does not require fertilizing. Feels good both in containers and in open ground. An important plus is that to decorate a flower bed you will need a minimum amount of planting material, since the bushes grow luxuriously.


The series catalog includes 5 hybrids. The variety is early flowering, budding ends with the arrival of cold weather. Main features of grandiflora:

    bush height is about 35-40 cm;

    flower diameter 12 cm;

    color white, pink, purple, red.

The plant develops quickly and has an average degree of branching. Feels good in open, sunny areas. Shows resistance to adverse environmental conditions.

Varieties of vegetative petunias

Vegetative petunias are mainly supplied to Russia from the USA and Holland. Their main feature is propagation by cuttings. In terms of the beauty of their flowers, they are in no way inferior to plants grown from seeds. Petunias have a small root system. But this does not prevent them from growing very quickly. The shoots independently form beautiful shapes. They form lush caps or hang down. Plants are suitable for growing in hanging and floor pots.


A very bright, attractive variety. Characterized by active shoot growth. Main features of petunias:

    The variety is early flowering, budding stops only with the arrival of the first frost;

    flowers are funnel-shaped, with slightly corrugated edges;

    The color of the flowers is purple, rich.

Petunia forms beautiful bushes. Pleases with long-lasting abundant flowering.


Another vegetative petunia. Attractive with long flowering. The main feature of the variety is its abundant flowering. The buds completely cover the bush, hiding the greenery underneath. Important Features:

    bush height up to 20 cm;

    funnel-shaped flowers;

    shade of soft pink, salmon.

Papaya blooms from early summer until the first frost. For active budding, it is advisable to remove faded flowers.

Cascadias Rim

A vegetative variety series of ampelous petunias with many unusual colors. The main feature of the plants is the correct spherical shape of the bush. Important characteristics:

    an early flowering variety whose budding lasts until frost;

    the foliage is dense, in harmony with the flowers;

    shoot length up to 80 cm;

    The buds are simple and densely decorate the bush.

There are one- and two-color varieties. The most popular are petunias of a violet-crimson hue with a white border, soft pink, and purple.

Varieties of terry petunias

The terry group includes almost all types of petunias: hanging, bush, cascading, tall, medium and miniature. Their most important feature is their full, large flowers. They are collected from a large number of petals. Fringe or velvet on the edges gives petunias a special charm.

Like plants with simple flowers, double petunias delight with buds from the beginning of summer until the first frost. Thanks to the work of breeders, today it is possible to find suitable varieties for both the southern regions and Siberia. Due to their terry nature, the flowers react negatively to rain, so they are not suitable for open ground.


A very beautiful, densely double hybrid, the flowers of which resemble carnations in appearance. Main features of the variety:

    bush height is about 40 cm;

    shoots are powerful, abundantly covered with foliage;

    the flowers are large, with a large number of corrugated petals;

    salmon shade.

Early flowering petunia. The budding period lasts from late spring until the first frost. For more active flowering and preserving the decorative appearance, it is advisable to remove faded buds.


The variety series is represented by petunias with colors ranging from dark pink to red. Important features of the plant:

    shoots are powerful, highly branched, form a rounded bush;

    flower diameter up to 15 cm;

    the buds are composed of a large number of cut petals.

Pirouette receives rave reviews from summer residents due to its unique feature. During flowering, its color gradually changes from white to bright pink, red or purple.

Tart Bonanza

A highly decorative variety that is grown in hanging pots, floor containers or balcony boxes. It can also grow in flower beds in open ground. Important features of petunia:

    the bush is compact, up to 30 cm in width and height;

    flower diameter is about 6 cm;

    flowering period from June to September.

The flowers are double and come in a variety of colors. Abundantly cover the bush.

New varieties of petunias

Every year, breeders present new products in the world of petunias. Active work is underway to improve the basic characteristics of colors. Such hybrids are highly resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions and delight with abundant, long-lasting flowering. Professionals also create new shades to diversify the palette of petunias. Let's look at the names of the most popular works of genetic engineering.

Black Velvet

A suitable variety for lovers of everything unusual. Black flowers have always attracted the attention of flower growers. They combine severity and nobility. Petunia belongs to the Grandiflora series. Large flowers abundantly strew the shoots. The petals look velvety. The color is rich black, with a slight purple tint. The variety was bred by British breeders.

