Which bird has the largest beak? Four leaders. The very best birds

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African vulture, or Rüppel's vulture

A bird of prey from the genus of vultures. The species is named after the German zoologist Eduard Rüppel.

On November 29, 1973, over Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, a vulture collided with a passenger plane at an altitude of 11,277 m.


They fly to India over the Himalayas at an altitude of 8830 m.

Swan - whooper

On December 9, 1967, about 30 whooper swans were seen at an altitude of just over 8,230 m. They were flying from Iceland for the winter at Lough Foyle, on the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. The height was confirmed by the tracking station workers.

Highest acceleration

Red-headed melanerpes, or red-headed woodpecker- a bird from the genus of melanerpes woodpeckers.

The beak of a red-headed woodpecker, pecking at the bark of a tree, moves at a speed of 20.9 km/h, which is why the bird's brain, when its head is thrown back, experiences a negative acceleration of g = 10.

The fastest dive flight

Peregrine Falcon- a bird of prey from the falcon family

According to experts, in a rapid diving flight, the peregrine falcon is capable of reaching speeds of over 322 km/h, or 90 m/s.

For example, in 2005, according to unofficial data, a case was recorded when a bird flew at a speed of 389 km/h.

The fastest level flight

Black swift, or tower swift- a small bird of the genus Swift, family Swift.

The black swift has a flight speed of 111 km/h

Longest migration route

Arctic tern- a small bird of the tern family

The Arctic tern is the only bird that migrates seasonally from the Arctic to the Antarctic, and in a year it covers a distance of up to 70 thousand kilometers. Individual individuals of this species fly more than 80 thousand kilometers per year.

Its migration route covers up to 40,000 kilometers one way, or about 2.4 million km over its entire life (30 years)!

Gray petrel.

During migration, the length of its flight averages about 65,000 km. These birds spend up to 200 days a year on long-distance flights.

Highest speed on land


He can run at speeds of up to 72 km/h, taking steps of 3.5-4 meters

Young ostriches, already a month old, can run at speeds of up to 50 km/h.

Highest speed in water

Gentoo penguin

A species of the chinstrap penguin genus of the penguin family, related to Adélie penguins and chinstrap penguins.

Gentoo penguins reach speeds of 36 km/h underwater.

Deepest dive

Emperor penguin

It can dive to a depth of 540 meters and, if necessary, spend up to 15 minutes underwater.

The hardiest bird

Arctic duck

The polar duck can withstand temperatures of -110 degrees Celsius.

The largest flightless bird

African ostrich- a ratite flightless bird, the only modern representative of the ostrich family

His height is up to 2.75 meters, weight is up to 456 kilograms.

The heaviest flying bird

African Great Bustard- a bird of the bustard family.

The male reaches 120 cm in length and weighs up to 19 kg; the female is much smaller.

The smallest bird

Bee Hummingbird or Bumblebee Hummingbird

The height of this bird is only 5.7 cm, and its weight is 1.6 grams. A bird's heart beats from 300 to 500 beats per minute.

A hummingbird hovers in the air in front of a plant, beating its wings more than 90 times per second.

Largest wingspan

wandering albatross- a bird of the albatross family.

Wandering albatrosses reach lengths of up to 117 cm and have the largest wingspan - up to 325 cm.

An albatross can fly up to 1000 km per day.

The most feathered bird


One of the swans had 25,216 feathers.

The most wingless bird


Kiwi is the only bird on our planet without wings and a tail. The body of the kiwi is covered with hair-like feathers; it lives in the forests of New Zealand.

The loudest bird

The quietest bird

Common pika.

She makes sounds so high that they can barely be heard.

Most frequent wing beats

Blue-tailed amazilia- bird of the hummingbird genus

It makes up to 80 beats per second during calm flight. But a frightened bird can make 200 flapping movements per second.

The rarest flapping of wings

American vulture

Vultures from the family Cathartidae make one stroke per second during flight.

The largest lexicon

Jaco or gray parrot- a bird of the parrot family.

His vocabulary is more than 800 words.

Longest living bird

Great white-crested cockatoo- a bird of the cockatoo family.

