White spirit - what it is, properties and applications. How to replace acetone as a solvent: the best analogues The main brands of paints and varnishes

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What paint thinners can be used? At first glance, it seems that there is nothing easier. Each type of paintwork material is accompanied by an instruction describing the ratio of paint and thinner, as well as the specific type of solvent that must be used in each case. But understanding the technology of diluting paints, varnishes, primers, the degree and quality of its influence on the result, you can use less expensive solvents for paints without compromising the quality of painting.

Classification of solvents for paints and varnishes

One of the main preparatory processes before painting the car - thinning the paint. The implementation of this stage of work is ambiguous, since along with expensive branded compounds, domestic mixtures can be used.

The main function of the solvent is to dilute the working material to the required viscosity; it should not enter into a chemical reaction with paints and varnishes and other materials. The composition of the standard solvent includes the following components: white spirit, solvent, toluene, xylene, alcohols, hydrocarbons. Among themselves, most diluting mixtures differ in the ratio of various components.

The composition and properties of paint solvents dictate their use with specific paints and varnishes. One of the main requirements is that the mixture that dissolves paintwork materials must quickly evaporate from paint, varnish, primer, enamel when normal conditions. Based on this, paint solvents are classified in a certain way (see table).

When painting a car, any paint and varnish material should be diluted to the required viscosity in order to ensure maximum coverage of the surface. After painting the car body or any part of the structure, the solvent composition must dry quickly and evaporate.

In addition, such mixtures are necessary not only for high-quality dilution of paints, enamels, varnishes and primers, but also for cleaning and degreasing the surface of a car body or other parts before painting.

Xylene is often used as a solvent for car enamels. This oil liquid can be replaced with special branded compounds and used to dilute varnishes, paints and enamels, as well as epoxy resins. Xylene can be used to dilute polyurethane mastics. If you want to cover the car body protective varnish, then the most economical diluent in this case will be xylene. It is also included in many popular paint thinners: 649, R-5, RS-2, R-12, RKB-1.

Advantages and features of the use of mixture 650

Paint thinners have long been widely used in the repair industry. The most common compositions are 646, 650, which in the last century were used to dilute various enamels and varnishes based on cellulose nitrate. In the modern field of car repair, these compounds not only dilute paintwork materials, but also clean surfaces and tools.

Solvent 650 has the following composition: xylene, ethyl cellosolve, alcohols, ethers, as well as other components of organic origin. It is a clear or yellowish liquid. Composition 650 is used to dilute car enamels, primers, varnishes. It is especially in demand in the field of repair of trucks.

This type of solvent is widely used to dilute cellulose nitrate film formers, it can replace branded mixtures without compromising quality. It must be introduced into the solution slowly, stirring constantly until the desired consistency of the mixture is formed. The great demand for composition 650 is due to its advantages:

  • low cost;
  • availability in any building supermarket.
  • ease and ease of use;
  • wide scope of application;
  • universality;
  • the painted surface dries quickly;
  • forms an even glossy film.

The high quality of solvent 650 ensures its production in accordance with specifications. The composition has high rates of fundamental parameters: volatility, acidity, coagulation. This mixture is toxic and flammable and must therefore be stored in a well-ventilated and fire-safe area.

When working with the composition of 650, you must be careful, observe safety precautions. In the mixing process, you should use a respirator, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation in the room. It is also important to protect your skin and eyes by using rubber gloves and goggles.

If the composition still gets on the skin, then this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body should be washed quickly with warm water using soap. Care must be taken to ensure that the mixture does not get on clothing, as it can destroy artificial, mixed or synthetic fabric or dissolve fabric dye.

It is customary to use at different stages of the paint and varnish industry. For example, they serve in the paint and varnish industry and are needed as a viscosity regulator.

The definition of these substances is as follows: solvents are low molecular weight volatile liquids with low boiling points. They are strong and weak: the first are characterized by the fact that with them the given polymer forms a single system in any concentration range and a wide temperature range.

Quality solvents paintwork materials have the following qualities: inertness (they do not react with paints and varnishes), volatility (for complete evaporation during the drying of the paint layer).

According to the degree of activity, solvents are divided into three groups: high, medium and small.

Simple solvents (these include turpentine, ethyl acetate, acetone, amyl acetate, dichloroethane, white spirit, technical coal solvent) are organic in pure form, are used to dissolve films or prepare various mixtures.

Solvent gasoline is a product of petroleum distillation. Its physical characteristics are as follows: a clear, colorless liquid. Application area: dissolution of nitro paints and some types of resins, as well as oil paints. In the case of paints and varnishes, the dosage of white spirit must be limited to 10% of the total weight of the paintwork material.