Table Yellow

The variety joined the ranks of ampelous petunia. The flowers are small, but cover the shoots abundantly. The color of the buds is light lemon. The tube is a more saturated yellow color, the same shade and veins on the petals. Petunia has a long flowering period until frost. Suitable for growing in hanging pots.


The variety was released in 2016 and in 2 years managed to become a sensation. And all because the plant combined all the advantages of different types of petunias. The flower forms a compact bush, round in shape. The shoots are highly branched, their length does not exceed 30 cm. The diameter of the flowers reaches 12 cm. The colors are varied. Petunia keeps its shape throughout the season and pleases with abundant flowering. Suitable for growing in pots and creating borders.

Varieties of multi-flowered petunia

The Multiflora group consists of compact plants completely covered with flowers. This is mainly a low-growing petunia, no more than 25 cm high. The flowers can be either simple or double. Their diameter does not exceed 5 cm. The varieties are early flowering and bud until the coldest weather.

An important advantage of plants is resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Petunias are not afraid of sudden changes in temperature; they are ready to endure prolonged drought and strong gusts of wind. They do not lose their decorative appearance in the rain. Suitable for decorating balconies, gazebos, and flower beds.


The series is represented by 13 hybrids. Main characteristics of petunias:

    bushes are compact, round in shape;

    flower diameter no more than 5 cm;

    the buds are dotted with bright contrasting thin veins.

The color palette is represented by 30 different shades. The most popular are red, blue-violet, salmon, and white petunias.


An early flowering variety that attracts attention with the bright colors of its buds. Distinctive characteristics:

    bush height up to 30 cm;

    shoots are vertically directed, highly branched;

    flower diameter is from 4 to 7 cm;

    petals are simple, with a round smooth edge.

Glafira is presented in blue, red, pink, purple, and white colors. Petunia retains its rich colors throughout the season and is clearly visible both in the flowerbed and in the flowerpot.


Petunia comes from US nurseries. American breeders have developed a series of 5 hybrids of various colors. Main features of the variety:

    bushes are compact, do not exceed 25 cm in height;

    the petals are corrugated, decorated with a white border along the edge;

    shades of flowers are purple, pink, red, violet-blue, crimson.

Plants form rounded bushes. They look great both in flower beds and in floor vases or balcony boxes.

Varieties of small-flowered petunia

The Milliflora group consists of varieties that delight with abundant, long-lasting flowering. The height of the bushes usually does not exceed 25 cm in height, but numerous, highly branched shoots grow up to 90 cm in length. The group received its name due to its relatively small flowers. Their diameter ranges from 2.5-4 cm. They resemble bells in shape. An important advantage of petunias is their resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Yellow duckling

A very spectacular petunia, delighting with abundant flowering from late spring until frost. Important characteristics of the variety:

    bush height is about 25 cm;

    length of side shoots up to 95 cm;

    the flowers are small, funnel-shaped, light yellow.

Petunia is suitable for growing in hanging pots and in open ground.


A spherical petunia strewn with small funnel-shaped flowers. Main features of the variety:

    the bush is compact, consists of erect and flexible shoots, no more than 25 cm in diameter;

    the stems are abundantly strewn with buds;

    flower diameter up to 5 cm;

    color white, salmon, red, pink, dark blue, lilac.

The Picobella series contains one- and two-color varieties. Petunia is resistant to strong winds, drought, and does not deteriorate in the rain.

After reading the description and photo of petunias, it is much easier to choose the ideal plants to decorate your garden, balcony or gazebo. When choosing, it is important to pay attention not only to the colorfulness and shape of flowers, but also to their adaptability to the climatic conditions of the region. In a favorable environment, petunias exhibit the best varietal qualities.

Nightshade beauty, depending on the variety, can be a herbaceous plant or a flowering subshrub, annual or perennial. The many faces of petunia captivate the hearts of many gardeners and flower growers. Let us turn our attention to the best natural and hybrid varieties of petunias, the description of which is presented below.

The easiest way to classify natural varieties is: herbaceous or semi-shrub, creeping spreading bushes (prototype of modern hanging and cascading petunias). These three subspecies are divided into annual and perennial. There are currently so many hybrid varieties that it is difficult not to get confused in their classification.