Life expectancy is 50-70 years (in captivity - more than 80 years).

The sharpest vision

Sapsan - bird of prey from the falcon family

He can see a pigeon more than 8 kilometers away.

The biggest eyes



The diameter of the eyes is about 5 centimeters (larger than the brain of an ostrich).

The most poisonous bird


The most voracious bird


They eat up to 65% of their body weight per day. To feed the chick, a pair of todies makes an average of 140 flights

The most common poultry


From total number of birds on earth, which is approximately 100 billion, about 3 billion are domestic chickens.

The most common wild birds

Red-billed weaver- a representative of the passerine order.

Over 10 billion of these birds live in West Africa! Even the annual destruction of over 200 million weaver birds does not affect their numbers.

The biggest nest


They create giant nests on telegraph poles in the Kalahari Desert, Australia

Weed chickens.

They live in Australia, and by the time they lay eggs, they build voluminous earthen structures up to 5 meters high and up to 15 meters in diameter.

The smallest nest

U bumblebee hummingbirds.

They are the size of a thimble.

The biggest egg

At the ostrich

Size of an ostrich egg: length -15-21 cm, weight - 1.5 - 2 kg (this is approximately 25-36 chicken eggs).

The largest living bird egg weighed 2,589 kg, and was laid by a female ostrich on a farm owned by Kerstin and Gunnar Sahlin in Sweden in 2008.

The largest chicken egg

The record-breaking egg was laid by hen Harriet from Eastwood, Essex, UK.

23 centimeters in diameter, 11.5 centimeters in length and weighs just over 163 grams. At the same time, the weight of a regular egg ranges from 56 to 70 grams

The smallest egg

Hummingbird Bee Egg weighs less than 0.4 g, length - up to 1 cm

In the photo there is an egg of an ostrich, a chicken and a hummingbird-bee

The tiniest egg ever laid was born on October 5, 1998, by a German crested canary belonging to Dutchman M.J. de Rijck (M.J. de Rijck). The egg is 7 mm long, 5.22 mm in diameter, and weighs 0.027 grams.

The smallest chicken egg

The chicken egg, just 2 cm wide and weighing 2.58 grams, was discovered by the wife of 55-year-old Chinese man Ho Daiyou while she was moving a cage of chickens.

Currently the smallest chicken egg In the world, the egg is considered to belong to the American Donnie Russell, who found an egg 2.1 cm long or the size of a penny and weighing 3.46 grams.

Birds are very interesting creatures, they are strikingly different from all other animals, and even from each other. Some birds spend almost their entire lives in the air, others are completely devoid of wings and feathers and can only run on the ground, while others prefer exclusively the water element...

The biggest bird

It `s naturally, . The largest individuals of the African ostrich reach a height of 2.80 meters and weigh 170 kilograms.

The smallest bird

This record belongs to. The smallest hummingbird weighs only 1.5 grams with a body length of about 5 centimeters.

Fastest flying bird

Among flying birds there are simply no equals. At a straight distance, the peregrine falcon can accelerate to 200 km/h, and in the so-called diving fall during a hunt, the feathered predator reaches speeds of up to 325 km/h. By the way, the peregrine falcon is not only the most fast bird, but also the fastest animal on the planet.

Fastest running bird

It's probably no secret that they are the best runners among all birds. They are capable of running at a speed of 80 km/h. With this type of running, an ostrich's stride can reach up to 8 meters in length.

The heaviest flying bird

Here the first place is shared between the great African and dudak. Surprisingly, these birds weigh 18-20 kg.

Longest living bird

Big yellow-crested cockatoo in captivity lives about 80 years. However, it is believed that under natural conditions the life expectancy of this parrot can be 100 years or more.

The sharpest vision

Second record. This bird has such good eyesight that it can recognize a mouse from a distance of 8 kilometers.

Largest wingspan

U wandering albatross this figure is 3.6 meters. Slightly smaller wingspan Andean condor- a predator of the falcon family - 3 meters 20 centimeters.