A colorless, often transparent, sometimes with a reddish or dark red tint, a liquid that is commonly used to dilute paints and speed up the drying of paintwork. Turpentine is mainly used to dilute oil paints. If you choose between purified and unrefined turpentine, then for painting surfaces you should pay attention to purified turpentine.

Turpentine is highly flammable. Wood (crude) turpentine is obtained by dry distillation of wood; gum turpentine - through distillation of resin conifers The first must undergo additional processing, due to which the coloring components contained in wood turpentine will disappear from the solvent composition.

To understand whether you are satisfied with the quality of turpentine, you need to mix drying oil and turpentine in equal proportions on the surface. If after a day a strong film remains on the paintwork, the quality of the solvent is undoubted.

Or, as it is also called, turpentine oil is more environmentally friendly than wood oil: it is distinguished by a calmer smell and lightness.

Turpentine is also used for degreasing coatings, despite the high cost of this solvent, which is justified high quality working material.

Acetone, amyl acetate, ethyl acetate- solvents that are used in the case of nitro paints. Since these substances are quite easily mixed with water, care must be taken that it does not get into them: this can cause whitening transparent film. If butyl alcohol solvents are added to the composition of these substances, then the gloss of the varnish film will improve significantly.

Coal technical is a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons, which are obtained in the coke production in the process of rectification of purified fractions of crude benzene. Physical characteristics solvent: it is a transparent colorless liquid, it is available in three grades - A, B, C, which differ from each other the following parameters: boiling point, density, small fluctuations in the content in the composition of such chemical substances like sulfur and phenols.

Solvent is a high-quality paint thinner, however, due to its toxicity, solvent is not as popular as turpentine. Solvent is used only for diluting pentaphthalic and glyphthalic paints.

The next solvent to be mentioned is dichloroethane. This colorless, slightly flammable liquid with an odor of chloroform also tends to turn yellow when exposed to sun rays. Precautions when using this diluents: required condition when working with this substance - use rubber gloves, since the thinner, due to the specifics of the chemical composition, can significantly affect the skin of your hands.

driers- these are special additives that help to increase the decorative effect, as well as the water resistance of already finished composition dye. In addition, they can significantly reduce the amount of time required for drying oil paints, varnishes, drying oils, as well as oils. However, these additives have a rather serious drawback: when using them paintwork becomes extremely brittle, and therefore it is recommended, if possible, to do without their use in surface treatment.

Ideal solvents for some types of resins are substances such as petrol and kerosene. They are also used in washing hands stained with paint, as well as cleaning work tools.


These are solvents that are not capable of dissolving a given polymer alone, but when introduced into a polymer solution, they do not destroy its structure.

In fact, mixtures of solvents are very often used, their alternative name is numbered solvents.

So, solvent P-4(contains acetone and toluene) is suitable for dissolving and diluting alkyd paints and varnishes, enamels based on chlorinated polymers.

Water-based paints and varnishes can only be diluted with water. You also need to remember that water must be poured gradually and in very small doses, otherwise the viscosity will decrease too much.

Among the masters of solvents, the most famous solvent is 646 (R-646).

It was first made in the 20th century. Initially, it was used to dilute nitro-varnishes, nitro-enamels, its versatility was discovered much later, and it began to be used in diluting paints and varnishes to a working viscosity, in the procedure for cleaning painting equipment and working tools. Many components that make up this solvent play a significant role in the ability to dissolve most organic substances.

Solvent 646- colorless/slightly yellowish liquid, possesses at the same time a specific smell. The percentage of the following substances is included in its composition: toluene (50%), ethanol (15%), butyl acetate (10%), butanol (10%), ethyl cellosolve (8%), acetone (7%).

Solvent 646 is a fairly strong solvent, therefore, when using it as a working substance, it is necessary to observe safety measures and be extremely careful when using it.

After drying, the paintwork acquires an additional shine.

Solvent 649 used to dissolve nitrocellulose glyphthalic film formers.

The choice of thinner depends on the working situation, the main parameters for the determination are the type of coating material and temperature environment during application of the material.

S10 Thinner for PE materials

This thinner is used to dilute polyester varnishes to obtain the desired viscosity. It is a clear and colorless liquid. The main advantage is that it dries quickly.

S12 Thinner for NC materials

Scope - dilution of NC varnishes and primers to obtain the required working viscosity. It is also a clear, colorless liquid. Possesses average speed drying.

S30 Dye thinner

Used when diluting dyes in order to obtain a working concentration of the material.

Physical characteristics: colorless, transparent. Has an average drying speed.