Natural species include:

  • (annual);
  • - annual with red star-shaped flowers;
  • - a perennial from Southern Brazil with purple-red flowers, the ancestor of ampelous and cascading and 18 other species that grow wild in nature.

Herbaceous hybrids Petunias

Dwarf or short

Small annual plants, no higher than thirty centimeters. The dwarf family includes plants no taller than 15 cm, the rest (up to 25 cm in height) are considered stunted. Ideal for growing on balconies, in pots and hanging arrangements. And also as borders for open ground. More than other varieties, it needs good lighting and small but frequent watering.

The best varieties of dwarf and low-growing petunias:

  • – Mini bush about 15 cm in height with large double flowers, the petals are very corrugated. Annual.
  • – A compact, dome-shaped bush 20 cm high and 40 cm wide. The advantage is abundant flowering, independent of the degree of lighting (unlike other dwarf varieties). Annual.
  • Advisor (Raadsheer)– A low annual plant with purple and blue flowers. Grows well in sunny and slightly shaded areas.
  • — A dwarf variety of perennial petunia, cultivated by many as an annual. Cherry and purple, red and pink flowers with a white edging along the edges of the petals.
  • – A strong annual hybrid with large double corollas of lavender color with a purple vein.
  • – Annual with double flowers of different colors.
  • – Terry variety, large annual white flowers.
  • – A mixture of double annual petunias.
  • – Light red, almost salmon-colored double annual flowers.


Ampelous petunia is more fragile, the shoots are no more than a meter long. Falls beautifully from tall flowerpots and hanging flowerpots. Varieties of ampelous annuals and capricious in agricultural technology:

  • Mashenka- a profusely flowering hybrid with dense foliage and bright pink flowers with a yellow center, resistant to diseases;
  • - flowers from this series with shoots up to one meter have a lot of shades: salmon, pink and hot pink with veins of a different color or a center of a different color;


Improved hanging ones, they have dense and long stems. Form a fountain shape of flowers and leaves. More unpretentious in care. Varieties of annual cascade:

  • Rose - a deep pink cascade of flowers with dark veins from the center;

Variety of perennial Petunias

Perennial petunias are divided into main types: bush, ampelous (garden), terry, small and large flowered. All perennials have common features: single flowers with short peduncles, flowering begins in July and continues until frost, not difficult to care for, propagated by seeds and cuttings (double species).

Bush large-flowered

One of the types of perennial with large flowers, diameter from 4 to 15 cm. Two-color with a smooth flow from one color to another and edging along the edges of the petals. As the name suggests, it has the shape of a bush, which usually falls apart from strong wind or rain. Over time, varieties appeared that were resistant to the decay of the bush during bad weather. This is a series of Storm hybrids. The following varieties of bush representatives are common::

Multi-flowered perennial

The group of multi-flowered petunias has retained all the unpretentiousness and early flowering of wild species. And numerous selections have given multi-flowered plants a riot of colors. These low-growing bushes can be formed into dense balls, which creates a unique garden design. Varieties:

Garden hanging

Features of the ampelous garden: long and flexible stems of perennial petunia, growing downwards; resistance to strong wind and rain. The main garden representatives:

  • Surfinia- flowers are about 9 cm in diameter, the color range lacks yellow and orange);
  • Conchita- miniatures of flowers about 5 cm, the usual range for petunia;
  • Tumbelins— terry of Japanese selection.


These are real princesses of the garden, regardless of their series or variety. Terry varieties are very similar to scarlet roses:

  • Red Star;
  • Purple and red petunias from the Pirouette series, and many other varieties from red to purple.

Red Star


Compact bushes of the hybrid series:

  • Gofri - flowers with pink, crimson, red, violet-blue colors, with a wide white edge at the petals;
  • Velvet picot;
  • Blue F1.


Bright yellow corollas:

  • Mirage yellow;
  • Avalanche golden star F1 creates the impression of a “second sun” when the hanging composition is placed high enough.


Plants of medium form between multi-flowered and large-flowered. Erect, bushy forms from low to almost half a meter in height, with flowers ranging in size from the width of a child's palm to exceeding the width of an adult palm. The good varieties are the F1 series:

  • Milky Way;
  • Angoras;
  • Sony.