Longest beak

Has the longest beak relative to body size sword-billed hummingbird. The length of the beak of this small bird can reach 10 cm, with a total length of 15 cm, i.e. their beak is 2 times longer than their body.

The highest flight

Here, in fact, it is very difficult to determine who is the real record holder for this parameter. In terms of truly known cases, first place goes to to Rüppel's vulture, this bird flew at an altitude of more than 11 kilometers.

The most voracious bird

Cuban tody It eats several thousand insects per day, the total weight of which is about 60-65% of the weight of the bird itself.

The fastest winged bird or the maximum number of beats per minute

Blue-tailed amazilia- another record-breaking bird from the hummingbird family, makes 80 wing beats per second.

Best Swimming Bird

Penguins are the best swimmers in the bird world. Stands out more than other species emperor penguin- he swims at a speed of 36 km/h, and, incredibly, he can dive to a depth of almost 500 meters.

The hardiest bird

Arctic duck able to withstand temperatures of -110 degrees Celsius. This makes it not only the hardiest member of the bird family, but also the hardiest animal in general.

The loudest bird

Indian peacock screams so loudly (and also ugly) that it can be heard several kilometers away.

Largest number of feathers

U swan more than 25 thousand feathers.

The most poisonous bird

Yes, birds can be poisonous too! The most dangerous are representatives of the genus pitoui. The entire body and feathers are saturated with one of the most dangerous toxins in the world - homobatrachotoxin. This poison is deadly even to humans.

June 21st, 2017

I asked myself a seemingly simple question: which bird is the strongest? Well, that is, which bird can lift the maximum load into the air?

I managed to find this bird, which I didn’t know about at all, but it is called the strongest in the world...

It is reliably known that the largest animal killed and carried away by a bird was a 7-kilogram howler monkey, which was killed by a harpy (Harpia harpyja) in national park Manu (Peru) in 1990. The harpy is considered the most powerful bird of prey, although its mass is only 9 kg.

The ancient Greeks called the winged daughters of Typhon guarding the entrance to Tartarus harpies. Terrible and beautiful at the same time, they stole the souls of small children, suddenly swooping in and disappearing without a trace, like the wind. The word "harpy" has Greek roots. It comes from the verb "harpazein", which means "to kidnap".

It is no coincidence that the South American harpy became the namesake of these wild half-women, half-birds.

Now we will talk about the modern, South American harpy.

The South American harpy (lat. Harpia harpyja) is a large bird of prey from the hawk family. The only species of its kind.

Why the emphasis on South American? Because there are other harpies. Guiana Harpy, New Guinea Harpy, Monkey-Eating Harpy or Philippine Harpy. They will be discussed separately.

In addition to birds, there is also a butterfly, under many names - the great harpy, or the spotted forktail, or the large forktail, or the harpy silkworm. Don't be confused! Birds and butterflies.

The South American harpy, a huge predator from the hawk family, is notorious.

The Indians believed that one blow from her beak could crush the skull of an adult, and she herself was constantly irritable and aggressive.

Nevertheless, it was considered a great honor to tame her, and her feathers were an extremely valuable decoration. The Indian who killed the harpy went with her to all the surrounding huts, receiving a reward at each one.

These days are long gone, but the number of South American harpies is constantly declining. In a number of countries, this forest eagle is protected; in addition, it is included in

International Red Book. Yet the tropical forests of Central and South America, which the harpy has chosen for breeding and hunting, unfortunately, continue to be actively cut down. Which leads to the disappearance of many species of animals and birds.

The population of these large South American eagles is less than 50,000 (2008 estimate) and is steadily declining. The main reason for this is the destruction of forests in the harpy nesting areas, as well as the peculiarities of reproduction: a pair usually raises only one chick every 2-3 years.

The South American harpy is very strong. Its body length is from 90 to 110 cm, and its wingspan is about two meters. Moreover, females are almost twice as large as males: they weigh more than nine kilograms, while the weight of males usually does not exceed 4.8 kg.

On the light gray head there is a black, down-curved beak and two large dark eyes. When excited, the harpy raises the wide dark feathers on its head almost vertically upward, which makes them look like small horns or ears.