S50 PU thinner universal

They are diluted polyurethane varnishes in order to obtain working viscosity. It is a clear, colorless solution. In terms of drying speed, it also occupies an average position.

Solvents and thinners - a brief overview

for nitro varnish

Dissolves Nitrolac; removes epoxy resin and contact adhesive oil and latex paint, oil varnish Shellac Nitrolac, shellac and water-based formulations Nitrolac Wax Wax; removes silicone and oil Grease, oil; softens water-based formulations
Dilutes Nitrolac and polyester resins Not recommended as a thinner Shellac Nitro-varnish, shellac, two-component nitro-lacquer Nitrolac Wax, oil varnish and compositions on oil based such as polyurethane Oil paint and varnish Anti-corrosion compounds
Security measures Use a charcoal filter respirator and neoprene or natural rubber gloves. Poisonous Toluene contained can cause infertility Easily ignited. Apply with caution Use varieties without a strong odor Dries faster than white spirit Wear PVA or nitrile gloves
Additionally Removes synthetic resins; accelerates the drying of coatings. Once opened, use within six months Mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons, alcohol and other organic solvents Do not use alcohol with the addition of water to work with shellac Most solvents have an average evaporation time. To slow down drying, a special retarder is added. Slightly accelerates the drying of nitrolac, but not as noticeable as acetone Often referred to as paint thinner. Slows down the drying of some oil formulations Accelerates the drying (but not curing) of brushed or sprayed coatings Toluene evaporates faster than xylene

Construction oil paint can be thickly ground or already completely ready for use. With thickened ones, a solvent for oil paints is necessarily used. Enamels of this type are mixed in a certain proportion with a solvent liquid. This is necessary if the paint is dry or will be used as a primer. A suitable thinner is selected based on the characteristics of the surface to be painted and the absorbent properties.

Main groups of solvents

Today there are five groups of substances that are used in finishing work as solvents.

These are petroleum distillates, or by-products of oil refining, various alcohols, ketones, ethers, and glycol ethers.

Petroleum distillates

Everyone knows what turpentine is, and it could be included in the sixth group of liquids. However, its performance characteristics are very close to those of petroleum distillates, and it is best to include it in this group. Each specific solvent for oil paints from the group has its own characteristics. The most common are petroleum distillates, which are also called hydrocarbons. The molecule of such a substance is a carbon and hydrogen atom. Liquids that belong to this group are produced by refining oil, or rather, separating it into fractions under the influence of temperatures. Turpentine is a distillation product, however, it is not obtained from oil at all, but from the resins of coniferous wood.

Petroleum solvents are used to work with waxes, oils, paints, oil-based enamels. Any solvent based on hydrocarbons has characteristics and properties that are similar to those of oils or waxes. Sometimes these fluids can be used in production lubricants or compositions for cleaning and caring for furniture. Distillates that contain significantly less oils, such as toluene or xylene, can be used to remove oil stains and are most often used to degrease surfaces.

Any products based on petroleum distillates can be mixed different ways and in any proportion. Alcohols and glycol ethers are not used with oil paints. They have different characteristics and properties.

How to thin oil paint

If necessary, a solvent for oil paints can always be bought at any hardware store or hypermarket. There are several fluids that are suitable for working with oil-based dyes.

Solvent "647"

This is an affordable and popular solution. The substance is supplied as a liquid with a rather pungent odour. Care should be taken during operation - the composition catches fire very easily. As for its properties, with it the paint has a uniform consistency.

White Spirit

It is the most widely used and popular liquid. If you look into textbooks on chemistry, then this solvent is a special kind of gasoline in composition, designed specifically for paint and varnish industries. Specific gravity is 0.77 kg, and this liquid will boil at 140-150 degrees.

It is made using white spirit - this is liquid composition without color, which has properties that allow it to dissolve binders contained in oil paints. Another characteristic is that the liquid has a low evaporation rate, which is very positive for artists.


It is no less popular solvent for oil paints than white spirit. The composition is widely used for mixing and diluting not only oil dyes, but also alkyd styrene ones. Turpentine is also used in the production of varnishes, which are based on copal, rosin or dammar. There is a sale of purified or unrefined turpentine.

Before chemists created white spirit, turpentine took pride of place as the main liquid for dissolving varnishes and paints. This essential oil has a complex chemical composition. Get it in the process of processing turpentine, resin and parts of coniferous wood, saturated with resins. Today modern industry manufactures three types of turpentine - wood, stump and turpentine products.

Wood liquid is obtained by processing according to special technologies tree resin and branches of coniferous trees. When fresh, it is a liquid with a yellowish or brown tint, which may disappear during processing.