Plants from the genus Calibrachoa are very similar to petunia, but are no longer petunia. Coliobracho with an increased number of chromosomes, unlike petunia. Small colored bells from this genus are like the “cousin” of petunia. In any case, their beauty will not go unnoticed. Known:

  • Kablum Blue;
  • Sunset;
  • Yellow Kablum;
  • Superbels;
  • Cabaret;
  • Terry;
  • Noah Mega Pink;
  • Noah is white.

The best varieties for pots

  • Burgundy Duo;
  • Pearl and Lilac Surfs;

Dossier on petunia

Cute nightshade flower. Many hybrids are resistant to drought and frost, and can easily withstand strong winds and rainfalls.. A few of them are slightly “capricious”: breakage of stems and leaves during hurricane winds, disintegration of the bush after rain. Enough pruning and fertilizing, and the plant will again be pleasing to the eye.

New 2017

Maxi series:

The difference in growing from seeds and cuttings

Many hybrids produce defective seeds in very small quantities.

Poor germination and low numbers are not all the problems when growing from seeds.

For example, “doubleness” is best transmitted when propagating terry petunias by cuttings. In addition, the vegetative method of propagation is much simpler.

Cutting Basics

We select the best and most beautiful plant specimens. Before moving petunias indoors, we treat them against spider mites, slugs and earthworms. At the end of January, we cut ten-centimeter-long cuttings from the tops of the plants. To grow roots, we place the “tops” in an aqueous solution of phytohormone for a few minutes, and immediately after that we plant them in damp sand approximately to the depth of a match.

Water, cover with film and place on the sunniest windowsill. We monitor the soil moisture and within seven days roots appear. As soon as the first new leaves begin to grow, young petunias are ready to be transplanted into cups.

The basics of growing from seeds

Sowing in February-March on the surface of the soil, with a moist, loose and nutritious structure. Cover with something transparent to prevent the soil from drying out. Seeds germinate after a couple of weeks, daily moistening and hardening. The cover is removed before picking, replanted with 2-3 leaves, pinch on the 5th leaf.

The first month is the most difficult for a young petunia: drying out or waterlogging the soil threatens its death. Maintain additional light mode: dim at night and add additional light in the morning and during the day. If the seedlings have stretched out, a small addition of soil is allowed.

Any variety or hybrid group of petunias is unique and beautiful. True, only the first half of summer. To further maintain beauty, a little resuscitation is required: trimming all damaged parts and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. And in a couple of weeks the beauties will bloom again in magnificent colors.

Petunias are one of the most popular flowers in flower beds and lawns. There are many varieties of petunias. Therefore, novice owners must definitely understand all the nuances of each type, and in general terms.


A plant such as petunia owes its name to the famous botanist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. It was he who first brought these flowers to France from Uruguay. The famous naturalist, however, was mistaken: for some reason he thought that this was a type of tobacco. In reality, petunias belong to the nightshade family of plants. Before anyone knew it, the modern name had spread.

Most often it is grown in gardens as an annual plant. However, in nature, petunia has a multi-year development cycle. It is also possible to grow the plant in indoor pots. There the flower will fill the space and even begin to hang outward. The stems of petunias branch thoroughly and do not become woody (they retain flexibility and green color).

The trunks can be oriented in different ways, depending on the specific species. It is customary to distinguish petunias with creeping, upright or hanging stems. The maximum height of the seedlings reaches 0.75 m. Regardless of the specific variety, the greens are lightly covered with sticky hairs. Their maximum concentration is created on the foliage.

The leaf axils form short, elastic peduncles. Each peduncle becomes the basis for a single bud. Petunia's flower colors are almost as varied as roses. Despite the laying of single buds, the appearance of the crop is spectacular due to the large number of flowers.

Varieties with descriptions


It is useful to start a conversation about the best types of petunias with the hanging group. Shoots growing downwards allow you to form the most intricate shapes. Basically, hanging varieties are planted:

    in pots;

    boxes of various sizes;


    occasionally - into open ground.

The popularity of the surfinia varietal group is high. They are appreciated:

    for early flowering;

    resistance to adverse weather conditions;

    speed of green mass gain;

    variety of tones.

The Table Yellow variety is noteworthy. The plant produces unusual-looking lemon-colored flowers. The small size of the buds makes the crop compact; the variety combines well with other hanging varieties. Low-growing types of petunias grow on average from 0.25 to 0.3 m. Such flowers are suitable for both open ground and hanging pots. However, we must understand that such plants survive light deficiency very poorly.