It is believed that this gives her hearing additional sharpness.

The back of the South American harpy is painted in dark gray color, the belly is white, the wings and tail have black and white stripes, and there is a black collar on the neck.

The extremely large and powerful paws have excellent weapons: each toe ends in a long and sharp ten-centimeter black claw. With these paws the bird is capable of lifting a decent weight - if desired, it can drag away a small dog or even a young roe deer.

South American harpies feed mainly on monkeys and sloths, periodically diluting their diet with opossums, noses and macaws.

In addition, these are the only predators that can cope with arboreal porcupines.

They fly out to hunt during the day, preferring to look for prey alone. However, they live in pairs, remaining faithful to each other for many years.

A wide nest of thick branches, leaves and moss is built at a height of fifty meters and used for several years. The female lays here once every two years a single yellowish egg. The incubation period lasts about 56 days. The chick depends for a very long time on its parents, who bravely protect it.

They are capable of attacking even a careless person who wanders into a protected area. Of course, they won’t pierce the skull with their short beak, but they will be able to inflict serious wounds. Alone young man After the attack by the harpies, I had to put 8 stitches on the head and neck area.

At ten months of age, the South American harpy chick flies quite well, but continues to stay near the nest where its parents feed it. Interestingly, he can fast for about two weeks without harm to his health.

Sexual maturity in harpies occurs at 5-6 years.

Scientific classification:
Domain: Eukaryotes
Kingdom: Animals
Subkingdom: Eumetazoans
No rank: Bilaterally symmetrical
No rank: Deuterostomes
Type: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrates
Infratype: Gastrostomes
Superclass: Quadrupeds
Class: Birds
Subclass: New palates
Order: Accipitridae
Family: Accipitridae
Subfamily: Harpyidae
Genus: Harpies (Harpia Vieillot, 1816)
Species: South American Harpy
International scientific name - Harpia harpyja Linnaeus, 1758


Birds live on almost every centimeter of the planet, their homes can be found in the frozen expanses of Antarctica and in the tropical rainforests of South America. We see birds every day and usually don't pay attention to them. But these beautiful feathered creatures are amazing and full of mysteries. We present to you top 10 most interesting facts about birds.

In order to reduce the weight of the bird's body, nature deprived it of Bladder. Instead of producing liquid urine, birds produce a white, pasty substance. However, the ostrich, although it does not have a bladder, differs from all other birds in that its body has a special compartment for feces and urine.

9. Feathers and dinosaurs

The main types of living beings can be distinguished from each other by such criteria as skin covering: Animals have fur, fish have scales, arthropods have an exoskeleton, and birds have feathers. You might think that birds need feathers to fly, but this is incorrect for two reasons: firstly, feathers first appeared in the ancestors of birds, dinosaurs, and secondly, feathers were needed mainly as a means of conserving body heat, and only during evolution allowed birds to take to the air.

8. Birds and the Olympic Games

For thousands of years, pigeons carried messages, including important military information, as well as the results of the first Olympic Games. IN last time pigeons were used as postal couriers during World War II.

7. Penguins' coloring is camouflage

Underwater, penguins' black and white coloring helps them remain hidden from both predators and prey. When penguins swim, their black backs blend into the dark water below them so that they are difficult to spot from above. Meanwhile, the white areas help them blend into the lighter surface of the water, so that they are almost invisible from below. But on land, the black backs of penguins can stand out sharply against the background of a snowy landscape, but on land they have fewer enemies than under water.

6. Who has the biggest beak

The Australian pelican has the longest beak, almost 0.5 meters long. But the tiny hummingbird has a beak of only 10 cm, but it is the only bird with a beak longer than its body.

5. Kiwi with nostrils but no wings

The only bird with nostrils at the end of its beak is the Kiwi. This arrangement of the nostrils helps her sniff out food on the ground - worms and insects. She often snorts to clear her nostrils. It is also the only bird in the world that does not have wings.

4. Chatterbox - a godsend for an ornithologist

The fifth number in our bird rating is the most talkative bird in the world - the African gray parrot. This is one of . One parrot of this species could speak more than 800 words. And most species of parrots can only speak 50 words.