Pneumatic turpentine is produced using special technologies already from pneumatic parts coniferous tree. Turpentine are pure essential oils, which are obtained by distillation of resin. It is extracted only from a growing tree. So turpentine in the production process will not lose its unique properties and valuable items.


This liquid is excellent for use as a solvent for oil-based dyes. It is often used to restore an old frozen oil paint. For greater efficiency, a desiccant can be added to kerosene - for example, any turpentine. But this can increase the drying time of the oil paint.


This composition is familiar to everyone. It is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. In everyday life, pure gasolines are often used as solvents for oil dyes, pentaphthalic compounds, putties and varnishes. Also, gasoline can be used as a solvent for oil-phthalic paints. With it, the oily liquid will acquire a matte finish. The component is popular in construction - it is used to dilute thick paint.


This mixture is popular with artists, but can also be used in painting works. This liquid contains purified linseed oil, turpentine, and

With this "tee" you can easily a short time to give the oil dye an optimal consistency. Artists love this solution because it not only helps thin the paint, but it can also clean tools. This composition significantly improves the penetration into the painted surface, and in painting it allows you to make the picture more accurate.

How to replace solvent for oil paints

Oil paints can be used in different ways, but in any case, solvents are added to the dyes. Now there are a lot of different solvent mixtures for enamels and paints, and each has its own disadvantages and advantages. It happens to use special agent there is no possibility. The most common replacement option is ordinary gasoline. In addition to it, turpentine or white spirit can be used with great success.

Odorless solvents

The paint and varnish industry is now more developed than ever - a huge number of types and subspecies of thinners and solvents can be found on sale. With all the practicality of white spirits and turpentine, they are quite toxic and have a characteristic smell. And what if a person prefers a solvent for oil There are several options. Artists appreciated all the benefits linseed oil- this is good solvent for oil dyes. One of its properties is the almost complete absence of smell. However, there is also a downside - for a long time paint drying.

It is recommended to use "Tee" - an industrial mixture, which also practically does not smell. Well, the best odorless oil paint thinner is the composition from the Tikkurila brand. It is offered in transparent plastic bottles with an inscription yellow color. This composition dries quickly, and it lasts for a long time. The composition of Diluent also has no smell, but in itself it is quite harmful.


Most modern acrylic paints can be thinned with water.

But the introduction of only water into the paint is accompanied by a rather rapid decrease in viscosity.

The best results are observed when the paint is diluted with a weakening varnish or its mixture with water.

For example, with the introduction of 10-15% weakening varnish (acrylic water-based varnish diluted by 10-15% with distilled water), the viscosity of the paints changes slowly, there is no change in the shade of the paint, but resistance to abrasion and scraping, resistance to fats, paraffin and others substances is higher than when using only water as a diluent.

This is especially important when using water-based paints where technological features application methods require stronger dilution of paints (and increased phonation and foaming, deterioration in the strength characteristics of the paint layer, etc. that appear when re-diluted with only water, are an additional incentive to use weakening varnish).

Now the specifics:

Most commercial THINNERS for acrylic paint do not consist of a pure substance, but of at least two components: solvent and retarder. Sometimes there is also a third component: pigment binder (varnish).

theirs THINNER for acrylic paint is a 60-65% solution of isopropyl alcohol in distilled water containing approximately 7% propylene glycol.

Here the solvent is isopropyl alcohol and the retarder is propylene glycol. The retarder is needed so that the composition does not dry out too quickly, it slows down evaporation, and at the same time improves the spreading of the paint. If it were not for it, the paint would dry out even in the airbrush, and even clumped.

If you set out to make an analogue of the standard branded THINNER for acrylic, propylene glycol can be replaced, for example, with glycerin. The result will be the same. It is important that the water be demineralized (distillate), otherwise the salts can raise or lower that same polarity with unpredictable results.

It should also be noted that commercial solvents for indoor useMost often, non-poisonous (weakly toxic) substances are used.

Acrylic thinner, consisting of a 60% solution of (toxic) methyl alcohol with the addition of (also poisonous) ethylene glycol, would work just as well (even better), but using it in your work is a sure way to blindness.

At worst, instead of propylene glycol, you can use ethylene glycol (it is contained in the brake fluid), but this is not recommended - it is better to find glycerin.


I already said that active substance in a solvent for acrylic - isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol).

So, in any case, do not use pure 96% isopropanol as a solvent.

Not only does it evaporate in seconds, it dissolves ANY paint many times more effectively.

With a little pressure, isopropanol washes off nitro enamels (which are in cans) after several days of drying, easily demolishes ordinary enamels and any acrylic paints.

Only 2-component paints with a hardener after full polymerization are resistant to absolute isopropanol.

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