For independent cultivation of ampelous petunias, F1 hybrids are best suited. They are characterized by increased endurance. Even if care is insufficient, development will occur normally. The Avalanche variety is in demand for decorating loggias and gazebos. The petals of the buds are painted in thick, rich tones.

The aesthetic characteristics of Avalanche are not the only reason to choose it. This variety also blooms for a very long time. Classic hanging plant - this is, for example, “Velvet”. This variety produces velvety foliage and petals of a similar color. Basically, such plants are planted where there are not enough pollinating insects.

But we must take into account that “Velvet” produces mini-flowers, albeit located on long inflorescences. And the flowering itself occurs very late. Part of the solution is the use of growth accelerators and regular pinching. The most popular among all hanging petunias is Explorer.

This variety is readily grown by most gardeners, attracted by the colossal variety of tones.

In addition, the Explorer branches are extremely long - up to 1.5 m. Their internal structure is reliable enough to guarantee resistance even to very strong winds. And the wax coating reliably blocks the harmful effects of rain. As for the “Davydovka” variety, its cultivation should be considered last. “Rome Magenta” may be much more attractive.

The culture is one of the vegetative plants. To grow it, you need to use cuttings, but seeds are absolutely not suitable. A dark burgundy area develops in the middle of the flower. The perimeter of the flowers is painted beige. Easy Wave Red is not a simple hanging variety, it is a hybrid. The branches of the plant grow up to 0.8-1 m. When flowering, rich red inflorescences are formed. Combined with graceful green foliage, it looks enchanting.

Crazytunia moonstruck is still a relatively rare variety of petunias. It differs from other hanging types:

    early formation of flowers;

    quite tall;

    density during flowering;

    excellent resistance to bad weather.

The variety is perfect for both flowerpots and hanging boxes. Reproduction is carried out only by cuttings. The seed pods are empty after ripening. There is no need for pinching or pruning. Sweetunia suzie storm is also gaining popularity now.

The developer of the variety is one of the Dutch companies. Attractive features of the plant are the power of flowering and thorough branching. The bush reaches a medium size, but at the same time it is slightly raised above the flowerpot. Petunia forms a dome-like crown. There are a lot of flowers, and they persist until the onset of frost.

The shape of the flower is like a funnel. Its size is 0.05-0.07 m. To activate flowering, it is necessary to systematically remove faded areas. Sweetunia suzie storm requires bright lighting, however, it can tolerate slight shading.

Watering should be carried out evenly, avoiding stagnation of liquid.

Johnny Flame also stands out in the Sweetunia line. The variety is characterized by the luxurious appearance of flowers, of which a lot is formed. The plant looks beautiful.

Of the other varieties, you should look at “Nuvolari”. Strictly speaking, this is not an ampelous, but a partially ampelous variety.

The axils of the foliage located in the center of the bush can form flowering shoots. As a result, exposure of petunia (which systematically affects other varieties) is eliminated. The developers of Nuvolari tried to maximize its endurance to extreme heat. The required size of the pots is from 0.15 to 0.17 m.

The review of ampelous petunias should be completed with Parple Corduroy.

It belongs to the subgroup of surfiniums. The branches of the bushes reach 1 m. The purple petals with dark centers look impressive.


This category of petunias is optimal for a terrace, loggia or gazebo. Dense bushes with a ton of flowers scattered throughout look great anywhere. Popular sources recommend growing "Cherry", "Ramblin" or "Rose".

But you can try other cascading varieties, such as “Silver”.

Such a culture stands out for its brightness and external attractiveness. But what can we talk about if it is difficult to find another petunia 1.5 m tall. Even heavy downpours and gusty winds hardly harm it. And if there are any problems, the plant will recover easily and quickly. You can expect the appearance of a bush covered with 100-200 flowers by the end of the first month.

Petunia variety “Excellent” (subspecies “Alba”) is a tetraploid. The height of the plant varies from 0.35 to 0.4 m. The diameter of the flowers reaches 0.16 m. Despite the power and great height, the bush branches weakly.

Whether in a box or in a flowerbed, such a petunia will immediately attract attention.


The bulk of petunias varieties are of the bush type. It is characterized by the brightness of color and its diversity. Nothing unusual - after all, these plants come from South America, famous for its lush vegetation. Any bush petunia produces large flowers. Their diameter is 0.01-0.014 m.