3. The closest relatives of birds are crocodiles

As creatures, vertebrate birds are related to all other vertebrate animals that live, or have ever lived, on the planet. But you might be surprised to learn that the family of vertebrates to which modern birds are most closely related are crocodiles. They, like dinosaurs, evolved from a group of reptiles called "Archosaurs" at the end of the Triassic period. Dinosaurs, pterosaurs and sea reptiles became extinct, but crocodiles somehow managed to survive. Despite their relationship with birds, they happily eat any close relatives that dare to land near their faces.

2. Parrots yawn together

Budgerigars are the only one now known species birds, which is susceptible to the contagiousness of yawning. Humans, dogs, chimpanzees, lab rats, and a number of other creatures can "catch" yawning from each other, but budgerigars are the first non-mammalian species to demonstrate the exhibiting behavior. Many scientists believe that the unconscious, instinctive response to a yawn may be a primitive way of showing empathy. Or perhaps it's a sign of group combat readiness.

1. Who has the longest

At the top of the list of the most interesting facts about birds is the Argentine lake duck (also known as the Argentine white-headed duck). Its spiral-shaped penis reaches a length of 45 cm - longer than that of all other known birds (and many do without a penis at all). The length of the duck itself is about 40-46 centimeters. The base of the penis is covered with rough spines, and the tip is soft, like a brush. Perhaps this is necessary in order to remove the sperm of the previous “groom” from the female’s genital tract. When the drake's sex organ is not in use, it retracts into its abdomen.

Birds and their beaks.

Only birds have a beak. Birds have different beaks because their food is also different. Birds that feed on insects have thin and sharp beaks. Those who peck the grains are thick and dull. Birds use their beaks to pinch, grab, dig, and chisel. A bird without a nose is like without arms.

It is believed that the ostrich has the strongest beak. With it he can break the skull of an enemy.

The largest beak is that of the pelican. Its length is forty centimeters. On bottom side beak - highly extensible leather bag, used for fishing.

Toucan birds are remarkable for their appearance. The first thing that catches your eye when looking at them is their disproportionately large, brightly colored beak. Its length is almost equal to the length of the bird’s body and reaches thirty centimeters.
The smallest beak is that of a hummingbird. Its length is one centimeter. Hummingbirds use their beak to suck nectar from flat flowers.

Appearance birds, the shape of their beak directly depends on their habitat and living conditions.

Task No. 1. What bird is mentioned in the second paragraph of the text?

Answer. It talks about ………………………

Task No. 2. Find in the text the answer to the question: “What kind of beaks do birds that eat insects have?”Write this sentence down. _______________________________________________________________________________

Task No. 3.

Find the word in the sentence you wrote down - the name of the action and underline it.

Find the words in the written sentence - the names of the objects and underline them.

Task No. 4. Find and write down the names of all the birds from the text


Underline the letters of soft consonants in the written words.

Task No. 5. Pelican's beak lengthequal to40 cm, and for a toucan - 30 cm.

Write down the question of the problem if it is solved like this: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………..

40 + 30 = …

Count and write down the answer:_________________________

Task No. 6 Read the text carefully again and match the pictures with the name of the birds and the description of their beak, connect with an arrow.

smallest beak pelican brightly colored hummingbird

the largest the strongest toucan ostrich

Task No. 7. Solve the problem using the text data.

The pelican has the largest beak. And what bird is said to have a beak 40 times smaller than that of a pelican? Write down the name of this bird. Explain your answer with calculations.

Task No. 8. Fill in the table using the text data.


Beak length

Who is in first place in terms of beak length?

What are the other places?




Task No. 9. Answer the question and briefly explain your answer. If necessary, re-read the text.

The largest beak is that of the pelican.On the underside of the beak there is a highly extensible leather bag. What do you think this “bag” on the pelican’s beak is for?

A - he uses it to pierce the enemy’s skull

B - for beauty

B - for fishing

Explain why you chose this answer

Task No. 10

A bird without a nose is like without arms.

How do you understand this saying

Task No. 11

What do you think the word “nectar” means?



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