The inflorescences contain 2 flowers. They have different edge geometry. The "Daddy" variety grows up to 0.25 m. This variety tolerates dryness, rain, and wind very well. The crop can be successfully grown in diffused light.

“Daddy” is available with four different bud colors. “Pikoti” is distinguished by a white edging, because of which the flowers seem extremely elegant. Flowering continues throughout the summer, until the arrival of autumn cold weather. “Pikoti” is used in home vases, and in boxes, and in hanging baskets. The bush variety "Storm" is recommended for decorating homes, garden plots or balconies.

Large flowers are rounded. An attractive feature of “Storm” for gardeners is its resistance to gray rot. It is reliably preserved even when it rains all summer. The bush grows up to 0.35 m. Petunia "Polaris" - an annual obtained on the basis of the variety "Aelita" - can also be a good choice.

As the breeders say, the plant survives all weather disasters well. It can form bushes up to 0.3 m high. For large flower beds, Ultra petunia is recommended. Its impressive flowers have a wavy edge. Ultra is growing very quickly.

Peppy blueberry muffin is a type of petunia characterized by increased bushiness. Its lashes reach 0.4-0.6 m in length. The plant can form a very dense head of flowers. They adapt their color to temperature and light levels.

The most spectacular appearance is created in partial shade; the variety is used both in hanging baskets and in garden flowerpots.


Among the large-flowered petunias, “Waterfall Blue F1” stands out. The culture grows quickly and blooms early. Then flowering does not stop until frost begins. The variety can be used in hanging gardening. Even in very bad weather, the bush retains its basic qualities. Judging by reviews from flower growers, “Waterfall” performs best on borders, loggias and balconies.

The “Limbo” variety, along with the large-flowered variety, also belongs to the dwarf hybrid group. When growing such petunia in a room, its growth can reach 0.15 m. When cultivated in open ground - up to 0.2 m.

The same diameter (0.2 m) is typical for purple flowers. Interesting: “Limbo” can have multi-colored inflorescences on each bush. Of the more traditional varieties, Alderman deserves attention. This is an annual plant, stretching up to a maximum of 0.3 m. Shoots hang from a wide, dense bush.

An attractive feature of 'Alderman' is its large blue-purple flowers. They retain their attractiveness for 3 or 4 months. Group landing predominates. Caring for Alderman is relatively simple. Petunia can even be propagated by seeds.

Important: when growing seedlings you will have to put in a lot of effort. But, having successfully obtained adult plants of this variety, it is easy to decorate flower beds, balconies or simple grassy lawns. The “Prism” variety also does not require too complicated care in adulthood. This plant gives excellent results in all corners of the world - and is popular everywhere.

Important: despite the simplicity of the care rules, they cannot be ignored.

The slightest deviation can lead to bad consequences. Variety "Sofia F1" is a hybrid type that produces elegant flowers. The bushes branch strongly and bloom for a long time. They produce light pink flowers with juicy veins of carmine pink color. Bud diameter is 0.07-0.09 m.

The culture loves warmth and light and tolerates dry periods quite well. “Sofia” is planted both in groups and in large tracts. The plant is recommended for landscaping the balcony. By pinching the top early, you can increase the splendor of flowering.

“Floribunda” is not a variety, but a whole group that occupies transitional places from multi-flowered to large-flowered varieties of petunia.

The Sonya F1 series of hybrids falls into the same category. The height of the plants reaches 0.25 m. There are 11 hybrids, which can differ in the most unusual and expressive colors. The Celebrity F1 series is famous for its excellent resistance to heat and precipitation. In addition, representatives of the group are colored very interestingly, containing contrastingly colored veins.

Among the Celebrity petunias there are already over 30 different colors. Large-flowered plants can also be of the double type. This is typical for Madness hybrids. Some specimens develop white petals. The series is characterized by numerous flowers with a diameter of 0.07 m.


Of the multi-flowered group of petunias, Glafira is very popular. The variety forms a relatively modest bush. Its maximum height is 0.3 m. And in some cases only 0.2 m. But flowering begins in May (provided that the seeds are sown early).

“Glafira” is often used when you need to decorate a patio or covered terrace. However, it will look good on an ordinary window sill. The diameter of the flowers will be 0.045-0.065 m. Flowering does not stop throughout the season. Another positive feature is that “Glafira” survives short dry moments well.

The “Flame” variety is not named so in vain. When it blooms, it seems that the bush is covered with frozen fire tongues. The plant loves light and can tolerate short droughts. Flowering begins in June and ends only in September. The bush reaches 0.3 m and is quite dense.

Any nutritious soil is suitable for “Flame”. It is recommended to plant seedlings in May.

“Cherry Crystal” is an annual plant with a height of 0.3 m and a flower diameter of 0.07 m. When flowering, this mixture of petunias is covered with buds so densely that it is difficult to see the remaining parts. At the same time, extraordinary harmonious coloring is guaranteed.

The use of the Berenika variety also opens up excellent prospects. Petunia of this variety is characterized by relatively low growth. The annual is highly branched and creeping. It is often used for flowerbed planting, ridges, and large arrays of flowering plants. But you can use this petunia to decorate balconies and in the yard in a hanging basket.

Single flowers of "Berenice" resemble a funnel. Their diameter ranges from 0.05 to 0.07 m. Both stems and foliage are covered with a fluffy layer of hairs.

The Snow Globe variety achieves excellent performance only with the right choice of seeds.

If they take root well, then a fluffy and pleasant-looking bush will definitely appear.


The Latin name for small-flowered petunias - milliflora - has long been included in gardening catalogs. All such plants are annuals whose stems grow straight. Height no more than 0.25 m. Small buds look like a funnel or a bell. The size of flowers ranges from 0.025 to 0.04 m.

“Pink F1” is distinguished by abundant branching. Plants develop flexible, powerfully developing side shoots. The flowers will delight people until the frost begins. They are made up of simple petals. “Yellow Duckling F1” is very close to “Pink” (both in the length of the shoots, and in growth, and in flowering).

The variety gives excellent decorative results:

    in open ground;

    in a flowerpot;

    in a hanging basket.


Among vegetative petunias, Stormy Sky, also known as Lightning Sky, deservedly takes first place. The variety was developed by German breeders. A characteristic feature of the plant is the white color of the middle of the flowers, combined with a dark crimson edge. Both of these colors are mixed with attractive-looking spots. What is important is that each copy of “Stormy Sky” is completely unique.

The “Baby Dollar” variety is a very elegant, pink petunia with scattered white spots and dots. It all looks as if light and music rays are falling on her. The buds are colored fuchsia.

The principles of planting and growing are the same as for other varieties. This results in a truly brilliant plant.

Cascadias rim magenta stands out for its rapid recovery after transplanting. In just 10–14 days, petunia of this variety forms fluffy bushes.

Also characteristic:

    thickness and density of foliage;

    abundance of flowers;

    cherry purple tone;

    spherical shape of the bush.


Among this group of petunias, Angora F1 occupies a good position. It produces relatively compact but abundantly flowering bushes. Flowers form in June. “Terry Valentina” is distinguished by its delicate salmon or simple red bud colors. It also has corrugated petals.

"Burgundy F1" forms burgundy, modest-sized bushes. But “Blue Denube” has double flowers that are painted in a lilac-bluish tone. "Duo" is distinguished by small flowers. Its bushes are covered with thick branches. Flowering lasts from June to August inclusive.

“Tumbelina” develops well only with more active care than other petunias. You will have to irrigate the soil and feed the flower more often. Good lighting is equally important. If all this is guaranteed, an excellent result will be obtained.

The flower is very decorative and at the same time resistant to weather and microorganism attacks.

New varieties

Finally, it is worth talking about the latest achievements in the field of floriculture. The Black Velvet variety was obtained using genetic engineering techniques. English botanists managed to achieve the coloring of bells in a black tone. These are not the dark purple or dark burgundy imitations that dominated until recently. The already described Table Yellow is among the new varieties.

Sarah is the newest surfinia (2018). It produces red flowers with a blackberry tint. And Bea - also from the surfinium group - has positive properties: rapid growth and a warm scarlet tone. "Doubloon" can develop flowers:

  • lilac color.

Petunia 'Evening Sensation' stands out even among these new varieties. She received one of the major awards in 2017. This is not too long ago, and there is already experience in using the crop by gardeners. Therefore, you can always seek advice from other people.

Petunia has an exceptionally pleasant appearance and aroma.


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